In the two years since her college graduation, the beautiful Jessica McFarland had become one of most recognized and respected young women in American television journalism. She’d graduated from UCLA with the highest scores of anybody in the mass communications field, and immediately found employment with a cable news network. It was a good job too, as an “Entertainment Correspondent” she would be an on-air personality! In truth, the job probably should have gone to somebody with more experience, but Jessica had the youth and personality that the network executives had wanted, and her inexperience made her salary affordable. It also didn’t hurt that she was gorgeous, with a killer figure, flawless white complexion, dazzling smile, and big blue eyes. Her beautiful face was framed by a thick mass of wavy, silky, blonde hair that she kept cut above her neckline. Her voice was slightly high-pitched, but at the same time had a kind of soft huskiness.

With her ‘girl-next-door’ face, ‘not-so-innocent’ voice, 36c/d-28-36 figure, and her sexy outfits, everybody was tuning in to see the sexy Jessica McFarland’s entertainment news reports. Her popularity skyrocketed and within a year of her first appearance on television, Jessica McFarland was a household name. Before long, her picture graced the cover of dozens of magazines, and she received many lucrative offers for modelling and advertising work. While Jessica loved the attention, she was disappointed that it seemed to focus so much on her appearance. Money and exposure were positive, but Jessica didn’t want to act or model, she wanted to be a journalist. She started to try and play down her youthful image, and began to dress a bit more conservatively. Abandoning her famous form-fitting silk blouses and mid-riff baring shirts, Jessica began wearing designer suits in dark colours. Little changed. Jessica felt more professional, but still the media, including her own network, seemed only to see a pretty face who reported on light, fluffy, entertainment news. On top of that, in spite of the fact that her presence had increased the network’s ratings ten-fold, Jessica was underpaid. If she wanted more money, she could take the various modelling and advertising offers that she received, but she felt that would just further damage the journalistic integrity that she desperately wanted to build.

When her contract came up for renewal at the end of one year, Jessica tried to negotiate for more money and more say over what stories she covered. She wanted to do more in-depth interviews, with edgier, more controversial celebrities. The network however, being rather conservative, steadfastly refused. Popular as Jessica was, they still looked down on the young ‘entertainment correspondent’. Jessica was trapped. While it was true that she could resign, and seek greener pastures, she didn’t dare leave the network without another job lined up. Popular as she was, she knew her public was fickle and had a short-term memory. With her husband Billy out of work, and the economy being what it was, Jessica didn’t like the idea of being without a job when she’d been so close to making it big. Just when it seemed Jessica would be trapped in her job for another year, she received a phone call from a rival network, KNEN.

KNEN offered Jessica a million-dollar deal as the host of a news program for their new entertainment-oriented news network. In addition to a hefty new salary, Jessica would get a personal assistant and perhaps eventually a full staff at her disposal. What’s more, becoming the main anchor of a show would give Jessica the opportunity to propose story ideas, and to do in-depth interviews with controversial entertainment figures. It was still technically ‘only’ an entertainment news program, but nobody at the network would be looking down on her for reporting on that subject because the whole network was dedicated to covering the entertainment industry. There was little risk in taking the job. The network was going to pay her half of a year’s salary up front, no strings attached, so even if the network didn’t survive, she’d still have that money, and the experience. The incentives were countless. They wanted her so badly that she even managed to get them to hire her husband, Billy, for a cushy job with their network. That clinched it. Jessica could tell that this network, unlike her current employer, would give her the treat her like the valuable asset she was. Jessica McFarland ditched the network that made her famous, and took the offer from KNEN, King Network Entertainment News.

KNEN had appeared on the media scene fairly recently, but was a surprisingly wealthy and powerful network. They targeted what some perceived to be an audience often neglected by the news media… minority and youth markets. To appeal to this audience, KNEN combined serious current affairs reporting with an edgy youthful image, and employed a youthful, minority-oriented staff to support that image. Indeed, Jessica had noticed that black males seemed to comprise the majority of the chief executive staff. Jessica was happy to be working for such a progressive network. On top of this, KNEN treated Jessica like a queen. She always had fresh fruit and bottled Caribbean spring water in her dressing room. Jessica felt invigorated by her new job, and her public popularity remained quite high. The only thing that wasn’t going well for her was her sex life. Strangely, in the year they’d been working at KNEN, Billy seemed less and less interested in making love to his beautiful, successful wife.

Billy McFarland, too, always had a healthy supply of bottled water in his office, but unlike his wife, Billy was not happy at KNEN. First he didn’t understand what his new job was supposed to be. All he knew was that he was going to be making more money, and that the work would be ‘easier’ since his employment was basically a gratuity to his wife. Then there were his co-workers. Billy hadn’t realized that he’d have to work with so many blacks! Billy had always thought of blacks as lazy, and his employees were no exception. He tried to console himself with the fact that he was their supervisor, but whenever he tried to delegate jobs to his staff, he was ignored. Because of this, Billy was tied to his desk day after day, often working late nights, doing the work that he was unable to delegate, yet responsible to see done.

