Writer’s note: This is told from the perspective of Mike and Jessica Staley, marked at the beginning of the sections in which they speak.

Mike: I first saw Jessica outside the student’s union at university. As you know, I was successful in business very early in my adult life and so have had an opportunity to pass on my knowledge to those looking to learn at the local campus. It was just after one of those guest lectures that I saw your ********, Amy. It is such a cliché to say you have these heart-stopping moments when you see the girl of your dreams, but that’s what happened to me when I saw her. I just stood staring, gawping even…

Jess: ...and then I turned around and saw this handsome man looking at me like… well, I don’t know really… but it was obvious he was looking at me ‘in that way’. I wasn’t like I am now back then and so I blushed at the obvious attention. Why would any man look at me like that? But then I looked up again, just to see… and he was still there. I don’t know why, but I smiled at him, just a little…

Mike: ...and then she smiled at me. I felt my heart start again, fluttering with excitement. I had to do something and, while I’m a strong person in business, in matters of love I’ve always been less forward… but this time I went over to her without a second thought. I introduced myself, said I was lecturing here and fumbled some other words I’ve forgotten now. She smiled and said goodbye to her girlfriends, seemingly happy to be left alone with me, a strange guy.

Jess: Yes, I felt safe with him even then, so I let my girls go on and accepted his offer of a coffee. We sat and chatted and I agreed to go on a date with him. There was something about him that intrigued me and also being handsome didn’t hurt… and rich! That didn’t hurt either!

Mike: “Yes, it certainly helps! So we began to date and, while I knew I was in love the second I saw her, Jess came to love me as well... “

Jess: “...and I really wanted to show him that I loved him not just for his money. It was really important to me that I prove I wasn’t some gold digger or something like that.”

Mike: “...and, you see, as I’ve said, I have a penchant for certain sexual kinks that I had never expected to share with a partner… until Jess came along. Now, she had no idea what was going to happen, it was all me… but I could tell she wanted to prove her love to me, like she said… so I had an idea, a way of getting her to prove herself and to allow me to indulge my kink…”

Jess: “It all started about two months after we first met. We were walking along the river bank, arm in arm. You had let me have a later curfew than normal and we were making the most of it. I sighed contentedly. I was in love, my lover was rich and handsome… life was pretty good. There weren’t many people about, so we stopped and looked over the water. After a moment of silence, Mike spoke.

“Do you love me, Jess?” he said. I nodded straight away, smiling up at him.

“Yes, of course I do,” I said.

“I… I’ve had relationships before where the girl has said that… but then tried to just use me for money. I… sorry, this is silly.”

“No… go ahead, please. I won’t be offended, I promise,” I said, touching his hand gently.

“Okay… I… this sounds better in my head… um… I need you to prove you love me for me, not my money. Is that bad?”

“Well, I’d hope you would take my word for it, but I understand. I do love you, Mike… and yes, I’ll prove it to you, if you want me to.”

“Good… good…” he said, falling silent again. I turned back to the water. I thought that was the end of it, but then Mike suddenly said. “That man over there, the one with the headphones on…”

I looked around and saw a young, black man coming down the path, ears covered, oblivious to the world.

“Yeah, what about him?” I said, puzzled.

“I want you to go up to him, stand in front of him… and tell him you want to kiss him.”

I was stunned. “What?”

“Do this… if you love me, you’ll do this,” Mike said. I didn’t know why at the time, but he looked deadly serious. “Remember, you love me, so this means nothing, right?”

“Er… I don’t know… but if you want me to…” I spluttered. “Okay… I guess… but remember, you asked me to, okay?”

“Yes, I know... go, before he gets away…”

Mike: So I watched her go off, tentatively at first, but as she walked she grew more confident. She approached the tall man…

Jess: “Hey, um… can I ask you a quick question?” I said, standing in front of the big black guy, who removed his headphones slowly, confused by me just suddenly appearing in his way. He nodded. “Er… well… I want to kiss you.” His eyebrows shot up and he looked around. Mike was some distance away, pretending to look out at the river, but obviously observing us. The guy didn’t seem to realise that, however.

