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How to vote for president 2024

OK, here is my take, from someone who had to live under Harris's policies when she was the Attorney General in CA, to today.

1. She is stupid as the day is long. She has a singular inability to think on her feet, and unless she has notecards to read verbatim, she can't string two sentences together. She was the perfect running mate for Biden, because she can be controlled. As president, that would not change.

2. When she was in office, she attempted to get 164 laws enacted through the state legislature. She managed to get zero of them passed in her term, and none of them survived after. She was singularly unable to get anything accomplished.

3. She abused the power she had. It is true, she held jail prisoners and convicts past their release date so she could use them for her and Gavin Newsom's purposes. It was the perfect definition of slavery in action. She also discriminated against conservative groups and causes while in office, actively prosecuting them for only becoming an organization, as they could not get permits to actually do anything.

4. In her run for president in 2020, she had the very lowest of popularity. Right now, as a presidential candidate, she is able to fill 3/4 of a high school gym. Back then? She couldn't fill a high school classroom. She wasn't unpopular, she was actively disliked.

5. Her political acumen is zero. I have a better set of political skills than she does, and I have little to none. Her oral skills are her claim to fame. Nobody would even know about her until she got caught sucking the mayor of SF's cock. It was her claim to fame. She is the ultimate suck-up. The rumor is she did it at his insistence to get what she wanted, not what he wanted. She has no power of force in her personality. She's a submissive. How do I know? Because I am a submissive. We can recognize each other. Just like we can recognize Dominants.

6. When confronted by actual situations or individuals who challenge her, she cannot hide her emotions. It is where and why she is roundly mocked for her cackling. It is her reaction when she doesn't know what to do. It is one of her tells.

7. She is a liar. She hasn't told a single truth that holds up to the test of investigation. At first she was Indian heritage. Then she is black. Yet look at her parents. She's Indian. She's faking her presentation at speeches. Accents, words, backstory. She is not consistent in any way, shape or form.

8. She is hiding from direct interactions and interviews. She is hiding her views, and her beliefs, and her goals. We don't know anything about her vision for the country. I am thinking it is because she doesn't have one. She is just a figurehead for those who control her, like a puppet. And more dangerous people are pulling her strings.

Trump is, by all accounts, brash, even rude. He has an ego, and has a lower sense of propriety. But he is a New Yorker, and some of that is natural to New Yorkers. I have lived in NY from the West Coast, and yeah, I hated it, because by comparison, there is a lot of that, based on what I am used to. New York is filled with Work Hard, Play Harder. Intensity is a thing. Things are more mellow out here, though that is changing.

But Trump has always put America first, and he KNOWS business. People blame him for COVID, for some strange reason. China did it, not him. Could it have been handled better? Yes. Was it handled worse? Yes. By Biden and CA Gov. Newsom.

So I am voting Trump/Vance. Because with Trump, at least we know where we stand. Harris is keeping us in the dark, because she won't tell us anything.
I observe the US situation from the outside. One aspect of Biden's policy that leaves me more than perplexed, and would be repeated by Harris if she were elected, is how the health emergency related to covid was handled. Here in Italy, the lockdown policy has condemned a huge amount of shops and businesses to closure. At least in your country you could move to states where lockdowns had not been introduced. Here in Italy we have all been sentenced to house arrest, a situation that has caused the onset of psychological illnesses especially in young people, many of whom have not yet recovered.
Another aspect of Biden/Harris's policy that worries me is the gender ideology, whereby sex change operations are promoted even among the very young. I have read and seen videos of people who regretted having undergone these operations, some of them have taken their own lives, others live suffering excruciating psychological suffering. I have removed some of my 3ds precisely for the purpose of avoiding encouraging the use of puberty blocking drugs, having discovered the harmful effects they produce on the health of those who take them, bone demineralization first and foremost.
I will stop here and hope I have not bored you.
I wish you, whoever wins, that they cause as little damage as possible to the American people. A wish that I also extend to us Europeans, to the extent that our Governments will be hostages of the American administration of the day.
I observe the US situation from the outside. One aspect of Biden's policy that leaves me more than perplexed, and would be repeated by Harris if she were elected, is how the health emergency related to covid was handled. Here in Italy, the lockdown policy has condemned a huge amount of shops and businesses to closure. At least in your country you could move to states where lockdowns had not been introduced. Here in Italy we have all been sentenced to house arrest, a situation that has caused the onset of psychological illnesses especially in young people, many of whom have not yet recovered.
Another aspect of Biden/Harris's policy that worries me is the gender ideology, whereby sex change operations are promoted even among the very young. I have read and seen videos of people who regretted having undergone these operations, some of them have taken their own lives, others live suffering excruciating psychological suffering. I have removed some of my 3ds precisely for the purpose of avoiding encouraging the use of puberty blocking drugs, having discovered the harmful effects they produce on the health of those who take them, bone demineralization first and foremost.
I will stop here and hope I have not bored you.
I wish you, whoever wins, that they cause as little damage as possible to the American people. A wish that I also extend to us Europeans, to the extent that our Governments will be hostages of the American administration of the day.
We had the same problem. A LOT of small businesses had to close. And moving from state to state is not actually feasible, given the size of the states, except for the New England region. Add to that job availability and suddenly, people are trapped where they are.

