Billy McFarland wanted to cry. He’d been home for 2 hours, sitting up in bed, watching some softcore porn on satellite, fumbling uselessly with his limp dick. It was rare that he ever got home before Jessica these days, so he wanted to take advantage of the time alone by trying to get his cock up for her. He’d been fumbling with himself for over an hour, but couldn’t manage an erection. He gave up and switched over to some network television. He was still watching it when Jessica got home. She smiled at at her husband, lying in bed. She did a little strip tease for him, slowly taking off her business attire and getting down to her bra and panties. She sat on the bed, kissing him on the cheek and giving his dick a gentle squeeze. Soft and limp.

“I want you so badly…” she whispered in his ear, squeezing again. It stayed soft, no response.

“I’m sorry…” Billy muttered, turning away, humiliated, unable to face his beautiful wife.

“It’s okay honey.” Jessica sighed, trying to hide her frustration. “We’ll get through this. She threw on a casual shirt and slacks, then left the bedroom. If she couldn’t work on her disintegrating sex life and marriage, she could work on her interview questions and research. Jessica went to her home office, powered up her computer and began studying her research and questions that Sarah had compiled for her. She went over questions again and again, thinking of second and third lines of questioning. She thought of different ways of phrasing her questions, in case she needed to rephrase anything. Then she moved onto the CD and the music videos. It was getting late, so she wanted to consolidate her time as best she could. She looked at the track listing on the CD, and marked the tracks that were on her music DVDR. She could skip the those tracks and watch their videos later, thus saving a little time... and saving her the trouble of having to sit through any unnecessary ‘filth’. It was close to midnight when Jessica put the copy of “Only Natural” into computer and plugged in a pair of headphones. Putting them on, she played the CD and began to take notes on the lyrics. She shivered at what she heard.

Jessica knew that the CD contained sexually explicit material, she’d read some lyrics from some of the songs, but hadn’t procured a copy of the full material until that day, when she received the CD and a DVDR music videos. Every single song on the album was sexually explicit. It wasn’t just a collection of bad words though. The songs on “Only Natural” described detailed acts of sex. More specifically, the songs were all about black men having sex with white women, all kinds of white women; younger, older, single, married… mothers…*********…sisters. Jessica was shocked when she heard this. She was even more shocked when she read the CD’s liner notes. The group contended that all of the songs on the CD were based on true-life experiences! This was a particularly shocking claim, considering the stories told in some of the songs, particularly the some of the stories that the songs told.

This first song was called “Size DOES Matter”. “Whiteboys cry boo-hoo” went the refrain, “but your ladies know it’s true, SIZE DOES MATTER!” It was about all the stereotype of black men and abnormally large penises. The song underscored the whole philosophy of the group, and demonstrated why every track on the CD was about interracial sex. Jessica immediately dismissed the song as the perpetuation of a ridiculous myth.

“Reparations” was about a black history project in a college class, where white students had to become ‘slaves’ for black students for two weeks. The white female students end up becoming sex slaves for black men, while the white male students were forced to watch. At first, Jessica thought the song was ridiculously aggressive and racist, but the outrageous story continued, Jessica began to see the rap as a brilliant political satire about race relations and the fear that many whites have of integrating with the black community. Maybe these rappers weren’t just talentless shock-happy thugs?

As Jessica continued listening to the outrageous stories the songs told, the explicit lyrics slowly started to grow on her. Many of more the songs seemed to be tongue in cheek. Jessica decided that the songs must intended as some kind of racial satire, and that the ‘true story’ claims were just part of the act, made to generate controversy and word-of-mouth. That was why the songs were so outrageous.

“Honey, I’m Home” told the story of a white man who comes home early, only to find his wife in bed with the black neighbour. Jessica saw this song as a commentary on the prejudice fears that white people have of living in the same neighbourhood with blacks.

