So, dear readers, we finally come to the end of our story. It’s been an interesting ride, hasn’t it? It certainly has for me! Oh, my name’s Cassie, by the way. I’m Corina’s youngest ********. I obviously didn’t have much part to play in our long, long tale, but … well, we’ll get to that bit soon, I promise. Anyway, I thought I might fill you in on what happened to all our friends since the events previously described. It’s been pretty much 8 years since my mother watched that rap video and a lot has changed since then. We’ve all done some growing up and me, well, I turned 18 a few weeks ago. So you can imagine… ah, but again, we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

So yes, let’s begin!

I guess you want me to start with my ******… so okay! I almost let it all slip just before, so I might as well go for it now. So my mother got pregnant - I forget whether it was during the events we described earlier or if it was just after. Whatever, she was knocked up and I’m the proud sister to a lovely little baby brother named Michael. Yes, after Mr Tandino. But you think that’s all? Ha, more fool you. A year later she was giving birth again, this time to twin girls! Then she had a bit of a break for a few years before, last year, delivering another set of twins! So I have five new little brothers and sisters, all so adorable and cute and… okay, really annoying at times too! But I know how and why they were created, so we all love them so much.

My ***? Well, he’s there, I guess. He’s not really been the same since all this happened. Casualties of war and so on. He still works hard, provides for us… but it doesn’t really matter. Mr Tandino is more than generous with his child support payments, so we’re much better off even with so many new mouths to feed…

… and there’ll soon be more! For you see, and I know you perverts out there were wondering about this … yes, me and my sister Sophie are both proud black cock sluts now too! She’s 20 and I’m, as I said, just turned 18… and my mother has been prepping us for our big days for a long time. Before little Michael came along, she had a long, frank talk about sex with us, saying it was about time we learned about it… and how it should actually be, not like the teachers in school would say it should be. And she was right, the difference was remarkable. Naturally we both believed our mother and, well, experience has taught us both she was very, very correct! Sophie’s been a black cock whore since her own 18th birthday, but she promised mother that she’d not get pregnant … not until I was 18 too and we could get knocked up together!

Yes, I’m pregnant and so is Sophie! It was so amazing, like we were in this big room in this fancy hotel. Mother was there and lots of her friends were there, ready to cheer us on. Daddy was there too, tied to a chair! He didn’t look happy, but … fuck him, eh? Anyway, we were naked and we just couldn’t help ourselves. I lay down and Sophie fed me her pussy, sitting on my face and eating mine at the same time. And as we were like that, the cocks started appearing. I watched as a massive black dick entered my sister’s pussy right above me … and then I felt one enter me. It wasn’t long before my virginity had been plundered and our wombs were both filled with cum!

I must have had sex with about… fifty men that night, each one just spurting his sperm into my uterus. It was so fucking cool… and my face got covered as all the spunk in Sophie’s pussy came spilling out all over me. That was awesome too.

They saved one of the coolest bits for last, making my daddy eat our pussies and clean them up. He didn’t want to do it, but mother said he had to… so he just did it without questioning. What a wimp!

So yeah, me and Sophie are both with child now. We can’t wait to be mothers and hopefully we can pop out loads more over the next few years, just like mother… she doesn’t plan on remaining idle either. She’s already talking about how she feels the itch to have life growing inside her again!

So that’s us… oh, I almost forgot! Auntie Orla! Wow, she went a bit crazy, you know. I’ve not seen her for a little while because she left the country with her new husband, Father … er, I forget his name. Her priest or vicar or whatever he was. Orla divorced her white husband after getting gangbanged right in front of him in her marital bed. He was so appalled that he signed the papers right afterwards … the second set, anyway. He was shaking so much that he ruined the first lot.

Then after that she essentially moved into her new lover’s house, one of those rectories, houses built specifically for parish priests… look, I’m sorry, I don’t really know the whole religion thing when it comes to who goes by what name. I’ll just call him “the vicar”, I think. Makes it easier. Anyway, she moved in with the vicar, though the divorce settlement essentially gave her the entirety of her former husband’s estate, including generous alimony payments. It was really rather unfair, but who cares?

Anyway, it was a bit of a scandal in the local neighbourhood. People said they would regularly walk past the vicar’s garden and Orla would be getting fucked right there by loads of naked studs. She was utterly insatiable and, eventually, the police got called in!

Eventually they decided that her appetites were so great that they needed to move to somewhere where she could indulge herself even more… so now they’re living in Jamaica! God, I’m so jealous, all those beautiful black guys and girls … mmmm, well, mother says we’re going to go visit her soon. I can’t wait! Hopefully my belly’s not too swollen with the baby… ah, fuck it, even if it is, it’s not stopping me getting fucked by like hundreds of guys when we’re there!

So yeah, who’s next? Ooh, yes, Rufus, aunt Chloe’s ex-fiancé. Oh my, that’s an interesting story. So he was pretty broken up about the whole … er, well, break-up with Chloe and so he retreated to his big mansion in the country. He stayed there for about six months, wasting away, until he finally plucked up the courage to head back out into the outside world. His ****** had taken a bit of a financial hit because of his attempts to topple Mr Tandino, but they were still loaded. They sold a few assets and were back strong again pretty soon.

Then he met this girl, named of Talia. I saw a picture of her once, looked almost like Chloe, spitting image of her. They dated and everything, was really nice, a picture book romance… except it didn’t seem like he’d learned his lesson, had he? Silly Rufus! This time, to be fair, it was Talia who insisted on remaining chaste and, grudgingly, he accepted. This were going swimmingly and Rufus was back on his feet … until a chance encounter with … yes, you guessed it … with Chloe!

