When I first woke up, I was unclear on where I was, how I got there, or how long I had been out. There was the beeping of machines, the walls of the room were sterile and white, and there was the smell of disinfectant. Even though my vision was blurry, I quickly figured out I was in a hospital. At least after whatever happened, I made it through and I was getting help.

I had to think back, but it almost hurt to try and think too hard. My head felt heavy, and it felt like sorting through my thoughts was like trying to walk through the water at the bottom of the ocean. I could remember who I was and details about my life, but the most recent things, the accident, was a blur of impressions.

I knew there was some kind of car accident. It was dark, I was driving home alone from work, and another car did something. It swerved at me, or was in the wrong lane, and I swerved to avoid it, and hit a street light. I remember lots of spinning lights, but I don’t remember the impact, or getting out of the car, or being brought to a hospital, or anything.

What was clear was that I had an accident, my thoughts immediately went to my wife, Tara. Thank the lord above that she wasn’t in the car with me! She’s the love of my life, the center of my being, my everything.

We were childhood friends, and our love blossomed and it was like it was always meant to be. As if somehow we were designed to be together. We played together as kids, before we knew anything about love and sex. Then, when we became teenagers, she quickly became a beautiful woman. She developed early, and it was soon obvious she was going to be more than just an attractive woman. She was drop dead gorgeous. She always had the classic blond hair and deep blue eyes that people commented on. When she developed, though, she became curvaceous, yet strong and tall.

Of course, as her breasts got bigger and bigger, she got more and more attention from boys. Even though she was a couple years younger than me, she started dating before me at fifteen, and by the time she was seventeen had gone out with a few different boys. I also started dating a little, but deep down I only wanted Tara. I remained her best friend even when she was with other boys.

The happiest day of my life, though, was about two years after Tara graduated high school, and she confessed she loved me too. She wanted to try other boys first to be sure, but she said she found that none of them could provide her with the love she wanted. She was sure that what we had must be what she was looking for. I said I was always certain, and we have been together ever since. We got engaged three years ago, then married two years ago.

Tara was now in her early twenties, and only getting more beautiful. Her long straight blond hair reached down to the small of her back, she wore tight body hugging clothes with short skirts and tall boots with heels. She would be attention grabbing even if she didn’t have enormous breasts. However, her tits, massive, round, firm yet soft, and perfectly shaped even if exaggerated in size, pulled in attention in that no man could resist.

I can’t help but be proud of her beauty and talk about it, but if she were just beautiful, we might not have such a committed relationship. She’s kind, and we can laugh together, and she’s always there for me like I am for her.

I wasn’t surprised to see her in the corner of the room, sleeping in a chair, waiting for me. That’s how she was.

That’s when I realized that I was in an unusually bad situation. I tried to say something to her, to wake her up. It was sometime in the night, so she might have been sleeping deeply. I tried to speak loudly, but my mouth wouldn’t even move. So I tried to raise an arm, and it wouldn’t move. Nothing would move. I could see, but that was about it. I could move my eyes, but even they moved slowly, and my eyelids were heavy.

It was like being in some kind of waking coma. I lay there in bed, propped up so that I was half sitting. I watched her for hours, trying to communicate with her, trying to will her to notice I was awake, but to no avail. It was torture, seeing my love right in front of me but not being able to reach out to her in any way.

At long last, she shifted, and then got up and came over to check on me. She noticed my eyes open and screamed out, “Oh my god! John! You’re awake! Oh my god, John, I was so worried!” However, as I didn’t respond, as my eyes didn’t even focus clearly on her, she began to realize something was wrong. She ran out of the room to get a nurse.

A few minutes later, she returned. There was a nurse and a doctor with her. The nurse was very attractive. Brown eyes and brown hair, a nice body and big tits. She was quite beautiful, though of course not as beautiful as my wife. The doctor was older. A tall, square jawed man with grey around the temples that made him look distinguished. He came up and looked into my eyes with a small pen light, and then turned to talk to my wife.

“I’m afraid, Tara, that the situation is as we had feared,” The doctor said. “His eyes have opened, but it’s just an automatic, reflexive motion, he’s no more awake now than when he was in the coma. In fact, he’s essentially still in a coma.” I tried to move, to shake, to do anything that would show the doctor that he was wrong, but I couldn’t do anything. Tara began to cry. My heart sank watching her being so distraught. I wanted to scream out that I could see her, that I was conscious, that the doctor was wrong. Seeing her in pain was so much worse than anything I was experiencing myself!

“Tara,” the doctor said with sympathy, “I need to do some checks on John, and I think it would be best for the moment if you didn’t watch. I’m not going to do anything drastic, but I think it might be upsetting to watch your husband being treated medically while you’re understandably distraught. In fact, I think you should perhaps take the night off. We now know his condition won’t change for quite a while, and you’ll be stronger if you resume a more normal schedule.”

“But,” Tara said, unsure of herself, “this is an improvement, isn’t it? Shouldn’t I stay and see if he gets any better?”

“Tara,” the doctor said with a very patronizing tone, “we did discuss this possibility. I understand your desire to be here if something changes. However, I have to stress that you need to maintain your strength for what will most likely be a long process. Please, take my advice. Go home, get some rest, have something to eat. You can come back in the morning if you like, and we’ll keep you informed the moment anything happens.”

Tara hesitated, but eventually nodded her agreement. She got her purse and jacket, and the nurse escorted her out of the room. I wanted to convey something to her to say that I was doing better than the doctor was saying, but I couldn’t. I had to just watch her leave. My heart sank as she walked out the room. I felt like nothing could heal me more than her presence.

“Now, John,” the doctor said directly to me. He surprised me because he suddenly started talking as if I was awake and alert. “I know you’re probably confused. I know that you’re fully conscious and aware, but can’t move or express yourself.” I was actually glad for a moment, because the doctor knew I was doing better than he was just saying to Tara. It took me a moment to realize that meant he had just lied to my wife. Something was going on, but I assumed for the moment that he had lied to protect my wife from what might be some bad news.

“John, I have some good news and bad news for you,” the doctor said, continuing. “The good news is that you had a clot in your brain that had put you in a coma, and we removed that clot, and you would actually recover in a matter of days. That’s the good news.”

“The bad news,” the doctor continued, with a wicked smile, “is that I don’t intend to let you come out of the catatonic state you are now in.” Even if I had any ability to move, I don’t know if I would have, I was so stunned. I couldn’t understand what he was saying. “I can control and maintain chemically, through the intravenous going into your blood stream, the degree to which you can move. In other words, I can decide when, and if, you ever come out of the state you are in now.”

I can’t even begin to describe how shocked and confused I was. This insane doctor wasn’t trying to cure me, he was keeping me captive! An instinctive urge in me wanted to jump up and attack him, but there wasn’t a single movement in my body. Not even the slightest muscle response.

“You see, John,” said the doctor, “Your wife is one of the most incredibly erotic, sexy, and statuesque women I have ever seen. It makes my cock hard just to look at her. And those tits! My god, those huge fucking tits! I have a particular fondness for large jugs, and your wife has huge, perfect, round breasts that are practically hypnotizing. They’re bigger than volleyballs, firm, and yet soft. I can’t wait to see them drenched in my cum.”

“I don’t know how a lesser man like you got her,” the doctor continued, “but it’s time to right that wrong. I am going to fuck your wife, John. I am going to seduce her, fuck her like you’ve never fucked her, and take her from you. Your accident and arrival here is possibly the worst thing that could have happened to you, but its one of the most fortunate accidents for me. Things just have a way of working out for me! Hah hah hah!” He laughed to express his satisfaction with his own life, and then continued with a casual tone of talking, which made it even more evil than if he had been speaking bombastically like a villian. “I could have let you just stay in a coma and be completely ******* while I slowly made your wife betray you, but I thought you might enjoy the show! Ha ha ha!”

