“What in God’s name is going on?” cried Rufus as his fiancee, face covered in pussy juice, turned to face him, a look of utter shock on her face. Katie screamed as she saw her employer standing there, covering her breasts and groin with her hands in a futile attempt to preserve some dignity. Chloe was too shocked to even do this.

“I mean... what the actual fuck? You’re... eating her... oh my God, what... are you a lesbian now?”

Chloe finally found her tongue. If she’d been in a better situation, she might have joked she’d lost it up Katie’s twat... but now wasn’t the time for jokes.

“Rufus, please... don’t do anything hasty, we can talk about this!”

“Damn right we will... and you...” he growled, pointing at Katie. “Get your things, you’re fired. I want you out of this house by tomorrow morning.”
Katie, stunned, didn’t move. Chloe, however, reacted quicker than she’d expected to.

“Wait, no!” she shouted, standing up finally and moving between Rufus and Katie. “Just... wait. Let me talk to you. It isn’t her fault. It is completely me. I seduced her, don’t let me lose her her job. Seriously... let’s talk. Please?”

Rufus clenched and unclenched his fists, but his shoulders slumped. Katie escaped the cubicle and rushed out, grabbing her clothes as she went.

“Okay, let’s talk,” Rufus said. They went back into the bedroom and Chloe, a towel wrapped around her, sat and explained. She came up with the lies quickly and easily, surprising herself. She said how she’d been ‘working’ Katie for a few weeks, pressurising her because of her own need for sexual release. She hadn’t realised her bisexual tendencies until, stuck away in the country here, she was cut off from all sexual contact. She needed a release valve and Katie was it.

“It was all me. Don’t blame her,” Chloe said, finally, deflated.

“Okay... I can see... right, I want three things here,” Rufus said, hands on hers. “I want a promise that you’ll not do anything like this with Katie again.”

“I promise,” Chloe said. This was a total lie.

“Second... I understand your frustrations... so let’s move the wedding forward. I can pull some strings so... how about we get married in 7 days? Then... well, these issues need never resurface...”

Chloe was stunned. “Really? A week. Wow... I don’t know if... okay, sure, let’s do it!”

Rufus smiled and they kissed. Then he made the absolute worst mistake he could possibly make.

“Finally, I think it would be best if you go stay with your ****** in the city for a little bit,” Rufus said. “I think just being back in the city will give you a new lease of life, maybe make you appreciate both sides of our existence, the calm and the busy.”

Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Chloe gulped and nodded. She couldn’t say why this was the dumbest thing he could have suggested. Oh, by the way, you know my ****** will attempt to get me to fuck black guys every single second I’m with them, right? Talk about thrown into the lion’s den. Except this time the lions were all black and sporting foot-long cocks.

“Okay, sure, if you think that’s best,” she said, meekly.

“Of course, what could you do wrong with your ****** keeping an eye on you?” he smiled.

“What indeed?” she said. “But Katie can stay, right?”

Rufus nodded and Chloe sighed with relief. She couldn’t have lived with the guilt of getting her lover fired like that, her own stupidity the reason why she’d been caught.

“I’ll even let her help you pack,” Rufus smiled. “Fully clothed, of course.”

So that’s how she found herself knocking on Emily’s door the next day. Her sister opened it and did a double take.

“Chloe! What... how... what are you... oh yes, pleeeeease say you’ve left that wimp and come to go black with us!”

“No, I... Rufus caught Katie and I together and sent me up here to get out of trouble.”

“OUT of trouble?” Emily laughed. “Oh my dear sister, whatever sort of trouble could you get in round here? Anyway, you don’t have to worry, it’s just me in at the moment... though we were planning a little party later on if you were interested...”

“Would that party involve hunky black men, by any chance?”

“Well, if it didn’t... it certainly would now you are here,” Emily grinned wickedly., ushering her sister into her sumptuous flat.

“Wow, this place is great!” Chloe said. “How do you afford this?”

“I don’t,” Emily said, appearing next to her suddenly with a glass of wine. “It is completely paid for and owned by Tandino Enterprises. I do work for Mr Tandino in my job and also I work tirelessly on Project Blackout...”

“Project Blackout?” Chloe said, sipping her wine.

“Well, it is difficult to explain precisely... but essentially boils down to black cocks in white pussies equals mixed race babies.”

“You... you’re serious?”

Emily nodded. “Yeah. Well, kinda. The babies are a bonus. Mainly it is about connecting white girls and black boys using their connectors... babies just often pop up because, you know, hyper-virility of your average black male.”

“If you and mother fu... have so many male partners, how come you two aren’t pregnant yet?” Chloe asked.

“Good question! To be honest with you, you are the reason.”

“Me? How...?”

“You and Alison and Kirsty,” Emily continued. “Mother and I made a promise that there’d be no new additions to the ****** until you, Alison and Kirsty were fucking black men. And with you with us now... well, guess we’re almost halfway to finally getting knocked up!”
Chloe’s eyes went wide. “That’s ... that’s ...”

So fucking sexy. So unutterably, mind-meltingly erotic.

“So fucking sexy, I know,” Emily grinned. “Just gives us an extra incentive to push you guys into it.”

“Hang on... what about Kirsty’s two twins, Gemma and Jane?”

As she saw Emily’s eyes light up, she thought oh fuck, why had she said that?

“Oh yes, I’d forgotten about them! You know it is their 18th birthday soon... what a lovely surprise it would be for them to unwrap their presents and discover they’re all massive black cocks?”

Chloe didn’t want to admit it... but that did sound very hot indeed.

“Ahem, anyway, what makes you think you can even convince me, let alone those others? I mean, Alison is completely in love and happily married to Brad. She’d never cheat on him... and as for Kirsty? Good luck! I mean, you do remember she is an anthropology professor at the university? That her job, her career is about racial stereotypes and disproving them? She even gets interviewed on TV about it! I think her speciality is something like ‘The Myth of Black African Sexual Dominance’ or something. And you expect her to give up her life’s work and proclaim the wonders of black men? Oh, AND to make her ********* do the same?”

Emily grinned. “It ain’t gonna be easy, that’s for sure... but you’re forgetting one thing.”

Chloe cocked an eyebrow, looking sceptical.

