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How to vote for president 2024

It is my hope that the long game is being played here as I like to envisage a BNWO society evolving through non violent means. As you say by it "insinuating itself into the very culture we live in".🖤♠️
If you want to be the top selling dark cola soda brand in the world, you do not force it on anyone. Instead you do this:
  • You make sure your dark cola soda is delicious and kind of addicting.
  • You make your dark cola soda available everywhere so people see it and can buy it on a moment's notice.
  • You promote your dark cola soda on every medium; print, TV and internet social media and also in retail areas so your brand is always on people's consciousness.
  • In your advertising people who drink dark cola soda are beautiful and happy and living their best life.
  • Occasionally they are seen trying light colorless soda and they are repulsed and grossed out by it.
  • Even when you've won converts to your dark cola soda brand, you never stop pushing it.
Of course we are not talking about that dark cola soda brand, but do you see the that kind of IR coordinated marketing campaign at work now in news, media and politics?
If you want to be the top selling dark cola soda brand in the world, you do not force it on anyone. Instead you do this:
  • You make sure your dark cola soda is delicious and kind of addicting.
  • You make your dark cola soda available everywhere so people see it and can buy it on a moment's notice.
  • You promote your dark cola soda on every medium; print, TV and internet social media and also in retail areas so your brand is always on people's consciousness.
  • In your advertising people who drink dark cola soda are beautiful and happy and living their best life.
  • Occasionally they are seen trying light colorless soda and they are repulsed and grossed out by it.
  • Even when you've won converts to your dark cola soda brand, you never stop pushing it.
Of course we are not talking about that dark cola soda brand, but do you see the that kind of IR coordinated marketing campaign at work now in news, media and politics?
I accept your analogy and dont disagree with it, in fact I like it but who exactly is the 'you' in your post. 🖤♠️
It is my hope that the long game is being played here as I like to envisage a BNWO society evolving through non violent means. As you say by it "insinuating itself into the very culture we live in". I am very interested in knowing your opinion on who you think the 'They' actually are as I am attracted to some of the real life Black led political empowerment websites I have found (which I would like to share if i may) and the fact that the leaderships are highly educated Black Males And Black Women of whom I am sure are more than capable of intellectually emasculating me as a whiteboi. I wonder if these are the 'They' You refer to.
I am aware that some of these intellectuals admit to being reparationists and wanting to end the white patriarchy and white privilege in our society and it makes me wonder if there may be an underlying desire in these groups to ultimately promote an ideology that is Black Supremacist in nature and which can be achieved in a non violent way.
I would love to hear from others if they have had any experience in this regard as it strikes me as quite exciting that these organizations could find a lot of whiteboi support on sites like this and be very pleased and amused to use us to their advantage 🖤♠️
OK, so now I can take the time to reply to this...

Who is "They"? There are some behind the scenes power-brokers who we as a general rule are ******* of. There are political elites who have even gone so far as to install individuals with absolutely zero skills to be candidates for office and then manage to get them elected. Look at AOC, for example. Or look at Kamala Harris. Nobody on the planet has voted for her to bee Vice-President of the United States, and now she is running for President, and again, not a single vote has been cast for her. George Soros is one of these power-brokers, simply because he is wealthy and loves to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. Not for any innate desire to help people, but out of a desire to help himself. . These people have so much money that they are delusional now, thinking that their money somehow makes them smarter than the rest of us, and they only they know what is best for us. I don't know about you, but I do not need someone telling me how to live my life or what is best for me. The only people who had that privilege lost it when I grew up and moved out of their house to start my own life. Do I seek my parent's advice occasionally? Sure! But I am FAR more interested in what my husband has to say about the things we, or even I, should be doing.

There are people at work trying to make reparations a thing. I hold these people in contempt. There is no one alive today that can say they were suffering as a slave in the United States prior to the Civil War. Do the math. These people don't want "reparations", they want power. Or money, which can effectively be the same thing. These are people who rank along the same lines as George Soros. They want only what is best for them, not what's best for the world. Or even their own people. Believe it or not, black people were slave owners of other black people! SOURCE There is a lot of hypocrisy in all of this.

As for working to change the minds of a whiteboi? Yeah, there are all sorts of ways that the human mind can be subverted into altering his beliefs. IR porn is a perfect tool for that. Now, it does take a specific kind of person to accept that conditioning and change. Not all white guys will accept it, or fall into it. But for beta males? Yeah, I get it, and it is certainly feasible.

Now, let's talk about this myth called "White Privilege". I'm a white girl. I have been all my life. I will tell you that the color of my skin hasn't done a single, solitary thing to help me get to where I am now. I have had to work, and work hard to earn where I am now. I have never had a single thing given to me in my now former-career, and had to endure a lot of abuses from people while I was at it. Professional abuse, personal abuse, sexual abuse, all of it. But I learned that I had to fight through it all, to persevere and overcome, because that is how i was raised. My parents were very strict. To the point of being overly-strict, domineering and even borderline abusive. But it made me mentally tougher. It taught me to fight for what I wanted. But that is where I see a difference.

For the last 15-20 years, we have the iPad generation. Parents were too busy enjoying themselves to be, well, parents. They wanted to have fun, party, and relax, so they shoved an iPad in front of their kids and let the tablet or phone entertain the little darlings, rather than teaching them important lessons. The lessons could be very simple ones, like how to cope with boredom. How to remember that as an individual, we are not all that special. That we had to live within certain boundaries. Most importantly being that my rights to how I feel are not someone else's responsibility. I am responsible for me, and I am not some stranger's responsibility. I could identify as a 5-4, 120 lb. bunny rabbit, but that doesn't mean I am entitled to go see a veterinarian for medical care. Nor is somebody else responsible to interact with me as if I am a bunny rabbit. The same goes for some of these "transgender" individuals. Let me explain:

I have absolute belief that there are people who have gender dysphoria, and if they can go through the processes to change genders? Great! Change from a male to female, or a female to a male. As long as you present as one, I'll call you what I see you as. Which means you have to get off your ass and actually work for it. Go through the processes. EARN that new gender!

But if your idea of being identified as some of the 45+ other genders that people seem to think are okay is just stupid and you do NOT have the right to expect me to play ball with your delusions. Putting on a pink shirt and dying your hair purple does not automatically make you a female, any more than my putting on a white t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes makes me a male. If you have gender dysphoria, by all means, please get treatment. Otherwise, go see a therapist and get the crazies out of your head and face life in the real world, not your alternate reality that only you share. Grow the fuck up!

OK, I went way sideways on this, and did not mean to. But I wanted to add one last point.

Sissies. Sissies are, well, a male who may be in the beginnings of identifying their gender dysphoria. Or they may simply be so emasculated that they are either forced or by choice, wearing female clothing and acting as feminine as they can manage. What drives them is up to them, but the thing I really respect is that they are open and acknowledging who they are. They don't try and pretend to be a bunny rabbit, nor do they try and force us to share that.