“How do I look?” Alison Finch née Gerrard said, standing in the doorway of her bedroom, right arm up in the air, stretched up against the frame while her other was bent 90 degrees, hand placed on her hip.

“Like... a goddess,” her husband, Timothy, gawped. She was wearing a black see-through nightgown which went down to just below her hips, leaving her black and pink underwear exposed. Her nipples were hard, rubbing against the flimsy material, large breasts heaving as she stood there, lustful, beautiful. For him.

“I can see you appreciate it,” she grinned, noticing the bulge in his pajama bottoms. Timothy had always been embarrassed by his penis, 5 inches at best when fully erect, but he loved Alison even more for not seeming to be bothered by it. She claimed to enjoy sex with him, though he tried to lessen her contact with it by performing oral sex on her as much as he could. She seemed content with this and he, too, was perfectly happy to do this. So long as she didn’t cheat, he’d do anything to keep her.

“Oh yes,” he nodded. “You look sexy enough to be in Playboy or something like that. So sexy...”

“Hmm, you think?” she said, padding over to the bottom of the bed, before leaning over, her breasts firm but still with enough delicious flop to them to let him stare adoringly at her cleavage. “You like the idea of other men jerking off over pictures of me, do you?”

“What? No, I...”

“Haha, you’re so easy to tease!” she laughed, but she continued anyway. “But maybe that’d be sexy, some ... choice photos just for you. To remind you of me all the time. Like this.”

The clothes came off, slowly, Timothy gawping still at his knockout wife. How was he so lucky to end up with her? And the photos? What a great idea... he’d beat his little meat raw looking at them. She knew he would, too, the dirty minx.

But first... his tongue had a date with that pretty, tight pink pussy.


Mei Ling stood naked in the bathroom, rubbing her belly and looking at herself in the mirror. She could see the swell now, the unknown man’s baby growing inside her, making its presence known. She had taken to wearing loose-fitting, billowing dresses and such around her parents to disguise, but there was only so long that could go on for. And they’d just said they were going to stay another few months. By that time she’d be enormous... and she couldn’t just say she liked to eat cake too much.

She’d have to tell them she’d been knocked up by a foreigner. By a BLACK foreigner... and when they asked where daddy was... she’d have to say she got knocked up in a gang-bang. She barely ever had sex with just one man these days - it was almost always in groups of at least 5 of 6. Anything less barely scratched her itch. Bam-Bam was the only one she let take her alone because she loved him. For all his brutish, thuggish ways, she loved him with a boundless passion that she didn’t think possible.

And he fucked her reeeeeeal good too.

She wondered if the baby was Bam-Bam’s. He was often the first inside her, the first to pump his cum into her desperate, yearning womb. It was his seed that had the best chance of completing its journey deep into her body... but she had to admit it could be countless others.

She sighed, happily. Her parents would go crazy. There was no telling what they might do - but she was safe here in the Tandino ‘******’. No matter what her parents threatened, she would remain here and, she hoped, be the happy receptacle for more black babies in the future. She dressed and headed out into the apartment. Bin Bin was on the balcony, enjoying the sun on this unusually warm day for the time of year. Winter was closing in and to have actual warmth in the air - no wonder she was out there. Her mother was on the sofa using a tablet and her father was reading a book next to her.

“Hi Bin Bin,” Mei Ling said, moving next to her gracefully. Her beautiful cousin smiled up at her before returning her gaze to the city below.

“It is a nice view, isn’t it?” she said, wistfully. “You know, I’ve only been here a little while and it feels like somewhere I can belong... I’m thinking of staying with you permanently, Mei. Do you think that would be possible?”

“I’d love that,” Mei Ling said, reaching out and tenderly holding her relative’s hand in her’s. “I really would... and I think I know a few people who could smooth out any visa or residency issues.”

“And they wouldn’t want anything in return?”

“Well...” Mei Ling said, rubbing her belly.

“Ah, I see,” Bin Bin grinned. “I guess then that this might help...?” Bin Bin reached opened her other hand and in it was a pregnancy tester. Mei Ling saw the mark and gasped.

“You’re... wow, that’s fantastic! So soon!”

“I know, they must have knocked me up on that first time... holy shit, we’re both going to be mothers, Mei. I can’t believe it!”

“Ssssh! They might hear you,” Mei Ling said, finger to her lips.

“Ah, sometimes I just don’t care, you know? I just want to shout out to the world that I and my fucking gorgeous cousin love black men and have black babies growing inside us.”

Bin Bin paused.

“Hey... wouldn’t it be funny if your mother got pregnant with a black baby too?”

Mei Ling just stood still, mouth slightly open, speechless.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it, Mei,” Bin Bin grinned wickedly. “I mean, come on, your friend Emily you mentioned? She got her mother to fuck black guys and she fucks her too! And now you say she’s got one of her other sister’s involved with black men? That’s so hot, don’t you think? We’re cousins and that’s kinky hot too... but your mother? She’s pretty good for her age, don’t you think? Mine is ... ew, yuck... but your’s? I’d eat her pussy, for sure.”