“The innate sexual superiority of the black male. You won’t be able to resist it, Alison’s wedding vows mean nothing when pitted against black cock and as for Kirsty? I bet she’s never even seen a real black cock... Oh yes, when she falls, she’ll bring her ********* with her. I guarantee it. I mean, it’s only natural.”

“Well, I’ve changed my mind,” Chloe said, stubbornly. “I’m not going to cheat on Rufus. It just isn’t fair and...”

“Yes, you will,” Emily giggled. “Come on, I saw your O-face when you had those dildos in you. They were so big, stretching you so much... and yet you know you wanted bigger ones, blacker ones... REAL ones pounding you into submission. And that’s what you’ll get - cock after cock after, 11 then 12 then 13 then maybe 14 or 15 inches, smashing your cervix, cumming in your colon, until they’re so fucking used and stretched that no whiteboy will ever touch the sides again.”

“No, I won’t,” Chloe said, but it sounded feeble. Emily grinned, knowing Chloe wasn’t being entirely truthful. The interest was there, it just needed to be given a reason to come out.

“Anyway, how about we go show you round town, see the sights and then come back all fresh for a nice night of interracial sex?”

Chloe groaned, dumped her bags and followed Emily out the door.


Bang on 7pm, a heavy knock on the front door. Chloe had been kinda hoping Emily’s talk of inviting black men around was a joke, but when she opened the door and in came a few very tall, very handsome and very black males... well, hope doesn’t always spring eternal.

“Malik, Omar, Abdul, Tyrone, this is my sister, Chloe!” Emily said jauntily. “She’s been telling me how interested she is in meeting a nice black man to settle down with... in a bed.”

Chloe almost spurted her drink out all over the carpet.

“Emily, for fuck’s sake!” Chloe said. “No, I’m sorry, she’s just leading you on. I’m happily engaged to a lovely man and...”

“A white man with a tiny little pecker,” Emily chuckled.

“...a lovely man who can provide for me and my ******. I’m sorry if you’ve been given the wrong idea, gentlemen. My sister is... impulsive sometimes.”

“That’s okay,” the one called Malik said. “I can see that you are a strong, independent woman who knows how to make your own decisions. I think, looking at you, that you’ll definitely make the right choice when it comes to the crunch, won’t you?”

Chloe blushed, knowing he obviously didn’t mean the right choice was Rufus. “Er, yes, I’m sure I will.”
“And when you do eventually make that choice, I don’t think you’ll ever regret it,” the man named Tyrone said in a deep, dark, booming tone. A tone that made Chloe quiver slightly. Damn her fucking body and its susceptibility to... to what? A voice?

“Chloe might act all prim and proper, but she’s a slut deep down,” Margaret said, appearing from the kitchen. There almost went that drink again.


“When we were visiting her, she had sex with me, Emily and a serving girl... actually, you guys really need to meet her. Cute, petite little thing... with a pussy that’ll look wonderful being stretched out by a big cock.”
Chloe was fighting the urge to flee. It would be... rude to do so, but goddamnit, it was hard. Just like... just like... oh God, just like the growing bulges in the men’s trousers! She tore her gaze away when she realised nowaday was speaking. All eyes were on her... whose eyes were on the growing male members!

“Want to see?” Abdul said.

“No, really, I... oh, fucking Christ!”

Chloe gasped in shock as Abdul unzipped himself and let his enormous black cock flop out, his trousers pooling around his ankles. It was so big and it was barely hard at all! It made Rufus’s look like a child’s. No wonder Emily expected her to succumb... but she wouldn’t. No, she’d made a promise...

...then she saw the other three men had got their cocks out. All equally as big, thick and long... Chloe clenched her hands into fists, biting her tongue to try to regain control. Her hands just wanted to grab these dicks, stroke them lovingly. Her mouth wanted to suck them and her pussy... her pussy was tingling like crazy.

“No... please... I made a promise...”

“Okay, suit yourself,” said Margaret. “Tyrone, Abdul, you’re with me. Malik, Omar, you get to fuck Emily. Plenty of time for swapsies, of course... and maybe even frigid Chloe will join in at some point.”

“No!” she blurted out. “I’ll... be okay out here.”

“Fine, leave the doors open so she can see.”

For the next five hours, the men fucked and ravished Chloe’s relatives within a few metres of her. Chloe sat on the couch, visibly shaking, body tormented with lust and pent-up sexual tension. She was straining every sinew to remain seated and not to jump in and give herself over to base pleasures. Both Emily and her mother constantly screamed about how wonderful the men were, how Chloe needed black cock between her legs. It went on and on and on... but finally, the men left and Chloe slumped back on the couch, tears in her eyes. She’d done it. She’d beaten her sister and her mother.

They said she couldn’t resist, but she had.

“That was fucking good,” Emily said, standing naked next to Chloe, who lifted her gaze to see a river of cum flowing out of both Emily’s holes. “It really made me cum that little bit harder knowing you were out here, suffering...”

“Yes, why did you put yourself through that, Chloe?” Margaret said, offering her another drink. Her own holes were also bleeding sperm.

“I made a promise, mother! What good am I if I don’t keep my word? Anyway, it’s over now...”

“Over?” Emily chuckled. “Well, yeah, for tonight, but there’s always tomorrow.”

“Fucking hell, again? You two are insatiable,” Chloe said. She wasn’t sure she could resist another evening like that, the sounds of other women, her own flesh and blood, being fucked for hours... it was almost too much for her and she’d not been in the same room even.

“Oh yes, that’s what happens when you get a taste for black dick, my dear,” Margaret smiled. “When it happens to you, I guarantee you’ll want to make up for lost time and fuck as often as possible.”

“It’ll not happen, mother,” Chloe said, indignantly. “I made a promise.”

“We’ll see,” Emily said.


The next night was even worse, if possible. Instead of retiring to their rooms, Margaret and Emily decided to get fucked in the lounge area with Chloe mere feet away, trying to avoid any and all eye contact, but by doing so ending up spending far too long watching foot-long black pricks splitting her mother and sister apart. She watched as their balls tightened, obviously flooding her relatives’ insides with semen. By a supreme act of willpower, she managed to repress her lustful feelings and sit there while her sister and mother acted so wantonly.

