Amy Cranshaw woke up naked on the floor of her ********’s kitchen, body stiff and unyielding. Despite her ********’s protestations, she did sometimes feel she was getting too old… but she hadn’t felt like that when Mr Banks had touched her clit, sparking an orgasm inside her so powerful it had knocked her unconscious. She had to be pleased she was capable of such an explosion of pleasure and she could still feel the after effects even now. She felt, while stiff and aching… pretty good inside.

But she had done the right thing. She had had the chance to have sex with that man, to feel that enormous cock stretching her and filling her up completely… but she’d remained true to her vows… why did that feel, at that moment, like it sucked major ass?

“Ah, you’re awake,” Jessica said, entering the kitchen. She herself was still naked, sporting a wickedly satisfied grin. Amy remembered what she had heard just before she had passed out.

“Jess… did you cheat on Mike again?”

“Yep,” she said. “Four times actually. God, I love black men, they’re such stallions!”

“I can’t believe you did that… wait, FOUR times?”

“Yeah, Mr Banks just left about 10 minutes ago. Even after four climaxes, he was still rock hard, can you believe it? I bet Daddy doesn’t even hard to start with, does he?”

Amy blushed, looking away.

“...but then you wouldn’t know, having not fucked him for so long.”

“Okay, okay… can we drop that particular topic now?”

“Well, kinda no, because I want you to feel what I feel, Mum,” Jessica said, moving to the sink to fill up some glasses with water. “I came like you did just then while Mr Banks was fucking my pussy upstairs… in my marital bed, which always makes it hotter when there’s like a strange guy pounding me, mmmmmm…. Anyway, I came like that more than once, over and over again… I want you to have that, Mum, because I love you and care about you and think it is a fucking shame you don’t feel it too.”

“Yes, but we’re married…” Amy said, shaking her head and holding up her left hand. “This ring should mean something…”

“It does… it means I’m sharing stuff with this one guy, but so what if I want to share my body with other guys too… and gals…”

Amy blushed again.

“Ooooh, the mention of gals there… interesting… I’ll keep that in mind…”

“Jessica, please… this is serious,” Amy said. “I don’t know what I need to do to make you stick to your vows… but I’ll do it. I need to keep your marriage intact.”

“Okay… if you fuck Mr Banks, I’ll stop fucking him. Deal?”

“What? No… that’s... that can’t be how this works,” Amy squawked.

“Ah, but you do want to fuck him, I know you do… and he has his needs, I have my needs… you have your needs… if you won’t satisfy his, I’ll have to…”

“There must be another way, you’re just teasing me… I know you, Jess, you’re a good girl. You won’t make your mother break her vows… you know how religious your grandparents are, they’d disown me for sure if they found out I was doing that!”

“Maybe grandma would join in and fuck the black stud with you,” Jessica grinned. Amy was appalled and speechless.

“No… she…”

But Amy couldn’t say that would never happen, because of what had indeed happened many years ago. When Amy had been a teenager, her parents had nearly split up because of her mother, Charlotte. She had been having a torrid affair with a local businessman… and Amy remembered that he too had been black. In fact, while Amy had been shielded from the brunt of the sordid details, she had heard that Mr Mbengwi wasn’t the only man her mother had been seeing on the side… so if she were presented with the chance to stray again....

“No, she wouldn’t,” Amy lied. “She’s very serious about her vows… as am I.”

“So serious you came when he just touched your clit with his cock? Why didn’t you stop him? You just stood there, pussy at the ready… you wanted it inside you, didn’t you? You wanted him to force you to fuck him, to take the responsibility away from yourself. That way you could rationalise it that he’d ***** you, it wasn’t your fault… when deep down… hell, not even deep down, you KNOW you want to fuck him…”

Jessica stepped closer to her mother.

“...and you are afraid that if you fuck one guy, you’ll start fucking more!”

Amy turned away, but the truth was out there. She knew it, Jessica definitely knew it. She didn’t even deny it.

“And you know… it is true, mother. Once you go black, you’ll never go back… and you’ll be fucking black for the rest of your life… just like me.”

“You won’t… you’re married to Mike…”

“Fuck Mike… well, not literally… but you know what I mean,” Jess snarled. “He doesn’t stretch me out like a black man does, he doesn’t give me toe-curling, eye-rolling orgasms ten times a session… he doesn’t get to fuck me without a condom. He doesn’t get to fuck me. Period. I only fuck black men, mother. I only fuck black men… and you will too, once you get over this ridiculous marriage vows shit.”