At this point, I wanted to laugh myself. This doctor was clearly insane. The way he talked as if he could just snap his fingers and take another man’s wife was obviously a delusion. In particular, though, he had no idea of my wife and I and our love for each other. He didn’t know that she had tried dating other guys and decided on me. She could have been with any man she wanted, and she knew it, and she chose me. There was no way this man could take my wife, and I almost pitied him for thinking he could. He would end up just making a fool of himself. If I could have talked, I would have dared him to try.

The nurse came back in the room, and I was surprised yet again when she hurriedly walked up to the doctor and began kissing him passionately. He grabbed her big boobs and massaged them eagerly. He clearly did have a fetish for large breasts.

“Did you tell him?” the nurse asked, as if she was in on an exciting secret. “Yes I did,” the doctor responded. The nurse then turned to me and said, “I almost feel sorry for you. You should see what he has done to all my boyfriends. He keeps finding new cruel twists.” I could barely understand what she meant. All her boyfriends? Did that mean that she was in on it? She seemed to enjoy being with him and what he was planning with me.

“I wonder if he believes you?” the nurse said, as she walked around to see closer into my eyes, looking for some hint of how I felt despite my lack of response. “Maybe you think that it won’t happen. If you do, you’re wrong. Before I met him, I had a boyfriend that I loved for years. I wouldn’t have believed I’d cheat on him, eventually break his heart. But I did. And I discovered I liked it. And I’ve liked doing it ever since. So will your wife.” The nurse laughed and walked back to the doctor. She began stroking his cock with her hands over his pants, and kissing him while he unbuttoned her uniform. Her big tits cradled in her bra spilled out, and the doctor looked pleased.

As I watched helplessly, I felt a strange mix of anger and confusion. These people were obviously insane. They could never get away with this. Tara would never fall for a crazy pervert like this doctor, and surely the hospital would have ways of preventing a situation like this. There were other doctors.

As if he were reading my mind, the doctor spoke to me while continuing to look at the nurse’s tits. “If you’re thinking you might be able to get help from someone else in the hospital, then let me dispel that illusion for you right away. I was born into incredible wealth and privilege, and I only work as a doctor and psychiatrist because it creates amusing opportunities to find new wives of other men to fuck. I have a special arrangement here, people work for me, and I have a system in place. You are entirely at my mercy.”

“No, there is no hope for you,” the doctor said. “You have inadvertently fallen into my web, and from the moment you did, you became an amusement for my cock, and your wife another prize for me to take.” He and the nurse laughed, a confident, satisfied laugh.

“Oh,” the doctor said when he finally settled down. “I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Dr. Castle. At least, that’s how I’m known to many men, like you, who have lost their wives to me.”

I blacked out as he began to laugh again. I think the nurse made an adjustment to the medicine that was slowly flowing into me through the intravenous tubes into the arm. The last thing I saw was the nurse sliding down to her knees in front of Dr Castle at the foot of my bed. As the scene in front of me faded out, I knew that I was helpless to stop this crazy man from trying to seduce my wife. At the same time, however, I knew that my wife was not just beautiful on the outside, she was beautiful on the inside. I could trust her completely. She would resist his advances for long enough for me to figure a way out of this situation.

Coming in and out of consciousness was how it was going to be for the days and weeks and months to come. I would fall in and out of sleep, not dreaming, and not remembering when I fell asleep.

When I was awake next, my bed had been cleaned with fresh sheets, and my wife was sitting in a chair beside me. She was reading a book, passing the time. It seemed like the room was lit by daylight, though I have no idea what time it was, or what day.

My wife looked so beautiful sitting there, casually reading her book. She was wearing a low scoop next shirt, so I had plenty of time to stare down her ample cleavage, which I didn’t mind. Sometimes she would shift just a little, and her big boobs would wobble just a little. I wanted to be able to move so that I could fuck her. I wanted to exercise my right as her husband to touch her and fuck her like no other man could.

However, I was stuck there with no way to let her know I was awake. It was a sweet form of torture to be so close to her and so far.

Eventually, she looked up and saw my eyes open. She smiled, got up, and she kissed me on the forehead. Then she put her arms around my head and snuggled up against me so that my head and face were buried in her gargantuan tits, each breast bigger than my head. She were firm and soft like high quality pillows, and smelled like some soft, gentle, perfume. If I was to die here, this is how I would want it to be.

“John, darling,” she said softly, “I know you can’t really hear me, but maybe if I talk, in some way the message will get through. I just want you to know I love you and I’ll stick by you for as long as it takes. You’re strong and healthy, so I know that you’ll pull through this.”

I was so moved that I could feel my eyes get wet, though it seemed that even the involuntary act of crying was inhibited. It was only then that I remembered what the insane Dr Castle had said to me the night before. Now, though, instead of filling me with rage and murderous intent, here with my wife telling me of her devotion, his plans seemed simply ridiculous. He had no idea what he was up against. He must think that any woman as sexy as Tara is a simple minded slut, but she had a true heart of gold. The man was a fool, and as the soft touch of the skin in her cleavage lovingly smothered me, I was totally assured of how my marriage was stronger than anything he could do to try and get between us.

There was only one problem, which was that when Dr Castle finally came to realize that his plan would fail, he would have to kill me. After all, if I came out of my coma, surely he knew that I would come after him. If I could prove that he deliberately kept me in a coma, I would have him arrested. And if I couldn’t, then I would go at him myself and not rest until I had vengeance. If he was able to fake my coma, he could probably fake the cause of my death. So I had to plan for that, and act quickly, because there was no telling when a crazy man like Dr Castle would get frustrated enough by my wife’s refusals that he would abandon his plan to seduce her.

I had the start of a plan right away. Dr Castle assumed that he had cut off all communication from me, but that wasn’t entirely true. I found that I could control my blinking, and if I the right person was looking at me, I could maybe get their attention. I could answer yes or no questions, and convey simple messages. My eyelids felt heavy and it was difficult to move them, but I knew over time I could practise more control.

It wasn’t much, but it was what I had, and I knew that if I was patient and careful, I could make it work. Human ingenuity! Even when it seemed like I was completely helpless, I had found a small loophole I could exploit. Dr Castle was far too over confident in his ability to control other people.

The most difficult part of my plan was that I couldn’t try to communicate to my wife, even though I so desperately wanted to. I knew, however, that if I did, she would definitely tell Dr Castle, innocently thinking that he was helping me. As far as I could tell, she had no idea that Dr Castle might be an evil madman, so she would report to him any progress I made as one would to any normal doctor.

I held back from making any communication, which was harder than you can imagine. That I could only blink may not seem like much, but you don’t know the feeling of being trapped in your own body. It was my only outlet, my only way to reach out to other people, to the people I loved, and so I wanted to do it more than anything I have ever wanted in my life. I was in a life or death struggle, though, and that gave me the fortitude to stay disciplined.

Tara sat back down in the chair. I watched her out of the corner of my eye. I wasn’t able to move my eyes much, but I could see more in my periphery than maybe a regular person could. I think just because I had no distractions at all, and could focus on it entirely.

“This book I’m reading,” Tara said, “says that a person in a coma can sometimes still unconsciously understand things they hear even if they won’t remember it and they don’t have any conscious understanding of it. The book says it’s good to talk to you, because it will help keep your brain active.”

“You’ve been out for a few days since the accident. Your parents came to town for the first few days, but they had to go back because of your father’s work. Some of your friends have been by, I’m sure they’ll stop by again. I had to start back at work again yesterday. The gym where I work is short on staff, so I was teaching Yoga all day yesterday…”

Tara went on to tell me all about her day, and about people, and I loved every minute of it. Her soft, sweet voice painted pictures for me in my mind. I could see her in every situation she described, laughing and smiling and making everyone around her feel at ease as she always did.