Clearly Emily and Margaret weren’t going to be satisfied with this. Chloe feared what would come next... and yet nothing did. She was bewildered, even asking them over and over again when the black men were coming around. Chloe, it suddenly dawned on her, actually missed their presence, despite her not having succumbed to them so far.

This said more to her than if she’d leapt on one the second she saw him. This showed her that perhaps her attraction to black men and her burning desire to be with them was more deep-rooted than she thought. It was amusing to both Emily and Margaret that Chloe spent more time thinking and talking about the black studs when they weren’t around.

They realised too that forcing her would just steel her, make her resolve too strong to break down. They had to try a different tactic and, to their delight, it seemed to be working. The problem was... the wedding was in a few days... and they weren’t sure whether Chloe would finally crack before the big day.

They had faith she would see the dark side and make the right choice, but the deadline loomed and by the wedding day, Chloe still hadn’t caved in. Unknown to them, however, was just how close she was to doing so. It would take one tiny straw to break this beautiful white camel’s back.


The big day was finally here for Chloe... and yet she was curiously unexcited. No blushing bride getting flustered by the big day. For the morning, instead of getting her hair done, she just stood on the apartment balcony, staring off into space, deep in thought. Finally, she got ready, her mother and Emily helping her out with her hair and then, eventually, into her extraordinarily expensive gown, a ****** heirloom passed down from Rufus’s mother. It was Georgian period, apparently, exquisite and carefully preserved for more than 200 years.

She looked like a goddess and Emily didn’t even say that black men deserved to see her in it more than Rufus did. This was Chloe’s big day... and no excitement. Just a gnawing doubt, something eating away at her from inside. She knew what it was, but said nothing. She knew EXACTLY what it was, but hoped it would go away.

Even though she knew it wouldn’t.

“We’ve arranged a special chauffeur for us all today, dear, he’s downstairs ready to take us along to the church. You all okay, nothing we need to do?”

Chloe bit her lip, but shook her head.

“It’s just a pity Alison and Kirsty couldn’t make it,” Emily said. “The change of time really screwed them over.”

Chloe merely nodded in agreement.

“Are you okay, honey?” Margaret said.

Chloe turned to her, opening her mouth to say something. “Mother, Emily, I... I... thanks for helping me.”
Margaret’s eyebrow raised slightly, but she said nothing. Chloe was wrestling with something and, as she turned away, Margaret met Emily’s gaze. The two women looked at Chloe, knotting her hands together without knowing it, fiddling with the engagement ring. They grinned from ear to ear. They knew EXACTLY what this was about.

The limousine outside looked... different to how Chloe’d expected. It was fancy and everything, but there was something about it that made her think this wasn’t the car she was meant to get in.

The driver’s door opened and out stepped Malik from her first night in town. She gulped, that feeling inside her throbbing away even stronger now. He tipped his cap to her and opened the back door, moving his arm in a sweeping arc to usher her into her wedding vehicle.

“Did you do this?” Chloe said to her mother.

“No,” Emily interrupted. “I did. I called Rufus and told him we had our own arrangements to get to the church, no need to send the big horse and cart or whatever he had planned. Come on, our dates are inside too.

Chloe gulped, but ducked inside anyway. There waiting for the three women were four black men she’d never seen before, done up to the nines and ready for the wedding.

“What are these guys doing here?” Chloe said, her heart in her mouth. That feeling... throbbing... throbbing...

“These are our dates,” Margaret said. “We felt like coming with two guys today each, I hope you don’t mind.” She grinned mischievously. “Make up the numbers for Alison and Kirsty, after all.”

Chloe merely groaned and sat down in middle of the long seat. Too late she realised why Emily and Margaret had sat right on the edges... Chloe was now surrounded by four big black studs!

“Hey gorgeous,” one of them boomed. “That’s a beautiful dress... but I bet you look even better without it on.”

“Please... I’m getting married soon,” Chloe said, squirming. She realised with horror that her panties were soaking wet already. Oh God, not now... fucking Emily!

“Yeah, but that doesn’t matter really, does it?” another said... and he put his hand on her knee, rubbing her gently. She squeaked, but... but... she didn’t ask him to remove it. She just let him continue. The man on the other side put his hand on her other knee and, gently, they eased her legs apart. She let it happen! She didn’t stop them! Come on, Chloe, she thought, just say no... you made a promise... you’re so close... don’t let... oh God...

The hands slid slowly up, pushing her dress higher, exposing her thighs then... exposing her sodden panties to everyone in the vehicle.

“Hoo-eee! This girl’s wet as fuck and I bet it ain’t no white boy groom that’s making her cunt so juicy!”

Chloe whimpered, but didn’t dare move. She didn’t WANT to move. In fact, what she wanted to happen was actually happening. The hands spread her wider, wider until she hooked each leg over the right and left thighs of the men next to her. The hands moved further up, thumbs in her panty elastic and tugged. The underwear moved, but not enough... so they pulled harder and with a loud rip, literally tore her panties off!

“Mmm,” Emily said, licking her lips. “She’s shaved herself completely. Now... why would she do something like that, today of all days?”

“Maybe she... nooo, surely not?” Margaret said. “No, she made a prooooomise, she keeps saying. She’s going to be faithful to Rufus, even though she shaved her pussy... and that she just let some black men rip her fucking panties off on her wedding day!”

“Oh God...” Chloe whimpered. “Please...”

“Please what, honey?” Margaret said. “Please stop or please tear my gown and stick your big black cocks inside me?”

“Please...” Chloe said again, unable to finish her sentence. “Please... oooooh fuuuuuuck.”

She let out a low groan as the men started to release their monstrous cocks from their pants. She couldn’t tear her eyes away. Just... wanted... to... touch...

Her hands reached out, the merest glance of her fingertips on two of the dicks and she squealed... then cried out as Margaret slapped her hands away!

“No!” she roared. “No! Let her be. It’s so rude of you all to get your biiiiiig cocks out when this girl is just wanting to travel to her wedding in peace. Shame on you.”