“Um… well, okay, sure,” he said. He was very tall, much taller than me, so he had to bend quite low to get to my lips… and I stood on tiptoes to get to his… then they met and I was kissing this strange man, his big lips on mine… and I opened my mouth without thinking and let our tongues entwine. I realised suddenly it had been a few minutes and I was still making out with this guy, so I pulled away, panting slightly and simply said, “Thank you” to him and then walked away back to Mike. I took his arm and we walked past the stunned black guy… my eyes fixed on his the whole way as we passed.

Mike: My cock was harder than it had ever been watching Jess snog the big, black guy. My heart was beating like a drum and I was delighted to see her melting into the guy’s arms, kissing him back and clearly letting her tongue mingle with his. This was going better than I had hoped!

As we walked away, I knew she was keeping her eyes on the black guy, though I pretended not to notice. I grinned to myself, hoping that the rest of my plan would go as smoothly.

Jess: We met up again the next morning after a lecture of mine and we were in the student’s union. I had my usual and so did he - it had a feeling of comfortable routine about it, which I liked. I looked around and saw the exact same black guy from the evening before sitting by himself reading a bulky textbook. I gasped slightly and Mike must have noticed…

Mike: …yes, I heard her give a little squeak and looked up from my drink. She quickly turned her head down to the table, but I followed her initial gaze and saw that black guy. I grinned to myself, remaining calm on the exterior.

“Darling…” I said. She visibly gulped, but looked up at me with those doe eyes that drive me wild. “Darling… I saw him too… now I want you to go over and sit next to him. Chat to him, tell him your name and what you do… tell him everything you want to about yourself. Tell him we’re an item and that I love you more than anything in the world…”

“Okay,” Jess said.

“...then, when you say the words ‘he loves me’... put your hand right on his cock.”

“What?!” she said, glancing at me then at the guy then back again. “You can’t be serious!”

“I am… if you love me, you’ll go over and fondle that guy’s cock while chatting to him as if nothing is happening.”

“This is crazy… I won’t… why does this mean I love you? If I touch another man like that?”

“You’ll understand in time, darling,” I said, putting my hand on hers. “Remember, this is my request. It is part of what’ll prove to me you love me and me alone. I need you to do it for me, Jessica. Do it for me…”

She looked at the other guy and bit her lip. I knew she would do it. She loved me and she would please me by doing this… and, I also knew, she’d get a kick out of it. Finally, she sighed and got up.

“Is this the last thing I need to do to prove myself to you, Mike?” she said, but I could see she knew it wasn’t. Deep down, she knew this was all leading somewhere bigger.

“No, not at all… this is just the start,” I smiled. Honesty was the best policy, I thought.

“Right…” and I thought for a second she’d back out, that I’d pushed too hard… but then she strode over to the guy and sat down. I watched, enthralled, as my girlfriend spoke earnestly to the man, pointing at me and, when he looked over to me, saw her hand slip under the table without any hesitation. I saw the man gasp and look down, then at her, then at me… then at her again.

Then it was my turn to be surprised…

Jess: I could see Mike looking at us. I knew he was really getting off on all this, though at the time I didn’t know why… but when I placed my hand on the guy’s crotch I felt something unexpected… a LOT of something inside. Much more than I’d imagined… and then, I flashed a grin at Mike and had a devilish idea. He liked this, did he? Would he like it if I…

“Woah, girl… what you doin’?” the black guy said as I took my hand off his groin… and thrust it down into his pants. My fingertips found what they were looking for and my hand wrapped itself around a thick, soft pipe… which was swiftly becoming anything but soft!

“My God!” I said, looking down at his crotch. “What have you got in there? A python?”

“Some girls’ve said that,” he chuckled. “But goddamnit, if you keep touching me up, I’m going to get fully hard and how the fuck am I going to walk about then, huh?”

“Jesus… it is sooo big!” I said, still enraptured by the throbbing monster I had a grip on. Without thinking, I began to stroke the man’s cock and he groaned.

“Ah fuck, come on, girl, this is abuse!” he laughed. “Look, we can go back to my halls… you can see it better then, if you want…”

My head and my heart screamed contradictory responses to that - and my pussy screamed a few too - but I took my hand out suddenly, the warmth of his dick still making my palm all tingly.

