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Eternal Robin
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  • What story you planning rn? If that's not a mystery ofc~
    Eternal Robin
    Eternal Robin
    I've been trying to gather the motivation to continue my Cartafell story. I wanted to strike while the iron was hot on the tail of Helion, but life got in the way and my interests shifted into smaller, more enclosed stories. I'll need to clear a chunk of time to really sit down and dedicate myself to forging ahead with it because I really do want to wrap up the second part of Eve's tale.
    You're a big inspiration to me and I love your stories. I don't mind waiting a little longer for you to get the noggin working to continue my favourite series. Honestly it's reminding me to get off my little butt and get back to writing.
    Hi Robin, will we be seeing a Chapter 13 of our Heroines in action again, soon, I hope? There is certainly much vicious wrenching to be done down there, as you're most certainly well aware. Looking very forward to furiously celebrating the next installment. 😍
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