“Yes, this is a decision Chloe has to make for herself. She knows the arguments, she’s seen the evidence first hand... now she has to choose for herself. Does she go black forever or does she make do with a white cock barely half the length of any of these men. We’re done helping you make the leap, Chloe,” Emily said. “It’s all down to you, sister. Come with us to the dark side or stay forever locked away in the country with... well, it isn’t even worth thinking about.”

Chloe was completely lost for words, an internal struggle going on inside her that she knew she was losing... but there was still enough fight there to not cave.

“I... choose... I... “ she stammered.

“Oh, we’re here now,” Emily said, cutting her off. Chloe was bundled out of the car quickly and kept out of view while she sorted herself out, the panties left on the floor of the limo. It was time for her to meet her destiny... she just didn’t know what colour it was going to be.


Everything seemed to be going swimmingly, Rufus thought. He beamed with undisguised joy as the music started and he saw Chloe enter the church with his father holding arm, ready to give her away. Behind her stood a friend of Chloe’s, Fiona, from the village, who’d been chosen as maid of honour a long time ago. He quickly scanned the assembled crowds, only pausing very briefly to wonder why four burly looking black men were in the front row of Chloe’s side. Then something twinged in him - he looked at Chloe’s face and she wasn’t reciprocating his smile. She looked entirely ill at ease, like she was trying to make a tough decision. But... that made no sense. What could she possibly be thinking about except her big day?


Chloe walked slowly down the central passageway, eyes darting left and right. She should be happy, but she wasn’t. She felt like she was going to explode, this incredible tension ruining her special day. Her pussy felt like it was on fire, needing to be given what it desperately needed. A big, fucking black cock. But her commitment, though teetering on the brink, kept pushing her forward.

Her cunt felt like it was talking to her: “Feed me, feed me cocks, feed me cum, come on, take two of them in me, how about three? We can make it work, just give in... give in... give in...”

Each step took her closer to ending this once and for all... but could she honestly say those words, take the vows... when she felt like this?

Finally, she was standing in front of Rufus and forced herself to smile. The official in charge of the ceremony called on everyone to be silent. Chloe’s eyes flitted to her left and she saw her mother and sister sitting with their ‘dates’. Just think, if Margaret hadn’t stopped them, they’d be pulled up on the side of the road, their big cocks plunging into her burning, throbbing holes...

She felt her pussy spasm harder than it ever had before. She almost gasped, so strong was the sensation. She closed her eyes and tried not to weep. Why was she denying this? Every second that went by made her promises seem so utterly shallow.

Forcing herself to look back up at Rufus, who looked confused, slightly worried, she plastered a fake smile on again.

“Today we have come together to witness the joining of these two lives,” said the official. “For them, out of the routine of ordinary life, the extraordinary has happened. They met each other, fell in love and are finalizing it with their wedding. A good marriage must be created. It is never being too old to hold hands. It’s remembering to say I love you every day and it is not just marrying the right person its being the right partner.”

Rufus grinned down at her, but she felt like ashes were filling up her stomach. It was all such bullshit! A good marriage? How could that exist when the woman wanted to be anywhere but here right now? Anywhere but here and riding a big... black... cock... and the right partner? To Chloe right now, the right partner was any black man with a huge dick.

The preamble, the giving away, it all sludged by, Chloe trying to blot out the sexual imagery flooding her mind.

“Repeat after me... I, Rufus Archibald Travers, take you, Chloe Gerrard, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.”

Rufus eagerly repeated the words. Then it was Chloe’s turn. She gulped. Could she say them?

“I, Chloe Gerrard, take you, Rufus Archibald Travers, to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.”

“I, Chloe Gerrard, take you.... Rufus Archibald Travers to be my hus... husband, my partner in life and... and... my... one true... true... love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.”

She blurted out the last sentence as quickly as she could. She’d almost faltered. Almost.

The vicar continued. Rufus seemed unflustered. Chloe... she didn’t know if she could say the vows.

“Rufus Archibald Travers, do you take Chloe Gerrard to be your wife?”

“I do,” Rufus said, no hesitation.

“Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her?”

“I do,” Rufus grinned.

The vicar turned to Chloe.

“Chloe Gerrard, do you take Rufus Archibald Travers to be your husband?”

“I... I...” Chloe stammered. “I do.”

“Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him?”

“I... do.”

The rings came out.

“Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this couple in marriage. Repeat after me. This ring is my sacred gift, with my promise that I will always love you, cherish you and honor you all the days of my life. And with this ring, I thee wed.”

Rufus said the words, slipping Chloe’s wedding band onto her ring finger.

“This ring is my sacred gift, with my promise that I will always love you, cherish you and honor you all the days of my life. And with this ring, I thee wed.”

Chloe, hesitating, did the same. That was it then... wasn’t it? She was locked to Rufus forever... but the ceremony hadn’t quite finished yet. She looked around frantically and saw the black men sitting next to her relatives. She locked eye with one then another, before moving her gaze inexorably downwards... and spotting those heavenly bulges once more...

No... this was all wrong. This whole wedding was a sham, a travesty. It hit her suddenly, like someone teetering on the edge of a precipice finally tumbling into the dark abyss. Except Chloe’s darkness was what she wanted. It was what she craved, she knew now. Just in time she saw what had been staring her in the face since Emily had first shown her the photographs on her phone. She looked up at Rufus’s face, so full of love and devotion... and felt a cold shiver run through her whole frame.

She glanced at the black men again and the feeling couldn’t have been starker. She felt jolts of energy, warmth flooding out from her groin and making every nerve ending in her body tingle. She felt electrified.


“If any person here can show cause why these two people should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

Chloe looked around frantically. Not even Emily or Margaret would dare interrupt... it was all down to her. Chloe had to be the one to stop this. She looked at her mother and sister, both of them grinning like Cheshire cats. They both knew, they knew which side of the fence she’d come down on. It had taken her to the brink of marriage, of tying herself to one man, a white man, to make her see just what she really, truly was.

A black cock slut.

She looked at the men again and felt her pussy literally dripping fluid down her thighs. She’d never been this horny ever in her life. She knew what she had to do.

The vicar turned to the ‘happy couple’ and smiled.

“By the power vested in me I now pronounce you man and wi...”

“STOP!” Chloe shouted.

