Author's Note - This is HEAVILY inspired by a story written by the prolific and imaginate RLM! It was called 'A Cold Wife and a Hot ********' and be found here:********.12884/. I liked it a lot so decided to rewrite it using my own personal kinks. This one will feature a lot more black men, for example!

For Amy Cranshaw, the world changed a year ago today. It was the day her 18-year-old ********, a sweet young thing who was all innocence, light and rose petals, met Mike Staley. He was 33, much older than Amy would have liked for her only ********, the one thing in her life that was pure, unspoiled. Something untainted by the world - by her own puritanical upbringing, by the sordid cesspit of modern society … young Jessica seemed to rise above it all, never getting into trouble at school or falling in with the wrong crowd. She was innocent yet seemingly incapable of making naive decisions regarding those she came into contact with.

All this changed with Mike, though at first things - other than the age difference - seemed perfectly fine to Amy. He was the perfect gentlemen, always obeying any restrictions Amy and her husband, Randall, placed on their dating. It was absurd, perhaps, for them to insist on such things as curfews. Jessica was 18, she could do what she wanted - but both her and Mike went along with everything they demanded without a question.

The changes manifested themselves slowly, though looking back now, Amy could see that the signs for what her ******** was becoming were there for her to see. She became distracted, always on mobile devices or her computer. She had always been interested in technology and loved games, so she’d always had a very good computer and internet connection to go with it. The toxicity of the online world didn’t touch her either… but now she was spending more and more time alone in her room when she wasn’t with Mike.

She began to take more interest in her appearance, dressing more fashionably and, over time, more revealingly than ever before. Amy put this down to her just growing into her womanhood, the relationship with the older man allowing to feel like one maybe for the first time. She wasn’t a girl now, she was a woman and Amy forced herself to accept that. Even so, numerous incidents suggested something more, though Amy didn’t put the dots together back then. Once, she spotted Jessica and her boyfriend in the lingerie section of a local fashion retailer, examining bits of clothing Amy would have never have imagined her (or herself) wearing. She said nothing later, at home. It was, again, her prerogative and Amy wasn’t naive enough to think that the relationship wouldn’t become physical, even though Jessica had said previously that she would prefer to wait until she was married before sex became part of her life.

There were other signs too - Jessica was never scholastically gifted, but she was very talented artistically, so her parents indulged her as much as they could with getting her into art school, buying her relevant software and stuff like that, setting up a studio in their garage for her to work on her own. Her work was always striking, but after meeting Mike it became even more so. Gradually, the paintings and images that Amy saw her child produce became increasingly suggestive. Her subjects became wilder in their poses, more entwined, less inhibited by clothing, suggestive of a change of attitude in Jessica.

But it was the tattoo that really should have given it away.

A few months after meeting Mike, Jessica had begun to stay with him for longer periods, staying over with him on occasion. Amy grumbled internally, but couldn’t do much to stop her ********. She was in love, who was she to get in the way of that? Besides, Mike was charming, handsome and well off. Respectul to Amy and Randall, besotted with Jessica as far as Amy could see - there was nothing obvious to complain about. Jessica also insisted she was saving herself for marriage, something Amy had the feeling wasn’t too far away. She felt a mixture of sadness and joy, not wanting to lose the girl she had raised, but also happy she had perhaps found her life partner.

The shower was running, but Amy was in a world of her own, domestic duties causing her to enter the bathroom without thinking.

“Ahhh, what are you doing?” her naked ******** screamed at the sight of Amy. Quickly, she grabbed the towel hanging on the rail and covered herself, but not before Amy noticed two things that should have run alarm bells, but in her surprise she barely registered. The first was that Jessica’s groin was completely shaved, not a hair to be seen. Second, just above her pubic mound, was a tattoo - a jet black symbol from a playing card, a large spade symbol inked carefully on her naked white skin.

Apologising profusely, Amy backed out hastily, leaving a flustered ******** behind. If Amy had been more clued into the world and not the wife of a conservative businessman and ******** of a vicar, sheltered from so many things by her routine life and strict upbringing, she might have noticed the symbol for what it was. It might have made her future very different indeed… but she didn’t recognise the Queen of Spades symbol for what it was and what it represented.

As Amy had predicted, Jessica and Mike had got married soon after, a whirlwind affair that had Amy feeling slightly disappointed - she’d always envisaged a huge church wedding, all the trimmings and fanciness, but the two lovers had rejected this, preferring to get things done quickly so they could be together. Three months ago, Jessica finally moved in with her new husband, though she maintained the art studio in her parents house.