“It isn’t… oh, what’s the point? Maybe I should just let you be with these other men… you aren’t going to listen to me…” Amy huffed. She turned away and started to head for the door, her clothes still neatly placed in a pile next to the sun lounger.

“Wait…” Jessica said, urgently. “Just… okay, I’ll make you a deal. If in a week you don’t want to fuck Mr Banks… I’ll remain faithful to Mike. Deal?”

Amy turned back around, one eyebrow raised. As far she could tell, her ******** was being genuine, looking more earnest than she had at any point in the past few days.

“Okay… but you know I won’t do it, right?” Amy said. “I proved I was too strong for you today, my… lapse earlier notwithstanding. I do appreciate your efforts to make me feel… sexier and more comfortable with myself… but that’s just it for me. I will never cheat on your father.”

Jessica smiled. “Well, that’ll be that then. A week, mother… if you’ve cheated on him by then, the deal’s off and I’m going… you know what I’ll do.”

“Right. Let me get my clothes… I’ll be back tomorrow to make sure you’re sticking to your promise.”

“Of course…” Jessica said, tapping her chin with her forefinger, looking out the window, clearly deep in thought. Amy shrugged and left.


Amy felt pretty good about the day. She’d felt good being naked in the sun, surprisingly so considering she hadn’t expected to be anything other than squeamishly uncomfortable… but she had to admit that being naked felt… cool. Liberating, perhaps.In fact, she was definitely feeling ‘cooler’ than she had before embarking on this most singular journey with her ********.

She also couldn’t deny how amazing the orgasm she’d had had felt. It might have been tantamount to cheating, but if non-penetrative sex wasn’t enough for Bill Clinton, it wouldn’t count for her either. There was no danger at all of her cheating properly, after all… no danger at all…

...Amy eyed the drawer of her dresser where the ‘new best friend’ lay, biting her lip. Her husband was downstairs, making sure all his things were in order for his trip to Canada in a week’s time… funny how it coincided with this ‘bet’ she had with Jessica, Amy thought. She reached into the drawer and drew out the dildo. Looking towards the door out into the rest of the house furtively, she giggled and placed the plastic phallus into her mouth, sucking it.

“Oh, Mr Banks, what a big dick you have,” she laughed. “Sorry! I’m not going to cheat on my husband! Back in your drawer you go!”

Slamming her toy back in its prison, she chuckled. Poor Jess, she thought she would beat her. Well, she’d reckoned with the awesome power of marital fidelity and actually keeping promises made at the altar. Not even black men could make her break her vows… not even cocks the size of Mr Banks’...

...half an hour later, Amy emerged from the ensuite and placed the dildo back in the drawer. Her cheeks were flushed and she felt exhausted. Collapsing back on the bed, she savoured the swirl of emotions and sensations her multiple self-inflicted orgasms had left inside her. Smiling, her ran her hands over she naked body, teasing her nipples, closing her eyes. She felt so horny again, almost uncontrollably horny, images of big, stiff black penises filling her mind…

“Honey, you’re asleep already?” Randall’s voice woke her with a start.

“What? Huh? Oh… it’s you…” she said, shaking her head to clear it. “I must have nodded…”

She realised she was stark naked, her husband disrobing in the bathroom.

“You must have been very tired!” he was saying. “To have fallen asleep like that! If I wasn’t so tired myself, I join you and… well, you know. It’s been a long time…”

She felt a shudder of something as she imagined her husband’s corpulent, bloated body lowering itself sweatily onto her... it wasn’t pleasure, but revulsion.

“Er, no, I guess I am tired…” she murmured, quickly putting her conservative, deeply unsexy nightclothes on and entombing herself under the duvet. “You better get some rest too, okay?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Randal chuckled. His head was barely on the pillow before he was asleep. Amy sighed, drifting back into sleep as she wondered what the next day would bring. At least, she would have done… had she not found herself rising after 30 minutes of fitful restlessness and moving back over to her dresser. Glancing back at Randall, she shucked off her clothes, leaving them lying in a heap. Naked, she took the dildo and left the room. If Randall had been awake, he may have heard the loud screaming coming from the guest bedroom down the hall, his wife driving herself to orgasm again and again, her libido unquenchable as she focused on one thing in her mind - Mr Banks’ massive black dick.