“Oh my... you’re serious, aren’t you?” Mei Ling said, stunned. “My ... my mother?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Bin Bin said, excitedly. “Just imagine how fucking hot and twisted it would be to get your mother hooked on black dick like us. She’s old school, traditional... and yet she’d be bouncing up and down on a big black dick, getting her pussy pounded, her ass fucked... wow, I’m so fucking horny right now. Come on, Wei, we’ve got to do it. I bet she’s never even seen a cock bigger than, like, 4 inches or anything. Your ***’s probably got a tiny little pee pee... come on, Wei, we HAVE to corrupt her!”

Mei Ling turned to look back at her mother. For some unknown reason, her mother chose that time to look up at her, giving her a little smile before returning to her device. Mei Ling returned her gaze to Bin Bin.

“Fuck yeah, let’s do it!”


“I spoke to Alison today,” Margaret said, sipping her coffee. She was sitting in “their” coffee shop, the one they all went to regularly to meet up with Corina, Vanessa and others. Around the table sat the two other women, plus Emily and Chloe. Corina sat close to Vanessa, while Emily and Chloe were also perilously close to each other, something that pleased Margaret enormously.

“Your second ********?” Vanessa asked.

“Indeed, and she had something very interesting to tell me,” Margaret replied. “She said that her husband, who she unfortunately loves dearly - but who I understand has very little in the dick department - has suggested they do... how did she put it? Some ‘boudoir photography’. Erotic pictures for him to look at... and for her, I guess.”

“Sounds... thrilling and I’d love to see the pictures, but... how does that help Project Blackout... and our own sordid little plans, of course?” Corina said.

“Well... what if the photographer was black and handsome?” Margaret said, leaning forward conspiratorially. “What if he suggested a few tame things... but built up as and when she got into it? What if she ended up doing the shots with a male model? A black male model? Who, obviously, would have to be nude or erotically clothed as well?”

“Ah, I see,” Corina chuckled. “And what if she is confronted with an awesome bit of black cock meat... can she resist? Brilliant.”

“The way I see it is she’ll be turned on, horny just from taking the photos... and then that’s when he suggests the male model. Come on, just a bit of fun, that sort of thing... she, being a Gerrard at heart, will agree. Promising no intimate contact... but when the cock comes out... well, accidents happen. Cocks that big can’t help but touch female skin, eliciting... mmm, all sorts of reactions.”

Margaret sat back. “But I don’t think she’ll just jump on his cock and fuck him to Heaven and back. She was always a bit wilder than Chloe here, but she’s not the sort to just cheat on her husband without... suitable time and provocation. So this is what I propose...”


“God, all these erotic photographers are so...”

“Sleazy?” chuckled Alison.

“Yeah, but... cheap, too. And... okay, maybe this is just me, but the pictures don’t seem that... you know, erotic? Just housewives in slightly revealing clothes. I want to see some skin, damnit!” laughed her husband.

“Well, if you want to see some skin, check under here,” she giggled and he looked under the table. She’d lifted her skirt up and he gasped as he saw a bare, naked pussy.

“Freshly shaved, just in time for the shoot,” she said.

“Shoot? I thought we were still deciding...”

“Oh, well, I told my mother about this - she’s so much easier to talk to about stuff like this now, don’t know why - and she said that, coincidentally, a friend of a friend knows a friend who knows... anyway, she recommended a place, under new ownership, new photographer, the works. So I gave them a ring and boom, 2pm tomorrow I’ll be whipping my jugs out for the camera.”

“Wow, you... I can’t wait to see the photos!”

“And I can’t wait to pose for them... I wonder what they’ll get me to do...”

“I can think of something we can do right now, wife of mine...” Timothy said, licking his lips. “I kinda fancy eatin some pussy right now.”

She grinned back as he dove under the table, her legs spreading, ready for his tongue.


“Come on, mother, live a little,” Mei Ling said.

“A nightclub? I can barely speak English and... no, these things aren’t good. Too much... you know. I prefer to stay here with your father, relax.”

“Oh auntie,” Bin Bin chimed in. “Don’t be such a prude. You’re still young enough to have some fun, right Mei?”

“Certainly, we can get some nice food, go to the club, have some fun. Please, mother? We’ve not done anything really interesting since you came over. All you want to do is sit in the flat!”

“But... it is expensive. The drinks, the food, everything is so expensive here.”

“Look, I’ll pay for everything. I did some favours for a friend a while ago, they gave me some cash and I’ve not spent it on anything yet... so let me treat you. Please?”

“Okay, okay, fine,” her mother sighed. “We can go out for a bit. But no silliness, girls.”

“Oh, we promise to be as good as good,” Bin Bin grinned, lying through her teeth.