And so we move to the here and now. For three months, the new couple lived in apparent harmony. Amy and Mike went over to have dinner with them and they reciprocated. All was well… until today.

The doorbell rang, disturbing Amy as she sat listening to classical music in the lounge, a glass of wine in her hand. She indulged occasionally, her one vice, relaxing her after all the chores had been completed. She unlatched the front door and opened it to reveal her son-in-law, Mike, standing on the doorstep.

“Mike.. you look shaken… what’s wrong?”

“I… can I come in?” he said. Amy began to feel very worried.

“Of course, please, I’ll fix you a drink, you look like you need it!”

Mike sat in the kitchen, nursing the brandy Amy had supplied.

“Amy… I need to tell someone about this… about… about Jess,” he said, swirling the potent liquid about in the glass.

“Oh… what’s happened? Is she alright?” Amy felt her heart skip a beat.

“No… I mean, yes, she’s fine, just…”

“Mike, you are ****** now, you can tell me. Please, I can help,” Amy said.

“God, this is so hard to say… I… I came home early yesterday from work to surprise her. I thought we could go out for dinner, have a nice night, make lo… er, be romantic.”

Amy smiled as Mike blushed.

“I understand,” she said, placing a hand on his to steady it. “Tell me what happened.”

“Well, I got home with flowers and everything… and she didn’t answer the door. I used my key and went into the house. I was about to call out when I heard something, like a cry or scream from upstairs. I heard it again and then again, like someone was repeatedly yelling out. Something told me not to rush - Jess could have been in danger and I needed to make sure I didn’t make things worse by announcing my presence. Maybe if I had done... “

Mike sighed. “...anyway, I crept up the stairs and the shouting got louder and louder… but it wasn’t pain or anything. It was someone - a woman - shouting out in… sorry, this is embarrassing… shouting out in… in ecstasy.”

Amy’s eyebrows shot up and her mouth dropped open slightly. Mike continued.

“I tiptoed forward and saw the door to our bedroom was open just a little. I stopped short when I saw what was happening inside, in our marital bed… the bed I… oh God, it was Jessica and she was… she was…… she was FUCKING another man in my bed!”

As he said it, the glass slipped through his fingers, hitting the table and rolling off onto the tiled floor, smashing into pieces as Amy sat, completely and utterly flabbergasted, the only sounds the dripping of the spilled brandy and the sobbing of Amy’s son-in-law.

“Wha… no… you must be mistaken, Jessica wouldn’t…”

“She would!” Mike yelled, further startling Amy. “She had her legs up in the air, spread wide and this big, hulking brute … SLAMMING into her. She was screaming over and over about how good he was, how amazing his COCK was inside her… about how she wanted him to CUM inside her and make her… make her fucking PREGNANT!”

Amy yelped and fled the room. This was all too much to take, the image of her perfect ******** as shattered as the brandy glass. She paced the corridor, no idea what to do next. Turning, she saw Mike in the corridor, tears down his face.

“I… I needed to tell someone, I’m sorry… I got overwhelmed…”

“No, no…” Amy said and instinctively she reached for him, taking him into her arms and hugging him tight to comfort him… to comfort herself in this appalling moment.

“What can we do?” she whispered, clutching him tight.

“I need your help, Amy… and so does Jess.”

“Anything…” she said and followed him back into the kitchen. He spoke as she swept up the shards of glass.

“I need you to … chaperon her. I want you to stay with her when I go to work, to convince her not to do this again. I can’t say why she did this to me, I never expected it… but I think… she’s a good woman, a good person… if anyone can get her to see this as a mistake, it’d be her mother. Do you think you could do this?”

“I… yes, I will do everything I can to make your marriage better,” Amy said. So the very next day, she found herself standing outside her ********’s new house, completely unprepared for discussing her adultery and saving her fledgling marriage. How had this happened? Why had it happened? Jessica was so kind and innocent… she’d seemed so in love… why had she done this? And so soon after getting married!

It was crazy. Amy didn’t understand it at all… but she had to do something. She just didn’t know what.

“Hey, Mum,” Jessica said as she answered the door. “Good to see you, come in!”

“Um… you know why I’m here, Jess?”

“Yes, yes, I talked to Mike last night,” she smiled. “We can talk inside, don’t stand out there in the cold.”