She talked to me for what seemed like hours. She took breaks to read sometimes, and left to go eat, and went to the washroom, and I wished she would never stop. However, I knew it would be impossible for her to talk non stop.

It got darker in the room, and it was getting late. Lara started to tell me about more intimate things.

“I already miss you at night,” Lara said, a little coyly. “I don’t know if it’s ever been this long that we’ve gone without, you know, doing it.” She finished with a giggle, and then leaned forward and I could see right down her ample cleavage. Her breasts hung down in a way that made them only seem even bigger. “You need to get better soon so that you can come home and take care of me. I know that if you’re in there, you’re thinking about my big tits and how much you like to play with them when we, um, have sex.” She was right, my head was spinning with images of having her riding on top of me right there on the hospital bed, her big breasts bouncing up and down for me.

Just then, Dr Castle walked in, with his evil little bitch of a nurse following behind him. “How are you doing, Tara?” he asked as he came up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. The nurse went to check on the machines beside me. She gave me a wink as she walked by, and I wanted to punch her, and punch Dr Castle.

I saw Tara move her shoulder a little, away from Dr Castle’s hand, and he removed it from her shoulder. I felt so proud of her that moment.

“He’s the same, doctor,” Tara said, stepping away slightly. I would have smirked with satisfaction if I could. She wasn’t even giving him a little bit of room to make his advances.

“That’s to be expected,” Dr Castle said, seemingly unperturbed by Tara avoiding his touch. “Still, it’s good for you to come in as much as you do. Not just because John might be able to perceive a little, but because it’s been good for you and I to talk. You need someone to confide in.”

I was shocked to hear Dr Castle say that. I realized that while I was out unconscious, Tara would be sitting in the room, giving Dr Castle plenty of time to talk to her. I wondered what they talked about and what she said. It ate at me not knowing!

However, I consoled myself that the way she avoided his touch meant that she didn’t allow their conversation to go into anything outside of what one would ordinarily speak with a doctor about.

“I suppose,” Tara said, and I could hear in her voice hesitation about confirming Dr Castle’s words, which bolstered my hopes even more. “I have to go for the night, I have a class to teach at the gym. Is there anything new to tell me?”

“No, Tara,” Dr Castle said, “I’m afraid there’s no progress. However, we knew this would be a long journey. We’ll see you tomorrow?”

Tara nodded her agreement and then got her short grey overcoat and headed out. I always loved that overcoat because when she wore it with a short skirt, it looked like she might not be wearing anything underneath, which was always an exciting thought. She wore high heeled boots which clicked on her way out. I could tell that Dr Castle was watching her shapely legs and the suggestion of her perfect ass under the folds of the coat just as much as I was. When Tara left the room, Dr Castle turned to me.

“Well, John, what I said to your wife wasn’t entirely true. There has been progress.” He paused, as one might if one was in a conversation with someone who could respond. Of course I couldn’t, so he was just pausing for effect. He knew that I would be dying to know what he meant by progress. Then he laughed, and so did the nurse, as if they got a joke together. “Hah hah, of course I don’t mean progress for you to get better, but good progress on my intention to fuck your wife and make her swallow my cum after tit fucking those mammoth jugs of hers! Hah hah hah!” The nurse laughed along with him as she tended to the machines to which I was connected.

“I’ve been sure that you’ve been most unresponsive and completely unconscious when your parents, ******, and friends have been around,” Dr Castle explained, “as well as advising them that the prognosis is not good. I know time is hard for you to track, but over the days and weeks I’ve managed to convince the others in your life that your condition won’t change and they don’t need to come around so much. The come by now and again, of course, but I’ve managed to essentially isolate you and your wife from the rest of your life so I can now put my efforts into getting my hands on her tits.”

“Ah, it’s exciting, isn’t it?” Dr Castle said, leaning against the railing on one side of my hospital bed, as if we were having a casual conversation. “I do love the build up, the chase. Looking at her tits and knowing that I’ll get to run my hands all over their soft milky skin. I can imagine how they’ll look bouncing up and down as she rides my cock. What do you think of that John? Isn’t it exciting thinking about me fucking your wife? Hah hah hah!”

I realized he was doing all this talking to try and torture me with his words. They would only bother me, though, if I believed he would succeed, so I forced myself to try and shut out his words and focus on my knowledge that my wife would not fall for his tricks. There was no way he could just suddenly turn around and initiate touching my wife without it feeling to her like him crossing a line. I just didn’t see how he could possibly do it.

I remembered a time when my wife and I were out at a bar. Every guy in the room wanted her, as is usually the case. I had gone to the washroom and came back, and so this one guy didn’t realize I was with her. She had her back to me, so she didn’t know I was watching. I paused for a moment, to see what she would do. The guy kept trying to covertly touch her. A hand on the knee, a tap on the shoulder. And every time, she knew exactly what he was doing, and she would take his hand and move it off her. I was so proud of her in that moment. I knew how loyal she was. She wouldn’t just let even casual flirtation happen, she wouldn’t let men get even the slightest idea there was a chance.

I kept that idea in my mind and let it carry me to sleep so that I didn’t notice Dr Castle and his bitch nurse leaving.

The next time I woke up, my wife was beside me. She noticed my eyes opening, and she smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

Just then, Dr Castle came in, and a woman came in behind him. It wasn’t the little bitch of a nurse who always seemed to follow him around, it was a much more stunning woman. She wasn’t a nurse, judging by her clothes, a blazer and skirt and a low scoop neck white shirt. The woman had light brown hair and pale blue eyes, and a face that seemed gentle, but I knew she couldn’t be if she was with Dr Castle.

The striking thing about her was that she was every bit as beautiful as my wife. She had a perfectly sculpted body, long, strong legs, and huge breasts, equal in size to Tara.

I could tell Tara was taken aback. She was used to always being the most beautiful woman in the room, and she, like me, had never seen her equal. This woman, however, while you couldn’t say she was more beautiful, you could also definitely not say she was any less.

“Tara,” said Dr Castle, standing between then to make introductions, “I’d like you to meet someone. She also lost her husband in a similar manner. I thought you could use the sympathetic ear of someone who has known similar circumstances as you. This is Charlotte. Charlotte, this is Tara.” As Dr Castle introduced them, they shook hands and said hello.

I was confused as to what Dr Castle’s plan was. Obviously, because of the woman’s beauty, I could tell that she must be part of his evil plan. However, I couldn’t at the time imagine what that might be.

“Charlotte’s husband was also in a coma,” Dr Castle explained. “She went through a long time of suffering before she finally learned how to enjoy life again. I hope maybe you two can find a little comfort with each other.” Dr Castle’s words were so sincere sounding, as if he actually cared, it was sickening to me!

“You’re husband was in a coma too?” Tara asked as she couldn’t help but be simultaneously sizing up Charlotte.

“Yes, it was terrible,” Charlotte said, he voice subtly seductive and smooth, like honey. “Dr Castle did everything he could, and was really helpful. You really have the best doctor.”

“I just do what I can,” Dr Castle said with false modesty that seemed to convince Tara, but not me.

“I know,” Tara said, “you’ve been very supportive even though the situation hasn’t improved.”

“We’re you on your way out?” Charlotte asked to Tara. “Are you busy? Maybe we could get a coffee together?”

“I was heading to teach a Yoga class,” Tara said.

“Oh, Yoga,” Charlotte said. “I do Yoga too. Can I come take your class? Then we could talk after.” I could see Tara light up with the recognition that Charlotte might have a lot in common with her. Not only did they have a sad situation in common, they had common interests. And unlike most women who were too jealous of Tara to be seen beside her, Charlotte could probably relate in every way to the kind of attention Tara got. Whatever Dr Castle’s purpose was, he had chosen exactly the right woman.

