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How to vote for president 2024

So everything I do I want to support black men and women but I want not vote for Biden I want to vote for trump is this okay ?
Remember, biden will not make it through another term, and we will finally have President Harris. If biden can make it two years before biting the bullet, we could have President Harris for a total of ten years, the maximun under the consitution.
Although voting for a president is heavy consideration. We need to work the down ballot races as well. Solid majorities in the house and senate to break free from this rut we have ourselves in. I'm sure there are locals races that would have an impact as well.

With our two party system, sometimes we have to vote for someone because the other is worse. Personally, I'm ready for a President Harris if the dems can get a solid hold on the house and senate. Two or three supreme court justices could be selected in the next term.
Guys, I hate to tell you this, but Harris polls way worse then Biden. Too many people know her history, and it is a bad one. Unless you desire to be jailed longer than your sentence, arrest innocent people, and allow rampant crimes to go unpunished, you may wish to find another black person to vote for.

While I would happily vote for a black person, he or she has to be qualified for the highest office. Harris only came to notice through her oral skills. And I'm not referring to her ability to speak. Please find a better black candidate?

Oh, and Trump is considering naming Sen. Rick Scott as VP. A very qualified black man. If Sen. Scott gets named, thats where I am voting, Trump or not!
My humble opinion, your mileage may vary. The Dems have to put up Kamala, she is VP and after the were so confident about being a "heartbeat away" from the presidency to go back on that now would lose a lot of minority voters. I don't care who Trump chooses as VP, I haven't voted for him in 2 elections now this election will make 3. Project 2025 anyone?
No way in the universe would I vote for her. I know her history, and even lived part of it. She's a tyrant and a shill. She only has one skill, which giving BJs. That is how she got her start to her political career. It also wasn't a secret, it was reported by the SF Chronical back in the day. She gifted the then SF mayor, Willie Brown.

Her leadership skills are zero, and her communication skills are even less. She has no clue what she is doing and was a total failure in the ONE job she had. She would get peace in Ukraine by giving Putin BJs. She would probably be blowing have of the Arab Peninsula, too, to protect Israel, rather than just letting Israel handle business.
In 2016 faced with Trump or Hillary, I wrote in Bernie Sanders. I couldn't vote for the party shills. My state went heavy for Hillary but only for 3 electoral college votes. My vote didn't really matter. I wish they would eliminate the electoral college and make every vote count instead of a few states.
People should pay attention to their congressional delegations as well. If the MAGAs get the house senate and white house get ready for project 2025
In 2016 faced with Trump or Hillary, I wrote in Bernie Sanders. I couldn't vote for the party shills. My state went heavy for Hillary but only for 3 electoral college votes. My vote didn't really matter. I wish they would eliminate the electoral college and make every vote count instead of a few states.
People should pay attention to their congressional delegations as well. If the MAGAs get the house senate and white house get ready for project 2025
From what I understand, Project 2025 and the Republicans are NOT connected. Each has issued a statement to the same. I am not a fan of P2025 so much, either as I believe we need to have some more open views on some subjects. But DEI isn't one of them.
We doon't need to worry. Kamala willl win easily and she will bring AOC and many progressive democrats. Migrants will flood America.
You might have seen it already but there's the "white dudes for Kamala" movement. It goes to show we know our place and stay submissive to a black queen.
University will probably pay for black students as a sign of reparatolions. Disney and Netflix will continue their beautiful social propaganda.
Can't wait to see the future.
We doon't need to worry. Kamala willl win easily and she will bring AOC and many progressive democrats. Migrants will flood America.
You might have seen it already but there's the "white dudes for Kamala" movement. It goes to show we know our place and stay submissive to a black queen.
University will probably pay for black students as a sign of reparatolions. Disney and Netflix will continue their beautiful social propaganda.
Can't wait to see the future.
I don't think "easily" is in her vocabulary at least at this point. She is not polling well, and her track record of performance is rather lacking. She gained maybe a point and a half, or even 2 on Trump, in national-average polling. That still left her 2+ points behind Trump. In swing-state battlegrounds? She hasn't done much. Her rallies are held in high school gyms, which she dies fill, while Trump is filing professional sports arenas.
She has nothing to point to as an accomplishment or demonstration of leadership. There is even documentation of her whining about her role being Biden's #2 as not having anything meaningful to do. Her track record in California does not sit well with Californians, and those who have left the state have been speaking volumes about what a terrible AG she was. Wikipedia was spending days scrubbing her Wikis before she was announced as the VP pick in 2020. But screen shots still exist. It isn't pretty.

Disney had to end its woke-platform, after losing so much money. It has also laid-off woke-platform employees and cancelled major projects due to the dismal box office profits (or losses), and the financial hardships the parks are seeing. Disneyworld and the related parks are an example.

Netflix continues to lose subscribers as well. Especially after the most recent announcement of donating $7 million to Harris' campaign.

As for AOC, she now has a democratic challenger for her seat that is growing in popularity, and she isn't doing much to maintain her hold on her position. Her "Green New Deal" has fallen apart, due in part to the cratering automotive EV market (ask Ford Motor Company about that), lithium mining pollution, the "Just Stop Oil" protester incidents, and continued electric grid problems. Especially in the West when the heat requires so much air conditioning that the grid has brown-outs and extended-hours cuts in service.

Those who say we don't need to worry are the ones we need to worry about. Because this election should be making us all worry.