Amy followed her ********, who was wearing a strappy top, hot pants and big, fluffy bunny slippers, a vision of casual ease in the home. Amy felt a pang of jealousy that, even with no effort at all, her ******** still look beautiful. Natural beauty, something she wished she had at her age.

“So… you are supposed to stop me fucking Byron then?” Jessica said, plonking herself down on the sofa, bare legs stretched out in front of her, one foot crossed over the other.

“Um… I don’t feel comfortable with that language, honey,” Amy said. “And I think this situation is more serious than you seem to think. You could get divorced, dear! He is perfectly entitled to leave you for this… this sinful act.”

“Sex isn’t sinful, mother,” Jessica said. “I know that now, perhaps better than I know anything else in the world. It is wonderful and beautiful and amazing and eye-rollingly fucking awesome!”

Amy frowned again at the profanity.

“Once I discovered how good sex was, I couldn’t… can’t… won’t stop having sex, mother. I want to have sex with as many people as I can, as often as I can… and in all configurations possible! It is just… I’m like a new person now! I feel… so happy!”

“My God, listen to yourself, Jessica!” Amy reeled back in horror. “You… you’re not this person, you’re not a … a …”

“A slut? Actually, yeah, I think I am! It’s great! But… hmm, okay, I tell you what. I promise to never cheat on Mike while you chaperon me. That’s what Mike said he wants you to do, so I’ll go along with that. I won’t cheat on Mike as long as you do one thing for me…”

“I don’t like the sound of that, but go on…” Amy replied, nervously.

“Just this - if I ask you a question, you answer with complete honesty. Okay? You do that, I won’t cheat.”

“Well, I can’t see how that’s difficult, so okay, I promise to that if you swear you won’t cheat on your husband.”

“Done,” Jess grinned. “So, first question…”

“Hang on, how long is this going to go on for?”

“Forever, Mum,” Jess laughed. “Either that or I get into bed with Byron again later today…”

“Damn it, Jessica… okay, ask… but this is ridiculous…”

“Okay… when’s the last time you fucked ***?”

“Jessica! How dare you... ask something else, please. I don’t want to answer that…”

Jessica’s grin was wolfish, sensing the weakness of her prey. She pressed on.

“Ah, you promised, Mum… or I’ll have to cheat. A deal’s a deal…”

Amy squirmed in her seat. She really, REALLY didn’t want to answer this question.

“Um... Jessica, please…”

Jessica just stared at her, gaze unwavering.

“Oh, damn you… okay, I’ve not had sex with your father… I’ve not had sex for 10 years.”

It was Jessica’s turn to look staggered.

“T… ten years? Are you serious? Oh my God, Mum, I’m so, so sorry. Why not?”

“He… he’s busy and I’m not as young as I used to be and, well, you know. Things happen and life just moves on.”

“But ten years? Jeez… okay… when’s the last time you had an orgasm through sex?”

Amy’s cheeks flushed, her head dropping so she was looking at the floor.


“Mum… this is… it’s so wrong. I… how about masturbation? You must play with yourself, right? Make yourself cum that way?”

“I… no, I don’t, it is … you know the way I was brought up, the church and everything. It isn’t right to do that stuff like that…”

“Oh God…” Jessica gasped. “That’s just not healthy, Mum. You need to release yourself every so often.”

“I… I know, I guess, but I can’t do it when I feel like it is morally wrong.”

“Okay, well… we’ll deal with that later… do you WANT to have sex with ***?”

“Yes, of course, he’s my husband...”

A little flicker of the eyes gave her away.

“Truth, Mum…”

“Okay, I… want to have sex… but your ***… he’s not so… um, attractive anymore. But then, neither am I… I guess we deserve each other!”

“Are you kidding me? Do you know how many people have said to me that they think your hot and how lucky I am to have such a sexy mother?”

Amy shook her head.

“Now who isn’t telling the truth…”

“Oh, you don’t believe me?” Jessica chuckled. “Remember Tommy Brown? That kid from down the road? He used to spy on you when you sunbathed in the yard. I caught him looking at you through a hole in the fence and he was jacking himself off! That’s the effect you have on people, Mum!”

“What? Tommy? Oh my God… but he was a boy, boys do stupid things and aren’t exactly…”

“That guy who was fucking me? Byron? I showed him a picture of you and he said he wanted to meet you… and that he wanted to do to you what he was doing to me!”

“What?” Amy gasped. “No… you… really?”