“No… I… sorry, I should go…” I said, looking at Mike. “Look… um… maybe I’ll see you around, yeah?”

“I guess!” he shook his head. “Tell that white boy over there he’s a fucking nutjob…”

“Hmmm, I might just do that…” I said, moving away and back to Mike.

Mike: So Jess came back, flushed and I knew she’d found what I’d expected her to find… though I admit I wasn’t expecting her to stick her hand down his pants and grab it!

“Enjoy yourself, darling?” I said.

“Mike… why are you making me do this? I… I did something naughtier and put my hand down there… and…” Jess said, sheepishly.

“Because I love you too,” I said. She looked at me and I saw that she was a little surprised that there wasn’t a trace of duplicity in my expression.

“But… but if I love you, and you love me… why do you make me touch other men like that?”

I grinned. “Because… I love you… and I want what’s best for you.”

“Okay, but… why does that involved touching other guys? I mean, I love you so I should touch you, right?”

“Sure… but it is BECAUSE I love you that I want you to… you felt what was in there, right?”

“Um… yes…” Jessica blushed, looking away.

“...and it made you… excite, right? Don’t be shy, you can tell me…”

“Yes, it did, it was… just so big! And it wasn’t even hard… well, it got harder… and bigger…”

I could see her breathing get more rapid as she thought of the black cock… and I knew I had her.

“So, you see… this is why I do what I do. Because I love you, I want you to have amazing sex… and… honey, the most amazing sex you’ll have is with black men…”

“But… I’m going to be with you… why would I have sex with black men?” she said.

“Oh, because I love you… and because you love me… and because I want you to.”

“Mike, why? Don’t you want to make love to me yourself? To have me for yourself? Relationships are meant to be like that… aren’t they?”

“You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I love you more than anything, like you told him… and I couldn’t bear to be the one who denied you what every woman should have… crazy-good sex with hung black studs. Did he offer to take you back to his room?”

“Y...yes, he did,” she said.

“Good… now, I want you to go over to him again and say you changed your mind. That you want to fuck him today.”

“Mike, no… I can’t…”

“You can, honey,” I said, grasping her hand in mine. “I want you to… prove to me you love me by FUCKING that black stud!”

She obviously was torn between numerous conflicting emotions and thoughts, societal norms pressuring her to say no, but her body and me pressing her to say yes.

“I… I…” she stammered, looking at me and then the stud, who was packing up his bag.

“Quick, make your choice… if you don’t love me, if you’re not sure you do… say no. If you do love me, say yes… and go with my complete blessing.”

“But… but I’m a virgin!” she hissed.

“Tell him that, he’ll go wild and want you even more!”

“...okay, God, fine, I’ll do it… for you, honey. For you… to prove my love I’ll… fuck that man,” Jess said.

She got up, nervously then turned back to me.

“Oh, but I don’t have a condom… and guys, they never do... “

“Honey, you don’t need one…”

“But… what if he finishes inside me? I could get pregnant!”

“I’m making another demand of you, dear,” I said. “I want you to fuck him bareback. No condom… and never, EVER wear a condom when you are with a black guy, okay? Never. Please.”

“Jesus, Mike… okay, fine… whatever. This is… is crazy… but… oh God, I’ll do it for you, Mike… but promise…”

“Quick, he’s about to leave…”

“...promise me you’ll marry me. Right now, promise… and I’ll do it for you.”

“I promise. Will you marry me, Jessica Cranshaw?”

She smiled. “Yes, I will.”

“Good… now go, fuck that black man.”

“Wow…” she said and turned away from me, heading towards the stud who was just heading out the door.

Jess: As you can imagine, my head was awhirl with all this stuff. I’d just become Mike’s fiancée and was over the moon, lightheaded with happiness… and yet I was also chasing after a young, black man that Mike specifically instructed me to fuck! It was crazy… and yet I was so, so excited! I’d never felt like it before and, while normally I’d never have done it, Mike’s urging was making it seem… cool. I mean, if your fiancé wants you to cheat on him… well, doesn’t that make it not cheating? Anyway, I caught up to the guy, my face flushed, my breathing ragged for various reasons.

