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How to vote for president 2024

I wonder how the Democrats can continue to govern states like California, despite the disasters they have produced in recent years. From what we hear here in Italy, California is now an unlivable nightmare. By this I mean that, unfortunately, the most competent and capable will not win, but only the one who knows how to best manipulate public opinion. I am very bitter and pessimistic, because I see how the quality of the ruling class in many countries is worsening and the situation seems destined to worsen.
I can confirm the California issues. I am moving from California for that reason.

The Governor is decided by 2 counties, Los Angeles and San Francisco. SF is largely so liberal they want to be given everything for doing nothing. Los Angeles is filled with Hollywood elites and super-wealthy individuals who don't think before they open their mouths. I offer up Taylor Swift as an example. To these people, it doesn't matter what happens, because they have so much money that they will never feel the effects on their daily lives. The rest of the state is pretty much conservative.

I would love for these people to spend a single month in the shoes of the average California. The struggles in deciding between food and gas, using the air conditioning of enduring the recent heatwave where it was 120 degrees F in the afternoon, and 90 degrees F at night.

-When we have to pay taxes so high that the cost of gas is nearly twice that of any other state in the country, and even more expensive than Hawaii.

-Where the electric grid is so unstable that that the people who bought EVs because the government said they were mandatory can't re-charge them because there isn't enough electricity in the grid for that.

-Where the artificial grass we were were incentivized to install to save water is now outlawed because of the potential hazardous chemical issues from the plastics involved.

-From the days when paper grocery bags were outlawed and replaced with plastic ones to save trees are now used to replace the plastic ones again, because of too much plastic in the ocean.

-Where I had to wear a mask at work due to COVID since I worked in a liberal county (Los Angeles), but not at home, because I lived in a conservative one.

The hypocrisy in the Democratic party is astronomical. They say the want to be inclusive, yet they fail to allow free speech, a fundamental right in the US. Where they teach young children unable to grasp what gender really means to switch biological genders without telling their parents, denying them parental rights on how their children are raised.

These are all Socialist actions, but they deny it. Yet they tout Trump and Vance as weird.
Animal cruelty is not a migration issue it’s an animal cruelty issue … common sadly around the world …down to local authorities to enforce the law
We didn't have this often before the borders were left open. The uptick in cases has been recent.
Well you must be the only country where that’s recorded, and we all have migration problems
Actually, it is scary how much information we have access to. The media is all about putting out stories that make the public afraid, because that makes us watch more, so they get higher ratings, and then make more money. It is a vicious cycle, and our broadcast media industry is positively HUGE.

The total number of TV channels now is virtually unknown due to Digital TV formats, and cord-cutting viewers. We have 4 main networks, and some of them have as many as 4 digital sub-channels, per station. The last solid count I could find was as of 2017, and the number was over 1700 commercial broadcast stations. It also does not include channels like CNN, C-Span, The Weather Channel, OANN, and others. Plus internet-based news, and access to TV stations around the world. Truly, the amount of information we can access is mind-boggling.

Every country has immigration and migration issues. People want to be able to live happy, peaceful lives. But then there are people who are greedy, violent, and have no compassion for their fellow human beings. It is these groups that create havoc, right now in the US. There are hotspots of trouble in Ohio, El Paso, Texas, and Aurora, Colorado. Not to mention California, from San Diego to the Oregon border.

And the Democrats are the ones who fucked it up. Anyone remember the baby formula crisis? We couldn't get baby formula for our children, yet the border areas were swimming in it. The government blamed it on a manufacturing issue, with contaminated formula. Until a local TV station broadcast trucks leaving the facility, loaded with formula and heading South.

All during the Biden/Harris Administration. Just lies. More and more lies. Harris is now, and has always been, a liar. Even in her minor-league California days. She is a say nothing, do nothing politician.
Animal cruelty has always been an issue in the U.S..... but EATING of cats/dogs? ...in every case I have been made aware of (through liberal media, mind you) ... it has NOT been a person born in North America, nor a European or African immigrant. It has always been someone who came here from South American countries or somewhere in Asia.