“Hey hey, mother!” Jessica said as Amy moved to knock on the door. “I saw you pull up, come on round to the garden. Mr Banks if here if you want to fuck him…”

“My God, have you no shame?” Amy said, shaking her head. “I told you I wouldn’t be doing that. How about you put some clothes on and we go out to lunch today instead…”

“ you won’t be tempted. I getcha. Okay, hang on a sec…”

20 minutes later, they were driving to a local pub, Jessica happy and bubbly, Amy’s thoughts clouded and confused. She was fairly quiet as they entered the venue, which was quite quiet. Jessica lead them to a secluded corner.

“So… how come you’re so quiet today, mother? Truth now... “

“I… I can’t stop using that dildo you got me,” Amy sighed. “I couldn’t get to sleep until I’d used it on myself like… I can’t remember. I just… I just felt like it was never enough, no matter how much I used it, I just wanted… more!”

Jessica just grinned, nodding.

“Now… don’t take this the wrong way, it doesn’t mean I’m going to succumb like you seem to want me to… but I have to say it feels… good to be sexual like this. I definitely enjoy the orgasms…”

“Maybe we should go back to see Byron, get you a bigger dildo, maybe some vibes and other stuff,” Jessica said.

“No… I…” but Amy found her refusal was mere bluster. The thought of adding more weapons to her arsenal excited her.

“Yes, okay, let’s go, I want to try some new ones,” Amy said, smiling.

“Hey, wait, what about the food?” Jessica said as the waitress came over and placed their plates on the table.

“Fuck the food, I want those new dildos…” Amy said, grabbing Jessica’s wrist and pulling her towards the door. The waitress stood, looking shocked as the two women flew out the door.

A little while later, Amy’s chest was heaving as her heart thumped away inside it. She felt more excited than she could remember as they stepped into the sex shop. As she’d expected - and hoped - the handsome young black man Byron was behind the counter. A 30-something woman was holding a plain brown paper bag in both hands.

“I hope you enjoy them, ma’am,” Byron said.

“Oh, I will,” the woman chuckled, winking at him. “Not as much as the real thing, but… well, it’s always better in person, hmmm?”

“Can’t disagree with you there,” Byron said. “Ah, Mrs Cranshaw… Jessica, how good to see you both back so soon.”

The 30-something left the store, but as she passed by Amy, she met her eyes, a faint, wicked smile playing on her face.

“You and your girlfriend like women, honey?” the woman said, stopping next to Amy.

“What? No... she’s my ********…” Amy spluttered.

“Ah, that’s really hot… wow, really, really hot!” the woman’s eyes went wide and her smile broadened. “Look, if you’re ever looking for someone to… share yourself with, give me a call.”

With that, she took out a business card from her jacket pocket and pressed it into Amy’s inert, surprised hand.

“Hope to see you later, sexy,” the nameless woman grinned before leaving, Amy stunned into silence.

“What was that, mother?” Jessica said. “Who was she?”

“I… I have no idea… I think she just… came on to me.”

“I told you your new look would be a hit, I just didn’t think your first pull would be a girl! Good going, mother!”

“Er… she also thought we were… together. You know… she thought it was… um, hot that I was your mum and we…”

Jessica raised an eyebrow at her, but said nothing. Amy blushed and started to browse. There were so many things she’d never seen before, so many shapes and sizes and colours… but Jessica wouldn’t let her consider any that weren’t black or deep, chocolate brown.

“Black is best,” she kept saying. “How about this?”

She held up a large, thick plastic cock.

“Holy mother… how big is that thing?”

“Eh, about average. 9 inches or so.”

“Christ, average? That’s at least double your fathe… er, forget I said that.”

“Ooooh, yes, I’m NOT going to forget that, Mum!” Jessica giggled. “Poor ***, little wimpy dicklet… I’m surprised he was able to conceive me in the first place. Oh well, miracles to happen.”

“Don’t talk about your father like that,” Amy snapped, but it wasn’t with a great deal of conviction. If this object Jessica was thrusting towards her was average for a black man… she shuddered involuntarily with excitement at the thought. She also felt her pussy twitch like crazy at the thought of putting the big object inside her…

“I’ll take it,” she blurted. Jessica grinned.

“You had no choice, I was getting it for you regardless, mother… but that’s not all we’re getting.”

Placing the 9-incher in the basket, she picked up a curiously shaped plastic… thing, pointed at the tip with a very fat middle curving in sharply to a flat base.

