“I would never fucking let that happen to me!” Jay said with a slightly drunken slur. “And if something like that did happen, I would fucking kill the asshole, and the bitch who fucking cheated on me, and all the stupid cunts who go along with him. I wouldn’t fucking care if I went to prison the rest of my life or got the chair! Some things a man can’t let happen to him. You gotta fucking stand up for yourself, even if it means paying the price!”

Tim was regretting confiding in Jay. Partly because Jay just didn’t understand. Partly because Jay was raising his voice loud enough in the bar to be heard by other people, and Tim certainly didn’t want to have anyone else know about his situation.

After his short time in prison, Tim decided he needed to move to another state and start over. His criminal record didn’t go away, which made it a little harder to find work, but he felt better about being somewhere where everything was just different. No places to remind him of times he spent with Charlotte, no people to run into who knew him from before. He found anonymity in a large city in the mid west, where he got work as a courier, driving a truck around all day long.

It was mostly work by himself, except for the times in the service center, where he would pick up the packages to deliver and have morning meetings with the managers and other drivers. That’s where he met Jay, who was a supervisor, but they got along.

Jay was a just a little taller than Tim, and much more fit. He was an energetic, intense man who never shied away from giving his opinion.

Jay was married to a beautiful wife named Raquel. Raquel was of southern European descent, with jet black hair and pale white skin. Her eyes were narrow and dark, and her lips were full but with a sharpness to them that made them incredibly sexy. She was curvaceous but very fit and muscular. Her tits were enormous, the size of volleyballs. They were firm enough to stand out from her chest even without the help of a bra, but jiggled seductively with even the slightest movements. Even women and the most conscientious of men could not help but stare slack jawed at her impressive cleavage.

Jay once invited Tim to come over for dinner, and as soon as Tim arrived and saw Jay’s incredibly sexy wife Raquel, he made an excuse and left immediately without even having gone any further into the house than the entrance way. After that, Tim completely avoided all circumstances that would involve him meeting Jay’s wife.

Jay and Tim would often hang out for drinks, though, and they got closer as buddies, which made Tim’s avoidance of Jay’s wife more and more noticeable. Then, one night at their regular hangout, Jay pressed Tim to confess what it was that bothered him so much about Raquel.

Tim resisted as much as he could. In the end, though, it wasn’t Jay’s insistence that broke through, it was that Tim had never told anyone what happened with him and Charlotte and the evil Dr Castle. It felt good to let it all out, as painful and embarrassing as it was to talk about.

Tim explained the whole situation of how he had been tricked into eating Dr Castle’s cum-pills, how Dr Castle had been fucking his wife every time Tim and Charlotte went to see him while Tim sat like an idiot in the waiting room, how Dr Castle had a whole relationship with Charlotte outside the office, and how Tim had been pissed on and cum on while Charlotte and Dr Castle laughed and fucked in front of him. Tim then explained how the whole betrayal and hurt had left him unable to trust anyone again, and had a deep resentment to women, especially beautiful ones. Jay’s wife was just too good looking for Tim to ignore, and he couldn’t be around her for all the feelings she inspired.

Jay was slack jawed for most of the story. Several times he said things like, “Bullshit!” and, “No fucking way!” Not because he thought Tim was a liar, or that anyone would even want to make up a story like that about themselves, but it was just so incredible that it was hard to accept. At the end, though, Jay was worked up into a frenzy of anger on behalf of Tim. Jay seemed even slightly more worked up because of a frustration that Tim did not seem to do enough to either defend himself in the first place or to get revenge after.

“What could I do?” Tim asked. “I had no idea people could be so completely evil! I mean, hindsight is twenty-twenty. It’s easy now to look back and say I should have done this or done that. At the time, though, I couldn’t see the signs because it wasn’t like just ordinary cheating that you might suspect. It was a whole evil plan that was more than I ever could imagine.” Jay opened his mouth to respond, but then closed his mouth again. He obviously thought that Tim should have seen something was wrong from earlier, but he could see that he wouldn’t win this argument since he wasn’t there and the details were everything. “Once I was injected with whatever it was that paralyzed me,” Tim continued, “I couldn’t stop what he did. I was physically unable. I wanted to fucking kill him, believe me.”

“You should have fucking hunted him down after!” Jay said. “Hunted his fucking ass down and held him at gunpoint and pissed right in his fucking face! Then you fucking shoot him and all his fucking bitches!”

“I tried looking for him,” Tim said. “Believe me, it was all I did for months. I did everything I could think of. I paid money for a detective agency, I went to the police, I searched as much as I could on my own.”

“What did the police say?” Jay asked.

“They filed a report,” Tim said, “but they didn’t really follow up. A lawyer explained to me that technically, fucking another man’s wife for months is not a crime, or even doing it in front of him. Also, I technically gave my consent for the drug that paralyzed me. The pissing and stuff could technically be assault, except that I didn’t keep any evidence, and the agreement I signed when I signed up for the counselling turned out to cover so-called ‘unconventional treatments’. Even if they found him, it was unclear if I could even sue him for malpractice.”

“What about his medical license?” Jay asked. “They guy must be registered somewhere. You could track him that way.”

“Dr Castle turned out to be some kind of alias,” Tim said. “The detective I hired tried to go that route, but somehow this Castle guy, whatever his real name is, managed to acquire a legitimate license but with a false name. The guy knows how to cover his tracks. He must also be connected somehow.”

“If the law can’t help you,” Jay said, “then I’ve got some friends named Smith and Wesson that can!”

“I don’t even know if the guy is still in this country,” Tim said, “and even if he is, this country is fucking huge when you think about it. He could be anywhere, and he said he’s done what he did to me before, so he probably has a whole system for staying hidden.”

“Fuck that!” Jay said. “We’re going to find this asshole and you’ll get your revenge! He can’t just fucking disappear.”

“I don’t know,” Tim said looking tired, “It’s been almost two years and I’m still not over it, but I’ve finally learned to look to the future for a change. I think I just want to put it behind me now.”

“If a guy took my wife like that,” Jay said, slamming his empty beer bottle down on the table, “I would spend the rest of my life fucking searching for the guy. No. No rest until this guy is fucking dead.”

“Jay,” Tim said, “I really appreciate you wanting to get my back, but murder? I’ve got a new life now. I don’t want to go to prison.”

“Maybe not murder then,” Jay said, with no less intensity, “but something. Hold him at gunpoint and piss on him like he pissed on you. Do something, just so he knows he can’t get away with that shit Scot free!”

“It’s not just that,” Tim said. “What about your wife?” Tim said, a little hesitant because he knew the implications of the question were likely to get Jay even more riled up. “I never thought Charlotte would betray me that way. If you get to close to Dr Castle, he might go after your wife.”

Jay clenched his fists and scowled as if he might punch Tim for even asking. His face went red with a rage that originated in a deep, primal part of him. However, somehow Jay managed to restrain his gut reaction and see that Tim was sincerely scared, and if anything, scared on behalf of Jay.

“Holy shit, Tim!” Jay practically yelled. “This guy did a fucking number on your head. He’s messed with your mind. He’s not some kind of fucking wizard that can cast spells and make women just fucking want to fuck him. My wife and I have a good, solid relationship. I’m sorry that shit didn’t work with you and your wife, but there was something there that made it happen like that, something that isn’t normal in most relationships.”

“That’s what I thought!” Tim said, tears forming at the edges of his eyes. “Don’t you get it? I was as convinced as you that Charlotte and I were in love. I would have bet my life on it.” Jay could see the heartbreaking sincerity of Tim’s words and decided that to make accusations that there was something wrong in Tim’s relationship to have made it possible was only going to make Tim feel worse. Jay decided to drop that part of it, even though he still thought it was true. However, Jay was no about to concede that there was any way that something like that could happen to him and Raquel.