Gasps from the audience, though not from Emily and Margaret. From them came sighs of relief. Rufus, for his part, was almost too stunned to react. He just looked confused.

“I’m sorry,” Chloe said, though she wasn’t. She slipped the ring off her finger and gave it back to Rufus, placing it in his left hand. She owed him an explanation, but not yet. Nobody said a word as they watched the “bride” turn and move gracefully over to her ******.

“Emily, Mother,” she grinned down at them. “Looks like you win.”

“No, dear,” Margaret said, as she, Emily and the four black men all stood together. “Not at all. This is your big day and you’re the one who has won.”

“Come on, before I change my mind...” Chloe said.

“Pssh, like that’ll happen. You’re one of us now, sis... and that’ll never, ever change,” Emily said. The assembled crowd continued to stare in disbelief as the bride walked all the way back down the aisle with her small entourage, disappearing out the church’s main doorway.

But just as they were leaving, the words “Fuck my promise” could be heard echoing around the building.


Chloe flopped down onto the seat of the limousine, chest heaving with relief.

“Oh my fucking... that was the most... Jesus, that was nerve-wracking. I can barely remember anything, just that I was standing there and all I was doing was deciding whether to ditch him or not. Nearly everything else is a blank!”

“Well, you made the right choice!” Emily said, piling beside her.

“Yes, the first day of the rest of your life,” Margaret beamed. “Honestly, I’m so proud of you, honey. I know it was a difficult choice...”

“No, mother... you see, in the end, it wasn’t. It was absurdly simple,” Chloe said, taking a glass of wine from the cooler. “I mean, you said it yourself, both of you. Black men likes these fellows here... are just superior to white men. I’ve not even FUCKED one yet and I know it in my heart. Deep down, I knew it from the second you showed me the pictures on your phone. I knew I was a black cock whore that very fucking second. I knew I wanted my cervix to have cock after cock squashing up against it, delivering fucking black cum into my quivering uterus. Fuck, my eggs deserve to be fertilised by the most potent cum out there - the cum of black men.”

“God, you’re starting to sound so much like me, it’s scary!” Emily chuckled. “So you’re going to help us corrupt Alison and Kirsty?”

“I’d be betraying all womankind if I didn’t help spread the word, little sister,” Chloe grinned. “Now, am I going to get fucked or what?”

“All in due time, my dear,” Margaret teased. “This is your special day so we kind of have some special things planned for you.”

“Ooooh, sounds interesting!”

“First of all, we’re not heartless, so you’re allowed to suck these guys off in the limo and get your lips around some black cocks for the first time. One rule though - no cum dodging! You’ve got to drink every fucking drop of sperm... but you’ll find that easy as there’s literally nothing you’re going to want to drink more than black stud cum. It is absolutely fucking... just exquisitely delicious.”

“Then,” Emily winked, “well, let’s just say you’ll never forget your wedding night. Now... I believe there are some big black cocks that need sucking...”

Chloe grinned as seats were shifted and two of the men sat flanking her. Their bulges were too tempting to resist and she cooed as they unzipped themselves, freeing their monstrous members at long last. Her eyes went with wide with delight as two 12-inch black cocks sprung to attention just for her. She’d seen similar ones before when Emily and Margaret had tried to corrupt her by having an orgy in the same room... but this was different. These were HER cocks. Just for Chloe and that made all the difference.

“They’re magnificent,” she said, chest heaving, as she reached for them. For the first time in her life, she touched the cocks of black men, her delicate fingers wrapping around their ebony shafts. “So warm ... and SO HARD!”

“Just imagine how they’ll feel in your little pussy, Chloe,” Margaret said. Chloe shuddered, doing just that.
“Fuck... I definitely made the right choice!” Chloe groaned, slowly stroking each cock. Everything about them was exquisite - the veins, the rigidity, the bulbous heads, the swollen, dangling balls... she loved every inch. She cooed with delight as a large dribble of pre-cum oozed from one of the cocks. It was about time she tasted them, she thought.

Leaning forward, she snaked out her tongue until the tip touched the glans, letting the pre-cum collect before licking upward very slowly. She grinned up at the man, savouring the taste... and wow, what a taste! Emily was right, it was sublime. She’d always spat out Rufus’s sperm as it tasted horrible, but this... oh, no way was she spitting this man’s cream out. She wouldn’t let a drop go to waste.

“I’m going to drain your fucking balls dry,” she growled playfully. “Same goes for the rest of you. I want all your fucking jizz flowing down my throat and into my belly.”

With that, she descended, enveloping the apple-sized head of this enormous penis in her mouth. For the first time in her life, she was performing a sexual act on a stranger. She loved it.

“She looks so hot sucking that black dick while wearing that posh wedding dress,” Emily said, rubbing her own pussy as she watched her sister bob her head up and down.

“She’ll look even better when she’s getting fucked in it!” Margaret said, to which Emily could only nod in agreement. Chloe was only half-listening, though, focus primarily on pleasuring these two handsome studs. She pulled her mouth off one cock with a loud pop, grinned then plunged the second one into her gaping maw.

“Don’t be shy, girl,” the man said. “You can take more, just push it.”

Chloe desperately wanted to. She wanted to be like Emily and Margaret, taking double digit dongs to the balls in her throat. She opened up as much as she could, trying to shove her face forward, but her gag reflex was strong. She pulled away, coughing and spluttering, but laughing too.

“Shit, I’m going to have work on that!”

“I suspect you’ll have a loooooot of cocks to practice on, my dear,” Margaret grinned, leaning over and gently grabbing the back of Chloe’s head. She pulled her down and forced her mouth back onto the cock. “Fuck her face, let’s see if we can work some of that gag reflex out of her.”

A day for firsts, this. Chloe spluttered and choked as a man with a cock longer than a ruler and as thick as her wrist thrust aggressively into her mouth, trying to force himself deeper and into her throat with each upward motion. The stud managed to thrust 7 inches into her, but that was all she could manage.

She pulled away, gasping for breath. “Holy FUCK!” she barked. “Oh fuck, I love that shit! Treated like a piece of fucking meat... ooooh FUCK YES! Come on, you two,” she said, pointing at the studs not currently having their dicks sucked. “Get your cocks out, I want all four of you to fuck past my gag reflex right fucking now. Don’t stop, just do it. No matter how much I struggle... I WANT EVERY FUCKING INCH OF EACH OFF YOU IN MY FUCKING THROAT!”