The gender ideology and minors is unconscionable. Anyone who is telling anyone under the age of 18 about optional genders should be thrown in prison. It is the parent's God-given right to raise their child as THEY see fit. When some of this was hitting the fan, I gave my children permission to go into open rebellion, if anyone tried to tell then that they had options. I also told them to tell me if anyone else was being told. There was a group of us parents who had retained counsel, and we fully intended to sue the teacher who did this, as well as the principal and the school district, as well as file criminal charges against those same individuals for child endangerment and child sex-crimes. I also locked down the internet and TV parental controls we have.

I appreciate your candor and your desire for a better America, because it does mean a better world. Like it or not, for better or worse, the US has become the world's policeman. I just wish we had politicians who would stop catering to the few, and piss-off the many.
Just curious. Does anyone vote for the libertarian party or are in tune with that school of thought?
Libertarians still have political parties, but they are such a small percentage of the US population that they can't get any real traction. They can't raise enough money for advertising, and they can't match the sheer brutality of the major parties. It is sad, because some libertarian candidates are smarter than the whole bunch of the idiots in Washington.
It gives me much to think about how in Catholic magazines, even those run by Comboni missionaries, gender ideology is promoted and "inclusive language" (asterisks and schwas) is used, while in this context a mother makes speeches that I would have expected to read in those magazines. Many Catholics would have much to learn from this site. At the very least, if animated by a minimum of intellectual honesty, they would recognize the hypocrisy that animates them. It so happens that they vote for the Partito Democratico (this is also the name of the main Italian opposition party).
From outside of the US …. Two things from the debate 1-world leaders find Trump somewhere between a terrifying car crash and the funniest saddest thing ever. Harris was spot on when she said world leaders laugh at him. It gives me no pleasure to say this, but elect anyone other than him. 2- the immigrants eating pets was THE funniest thing anyone anywhere has ever heard in a political debate. For Gods sake America, any country deserves better.
Trump never should have used that pets issue in a debate. It made him look odd.

The ironic thing is, a lady from Haiti was arrested in our neighborhood 11 years ago for doing that very thing. She was capturing feral neighborhood cats as well as people's cats and dogs and cooking them for her and her kids after she lost her job.
Trump never should have used that pets issue in a debate. It made him look odd.

The ironic thing is, a lady from Haiti was arrested in our neighborhood 11 years ago for doing that very thing. She was capturing feral neighborhood cats as well as people's cats and dogs and cooking them for her and her kids after she lost her job.
Odd ? Made him look a truly global idiot
My biggest worry about Kamala is that she is evil and will do almost anything to personally look good or get ahead.

My biggest worry about Trump is the possibility of senility coming as he ages.

Trump's first Presidency had some of the best policies the United States ever had.
Take 85% of Trump's policies and add some empathy and you'd have an argument for the best President ever.
Trump seemed like a strange guy? I don't think it's news. After all, the author of a book entitled "Think Big and Send Everyone to Hell" in my eyes, therefore in those of a European, doesn't seem like a guy with all the right balls in their places. But perhaps in America he goes almost unnoticed.
Trump seemed like a strange guy? I don't think it's news. After all, the author of a book entitled "Think Big and Send Everyone to Hell" in my eyes, therefore in those of a European, doesn't seem like a guy with all the right balls in their places. But perhaps in America he goes almost unnoticed.
If few segments short of a full Orange 🍊
Odd ? Made him look a truly global idiot
All I'm saying is that it is most likely true what he said... but that point is not a good talking point in a Presidential debate.

But you're absolutely right... it made Trump look almost half as stupid as Kamala is. Not a good look for him at all.
In defense of Jane's argument, I think Trump went to a very vague and unproven point that had no place in the debate. It did make him look "quite unpresidential" for a moment.

At his worst, he'd be 10 times better than Kamala... my opinion of course... based on policies alone.
I wonder how the Democrats can continue to govern states like California, despite the disasters they have produced in recent years. From what we hear here in Italy, California is now an unlivable nightmare. By this I mean that, unfortunately, the most competent and capable will not win, but only the one who knows how to best manipulate public opinion. I am very bitter and pessimistic, because I see how the quality of the ruling class in many countries is worsening and the situation seems destined to worsen.
Some important exponents of the Italian right, fans of Trump, are claiming that in Italy too there have been cases of gypsies who have eaten dogs. No comment.
Can confirm the eating dogs thing where I live in the US. People went to jail for animal cruelty for stealing someone's pets and eating them for food. Sick, sick people, and it was a group of them.

In addition, we have had goat sacrifices in the mountains where I live. Satanists practicing their worship, is the theory. But they are being hunted, again for animal cruelty.

The Peruvian gangs thing is real. They are now here, due to the open boarders issue. The news is starting to carry it, and the blow-back on Democrats is gonna get huge. This was supposed to be Harris's ONE job. Fix the border. She didn't.
Can confirm the eating dogs thing where I live in the US. People went to jail for animal cruelty for stealing someone's pets and eating them for food. Sick, sick people, and it was a group of them.

In addition, we have had goat sacrifices in the mountains where I live. Satanists practicing their worship, is the theory. But they are being hunted, again for animal cruelty.

The Peruvian gangs thing is real. They are now here, due to the open boarders issue. The news is starting to carry it, and the blow-back on Democrats is gonna get huge. This was supposed to be Harris's ONE job. Fix the border. She didn't.
Animal cruelty is not a migration issue it’s an animal cruelty issue … common sadly around the world …down to local authorities to enforce the law