Amy felt something twinge inside her, like a little door had been unlocked in her mind. Men DID find her desirable? She found it unbelievable, she was just a middle aged woman, a frumpy housewife…

“Okay, I’ll prove it to you!” Jessica was saying. “Beyond all doubt. We’re going to go out today and buy some hot clothes for both of us. Then you’re going to wear those clothes in … hmm, I’ll think about the place, but then you’ll see - all eyes will be on you and, if you want, other things too…”

“Good Lord… no, I don’t think I could do that…”

“Nonsense, Mum, come on, get your keys… we’re going shopping!”


“I can’t possibly wear this!” Amy said, holding up the skimpy garment. “I’d look like a tramp!”

“You are so out of touch, Mum! Just try it on for me… and all these,” Jessica said, dumping a load of fashionable dresses and clothes into her mother’s arms. “Come on, we haven’t got all day!”

“You’re much bossier than you used to be, dear,” Amy remarked as she stepped towards the changing rooms.

“When something is this important, I need to take action…” she said. Amy just shrugged and pulled the curtain closed.

“God, what am I doing?” she thought as she slipped the dress on. “I can’t wear this. I’ve NEVER worn anything like this. A cardigan and some jeans, that’s my ‘cool’ look. This… you can see half of my thighs and the split down the side… Jessica is crazy to think I’ll wear this out in public!”

But when she stepped back out, she saw the look her ******** gave her. It looked genuine, like she truly thought her mother was a “hot little number that men would die for”. Blushing, she tried on all the clothes, finally selecting about half of them to purchase. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, but for the first time in countless years, she felt… good about herself. If anything was coming out of this whole sordid affair, she was pleased about that one thing.

“Okay, wonderful, we’ve got your wardrobe sorted out for a while, now we need to test what I said, a practical test,” Jessica was saying as they drove back to her home.

“Are you sure… I mean, I’ll just take your word for it…”

“No, you need to have it proved, mother,” Jessica said, adamantly. “Otherwise you’ll just go back to being timid and having no confidence. I don’t want that and… well, it is important. So, tomorrow you’ll come over in the morning after Mike’s gone to work and we’ll get you all dolled up and ready to stiffen some dicks!”

“Oh God…” Amy groaned. Despite her protestations, she turned up at Jessica’s house the next day and she couldn’t deny that whatever Jessica was planning to do was exciting her. She felt more alive than she’d been for a long time, butterflies in the stomach and hands trembling slightly as she changed into the side-split dress and high heel combo.

“Mmm, looking good, Mum!” Jessica said, running her eyes up and down her mother’s body as she stepped out. For her part, Jessica was wearing a scandalously short skirt, a halter top that was barely classifiable as clothing, stockings and heels.

“Do you want to put some clothes on, dear?” Amy said sarcastically.

“I’m already overdressed, Mum,” she winked. “Come on, let’s go anyway before you chicken out.”

“So where exactly are we going?” Amy said as they found a place to park in town.

“First we’ll just wander round a bit, see if you catch the eye of any hot studs,” Jessica said. “Then we’ll get some lunch in a pub and then… the sex shop.”

“What? There’s a sex shop here? I didn’t even know,” Amy said, wide-eyed.

“Well, if you don’t have sex, why would you know about it? But trust me, that’s going to change,” Jessica grinned mysteriously.

The girls walked around town, flitting in and out of various shops. Amy kept her head down mostly, but her ******** was so different - she met the eye of any vaguely handsome man, openly flirting with men working in shops and stalls… and, most troublingly for Amy, she even flirted with some of the women too.

“Why did you flirt with that checkout girl? What’s going on? Are you just trying to make me as uncomfortable as possible here?” Amy hissed as they left a pharmacy.

“What? Oh, you remember what I said yesterday about sex, about how I wanted to fuck as many people as possible? That includes girls, Mum. It’s just something cool to experience, to make love to someone who maybe understands your body more than a man could… plus some girls are so fucking hot… like you.”

“You can’t talk about your own mother like that, Jess! This is crazy, I can’t believe how you are acting…”

“Ah, I have the feeling you’ll be like this soon, mother,” Jessica said, eliciting a firm shake of the head from Amy. “I mean, I must have got this from someone. It just needed someone to bring it out…”

“Nobody’s going to bring that sort of thing out of me!”

“Well… what do you think I’m doing, hmm?” Jess grinned. Before Amy could respond, Jess pointed at a couple of men standing outside the pub they were heading towards. They were burly builder types, not the sort of men Amy would have gravitated towards at all… but Jess was dragging her mother towards them.

“They look pretty hot, Mum, let’s talk to them,” she said.