“My wife would never fucking do anything like that, let’s just be clear about that,” Jay said angrily. “But, just hypothetically, if was with a woman that did anything like that, I would slap some fucking sense into her, and fuck her until she begged to be back together with me. A woman has to know who is the man in her life. Raquel is hot and gets a lot of attention, but she has no fucking doubt about who is her man. She knows, like anyone who meets her or me will know, that if anyone touches her I will fucking kill them, and if she strays she will get put back in her place! That’s how you keep a hot woman loyal. And that’s how you keep a shit like this Dr Castle asshole from touching her.”

Tim wanted to protest, thinking that he also could never have imagined Charlotte doing what she did, but obviously pursuing the topic would only make Jay more worked up, so Tim moved on. “What am I supposed to do?”

“You mean, what are WE going to do!” Jay said, and he reached across to put his hand on Tim’s shoulder. “I’m going to help you with this, Tim. It’s the right thing to do. I’m going to help you find this guy. I’m giving you my word that we are going to go all the way with this together.”

“Okay,” Tim said, not entirely convinced, “but where do we start? I’ve tried to find this guy already so many ways. I don’t even have a picture of him.”

“Just leave it to me,” Jay said.

The next day at work, it was as if the conversation never happened. Tim thought that maybe Jay was just worked up with alcohol and forgot about it after. They didn’t speak about it for a couple weeks. Tim deliberately avoided the topic, and Jay never gave an indication that he was doing anything.

Then, a little less than a month later, Jay stopped Tim in the changing room just after work, when the other drivers had already gone home.

“I’ve found him,” Jay said. It was so little, that Tim wasn’t even sure for a moment what Jay meant. Jay just stood there, waiting for a reaction, and the silence and seriousness of Jay’s demeanor made Tim come to the full realization. He was filled with both surprise and, surprisingly, fear. It was going back to a place in his life and his heart that had only ever hurt before.

“You did?” Tim said. “How? When? Where did you,” Tim got so worked up that his voice suddenly came to a stop and he looked at Jay with a slack jawed, wide eyed stare. Jay stayed silent for a bit, savoring the moment.

“I had two advantages over you,” Jay said calmly. “One, I have no history. The guy must have contacts in places that help him get his licenses and clients and whatever else he needs to stay in business. So if you call up looking for him, maybe you get one of his buddies on the phone and so they block you. Me, though, they don’t know.”

“The other thing,” Jay continued, “is that I have a hot wife. So I called around, not looking to find a doctor, but just telling people about my wife and making up problems.”

“You used your wife as bait?” Tim said with terror in his eyes. “Jay, you shouldn’t have done that! You’re risking too much!”

“Fuck, Tim!” Jay said, throwing his hands in the air with exasperation. “You just don’t get it, do you? What happened to you wasn’t just this Dr Castle asshole. It was him AND your wife! She was part of it! He didn’t do some magic spell on her, she betrayed you because that’s the type of person she turned out to be. Not every woman is like that. My wife is not like that. There’s no risk!”

“Does she know?” Tim asked.

“Who, Raquel?” Jay asked.

“Yes, does she know you used her as bait for this?” Tim asked.

“I told her about it,” Jay said. He could see that Tim was about to protest that Jay broke a promise not to talk about it, so Jay quickly continued. “I didn’t tell her all the shit they did to you. Don’t worry. I just told her that your wife left you for this other guy, that he was your marriage counselor, and that what he did was so wrong because he abused the trust of being your counselor. She totally sympathizes. She doesn’t know how bad we want to get this guy, but she does know we want to go find him.”

“What does she think we want to do?” Tim asked.

“I don’t know,” Jay said, “I think she can probably guess we’re going to maybe beat him up or something, but she doesn’t want to know too much, and she thinks he deserves it anyway.”

“Jay, I’m begging you,” Tim said, “don’t put her in front of him.”

“Tim,” Jay said as if forcing himself to stay in control, “you need to meet my wife. See that she’s not like how Charlotte was. I think you need to meet her because you need to see that Charlotte was a bad apple. Normal women don’t just go fuck some other guy. You need to see that not only so you can see how much Charlotte was to blame, but also so you can maybe start to trust women again. You must get back into the game, man.”

“Jay,” Tim said, “I’m not saying anything about your wife. I know she’s a good woman. Women like her just remind me of what happened, that’s all.”

“I know, but you’ve got to get over that,” Jay said. “I’m not taking no for an answer. You have to come visit me and my wife before we go after Dr Castle and Charlotte, because you need to be in the right state of mind.”

“Fine,” Tim said, “I’ll spend some time with you and your wife. Just promise me she won’t be involved in this.”

“We don’t have to involve her. She’ll never even know what he looks like,” Jay said. “I have an address for the guy. It’s like an office or something. It’s better to have as little contact as possible. We just go and wait him out.”

“He’s in town?” Tim asked.

“No,” Jay said. “He’s in the south west. We’ll have to go there, take some time off work.”

“I don’t know,” Tim said.

“Don’t get cold feet now,” Jay said. “I spent forever looking for this guy. Don’t you want revenge on him? I mean, what he did to you man! You can’t forgive that!”

Tim shuddered a little as he had a flashback. For a moment in his mind he saw Dr Castle laughing as he sprayed cum in Tim’s face, with Charlotte helping to aim his cock. She was laughing too.

“You’re right,” Tim said, with resolve. “What’s the plan?”

Over the next few weeks, they went back and forth on the plan. Overall, it was simple. Abduct Dr Castle, hold him at gunpoint, and humiliate him. There were lots of details within that, though, that they discussed at almost every moment they could talk without being overheard. Tim was sure that he wanted to piss on Dr Castle. However, Dr Castle had cum on Tim, and Tim wanted payback for that too, but it was harder to imagine how to do that. Jerking off and cumming on another man was far too gay. Getting a woman to get Tim off seemed difficult because it would be hard to bring another woman into the plan. There was also the question of how much Tim should beat Dr Castle up. Permanently injure him? Kill him? Tim’s answer would vary on his mood. When he had uncomfortable flashbacks to that fateful day with Dr Castle, he would want to kill him. Other times, though, when Tim was just going about his work and life, he imagined how there was the risk of getting caught or arrested or something, he would think that Dr Castle was not worth ruining his life for.

The issue of Charlotte was a lot more difficult. Part of Tim wanted to **** her, but that wasn’t really the point. He wanted Charlotte to want him so that he could dump her. Sometimes Tim would fantasize that showing how much stronger he was than Dr Castle would make her return to him, because maybe that was the thing that made her turn to Dr Castle. Maybe she had a thing for the stronger male. However, Tim knew deep down that it wouldn’t be enough to just have Charlotte in the room when he humiliated Dr Castle. Dr Castle took months to prepare his moment in front of Tim. Setting up all the circumstances was just beyond Tim’s resources.

Jay would ask what to do about Charlotte, and Tim would hedge and haw. Jay was sure that Tim still wanted her, and that he couldn’t commit to just slapping her around, or throwing acid in her face, or some of the other extreme ideas Jay had, because secretly Tim still wanted her. Jay could understand the feeling, because it wasn’t just about having been in love with her. It was about losing. To get her back would be to win some kind of grand game over Dr Castle. Tim didn’t want to be the loser, and Jay could understand that.

Jay was fine with letting Tim flip flop about what to do about Charlotte. For Jay, Dr Castle was the target. Somehow, this mission they had made for themselves made Jay feel like he had a righteous purpose. It was like hunting terrorists or saving people from burning buildings. That Dr Castle had done nothing to Jay directly meant nothing. Dr Castle was evil in a way that inspired a feeling of justice in Jay like he rarely felt.