Billy wanted to complain to his supervisors, but they were all black men. He couldn’t even bring himself to tell Jessica. Billy felt completely helpless, inadequate, and exhausted. To make matters worse, Jessica’s happiness with her new job seemed to make her more and more sexually aggressive. She seemed to want sex almost every night, and Billy’s exhaustion and stress kept him from keeping up with her demands. He hadn’t been able to make love to his young, sexy wife more than twice since the move to KNEN six months ago. Billy knew that he was the only thing that wasn’t working out for his wife, and he hated himself for it.

Jessica, meanwhile, went to bed every night confused and saddened by her husband’s sudden lack of interest in her body... confused, saddened, and unsatisfied. She could tell there was something wrong, but as much as she loved Billy, and as eager as she was for their sex life to return to normal, she didn’t have time to find out what the problem was. There were other matters on her mind. Namely, her upcoming interview with the controversial rap group, “Black Phallus”.

“Black Phallus” was incredibly hot on the club circuit and among teens and college students, but it was never heard on the radio or seen on television because the group’s controversial nature. This wasn’t particularly unusual for some gangsta rap artists whose lyrics created images of extreme violence. What was unusual was that Black Phallus’s lyrics weren’t controversial because of violent imagery, but because of their sexually explicit nature. The few music videos the group made were rumored to be practically pornographic. Only one of their videos had ever been aired on television, on one of the cable music networks, and was aired only once, and only then after being heavily censored. After that debacle, Black Phallus refused to allow any channel to air their videos unless they were uncensored. The music video channels refused to air the videos without some edits for explicit content, and thus, the other Black Phallus videos were never aired. They didn’t even make their videos available on their own website, with the exception of “The Wrecker”, the video that had aired (in censored form) on television.

In spite of all the controversy and inaccessibility of their music, the group had managed to become very popular in underground circles, and beginning to have an impact on popular culture. Thus every magazine, television program, and news network remotely connected with the entertainment industry wanted an interview, yet nobody could ever seem to get one. And then, as the story went, KNEN scored the impossible. Black Phallus agreed to an exclusive interview.

From what Jessica had been told, the agreement with the group had been reached after weeks of extensive, secret negotiations with KNEN executives. The negotiations were so secret that even after weeks of wrangling Jessica was taken by surprise when she was told that they’d agreed to an exclusive interview. She was even more surprised to discover that she would be the one expected to conduct the interview, and that she had only three days to prepare! Jessica knew that this would be her first, best chance to show that she could be a truly provocative journalist, rather than just some desk-bound eye candy. As exciting as this prospect was, Jessica felt incredibly nervous about the interview. Aside from this being her first major ‘news’ interview, she’d had very little time to do any research on the group. Information was limited, since no interviews had ever been granted, and Jessica had quite a bit of trouble tracking down a copy of the group’s CD and videos, before one was finally provided to her by Black Phallus’s record label, Ingredient X.

Then of course, Jessica was worried about the concessions and agreements that KNEN had been forced to make, before the controversial group would agree to be interviewed. The network wanted an exclusive, no holds barred interview with the rap group, a live studio performance, and the right to show any or all of the never-before-seen music videos that the group had produced. In exchange for this, the group demanded that KNEN dedicate a whole ‘prime time’ evening to “Black Phallus”, whether or not the whole of the evening was used by the interview. In addition to this, the group demanded that there be absolutely no censorship of any kind on the interview, nor on the music videos. Further, the group also wanted their own engineers to man studio’s equipment, so that much of the normal KNEN studio crew would not be present. What was more, due to the controversial and inflammatory nature of some of their lyrics and political views, the group insisted on extra security measures, including security control of the studio for members of their own security team. Finally, the group demanded that the interview be conducted by a certain date, due to their tight schedule. This last condition had resulted in Jessica McFarland having only three days to prepare for her interview. Being a hip, edgy, minority-oriented cable news network, KNEN was in a position to satisfy the group’s demands. The major sticking point the network had supposedly had was the censorship issue. To avoid any possible FCC obscenity violations and issues, the network had suggested the idea of the pay-per-view interview with a ‘possible explicit content’ warning that the content may be of a “graphic or sexually explicit nature, and inappropriate for those under eighteen years of age, and some other viewers”.

There was also to be a web simulcast, on a pay-members section of KNEN’s site, and Black Phallus’s website, with the same obscenity warnings. Of course everybody knew that by guaranteeing that the controversial group an uncensored broadcast, KNEN was practically inviting the rap group to perform some kind of outrageous publicity stunt. Even if the avoided FCC fines, they risked millions of dollars worth of lawsuits and sponsor losses. In spite of all this, KNEN had apparently decided that the exclusive interview would be worth the risks involved. So it was that all of the group's conditions were met, and the interview was set up.

At least, this was the official story of how the deal was reached.