“Higher Learning” was about an suburban High School that has to adjust to an influx of African-American students when an inner city school closes. The PTA protests that the ratio of student to teachers will be thrown out of balance... but really, they just don’t want blacks in their mostly white school. The song goes on to describe how the black male seniors seduce all the white girls and the hot white teachers. Jessica again saw this song as an exploitation of racist fears and social comment on white flight from the inner city.

“Big Boss Man” told the story of a white man vying for a promotion. He invites his black boss home for home-cooked gourmet dinner. When the boss meets his employee’s sexy white wife, he tells the couple that he’ll give her husband the promotion, if she lets him fuck her. The husband wants to say no, but before he can, the wife quickly agrees! The giant black man fucks the white wife on the dinner table, not bothering to eat any of the food or clear the table first. The next week, the boss gives the promotion to another black man... whom the white wife also happily agrees to fuck! Jessica interpreted this song as a mocking indictment of those who wanted to discontinue affirmative action.

“Spirit Stick” was about a white college cheerleading squad throwing a victory orgy for the black basketball team. There was a ‘humorous’ twist at the end, when it is revealed the cheerleaders are knowingly ‘entertaining’ the rival school’s team! Jessica had never liked jocks and air-headed cheerleaders in high school and college. Jessica was unsure what the song was trying to say, politically, but she couldn’t help but smile at the idea of the dumb jocks’ cheerleaders ditching them for the opposing team.

Not only was Jessica now finding the satirical lyrics to be insightful and amusing, she had to admit that the music itself was quite good. The heavy bass rhythms were strong and coursed through her body, making her want to dance, or at least move with the music. Jessica burned the remaining songs to her MP3 player and then switched over to listening to them on it, so that she could get up out of her chair and move around the room.

Jessica let the steady, relentless rhythm overtake her, and began to dance as the music continued. It had been a long time since she’d been able to go out dancing. She felt exhilarated… maybe even… a little aroused. The lyrics still played through the music, but Jessica was enraptured with the pulsing bass that she barely heard them…at least not on a conscious level. The lyrics barely mattered any more, Jessica was concentrating on the rhythm of the bass coursing through her body. She barely noticed the more lurid tone the songs began to take. In fact, Jessica was becoming so enamoured by the music that she missed the fact that the next song was featured as one of her music videos, and that she’d wanted to skip it.

"Nigga In The Wood Pile", the next track, was an even more humorous song than the previous ones. Using music samples from the old sappy love song, “You’re Having My Baby”, It told the story about a man witnessing the birth of 'his' first child. When the baby is born, its black, and the husband discovers that his loving wife has been fucking a black man!

“Black-Cock-Pit” was about an airplane flight that turned into an interracial orgy.

“Dear John” was about a white girl writing a break-up letter to her high-school sweet heart... explaining that she’s discovered BLACK MEN at college!

“Hot White Momma” was about the plight of a “sweet young white wife” to have a baby, and how she finally realizes that if she wants to be bred properly, she has to take a black lover!

“The Wrecker” is about a ****** on vacation when their car breaks down. A black tow-truck driver shows up and seduced the mother and teenage ********, then drives off with both of them, abandoning the father/husband in the desert, with the broken-down car.

“Soccer Mom” was about a white woman who finds herself compelled to entertain her high-school-soccer playing son’s black teammates.

"Who You Daddy Now?" About a snobby, racist white college girl who is angry that her parents’ marriage is ending because of her mother’s affair with a black man. The black man moves into the house and has to assert his authority over the girl showing her just why her mother left her father for him.

“Man Of The House” told the tale of a black drifter who is taken in by a good Christian conservative ******, and how within a week he seduced both of the ******’s twin *********. When the parents walk in on the stud doing both girls at once, the father is outraged, but the wife is so turned on she joins in!