“Attagirl!” Margaret said, clapping with glee. “Oh, it makes me so proud to see what a fucking pair of sluts I’ve raised.”

“You’ve got two more sluts to be proud of, don’t forget,” Emily said, watching as Chloe let her third cock of the day push into her mouth. “Alison and Kirsty will be doing this soon... and hopefully Gemma and Jane too.”

“Mmm, we can hope,” Margaret sighed. Chloe, meanwhile, was in a frenzy, lost to her lust. She pushed, they pushed and she took more and more cock down her throat with each attempt. She refused to be beaten, willing her body to give in and let her do what she wanted. Relentlessly, she won the war.

“Mmmmhfjfdfdhfhhfhmmmmmmmmmyssssss!” she bellowed, the sounds of her victory muffled by the fact 12 inches of thick, black cock were nestled snuggly in her oesophagus. She finally pulled away, gulping in air but maintaining her expression of sinful triumph.

“Now...” she wheezed, still grinning. “I want all that fucking cum.”

She took a cock in each hand, all four of them slippery and coated in her saliva, and began pumping them from root to tip, the vigorous strokes of a woman desperate to milk her lovers dry. As she did this, she gazed lovingly at each stiff prick, these things that had caused her to turn her back on the man she had once loved, to give up a life of luxury... and she had no regrets. This was her reason for living - black cocks and the cum they were about to spew down her throat.

One of the men she was jerking off groaned and she quickly thrust her mouth down onto his cock, burying it to the balls in one ruthless shove. He cried out and she felt him expanding and spasming in her gullet, raining hot jets of creamy sperm down into her stomach. The man collapsed backwards onto the seat and laughed.

“Fuck, this girl’s got some good head skills! That throat is tight!”

“Next!” Chloe shouted, hands back to jerking two of them cocks once again. “Come on, motherfuckers, I’m thirsty! I need cum!”

“You fucking slut!” one of the men yelled at her. “Take this fucking dick!”

He grabbed her head and forced his cock back down her throat, skullfucking her relentlessly. A few seconds later, he roared and blasted his own semen down into her stomach.

“Is that all you guys have got?” Chloe grinned, face and makeup a mess, as the second guy removed himself from the equation. “You two studs going to give me what I need, huh? Come on, squirt all over my face this time, I want to feel it all over me.”

In her entire life, she’d never had a man ejaculate on her face and now she was asking two strangers to do it. It felt so right, so amazing... so slutty. She loved it. Her hands flew up and down the shafts, each stroke bringing them closer to covering her whore face with their seed.

“Come on, cum on me, please, oh FUCK I need it so much!”

Both men came at once, suddenly, and she squealed with delight as huge blasts of sperm squirted right onto her face. It began to drip down onto her priceless wedding dress, but she didn’t give a fuck. When they finished, she began to scoop the cum off and feed it to herself.

“Oh no, that’s my job,” Emily said, kneeling in front of her and licking the excess cum off her own sister’s face. It was too erotic a sight for Margaret and she climaxed, both her and Emily having been masturbating watching their relative go crazy for cock.

Finally, when everything had settled down, Chloe wiped her face with a wet wipe Margaret had provided for her.

“Holy fuck, that was great,” Chloe said, sighing contentedly. “But seriously, guys, I need a cock in my pussy really fucking soon or I’ll go crazy.”

“We must be nearly there now,” Emily said. “Don’t worry, you’ll be stuffed full soon.”


Emily was correct, the limo sweeping into an underground parking garage about five minutes later. Chloe was helped out of the car by one of the studs and she made sure her gown was all neat and tidy, barring the drops of sperm that had dribbled down onto it, which she left on just because it looked so slutty to be walking around with such a priceless item of clothing soaked in spunk.

The party moved to an elevator on the far side of the parking lot, heading inside. Emily tapped a code into a keypad and then pressed the penthouse button. Chloe’s heart was racing - she’d be getting fucked so soon now, it was agonising. She watched the floor numbers tick slowly, slowly upwards until - ding - the doors opened and she stepped out into a palatial suite. It was even plusher than her rooms back with Rufus. Her jaw dropped with wonder... and then she saw them.

The cameras, lots and lots of cameras everywhere.

She turned to look at Emily and Margaret, who were both grinning.

“Yes, we’re going to film every second of your first fuck session, Chloe,” Margaret said. “Then we’re going to do two things... one, Tandino Enterprises is going to release the footage online and on DVD so people all over the world can watch you being a slut for black cock...”

Chloe felt her pussy quiver like mad with excitement.

“...and two, we’re going to send a copy to Rufus.”

Chloe’s jaw dropped in shock... then she broke out into a wide, beaming grin.

“Oh yes, what a fucking awesome idea,” she said. “I want him to know precisely why I ditched him.”

“You should record a little personal message for him before you get started. We can choreograph it all, make it as sexy as possible,” Emily said.

Chloe nodded. “Are you going to include that message on the DVD?”

“No, we think that...” Margaret began.

“Do it. Include it. I want everyone to know,” Chloe said.

“I think we’ve created a monster,” Margaret laughed.


For three months, Rufus Travers hadn’t heard a single word from his bride-to-be. She’d left him at the altar, stunned, rejected and nothing since. His ****** had closed ranks around him to give him protection, but it just served to make him isolated, more depressed. So he sat alone every night, sometimes weeping, sometimes angry. Always confused and at a loss to explain this.

Katie was still there, serving as usual, but she claimed to have no idea what was going on. She was lying - she knew exactly what was going on. In fact, she’d even been up to the city a number of times to see Chloe and to get her own taste of what her former mistress was now involved in. She was counting the days until she could move up there, something her current employers knew nothing about. Emily and Margaret had told her about Project Blackout and she’d instantly wanted to be a part of it. So when the questions had finished and she was alone, she patted her belly and said, “Soon.”

So Rufus sat on his own, night after night, until...

“Package for you, sir,” the butler said, handing Rufus a large brown packing envelope.