For Jay, there was no doubt that the mission was to kill Dr Castle. He made up his mind that he would have the gun loaded, ready to go, and if need be, if Tim couldn’t handle it, Jay would shoot Dr Castle anyway. The only way out for Dr Castle was to beg or somehow show himself to be weak and sad enough for Jay to grant mercy. No mistake, though, the base line plan was to kill the monster.

Due to the company they worked at not having enough staff, it was hard for them to arrange a week off at the same time, but with a lot of insistence and negotiating, they managed to book the time. They were going to drive to Arizona so they could easily bring Jay’s gun with them.

The only thing left to cover was Jay’s insistence that Tim meet Raquel. Tim avoided it for a long time, but one night, he ran out of excuses. He came over for dinner, and sat awkwardly across the dinner table from Raquel, while Jay did most of the talking. Tim was polite, and tried, but would either stare too much at Raquel or obviously deliberately avoid looking at her.

Jay suggested they sit out on the porch, and Tim jumped at the chance to leave the room. When he got outside, he heard some talking behind him. Then, as he sat down on one of the chairs, he was surprised to see Raquel come out alone.

“Isn’t Jay coming?” Tim asked.

“I wanted to talk to you alone,” Raquel said, and she sat down in the chair beside Tim. When she sat, she raised her arms to tie her hair back into a pony tail, using a small band she had around her wrist. The position made her huge breasts stand up and out, and Tim couldn’t help but gawk. She smiled a little, noticing Tim’s gaze, and he immediately felt guilty and looked down. “It’s okay, Tim. Guys look at my chest all the time.”

“It’s different for me,” Tim said. “You’re a lot like my wife. She was so beautiful. She also had huge, er, breasts too, and guys always looked at her. You remind me of her. A little too much.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” Raquel said, lowering her voice to a soft and concerned tone. “Jay has told me about what happened. How she betrayed you and now you have a hard time trusting women. Take it from me, Tim, she was a bad apple. Most women aren’t like that. Not like that at all.”

“I want to believe that,” Tim said, looking down, but unable to stop himself from stealing glances at her tits, especially when she moved a little and they jiggled subtly. “I want to, but the thing is that I can tell you like to be looked at. You like the attention.”

“To be honest,” Raquel said, “I do. Sometimes. Sometimes creepy guys will follow me around or things like that happen. However, when I think about it, I’d rather have too much attention than too little. Some of my girlfriends are kind of plain looking, and they don’t get enough attention, or complain they can’t meet the right guys. I know that if there was a guy I wanted to meet, I would never have to worry that he would come talk to me.”

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Tim said. “It’s that power you have to draw men in and make choices. It’s innocent enough, but it’s part of a feeling of power and superiority. I think that what Dr Castle did is that he made Charlotte take those feelings to ultimate extremes. He made her realize she could not only get any man she wanted, but that she could get rid of any man she wanted.”

“Maybe she felt that way,” Raquel said, “but take me for example. Yes, I know I can attract any man. However, it’s not the attraction that’s important. I’m with Jay now, and I married him because I’ve been with other guys and I knew I could choose any one I wanted. Now I have chosen, and I’m not going to stray from that.”

“How do you know, though?” Tim asked. “How can you be sure that you might not meet someone else who inspires new feelings, and then at that moment, you might realize that you could have that new man just as easily as anyone else?”

“I just know, Tim,” Raquel said as softly as she could. She felt a little like she was on trial for being beautiful, but she tied to keep in mind that Tim was hurting inside. “You keep trying to find the way to make it so that what happened was Dr Castle’s fault, as if he somehow tapped into feelings that everyone has and was able to use his psychology to make them evil. That way you can blame him, and you can blame human nature, but not blame Charlotte.” Tim’s eyes got a little wet, and Raquel could see that she was getting through. Tim turned a way a little, because as a grown man he didn’t want to be seen crying or appear weak, and Raquel said nothing about it because she understood that saying anything about his tears would only make him even more self conscious. “At some point, though, you have to accept that Charlotte is responsible for what happened. At least fifty percent responsible, maybe more.”

“It’s hard,” Tim said weakly, the honesty of his feelings making his words shake, “because I loved her so much. I would have died for her. If I accept that she was the bad apple, then I feel like I was a fool for having believed in her for my whole life.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Tim,” Raquel said, reaching out and touching his arm. When she did, she leaned forward, and even through his tears, Tim couldn’t avoid noticing how incredibly sexy she was. Her lips were so erotically enticing as she spoke. “You weren’t a fool. You were deceived. The whole reason why bad people can get away with being bad is because they are so convincing. You shouldn’t think of yourself as being stupid for having been tricked by her, you should see that she was a sociopath. She doesn’t have normal feelings.”

“You’re saying that the whole time we were together,” Tim asked, “that she wasn’t really in love with me?”

“I don’t know, Tim,” Raquel answered, “she probably believed she did. Maybe she was in love, but that’s not the point. The point is something about her made the type of person who could betray that love and your relationship. Maybe Dr Castle was the trigger, but if wasn’t him, it would be someone or something else.”

“How can you know that not everyone, every beautiful woman, doesn’t have triggers in them?” Tim said. “Maybe that’s what Dr Castle has worked out. He’s tapped into the primal feelings th,” Raquel interrupted Tim.

“Stop it,” she said firmly. “Don’t you see? If you try hard enough, you can come up with reasons for everything. Part of you is so determined to avoid confronting certain ideas that you are coming up with the most outrageous ideas to defend how you see things now. Love is about trust. If you can’t trust anyone even a little, you’ll never fall in love again. I’m asking you to trust me. Trust me as an example, because I love Jay, and if a relationship like me and Jay can exist, then you can have one like it too.”

Tim smiled a little. He felt a small sliver of hope, and he wanted to give Raquel at least a little sign that he had taken her words seriously. She patted his arm, and then it seemed like the right moment to change the topic. Perhaps sensing a change in the tone of conversation, Jay came out onto the porch with some cold drinks and they spent the rest of the night contemplating different ways of getting the revenge that Tim deserved.

That night, when Tim got home, he masturbated furiously thinking about Raquel. A woman as hot as Charlotte but loyal and kind? The idea made him feel such hope, but it was confusing at the same time, because images of Charlotte and Raquel got mixed together in his head. While Raquel made a convincing argument about how a woman could be as beautiful as her and also not evil, there was something so powerful in the image of Charlotte as a wild, sexually free, dominating women. Somehow, in Tim’s head, he wanted both. He wanted the security of a love like what Raquel offered, with the outrageous sexual energy that Dr Castle had released in Charlotte.

Afterward, he felt guilty, because he knew he was still trying to forgive Charlotte, and also because he was now attracted to Jay’s wife, Raquel. None of his feelings made sense, and in the end, he felt jealous of Dr Castle, because he seemed to have everything that Tim wanted. Slave like loyalty from intensely powerfully erotic women. “How can I be a part of that?” Tim wondered to himself.

Weeks later, when their vacation time came up, Tim and Jay packed up Tim’s car and drove toward the south west deserts. They arrived the next day, after having had a stop at a motel overnight on the way. When they got to the city, they checked into another hotel, where they left most of their things and Jay’s gun. The first part of the plan was to watch and monitor Dr Castle, and then pick the best time to kidnap him.

The address Jay had was for a building that had some doctor’s offices in it. It was a modern glass building, with a security guard at the front, and doors that one had to buzz in, and a garden with a pathway in front. Jay and Tim parked across the street, and watched. Jay had a notepad, and they had a pair of binoculars between them, and that was all they needed. There was no need to photograph Dr Castle because they didn’t need evidence for anything. They just wanted to figure out a good time to catch him.