The last track was the title track, “Only Natural”. Again, Jessica was enjoying the music so much that she failed to notice that this song was featured in one of her music videos, and that she’d intended to skip it. The song underscored the philosophy of black male sexual superiority and potency, from the angle of ‘natural selection’. Black men were the alpha males, and had the ‘natural’ right to breed any woman they wanted. The song contended that deep down, every woman knew, accepted, and wanted this... especially white women. Every woman, even married women, even if they had to be forced into it, wanted to be fucked by black men. It was ‘only natural’.

By the end of the last track, Jessica was sweating, and her entire body was tingling. She realized that after weeks of being untouched, the sexually explicit lyrics of “Black Phallus” had aroused her. She needed Billy, and she needed him…immediately. She threw open the door to her office and went to her bedroom. Billy was asleep. She kissed him deeply, rousing him from his slumber, and slid her hand down the front of his pants… nothing. She gently bit his earlobe. Billy muttered something about being too tired… Jessica fought back tears. She needed satisfaction, and she needed it… immediately!

Jessica walked quickly back to her office, unsure of what to do with herself. Her head was swimming with confusion…and lust. She glanced at her research... no…there was no way she could concentrate…she was just too wound up… but she had to try. Jessica saw the music videos on her desk and grabbed the title that attracted her attention earlier… something called “White Wedding, Blacked Bride”. It was the one track that she’d skipped while listening to the CD. She put in the DVDR of the music videos into her computer. Not wanting to wake Billy, she plugged her headphones back into the computer and sat down at her desk to watch the video. Within seconds, the heavy pounding of the bass coursed through her body, again igniting a fire that no cold shower was going to dowse…

Jessica’s big blue eyes locked onto the screen as the first images flickered to life. What happened next was like an out of body experience… Jessica couldn’t have stopped what was happening, even if she wanted too… or realized she was doing. The “White Wedding, Blacked Brides” music video seemed to be a series of vignettes about brides ditching their grooms on their wedding day, so they could be with black men. The video opened with chimes playing Mendolsonn’s Wedding March, before being broken into by a throbbing percussive bass beat, and a female chorus chiming the words “I Do” repeatedly.

The opening scene showed the rappers standing on a stage similar to those one would see in a strip club, complete with provocative exotic dancers. The backdrops were of backlit stained-glass ‘walls’, evocative of church windows. The dancers were all young white women, wearing assorted skimpy outfits evocative of a bridal motif. All the girls were slender, with full breasts and long, lustrous hair. Each girl wore a bridal veil of some sort, white high-heels, and some skimpy white lingerie. One girl, a blonde, was wearing a lace bustier and panties. Another girl, a brunette, wore a lacey bra and panties and long, white satin gloves. A third girl, a redhead, wore a lacey bra and thong panties, with a garter belt and fishnet stockings. The other girls in the background were similarly attired.

The girls danced with the aid of 'stripper poles', similar to those scene in strip clubs. Jessica noted that the poles were painted a rich, dark mahogany brown and were highly polished. As the girls danced, gyrated, and slid up and down the polished brown poles, they mouthed the words to the "I Do" refrain. As the refrain ended, the camera cut to a close-up of one of the blonde. She turned her big blue eyes directly into the camera and sang the lyrics "I Do... I Do Black Men, And Only Black Men"!

Jessica shivered when she heard this, and started to make notes about the lyrics. But as the song continued, it became apparent that this video, unlike the others, had almost no lyrics. The music was almost entirely a dance-mix instrumental. The only lyrics came from the female chorus. Again and again: "I Do... I Do Black Men, And Only Black Men"!

The screen cut to a beautiful blonde bride walking down the aisle, then standing, facing her groom, looking up at him adoringly, and smiling sweetly. Jessica recognized the bride as the dancer that had closed the preceding scene. As the music continued, the camera shot showed that the bride was in fact looking over the groom’s shoulder, at the best man… a handsome, bald, black man... obviously portrayed by one of the rappers. The bride smiles adoringly, looking into the rapper's face. The stud runs his tongue over his lips slowly, the bride nods, hypnotized… We see her fiddle nervously with her bouquet.