“Really? I wasn’t expecting anything. And.. it’s 1 in the morning?”

“Indeed, sir, the motorcycle driver seemed to be in a particular hurry,” the butler shrugged before being excused. Rufus tore open the package and pulled out a DVD case, blank, and a little clear wallet with a handful of discs labelled 1, 2, 3 and so on.

A note too.

“Dear Rufus, I know you’ve been wondering why I left. Here’s the reason. Chloe. PS - the DVD case is the edited version for sale to anyone who wants it and the loose discs are unedited if you want to see every second of it.”

Confused, he turned the blank DVD box over in his hands. Edited? For sale? What was going on? There seemed to be only one thing to do - to put it on and see what this was all about. Rufus had a feeling he wasn’t going to like it, but... he had to know.

He put the blank disc in the tray and pushed it closed. The machine whirred and he went over to the leather sofa, clutching the controls, before sitting and looking up at the enormous 100-inch screen mounted on the wall of his own personal sitting room. Nobody would disturb him in here unless he summoned them. He was alone with his thoughts and this video. Text appeared on the screen, a series of black backgrounds with large white letters appearing, a new message every 30 seconds.

“Chloe Gerrard. A happy woman. Engaged to be married to a rich, white man. Everything she could ever want... except one thing.”

“Chloe Gerrard. Something stirs in her. Something primal. An urge she cannot control.”

“Chloe Gerrard. She resists, but ultimately nature takes its course. The inevitable happens.”

“Chloe Gerrard. She makes promises. She plans to get married... but these promises are nothing,
meaningless words.”

“She gives in. She succumbs. She craves it and she gets it.”

“Her fiance, left at the altar. Wonders where she has gone. Today she answers that question.”

The words leave the screen and are replaced by an image of Chloe standing in a fabulously lavish room, though she is the main focus of the shot. She is standing with her wedding gown on, as beautiful as he remembers. She is smiling innocently at the camera. A bouquet of flowers is in her hands. Her makeup is fresh and exquisitely applied, subtle yet provocative. Mendelssohn’s Wedding March plays softly in the background.

“Hello Rufus,” she says, quietly, just as he remembered her. “I hope you’re doing okay down there. I know this must have been a difficult time for you since I left, but I hope this video here will explain a few of the things that have caused me to make this difficult... no, it wasn’t a difficult decision in the end, I’m sorry. It was simple, natural even, for me to choose my new way of life. To reject yours and to embrace this anew.”
Rufus was just about to say something... then realised it was a video.

“I suspect you are wondering what this is all about. I mean, what could have turned me against you like this. I bet you don’t have a clue what it is. Let me try to explain. A few weeks ago, my mother and my sister came to visit. They had an ulterior motive to seeing me - not only did they want to meet up after a long time apart, but they wanted to ... change my way of thinking. I tried to stay true to you, to what I thought was the right way of life... but I couldn’t. In the end, it all felt like a sham. What I really wanted, deep down, is what I have now. Or will have soon, anyway.”

“But yes, they came down and they showed me some pictures on their phones that took my breath away. They planted the seeds of doubt deep, deep in me and over the days and weeks that have followed, I could sense this growing unease in me, that I was making a huge mistake by not experiencing what they had shown me. And it hit me at the altar - if I married you, I may well never get to live this life the way my relatives are.”

“So I snapped just in time. And now... I guess you want to see just what it is I gave you up for.”

Chloe grinned and Rufus’s eyes popped out of his head as a huge, naked black man stepped into the camera shot, standing to Chloe’s right. His cock stuck out a foot from his body, straight out at 90 or so degrees from his body.

“This,” Chloe said, putting one hand under the stiff length of this man as if weighing it. “This is what I ditched you for.”

Suddenly the camera cut to a new angle and Chloe’s head turned to look into it, a sultry smile parting her lips.

“Big. Black. Cocks.”

It cut back to the front view again.

“Yes, my mother and sister are confirmed black cock sluts and the primary purpose for visiting us was to convert me to black dick. I refused, I squirmed, I even - God help me - pleased your case, saying you had all that it took to satisfy me...”

The camera cut to the side again.

“...but then I thought... you’ve never fucked me. Now, why was that?”

Back to the front.

“Because you were saving yourself? Or was it because you can’t perform when the chips are down? It doesn’t really matter now, but I do wonder... could you get it up for sex? I mean, keep it up for a long time?”

“No matter. Even if you could, just look at the size of this whopper, eh? I measured it earlier. 12.4 inches long. 7 inches in circumference. Now THIS is a proper man’s cock. You’ve got a nice one for a white boy, apparently, but sorry, this is a real cock. And this... could very well be the first black man ever to fuck my tight, little pussy.”

She began to stroke the cock gently and Rufus noticed she had her engagement ring on, the one that had run in his ****** for centuries. And now it was on the hand that was stroking a black man’s penis.
“Oh my, it does look just so awfully tasty...” Chloe grinned and Rufus gulped as she sank to her knees. Closing her eyes, she eased her head agonisingly slowly over to the cock and, gently as could be, puckered her lips and gave the head a delicate kiss.

“Mmm, yes,” she chuckled, opening her eyes and looking into the camera again, which had zoomed in slightly. “But... you know, maybe it isn’t fair to let this man be the guy to take my black cock virginity... maybe...”

Rufus moaned in horror as a second man appeared, this to Chloe’s left, his cock equally as large and hard.
“...maybe this chap could be the one,” she giggled. “13.3 inches, by the way.”

Chloe gave this one a kiss too.

“I don’t know, could be either one, could be someone else... all I can say is this: I’m going to get fucked by some black men and you, my dear Rufus, can watch it all. Every second of what I’m about to do is about to be captured on film... and then sold on the internet for all the pervos out there to gawp at. Jerking their tiny, flaccid white cocks as they watch REAL men pound my pussy and rip me a new asshole.”

She opened her mouth and gave each cock head a long, slow suck, letting each go with an audible pop.

“But before we get started,” Chloe smiled, “I just want you to know, Rufus, that this is actually all your fault. Not because of the lack of sex or anything like that... but because you sent me away after discovering me with Katie. You sent me into the lion’s den, my mother and sister’s apartment, where I came face to face with real black cocks for the first time. Oh, how I tried to resist, Rufus. They teased me, taunted me, flaunted their sex lives with me even in the room... yet I resisted. Until the end. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t give it up... but I am going to give this up...”