“Oh, that would be wonderful!” Tara said, smiling, as she reached out her hand and Charlotte took it, and they bounced in unison with excitement. Then the two of them headed to the door, making arrangements about picking up workout clothes and what car to take. Just as they got to the door, Dr Castle called over to Charlotte.

“Charlotte,” he said as if he had just remembered something, “before you two go, could you just stay a second? I just have one or two quick things to tell you.”

“Oh, okay,” Charlotte said. Then she turned to Tara and said, “I’ll meet you downstairs in a minute.” Tara nodded, waved to Dr Castle, and then looked at me with an expression that was, for the first time, difficult for me to read. She smiled a little, as if to say goodbye, but without words because obviously I couldn’t really interact the way people normally do. However, there was also a look of guilt, as if she felt bad for going with someone and enjoying herself. It was if right at that moment she knew she might be part of a process of getting over me and my condition, and she felt bad about it. I realized from Tara’s look that this must be what Dr Castle intended by introducing Charlotte. To make Tara start to relax and begin living a life of her own. A life he could go into. For the first time, I felt a little worried that his plan might have some effect.

Charlotte returned to Dr Castle’s side and he put one arm around her waist and with the other he cupped his hand under one of her huge breasts. One of her hands went up around his neck, and the other gently stroked his cock over his pants. They kissed passionately for a moment, and then, remaining embraced, looked toward me.

“So this is him,” Charlotte said with a casual amusement, like one seeing a television show for the first time. “He can see and hear us perfectly?”

“Yes, it’s similar to the drug I used on your husband,” Dr Castle said matter of factly. Then he spoke to me, saying, “John, I’d like you to meet Charlotte. It’s true that she and I met in similar circumstances as I met your wife Tara. However, they weren’t similar in the way I described to your wife. Hah hah hah!” When Dr Castle laughed, Charlotte also laughed, as if they were both sharing an amusing memory. “Her husband came to me for help, and in the end, I stole Charlotte from him, fucking her right in front of him, and left him a wreck of a man. Correct me if I’m wrong, Charlotte, but isn’t Tim still out there somewhere, unable to have relationships and masturbating to pictures of you?”

“Hah hah hah, yes, he is,” Charlotte said. Then she turned to me and said, “If you’re holding onto any hope that Tara won’t become Dr Castle’s, then you need to give that up. I would have never imagined that I would have cheated on my husband. And even more so, I never would have imagined that I would have been so excited by seeing his pain. But Dr Castle unlocked something inside me. Your wife has it inside her too. All superior people have it.”

I was furious with rage at these people talking about themselves as if they were superior in some way. Their arrogance was doubled by the way they said such things so matter of factly, as if I was stupid for not already knowing it.

“I think what I have in store for John here might even be worse than what I did to your husband,” Dr Castle said with a chuckle.

“You’re going to fuck Tara in front of him and,” Charlotte said but Dr Castle put his finger to her lips to shush her. “Let’s not spoil anything,” Dr Castle said. “John doesn’t have any idea what’s coming or how you will help make it happen. Speaking of which, you need to get started on that, so go meet Tara.” They kissed, and as Charlotte turned to go, Dr Castle patted her on her firm round ass.

After Charlotte left the room, Dr Castle turned to me and said, “Usually John, I knock you out until I want you to be awake again. However, tonight, I’m going to let you stay awake until you fall asleep naturally. That way you can wonder, what is your wife doing? What is Charlotte saying to her? What will happen? Hah hah hah!” Then Dr Castle walked out of the room.

He was right. I had nothing else to think about, and the mystery of it ate at me. I couldn’t imagine what exactly was happening, but for the first time since this whole nightmare began, I felt scared that Dr Castle had a door open to make his schemes come to fruition. I had never thought of the idea of using a woman to help seduce my wife. I also didn’t imagine that Dr Castle knew any women as beautiful as my wife.

I thought about it and thought about it non stop literally all night long, until the morning light started to shine through the windows, and then I fell asleep.

When I next woke, Tara was again beside me. She was sitting on the end of the bed reading a book, and when my eyes opened she noticed almost right away.

“John!” She said, happy to see me. Her smile cold melt away all my concerns. She folded the book closed, put it aside, and leaned over to kiss me. I wished so badly that I could open my mouth and properly kiss her and feel her smooth tongue. However, it was like a friendly peck to say hello, and she leaned back.

“You’ve been out for a couple of days now,” She said. She thought a bit before speaking more. “I’ve spent some time with Charlotte, she’s really nice. You’d like her a lot.” Tara had no idea that I already knew that I hated Charlotte. “Actually,” Tara said, and she leaned in a little toward me and spoke in a lowered voice, as if she were sharing a dirty secret, “I think you’d find her kind of exciting. I think she’s bi.” Tara said it with a tinkle in her eye. “I know sometimes you said you fantasized about having a threesome. I think Charlotte would do it. She flirts with me and touches me in a way so that I’m pretty sure. And,” Tara sounded like she was planning something wicked, “I think I would do it if it was with her.”

“So,” Tara said as she straightened up again, “you need to hurry up and come out of that coma so that you can live out one of your fantasies. Can you imagine? Me and Charlotte in bed with you?” Tara said it in a way that made it clear she found the idea as exciting as she imagined I would.

I was confused with feelings because on the one hand I knew that this meant Dr Castle’s plan, whatever exactly it was, was working. Somehow he intended to make Charlotte seduce Tara and then get into the picture himself.

At the same time, the image of Tara and Charlotte together was intensely erotic and impossible to not be turned on by. Charlotte may be a slave to Dr Castle, but no man could look at her without having his cock harden just by the sight of her. I wanted to fuck her like any man would, and doing it together with my wife was the fantasy that no man could deny wanting.

Just then, Charlotte walked in. Just like my wife, when she walked her breasts bounced a little, which was hypnotizing. She came over and hugged my wife while saying hello.

“How is he doing?” Charlotte asked. I noticed that when Charlotte pulled apart from Tara, they remained holding hands.

“No change,” Tara said. “His eyes are open, but Dr Castle says that he’s no more conscious than when he eyes are closed. However, I like to talk to him as if he is aware. A book I read said it might be helpful.”

“What do you talk to him about?” Charlotte asked.

“I was just telling him about you, actually,” Tara said, and her face blushed a little. “About how great you are.”

“Really?” Charlotte said, stepping in a little closer. “You think I’m great?”

“Yes,” Tara said, and they were suddenly very close to each other. “Actually, I was telling him that I thought you were kind of sexy, and I know if he could see you he would think you were sexy too.”

Suddenly, Charlotte kissed Tara on the mouth. Tara was surprised for a moment, and her eyes widened, but she didn’t push back or resist at all, she just froze for a second and then her eyes slowly closed and she began kissing back.

I can barely describe how erotic it was to watch the two of them kiss each other. Their massive breasts mashing against each other and their tongues licking each other. While I watched, I forgot all about the fact that Charlotte was a wicked, evil woman doing Dr Castle’s bidding, and was just awe struck by how erotic the two of them were together.

They kissed for a while, and then gently pulled apart. “I didn’t expect that to happen,” Tara said. “You’ve been thinking about it, though, I can tell,” Charlotte said. She was so seductive, even I wanted her, in spite of her being so evil.

Actually, maybe she was so seductive precisely because she was so evil. Her wickedness was somehow compelling. I wanted to fuck her so bad.

“I wish John could see this,” Tara said. “You want to have a threesome?” Charlotte asked. Tara nodded shyly. “We can do that. Threesomes can be really fun.”

“You’ve done them before?” Tara asked, a little surprised. “Yes, lots of times.” Then Charlotte looked at me, and Tara couldn’t see it, but I could see a coldness in her, a hint of her true wicked intentions. “Unfortunately, I don’t think your husband is up for it right now. That doesn’t mean you and I can’t have fun together though.”

“What do you mean?” Tara asked, with hesitation in her voice.