Their hope was to catch Dr Castle coming or going from the building, but they didn’t see him. Sitting in a car for hours watching a building is a lot more boring than either of them had anticipated, so the time dragged on long enough for them to have doubts, even though it was nowhere near enough time to have confirmed anything. However, through the afternoon, they noticed a pattern that gave them hope they were at the right place. A few couples walked in, and left an hour and half or two hours later. In each case, the wife was stunning. Incredible body, dressed sexily, huge tits, and the face of a model. The husband in each case was normal looking or maybe even above average, however, there was nothing about them that might have got Jay and Tim’s attention. It was the women who were so beautiful that even men not watching the building couldn’t help but notice.

They never saw Dr Castle at all, but the next few days were the same story, confirming in their minds that they were at the right place. They saw some of the same couples, and some new ones, but each day, there were two or three couples coming and going from the building that looked like exactly Dr Castle’s type. Tim couldn’t be totally sure, but he thought he could tell that when the couples came out again, the women looked like their clothes, make up, and hair were a little disheveled, and the men looked slightly sadder. As if the women had been fucked intensely while the men waited and were made to feel worse. Tim mentioned it a few times to Jay, but even Tim had to admit he might just be projecting.

They tried getting there early in the morning, and late at night, and checking the entrances and exits, but they just couldn’t see Dr Castle. They walked in to the building and looked at the directory and tried calling different offices. They stopped short of talking to the security guards or engaging anyone else because they didn’t want to risk being identified later. When they called the offices, they got some secretaries and tried to speak to the doctor, but after having narrowed it down to about three or four offices they felt were most likely to be Dr Castle’s latest alias, they just couldn’t be sure enough to take any action. They wanted to lay eyes on Dr Castle, but somehow he was like a ghost. Somewhere in the building right in front of them, but they just couldn’t see him.

As it got to the end of the week, and time was getting short. They decided to start bringing Jay’s gun along with them, because if a chance came up, they knew they would have to act quickly since it might be the only chance they get.

On the third to last day of their time, they decided to wait around as late as it took. They split up as they sometimes did, so one could watch the back of the building, and one could watch the front. Tim waited in the car in the front, and Jay went around the back. Tim asked Jay to take the gun with him most times, because Jay knew how to handle it.

Jay stood by a wall at the entrance to the alley, standing as casually as he could. He smoked cigarettes, looked at his mobile phone, and tried to look as if he was just meeting a friend. Cars went by. Sometimes a police car went by, and Jay hoped it wasn’t the same one. A guy standing around might get attention if he was still there after multiple passes.

A van pulled up in front of where Jay was standing. Jay tried to ignore it, but the driver called out to him. “Hey man,” The driver called out, his face obscured in the darkness, “is this the Wayneright building?” Jay didn’t want to interact with anyone, so he acted as if he didn’t hear the guy. “Hey! You! I’m just asking if this is the Wayneright building right there behind you!” the man in the van called out again.

“I don’t know.” Jay said, dismissively while trying to stay polite. As soon as the words were finished, suddenly everything went black and he was choking. Someone had come up from behind and put a black cloth bag over his head and was pulling at the rope that went around the mouth of the bag in such a way that it strangled Jay. The man behind moved with such force that he was dragging Jay and Jay couldn’t call out. Before Jay knew it, he was being thrown into the back of the van, which was what he expected as soon as he was attacked.

Disoriented and with men holding him down, his arms and legs were bound, Jay’s gun was taken from him, and he was left lying down in the back of a moving van. “Tim? Tim!” Jay called out, hoping that he might confirm if Tim was there or not before someone silenced either of them. Jay got a swift kick in his gut, and he knew that he had said as much as he would be permitted.

The drive was hours and hours. Jay even fell into a light sleep, so he completely lost track of time. Nothing was spoken the entire time. Finally, the van came to a stop, he was taken out and dragged into a building, and then he was placed face down onto a cot of some kind. The binds were cut, and the black cover was taken from his face. It took him a minute to adjust to the light, and while his eyes adjusted, he could only see two or three hulking figures walking away, and he couldn’t make out more than that.

When his eyes focused, he found himself in what looked to be a small town jail. It was in the back of a sheriff’s office, though the office was behind a door at the end of a hallway. The area Jay was in only had two jails. There was a window, with frosted glass reinforced by metal wires. Judging by the bright blue color coming through the window, Jay guessed he was far out into the dessert, and it might be noon the day after he was abducted.

Jay stayed there for days. At first, he expected that something would happen. He would be interrogated, or something. Even though it obviously wasn’t the police who abducted him, he thought that the people who took him would want at least something from him. However, the only person that came in was some old, unkempt looking deputy. The man had only one eye and looked like he hadn’t washed his uniform in ages. The man would come in, and slide a tray of barely edible food in a gap at the base of the jail door. Jay tried to talk to him, but the man would just mumble “fuck off” and walk away. Jay considered trying to grab the man, but he noticed that the man didn’t carry any keys on him, and as a hostage, the man looked expendable to the entire world, let alone the people he worked for. Besides, the opportunity never came up. The man would always motion for Jay to stand at the opposite side of the cell before getting close enough to slide the food in.

Jay lost track of the days. It could have been a week, or ten days, or maybe even two weeks. It was so boring, being essentially in solitary confinement, that Jay felt that he might go a little crazy.

Then, one night, when he was laying in the cot in the darkness, he barely had woken to the sound of the jail door being opened when again a cover came over his head, and he was being held down to have his arms and legs bound. This time, he was naked, the heat inside the jail at night making it impossible to rest otherwise.

The process of transportation was the same. It took hours. This time Jay was wide awake, strangely even glad for something to happen to break the monotony of the jail cell, even though rationally he knew he was being taken to even more danger. If he had to guess, he would say he was in the van for 10, maybe 12 hours before it came to a stop.

Jay listened intently as he was lifted from the trunk of the car and carried up some stairs, across what was maybe a pathway in a garden, up some more stairs, through a door, and then he got disoriented as he was turned around and around going through what he guessed was a house. Eventually he was placed, standing up, inside something that came up to around his waist.

The cover came off his head, and his eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the indoor lighting. It looked like a perfectly nice living room. A large couch and chair, a huge flat screen TV, a coffee table, some plants and side tables. It was very large and spacious, clean, and with modern furniture. Definitely whoever owned this house was very rich.

Looking down, Jay realized that he was standing in a metal oil barrel that had its top removed. It was a dirty, slightly rusted, oil barrel, which was completely out of place in the otherwise pristine living room.

Jay looked side to side. There were two large men, with greasy hair and tattoos, and with Latino features. They had expensive suits on, but they were ill fitting in that way that criminals make everything look slightly wrong. If Jay had to guess, he would say they were Mexican gangsters, from a drug cartel or something.

Something about having the cover taken off his head made Jay assume that something was about to happen. However, nothing happened for a long time. Jay didn’t even consider saying anything to the two men standing behind him. They were lackeys, most likely didn’t know anything, and would probably just punch him for speaking. Instead, Jay tried to covertly push and pull at the ropes holding his hands together behind him and his legs tightly together. He also looked around to plan possible escape routes and things to use as weapons in the room, in case opportunity swung his way. This also made him feel like he was smarter than most men, who would probably just panic.

After uncountable minutes, maybe even over an hour, a door opened off to the side, and a man entered the room.

“Dr Castle,” Jay said, deliberately trying to convey that he wasn’t surprised. Dr Castle was wearing a button up shirt and some slacks, like someone on a casual Friday. He looked relaxed as he walked to the center of the room, to face Jay.

“I haven’t used that particular alias in a while,” Dr Castle said, “but it will do for this particular interaction. And you are Jay, Tim’s friend. I would say ‘nice to meet you’, but since you came here with the intent to kill me, I think you can forgive me for dispensing with civilities.”

“We weren’t going to kill you,” Jay said, acting as if it were all just a big joke that had gone wrong. He actually wasn’t entirely sure if he really would have killed Dr Castle or not, had his and Tim’s plan worked out. He kept telling Tim that they were just going to get a little payback, but deep down there was something about Dr Castle that was just so evil, it made Jay feel like God himself was urging Jay to pull the trigger. “We just wanted to send you a message.”