I am all for immigration done properly, but open borders is just stupid. (This last sentence is not in relation to the animal eating... lol... it's just a statement on policy.)
Animal cruelty has always been an issue in the U.S..... but EATING of cats/dogs? ...in every case I have been made aware of (through liberal media, mind you) ... it has NOT been a person born in North America, nor a European or African immigrant. It has always been someone who came here from South American countries or somewhere in Asia.

I am all for immigration done properly, but open borders is just stupid. (This last sentence is not in relation to the animal eating... lol... it's just a statement on policy.)
Migration is essential for economies … but controlled properly.
I can confirm the California issues. I am moving from California for that reason.

The Governor is decided by 2 counties, Los Angeles and San Francisco. SF is largely so liberal they want to be given everything for doing nothing. Los Angeles is filled with Hollywood elites and super-wealthy individuals who don't think before they open their mouths. I offer up Taylor Swift as an example. To these people, it doesn't matter what happens, because they have so much money that they will never feel the effects on their daily lives. The rest of the state is pretty much conservative.

I would love for these people to spend a single month in the shoes of the average California. The struggles in deciding between food and gas, using the air conditioning of enduring the recent heatwave where it was 120 degrees F in the afternoon, and 90 degrees F at night.

-When we have to pay taxes so high that the cost of gas is nearly twice that of any other state in the country, and even more expensive than Hawaii.

-Where the electric grid is so unstable that that the people who bought EVs because the government said they were mandatory can't re-charge them because there isn't enough electricity in the grid for that.

-Where the artificial grass we were were incentivized to install to save water is now outlawed because of the potential hazardous chemical issues from the plastics involved.

-From the days when paper grocery bags were outlawed and replaced with plastic ones to save trees are now used to replace the plastic ones again, because of too much plastic in the ocean.

-Where I had to wear a mask at work due to COVID since I worked in a liberal county (Los Angeles), but not at home, because I lived in a conservative one.

The hypocrisy in the Democratic party is astronomical. They say the want to be inclusive, yet they fail to allow free speech, a fundamental right in the US. Where they teach young children unable to grasp what gender really means to switch biological genders without telling their parents, denying them parental rights on how their children are raised.

These are all Socialist actions, but they deny it. Yet they tout Trump and Vance as weird.
Suzi, do you already have an idea of the state you would like to move to and why you chose it? I know that many choose Texas, so a state that is culturally and politically the antipodes of California.

Thank you all for your contributions. I am learning a lot about the USA on this forum.
In Italy in the 90s they dedicated entire programs to Satanism. Now it seems out of fashion.
I have always liked some famous Satanists like Zeena and the wife of the founder of the Temple of Set, Lilith Aquino 🥰
But they are not for the BBC as some say they are para-Nazis😩


Suzi, do you already have an idea of the state you would like to move to and why you chose it? I know that many choose Texas, so a state that is culturally and politically the antipodes of California.

Thank you all for your contributions. I am learning a lot about the USA on this forum.
We selected where we are moving to for the political climate, and the peace and tranquility of living in a very isolated area. We bought enough land to where our nearest neighbor will be far enough to drive to. Just where I need to keep to myself for my safety.
After reading some books and watching documentaries about the USA, California and New Nork in particular, I am increasingly happy to be in Italy. I just don't understand the excessive xenophilia of some of my fellow countrymen. We live in the most beautiful country in the world, Italy. Now they can't even move to Germany, now that it has sunk into an economic crisis that has no precedent since the post-war period.
I just hope they put an end to this green nonsense. A factory that produces components for electric cars exploded here. They are dangerous, they complicate our lives, and they are anything but environmentally friendly.
We selected where we are moving to for the political climate, and the peace and tranquility of living in a very isolated area. We bought enough land to where our nearest neighbor will be far enough to drive to. Just where I need to keep to myself for my safety.
The criteria for the choice are very rational. The important thing is to leave that State to the Democrats and their liberal friends, in order to build the BNWO under the false guise of the Republican Party :cool:
OK I understand there is a lot of serious comments on this thread with some anti-democrat and pro-republican slants although in general no one seems really happy and pleased with the options that are available. However I am learning a lot about US political views and so thank you all for that.