“Have you told him yet?” Corina said.

“No, I’m not sure how to, to be honest,” Orla, her sister, replied, snaking a finger up Corina’s naked body as they lay next to each other in Vanessa’s bed.

“Just come right out and tell him, I say,” Vanessa said, coming into the room with wine glasses in hand, giving one each to the two nude sisters and keeping one for herself. A second later, she came back with a bottle and filled up all three glasses.

“Yes, but it isn’t just that easy to say ‘Oh, honey, by the way, I’ve got three black babies growing inside me!’”

“You think he’ll divorce you when he finds out?” Corina said.

“I think he will, yes, he’s not quite as... wimpy as your hubby, Coz,” Orla said. “Not that I’m unhappy about that, just... well, I don’t really want to go through the mess of that sort of thing... but I’ve got my babies, which is all I really wanted. So maybe that’s the price I have to pay.”

“Hmm, well, Michael... Mr Tandino, your fertility doctor...” Vanessa laughed, “he’ll help out with any legal stuff. You are one of the poster girls for Project Blackout, so we’ll do what we can to help you. He’s got some great legal beagles... could probably wipe out your husband in a settlement if necessary. Might keep him in your pocket if he thinks he’ll lose everything.”

“Interesting... and I still can’t believe you guys set me up like that. I should have known it was all a bit suspicious... but I just desperately wanted kids so bad, I’d have done anything...”

“...and did,” Corina laughed, clinking glasses with her sister.

“Yep, you get me well and truly hooked on black cock!” Orla laughed, draining her glass in one go. “Ah, I shouldn’t really drink now I’m up the spout... maybe just one more glass.”

Vanessa smiled, giving Orla a refill. “Yep, especially with three in there. With you both ... with child, I feel my own biological clock really ticking away loudly...”

“Oooh, you going to...?”

“I don’t know, it’s so much responsibility... and all that precious time spent looking after the babies? I could spend that time having sex! Having orgasms instead of sleepless nights with crying infants!”

“Yeah, but if you don’t have one... we’ll both be jealous of you fucking all those studs while we’re looking after our kids...” Orla said.

“And,” Corina pointed out, “it seems strange for someone so prominent in a movement such as Project Blackout to not want to have a black baby.”

“You know, you’re right... well, a toast then,” Vanessa grinned. “A toast to my getting knocked up by some random fucking black guy!”

“We can both drink to that!” the sisters said, all three clinking glasses and laughing.

“Now,” Vanessa said, putting down her glass and taking a tub of lube of her bedside cabinet. “I’m going to gloop up both of my hands and stuff one in each of your pussies...”


The studio was located in a fairly humdrum area of town, Alison discovered, pulling up into its relatively small parking lot out the back. Lucky she was fairly thin, she thought, as she squeezed out of the car in the tiny parking space. The building itself was neatly maintained, inspiring a reasonably degree of confidence that this wasn’t some back alley smut peddler operating here. Her nerves settled somewhat as she approached the door.

Then they flared up again when the door suddenly opened and a huge black man emerged, clutching a kit bag. He stopped in front of her, looking at her up and down, then moved on without a word, walking out onto the main street. Alison realised she was holding her breath, letting it out slowly. Her heart was racing and she felt... strange. Shaking her head, she slipped through the doorway and into the building.

The whole place seemed to be one big studio space, no rooms or anything. On the far side, a white screen was set up, lots of lighting and cameras and paraphernalia arranged around it. To the left was a ... well, a “boudoir” setting, all crushed velvet, passionate red colouring and so on. It was cliché but then people expect certain things in their erotica. She thought they did, at least.

“Can I help you?” a man called from her right. He was black too, like the man who’d been so intimidating outside, but this guy was much smaller, ‘regular’ in build and appearance. Not a hulking Adonis like the man who had given her the once over before. For some reason she shuddered thinking about him... well, anyway, back to this guy.

“Hi, I’m Alison Finch? I contacted you about the...”

“Ah yes, Mrs Finch,” the man said, smiling. He rose and moved to her, extending his hand, which she took. “Very pleased you could make it. So, is there anything you specifically want us to do today?”

“Erm... well, sorry, I’ve never done this before so I don’t know really...”

“Don’t worry then, we can start small and see where that goes, okay? My name’s Kofi, by the way.”

“So, Mr Kofi... what do I do now?”

“Shall we just take a few shots at the white screen, get you loosened up before we move into the ... tastier photos?”

“Okay, that sounds fine to me,” Alison said. “Can I just put my bag somewhere?”

“Sure, let me put it by my computer here,” he said, taking her things and putting them under the desk out of the way. As he did so, Alison looked at his computer screen and her jaw dropped slightly. On it were two images, one (partially obscured) of the big black man she’d seen before, nude, but the window over it covered his... package. What took her breath away was a dainty white hand pressed on one of his enormous pectoral muscles. A female hand.