“Oh, nothing so serious,” Charlotte said playfully. Why don’t you and I just go out for drinks tonight. Just you and me. Let’s not have any pressure on each other.”

“That sounds good!” Tara said, and the two of them got up and after Tara kissed me on the forehead, the two of them left. Even after they were gone, my mind was spinning with images of the two of them making love that night. Part of me wanted it to happen. I wondered if I could get out of this, maybe I could turn the tables on Dr Castle and have Tara seduce Charlotte so that it would be me who steals Dr Castle’s woman from him. If Charlotte were just under Dr Castle’s control somehow, maybe drugged or something, maybe she would even want to be free of him.

I had to keep reminding myself, though, to not let my lust for Charlotte cloud my vision. She was part of Dr Castle’s evil plan, and that would have to be overcome before I could think of any counter plan. I was still waiting for the right opportunity, the right person to come into my room, so that I could communicate to someone not under Dr Castle’s control. I knew he couldn’t control everything so perfectly. He was only human after all. I just had to hope that if I could just stay in control and not give anything away to Tara, and to be ready when the opportunity happened.

I blacked out, faded in and out of consciousness, seeing snippets of things, my wife, Charlotte, Dr Castle, and nurses coming and going, but nothing clear. Eventually I came to again. When I opened my eyes, Dr Castle was there at the foot of my bed, smiling at me.

“Good morning John,” he said. “You’ve been out for a few days again.” He walked over to the side of the bed. “Have you been wondering if I have fucked your wife yet? Hah hah hah! He laughed a hearty belly laugh. “Maybe I fucked her and Charlotte together. Can you imagine what it looked like to have my cum all over their big jugs as they rubbed them together for me? Has your wife ever swallowed your cum? She said to Charlotte one time that she never swallows, but maybe she was drinking my cum by the cupful. Hah hah hah! You’d be right to be worried about whether or not that has happened already!”

He seemed so pleased with himself, and I wanted to jump out of bed and kill him. I have no doubt in my mind that if I had the ability, I wouldn’t have hesitated for a second to choke him to death with my bare hands. To have a man speak about your wife that way was almost motivation enough alone, but the idea that he might have actually been with my wife?

The only thing that kept my mind from snapping was the belief that he was lying just to torture me. Yes, I had seen my wife kiss Charlotte, but that was a long way from accepting Dr Castle into bed. The only way I would know is when I saw my wife.

Just then my wife walked in, and Dr Castle changed his tone immediately. He returned to the role of the doctor, and spoke to my wife in that tone. “Hello Tara. It’s good to see you again.”

“Hello doctor,” Tara said, but she didn’t look him in the eye. She came over to be beside me, but she was careful to go to the other side of the bed from Dr Castle. He reached out to pat her hand, which she put on my chest, but she pulled it away. It was different from before, though. Before she avoided his touch because she was avoiding him like she avoided the thousands of guys that hit on her. This time she pulled her hand away like she was scared of it.

My mind exploded with confusion, rage, hurt, and hope. Something must have happened, but what? Did he try to seduce her? Did he **** her? Did she allow something to happen?

“I’ll leave you with your husband,” Dr Castle said respectfully and stepped out of the room. After that, Tara was quiet for a long, long time.

At last, she spoke. “I did something bad, John.” She began to cry. “I just want you to know, though, that I still love you very much, and I only did what I did because it’s just been so tough without you. I hope you can forgive me.”

“The other night,” Tara continued, “I went out with Charlotte, after we kissed. We went out for drinks and got a little *****. Then Dr Castle showed up. It was a little weird at first seeing him outside of the hospital, but he and Charlotte are good friends, and so she invited him. He started buying us drinks, and, well, Charlotte and I began kissing again, and,” she began crying even more.

“I’m sorry, John,” Tara said, however, she stopped talking about it.

I needed to know! What happened after that? I know Dr Castle wants me to believe that he fucked my wife and made her betray me. However, maybe he just watched her and Charlotte. No, it had to be more than that. Maybe they kissed? Did she touch him? Did they do as much as Dr Castle said? Not knowing for sure and yet having the hurtful images in my mind made me more hurt and angry and frustrated than I could have ever imagined. I wanted to know so that I could be sure Dr Castle didn’t have the satisfaction, but I didn’t want to know because I knew the images would haunt and hurt me the rest of my life.

“John,” Tara said, “I just want you to know that I love you so much, and I am just trying to cope with what’s happened. I’m scared you won’t come out of this, and I have to wonder what my life will be like. I think I need to take a little time to think about that. So I’m thinking of going on a trip. Just get away for a couple of weeks. I don’t want you to be scared that I’ll be gone forever. I’ll come back to you, I just need a little time to focus on me. It’s been months that I’ve been thinking about you, and so I know you’d want me to do this.”

Tara sat on the side of the bed, gently patting me as if to comfort me. Then, she got up to leave, kissing me on the forehead to say goodbye as she usually did.

After a little while, Dr Castle came back in. “Ah, she’s going on a trip, is she?” He said as he looked at my charts. “Oh, how do I know? I have some video cameras placed in this room, John, because I like to record this kind of thing so I can watch it with your wife when we’re fucking later. Hah hah hah!” He came over closer and leaned over me. “Now, what do you think would happen if I were to go to where your wife is on vacation? There she is, all alone in another country, and unsure of her feelings. She wants to be free, away from the pain and heartache, and I can not only comfort her, but Charlotte can come along and make her feel safe, and then I can take her on a trip to expensive and exotic locations like she could never have on her own. Show her a world she didn’t know existed. What do you think would happen then, John? Hah hah hah! I think you know. Your wife would betray you. She would cry while she fucked me, thinking about hurting you, and while she did, I would show her how to be excited by that feeling. Eventually she would come to understand how your hurt over what she’s doing is because of how much you love her. The more you hurt, the more you love her. Eventually she would come to understand the power she has, and how she deserves to enjoy it. Hah hah hah! It’s all happening, John, and you can’t stop it! Ha hah hah!”

I think Dr. Castle sensed something in me. I felt a rage building in me like hadn’t yet felt, and I think it was actually working against the medicine that Dr Castle had been using to keep me in the prison of a coma he held me in. Dr. Castle turned up a dial on a machine and increased my dosage, and I felt I could fight it a bit, but then it became overwhelming, and I blacked out.

I did woke up some time in the middle of the night. It was dark, except for some minimal lights on. It must have been a late shift, though, because it seemed so much quieter out in the hallway. It could have been hours, days, or even weeks since I blacked out listening to Dr Castle’s evil laugh.

I was surprised to see a doctor, not Dr Castle, standing at the foot of the bed. He was a black man, with glasses and partially balding, and a little overweight. He seemed somehow outside of the world of Dr Castle and his harem of gorgeous women. Somehow I imagined that Dr Castle would be too much of a snob to associate with this man. Or, perhaps I was just hopeful. In anyway, I had to take a chance.

I started blinking furiously, and kept blinking. I kept blinking for minutes, and you would be surprised to hear that your eyelids can get tired of blinking. There was no feeling of muscle ache or anything, like being in a gym, but I found that my blinking got slower and my eyelids seemed less responsive. And the doctor had not noticed me yet! I realized I had to pace myself, so I tried to wait until he was looking up.

He never really looked in the direction of my face, keeping his nose buried in the charts on the clipboard he was looking at. “Very strange,” he muttered to himself. And then he put the clipboard down and examined one of the bags of clear liquid attached to my IV tube.

I would blink rapidly whenever he was turned partially in my direction, but he wouldn’t notice me. I wondered if maybe the room was too dark. Yet, he was reading charts, so surely he could see fine. I was frustrated and angry, as if I expected this man should of course be able to see my blinking!

He walked from looking at the IV drip to the foot of the bed, and glanced down at the clipboard attached to the foot of the bed, and I thought at that moment he was just going to walk away. I started blinking regardless of the fact that he wasn’t looking in my direction, because I knew that he was about to go and I had no more chances.