The scene changes to the sunny exterior of the church as the bride and groom emerge to a shower of rice or birdseed from all many of the wedding guests. They rush to the limo, where the groom gallantly opens the door for his wife and lets her in... but before he can climb in, the car suddenly pulls away from the curb. A large black hand reaches out, and closes the door. The groom and the wedding guests stand, stunned, on the church steps, as the limousine speeds away with the new bride. The usual “Just Married” sign has been replaced with a sign that says “Just Blacked!”

The camera cuts to the interior of the limo, to a close up of B-Love rapping while riding in the back. The camera pulls back to reveal the beautiful bride on her knees, between B-Love's bare black legs. She is apparently giving him oral sex. Her head bobs up and down in his lap, and blonde tresses and veil bounce gently with her movements. Her head bobs are timed perfectly with the music's beat.


A shiver went up Jessica's spine when she saw that scene. She wanted to be offended by such a blatant disrespect of the institution and spirituality of marriage. Instead, the boldness of the video excited her, and she found herself continually enraptured by the action on the screen, and the steady pulse of the bass that vibrated through her body. So captivated by the events on the screen, she’d stopped taking notes. Unconsciously, Jessica dropped one hand under her desk, and between her legs, resting her hand on her groin.

The refrain began again, and the scene shifted back to the 'stripper' setting. This time it ended on a close up different dancer, the redhead. Like the blonde, she looks directly into the camera, unblinking, and mouths the words "I Do Black Men, And Only Black Men".


This time, the setting is a large and expensive looking reception hall. It's a different wedding, with a different groom, and this time the bride is the redhead. We see the bride and groom in the reception line, greeting their guests. A large black man comes up to the bride and smiles seductively, taking her hand and kissing it, the pulling her to him and kissing her deeply, running his large black hands over her white-satin-clad breasts. Her eyes widen in shock momentarily, before she closes them dreamily. The groom stands, staring, shocked at this behaviour. He puts his hand on his wife’s shoulder and tries to pull her away... but she slaps his hand, without stopping the kiss. He tries again and the black man, still kissing the bride, grabs the husband’s face and shoves him backwards, knocking him to the floor. Then, as all the guests stare in shock, the black stud picks up the bride and carries her away. She tosses her bouquet over his broad shoulders and a petite, tan blonde bridesmaid catches it. The girl holds the bouquet and a look around confused... then sees another black stud. This one is grinning at her! She smiles shyly as he approaches, takes her hand, and leads her out of the room behind the bride and her black stud! The bouquet falls to the floor, and the scene cuts back to the dancing-brides, again ending with a close-up on yet another bride, mouthing the lyrics "I Do Black Men, And Only Black Men".

Jessica almost instinctively let her fingers snake down the front of her slacks... inside... and began to gently rub herself in time with the music. It was such a natural response, she didn’t even notice she was doing it.
Jessica's rubbing became more frantic as she watched the next vignette begin...


This vignette shows this pretty white bride dancing with her groom. A black stud walks up behind the groom, staring at the pretty bride lustfully. The stud, never breaking his bold stare into the bride’s eyes, taps the groom on the shoulder and indicates that he would like to dance with the bride. The groom seems to object at first, but the bride smiles at the stud, and gently pushes the groom away. The black stud pulls her close for the dance, we see her eyes widen and glance down... we see the black stud smile... There is another cut, this time to a wide shot of the dance floor, full of dancers. We see the groom, wandering around, obviously looking for his bride, who does not seem to be anywhere on the dance floor. The camera pans across the crowd, and focuses on an out-of-the way doorway. We cut to a close up of the doorway. There we see the beautiful bride, pinned against the wall, her huge white skirt hitched up around her waist, while the black stud thrusts against her mercilessly... all in time with the beat of the music…

Jessica was also keeping time with the music. Now the pretty, undersexed journalist in the full throws of passion, so enraptured with the video that she was barely aware of her own existence… let alone aware of how wantonly she was masturbating as she watched the video! Her face was flush, as she writhed in her chair, frantically rubbing her pussy while watching the action unfold. Her nimble white fingers probed deeper and deeper into the folds of her pink pussy, rubbing her clit methodically… staying in rhythm with the music. It was a miracle her eyes even managed to stay open and focus on the action, but focus they did. She bit her lip and began to quietly moan as the next vignette played... and the next... and the next.