“What’s that?”

“A butt plug, of course,” Jessica said. “We’re getting this so you can stop playing with your ass.”

“What? No… I…” but again, she lacked conviction. Jessica seemed insistent and… well, why not? She’d come this far. Jessica dropped the plug and a big jar of lubricant into the basket. Also dropped in was something she called a Hitachi.

“You’ll love it, Mum, trust me…” Jessica said. Then the final item… she reached to the top shelf and picked it up.

“Oh God… you can’t be serious,” Amy said as she watched her ******** placed the double-ended dildo in the basket. “When would I ever use that?”

“With your new girlfriend, of course,” Jessica giggled. “And that’s just for starters. You don’t think I’ll be finished with you after you fuck Mr Banks, right? That’s just the start!”

“...and the end. It won’t happen,” Amy grumbled.

“Oh, I forgot... and this one.”

Amy merely groaned with fear and pleasure as her ******** placed an even larger, veiner black dildo in the basket.

“12 inches… for when you’re ready,” Jessica grinned.

“Oh my God…” was all Amy could say. She knew Mr Banks’ cock had been comparable in size and girth, but to have the number spelled out to her… 12 inches of male member… was still enough to get her heart beating even faster.

“My, we are buying in bulk today,” Byron said as he processed the items at the checkout. “All for you, Jess, or…”

His piercing blue eyes flicked up and fixed themselves on Amy’s. She gulped as he held her transfixed, her chest heaving… her pussy soaking her flimsy panties.

“No, all for mother dear,” Jessica laughed. “I bet you’re imagining her stuffing this big 12-incher up her juicy cunt, aren’t you, B?”

“I’d be a fool not to,” he grinned, still looking at Amy. “In fact… maybe I don’t have to imagine. If you… demo the 12-incher for us here in the shop, I’ll let you have everything free. I’ll pay for it all myself. How about it, Mrs C?”

Amy suddenly realised they weren’t alone in the shop. She felt the eyes of the handful of men (and women) inside all fixed on her… all wanting her to say yes, to nod and take the big plastic cock into the ‘changing room’ and stuff it inside her. To feel its stiff, rigid length stretching her out… she was so horny, she couldn’t believe it. She was so excited, she felt like someone would only have to whisper “Cum now” in her ear and her pussy would explode.

“Do it, Mum,” Jessica said, standing right next to her, hand gently resting on her’s. “Just thinking about all the people who will watch you cum on that big dildo… it’ll be so hot watching you cum on it. Everyone’ll be jacking off or stroking their clits while you get yourself off… such a sexy thought, isn’t it? You know you want to…”

“Yes…” Amy said, biting her lip. “But… what about…”

But she couldn’t think of any reason not to beyond her own prudishness, something that Jessica had helped gradually erode over the past few days. All she felt was a burning desire in her core to do this, to make herself climax on a gigantic phallus as all these people watched her naked body writhe, her stretched pussy grip fiercely on the sizeable intruder as it spasmed in ecstasy…

She took the plastic phallus from Byron and, taking a deep breath, walked gingerly to the back room. Hefting the 12-inch cock, she stroked it up and down with her left hand. It was a truly magnificent instrument and she wondered how on earth she’d get it all inside her. Her pussy felt wet enough, she knew that, so that wouldn’t be an issue… all she could do was try. Turning around, she saw that the entire population of the store was watching her, clustered around the entrance to the changing room. The men all had their cocks out, not a single one close to the epic scope of the dildo in her hand. In fact, all the men were white and their cocks suddenly looked pathetic and childish to Amy. It was like a revelation - maybe Jess was right about black men… especially as she saw Jess and Byron together and the tool hanging from between his legs dwarfed every single white man’s member there. It wasn’t as big as the 12-incher, but it wasn’t far off… and it was made even sexier by the fact Jessica’s hand was encircling it as best it could, slowly stroking it up and down while Byron’s hand was thrust into Jessica’s dress, clearly playing with Amy’s ********’s clit.

Carefully, Amy disrobed, standing naked in front of the crowd. She felt her juices dripping down her thighs, her excitement at near-critical levels. She felt the urge to touch herself, but if she did, she knew she’d cum and she wanted to have her climax while the dildo was stretching her out.

Amy stuck the suction cup base of the dildo to the floor before squatting over it. This was it, she thought. She felt the tip of the big toy touching her labia and she groaned. Oh God, she was actually going to do it… she yelped as the gigantic, apple-sized head stretched her out beyond imagining, her pussy slowly expanding to let the intruder in.