“Hey, wait… did… wow, sorry, I’m not used to this, but… is that, er, invitation to your place still open?” I said. He looked me up and down.

“Sure… but are you sure? Seems to me something crazy is going on… you aren’t going to drug me and rob my stuff, huh? Or leave me hanging just as I’m all ready to go?”

“No, I promise, I won’t… my fiancé, he wants me to… be with you.”

“Kinky bastard,” he grinned. “I’ve got a class right now… but fuck that shit, let’s go!”

He lived very close to the campus so it was only a few minutes before I was in his dorm room. I’d never even been inside a boy’s bedroom since I was much younger and sex wasn’t a thing… and now here I was, engaged and about to lose my virginity to some random guy! Life is fucking weird, Mum!

Anyway, as soon as I got in the door, he was on me… and, to be fair, I was really horny now as well, so I gave as good as I got. We passionately kissed as we stripped each other and when his cock popped out of his pants, I whimpered. It was enormous. Like Mr Banks’ though not quite as long. I couldn’t think of how this was going to get inside me… but then he pushed my naked body down on the bed, spread my legs and started to eat my pussy. I squealed as he drove me wild with his tongue and I was soaking wet by the time he finished, having cum all over his face once and been driven perilously close to a second orgasm before he pulled away.

I lay back on his bed as he stood over me, cock in hand, gently and slowly stroking the enormous shaft, eyes drinking in every inch of my naked body. Something inside me got very, very excited by him doing this. I felt my pussy quiver and I knew I, somehow, was getting ever wetter. I bit my lip as he finally got up on the bed with me, aligning his cock with my glistening entrance… and then my phone rang.

Mike: I’m not sure why I rang. Maybe to make sure Jess was going through with my plan, I don’t know. But I’m very glad I did! She picked it up and she sounded very… frustrated.

“WHAT?” she bellowed down the line at me. “I’m… he’s just about to fuck me, Mike. You couldn’t have called at a worse time, okay?”

“Wait, don’t hang up!” I said quickly. “What’s he doing, precisely?”

“He’s… he’s rubbing the head of his massive black cock up and down my slit… and… ooooh, against my clit every so often. Mmm… feels good…”

“Tell him to slide his cock inside you…”

“Okay, I wi….aahhhh, fuck! He… just did before I could say anything. Oh my God, just the head is in me and ooooh, I’m so stretched! Ah God, it’s so big… he’s reached my hymen… he’s going to take my virginity, Mike! Oh God, a black guy is going to take my virginity and I … I don’t even know his name!”

“That is soooo hot!” I laughed. “Tell him to go slow… tell him to…”

“He… ahhh, says he knows what he’s doing… and… ahhhhhhh fuuuuckkk! OWW!”

I heard Jessica scream as the man obviously took her virginity with a quick thrust, the opposite of what I had said to do… but then, after a few seconds, Jessica came back on the line.

“Jesus, that hurt!” she chuckled. “He’s deep in me now, Mike… like… I don’t know much… but I’m so horny… the pain is mostly gone now… I just want all him inside me… it feels so good to be so stretched out... oh fuck… oh fuck… he’s fucking me! Ah christ, it feels so good! Yes! YES!”

I heard a muffled thump as Jessica obviously dropped the phone and I heard the sounds of sex … smoochy kissing, gasps and groans… and, after a minute of two, the sound of flesh slapping hard against flesh…

...and I knew my Jessica had taken every single inch of that big, black cock inside her pussy! I was so hard it hurt, so turned on by the fact my new fiancée was getting black-fucked for the first time… and I made a vow that second to only let her fuck black men from that moment on… and to make her reject even them if their cocks weren’t at least 9 inches in length. My girl was going to be a premium size queen and, from the sounds coming from the other end of the phone connection, she was already loving it!

“Yes! OH FUCK YES!” I could hear through the phone. “Fuck my pussy! HARDER! FUCK YES! YES! YEEEEEEESSS!!!!”

I heard her shouts degenerate into bestial grunts and shrieks as she obviously had her first (of what I hoped and knew would be many) orgasms, the thrusts coming hard, loud and fast into her spasming pussy.