The truth was that both Black Phallus’s record label, and KNEN were secretly owned by the same organization, Solomon King’s Ebony & Ivory Enterprises, Inc. To help obscure this connection from the journalistic prowess of certain reporters, the only interview that Black Phallus would be able to do would be on KNEN. E&I secretly owned several businesses, all with one major agenda, the sexual dominance of black men over white women. For the most part, E&I controlled businesses were very subtle in their advancement of the agenda. E&I produced the chemical, “X-serum”, to enhance black men’s physique and sexual power.

E&I also produced the dual-purpose chemical, “Xcite”, to cause an almost uncontrollable sexual arousal in women, and cause impotence among men. The bottled water with which Jessica’s refrigerator was stocked was laced with Xcite, as was Billy’s water. This was standard operational procedure. Over the years E&I had used these chemicals to quietly conquer individual women and even whole businesses, and then use them to produce interracial pornography or other materials to advance E&I’s agenda. For security purposes, none of the apparently ‘legitimate’ businesses that E&I created or controlled could be directly connected to E&I. As a result, E&I businesses operated with thousands of employees, many of whom had no idea who they were really working for, or that they were advancing E&I’s agenda. The only connection between these businesses and E&I was that their topmost executives were all X-serum-enhanced black men, and trusted lieutenants to Solomon King. This way, all of the businesses could be directed for E&I’s collective benefit.

Black Phallus’s record label, IngredientX, fit into E&I’s agenda by releasing sexually explicit rap music, with interracial themes. The plan was that the angry young black males and rebellious white youths that listened to rap music would hear this message over and over through the music, and would be psychologically conditioned to believe every word of it. Black males would become more sexually aggressive, and be encouraged pursue sexual encounters with white women. White males would begin to see black males as sexual superiors, and feel embarrassed about their sexual inadequacies and small penises. White girls who heard the music would begin to see white males as unworthy and black males as the most desirable sexual specimens.

Black Phallus was the anchor of the Ingredient X label. The group was comprised of chemically enhanced black men, part of E&I, who also happened to be talented performers. Every song on their CD, “Only Natural”, was dedicated to promoting the sexual power of black men, and subverting white male sexuality. The philosophy that the group advocated was that black men were the sexual alpha males of the human race. As such, black males had the right to fuck and breed any woman, every woman, they wanted… even married women, and especially white women. What better way to prove their claims than by seducing a beloved, married American icon on television? So it was that Black Phallus’s first exclusive interview would be granted to fellow E&I subsidiary, KNEN, and its star reporter, the beautiful Jessica McFarland!


"Ms. McFarland?" Sarah Davenport smiled as she poked her head around her boss's open office door; "I have those unedited copies of the “Black Phallus” CD and music videos you wanted to see. Where should I put them?”

Jessica looked up from her young assistant and smiled, mutely saying 'thank you' and pointing to a pile of documents on the left of her desk. Sarah put the material on top of the document stack. Before Sarah left the room Jessica motioned for her to stay.

Sarah Davenport was Jessica's personal assistant. Jessica had personally hired Sarah immediately after getting her job at KNEN. At a glance, Sarah looked a bit bookish or geeky. She was slender, in her mid twenties, with long dark-blonde hair that she usually wore tied back with a large bow or ribbon. She dressed conservatively, wearing dark colors, buttoned-up collars, and a rather unfashionable style of glasses. Although she might have behaved and dressed in conservatively, her beauty and figure were very noticeable to the men around the office. Sarah never gave their attentions a second thought though, as she was very conservative and engaged to be married. She was kind of an innocent, but quite bright, with an excellent disposition and a knack for anticipating Jessica's needs. They had formed a close, sister-like bond in the few months they’d worked together. They were on first name terms, though Sarah thought it important to refer to Jessica as “Ms. McFarland” while they were at work. Anything less might undermine Jessica’s authority, and Sarah was very loyal to Jessica, and wanted to make sure she never harmed Jessica’s career that way. Sarah took a seat and waited attentively while Jessica McFarland continued her telephone conversation.

"Yes... yes that will be fine.” Jessica spoke into the phone, “Just so you understand, I won't be here myself, I'm in a meeting for the rest of the day, but I'm sure Sarah can accommodate you. Okay, that will be fine then. Bye."

Jessica put the receiver down and turned to her lovely young assistant.

“I just wanted to let you know,” Sarah said, “that I’ve taken care of everything else on today's 'to-do' list.”

“Thank you Sarah.” Jessica smiled, “Have you had any luck in your problems with the computer?"

Jessica had been listening to her assistant moaning in frustration for much of the day. It was funny to listen to her. Sarah was a religious girl and never swore. She never used the Lord’s name in vain either. She didn’t even say “Darn” or “Heck”. So, whenever Sarah got angry, she just made incoherent groans, sighs, moans, and grunts of frustration.

"No, not yet.” The pretty blonde assistant smiled weakly. She felt lucky to be an assistant for somebody who was understanding and appreciative of their assistant's problems. “I'm sure I can solve it on my own. I don’t like calling tech support... those big guys messing around under my desk while I’m working makes me uncomfortable. I'll have time to work it while you’re at your meeting... which reminds me... isn't it about time for you to get going?"