“No, I don’t… Jess, please…” Amy said, nervously.

“Hey, guys, how you doing?” Jess said. The men hadn’t spotted them until that moment, but now that they had seen the two women, they stood up straighter, clearly intrigued by the sudden appearance of two ladies dressed provocatively.

“Uh, hi, yeah…” one said.

“Can I ask you a question?” Jess said, not waiting for a response. “Do you think my Mum here looks hot in this dress?”

“Jess!” Amy blanched.

“Do you? I think she looks so sexy, don’t you?”

Amy squirmed as the men cast their eyes up and down her body, both nodding appreciatively.

“Yeah, she’s very attractive,” one said. It was clear the men weren’t sure how to act in this situation. Amy didn’t blame them.

“She keeps saying that no men would want to fuck her. Can you believe that? Look at her. I’m her ******** and I want to fuck her, so if men didn’t, that would be weird, right?”

“Oh my God…” Amy said, not believing what her ******** was saying.

“Oh boys, I can see you liked that idea, huh? Me and my Mummy getting naked and licking each other’s pussies… while you stroked those dicks of yours… maybe you could both fuck us while we ate each other out… that would be pretty hot…”

Amy was mortified, the men bemused by what was happening… but as Amy looked down, she could see what Jess had - that they were obviously sporting painfully constricted erections, their pants bulging as Jessica continued to tease them.

“But of course, we only fuck guys with big, big cocks, don’t we, Mum? Like biiiig… 8 or 9 inch minimum for me! I’m not sure you guys have what it takes to satisfy me, so I guess we’ll see you later! But thanks for saying my Mum is hot!”

With that, Jess pulled her mother away by the hand, leaving the two men looking at each other in shock. Jess pulled her mother round the corner and burst into laughter.

“Oh… oh dear… I love teasing men like that, especially when they have such small dicks!”

“Small? Those bulges looked pretty big to me!” Amy said, confused.

“Big? Are you kidding me? Oh Mum, you need to get laid more… or at all. You could barely see those erections… I want a man with a cock that stretches down towards his knee, that’s the king of big I’m talking about.”

“Good God…” was all Amy could say. Her ******** was insane. No man could have a penis like that… and yet she had been with this Byron person… and if she said she wanted men like that…

“Come on, time to go to the sex shop,” Jess grinned happily, tugging her mother by the hand once again. It was a seedy location on the far side of the town, tucked away in a back street away from prying eyes. The innocent Amy’s eyes bulged at what was stacked on all the shelves - a bewildering array of sex toys, dildos, adult movies and so on. The interior was surprisingly well lit and maintained, a set of curtains at the back with a sign saying “Private” over them set to the side of a counter, a young, handsome man with very dark, chocolate-coloured skin standing behind it reading a book. He looked up as they approached.

“Hey Jess,” he said. “And… mmm, hello there, ma’am. Are you… are you related?”

“Hey Byron,” Jess said, chirpily. “Yeah, this is my darling mother, Amy Cranshaw. Say hello, Mum, this is Byron… you know, the one Mike caught me fucking…”

Amy stood there like a statue, not knowing what to do. THIS was Byron? She’d not expected him to be black.

“You’re black,” she said, before realising what she was doing.

“All of him is, pretty much,” Jessica giggled.

“Yep, I guess I am,” he replied.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean, I just didn’t expect…”

“ to fuck a black guy? I told you I liked massive cocks, Mum, so naturally I fuck black guys…”

“Well, I’m pleased to meet you anyway, Mrs Cranshaw. What can I do for you today?”

“My mum has been told to keep from fucking you, Byron,” Jessica stated bluntly, “but it turns out she’s not had sex for over 10 years! And then she said she’d not orgasmed for ages either! So… that’s what we are here for. I want to buy her a dildo and a vibrator.”

“Jess! No, I’m sorry, but…”

“Shut up, mother. I’m not going to be able to sleep at night while I know you are suffering like that. Buy it for me, use it on yourself and make yourself cum and I’ll feel happy. I don’t want you to be this sexless blob… don’t waste your life, mother. Take some pleasure out of it…”


“Here, hold this,” Jess said, handing her mother a jet black plastic phallus she had grabbed off the shelf. “Look at this and imagine yourself masturbating with it inside you… I know it is a small one, but we all have to start somewhere. Think of how good you’ll feel when you cum all over it…”

“Jess…… no…. I can’t….”