She stood again, hands off the cocks, and hiked up her skirt. Rufus saw her pussy was completely clean shaven, smooth as silk. Holding the dress with one hand, she used the other to part her pussy lips, exposing her glistening wetness to the world.

“This tiny little thing is going to get stretched out so much today. Those massive cocks are going to open me wide and touch every inch of my cunt. They’re going to hit my cervix and pump hot, wonderful cum directly into my womb.”

Rufus was appalled. Chloe had always been an advocate of safe sex, despite their lack of coital encounters. To hear she was going to take these two men bareback was the most shocking thing so far. What if she got pregnant?

“No fucking condoms,” she was saying. “I wouldn’t dare insist on my beautiful black lovers having to wear those things... and I don’t want them to anyway. I want to feel their skin on mine, their shafts touching my squishy insides as they stretch me wide. And if I get pregnant from all that black cum?”

Chloe grinned wickedly.


Rufus felt like a boxer had slugged him right in the chest. He could barely breath, rooted to the spot as this horror show played out.

“Anyway, I’m fed up of explaining myself to you, Rufus, I want to get the action started. Boys, won’t you join me on the bed?”

Chloe turned on her heel and the camera angle changed to show a huge king-sized bed, four posters and everything. He saw Chloe climb up onto it and turn onto her back. Slowly, cheekily, she spread her legs and began to slowly rub her pussy. Rufus could see it was soaking wet, ready to accept any intruder it wanted. One of the men had, from somewhere, received a bottle of lubricant and generously squirted it all over his cock and Chloe’s already sodden pussy, causing her to moan with anticipation.

“I guess you’ll be my first then,” she giggled, gently tapping her clit. “Come on then... don’t be gentle. I want you to show my ex-fiance just how a real man takes his woman ... and not just says he’ll take her at some distant point. I want to be FUCKED right now, something you can never, ever do, Rufus.

“You had your chance,” Chloe laughed as the man positioned the head of his cock right at the entrance to her cunt. “You blew it. You had this tight pussy begging for you to conquer it... but these black men will be doing that instead. Right... fucking... now!”

The man knew his cue and pushed forward. Rufus let out a loud sob as the bulbous head pressed into Chloe’s body, causing her to gasp. The man sank more of his length into her, inch by inch, push by push, slowly thrusting every bit inside her.

“Oh fuck, it’s SO big!” she squealed with delight. “I’m so fucking stretched out, ow! It hurts... so good! I can’t wait until he’s fucking me hard, fast... and until he squirts his cum into me!”

Rufus watched in both shock and awe as his former lover spread herself for this anonymous black man, whose cock was now halfway up into her pussy. The man was fucking her now, slowly, gently, letting her accommodate his girth and length.

“Oh my God, even now this is more than you could ever give me, Rufus! And he’s only half in! Haha, why did I ever say no to THIS? What a fool I was! Come on, more, give me more!”

And by God, he did. His next thrust was more aggressive, forcing another few inches in and causing another squeal of delight to pass Chloe’s lips.

“Holy fuck!” she exclaimed. “It feels so good. Oh, poor Rufus, I pity you. You could never have ... AAHH ... given me this level of... FUCK! ... satisfaction! You’re just not man enough... to... oh... fuck... FUCK me like this!”

Suddenly, a close-up shot of Chloe’s face, her mouth a silent O of pleasure. She tried to say something but couldn’t... until, finally, she let out a long, low groan and said, “He’s in me. All the way. I can feel him against my cervix... oh fuck... here we go, say goodbye to your woman forever, Rufus!”

The shot cut to an overhead view. The man’s body, in all its glory, lying on top of Chloe’s, her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, legs splayed obscenely wide. The man had begun to fuck Chloe at last, properly fuck her. Long, powerful strokes of his absurdly large phallus plunged deep into Chloe’s body, her pussy clasping his thick shaft as best it could, desperate to milk this man of his life-giving bounty.

Rufus could see Chloe’s eyes roll back in her head, the pleasure overwhelming. She was no longer taunting him, but to see her in such a position, dominated and utterly subservient to her new lover... it tore his heart to shreds. He’d done this, pushed her into the arms of these brutes... and onto their cocks. He had thought his vows were sacred, but he had denied her too long and, in the end, she had broken. And so, now, was he.

He watched as Chloe orgasmed for the first time, her screams of ecstasy reverberating around Rufus’s private viewing room. All this opulence, all that he had - it had not been enough for her. In the end, she had renounced all this for base pleasure. But there was worse to come.

“Oh my GOD!” Chloe was gasping, her orgasm finished. “That was the most incredible feeling ever... come on, I want you to cum too, lover... but not inside me... not yet... I want you to...”

Rufus whimpered, shaking his head in disbelief.

“...cum right on...”

“No....” Rufus mouthed.

“...this priceless fucking wedding dress!”

The man laughed and pulled his length out of her, jerking himself off a few times before jets of creamy spunk splattered all over the antique dress, ruining it forever. Chloe was laughing as the cum rained down on her.

“All of you! I want all your cum on my fucking dress!”

All? How many men were there?

The first man grabbed part of the dress and wiped his cock on it, further soiling the priceless garment... then a second man was on her, entering her newly stretched pussy with ease.

A new shot of the room and Rufus wailed as he saw countless black men waiting for their turn. He even saw Emily and Margaret, naked too, sucking some of the men’s cocks... and he knew somehow that Chloe would be fucking them at some point.

He couldn’t take anymore, pressing stop on the remote. He staggered to a desk in the corner and opened the drawer. In it, a pistol. He took the gun and raised it to his temple. His finger on the trigger... he could end the pain now. Forever. All his humiliation, suffering, over in an instant. He roared, psyching himself up... but he couldn’t do it.

He dropped the gun and shambled back to the couch. He was worthless. He reached for the remote and pressed play again. Seconds later, Chloe’s writhing form appeared once more, legs bouncing around as the second man pummelled her newly besmirched vagina, ruining it for white men forever.

Rufus wept as he felt his penis get hard.
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