But the other picture... it was the man from behind, his muscular ass and legs framing a nude white woman, whose head was at groin level with the man, kneeling in front of him. Two slim white arms reached around, hands cupping each side of that gorgeous butt...

Oh my, she thought. She’s sucking his cock! She felt flushed, her cheeks red and her heart beating faster than before. The man was like a statue, sculpted and toned and ... perfection.

“Okay, ready now, if you like?” Kofi said, breaking her trance-like state.

“Oh, wha... right, yes, of course,” Alison said, following him as he walked to the white screen. He seemed oblivious to her slightly aroused state, which she was grateful for. Getting turned on by some photos, guh, get a hold of yourself, woman.

The first few shots were innocent and she relaxed, striking various poses, flicking a leg up coquettishly, blowing a kiss, laughing and so on. Then it began.

“Okay, what I want you to do now, if you’re comfortable, is to slowly just take your clothes off. Remember who this is for, forget I’m here and just try to think of your husband here...”

She nodded and, gradually, her clothes left her body until she was in her bra, knickers and thigh-length tights.

“Good, good, great shots... do you want to go further? We’ve got some decent shots, but... your husband might want to see more, if you catch my drift? You comfortable with that?”

“Er...” she said, hesitating. “Sure. I guess. I mean, he’s seen me in every way possible, so why not?”

“Don’t worry, the images we take are yours and yours alone. We do ask if we can use some for advertising purposes, but if you say no, it’s no problem. So nobody else will see them. Only you, me and hubby.”

“Okay, right,” she said, not realising he was lying through his teeth. The images would immediately be sent to various... interested parties - Tandino’s team, Vanessa, Margaret, Emily and so on.

So the photos started to get a bit racier, her bra coming off and Alison striking more poses while either hiding her breasts with her arms and hands or fully exposing them in a variety of seductive poses.

“Okay, great,” Kofi finally said. “Now... we can stop now or... the bottom bits can come off too, if you want?”

“Really? I...” Alison said. Normally she’d have said no immediately. It was all well and good flashing her tits, but her pussy? That was a step too far, if not for two things - one, they’d paid good money for this shoot and to stop now... it felt like shortchanging her husband... and two, she was turned on now, not just because of the idea of stripping for a camera, but because of the two images she’d seen on the screen.

“Yeah, okay,” she said, grinning. “Give him something to really be worth the money for the shoot, yeah.”

Why spend so much and then not go all the way? She hooked her thumbs in the elastic of her underwear and slowly tugged it down, exposing her neatly trimmed bush to the camera, clicking away incessantly. She spun, she bent over, she spread her legs, she did lots of things. And she had to confess, it was fun. She almost forgot there was a red-blooded male gazing at her bits the whole time... just picturing her husband enjoying the images in the future. Hell, of herself looking back and reminiscing over what a hottie she was.

“Be naughty,” he was saying, but she was having fun and didn’t really notice the suggestive nature of his speech now. “Go on, for your husband, have a bit of fun...”

She did. Unknowing, her hands drifted to nipples, rubbing them, her teeth gently biting her lip as pleasure rushed through her body. She felt her pussy twinge and instinctively snaked a hand down to it, touching her clitoris...

“Why don’t we move to the bed?” Kofi said. She nodded, mind clouded by lust. She lay down, legs spread and began to masturbate, accompanied by the clicking of the camera.

Her eyes were closed, so she didn’t see the black male model move to stand next to Kofi. She felt close to orgasm as she writhed, rolling onto her front and onto her knees, fingers probing her cunt while others rubbed her clit. She didn’t see the man, at a nod from Kofi, strip to his underclothes, a gigantic bulge threatening to send them flying across the room. Alison gasped and squealed, her orgasm engulfing her. A lazy, hazy smile on her lips, she opened her eyes... and finally saw the other man.

“Ah, what the fu... who’s that?” she squealed, scooting back up the bed in surprise. Her hands instinctively covered her breasts and pussy, but it was a fairly feeble effort. He’d obviously been watching her bring herself off just seconds before, so covering herself now... seemed pointless.

“Sorry,” the man said, a genuine smile of contrition across his face. “Kofi booked me for a session with a lady and she’s called me to say she’d not turning up. I didn’t realise he had another client here until I came in... and... well, I couldn’t just not look at a gorgeous woman on a bed in front of me. I’m only human.”

It was then with horror that she realised that she was both staring in awe at the bulge in his pants... and that said bulge was of a penis entirely un-erect. As in... it was soft and still that massive. She gulped involuntarily. Just how big would it be erect? Dear God...

“Um... are you okay, ma’am?” the man said, surprisingly softly spoken for such a hulking brute. She couldn’t take her eyes off that bulge... and they’d noticed.

“Yes!” she blurted suddenly, finally unfogging her mind and looking up at them. “Yes, fine. Just... maybe we should stop now? I’m not sure I’m comfortable continuing with a ... spectator.”