He glanced up, just a glance, and he even looked away again for just a moment but then turned back as he must have noticed. He squinted a bit, and then walked over to the side of the bed to look at me closer. I kept blinking.

He pulled out a small pen light and shined it in my eyes. I kept blinking, and then stopped suddenly, and then began blinking again. It seemed like the only way I could convey this was deliberate and not just some sort of automatic response.

“Hello?” the doctor asked. Then, considering that I couldn’t speak, he asked, “if you can hear me, blink twice.” I carefully and deliberately blinked twice. You can’t imagine how hard it was to stay controlled because of my excitement. It wasn’t just that I was possibly getting free of Dr Castle’s evil plan, it was that I hadn’t communicated to another human being in so long! The loneliness was so much, and especially so because of my beautiful wife always in front of me, firing up me need to communicate even more. “Oh my Lord!” The doctor said. “Listen to me, I think you’re going to be okay. Your regular doctor is on vacation, but when he gets back,” I cut him off by blinking rapidly. “Is there a problem? Blink once for no and twice for yes.” I blinked twice. “Is there a problem with you’re doctor?” I blinked twice again.

The black doctor stood up and went to the clipboard attached to the foot of my bed. He examined it again. “I knew it,” he mumbled and then came by. “I don’t know if you can answer this, but, do you know if he has been giving you the wrong medication?” I blinked twice. Of course, I wanted to convey more than just the medication was wrong. It was deliberately wrong! However, I could only say as much as his questions allowed.

“I knew the dosages were off!” the black doctor exclaimed. “Listen, I am going to start a change in your medication right away.” Even as he spoke, he replaced a bag on the IV drip. “You won’t be able to change right away, and your muscles will be weak, but in a few days, you should be able to come out of this. I think you’ll be able to come out before your regular doctor comes back. When he does, I’d like to have a word with this,” the black doctor checked the clipboard again, “this Doctor Castle!”

Can you even imagine how happy I was? I still couldn’t move, but I was dancing with elation insude my mind. Dr Castle may be trying to seduce my wife, but when he got back and was surprised to find me able to talk, oh boy I would tell my wife everything and once she realized how she had been lied to and manipulated, there would be nothing he could have done that could stop her from hating him and coming back to me.

Over the next few days, I worked at trying to move, and the black doctor, who eventually introduced himself as Dr Cravely, kept checking on my progress. It wasn’t until a full day later that I was able to raise an arm and hold it for more than a moment. I could flex my fingers and toes. My jaw could move slightly, but I was unable to speak more than a whispered moan. It wasn’t much, but it was everything I needed to see that I was on my way to getting free.

Then, one day, Dr Cravely came in and said, “It seems Dr Castle might be back from his vacation soon. I was hoping you would be up and walking before then, but I don’t want you to worry, I am not going to let him take over administering medication to you until we get to the bottom of this.”

I was shocked with frustration because I had wanted to be up and talking before Dr Castle came back. I wanted my moment of confrontation. I also didn’t want to risk that somehow Dr Castle might have a plan in place to get this black doctor out of the picture. I started with all my might to speak, saying “Nnnngggghhhhhrrrrrr,” but Dr Cravely put a hand on my shoulder. “I know, I know you’re frustrated. Don’t worry, though. You will pull out and we’ll deal with this.” I wasn’t as confident as he was. I thrashed in my bed, forcing myself, willing myself to move. Dr Cravely said, “That’s good, actually, try as hard as you can. But don’t frustrate yourself if you can’t move as much as you want. You need to balance effort and rest.”

To hell with rest, I thought! This was a fight for my life and I was not going to lose! Dr Cravely watched for a while, but eventually I did become exhausted. He left to take care of other patients, and I rested.

While I rested, I had to think deep to find the force of will that would make me overcome this situation. I thought about what I was fighting for, which wasn’t just for me to move, but for the love of my life, my wife Tara. My wife, who was being manipulated into a world of evil without her knowing. My wife who was being taken from me!

Thinking of my wife, I found an inner strength and determination. Dr Cravely might think this whole situation was just some kind of prescription mistake that could be worked out by talking, but I knew this was a life or death struggle, and Dr Castle would most likely go to extremes to keep me where I was, or to kill me. I found I was able to push through the heaviness of the medication in my system and force myself up to a sitting position.

I pulled the IV out of my arm. It seemed like it should hurt, but I didn’t feel anything.My body still had an unnatural numbness. The bed had a guard rail around it that I had to lift myself over, and then I fell to the floor.

I weakly called out my first words in ages, “Hello? Help!” as I crawled across the floor. My legs were slowly getting more feeling, and I was able to get up on hands and knees. The door was partially closed, and my voice didn’t have any strength, and it was raspy, so I was pretty sure no one was hearing me, even though I could hear the busy nurses station just across the hall. The sliver of open door was like a gateway to freedom for me. It seemed like the light beyond it was brighter than in the room I was in. My room where I was a prisoner watching nightmares unfold in front of me was hell, and just outside of that door was freedom.

It took forever to reach the door, and I had so much less energy than I thought I would. I reached out toward the door, reaching for freedom.

Just then, the door suddenly swung open. Silhouetted perfectly with the light right behind her was my wife, Tara. Her hourglass figure and long, shapely legs towering above me. I squinted partly because the light hurt my eyes, and because her beauty stunned me. I paused, though, not sure of her feelings anymore. I had seen her become closer and closer to Dr Castle, and she had spent a few weeks with him on some trip. Had I lost her completely? Did she still love me? I looked up at her waiting for a some sign, hoping for her mercy, the way one kneels before a cross at church.

She looked down at me with a look of surprise and confusion on her face. She expected to see me in the bed, but I wasn’t sure she was happy to see me out of it. She was wearing her short gray overcoat and black boots with high heels. She must have only just come from outside.

Suddenly she stepped into the room and went to the floor. The door swung closed behind her. She clutched me in her arms and pressed my head up against her massive pillowy and comforting breasts. “John! You’re awake! Oh my lord, I’m so happy to see you! Are you okay?”

She rocked me back and forth, and I can’t tell you how the relief flowed through my body like a wave of energy that I could physically feel. She was my angel, sent from above to save me. She still loved me, and she had only been led astray because of an evil plan that she couldn’t have known about. Now I was back, and she was mine again, and we could right what was wrong.

I was so happy, I was crying.

“Tara,” I said, “I love you. Oh my God, I love you so.” I was able to talk more and more clearly, fuelled by my love for her.

“I love you, too,” she said. “However, how are you out of bed? What’s going on?” She then pulled up, as if she were going to stand up and head out the door. “I should go get Dr Castle and tell him the good news!”

“No!” I yelled as hard as I could, which wasn’t very loud at all.

“What?” She said, as she settled down beside me again. She sat on the floor to be beside me, and I leaned up against her.

“Dr Castle has been keeping me in a coma so that he could seduce you,” I said, “it was his plan all along to steal you away from me.”

“But,” she said incredulously, “Dr Castle would never do such a thing. I’ve got to know him, and he has tried his hardest to get you back.” Then she stopped, and looked at me like a thought just occured to her. “Oh, John, dear, I’m so sorry. You must have seen me get closer to Dr Castle and you must have thought the worst. However, I swear to you, John, I only found comfort in Dr Castle’s and Charlotte’s company because I was so lonely without you. I swear, though, nothing happened. Charlotte and I kissed, that’s all!”

“None of that matters,” I said. “I heard everything you said. I know you never meant to hurt me. Of course I forgive you. I love you. You had no idea what Dr Castle was up to. He’s been deceiving you, manipulating you while your feelings were vulnerable.”

“John,” Tara said, “are you sure about this? It’s so hard to imagine that someone like Dr Castle could be so evil as to keep you in a coma just to seduce me.”