Jessica glanced at the clock. "Yes, just about, but before I go I need you to do one more thing for me today.”

“Yes?” Sarah asked.

“You know the interview with Black Phallus is tomorrow night? Some of their representatives are coming by to check out the studio. I need you to show them around. I promised them personal attention by a valued employee, and not some intern."

Sarah paused for a second. "Yes, I can do that.... but... well... do you know who, exactly, will I be dealing with?"

Jessica saw the strained expression on Sarah’s face. "I think it’s just a couple of their producers. Why?"

"I'm sorry Ms. McFarland," Sarah interrupted, "I don't mean to be's just...that group. They have a reputation... I’m a little worried about who I’d be meeting with...”

Jessica leaned forward and took her assistant's hand. "You know that this is a very important coup for our network. I need you to support me here Sarah. Put on a brave face, flash them that winning smile of yours, and you'll be fine! Besides, you know how these groups are, its probably all just a bunch of shock value hype and image anyway. It's okay, honestly, it will be fine." It was easy for Jessica to say. She hadn’t listened to the CD yet, or seen the videos, and she’d been unable to acquire copies until late in her research.

"I guess so,” Sarah said. “I can’t believe they only gave you two days to do research for this interview though!”

Jessica shrugged, “That’s the way it goes sometimes. Sometimes, when an interview is as big news as this one is, we have to make sacrifices to get the first crack at the story. The group had only had a couple of evenings free to dedicate to this interview, so this is when it has to be! I’m just glad I had two days!”

The story about Black Phallus’s limited availability was a concoction made up by E&I. The real reason that Jessica was being limited to two days of research time was a security precaution. Jessica was a good journalist, and Solomon King wanted to make sure there was little or no chance for her to find a connection between her own employer, and the controversial rap group.

“It’s still not a lot of time,” Sarah added. “Have you listened to any of their so-called music yet?”

“No, I haven’t had time yet.” Jessica responded. “Have you heard anything?”

“Yes, just once. I was with my sister, and we were listening to some MP3s that a friend of hers had given her. One of those... songs...came up. It was obscene! I couldn’t believe it. I mean, what would our father say if he knew she liked music like that?”

Jessica knew that Sarah was very sensitive about vulgarity and sexually explicit material, and had always attributed it to her religious upbringing. But hearing that Sarah’s younger sister grew up in the same household and enjoyed this controversial music genuinely surprised Jessica. “You said that your sister actually liked their music?”

“Yes, she did!” Sarah exclaimed. “She denied it at the time, said that the MP3 was included with the others by mistake, but she called me the other night and told me that she’d heard about this interview and asked me if I could get her and her friend into the studio that night! As if I would be a party to her listening to that filth! Then she begged me! She whined that they were her favourite music group! She actually wanted to meet these disgusting thugs and get their autographs!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry Sarah!” Jessica said, “With all the delicate negotiations around this interview, I doubt we can have a VIP guest in the studio that night. Security is going to be extra tight when these guys are here, and the group will have their own security as well.”

“Oh no, don’t worry about that, I already told her no!” Sarah interrupted. “I know we’re airing their videos during the show and those things are supposedly almost pornographic. I don’t want my sister seeing that filth, or meeting those creeps. I can’t believe she asked me to do that. My parents would never forgive me if I helped expose her to any more of that filth!”

“It’s probably for the best you refused to let her come.” Jessica said. “Did you know that group’s demographic bracket is expanding exponentially to include white females age 18 to 25.”

“Yes, I saw that in the research too!” Sarah huffed. “I can’t believe the garbage that girls her age listen to!”

“I don’t understand it either.” Jessica admitted, “All the research I’ve done so far talks about how explicit their music is, and there are rumors that some of the videos are practically pornographic. I’m not looking forward to reviewing them, but I know the network agreed to air them uncensored.”

“It’s disgusting!” Sarah shook her head. “I can’t believe they agreed to that!”

“That’s not the half of it!” Jessica sighed. “The studio’s agreement with Black Phallus allows for nudity, profanity, and sexual acts during the whole broadcast. In fact, the whole broadcast will be completely uncensored with the exception of the mature content disclaimers and a hand full of commercials, and those are being scrictly scheduled. That’s why we have to have it on pay-per-view and a webcast. The network makes no guarantee of the nature of the broadcast’s contents. Anything and everything that happens on camera during the interview will be aired!”

“But...” Sarah said...”what if they try something? The research I gave you said they like to stage publicity stunts. They expose themselves at concerts... sometimes they bring women from the audience up on stage and... and...”

“I know,” Jessica interrupted, “I know. The network warned me that they might try and pull something. In fact the network is counting on it. They’re even airing disclaimers in the pay-per-view ads. It's all about sensationalism. An uncensored television broadcast would give these guys the perfect opportunity to stage a very visible stunt. The bosses assured me that I won’t be in any real danger, so they asked me to play along for as long as I could."