Every scenario was the same... a beautiful white bride ditches her white groom for some black stud.

We see a white bride and groom posing with while cutting the wedding cake. The groom lovingly feeds his bride a bite of cake. There is a black waiter standing behind him, staring at the bride... she meets his gaze, and sucks the white frosting off her groom’s fingers. Then she holds up a piece of cake for the groom. As he tries to bite his cake, she shoves it into his face. While the groom is wiping frosting out of his eyes, the black waiter whisks the bride and the cake out of reception hall and into the kitchen... with the black kitchen staff stare at the pair hungrily. The shot cuts to the bride’s expensive white dress lying in a pile on the filthy kitchen floor. The camera pans up to show the bride lying across the kitchen’s preparation table. She wears nothing but a few strategically placed smears of white cake frosting. She writhes in ecstasy as several pair of large black hands smear more cake frosting all over her milky white skin. The camera circles the table as a large, half-naked black men surround the writhing white bride and begin licking the frosting off her naked body. The camera stops between the bride’s legs... but the view of her pussy is blocked by a black man’s bald head! She rests her lily-white hand, with its shining wedding ring, on the black man’s bald head!

Another vignette shows a pretty blonde, sitting at the banquet table with her groom. The groom is talking to his best man, and completely ignoring his beautiful new bride. A slightly dishevelled bridesmaid taps the bride on the shoulder and whispers in her ear. The bride’s eyes widen, and she smiles. Without saying a word to her husband, the bride gets up and follows her bride’s maid out of the room, down the hall, to a dressing room. Opening the door, she finds 3 black men groping her maid-of-honour. The bride smiles and turn to the bride’s maid who led her to the room... she’s already stripping out of her pink dress. The bride turns back momentarily, looking down the hall to the banquet room. She can see her groom at the table... he looks down the hall... briefly making eye contact. He waves for her to come back. She turns away from him and enters the room, slamming the door behind her! The camera shows several quick cuts of hands (black men’s hands and white women’s hands) ripping the white gown from the bride’s lovely tan body.

Another vignette shows a bride adjusting her veil in front of a mirror. The door of her dressing room opens. She turns to see a handsome black janitor entering the room, apparently thinking it was empty. Seeing the bride sitting there, the janitor pauses for a moment, smiling at the lovely white girl. An enormous bulge rises in the crotch of his cover-all's... the bride’s eyes widen and she smiles and blushes. The janitor, seeing her reaction, smiles too, and shuts the door of the dressing room. We cut to wedding party in the front of the church, waiting for the bride so they can begin the ceremony. A beautiful woman, presumably the bride’s mother, walks to the changing room to get her ********. She knocks on the door... and it suddenly jerks open to reveal her beautiful white ******** on her knees (back to the camera) kneeling in front of a black man in her full bridal gown! The mother stares for a moment, before another black man, who was standing behind the door grabs her and drags her into the room.

This next vignette featured a fresh-faced brunette, being carried across the threshold of her honeymoon suite. The groom kisses her... she nods towards the bed and smiles... The groom holds up a finger, indicating they should wait, and that he wants to take a shower first. The bride pouts, while the groom steps into the bathroom. Then there is a knock at the door. It's one of the hotel employees, a handsome black man, with a complimentary bottle of champagne. The bride smiles and lets him in... he looks around, wondering where the groom is. The bride indicates the bathroom. The black stud looks at the closed bathroom door... and back at the bride. He smiles. The camera pans up the bride's body, ending on her beautiful face...she's smiling, coyly biting her lower lip and shuffling her feet under her dress.