“Dr Castle told me the very first day what he intended to do,” I said. “He was attracted to you from the start. He would torture me by telling me everything you two did together.”

“Oh, John,” Tara said, “I’m so sorry! That must have been so hard on you!”

“It was hell,” I said, “but he didn’t count on me figuring a way out. You have to call Dr Cravely. He’s the one who helped me out. Don’t tell Dr Castle anything. First we have to get me out of this hospital, and then when I’m away from Dr Castle, we’ll sue him or get him arrested or something. I don’t know, but we’ll get him back. Right now, though, I need you to help me out of here.”

“I’ll go get Dr Cravely right away,” Tara said, and she stood up. Opened the door to step out, but just before she pulled it open, I said, “Close the door behind you. Dr Castle has a lot of the staff, especially the nurses – and especially the ones with big tits – working for him. You can’t trust anyone or let anyone see our escape.” Tara nodded, and then slipped out, closing the door behind here.

I collapsed when she left, I was so exhausted. However, it was a good kind of exhaustion. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off me. Part of me had been afraid that even if I managed to escape that Dr Castle had manipulated Tara too far and she wouldn’t come back to me. Now, though, I knew that real love doesn’t go away. Tara might have given in a little to the impulses of the flesh, but her heart still belonged to me. Knowing that I had my wife on my side made everything seem possible again.

After a minute or so, the door opened and I propped myself up. Tara and Dr Cravely came in the room, with Dr Cravely pushing a wheelchair.

“John,” Dr Cravely said as the two of me helped me into the wheelchair, “Tara told me everything. Don’t worry. I’ve known for a long time there was something wrong with Dr Castle. Now that we can get your out of here, maybe we can do something about it. First, though, we have to get you to safety.”

Once I was in the wheelchair, Tara patted me on the shoulder, and I looked up and smiled. She smiled back, and then Dr Cravely pushed me out of the room.

The nurses didn’t seem to take much notice, as they were busy doing their own thing, and with Dr Cravely with us, we probably just looked like the ordinary comings and goings of doctors. I hadn’t really seen the outside of my room, so I didn’t know which way we were going or what was happening. We seemed to head down one corridor after another, like it was a maze. Eventually we came to some elevators, and Tara pressed the button to call one to our floor. We waited anxiously for one of the elevator doors to open. Finally, when one opened, we rushed toward it. I was so close to freedom!

“Wait,” a woman’s voice called out. We stopped, and turned, and the elevator door closed again. I reluctantly turned and saw a nurse coming towards us, a pretty girl with reddish hair big tits. I feared the worst. “Where are you taking that patient?”

“Just down to the radiology room,” Dr Cravely smoothly replied.

“You doctors think you can just move patients around without us nurses knowing,” the nurse said casually. “You know you need to sign him out before taking him off the floor.”

“Oh, it’s fine,” Dr Cravely said, “It’s on my authority.”

“Sure, your authority,” the nurse said, “but if anything happens and the paperwork isn’t perfect, I’m the one who gets blamed and your authority can’t save me from that. Just go to room 606 and pick up the form, please?” Dr Cravely hesitated a bit, but didn’t want to look uncooperative, so he nodded and said, “Sure, I understand. Sorry.” Then we turned and started down the halls again.

“Do we have to go get that form?” Tara asked as we hurried along.

“We don’t want to raise any suspicions,” Dr Cravely said.

Again we went down hallway after hallway, and I thought we might be passing the same ones twice. I assumed Dr Cravely was moving us so as not to be seen by people who might question us. We came to a room which said room 606 on the outside of the door. Around the corner and just down the hall was another nurse’s station, similar to the one outside my room. I hoped that none of the nurses there would notice us and start asking questions. Dr Cravely opened the door and rolled me in. He closed the door behind us.

The room wasn’t what I expected. It was like an office. There was another door on the far end. There was a desk to one side, and a large leather chair in the middle. It was a little darker, and with the door closed behind us, it suddenly seemed very quiet. It was like an office, not like a place where one would get a form. There was a man standing near the desk. When he turned around, I gasped in horror.

“Dr Castle!” I said. I couldn’t believe he had found us.

“You!” Tara said, stepping between me and Dr Castle, as if to protect me. Dr Cravely stayed behind me and held onto the wheelchair. “John told me all about your evil plan! You won’t get away with it!” I was a little nervous about confronting him head on, but now that my wife saw him for what he was, I didn’t see how he could get away with anything anymore.

Dr Castle looked calm and cool as he stepped toward my wife. “Now, Tara, what evil plan is that?” he said.

“You deliberately kept my husband in a coma so that you could steal me from him,” Tara said, “to try and make me betray him!” I was so proud of my wife, standing up to him like that.

“I see,” Dr Castle said, not looking the slightest bit worried. “Tell me Tara, did it work? Will you show me your huge melon sized tits and suck my cock right now in front of your husband?” I could not believe the nerve of the man!

Tara stood with her hands on her hips, in a defiant stance, and she turned back toward me, her face in a disapproving scowl. I smiled back at her, full of love. Then her face turned to a wicked smile, and she said, “Of course I will, Dr Castle.”

“What?” I yelled out in disbelief. I was frozen now, not because of any chemicals in my body but because of shock. My wife let her jacket slip off her shoulder revealed that she was naked underneath her overcoat. Her massive tits spilled out and with a smooth motion of her shoulders, the jacket dropped to the floor, leaving only her tall, stiletto heeled boots on. I watched for that long only because my mind couldn’t comprehend what was happening. I kept expecting my wife to kick Dr Castle in the balls or something, and that her undressing was only some kind of deception.

She stepped forward as Dr Castle lovingly reached for her breasts and lovingly held onto them as they kissed passionately. Her hands went immediately to his crotch where she stroked his obviously hardening member under his pants.

“What the hell is going on?” I yelled with as much effort as I could, which wasn’t much, but I think I conveyed my anger.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Dr Castle said, facing me, as if he wasn’t even aware that my wife was sliding down to her knees, and began unzipping his pants. “Your wife is betraying you. For me! Hah hah hah!” He laughed with satisfaction.

Tara seemed to be more interested in Dr Castle’s cock than any conversation. As Dr Castle unbuttoned his shirt, she pulled down his pants and his huge cock sprang out, slapping her in the face and causing her to giggle like a school girl. His cock was immediately hard as a rock and the large bulbous tip was a shiny purple. Veins bulged and its thick veiny mass looked heavy in Tara’s delicate hands. She didn’t hesitate for a moment before putting her tongue on it and licking the juices that were oozing from the tip. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and then took him into her mouth, deeper than I would have imagined possible on such a thick and long member.

“No! It’s not possible!” I yelled, and I began to stand up. Just then, my wheelchair was lifted from the back and I was pushed forward so that I fell onto my face on the floor. Dr Cravely, who had been silently behind me the whole time was suddenly upon me, and I felt him tying some plastic restraints around my wrists and ankles. Maybe if I hadn’t been in such a weakened state I might have been able to fight him off, but in the condition I was in, he easily overpowered me. Within a short time, he positioned me up on my knees, my hands firmly tied behind my back, and my feet bound together.

As I was set into my position, Tara was enthusiastically sucking Dr Castle’s cock, and he had one hand casually resting on the top of her head, as if the struggle I had been having with Dr Cravely was of no consequence to them. Dr Cravely stood up beside me and then said to Dr Castle, “Have I performed to your satisfaction, sir?”

Without taking his lustful eyes off my wife, Dr Castle waved a dismissive hand and said, “You may go.” Dr Cravely bowed his head and said, “Yes sir. Thank you, sir,” and then he hurried out the room, closing the door behind him. I watched him go out, and then turned in slack jawed disbelief back to Dr Castle.