Like the reports about Black Phallus’s limited availability, the reports about their demands for uncensored air time was also a cover story. Solomon King was the one who wanted the uncensored broadcast. It was E&I that decided on the pay-per-view television format and the web simulcast. Such broadcasts, with strong disclaimers, would allow them to broadcast sexually explicit music videos, free of FCC intervention. Of course, it would allow them to broadcast any sexually explicit content... not just from the music videos, but also anything that might transpire in the news studio. Even if the FCC did get involved, any fine they levied would easily be paid by video sales of that very broadcast!

“And you’re okay with this?” Sarah asked incredulously. "Aren’t you worried? What will you do if they... you know?"

“Not really,” Jessica drew a deep breath. The truth was, she was a little worried, but was forcing herself to remain calm. “But I’m a professional journalist, but these guys are getting to be a BIG, and landing the first IN-DEPTH interview with them is a HUGE opportunity, for all of us! An interview with a group this controversial could really put us on the map! Don't worry, I’m KNEN’s star reporter, the network is not about to let me come to any harm!"

"I hope you’re right. Still... after all you’ve told me, I’m really relieved that Becky won’t be there!”

“Your parents and little sister are lucky that you’re so good at looking out for her.” Jessica smiled. She suddenly noticed something glittering on Sarah’s finger. "Oh! I is that your engagement ring? I’ve been dying to see it ever since you told me!”

“Yes!” Sarah beamed, happy to change the subject from those awful black rappers to her recent engagement. “I finally got it back from the jewellers. It took them forever to fit the ring to my finger!”

"It’s so beautiful!" Jessica gasped, studying the ring. It was not a typical engagement band. It was a stunning ****** heirloom in gold, platinum, and diamonds. The platinum band was etched and inlaid with a delicate gold pattern. This delicate pattern had been the cause of the ring's lengthy fitting adjustment. "How long did you say it had been in Brad’s ******?”

"He said about a hundred and fifty years!" Sarah exclaimed excitedly. "He was going to wait until the wedding to present it to me, but he said he was just that certain that I was the one! It’s so gorgeous! I’m never ever going to take it off!"

"He must love you very much!" Jessica grinned. She was so happy for her assistant. It was so nice to see a sweet girl so in love with a nice man. “I’m sure you’ll be very happy together!”

“I hope so.” smiled Sarah, “I love Brad. I hope I can make him happy. He’s been so patient with me... with my beliefs I mean.”

Sarah didn’t believe in pre-marital sex, and Brad had very patiently respected her beliefs. Sarah and Brad had been dating for four years, since college. The one and only time that Sarah had ever considered letting Brad take her virginity was the night he proposed... and even then she decided against it. Brad had to settle for a hand-job instead. She’d given him a few more hand-jobs since their engagement, but she never went any farther than that. She never felt the urge to do so... until recently.

Recently the natural sexual urges that she’d so easily suppressed since her teen years had grown incredibly strong. She didn’t fully understand why, and could only imagine that it was because she truly loved Brad, and was anxious to give herself to him. Sarah counted herself lucky that he’d had to go on a business trip to Europe for a few months. She would have hated to give in to her urges so close to her wedding day! Still, Sarah’s desperate horniness had only gotten worse since Brad’s departure two months ago... and it would be another two months before he returned! Every night she went to sleep thinking about her wedding night. What she would do to him... what he would to to her... what they would do...together.

“It’s been difficult for me sometimes...especially lately,” Sarah continued her mind wandering to her recent desires and recently frequent thoughts of sex. “But as hard as it is for me, it must be worse for Brad. As difficult as it is to follow them sometimes, these are my beliefs. I mean, believe that my body is a temple, and that my virginity is a gift to precious to be given away before marriage. I’m not having sex before marriage because I believe its wrong. The only reason Brad’s not having sex before marriage is because I refuse him. I won’t have sex... and he can’t because I can’t. It must be really difficult for him. But he’s going to be so thrilled that we waited!”

Jessica was barely listening to Sarah’s. She was gathering some documents for her meeting.

“I know how he feels! I’m in the same boat right now with Billy.” Jessica absent-mindedly responded, reflecting on her husband’s impotence.

“What?” Sarah turned to her boss, furrowing her brow in confusion. “What did you say?”

Jessica realized too late what she had said. She couldn’t believe she’d been that careless! Billy would be humiliated if he knew that she’d told anybody about his recent ‘problems’. No matter how frustrating her husband’s impotence had become, she shouldn’t be mentioning it to her young secretary!

“Oh,” Jessica blurted, quickly trying to cover her indiscretion. “Nothing! I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Is something wrong?” Sarah asked, innocently. She had no clue why Jessica had suddenly become so flustered.

“I’m sorry Sarah,” Jessica said, grabbing up her briefcase. “I’d like to continue our chat, but I’m going to be late for that meeting.”

“Maybe we can talk afterwards...” Sarah suggested.

“Actually,” Jessica said, “the meeting could run a little long. I might not even be back in the office today.” There was no way Jessica wanted to continue the conversation. She didn’t want to risk re-opening the subject she had barely closed. Billy’s impotence had become a source of creeping and intense frustration for Jessica. She had just avoided letting the secret slip. She wasn’t about to take that risk again.