“Oh, really?” Dr Castle said incredulously. “Well, here you are now, so what is your message?”

“Not a verbal message,” Jay said. “What you did to Tim was unforgivable. Inhuman. We just wanted to scare you a little, let you know you can’t just get away with those things.”

“So am I to believe,” Dr Castle said, and as he did, one of the Mexicans walked over to Dr Castle and handed him a gun. Jay’s gun. “Am I to believe that this was just for show? It was fully loaded when you were found.” Jay hoped that his facial expression wasn’t giving away any of the confusion in his soul. Standing here now in front of Dr Castle, Jay felt as if he could literally feel the presence of a deep evil in the room. As if he were facing Satan himself. However, Jay was determined to try and negotiate his way out by pretending it was a misunderstanding.

“We wanted you to take us seriously,” Jay said. Then he suddenly had another thought which he was both eager to know and wanted to use it to distract Dr Castle into a new topic. “Where is Tim? What did you do with him?”

“Tim is taken care of already,” Dr Castle said cryptically. As he spoke, he waved the gun around casually. Jay wasn’t sure if it was loaded or not, so he winced a little whenever the barrel was pointed in his direction. “I think you should be worrying about your own problems right now. The thing is, I think you’re lying to me. I’m somewhat of an expert at lying, as you know, and I think I can tell that you came here wanting to kill me. This puts me in an awkward position. I can’t let you go, because what’s to stop you from trying again?”

“You can,” Jay said, jumping at the chance to make his case. “Look, we just wanted to make a point, but I can see we’re out of our league here. You’re connected, and we can’t touch you. Hey, can you blame us for trying? What you did to Tim was really ev…” For some reason Jay thought it best not to say ‘evil’. It was too true to say out loud. “What you did was extreme. You must have guys come after you all the time.”

“Oh, of course I have many fail safes in place to handle situations like this,” Dr Castle said. “This time is a little different, though. Usually, I take care of my victims in the right way from the start so that they do not bother me again.”

“You let Tim go, though,” Jay said, genuinely confused. “Didn’t you think he might come after you?”

“There are two types of men,” Dr Castle spoke as if he loved the chance to talk. “Some men are like wild dogs that can not be tamed, and need to just be put down immediately. Some men are like obedient hounds that with the right subjugation will cower with their tails between their legs. Tim is of the second type. I broke him down, and he entertained in his head for a little while the idea of resolving the insane jealousy in his head with violence, but ultimately he knew he was defeated as a man and would live as a defeated man. If Tim were of the first type, I would have handled things differently. For him to have come across a man who wanted to be of the first type on Tim’s behalf, well, that is a rare situation.”

“You’re saying I need to be put down like a dog?” Jay asked, not liking where this conversation was going.

“You’re a different type of man than Tim,” Dr Castle said casually. “You think that just because you are willing to go to extremes that means you will succeed. That somehow your passionate drive to exact revenge will be fruitful because of the sheer force of your intent. You came here with the intent to kill me at whatever cost. Don’t try and pretend it was just a message, we both know the sense of moral justice that burns inside your heart. However, you ran into a situation you don’t really understand. The fact is, it doesn’t matter how strong you are. Life isn’t an action hero movie. The ability to run around with a gun is nothing compared to having a system, and resources, and the planning I have. The idea that one man can essentially do whatever he wants if he’s willing to jump around shooting people is a stupid myth perpetuated by Hollywood. The reality is that people who are fueled by desperation like you lose to people like me who have whole organizations.”

“Personally, it’s much more fun humiliating men like Tim. I’d like to humiliate you and take your wife like I did with Tim and leave you to suffer for the rest of your life knowing that you were humiliated by me. With a man like Tim, I can break him down and move on, and it’s easier for me. In fact, it’s part of the fun to leave in such a way that makes futile all his efforts to reconcile. I like spending my nights fucking his wife knowing that he’s out there suffering. You, on the other hand, are like a wild animal that can not be relied upon to ever stop the fire in your belly that drives you to kill me. Thus, just like a rabid dog, you can’t be trained like Tim, you simply need to be put down. I would rather not dispose of you, as I find that so unsatisfying. I don’t think I have any choice, though, as you will not be tamed and submit to my superiority.”

Jay looked side to side at the Mexicans, and then back to Dr Castle. Partly Jay was sizing up his chances of making some kind of move, and partly he was wondering what exactly did Dr Castle have in mind when he said ‘dispose’. Dr Castle understood Jay’s question from his movements. “The two men to your sides,” Dr Castle said, “are from a Mexican drug cartel that I sometimes do favors for in the form of providing them girls who I acquire through my ‘charitable’ work as a counselor for women on the streets. I don’t usually need to call in favors, but I can see this situation is beyond help. They are going to close you up in that barrel you’re standing in and smuggle you south of the border. There, I don’t know what they’re going to do to you, but I can assure you it will be unpleasant and you won’t return. I was down there once and saw them working on a man with a belt sander one time. After that, I decided I never wanted to have to get that close to the more unseemly parts of their operation. I feel sorry for you, but I really can’t see any other way.” Dr Castle waved his arm, and the two men started to push Jay down into the barrel. When he was on his knees, only his head was above the rim of the barrel. When he got to that point, the two men wrapped a chain around Jay’s neck that they then attached to some loops inside the barrel so that he could not move any further out of the barrel.

“Wait!” Jay yelled in a panic. “Wait!”

Dr Castle motioned for the men to halt before pushing his head down and closing the lid. “I get it! I give in! You’re better than me. Okay? I get it. Just let me go and I won’t say anything to anyone.”

“You’re just saying that,” Dr Castle said, waving the gun in his hand dismissively. “A man confronting his mortality will say anything. As soon as you are free, though, you’ll plot new ways to come after me. And we’ll just end up back here again.”

“No,” Jay said, the desperation in his voice obvious, “it doesn’t have to be like that. Look, I have no reason to chase you down. I did this for Tim. And I did it because I wanted to be a hero, I guess. To fight against evil and save other men.”

“Interesting,” Dr Castle said. “Do go on. As a psychiatrist, I’m fascinated how this situation is making you self reflect.”

“No, really,” Jay said, seeing some hope that his negotiation was working. “I was so outraged by what you did to Tim, I thought the injustice had to be dealt with. It seemed like the right thing to do. I didn’t think I would die for it, though. When it comes down to it though, I’m not willing to take it this far. You didn’t take my wife, you took Tim’s. I don’t need to keep chasing you. So you can let me go because ultimately I don’t have that much motivation!”

Dr Castle looked very thoughtful as he considered Jay’s words. Then, without saying anything, he walked over to a side table where he put down the gun and then picked up a remote control. “That’s where you’re wrong, Jay. You see, I do have your wife.”

“What?” Jay blurted out, completely unable to restrain his reaction. His disbelief was visceral.

“You’ve been missing for almost two weeks now,” Dr Castle went on, speaking at a leisurely pace. “Your wife soon contacted the police and has been completely distraught. Through the connections I have, I was called in as a counselor to provide some assistance. It’s been going very well.”

“You motherfucker!” Jay yelled, and his voice actually broke a little. “You fucking ***** my wife? Or you fucked with her head or something! With drugs or whatever! No fucking way my wife would leave me for you! Especially not if she was worried about me.”

Dr Castle laughed a little. “You really don’t know who you’re dealing with and how good I am at what I do,” he said, with cool confidence. “Actually, if you understood psychology as well as I do, you’d know that when people are more distressed is when they are more vulnerable. Their feelings are out of control and can be guided easier than when they are calm. Had I met your wife under normal circumstances, it would have taken me months. I was prepared to hold you captive as long as it took when I laid eyes on her incredible tits. Fortunately for me, she was in a state that made her more primal feelings more accessible and easier to bring out. Even I was surprised at how quickly she progressed. As Tim might have told you, I record my sessions. Sometimes audio, sometimes video. Here, you can judge for yourself if lovely Raquel is drugged or coerced.” With that, Dr Castle pressed a button on the remote, and the huge flat screen TV that took up most of the wall flickered to life.