“Turn over, I want to fuck you like a dog,” I heard the stud say and there was some rustling and Jess picked up the phone again.

“Mike? Are you still there? I … oooooooh fffuuuuuucckkk! That is so awesome, aahhhh!” she cooed as the man obviously sunk his cock deep into her cunt. “I… ah… dropped the phone… oooh… earlier. Nnnnmmmm… sorry!”

“It’s okay, honey… I’m so happy you’re cumming all over his cock!”

We kept talking, but Jessica would break it off as she came, forgetting I was there as orgasm after orgasm tore through her body. She sounded increasingly frazzled, but also delighted at the same time. After what seemed like forever, she said, voice blurry: “Urrr… he says… says he wants to cum inside me... “

“YES! Let him, honey! Beg him to cum in your pussy!” I yelped. “Tell him you aren’t on birth control, that you don’t give a FUCK about him knocking you up… that your fiancé WANTS you to have a black baby growing inside you! Do it, honey, PLEASE!”

I heard her plead with him, begging him to knock her up, just like I had said to her. I heard him roar, I heard her scream and I knew his sperm was blasting into her womb at that second. I groaned as I came in my pants without ever having touched myself. It was THAT sexy, that much of a turn on for me, Amy.

Jess: The man came inside me and we both collapsed. I think I must have fallen asleep for a bit, but when I came to, the man was lying beside me, stroking my naked skin. We kissed passionately, a big grin on my face afterwards.

“That was incredible!” I purred. “I can’t believe sex is so much fun!”

“Only with certain folks, I imagine,” he said, laughing. “Certainly you were awesome, girl. Your fiancé is a lucky guy…”

“I think… I think it is black guys with big cocks who are the lucky ones,” I said. “I don’t think Mike wants me to have sex with anyone else… just black guys.”

“Damn, he freaky!” the man chuckled. “But yeah, I’m not complaining!”

“I guess I’d better be going,” I said, sitting up groggily. “I should go call Mike, find out…”

He gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down onto the bed.

“Uh-uh, girl… you ain’t going anywhere…” he said.

“But…” and then I saw his cock was rock hard again. I looked at it, then into his eyes… then grinned.

“I guess Mike can fucking wait…” I laughed and kissed the man again, letting him roll me onto my back and penetrate me with ease. As I came for the umpteenth time that day, I wondered what Mike was doing… then decided I didn’t give a fuck and let the orgasm wash over me.

Mike: Jess did finally call me… eight hours later! They had fucked for 8 solid hours, give or take some time for water and some (naked) lunch. I was in awe of my girl and told her so. She said she was a little stiff and sore now, which was understandable, but said she’d agreed to see him again in a few days, with my permission. I said I’d walk her to the guy’s place any time she wanted, just so long as she fucked him for all he was worth when she was there!

So she went over to Byron’s… oh, you’ve met him, have you? Yes, he works in that store. He was the very first man to fuck your ********. They still fuck regularly, don’t you, honey?”

Jess: Oh, yes, I like to have Byron’s cock in my pussy at least once a week, Mum.

Mike: So yes, anyway, she kept seeing him a couple of times a week… I’d be working or lecturing and I’d know that my little Jess had a huge black cock balls deep inside her at that moment. I did a lot of my work sitting down when I thought about that!

But while this was hot and I’d have been content with that from then on… you should know I’m not a man who settles. I didn’t settle with Jess, she’s the best wife a man could ever ask for and I’m supremely lucky to be even close to her, let alone be her husband… and I wasn’t going to settle. So a few weeks later, I pushed a little more.

“How was today with Byron?” I said, knowing she hadn’t seen him for a few days. By the way she flinched and fidgetted, I knew the ‘itch’ was there and needed scratching - she’d become a whore for that boy’s cock and would do most anything to get it inside her.

“Oh, don’t tease me, Mike,” Jess laughed. “You know he’s been away visiting his folks recently. Just… I didn’t realise I’d actually miss him! I mean, I shouldn’t… but I do… and yes, yes, I miss one particular bit of him most of all…”

“Good to hear, I love that you miss him fucking you,” I said, holding her hand as we lazed on the sofa together, her head resting on my chest.