“Okay,” Sarah shrugged. “I guess I’ll just go back to working on that computer problem then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jessica approached the door, but briefly turned back to her assistant. “Sarah, I know you’re concerned about those guys from Onyx Records coming tonight. Don’t worry about it. Just behave professionally, and I’m sure they’ll behave and treat you appropriately. If they don’t let me know! Answer any questions they have, help them out anyway you can, and lock up afterwards. Okay?”

Sarah smiled brightly. “Thanks Mrs. McFarland... Jessica! I’m sure it’ll be okay.”

With that Jessica was out the door and on her way to her meeting.

Sarah really looked up to Jessica. The two of them had grown quite close, working together in their few months and long hours at KNEN. Jessica was a mentor to Sarah. Sarah looked up to Jessica, hoping that one day, she might be able to anchor a news program, and just like Jessica did! Jessica had a great career, and a great marriage…

Of course... things weren’t quite as they seemed. Thanks to Billy’s impotence, Jessica was just as sexually frustrated as her virginal assistant, Sarah. And none of them knew that all of these problems were caused by the same thing... The bottled water they drank every day, supplied by KNEN, was tainted with Xcite.


Sarah was in her small office, adjacent to Jessica’s, running diagnostic programs on her computer for much of the day. Nothing she tried seemed to work, and she was becoming increasingly frustrated. She was still groaning at her computer when there was a knock at her door.

Sarah opened the door to find two very large, very muscular, very black gentlemen towering in front of her. One wore a black suit, the other was wearing a silky black shirt and baggy pants outfit, almost like pyjamas. He also wore a pair of mirror-finish-sunglasses and a strange chain necklace made up of delicate, somewhat asymmetrical links. As intimidating as they were, Sarah couldn’t help but find both of the men very handsome. In addition to their height, the men were both very muscular. Their skin was a flawless, rich, warm, chocolate brown. Their cologne was intoxicating.

“Excuse me,” the man in the suit said smoothly, “I’m looking for a Miss Sarah Davenport, is that you?”

“Y..yes.” Sarah stammered, her bright green eyes darting from one dark face to the other. The other man stood, silent and expressionless, his eyes hidden by the stylized sunglasses he wore. Sarah stared up at the two men towering over her. There was an awkward silence until the man in the suit finally spoke.

“My name is Tom Watkins, I’m a representative for Black Phallus. I believe you were expecting us.”

“YES! Right! Of course… um…” Sarah babbled. She winced at her own strange behaviour. She suddenly felt that familiar lonely longing for her fiancé that she’d been feeling over the last couple of months. What was coming over her? There was an awkward silence while Sarah tried to gather her thoughts. She absent-mindedly began to fidget with her engagement ring.

“Nice ring.” The formerly silent giant finally spoke! He kept his voice low, quiet, but it was very deep… and somehow, it sounded almost malevolent.

“Oh!” Sarah blushed, holding the ring up for the men to see. “Thank you! I just got engaged a few months ago.” For some reason, Sarah felt almost ashamed to admit to these two beautiful men that she was engaged to be married.

Silently, the giant slowly reached out and gently took Sarah’s tiny white hand in his giant black palm. Firmly, he held her hand while he examined down at the ring on her finger... at least he appeared to be looking at the ring. Sarah couldn’t tell, thanks to his mirror-lens glasses. He turned to Tom and nodded slowly, then turned back to look at Sarah’s ring.

Tom spoke now. “It certainly is lovely. Just as lovely as you Miss Davenport!”

The giant didn’t let go of Sarah’s hand. He continued to hold it up, gently stroking her palm with his strong fingers while he continued silently admiring her engagement ring... Sarah was hesitant to pull her hand away, and was afraid to speak to the giant man holding her hand. She just looked at him...looking at her ring... The three were silent for several seconds before Sarah worked up the nerve to speak to Tom Watkins. Still... she couldn’t take her eyes off the jewellery-admiring giant holding her hand.

“Ms. McFarland asked me to show you guys around the studio. Is there anything in particular you’d like to see?

“Yes.” The giant said, letting go of Sarah’s hand.

Sarah shivered, but kept smiling brightly as she lowered her hand. It was shaking. She waited for the man to elaborate, but he didn’t, so she was forced to ask for clarification. “What is it that you need me to show you?”

“Everything.” He responded simply. Again, he did not elaborate. Sarah shivered, she felt a tingling in her groin... the same one she’d felt the night Brad had proposed. The same one that had been building up over the last few weeks. The same...but stronger.

“We need to inspect your equipment,” Watkins interjected, smiling, “ We have to make sure everything you have is compatible with Black Phallus’s needs, for tomorrow night’s studio performance.”

“Certainly…” Sarah croaked. “I’m sure you’ll find everything you need here. If not, I’ll be happy to try and satisfy any requests you might have.”

“I’m sure you will, Ms. Davenport.” The man with the sunglasses said quietly.

“Is there anything else I can help you with?” Sarah bit her lower lip gently... Her eyes were glued to the blank black lenses on the blank black face of the second man. He smelled so good!
“…Anything at all?”