“Oh, don’t mind me,” the man chuckled. “Nothing I’ve not seen before. I do nude work all the time, both by myself, with partners and so on. I’m always around ladies so... well, I mean, if you aren’t comfortable, that’s fine. Just that don’t let yourself stop because of me.”

Well, it was because of him, Alison thought... but also because of her. She wasn’t sure how she’d react in the presence of this muscular male. She loved her husband dearly, but on occasion she’d had to stamp down on feelings she felt bubbling away inside when men she found attractive were around.

“Um... I don’t know... I think...”

“Oh, wait,” Kofi said, slapping his forehead. “I cancelled you, didn’t I? The girl, she double-booked, so there’s no work today.”

“Goddamnit,” the man said, looking cross. “I came all across town for nothing? Seriously? I really needed that money too. Damn ex-wife needs it for the kid and... sorry, ma’am, I’ll be going. I wouldn’t want to start cussing in front of a lady.”

Was this guy for real? Alison was surprised by that sort of chivalric attitude, straight out of the old days. It was kind of endearing. But... no, she couldn’t. Taking nudey snapshots for her husband was one thing... but how would he react if she were to take some with another man? The two of them were fairly open-minded, but she wasn’t sure how he’d react... but maybe he’d like it? She had heard tell of men who enjoyed seeing their wife with other men... and this was just a model. It wasn’t the same as thing as cheating, it was for art, for seductive purposes...

“Hey, one second,” she said. “Er... what if I was the ‘girl’? Would he still get paid then?”

The two men looked at each other then back at her.

“Are you sure? I thought you wanted to just do a little shoot for your husband?” Kofi said. “His gig is... you know it is full nude, man-on-woman, simulated sex stuff?”

“But it is just for art purposes, right? And simulated, not actual, full-on sex, right?”

“Er, yeah, not actual penetration or anything,” Kofi said. “Just posed to look like it. And, well, there is some real oral sex too. Sucking, licking - both of you on each other. I’m not sure hubby would like that...”

As soon as Kofi said this, Alison felt a surge of … something run from her groin through her entire body, like someone had sent an electric current to every nerve ending she had. It was a sudden, instantaneous thing, but she couldn’t hold in a little yelp. She spoke to try to disguise her reaction.

“So he’d be, like, licking my pussy?”

A nod from Kofi.

“And I’d have to suck… oh my… his... I don’t know. I want to help, but… that kind of goes beyond what I came here for. I just wanted some sexy pictures of me for my husband…”

Not to suck on a cock that obviously dwarfed his when not even hard. But… but… what would the photos look like? There was no doubt they qualified as sexy… but could he handle her doing this for his benefit? Or would he think it was her taunting him? Cheating on him? There was no fucking, just a bit of oral… could she make that argument? If it was only a one-off, that it was done for Timothy’s benefit?

If it was… why did she feel so turned on by the prospect of merely seeing that monstrous penis freed from its current prison?

Why was there a pang of disappointment when Kofi had said there’d be no actual sex? It hit her suddenly, like an unwanted epiphany. She wanted to cheat. She wanted them to say there was real sex… because she wanted that cock inside her, subconsciously and, increasingly, consciously.

But she couldn’t. It was a betrayal of everything she’d done since she’d met Timothy, all the promises she’d made would be for nothing if she let this hulking, monstrous… gorgeous, sexy, seductive man make love to her.

No, not make love. Fuck her. Raw, primal, animalistic fucking, stretching her pussy more than any other man had ever done. She screamed inside, trying to push down the urges, realising nobody had spoken for a significant period of time.

“If you don’t want to do it, it’s fine,” the model said, shrugging his shoulders. “Just… I could really do with that money…”

“I… guess we could,” she sighed, nodding her head. “But I can’t go any further, I’m married.”

“Yep, of course,” he said, smiling… and she felt herself melt a little more inside. She didn’t want him to be nice to her - the nicer he was, the harder it would be to say no if things did get… heated.

“Right, great,” Kofi said. “Let’s just do a light-hearted one at first, you two standing together, holding hands, touching bodies a bit, that of thing. Nothing heavy, see how you feel, Alison.”

“Okay, that sounds fine.”

She stood and moved back over to the plain background with Kofi. She didn’t see the model strip nude until she got to her position and looked back over at him. Again, she failed to contain her reaction as she saw, for the first time, the weapon this man was sporting between his legs.

“Oh fuck,” she blurted out as he swaggered towards her, his cock - still not engorged - swinging like a truncheon as he did so. Her hand went involuntarily to her chest as she stood, eyes fixed on that amazing stick of meat.

“Okay,” Kofi said from somewhere else. She didn’t know where because her entire attention was devoted to the cock moving ever closer to her. “Let’s get going.”


Kofi had started taking photos, capturing Alison’s awed expression as she looked at the cock as it grew. How could he ever find a woman who could take that inside her? Surely it was impossible.