“Ah ah jesus… ah God…” she squeaked as she slowly lowered herself down, the unyielding plastic penis forcing her open as gravity did its work. Suddenly, with a pop, the head slipped in… her eyes rolled back in her head and she came like a demon. Her whole body shuddered and she felt herself losing control of her legs. Without being able to stop herself, she felt herself sliding down the thick cock. There was no going back because her body was wracked with pleasure.

She screamed as she felt the tip of the cock nudge her cervix… and her ass touch the cold floor. It took her pleasure-addled mind a few seconds to realise she had every inch of cock inside her. She’d done it - she’d taken it all!

She threw her head back and let out a guttural grunt of pure ecstasy as a second orgasm exploded out from her quivering cunt. She sank forward onto her knees, cock buried inside her completely, hands now braced on the floor as every muscle in her body went into spasm.

“Jesus Christ…” she heard one man say. “Face up, bitch, I’m gonna cum too!”

Her mind was elsewhere, but Amy felt a hand on her chin lift her head up… and then a man was ejaculating right onto her face for the first time ever. The spunk splattered all over her and she gasped at how good it felt, how utterly slutty it was to have a strange man deposit his goo on her. And how ‘right’ it felt for her to be taking it.

“Oh God, I love it,” she blurted as the sperm oozed down her face and started dripping off her chin. “More, I want more cum on me! All of you, cum on my face!”

As another man stepped forward, pathetically small pink dicklet in his hand, she laughed and started to thrust her pussy up and down on the ‘real’ cock inside her. Man after man squirted his cum all over her, plastering her face with semen until she couldn’t see anymore. All she could feel was the sticky goo and the orgasmic pleasure of the 12-inch cock forcing her vagina open to its limits.

She came and came again, just as the men did. How many men had splattered her face, she didn’t know… she just hoped more were ready to join the party. She had gone completely wild, lost in a fugue of sexual pleasure and depravity. Eventually, after who knew how long, fatigue overwhelmed her and she slumped backward, lying on the floor, the plastic orgasm-giver sloppily popping out of her freshly stretched hole. Her face and chest were covered in sperm, dripping off various parts of her as she lay prone. Somehow she’d not managed to get any in her mouth…

“Mother, you’ve got one more man here ready to spunk all over you,” her ********’s voice rousing her slightly from her reverie.

“There’s… nowhere left to put it,” Amy spoke softly, exhaustedly.

“I can think of one place,” Jessica said. “Now… get back on your knees… one last load for you.”

Somehow Amy found the energy to obey. Her lust was still such that she wanted this last man satisfied. She felt fingers on her eyes, scooping up the cum glueing them shut. Gingerly, she opened them and saw her ********, fingers covered in slimy sperm, greedily sucking them clean, a grin on her face.

Standing over Amy was Byron, his enormous cock in hand. Amy’s mouth opened in shock… just as Byron groaned and squirted the biggest load of cum she’d ever imagine right into her open orifice. Something inside her panicked, but something even greater made her open her mouth wider, allowing him to squirt his seed in there. Again and again, huge blasts of cum filled her mouth.

“Don’t swallow, Mother!” Jessica implored, but she needn’t have worried. The cum kept coming and soon it was overflowing, cascading down Amy’s chin. Finally, Byron finish and Amy just sat there, mouth agape and utterly filled with the sperm of a black man.

Then she swallowed it all down in one, big gulp without being told. Even Jessica was surprised by this deliciously slutty behaviour.

“That was incredible,” she said, looking down at her dishevelled, cum-covered mother. “You’re so awesome, mother… to just go cock-crazy like that…”

“Yeah, you are amazing, Mrs Cranshaw. Every single guy here said so before he left. So, so cool…” Byron said, his cock now stashed away.

“Where can she get cleaned up?” Jessica began to say when a woman’s voice interrupted her.

“I fucking KNEW she was a slut!”

All eyes turned to see the nameless woman from earlier standing nearby. She was grinning from ear to ear.

“...and there’s no need to clear her up just yet… let me do it!”


Before Amy could do anything, the woman - not seeming to care about her experience clothes - was down on her knees in front of Amy… pressing her lips to Amy’s.

“Wow!” Jessica said as she watched her mother being kissed by the complete stranger. None of this had been part of the plan - she’d merely expected her mother to orgasm on the plastic cock, but now she’d been bukkaked, swallowed Byron’s entire load… and now she was snogging another woman!