“I can see it in your eyes, mother. You said you’d tell me the truth when I asked you questions. Are you saying you look at this and don’t even feel a teensy bit curious about how it’ll feel inside you, how good the orgasms you’ll have will be?”

“I… I…” Amy stammered, trying to say the word no… but she couldn’t. It would be a lie and she’d promised the truth. She DID wonder about that sort of thing. Who wouldn’t? “Okay, I am thinking about it a little…”

Jessica’s right eyebrow raised a little.

“Okay… a lot,” Amy admitted, feeling the growing wetness between her legs. “But we don’t need to spend money, I can just… use my fingers…”

“No, I want you to feel something hard and stiff inside you, Mum,” Jess said. “It’s important… please, trust me.”

“Ugh, okay…”

“Great!” Jessica smiled, grabbing the dildo and handing it to Byron.

“Wait, that one?” Amy blurted.

“What’s wrong with… is it because it is black?” Jess laughed.

“No, no… um… I mean…”

“This is the one you are getting, mother,” Jess said. “Don’t be so silly, colour doesn’t matter…”

She winked at Byron and flashed her payment card at the machine to confirm the purchase.

“Right, you want to try it in the back here or…?”

“What? Here? No, I… is that what that curtained bit is then? For customers who… oh dear.”

“Yeah, it so cool, you can go in there and start doing stuff and then you get so hot because all these pervs are watching through cameras. It is really sex, Mum, you should try it. It would prove beyond all doubt that you’re desirable to people… go on, you should do it!”

Amy felt the wetness between her legs, holding the stiff plastic cock in her hands, eyes fixed on it before flicking back and forth at the curtain. She should hand it back and get out of here… this was wrong, so wrong… people looking at her touching herself, sticking this thing into herself…

Her pussy spasmed suddenly and she involuntarily pressed her thighs together, her clit throbbing and sensitive as her underwear rubbed against it. She let out a small gasp as a rush of unexpected pleasure flowed out from her groin.

“God… I’ll do it…” she said before she could think about what she was saying. Jessica took the initiative, ushering her into the room and, like a mannequin, Amy just stood there, breathing heavily as her ******** undressed her. She realised she was standing naked in front of Jess now, nipples like bullets, her chest heaving, her pussy soaking wet… and she was clutching a 7-inch dildo.

“Go for it, Mum… pleasure yourself… you deserve it,” Jess said, shutting the curtain and leaving Amy on her own. She looked up and around the small room. One of the walls was just a mirror and she thought that it was probable people were looking at her from the other side. The thought sent a thrill through her whole body and she moaned. She’d not been this turned on since… she couldn’t actually remember ever being so… so hot. She gazed down at her body, at her throbbing, erect clitoris, feeling the squishy mess her pussy had become. Without thinking any more, she dragged the head of the dildo up along her drenched slit, up and over her clit.

She came the instant the dildo touched it. It wasn’t a full-blown orgasm, but still made her knees go weak and elicited a deep groan of pleasure. She felt like her body was on fire, desperate for a fuller release, so again, without stopping to think, she slid the dildo into her gushing cunt, gasping again as it stretched her. Jess had said it was a small one, but it was still easily the biggest thing she’d ever taken into her pussy before. Her cunt took it easily, it was hungry for something to fill it. She moaned as she slid the object in and out slowly, feeling a deep, powerful building of pressure inside her, a powerful orgasm ready to explode.

She thought about the events of the day, of the men she’d seen. None tickled her fancy really… until she thought about Byron. Her mind made the leap to picturing her ******** underneath him, pressing her down into the bed, cock hammering into her stretched pussy, her face a picture of orgasmic bliss…

...the orgasm was so powerful her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her body trembled uncontrollably and she sank to the floor, the dildo slipping out of her hands and her mind going blank for a few seconds. When she came round, she grabbed the dildo and shoved it hard back into her body, thrusting it powerfully as deep as she could, screaming as the incredible pleasure coursed through her body. When it subsided, she collapsed onto the tiled floor, all energy drained from her, her body twitching with post-orgasmic bursts, breath ragged.

“Fuck, that was incredible!” Jess said from the open entrance, the curtain fully pulled back. Amy saw Byron behind her ********, one hand clearly grabbing her ass, but behind him were a handful of men, greedily eyeing up her naked body, hands stuffed into their pants, fondling themselves. The Amy of a few hours ago would have recoiled in horror, but in her blissful state, she smiled at the effect she was having on these strangers. She sighed contentedly, looking down at the dildo.

At her new best friend.

End of Chapter 1
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