The scene was a couch in a doctors office, and sitting on it was Raquel. She was wearing suit jacked and short skirt, and her blouse unbuttoned low enough to see the bra that strained to cross the expanse between her massive breasts. Her tits were pressing together to form a strong line of cleavage between them. She was sitting on the edge, facing the camera, both hands on her knees.

“I feel a little bad about this,” Raquel said, looking up past the camera and talking to someone off screen. “Do we have to film this?”

“I record all my sessions,” said Dr Castle from off screen. “Sometimes I need to review what happened in order to know how best to go forward.”

“Yes, but,” Raquel said hesitantly, “I feel a little guilty. The… ‘treatment’ seems to be going so fast. The things I’ve done here seem to be more about me than about searching for my husband.”

“Exactly, Raquel,” Dr Castle said. “It’s all about you. You can only truly decide if you want to search for your husband if you truly know yourself.

“‘If’ I want to search for my husband?” Raquel asked. “Of course I do!”

“That’s a perfectly healthy reaction,” Dr Castle said, “showing that you have indeed grown up as a moral woman as defined by the rules of society. It’s good that you are a moral person. However, the pain you feel at his loss and the confusion at having any happiness is a sign of what in psychology is called ‘mental incongruousness’. You’re morals and feelings and obligations and assumptions are out of alignment. My goal is simply to get you to align the whole of you so that you can truly know what you want without conflict.”

“But he’s my husband,” Raquel protested. “I love him.”

“If so,” Dr Castle said from off screen, and then walked on screen. He could only be seen from the waist down to a little below his knees as he stepped into the frame. He was completely naked and and his erection stood straight out as he walked. His cock was long and so thick that to be so firm and stand so straight seemed to defy gravity. It swung leisurely side to side as he walked. He came to stand in front of Raquel, but a little to the side so that the length of his shaft was in full view of the camera. His massive cock easily spanned the distance between him and Raquel’s face. His cock pressed into her cheek and nudged her back a bit, but she stayed in contact with it. Dr Castle stood like that, his cock intruding into Raquel’s personal space and pre-cum seeping onto her cheek as if there was nothing unusual about it. He just stood there casually, his hands on his hips, and continued to talk. Raquel also didn’t seem to be completely surprised as Jay might have expected. She looked as though she was trying to match Dr Castle’s casual attitude, though she was obviously flustered by the proximity of his cock to her face. She wasn’t upset, though. She kept looking back and forth between Dr Castle’s face and down at his cock, with more anxious anticipation than shock. “If you are sure you love your husband, than does that mean you do not want a ‘treatment’ for today?”

“I,” Raquel looked completely unsure of herself. “I don’t know.”

“It’s perfectly natural to seek comfort in times of stress,” Dr Castle said reassuringly. “It’s society that puts boundaries on our sexuality that run contrary to how we naturally behave. As I explained in our first session, part of the reason I am so successful with patients is because I work with our natural instincts, and don’t impose normal so-called morality that only hinders our elevation as people.”

“It’s not that I don’t think your treatment is working,” Raquel said. “It’s that I worry it’s working too well. Last night I had a hard time thinking of my husband. Isn’t it unnatural to move on too quickly?”

“That’s exactly what I mean by society’s morals holding us back,” Dr Castle said. “Here you are, feeling the grief and loss leaving you, and yet you are holding on to it out of some sense of obligation. The reality is your husband won’t come back, and I intend to not only help you to regain your life, I am going to show you a superior life.”

“A superior life?” Raquel asked, ever so delicately licking the huge, shiny purple tip of Dr Castle’s cock.

“Yes Raquel,” Dr Castle said as his voice softened with the pleasure of feeling her tongue. “You were stuck in a conventional marriage to an inferior man. This is partly why you can move on from it so quickly. A part of you knows that a woman such as yourself is of a superior type. You crush the hearts of men and inspire the jealousy of women who wish they were like you. You were held back by your layman husband, and I intend to bring you to your full potential.”

“I’m not sure I’m everything you say I am,” Raquel said, raising one hand to hold the base of Dr Castle’s cock and leisurely stroke it. “I mean, parts of me feel something when I’m here with you, but how do I know that I’m not just being weak in a time of need?”

“Ah,” said Dr Castle knowingly, “Look at the way you are dressed, with your tight skirt and your shirt showing off your gorgeous breasts. You know how much I love really big tits, especially your amazing breasts. You decided to wear this with the obvious intent of making me hard, the effect you definitely knew you would have, before you came in here. You planned and hoped to make my cock hard, so this is something inside of you even when you are not here. Go on, why don’t you show me your perfect tits.”

Raquel obediently began to unbutton her blouse, and when it was open enough, she unclasped the front of her bra, and her breasts practically burst out forward to be free from her blouse. She returned one hand to the base of Dr Castle’s cock, and with her other arm she moved it under her breasts and held them up to show to Dr Castle their immense size and perfect roundness. Dr Castle moved so that his cock nudged her face and slid to the front of her lips.

“Good girl,” Dr Castle said with smug satisfaction. “Now, what were you saying about having a hard time thinking about your husband?”

Raquel looked up at Dr Castle with worshipful eyes. She giggled slightly and said, “Do you want to know what I was thinking about last night? Why I couldn’t focus on my husband?”

“Of course,” Dr Castle said with a chuckle. “This is your therapy, I’m here to listen.”

“I was thinking about doing this!” Raquel finished her sentence by opening her mouth and sliding her lips quickly down Dr Castle’s cock. Although she had to open her jaw wide to the point of straining, her thick, beautiful lips wrapped perfectly around the circumference of his cock and slid easily down. Dr Castle moaned with pleasure. Raquel was able to get almost to the base by taking a good portion of his cock into her throat.

“NOOOOOOO!!!” Jay screamed, back in the room with Dr Castle. He had been in slack jawed silence up until this moment in the video, but now he yelled as if his very soul was calling out from within him. His voice rough as the scream came from the back of his throat where it scratched dryly against his vocal chords. “NO! NO! NO! It’s not true! No!” As his denials faded out, he was left with tears running down his face, his face flush with red anger, and his body shaking with rage like he had never felt.

“Please, don’t stop watching,” Dr Castle said almost as an aside as he watched the screen. “I want you to see all of this, and I will rewind it and make you watch it again if you don’t pay attention the first time.”

On screen, Raquel expertly sucked Dr Castle’s cock, bobbing her head back and forth in a smooth, controlled rhythm. She massaged his balls with one hand and pumped his shaft with another. With each dip downward she took, she took him into her throat. Every now and again, she took her mouth off his cock to lick up and down the shaft. Dr Castle oozed pre-cum in a large volume, so that soon Raquel’s face, her hands, and Dr Castle’s cock were covered in thick, slimy transparent goo.

“So you see,” Dr Castle said to Jay, “you are never going to see your wife again. Soon, she is going to forget about you and live to please me. Since you are of the rabid dog type of man, I just can’t believe any promises you make not to try doing stupid things again.”

“You fucker!” Jay yelled. Jay felt the desperation of a man that has lost all options. He had absolutely nothing left except to just call Dr Castle names. “Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!” With a wave of Dr Castle’s hand, one of the Mexican men strapped a ball gag onto Jay’s face, reducing his screaming to muffled murmurs.