Oh, and reparations? Dead and buried. The Democrats ran out of money when Biden forgave student debt. Money went out, but was never repaid, and to print more will take already exorbitant inflation and crater the economy. Not what you want in an election year.
Personally i think these elections will be a coinflip. It certainly wont be a 90% or even a 75% win.
So the Dems with Harris will absolutely only create chaos to not only the US, but also the world which is very dangerous. She is a shill a sellout and a crook.
And the Repuplicans with Trump is as always a total blank and because of that is perhaps even more dangerous. Trump`s Twitter tirades just say enough that it is a bad option aswell. A criminal and a manipulator at the least.

And so it really depends of which one of these 2 manages to make the least amount of mistakes in public. Who has the better team behind them and who can make sure to keep them from saying stupid shit.
I think that will be what most voters will decide on.

That is my prediction atleast.
We doon't need to worry. Kamala willl win easily and she will bring AOC and many progressive democrats. Migrants will flood America.
You might have seen it already but there's the "white dudes for Kamala" movement. It goes to show we know our place and stay submissive to a black queen.
University will probably pay for black students as a sign of reparatolions. Disney and Netflix will continue their beautiful social propaganda.
Can't wait to see the future.

And with Walz on the ticket and how he protected the brave Black protesters and welcomes migrants, with him Kamala, all we have discussed and claim to desire could become reality.
And with Walz on the ticket and how he protected the brave Black protesters and welcomes migrants, with him Kamala, all we have discussed and claim to desire could become reality.
His Stolen Valor issues are growing bigger. Harris is also still not polling well, and is still dodging the media. They're scared, apparently. Not what you want for a political candidate.
I have known Trump since 2011 when, in Italy where I live, very few people knew of his existence. I read his book "Think Big and Send Everyone to Hell". I was interested in him from a psychological point of view, because of the role he played in the work sector in which I worked and his impact on the cultural and economic life of the United States. He immediately disgusted me. He is a guy who claims to enjoy revenge... while playing the part of a good Christian who promotes the reading of the King James Bible and asks for the vote of hypocrites who are for starving the poor (therefore, especially African Americans and Latin Americans) by cutting taxes for the rich... but to throw in jail (as if your prisons were not full enough!) the woman who is perhaps still psychologically and physically tried by an abortion.
Simply embarrassing and unmentionable!
Over the years I have read a book about Kamala Harris. Maybe it was apologetic but it only speaks well of her. We will judge her by the facts, if she were to win the elections as seems to emerge from the polls and from Trump's terrible performance during the confrontation with her.
Whatever the outcome of the elections, I hope the Americans have a President who cares about the lives of all citizens, especially the most fragile. And I have formed an idea about this.
OK, here is my take, from someone who had to live under Harris's policies when she was the Attorney General in CA, to today.

1. She is stupid as the day is long. She has a singular inability to think on her feet, and unless she has notecards to read verbatim, she can't string two sentences together. She was the perfect running mate for Biden, because she can be controlled. As president, that would not change.

2. When she was in office, she attempted to get 164 laws enacted through the state legislature. She managed to get zero of them passed in her term, and none of them survived after. She was singularly unable to get anything accomplished.

3. She abused the power she had. It is true, she held jail prisoners and convicts past their release date so she could use them for her and Gavin Newsom's purposes. It was the perfect definition of slavery in action. She also discriminated against conservative groups and causes while in office, actively prosecuting them for only becoming an organization, as they could not get permits to actually do anything.

4. In her run for president in 2020, she had the very lowest of popularity. Right now, as a presidential candidate, she is able to fill 3/4 of a high school gym. Back then? She couldn't fill a high school classroom. She wasn't unpopular, she was actively disliked.

5. Her political acumen is zero. I have a better set of political skills than she does, and I have little to none. Her oral skills are her claim to fame. Nobody would even know about her until she got caught sucking the mayor of SF's cock. It was her claim to fame. She is the ultimate suck-up. The rumor is she did it at his insistence to get what she wanted, not what he wanted. She has no power of force in her personality. She's a submissive. How do I know? Because I am a submissive. We can recognize each other. Just like we can recognize Dominants.

6. When confronted by actual situations or individuals who challenge her, she cannot hide her emotions. It is where and why she is roundly mocked for her cackling. It is her reaction when she doesn't know what to do. It is one of her tells.

7. She is a liar. She hasn't told a single truth that holds up to the test of investigation. At first she was Indian heritage. Then she is black. Yet look at her parents. She's Indian. She's faking her presentation at speeches. Accents, words, backstory. She is not consistent in any way, shape or form.

8. She is hiding from direct interactions and interviews. She is hiding her views, and her beliefs, and her goals. We don't know anything about her vision for the country. I am thinking it is because she doesn't have one. She is just a figurehead for those who control her, like a puppet. And more dangerous people are pulling her strings.

Trump is, by all accounts, brash, even rude. He has an ego, and has a lower sense of propriety. But he is a New Yorker, and some of that is natural to New Yorkers. I have lived in NY from the West Coast, and yeah, I hated it, because by comparison, there is a lot of that, based on what I am used to. New York is filled with Work Hard, Play Harder. Intensity is a thing. Things are more mellow out here, though that is changing.

But Trump has always put America first, and he KNOWS business. People blame him for COVID, for some strange reason. China did it, not him. Could it have been handled better? Yes. Was it handled worse? Yes. By Biden and CA Gov. Newsom.

So I am voting Trump/Vance. Because with Trump, at least we know where we stand. Harris is keeping us in the dark, because she won't tell us anything.