“But…” she said, looking up at me quizzically.

“Oh, don’t worry… I think you’re really going to like this ‘but’, Jess,” I grinned down at her, giving her a little kiss. “I was just thinking… I don’t want you being… lonely without Byron around so… how about we find you another lover? Another black stud to fuck?”

Her eyebrows raised and her mouth dropped open slightly.

“Really? You’re serious? Wow… I thought you were going to be happy with Byron being my… lover… but you really want me to fuck another guy??”

“Of course,” I said. “And… can I be honest with you, Jess?”

“You’re my fiancé, Mike… you’re meant to be honest with me all the time…” Jess grinned. I could tell the idea of a second lover hadn’t gone down badly…

“When you find your second lover… or when we do, whatever… then find a third… and a fourth… and a fifth…”

“Oh my God…” Jess said.

“I think what I’m saying is… I want you to fuck as many black studs as you want…”

“Oh my… God, that is SO FUCKING COOL!” Jess laughed and kissed me passionately. “I can’t… you must have read my mind because Byron had said the other day that his friend Tyrone had seen me coming out of his room and… well… I didn’t know what to do, to say about that so…”

“Well, that’s good… did you get his number?”

“I… well, yes, Byron gave it to me… just in case…” Jess said.

“I bet your pussy is really wet right now…” I smiled.

“I… yes, it is,” she returned the smile, knowing precisely what I was thinking. “Do… do you think I should call him?”

“Well, obviously…” I laughed. Jess picked her phone off the coffee table and lay back on me, calling Tyrone at the same time.

“Hi, Tyrone? This is Jessica… yes, Byron’s… er, friend. Um… I was thinking… I’ve got this nice house and it is all kinda empty and maybe you could help me… keep me company today, you know?”

It was now I pushed my luck even further.

“Ask him if he’s got any black friends with big dicks who want to come over too…” I hissed.

Jessica looked at me shocked… for a second, I thought I had gone too far… but then she grinned wickedly.

“Oh, you wicked fucker… um, Tyrone, honey? Do you perhaps have some good friends who might want to come take care of me? I’m so lonely… ooooh, wow, yes, they sound fine…. Unnnngh…”

I felt her shiver with excitement at Tyrone’s words.

“....god, yes, come over as quick as you can! I’ll be waiting… please, hurry!”

She hung up and looked at me. I bit my lip, too excited myself at the prospect of what she was going to say.

“Honey… don’t be mad… but…” she said, feigning sweetness and innocence.

“Tyrone said he had five friends who want to meet me… and they all want to meat me together…”

I just groaned. There was just one thing I had to do.

“Let me get my camera… I want to film every second of this!”

Jessica grinned and got up off me.

“Make sure you get a close up of my fucked pussy spewing cum…” she said, impishly.

“You dirty fucking slut…” I laughed.

“Damn right,” she said, sucking her forefinger and grinning at me.

Jess: So there I was, standing in front of my fiancé with SIX black studs racing over to… keep me company. I stood, hands on hips, as Mike scurried off, returning a little while later with a video camera. You know has a hobbyist interest in film and so on, right, Mum? Well, he has quite a few really nice bits of equipment … and this was his chance to use them for his other hobby - being cuckolded (or wanted to be - I was the one who had agreed, who had made his desires a reality).

He said he would film every second of my encounter with the ‘boys’, wanting us to watch it again in the future together, to remind us of this momentous day - my first black gangbang. I was so excited, I could barely think straight. But I still had a little bit of tease left in me as he pointed the camera at me and began filming.

“Hey honey, I’m so happy you agreed to let Tyrone and his friends come over for a … a play date…” I laughed coquettishly. “I hope you’ll have fun watching me get friendly with them…”

I heard him groan and giggled. “Oh, yes, I think you will…”

I slowly shucked off my robe and let it tumble to the floor. I was naked underneath and I knew he was drinking in my nubile, teen body… and the bare patch at my crotch where my pubic hair had one been.

“Oh yes, I got rid of that for Byron,” I said, stroking the smooth mouth. “Makes it easier for his big tongue to lavish me… and all those studs, they’ll like it too, I think…”

I slid a finger down over my clit and eased it into my already soaking wet vagina. I extracted it, covered in my juices and sucked it clean, always with my eyes firmly fixed on the camera lens.