“It’s too bad that men in your position lose control like this,” Dr Castle said. “I would love to talk to you and find out how it feels to not only be hopeless, but also to go to your death knowing that your wife will be fucking the man who took control of your destiny. How does it feel to be so completely owned by another man? How does it feel to have the unthinkable happen and be betrayed by the woman you love? Ah, it would be fascinating, but alas, by this point, the men I do this to are reduced to nothing more than a pile of rage and frustration, unable to communicate. So we’ll just watch the rest of this together.”

On screen, Raquel stood up and gently turned Dr Castle around and pushed him backward onto the couch. Dr Castle turned as he did, so he was lying fully on the couch and his side was to the camera. That way, Raquel’s enormous tits could be seen fully as she straddled Dr Castle. She lowered herself onto Dr Castle’s cock, each inch of it causing her to spasm a little as it entered her.

Dr Castle placed both hands on her tits to hold them up and Raquel began to bounce up and down. “I love huge tits,” he said, “you are going to make an excellent addition to my harem.”

“Your harem?” Raquel giggled like a little girl.

“Yes,” Dr Castle said between heavy breaths, “As an alpha male, I have many women who serve my needs. You will be one of them.”

In the room with Jay, Dr Castle turned to Jay. “Most men think that professing loyalty and love makes women loyal. Or threatening to keep them. The truth is that women follow the alpha male, who has many women. Your wife won’t even be the most important woman to me, she will just be a mouth I cum in when I please.” When Dr Castle satisfied himself that the expression on Jay’s face, burning red and tears in his eyes, indicated he was suitably enraged with frustration by the information, Dr Castle looked back to the screen.

On screen, Raquel climaxed over and over. Then Dr Castle moved her so he could fuck her from behind. Her huge tits bounced back and forth so much that Raquel had to use one arm to restrain them.

“Tell me Raquel,” Dr Castle commanded, “do you feel the difference inside you?”

“You mean your cock?” Raquel asked, between breaths as she looked back toward Dr Castle. She turned facing the camera, and her luscious lips were pursed in an erotic way that matched her lowered eyelids in conveying how she was both turned on and intend on being a turn on.

“Ha ha!” Dr Castle laughed. “I’m sure my cock is like nothing you’ve ever had before. However, I mean the feeling that is coming from within you. Can you feel the true woman released from her bounds?”

Raquel licked her lips seductively and her eyes burned with sexuality as she looked back and upward at Dr Castle. Jay had never seen her look so powerfully seductive.

“I,” Raquel said in a low, seductive voice, “I think so. I feel different… wicked, but at the same time good.”

“Those are the words of your old morality,” Dr Castle said. “Embrace the new powerful you. You deserve to be fucked the way I’m fucking you. Did your husband ever fuck you like this?”

Raquel unexpectedly laughed, like the idea was ridiculous, and her laughter caught even her by surprise. It was if it was so natural to laugh at the idea, she laughed before she could stop herself. “No, he couldn’t ever fuck me like this! I had to fake it with him because of his pride. He needed to believe he was such a manly lover, but he could never do it like this. I thought it was my wifely duty to make him believe he was satisfying me.”

In the room with Jay, Dr Castle looked back at Jay and gave a nod, as if to say something like ‘you see?’. The look of arrogant satisfaction on Dr Castle’s face was so infuriating, Jay thrashed and strained at his bonds, but to no effect.

“And now you’re free from that,” Dr Castle said on the video.

“I,” Raquel was hesitant to admit it. However, she couldn’t deny it. The feelings welled up inside and then burst out. “Yes! Yes I am. Oh my God! I’m free!” She climaxed so hard that it seem she might faint afterward, but the constant powerful thrusting of Dr Castle’s cock wouldn’t permit it.

“And so maybe having your husband disappear as he did was an opportunity in disguise,” Dr Castle said. “Maybe you needed to be free of him to realize you can do better!”

“Is that possible?” Raquel asked out loud, partly to herself and partly to Dr Castle. As an answer, Dr Castle began pounding her with his cock even harder, causing her whole body to shake with every thrust. As if the pounding of Dr Castle’s cock were shaking some life into her, Raquel squealed “Yes! Yes!” answering her own question. She was lost in another world. She was leaving the world of her husband, and entering the world of Dr Castle.

“That’s a good girl,” Dr Castle said. “In time, you will not only come to forget your husband, but you will be glad for having been set free. You will look back on the marriage you had and laugh at how far beneath you it was.

“Oh god!” Raquel screamed as she climaxed. “Oh god yes! Thank you doctor! I want it! I want it all! I want you!”

Dr Castle took his cock out of Raquel’s pussy and turned her around so she was lying back on the couch. He moved forward so he was sitting on top of her tits and he thrust his cock into her mouth. He began to fuck her face violently, thrusting in and out so hard it looked impossible that he wasn’t chocking her. However, Raquel took it and if any feeling could be read in her eyes, it was the desire for Dr Castle to do as he wanted with her.

“UNNNNH!!” Dr Castle let out a visceral grunt as he began to cum. He started cumming in her mouth, which she dutifully swallowed, but then he pulled out of her mouth and shot fat ropes of cum all over her face and hair. He shook his cock so that cum sprayed everywhere, and aimed downward to get it on her tits. He grunted and breathed as if it was difficult, almost painful, to get so much cum out, and he shot what seemed to be enough cum to feel a beer mug.

When he was done, he got off of Raquel and stood up. He was only visible from his stomach down in the frame of the camera, so when Raquel sat up to face the camera, her face was right beside his powerful, and still mostly erect cock. She kissed lovingly.

“Look into the camera,” Dr Castle commanded, in a calm but self assured tone as if he expected she would not question anything he said, “and pretend you are looking at your husband. In order to help you to move on, and accept that not only is he gone but that you are moving on, you need to say goodbye. Say how you truly feel. Admit it to yourself as you tell it to your husband.”

“Jay, dear,” Raquel said, looking into the camera, her face and tits covered in cum and one hand holding Dr Castle’s cock, “I hope you’re okay wherever you are. I worry about you, but at the same time, I think your absence has given me an opportunity to really discover some things about myself. I thought I loved you, but with Dr Castle I’ve discovered what real love is. I hope that if you were to ever hear about me, you’d hear how happy I am now, and maybe be happy for me too. It was nice, in it’s own way, the relationship we had. But now it’s time for me to say goodbye. Goodbye, Jay.”

Dr Castle turned off the TV and turned back to Jay to see that Jay was crying. Raquel’s words had cut into his very soul. Dr Castle walked over to where Jay was. However, Jay was too lost in sorrow and heartbreak to react to Dr Castle.

“Eventually,” Dr Castle said, “Raquel will get to the point where I’ll be able to tell her what I did to you, and share a laugh with me. I just wanted you to know that, just in case you think there is a part of Raquel that might miss you. Now,” Dr Castle unzipped his pants and snaked out his long cock, “There is one last bit of business to take care of. It’s a bit of a tradition, in a way, something I like to do to the men I destroy, as sort of icing on the cake.”

Jay looked up to see Dr Castle aiming his cock directly at Jay’s face, and he realized what the ‘tradition’ was. He squirmed and tried to yell protests, but it only came out as “NNNN!! NNNN!!”. He was so enraged with frustration, anger, and hurt, that his eyes almost rolled back into his head. He was on the verge of something in his mind snapping. However, the expected stream of piss did not happen right away. After a few moments, Jay stopped thrashing, and looked up at Dr Castle to see what the delay was. Dr Castle was smiling smugly, only delaying because he was taking his time.

With a shudder down Dr Castle’s back, piss shot straight out of Dr Castle’s cock and hit Jay’s face like a piercing needle. “Ahhhhh,” Dr Castle said, “I’ve been saving that up for a while.” It got in Jay’s eyes, and streamed down his fact and pooled in the bottom of the barrel. Dr Castle laughed as Jay squirmed futilely and shook and made muffled noised of protest. Whichever way Jay would turn his head, Dr Castle would aim his stream, and chuckle at Jay’s futile attempts at escape.