The next shot was made from a suspiciously low angle, showing the groom coming out of the bathroom, towelling off... he looks in the direction of the camera, and his jaw drops. The camera pulls back... now we see the groom in the background. In the foreground, on either side of the screen, are the bride's legs sticking straight up in the air, bouncing up and down in time with the music. Suddenly, the black man rises from between the girl's legs, blocking our view of the groom. He continues thrusting into the girl, in time with her leg bounces, and the beat of the bass. We can't see any action below his waist, but he is naked his muscular black torso shines with sweat. He takes a swig of champagne from the bottle. Then he pours some down... apparently over the bride. All the while, he continues thrusting, in time with the music's beat. The bride’s lily white hands run up over his chest, and around his shoulders and neck as he dives back into action, out of the camera shot. The groom is revealed again... now he's crying.

Irony can be a sickening thing.


Jessica McFarland's eyes bolted open, as she shot up from her chair, quickly pulling her hand from her panties... and found herself looking at a confused, and shocked husband. Billy stood in the dark hallway, just beyond the open doorway of Jessica’s office, his eyes glancing from his wife to the screen of her computer, and back again. The expression on his face perfectly matched that of the teary-eyed groom in the honeymoon suite.

"Honey... I'm’s just... I thought you were asleep..." Jessica stammered as she clutched at her dampened panties.

"I was! But I woke up, hearing you moaning out here, like a bitch in heat..."

That comment alarmed Jessica. She hadn't been aware she was moaning. For that matter, she hadn’t really been aware she was masturbating until Billy walked in and interrupted her. Now that she stood facing him, she began to realize how close she had been to what would have been an earth-shattering climax. Billy’s unexpected arrival had prevented that, though. Her pussy still tingled…begging for attention, but at that moment, Jessica couldn’t be concerned with finishing what she’d started. She was just too embarrassed.

Billy continued "I wondered what was going on... I guess I found out, didn't I?" Billy cried... the room wasn't very light, but Jess swore she could make out tears on Billy's face. "I can't believe it... in here, masturbating, watching that filth!"

"Baby, please..." Jess pleaded for her husband to understand... but she knew it was futile. "I didn't mean for this to... it just... it's been so long, I couldn't control it... Besides, it’s not a big deal...I was just masturbating... and it’s not even to porn, its just a music video."

But that was Billy's entire problem. The black men at work were treating him like he found his wife masturbating to the images of muscular black men and white women in a music video. It was more than he could stand.

"It's a bunch of god damn niggers!" Billy blurted. Normally he would never use such racist language, but he couldn't help himself.

"Billy!" Jessica scolded, "that is completely uncalled for! What's gotten into you?" She was starting to get angry. This was a side of Billy that she really didn't like.

"I'll tell you what's gotten into me," Billy cried, "I'm lying alone in my bed while my wife is watching videos and imagining herself with a bunch of God-damned niggers!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Jessica yelled. Now she was mad. "I'm sick and tired of you wallowing in your own self-pity! I came to you twice tonight, begging you for sex...BEGGING! You turned away, both times! HOW DARE YOU complain that I'm masturbating! I wouldn't have to do that if you could GET IT UP FOR ONCE!"

As soon as the words left Jessica's mouth, she regretted them. She wished she could take them back, but she couldn't, it was too late. Billy's eyes widened with anger... or fear... or sadness. He turned away and went to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him, before Jessica could say anything.