“Okay, put your hands on his chest,” Kofi said. Like a zombie, her mind dominated by the vision of that extraordinary dick in front of her, she obeyed. Touching him broke the spell and she look at the camera, her expression one of dazed bemusement. Almost like she’d been drugged and had been roused from a half-sleep.

“Look sultry, sexy, make the camera think you’re being really naughty by touching this guy,” Kofi said, clicking away with the camera. Suddenly her inhibitions regarding the situation didn’t seem so important and she decided to dive fully into this character they were trying to create, the naughty white woman with the powerful black stud. She started to grin, pout and pull all sorts of faces, running her hands all over his muscular body, while he stood there, impassive. She was avoiding his cock though, worried about how she would react if and when she finally touched it, delaying that moment as long as she could.

But that was difficult, oh so difficult, the allure of that magnificent penis was getting too much for her to resist.

“Face me now, Alison,” Kofia said. “Marco, you get behind her and starting touching her body. Hold your arms up above your head, Alison, that’s it. Let him stroke all of you.”

She gasped as he moved behind her, hands reaching round and gently grabbing her breasts… though it was the fact his big cock was now pressing quite hard against her back that elicited the groan that came next. It was so warm, pulsing with blood as it remained thick and strong against her naked skin. He pressed close and she felt his balls touch her too, the entire length of the shaft now resting against her back, trapped between their bodies, all while he was stimulating her with his hands, stroking her nipples and so many areas.

Her eyes closed and she leaned her head back, loving how he made her feel, almost forgetting this wasn’t her husband doing this to her, losing herself in the moment. She felt lips on her neck, softly kissing her, hands still kneading her tits. Without thinking, she turned her head to the side and met his lips with her’s.


She was no longer aware of the photographer taking image after image of her making out with a tall, black stranger. If she was, she might have stopped, but her body was aflame with lust at that moment. The feel of his cock against her, his lips and tongue on her, his body heat warming her, hands roaming… all of it was driving her wild.

One hand dropped and she knew where it was going. She felt it drop agonisingly slowly over her belly and down… down… until it met her groin. Fingers probed and flicked, finding her clit and sending mind-blowing feelings through her body. She screamed out as he rubbed her faster. She felt her orgasm coming again, totally unconcerned that this wasn’t simulated, this was full-on foreplay. She should have been wary, but at that moment, as her second orgasm tore through her, she didn’t give a fuck.

She broke the kiss.


“Fuck me. Please. I want that massive fucking dick in my pussy,” she said, breathing heavily, mind totally lost to lust. He grinned at her…

...then shook his head.

“No, not today,” he said. “I only get paid for simulated stuff, touching and so on. I don’t do the full sex thing.”

It was a lie, a 100 percent fabrication, but Alison didn’t know this. Her heart felt like it was ripped in two. She’d lost her mind, was willing to give herself to this man… and he’d said no? Men didn’t say no. They always said yes. At least, Timothy did. He never refused her.

And this refusal only made her want him more. It made her desperate for him to be inside her, to fill her up. She broke free of his loose grip, but instead of fleeing, she spun around, trying to press back against him.

Except his cock, horizontal now, jabbed her in the belly like a spear, stopping her. She gave a squeal as the head poked her, then realised what was happening. Her eyes dropped and she drank in the vision of this massive appendage once again. God, it was beautiful, she thought. She wanted it even more now she could properly see it.

So she grabbed it.

Two hands wrapped around the shaft as best they could. She marvelled at how thick it was, her hands so small on its veiny length, unable to encircle it completely. She visualised her husband’s tiny penis, which was almost completely obscured by just one hand gripping it… then she compared it to this wonderful specimen. It wasn’t even a contest. This was a real cock, a proper fucking prick to fuck a woman with.


“Oh fuck,” she breathed. “Oh absolute fuck. This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Thanks,” he said, as she stood there, wondering at the pulsating rod in her hands. “But I can’t… I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t get involved with co-workers. I’ve had my heart broken before… and I couldn’t have it happen again. Not with someone as sexy as you.”

“I promise, I won’t betray you,” she said, that desperation she was avoiding resonating in her voice regardless. “Please, I need this so badly…”

“No, I know you think you mean it, but we’ve just met,” he said, reaching up to stroke her face gently. “But you need to think about this… do you really want to betray your husband? Would you just go back to him after one quick fling with me? Or are you in this for the long haul?”

“I… I…” she felt her voice quiver. “You’re right. I … need to think about. Damnit, you’re right.”

She dropped his cock and stepped away, hand on her brow, trying to control herself.

“Maybe I’d better go then… I need to get my head together.”

“Ahem,” Kofi said, interrupting from the sidelines. “Sorry, but there’s one more thing I need you both to do…”

They both looked at him, one surprised and the other playing along as he was meant to be doing.

“What?” Alison said, stilled in a haze.

“Contract says oral sex and simulated sex. I know the situation, but I need to deliver the promised material or I get chewed out too. Sorry.”