I'm not in the US or a US citizen so don't get a vote anyway but I certainly consider myself a whiteboi with a BNWO fetish and I'm also aware this thread is tagged with BNWO black power and white apology..... so my simplistic view to the question raised on how to vote is this should be a no brainer i.e. As a whiteboi I am sure I would want to vote for the president that I feel will most support and promote ongoing and in in the longer term policies and strategies that support BLM and BNWO ideologies that will lead to Black political and economic empowerment and ultimately Black Privilege and the elimination of the white patriarchy.

Is the above something the Republicans can offer ? If so I'd like to hear your views but my understanding is this is Democrat territory, so on this basis and I am sorry Suzi but I can't see how any whitebois on here could possibly vote for Trump. From what you have told us about Kamala Harris you have painted a picture of a woman who is very self serving and I didn't know about her exploits with the mayor of SF but he is Black and hearing about this has made her appeal to me even greater.....🖤♠️
After reading some books and watching documentaries about the USA, California and New Nork in particular, I am increasingly happy to be in Italy. I just don't understand the excessive xenophilia of some of my fellow countrymen. We live in the most beautiful country in the world, Italy. Now they can't even move to Germany, now that it has sunk into an economic crisis that has no precedent since the post-war period.
I just hope they put an end to this green nonsense. A factory that produces components for electric cars exploded here. They are dangerous, they complicate our lives, and they are anything but environmentally friendly.
EVs are NOT environmentally friendly. When I was teaching, I made my students write a term paper, five pages long, on if EVs were environmentally safe. I let them reach their own conclusions and justify them. Every student came back with the decision that EVs are not environmentally friendly, on a world-wide basis, and are pointless at reducing CO2 emissions. Cars and trucks are not our biggest environmental threats, and they haven't been since the invention of the three-way catalytic converter and closed-loop feed back fuel injection.
EVs are NOT environmentally friendly. When I was teaching, I made my students write a term paper, five pages long, on if EVs were environmentally safe. I let them reach their own conclusions and justify them. Every student came back with the decision that EVs are not environmentally friendly, on a world-wide basis, and are pointless at reducing CO2 emissions. Cars and trucks are not our biggest environmental threats, and they haven't been since the invention of the three-way catalytic converter and closed-loop feed back fuel injection.
I just hope that these kids will bring the arguments against green madness into their families, so that parents can think better before voting.
OK I understand there is a lot of serious comments on this thread with some anti-democrat and pro-republican slants although in general no one seems really happy and pleased with the options that are available. However I am learning a lot about US political views and so thank you all for that.

I'm not in the US or a US citizen so don't get a vote anyway but I certainly consider myself a whiteboi with a BNWO fetish and I'm also aware this thread is tagged with BNWO black power and white apology..... so my simplistic view to the question raised on how to vote is this should be a no brainer i.e. As a whiteboi I am sure I would want to vote for the president that I feel will most support and promote ongoing and in in the longer term policies and strategies that support BLM and BNWO ideologies that will lead to Black political and economic empowerment and ultimately Black Privilege and the elimination of the white patriarchy.

Is the above something the Republicans can offer ? If so I'd like to hear your views but my understanding is this is Democrat territory, so on this basis and I am sorry Suzi but I can't see how any whitebois on here could possibly vote for Trump. From what you have told us about Kamala Harris you have painted a picture of a woman who is very self serving and I didn't know about her exploits with the mayor of SF but he is Black and hearing about this has made her appeal to me even greater.....🖤♠️
Ethics, morality, and human rights and freedom before BNWO or any other structure that I, you, or anyone else supports.