“Most definitely,” the second man moved towards Sarah, causing her to involuntarily step backward into her office, “I have a large piece of gear that I need you to help me test tonight. It could take much of the night, but I trust I can count on your complete co-operation.”

“Of course,” Sarah smiled, almost as if in a trance, still staring into the highly reflective lenses of the second man’s sunglasses. She was captivated by her reflection... her delicate white features framed and overwhelmed by his masculine black features. “I’m here to see that all your needs are met. I want to help you in any way that I can.”

“Of course you do!” The man said, placing his large black hands on either side of Sarah’s soft white face. He continued moving forward, gently compelling Sarah to move backwards into her office. Tom followed the two of them inside, the door closed behind them.

That door was still closed 3 hours later, when Jessica returned from her meeting. In her rush to get out the office that afternoon, Jessica had carelessly left the “Black Phallus” videos behind. She picked up the box with the videos and was walking past Sarah’s office door, and heard the unmistakable sounds of her young assistant moaning and swearing, coming from inside. Jessica shook her head and smiled at her assistant’s stubborn streak. No doubt, Sarah was still having problems with her computer and was still trying to fix it herself!

Jessica briefly thought about popping in to say hello, but quickly changed her mind. Sarah sounded busy, and Jessica didn’t want to risk picking up the awkward conversation she’d nearly started that afternoon. She’d come too close to talking about her husband’s very personal problem!

Jessica hated finding herself fixating on Billy’s recent inadequacy again, but she couldn’t help it. It had been months since the two of them were intimate, and researching Black Phallus’s sexually explicit lyrics had only heightened Jessica’s sexual tension. Even talking about sex in vague terms seemed to make her long for a fucking that she hadn’t been able to get in months... and wouldn’t be getting in the foreseeable future. She knew there was something causing Billy stress, but he wouldn’t tell her anything. Damn him! Why couldn’t he perform? No… no that wasn’t fair. Billy was her husband, and she loved him very much. They would get through this… together.

Jessica put thoughts of her marriage out of her head and started to thumb through some of the research as she waited for the elevator. She continued doing this as she stepped onto the elevator and let the doors close behind her. Seconds later... in that darkened hallway... at the end of the day... another scream of pleasure erupted from Sarah Davenport’s office!


If Jessica HAD opened Sarah’s door, she would have been shocked by the sight. The office was a mess. Papers had been thrown around the room. The computer, that had been giving Sarah so much trouble throughout the day, had been swept from her desk and lay in pieces on the floor. On Sarah’s desk, in place of the discarded computer, was a writhing, sweating, swearing, naked mass of black and white lust...

“OH.....OH GOD...OH JESUS FUCKING CHRIST...YES!! FUCK YES!!!” screamed Sarah Davenport as she felt the massive black cock pushing deeper and deeper into her recently virginal white pussy. She would have been virtually unrecognizable to anybody who knew her.

Gone was the demure, young, virginal bride-to-be. All that was left of *that* Sarah was a red velvet bow in her sweat-matted hair and a pair of fogged-up glasses on her pretty white face. Her beautiful white body, normally so-carefully covered by her conservative clothing, was now covered only by a thin layer of glistening sweat that caused her smooth white skin to shine like wet alabaster.

Sarah’s naked white body was bent over her desk, with Watkins laying beneath her. Watkins was laid back on the desk with his erect black cock between Sarah’s full, soft, white breasts. He pushed her tits together around his thick black shaft, using her soft white flesh to pleasure himself... as she kissed and sucked the swollen black cock-head sticking up between her breasts. Behind Sarah, the big black in the sunglasses (whose name Sarah still didn’t know) had his big black hands on her tiny white waste, and was mercilessly thrusting inch after inch of his massive black cock into the pretty white assistant.

Just five hours earlier that day, Sarah Davenport was touting her beliefs. Her body was a temple. Her virginity was a gift to be given only to the man she would marry... Brad...the man whom had patiently respected her beliefs for the four years that they had been dating. Now, Sarah Davenport was happily and voraciously servicing the two massive black studs she’d met only hours later that day...letting them use her body as a plaything for their amusement. It felt so right... truer than any belief she’d ever held.

“OH DEAR FUCKING GOD!” Sarah swore. “OH SWEET JESUS...FUCK ME...FUCK ME!!!” This was another ‘immoral’ behavior that the previously prim-and-proper religious girl had learned to appreciate in the last few hours...

“SHIT THIS BITCH IS FUCKING TIGHT!!” The nameless big black in the sunglasses said as he continued relentlessly pounding Sarah’s pussy.

“I...” Sarah gasped between thrusts...”!”

The blacks laughed...

”And tell us again,” Watkins asked. “how recently was that baby?”

“Just... today...” Sarah gasped... sucking on Watkins cock while the cock in her pussy pushed deeper and deeper...harder and faster...

“And...when were you gonna get married?”

“THIS...” Sarah screamed during another invasive thrust...”... this JU-OOH-OOH-UNE!”

The blacks laughed again...