The full realization of what had just happened suddenly hit Jessica hard, and she felt sick to her stomach. Her last comments left her filled with guilt. Why had she screamed at him like that? That was so terrible! She was so ashamed of what she'd been doing. Jessica looked at the computer monitor. The video had ended. She had no idea what the finale scene was. She thought about the fact that there were some other music videos she wanted to review, but after the fight with her husband, she didn’t think she’d be able to concentrate on work. It was nearly 1am and she needed to be at the studio by 8am the next day and realized that she had to go to bed. She realized that if she went to the bedroom with her husband, no doubt they’d be up half the night talking. As much as she wanted to sort things out with Billy, tomorrow night was the big interview, and she needed to get some sleep. Jessica decided to sleep on the sofa in her home office. She grabbed a blanket from the linen closet and a bottle of water before stripping down to her underwear and lying down on the couch.

As Jessica lay her head down on her pillow and closed her eyes, thoughts and self-doubt swam through her tired mind. Her marriage had sunken to a new low. Not only had she not been intimate with her husband in months, but now she wasn't even able to sleep next to him. Was she being selfish? Had she been neglecting Billy all this time? Was that why he couldn't talk to her about his problem...why he was so stressed out? Was it really all her fault? Had she been so focused on her career lately, that she'd been neglecting her husband's problems? If so then that meant she'd be able to concentrate on her personal life after the next night's interview with Black Phallus.

Jessica smiled as she drifted off to sleep. She resolved that things would change...after she got through the interview. Yes... after the interview, things would be different!


The church was full of faceless guests.

The groom stood at the altar...

The bride stood in her dressing room, adjusting her veil in the large standing mirror...

The black man stepped into the frame of her reflection. He was tall and muscular; he placed a large ebony hand on the bride's shoulder.

The groom stood at the altar, the music stopped.

The guests' heads turned too watch the bride's approach.

The bride watches in the mirror as two large black hands circle from behind her, tearing her carefully beaded white corset to shreds. White pearls and beads fall through the air slowly... bouncing and rolling on the floor...

The black man's hands slide over the newly exposed white belly of the bride...and over her full white breasts.

The groom taps his foot, raises his hand up and looks at his watch.

The guests turn to each other, there are murmurs of confusion.

The bride watches as the black man's hands move over her breasts pinching and teasing her stiffening pink nipples, then up under the veil, lifting it out of the way... revealing the face of Jessica McFarland.

The groom turns towards the back of the church... screaming... "JESS!? MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" It's Billy... tears stream down his face.


Jessica bolted upright in the bed, her full white breasts heaved in her bra as she gasped for air. Just a dream... It was almost 9 am. She decided she'd better take a cold shower and get to work and prepare for the evening's interview.

When Jessica got into the shower, she made sure to crank the cold water up high. For some reason her skin felt like it was on fire. It wasn’t pain, it was an extraordinary sensitivity, one that could only be attributed to a heightened state of sexual tension. This was the same sexual tension that had been building up through weeks and weeks of sexlessness. This was the same tension that had led her to masturbate the previous evening, while watching Black Phallus’s explicit video. It was the same sexual tension that had led her to yell at Billy…and give her that awful nightmare. How could she masturbate while watching that video? How could she dream about herself as one of those brides…cheating on Billy? And why did that dream make her wake up so horny?

Thanks to her dream, her guilt was in full gear. She tried to remind herself that she’d been trying to initiate lovemaking with Billy for months, but her own terrible words kept coming back to haunt her. How could she have said those awful things to him? The more she thought about it, the more convinced she became that Billy's impotence was somehow her fault. He must have felt neglected by her recent career focus, or maybe threatened by her recent success. But in any case, she was going to fix it!

As the cold water cascaded over her perfect white body, Jessica planned her evening. After the interview, they would go out for a nice, quiet, romantic dinner, somewhere secluded. When they got home, Jessica would give Billy a nice massage. After that, she was sure he'd be nice and relaxed, and then she'd initiate lovemaking. To make sure it wouldn't fail, she'd start off by giving him oral sex. Oral sex was something Jessica rarely did. She found the thought of taking a penis in her mouth to be gross.