They were sitting in a café in Paris, overlooking the Seine. It was lavish, it was romantic … and then, at the next table, who sat down? Well, yes, Chloe did. She saw Rufus and waved at him and Talia, beckoning them over. By this point I think Chloe was expecting her first child, so her belly was all big and swollen. So they sat down with her and chatted, Rufus increasingly uncomfortable as Chloe kept shooting him wicked glances, winking and skirting around certain topics as if she were just about to let slip their history … and then veering away suddenly.

When Rufus and Talia got back to their room in a nearby swanky hotel, he felt like he’d sweated half his bodyweight out. He said he needed a lie down, Talia looking at him worriedly … then she said, “Oh, by the way, I said I’d meet up with that Chloe to go shopping … you don’t mind, do you?”

Could he say anything? Nope, Rufus froze and meekly nodded and away went Talia. Oh, Rufus… poor, poor Rufus! Letting your girl fall into the clutches of someone with a penchant for big, black cocks!

So Talia didn’t come home for a good while that day and when she did, she was … distracted. Even that evening, she lay facing away from him, not engaging in conversation beyond perfunctory responses. Rufus feared the worst and … oh dear, it was the worst!

The next day, Chloe met Talia in the lobby of the hotel, Rufus essentially ignored as he stood, open-mouthed, as Chloe beckoned to a group of enormous black men standing waiting in the lobby. Talia turned to Rufus and said, “Oh, honey, these men need to use our hotel room for something. I hope you don’t mind … Chloe and I will make sure they don’t cause any harm … to anything except our fuck holes, okay? Bye!” and walked off into the lift! The last thing Rufus saw was black hands thrust into Talia’s underwear, black lips on hers and, just before the door closed, Chloe saying “No condoms, the slut wants all of you bareback!”

Rufus, as you can imagine, broke anew. He literally collapsed in the hotel lobby and woke up a month later in a hospital. By that point, Talia had spent thousands upon thousands living the high life in Paris, entertaining hundreds of black gentlemen callers. She came to visit him in the hospital and, grinning, rubbed her belly to say that she’d been knocked up by someone at some point. And to say goodbye. Forever.

Poor old Rufus. I hear he’s engaged again now. Took him even longer to get over Talia. He’s a good man really, has a lot of trust in women. I think he’s going away on holiday with her - the new girl is called Alyssa - oh, and fancy that, Chloe and Talia have decided to go there too at the same time. Amazing coincidence!

As for Alison, her husband knows about it all now … but it turned out he was really into it! Alison decided to tell him frankly, not sugarcoat anything and he said it was the hottest thing he’d ever heard. Especially all the stuff with her sisters and Gemma and Jane. Alison was surprised, but also incredibly happy about it, as you can imagine. So they’re all still in the house and hubby’s happy looking after their own growing brood of black children. Domestic bliss, eh?

Kirsty … that’s an interesting story. Obviously her career should have been over and in a sense it was - she just switched careers and became yet another poster girl for the power of black cocks. She even got to meet Jessica McFarland and became really good friends with her. They obviously had a lot in common, after all! That particular talk show ended with a big old fuck party live on air too, which looked like a lot of fun, especially when Gemma and Jane did a walk-on.

Those two have been having some pretty wild adventures together. They went travelling for a bit together after finishing school, spending lots of time getting to know the locals in various countries in Africa. When they came back, they moved in together and started to squirt out babies as part of Project Blackout, which was going great guns. The sales of all the DVDs and videos online were through the roof, easily financing the lifestyles of the mothers on the payroll. Building after building was snapped up by Tandino Enterprises to house all the expectant mothers. It’s quite something, really. I expect there to be entire neighbourhoods in the years to come all of single white mothers with vast families of mixed race children … and I fully expect to be one of those mothers! I can’t wait!

Zoey Portersfield? Ah, that was rather a sad story actually. She was pregnant last you knew, I think, but there were complications and she ended up losing the baby. I remember mother telling us about that, even before we were both old enough to really understand the heartbreak involved. And to make matters worse, she’s now incapable of having children herself. It took her a while to recover from that, but thankfully she’s still with us and is making up for her loss by helping look after new mothers and still running her support group for sluts. Oh, the stories she has … she told me just a few once and god, I almost came just from her telling me. Then she made me cum for real by eating my pussy!

Mei Ling and Bin Bin live together, though Bam Bam lives with them too. They ended up marrying, Mei and Bam-Bam. Lovely ceremony, very nice … especially the bit where she was bent over in the church and fucked by every single black male present. I hear she got pregnant again from that. Baby number 5 or 6 for her! Her parents never saw her again once they heard she was pregnant and that the baby was black. Such a shame … but as Bin Bin is also the proud mother of multiple black babies, they’re still happy enough.

Vanessa and Mr Tandino ended up marrying too and she had that breeding party she’d always wanted. Later than she had hoped, so she only has the one baby now, but she and Michael are adorably happy together. The heads of a growing business empire and the people we all look up to as examples.

I think that’s everyone and everything, so I’m going to have to love you and leave all you nice people. It’s been a wild ride, hasn’t it? Some twists and turns and, most importantly, loooooads of fucking hot sex. Which is all we really want, right? But yeah, I’m really fucking horny now I’ve written all this so, if you’ll excuse me, there are a couple of prime cocks, both 14 inches, downstairs that I really want to get stuffed into my little twat … if you ask nicely, maybe I’ll film it and send you a copy of the footage someday!