After pissing for what seemed like forever to Jay, Dr Castle shook it out, tucked his cock back into his pants, and then stood back. With a nod, the Mexican men used the lid of the barrel to push Jay’s head down into the barrel. Jay tried to push back, but he was over powered. There was some noise and then Jay heard the crackle of a welding torch as they sealed him in the complete blackness, alone with the stench of Dr Castle’s piss which covered him and sloshed around in the bottom.

* Epilogue *

Tim sat nervously in the diner. Every time someone opened the door, he looked back to see who it was, and was disappointed over and over again.

Then she came in. She looked stunning with a tight dress, showing off her cavernous cleavage and long legs. She had on a wide hat and sunglasses, as if she were a celebrity concealing her identity. As she walked down the row of tables to where Tm sat, every eye watched her with lust or jealousy.

“Raquel,” Tim said as a greeting.

“Hello Tim,” Raquel said coolly, and then she sat down. A waitress came by and Raquel ordered a black coffee, though it was clear even in the ordering that she probably wasn’t going to stay to drink it.

“He said I might get to see her,” Tim said nervously, “for betraying Jay. It’s been months now, but I haven’t heard anything.” Raquel laughed lightly and her beautiful bright smile was disarming.

“That’s not how it works, Tim,” Raquel said. “You should consider yourself lucky that Dr Castle didn’t do to you what he did to Jay. Your reward for bringing me to him is that he lets you live.”

Tim looked down, disappointed. “Please,” he said, “is there no place for me in his world? Haven’t I shown I accept my place? I would do anything for him to reward me a little.”

“There is no negotiation,” Raquel said as if talking to a child. “If you continue to prove yourself loyal, he may decide to reward you, but only on his terms and as he sees fit.”

“I see,” Tim said quietly.

“What’s that?” Raquel said sternly. She was expecting something different. Tim looked up and sat up at attention.

“Yes ma’am,” Tim said.

“Good boy,” Raquel said, “Now you’re getting it.” Raquel leaned forward, and her breasts perched on the table, emphasizing their size. Tim couldn’t help but look down at them, and then he worried he was behaving rudely, so he looked up at her gleaming eyes. “No, I want you to look at them,” she said, and he looked back down. “Tell me, Tim. That night on the porch when we talked. I’m sure I did remind you of your wife. Now that I’ve met her, I can see why you miss her so much. At the same time, though, be honest. Part of the reason you kept staring at my tits was because you wanted to fuck me.”

Tim looked very guilty, and then he nodded. Almost involuntarily, his hand moved under the table to start to stroke his hardening cock. He hoped that Raquel wouldn’t notice, but she did.

“That’s it Tim,” Raquel said. “I want you to touch yourself. In fact, I want you to unzip your trousers and spank off while you look at me.” Raquel was clearly enjoying the power she had over Tim. Partly there was the underlying threat of what Dr Castle might do if Tim disobeyed anything. Partly was her intoxicating beauty, which aroused Tim like he had never felt before. Tim looked back toward the rest of the diner. Sitting at the end booth, with his back to the rest of the room, it was doable, but of course it was also risky.

“Here?” Tim said. “Now?” As part of her response, Raquel raised her arms above her head and stretched a little side to side, as if she were just letting out a little tension in her back. The way she twisted and thrust her chest out, though, was more like an erotic dancer making a display of her gigantic tits, which strained at her dress and looked as though they might spill out.

“It’s up to you,” Raquel said nonchalantly. “Or I could just go.” Tim’s hard cock sent waves of a feeling through his body that did not want to be denied.

“No,” Tim said, “please stay.” He unzipped his pants, and hunched over a little to conceal his actions, he pulled out his cock and began masturbating. Raquel smiled broadly with satisfaction. She slowly and delicately ran her finger down her cleavage.

“I bet you wanted to put your cock here,” Raquel said, “and fuck my big tits. Would you have liked that Tim?” Tim nodded, his face held in a sort of dumbstruck, open mouth stare, mesmerized by Raquel. Although he was staring mostly at her tits, he caught a darting movement in her eyes just barely in time to realize the waitress was coming over with Raquel’s coffee. Tim leaned forward and put his opposite elbow on the table to cover his activities and hoped the waitress didn’t notice. The waitress placed the coffee in front of Raquel, and glanced at Tim with her brow furrowed. It didn’t seem that she knew exactly what he was doing, but she could tell he was some kind of pervert from the way he was acting nervous and worked up. With one glance at Raquel, the waitress assessed there was something going on between them, but it was hard to tell what. Raquel looked way out of his league and too classy to be a hooker. The waitress had seen many strange things in the diner, though, so she shook it off and walked away again without a word.

“Want to touch them?” Raquel asked, and leaned forward again. Her breasts spread a little when they leaned against the table top, and looked inviting, like soft pillows.

“Yes ma’am,” Tim said without hesitation. He quickly glanced over his shoulder to see if he could get away with it, then he reached across with his free hand and put his hand on one of her breasts and felt the soft skin. His cock hardened a little more as a response. He was lost. He moved his hand around, and then moved it under her breast where he could lift it a little and feel its weight.

“I feel almost embarrassed when I think back to the things I said when I was on the porch with you,” Raquel said. “I actually believed it. You were right, though, Tim. About how enjoying the attention of men was just a small indication of the real feelings of power that I now understand. You kept believing it even after we spoke, didn’t you Tim? That’s why you called Dr Castle and warned him, isn’t it?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Tim said obediently. Then it seemed like Raquel wanted more of an explanation, so he went on. “For so long after what Dr Castle did to me, I felt such hurt and anger, and it never got better. It took me a long time to realize it wasn’t getting better because I was denying the truth. The truth that women like you and Charlotte and men like Dr Castle have superiority over me.”

“Now how do you feel?” Raquel asked.

“Now I hope that if I can find a place in Dr Castle’s world, maybe I can be rewarded,” Tim said. “Maybe he’ll let me see or even touch Charlotte again. If I show my obedience. It’s my only way of being with the women I want to be with.”

“When you cum,” Raquel said in a soft instructional voice, “I want you to lean back so you get it on yourself.” Tim was masturbating furiously now, one hand on his cock, the other touching Raquel’s breast. “Did you masturbate like this that night after we talked? Did you think about me? Did you imagine me and Charlotte together?” Tim nodded vigorously to answer each question, and Raquel laughed. “Would it make you jealous to know that Charlotte and I have been together many times, with Dr Castle. He loves the way our breasts look pressed together. Can you imagine that? Charlotte and I kissing, our huge breasts squeezed between us? Dr Castle loves to cum on our tits when we do that. Wouldn’t you like to do that? Wouldn’t you like to be able to do to us what Dr Castle does?”

The image became overwhelming for Tim. He leaned back, as instructed, and a few drops of cum shot upward. One stuck to his chin. A small stream made a line of a wet stain diagonally on his shirt. Another drop landed on the table. Most of his cum dribbled all over his hand.

He immediately felt like a complete loser, having jerked off in a public restaurant, covered in his own cum. What kind of man reduces himself to this, Tim wondered. How did he get to this point?

Raquel laughed lightly, amused by the look on Tim’s face. Then she simply stood up, and began to walk to the door.

“Is that it?” Tim said, calling after her, turning as much as he could given his awkward position with one hand still on his softening penis and not wanting anyone in the restaurant to see his state. She stopped and turned back. She looked at him with annoyance. “I just thought you’d have instructions for me, or tell me what to expect next,” Tim added.

“You don’t get to know anything.” Raquel said coolly, and then she walked out the door. The moment she left, the whole room relaxed.

Tim sat there, looking at the empty seat across from him. What he originally thought was just an elaborate betrayal by his wife turned into a glimpse into a secret world. A world he was now a part of, whether he liked it or not.