Alison looked back at Marco. Could she really keep on like this? No. She couldn’t. She had to get away.

“Look,” Kofi sighed, seeing her expression. “I can delay it… come back tomorrow, same time and we can shoot again. Will that be okay to sort your heads out? Alison?”

She nodded. She’d have time to think a bit more, clear her head and try to approach this situation calmly, not get wrapped up in her attraction.

“Yes, I can do that,” she said.

Clothed, she left the building and temptation behind. She sat in her car and started the engine. But she didn’t move. She just sat there, staring at the door to the studio, her hand in her underwear, gently stroking her throbbing clit. The door opened and out came both the model and Kofi. She stroked harder as she watched them chatting and came hard, her cries of pleasure filling the car as her fingers strummed her most sensitive place and juice soaked her knickers.


Orla closed the big doors of the church and locked them. There was nobody around now, not at this time, but she didn’t want to take any chances. She turned and faced up the central passageway between the pews to what awaited her at the end. She grinned. There stood Father Jonathan, the man who had been the straw that broke the camel’s back, the man who had tipped her over the edge and into the sea of cocks and cum she now revelled in. He stood, the top half of him dressed in his regular religious garb, the bottom half nude, cock sprouting from his loins, waiting for her.

She shucked off her coat and let it fall to the floor. Naked underneath, she walked gingerly up the aisle. It was cold in the church, but she felt hot, her body on fire with lust for the man waiting for her, smiling. Her nipples like bullets, but they had been before the cold air could chill her skin.

As she got halfway down the aisle, men filed in from areas unseen, previously hidden behind pillars or in shadows. She felt her heart skip a beat as her excitement threatened to overwhelm her. He always knew what she wanted, what she needed. Not like her husband. Her pathetic wimp of a husband. She had made the decision to tell him just what she was now - a black cock slut with triplets growing inside her - the day before. This meeting with Father Jonathan was Dutch courage, the gang-fuck to give her the impetus to tell him. It couldn’t be put off much longer - her belly was showing now, her pregnancy obvious to anyone with half a brain… which is why, she mused, her husband hadn’t twigged yet.

“Come to us, my child,” Jonathan said, holding out his hands.

“My children,” Orla said, rubbing her swollen belly happily.

“My children… perhaps. Who knows, after all?”

“Of course... “ she grinned. She wanted to think of Jonathan as the father of the children inside her… but it could easily be any of the many, many black men she’d let inseminate her. But to her, he was the daddy… in more ways than one.

She reached him at last and their lips met, his cock bumping her belly as they pressed their bodies together. She felt hands on her ass, squeezing, kneading and she wiggled it suggestively, encouraging them to do more.

She felt her ass being spread and a tongue begin to lap and probe at her tight hole. She stood with her legs wide apart, allowing fingers access to her private areas, though she considered them public property for black men now. She even had a tattoo above her pussy now, which read “Black Cocks Only”. How had her husband not seen this? Easy - she never appeared in anything close to a nude state near him these days. He disgusted her physically and she wouldn’t even countenance the thought of him looking upon her glowing, pregnant body - she was the property of black men exclusively and only they could view her in her glory.

She felt the tongue replaced by the bulbous head of a big, black cock and she laughed wickedly as it pushed into her body with ease. She was no stranger to dicks up her ass now, a far cry from the prudish woman who had been scared of her own shadow just a few months before. She leaned back on the man behind her, strong hands grabbing her under her knees and lifting her in the air, exposing her pussy to Jonathan, who wasted no time in thrusting his entire length into the gaping pussy. Their lips met again and she lost herself in the moment, pleasure coursing through her body as her two lovers nailed each of her holes in perfect unison.

“I’m… fuck… going… to… divorce my hu... hu… husband!” she managed to get out between thrusts. “I’m going to… take him… to the … FUCK! … cleaners and then… I want to… marry…”

She looked into Jonathan’s eyes and knew love, true love, for the first time.

“... YOU!”

“Oh fuck yeah!” the man behind her grunted and she felt his hot sperm filling up her ass, his cock slammed to the balls up there, spewing the wonderful substance deep into her guts. He ripped himself free, cum tumbling from her stretched backdoor and onto the marble floor below. She didn’t care - she just wanted another man inside her, filling her back up. She got her wish.

“You love this cock that much?” Jonathan said. “We don’t need to get married to fuck, girl.”

“I know, but… mmmm, shit…. I love… love… you,” Orla cried as both poles drove into her, orgasm seconds away.

“You love me or black cock?”

“Both! I want… to be … fucked … all the time… but also… to be your wife… and live with you… not in sin…”

“Sin? You’re taking 10 cocks in a church, girl!”

“No sin… in pleasure… if it is … is… right… oh fuck, I’m cumming!”

God’s house was filled with the sound of a woman screaming in pleasure, men grunting as they thrust into said female, others standing round, stroking their cocks while they waited their turn.