The stranger was going for it with no inhibitions and Jessica could see Amy’s resistance to this weird development melting away within seconds. The woman began to lick the cum off her face, hands roaming Amy’s body, stroking nipples and drifting down, down… until they were slipping inside Amy’s juicy cunt. Exhaustion had disappeared to be replaced by renewed lust and sexual energy, her hips bucking against the woman’s hand as she began to drive four fingers into Amy’s sloppy hole.

Amy squealed as the woman, an obvious expert at fucking other women, pressed all the right buttons outside and inside her. She screamed as the woman tucked her thumb into her palm and shoved her whole fist inside her pussy, instantly triggering a colossal orgasm that had her whole body spasming and thrashing with pleasure.

The woman pulled her hand out and fed her fingers to Amy, who in her half-delirious state sucked them without thinking.

“Taste your fucking juices, slut,” the woman said, clearly loving dominating her new lover. “Get used to it, I’m going to teach you to eat cunt and enjoy every fucking second of it. You hear me?”

She pinched one of Amy’s nipples and the older woman squeaked with pain.

“Yes… yes, oh God, yes!” she said, nodding as the hand slipped back down and entered her pussy once more. Jessica and Byron watched in amazement as this new woman fist-fucked Amy over and over, forcing orgasm after orgasm out of her until she was literally lying, utterly incoherent, on the shop floor, body curled up in the foetal position.

“Fucking slut,” the woman said, before turning to Jessica. “Get her to call me so we can continue her training… and I’ll train you as well, pretty, if you want.”

Jessica just nodded, stunned

“Good… I’ll be waiting for your call, beautiful,” the woman said, before exiting the shop as suddenly as she’d entered.


Amy and Jessica sat in the latter’s lounge area later that day, not saying a word. Both had a lot of think about - the former about the crazily debauched acts she had committed that day, the latter about the other woman’s invitation.

For Amy, she was in turmoil. All her words and statements about remaining faithful… what good were they when she had been happy to let countless men masturbate all over her face and body? She’d even gulped down the cum of a young, black man without a second thought...

...and she couldn’t deny how thrilling that had been and how delicious the sperm had tasted, much to her surprise. When she’d lowered herself, many years before, to give her husband a blowjob, the sperm had been disgusting… but Byron’s was like some sweet nectar. She couldn’t deny that if she was given the chance to taste it again, she wouldn’t just gulp his load down once more.

And the encounter with that strange woman… that had just been crazy. She’d never expected to be so turned on by another girl… but again, she couldn’t deny the feelings she’d had… and what was it they said? It doesn’t count if it is with a woman? Could she honestly say she’d remained technically faithful as long as she’d not taken another man’s penis into her?

It was all she had to cling onto at that point… and something inside her was tapping away at her resistance, asking what it would be like to jump that final hurdle…

Jessica, in the meanwhile, had no such inhibitions and was running through all the perverted things she could be doing with her male lovers and her new female acquaintance. Seeing her mother being fisted had been enthrallingly exciting… and she wanted to experience it too.

“That woman… she said I should call her…” Jessica broke the silence.

Amy said nothing.

“She said she would… train you.”

No response.

“You… you did look like you were having a good time, mother,” Jessica said, softly. “Do you not want to feel like that again?”

Amy finally turned to her ********. Something had twisted up inside of her as Jessica was talking. That little voice chipping away at her had got louder and louder…”

“...and she said she’d, um, train me too…”

“Do it,” Amy said. “Call her. Tell her I want to be… trained.”

Jessica’s face lit up.

“... and tell her you want to be trained too,” Amy continued.

“Oh, mother, you’re so cool!” Jessica clapped her hands. “You know… it’s not cheating if it is with a girl, right?”

“I’ve, ah, heard that before,” Amy smiled slightly. “But… one second. There’s another call I want you to make…”

Jessica raised her eyebrow. The voice inside Amy was deafening now, completely drowning out the voice of reason and sanity.

“Call Mr Banks first,” she said, taking a deep breath. Jessica’s mouth dropped open slowly.

“Oh, mother… please… tell me that means what I think it means…”

Amy smiled. This was it. The moment of truth. She started to speak, unable to get the words out. Then it was as if something snapped inside her - that final moment of resistance before...

“Tell him I want his big cock inside my married pussy."