“Oh, honey, my little cunny is all wet… I guess you could say I’m all prepared for my new lovers…”

I did it again, this time dipping two fingers in, swirling them about then dragging them slowly up my body, over my stomach and between my breasts, smearing my fluid up in a line from my pussy.

“So wet… so horny…” I breathed. I couldn’t resist any more and I began to masturbate, stroking my clit and loving the wonderful feelings… but I didn’t want to cum. I wanted to have my first orgasm on the stiff, black rod of Tyrone or one of his friends. So I edged myself closer, denying my orgasm repeatedly until it was all I could do to stop right on the brink of my climax. My chest was heaving, I was hornier than I’d ever been in my life…

“Oh… fuck… honey, I need some big, BLACK cock right now…”

As if by magic, the doorbell rang and I scurried over to answer it. I threw open the door and whimpered as six giant black men stood awaiting me. I looked them all in the eyes, running my gaze over each male muscleman…

“Fuck me…” I merely said.

Mike: I watched as Jess stood silent, chest heaving, in front of the group of black studs, all of which dwarfed my petite fiancée. One then reached out after she’d said those two words and put his big hand between her legs. She never took her eyes off his as he slipped two of his big fingers into her pussy, his thumb rubbing her clit at the same time. She moaned, opening her legs a little more and pushing her groin towards him, the fingers sliding in and out easily. I knew she was close to cumming - she’d been edging herself so much before they came, after all - but so did the man.

“On your fucking knees, whore,” he said, removing his fingers just before she had reached the point of no return. She gasped and squeaked, desperate for release, but did as she was told.

“Face the white boy,” the same man said, his friends moving into my house around him, the door shutting behind them. I focused the camera on Jess’s face as she looked at me, so horny and excited she was almost drooling. I heard the zip and looked away from the camera, keeping it focused on Jess, and saw the gigantic black phallus emerge from its prison. I judged that it must have been 12 inches in length and thicker than a soft drink can. It was an incredible sight and, what’s more, it would look even more incredible soaked in Jess’s cunt juices after having fucked her to multiple orgasms…

...the man slapped Jess on the ass, once, twice, three times then - without any preamble or warning, roughly shoved half of his cock into my girl. She screamed as the monster cock split her open, but the man wasn’t done. In fact, he had barely started. Thrust after thrust took him deeper into her hole as she stretched to accommodate him and, to my delight, it wasn’t long before every inch was buried in her hole. She hadn’t cum yet, but she was so, so close, her eyes bleary and lust-glazed.

“Please… I want to cum… goddamnit, I neeeeed to cum,” she whimpered, but the man held himself perfectly still inside her.

“What are you?”

Jess looked confused for a second, but then realised what the man wanted. He wanted me to see his girl say the words I longed to hear…

“I’m a black cock slut,” she grinned. “I… I’m black cock only… I’ll never fuck a white guy ever again in my life…”

“Good girl…”

“...and all my children will be black… and I won’t know who the fucking father is…” she continued, unexpectedly. “I just want your cum… all of you guys to cum in my womb… I want to get knocked up by you, you fucking hung studs!”

“Fucking whore,” the man inside her laughed and, again without warning, began to fuck my Jess. And then, at last, she came like a demon, screaming and clubbing the floor with her fists, muscles all through her body clearly spasming and contracting as the brutal climax tore her up.

The man fucked her brutally, sliding nearly his whole cock out of her before hammering it back home with each stroke, hard and long and fast, her slim, petite frame shuddering with pleasure at each ruthless push of his phallus. I could only imagine what she was feeling as the man made her cum again and again… and there were still five other black studs to go!

Without warning the man roared, slamming every inch of his cock into Jess’s quivering body, making short, stabbing motions with his hips, inch-in and inch-out thrusts that told me he was cumming right up against her cervix, his sperm flooding her womb. I literally groaned at how erotic this was, watching… no, FILMING my fiancée on her knees with a nameless black stud pouring semen into her unprotected uterus.