Once Jessica was out of the shower, she selected some of her sexiest lingerie. She decided that would wear it all day, so that when she and Billy got home, she could shed her clothing right in front of him, and let him see what she had planned. The lingerie set she chose was her sexiest set, something she'd bought on sale at the Hidden Closet lingerie store, and had been saving it for her anniversary. The set was entirely made of black satin and lace, and was composed of a demi-bra, thong panties, a matching garter belt, and a pair of black thigh-high hose stockings.

As she dressed in the ensemble, she admired her reflection in her full-length mirror. The black lace and satin complimented her fair complexion beautifully. The bra lifted and separated her firm, 36c breasts, without binding her flesh. The panties rode her hips creating a French-cut V in the front, while leaving her beautiful round white ass exposed with the thong back. The garters complimented the bra and panties set, and the thigh-high black hose gave the sexiness of fishnet stockings, without looking unprofessional under a skirt. Jessica found a sexy, yet tasteful black skirt and blazer that could be worn on-air for the evening’s interview and then to dinner at a nice restaurant afterwards. By the time Jessica was completely dressed, Billy was already up. They bumped into each other in the kitchen...

"I'm sorry honey," Jessica cooed, resting a delicate hand on her husband's shoulder, "I never should have said those awful things!"

Billy smiled half-heartedly at his wife. She'd been very hurtful to him last night, but she always had such a sweet voice. It was always seemed both girlishly innocent and seductively throaty at the same time.

"I'm sorry too..." Billy shrugged, looking down at his shoes, once again, unable to look his wife in the eyes, "its just... you know..."

"I know all about it honey!" Jessica said softly. She took his chin in her hand and raised his face so that he was forced to make eye contact. "I think I understand why you've been so upset lately."

"You do?" Billy was surprised. How did she figure out what the problem was?

"Uh-huh" Jessica squeaked girlishly, and nodded. "I know things have been difficult since I started work at KNEN, and I'm sorry. I've had this big interview coming up, and it's had me completely stressed out."

"Oh." Billy muttered. "Those... rappers." Billy felt his blood start to boil.

"Yes." Jessica said sheepishly. She knew that was the wrong thing to say. Her guilt over the previous night took hold again... again casting herself as the neglectful wife. It was bad enough that this assignment had taken so much of her attention lately, but then for him to catch her masturbating to one of their videos... And what a video... it was practically pornographic! Then there was the possibility of that 'publicity stunt' KNEN had warned her about. Jessica wasn't about to let them intimidate her, but she thought she had better warn Billy.

"Billy" Jessica started, "I have to interview those thugs tonight in the studio... and... Well, given what I've learned about them, I'm ... afraid that they'll try something funny."

Billy stared at Jessica. She continued speaking before he could respond.

"I don't think it will be too bad..." Jessica said, adopting a conciliatory tone, "but they might try some kind of publicity stunt... Nothing dangerous, but something you might not like. The network really wants this interview, they're ready for it... and I might have to go along with it, for the sake of the show."

"Maybe I should be there," Billy croaked softly, not liking what he was hearing, "you know... for moral support."

Jessica looked at her husband lovingly, and kissed him. In spite of the awful things she'd said to him the night before, he still wanted to give her his love and support.

"Oh Billy, I love you!" Jessica smiled, "Why don't you come by the studio tonight! I'd like that. That would be perfect!"

"Perfect?" Billy's curiosity was peaked, "What do you mean?"

"Look," Jessica grinned, playfully running a hand over her husband's shoulders. "I know things have been difficult lately, and maybe I've been too wrapped up in my career. I'm afraid I've caused some confusion about where my priorities are. I just want you to know that I'm planning something special for you tonight!"

"Really?" Billy smiled eagerly "What?"

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise!" Jess whispered coyly. "But rest assured, after tonight's interview is done, there's not going to be anymore confusion about where my affections lie! You’re going to see a whole new side of me. I promise!"

With that, she kissed him on the cheek, and was out the door.