Alison sat in her garden, the night warm considering the time of year. A glass of fine wine sat on the table next to her, a woman’s magazine next to it, untouched. Birds twittered, the sunset gorgeous, everything was set up for a relaxing evening just mellowing out in this domesticated version of nature.

But she was in another place mentally. Her mind was back in the studio, gazing at a vision of that model’s cock, erect and perhaps even bigger in her recollection than it had been in reality.

Her husband, Timothy, was down at the end of the garden, kneeling in front of some flowers, tending them carefully. He was a kind, sweet man. She knew this and loved him dearly. Today, though… today had reminded her of the wild side of her nature, the side that didn’t want nice and sweet. The side that wanted a man to fuck the absolute shit out of her, to dominate her body and use it for his (and her) pleasure. To be a fuck doll, bouncing around and creaming all over that magnificent cock. She shivered, despite the warmth, at the thought of it.

She had barely got out of there with her marriage vows intact and, having to go back tomorrow to complete the contract she’d promised to help out with… what a stupid decision that looked like now in retrospect. How had she got herself mixed up with this? Her marriage was rock solid… but she couldn’t deny the feelings she had experienced - and was still experiencing - at the hands of the model.

So she was in two minds now. Did she go back to the studio tomorrow and risk everything or did she stay away and perhaps not even get the nudes she’d paid for because Kofi resented her letting them down? She could tell Timmy about it, but then that risked him finding out about the man and him making her cum… no, she had to do it. Go in, do the job like it was any other, come out with the nudes she’d initially gone for. Easy… right?

It was absurd, really, this whole thing. She was a happily married woman, no complaints, nothing. So she got a bit turned on by a big cock… big deal. She was flesh and blood, of course she would. Like Timmy would get a boner if he saw a beautiful woman naked. It was natural. She relaxed a bit. Of course she could put her emotions aside for one afternoon, do the shoot, get some hot pics for Timmy and her to look back on with pride and no more contact would be had with Kofi or the model or whoever.

Easy, right?

She fingered the wedding band on her left hand gingerly, looking down at Timothy working away in the garden. She tried to imagine him as some chiselled hunk, foot-long cock standing proud and erect, waiting for her to gobble it up in mouth or cunt… but she couldn’t. All she saw in her mind’s eye was his little member, needle-thin, barely stiff, his wimpy body barely worthy of the word ‘manly’.

So she bit her lip and wondered just how easy it would be to say no after all…


Rufus stirred in his sleep, his big, empty bed far too much for his lone frame now. He turned and put out his arm, expecting to feel Chloe’s nighty-clad body next to him, but no. She was gone. His eyes opened and he sighed, looking at ‘her’ pillow. It still had her scent on it, taunting him with her closeness, with what he had had and had now lost. Visions of her splayed open, accepting black male flesh into her perfect white body, over and over, again and again… they entered his mind unbidden, torturing him. He wept again, silently. It was too much for him. His parents had said they would do what they could, but he hadn’t shared Chloe’s betrayal with them. He couldn’t. It would mean admitting he had failed, was unworthy of her. He couldn’t let anyone know this. At least, not yet.

For while he wept and wallowed in self pity, he had come up with a kernel of an idea, a plan to win his Chloe back from the devils that had possessed her. It was his last chance and he was ready to stake everything on this gamble. His ******’s entire fortune on a throw of the dice to get his love back.

Men had been for her things, big, brutish black men that had said barely nothing. He wondered if these men had fucked his Chloe yet. No, he wouldn’t think of that… but they hadn’t spotted the tail, Rufus following them all the way to the city to a large apartment complex in the poshest area. The sort of place he had looked at property for them when they’d been engaged…

He saw the buzzer button they’d pressed and, later, had pressed it himself.

“Hello?” came a familiar voice. It was Emily, Chloe’s younger sister. One of the ones who had corrupted his Chloe. Her own sister. It made him sick - part of the video he’d watched had shown Chloe’s legs up in the air, wide apart, Emily and then Margaret licking sperm out of her battered vagina. He almost thought he’d gone mad at that point, but no… she was loving it, shouting at them to “get every last fucking drop!” with their tongues.

So she was living with them. It made sense. Back home, later on, he had started to do research, discovered the owner of entire building was one Michael Tandino, a dashingly handsome black entrepreneur, businessman and philanthropist. Rufus put two and two together - this Tandino must be connected to Emily, to Chloe’s betrayal.

So it made twisted sense that, to Rufus, he could bring Chloe back by breaking Tandino. Destroy him and the girls would suddenly be ‘good’ again. At least, Chloe would be. To him, it made sense - because he refused to accept the real reasons she’d left him. This was his only hope then - destroy Tandino.

In the morning, he would begin. He finally slept again, though in his dreams, as ever, was Chloe’s naked form, writhing in bed with a dark, male shape hammering away between her legs.
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