“Ah fuck!” the man growled, almost ripping his gigantic, still-hard cock out of Jess’s gaping cunt. “Yeah, white boy, how you like yo’ girl being bred like that, huh?”

“I fucking love it!” I shouted, enthusiastically. “I just have one question…”

“What’s that, wimp?”

“Why the fuck isn’t someone fucking her up some more?” I said.

“I got that shit, cuck!” a second man yelled and moved behind Jess. Before she could do anything, all 12 inches of his massive black dick had been slammed up into her stretched hole, eliciting a scream of surprise and pleasure. I watched with renewed awe as she took the cock like a champ, cumming multiple times before the stud emptied his balls into her.

Over and over this happened, all six men running a train on my slut fiancée… until she was left to collapse on the floor in a pool of sperm, sweat and vaginal juice. She was barely conscious, but I could see her face was content - she was well and truly satisfied.

Of course, this session had just woken the bear inside Jess…

Jess: ...yes, I’d had my first gang-bang and I wasn’t going to stop there. After I’d recovered enough to shower and put on a dressing gown, I returned downstairs to Mike.

“That was… completely incredible,” I said. “I thought sex with Byron was good, but wow… they fucked so hard and so deep… and so often! Six cocks… damn, I really am a slut now!”

“Nothing wrong with that,” Mike said. “I’ve always thought women should be slutty - I mean, you have those amazing bodies that so much pleasure is just … your right… right? Why not let yourself experience that? And as black dicks are the best…”

“Oh yes, I think they are!” I laughed. “I don’t know what white boys are like… but they can’t be as good as that!”

So we talked and talked about the future until it was time for me to go home. We talked about how I was surely pregnant and I was so excited to find out if I was…

...but I wasn’t. I couldn’t understand it. SIX men had cum inside me, not including all the times Byron had soaked my womb with sperm… and yet no baby? I was furious, but also worried. What if I couldn’t have kids? I realised now I desperately wanted a black baby… but the doctor said it was something to do with my system… I could conceive, but the chances were very slim. There was nothing inherently wrong… just that, for science-y reasons, I’d have to be lucky to have children…

So what did my darling Mike say to that? Exactly - the only way to increase the chances was to fuck as many black men as possible! Mike made it his mission to get me pregnant, organising gang-fuck after gang-fuck for me, always with at least 3 and sometimes up to 9 or 10 black studs! I discovered that I loved the bigger numbers best - there’s always something intimate about being one-on-one… but there’s something ridiculously hot about knowing you alone are taking on so many men, satisfying them and being sooooo satisfied yourself.

But the babies didn’t stick… I was quite happy to keep trying, of course, but I was disappointed not to be ‘with child’ after having fifty or so men cream my insides over the weeks and months since my first gang-bang. Again, Mike surprised me - he said he had a radical idea…

Mike: ...which was for her not to have sex. For weeks I denied her, telling her black male ‘colleagues’ to refuse her advances - and she made a lot of them, for which I was secretly very proud - until my plan could come to fruition. So as we walked down the aisle, wedded and pledged and bonded together forever, I knew little Jess was a boiling mass of sexual energy and frustration. I kept dropping hints about black studs being inside her, getting them to text her before the service about how they wanted to fuck her so bad, but I was denying them… I could see it in her every move that she was desperate to let it all out, to fuck like she’d never fucked…

...and when I carried her over the threshold into the honeymoon suite, I gave her the chance to do that. I saw the pure joy in her face when she was that every single one of those men - all fifty or so of them - was waiting for her.

Naked. Cocks ready. Balls swimming with unspent sperm. Every one of them wanting to be the man who knocked my wife up…

Jess: I spent the whole honeymoon getting black-fucked, Mum. I couldn’t walk by the end of it - they had to take me out of there in a wheelchair! But…

Mike: Tell her, honey…

Jess: …it worked. I’m pregnant, Mum. You’re going to be a grandmother! To twins! Can you believe it? I’m not showing yet, but I will be very soon, I’m sure. I’m so excited… and… Mum, I want you to know something…

Mike: ...this is the best bit, Amy…

Jess: …I want to be a sister… Mum, I’m going to make it my mission to make sure YOU get knocked up too!
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