“How long have you been dating your fiancé?” The nameless stud asked. “Tell me... how long has that poor dumb whiteboy been waiting to fuck THIS pussy that I’m FUCKING RIGHT NOW WITH MY BIG NIGGA COCK?

“Four....YEARS....” gasped the sweating white slut.

“Four years WHAT?” the black demanded.

“FOUR....YEARS.... SIR!!” Sarah added.

“And how long after we met you did it take us for US to get our big black cocks in you? Four MINUTES?”


“How long you been saving yourself again?”

“Twent-EEEEE” Sarah squealed as the black in the sunglasses increased the pace of his thrusts. “TWEN-TEE-FOUR...YEARS!” she gasped.

“So tell me, Sarah,” Watkins asked, “were we worth the wait?” The blacks laughed again...

As the blacks laughed at their own joke question, Sarah Davenport let out a blood-curdling scream of orgasm. She had waited twenty-four years to give herself to the man she would marry. Her fiancé had waited four years to be that man. Just about six months before the big day... she gave it up to two black men in barely four minutes!

“YES!!! IT WAS WORTH IT!! I’m glad I saved myself!.... FOR YOU!! AND YOUR BIG BLACK COCKS!!”

“Then tell us slut!” The black pussy-fucker ordered, “tell us again what you were before you met us, how long you waited, FOR US to take your virginity months before your wedding!”

“Aww yeah... say it again baby!” Watkins told her.

“I....was... UNGH...” Sarah grunted as the big black cock bottomed-out in her cervix... “OH GOD... I...was...a virgin... saved... myself for... twenty... five years....OHHHHHH-waiting for my wedding... six months to go... I met you...fucked me... with your!

“AGAIN!” the black fucking her pussy ordered.

“I...was...a... virgin... before... your... big... black... cocks!”

“LOUDER BITCH!” the black fucking her yelled... “I want to cum in your pussy while you scream that shit!!”

“OH FUCK YES!!! YES SIR!!f” Sarah cried...somehow, that was the sexiest idea she’d ever heard in her life. “I...WAS...A ....VIRGIN BEFORE YOUR BIG BLACK COCKS!!!

Sarah screamed it again and again while the nameless black stud fucked her pussy, and Tom Watkins fuked her mouth and tits. As they wanted, she was still screaming the first thick jets of Watkins’ hot cum blasted her pretty white face. She was still screaming it through cum-covered lips when she felt the nameless stud’s cock shooting its hot, potent seed into her no-longer virginal white pussy.

As Sarah basked in the afterglow of her intense deflowering, the two studs filled her in on a few details of what they wanted to do for the interview broadcast. Sarah was shocked by their plan, but felt compelled to cooperate.

“Help us out with this,” Watkins said, “and you’ll get plenty more black cock...starting tonight!”

“I’m in!” Sarah smiled weakly, her face smeared with cum.

“Good girl.” Watkins smiled. “My boy and I are going to get some friends to help us set up some equipment tonight. We’ll be back later to get some more of that sweet white pussy. You might want to clean this room up a little bit.”

“Yes sir.” Sarah gasped, breathlessly.

The two black studs threw some clothes on and left the room. Sarah lay on her desk, sweating and panting for a minute before she rose on weak legs and surveyed the chaos of her office. She saw a photo of her herself, her parents, and her sister, lying on the floor. She stared at her sister’s smiling face. She thought about how Becky was so desperate to meet the Black Phallus rappers. She thought about how Becky had begged for a VIP pass to the studio the next night. Then she thought about what would happen to Becky if she had granted that request, and that thought turned her on!

Sarah now knew exactly what the group had planned. This was why studio security wasn’t allowing VIP passes that night, they didn’t want anything to risk disrupting the plan. Sarah dared not do anything to jeopardize her new friends’ plans, so she realized she probably couldn’t get her sister into the studio that night. Still, the was something she could do for Becky... something she felt compelled to do for her sister.

Sarah picked up her phone, laying on the floor with the receiver off cradle and emitting an obnoxious beeping that indicated the line was disconnected. She reset the disconnect button, and punched in a phone number. Becky’s voicemail answered, so Sarah started to leave a message.

“Hi, Becky. It’s your sister. Look, I just wanted to apologize. I was wrong.” Sarah paused for a moment. Sarah didn’t want to just come right out and say why she changed her mind... she didn’t want to say that they’d fucked her senseless, turning her from a virgin to a black-cock-loving-slut in a matter of hours. “I met with some representatives from that rap group you like. I learned a lot about Black Phallus that I never knew before! They made me cum… come to the conclusion that I was wrong about them. I understand now...why you find them so...fascinating. Security is just too tight for me to get you a VIP pass but I really want to make sure you see this interview so I’m going to e-mail you my credit card number so that you can order it on pay-per-view or watch online. I’ll try and get their autographs for you too.”

Sarah thought for a moment longer. She really wanted to do better for her sister. She wanted to get her some black cock. “Becky... make sure you keep your phone on you that night. Maybe I can arrange something else for you. Bye for now”
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