“I told you when you first arrived her,” Dr Castle said with a smirk, “that I have control over this whole hospital. Do you honestly think I would be so stupid as to leave you unattended for weeks without a way of controlling the situation? The whole thing was a delightful ruse just to bring your hopes up so that I could enjoy crushing them again. Hah hah hah!” Tara chuckled a muffled laugh with her mouth stuffed with Dr Castles huge fleshy cock.

I decided Dr Castle was too insane to talk directly to, so I appealed to Tara. “Tara, my love,” I said to her with tears in my eyes, “Why are you doing this? Why would you hurt me like this.”

Tara slipped Dr Castle’s cock out of her mouth to speak to me and said, “Dr Castle has shown me things that you wouldn’t even believe. How the elite people live, and he’s helped me realize I’m part of that elite. He deserves me more than you do.” My wife took Dr Castle’s cock back into her mouth as soon as the last word left her lips.

“You still loved me before you left for your trip, you said so,” I begged. “Your feelings can’t have changed so much in so little time. You’re a good person, you’re not like this. You can’t be so cruel!”

“I still love you,” Tara said, Dr Castle’s cock brushing against her lips, “that’s what makes this so delicious. If I didn’t care about your feelings, hurting you wouldn’t feel so goo. You can’t understand. I haven’t changed, I’ve always known I’m more beautiful and special than people like you. I’m just letting out the truth. I’m finally living the way I deserve to live.”

I can’t even begin to tell you how frustrating it was to be watching my wife sucking another man’s huge cock mere inches from my face, and doing it so casually, as if she were sipping wine while conversing with me. She took his fat, massive, veiny cock into her soft glistening lips every time I spoke, and then she it slid out again, making a wet popping noise, whenever she spoke to me. I didn’t want to play along with Dr Castle’s sick game of showing dominance over me by making it clear that sucking his cock was my wife’s first priority, and talking to me was secondary, but as I knelt there, dumbfounded and defiantly refused to speak, I realized that they were perfectly happy for my wife to continue pleasuring him, and if I didn’t speak, they would simply continue as if they didn’t expect me to talk. “Why?” I blurted out at last, my voice breaking from months of not using it, while heartbroken tears streamed down my face. “Why are you doing this to me?”

Tara slowly eased Dr Castle’s cock from her mouth. She took her time, and finally said to me, “You shouldn’t be so surprised,” she said, her lips an inch away from the bulbous purple tip of Dr Castle’s cock and little strings of clear sticky, fluid spanning between her cheeks, mouth, and chin and his cock. “I’m like a diamond that was laying, undiscovered among plain, useless rocks. It was only a matter of time before I was discovered and offered the life that I deserve. You would be the same if suddenly you were offered so much power because you were shown how much everyone desired you, how much people were willing to do to be with you.” She finished speaking, and with a wicked glint in her eye and a smile, stuffed Dr Castle’s massive fleshy cock into her mouth again, stretching her jaw wide to manage to take it in, yet keeping her eyes on me, as if there was no reason the conversation wouldn’t continue.

“I wouldn’t just abandon my friends,” I said, “I wouldn’t just turn on the people I love. Isn’t love more important than just being selfish?”

My wife was already laughing a little while Dr Castle’s cock was still in her mouth, and Dr Castle was chuckling a little as well. When she popped his meaty cock out of her mouth, she laughed a pretty, lilting laugh that was soft, gentle, and was sympathetic, as if she pitied me for thinking the way I did. “That’s the kind of thing people like you say because you need to believe those things in order to feel good about the life that you can achieve. You don’t have what it takes to just take what you want from people, so you console yourself with silly notions of morality and love. I don’t have to hold back any more. I’m free to get whatever I like now.” She began licking all up and down Dr Castles shaft. He patted her head like she was a good girl.

“But why does being free mean you have to be cruel to others?” I asked. I felt that if I could find the flaw in her thinking, I could expose the fact that she was being manipulated by Dr Castle. I wanted so desperately to believe she had been brainwashed, that all this sadistic behaviour was his doing, as if she were under a spell. I don’t know how I could ever live down all the cruel images that were now burned permanently into my memory, but I knew that the woman I loved, Tara, my wife, was worth it. Even as I knelt there watching her suck another man’s cock more erotically and enthusiastically than she ever did for me, I had years of love built up inside me that wouldn’t just let go of what I had.

Tara kept Dr Castle’s cock pressed against her lips and rubbed it against her cheeks, chin, and got more slimy fluid all over her face as she spoke. “Making other people happy, making you happy was just compromising what I want. Making you suffer is how I know I am the one who has the control, the power, and the freedom to do whatever I want.” She then slipped his rock solid cock into her mouth and began pumping up and down on it. It was amazing how she could move her mouth up and down the entire length of his cock and yet make the motion so smooth and obviously pleasurable for him. Little droplets of fluid tricked from her mouth, down her chin, and would land on her quaking breasts and trickle all over their huge, round shape.

“But you do what Dr Castle says now,” I said, feeling like I had found the flaw that I needed to convince her of the error of her ways. “You have just become his sex slave! That’s not freedom or power!”

She continued to pump Dr Castle’s cock with both her hands and moving her mouth the great distance from tip to base for a while before answering me. I wanted to believe that it was because she didn’t know how to respond to my accusation, but I could tell from the way she was looking up lovingly at Dr Castle, and how his eyes were closed and his head tilted back in satisfaction that they were lost in a moment of particular physical pleasure. Finally she slowed, and then took her mouth off his cock to speak to me.

“What you can’t accept is that I love Dr Castle now,” she said, and she looked up at him with a look that conveyed the sincerity of her words, while he looked down approvingly. “I do what he wants because I want it too. He has shown me the truth, and has given me more than you ever could dream of giving me. You want to believe that this isn’t what I want because if it is, it means that I value what he gives me more than what you give me. But with him, I can have the life I deserve.”

“But, but,” I stuttered, unable to think of anything to say. Tara giggled a little and then she stood up, and, holding Dr Castle’s cock, she guided him to sit back into the large leather chair behind them, about a yard in front of me. After he sat down, she sat down in his lap, sliding down onto his huge cock slowly. I couldn’t believe his huge cock could even fit all the way into a woman, and yet my wife took it in completely, groaning the whole way down as if it was both difficult and pleasurable at the same time.

Tara began to writhe back and forth, her back arching and her perfect ass rolling back and forth in his lap. I could see his huge cock impaling her. Dr Castle looked incredibly satisfied and said, “Ahhh, fucking another man’s wife behind his back is a sublime pleasure, but fucking his wife right in front of him is the best sex there is! Hah hah hah!” Tara giggled along with Dr Castle’s laughter.

She pressed her massive, melon sized breasts into his face, much to his enjoyment, as she writhed up and down on his shaft, slowly and methodically. Soon, however, she was spasming in orgasm, her golden hair whipping seductively around her shoulders as she did. She screamed with passion and satisfaction, with waves of climax seemingly rising higher with every pass. She wasn’t finished climaxing from one orgasm when she was already rising to find satisfaction in a new orgasm.

“Your tits!” Dr Castle grunted “I fucking love these tits! I want to cum all over them!”

“Shhh baby,” Tara said soothingly, “You’ve been such a good boy and saved up for days. Even when we teased you,” she said with a giggle. “You can hold on a little more.”

“Ha ha hah,” Dr castle chuckled. “Yes, I can make you orgasm a little more, but the moment I’ve been saving for is almost here.” They continued to fuck for what felt like eternity after that. Tara would whisper sexy things that I couldn’t into Dr Castle’s ears. Strangely, I was both frustrated that I couldn’t hear it while at the same time I knew that it was just something that would hurt and mock me more. Somehow my wife have a secret conversation with another man was just as hurtful as her fucking another man.

While he molested her watermelon sized tits and pressed his face into them, every now and again telling her how her tits were a perfect addition to his collection. Even though my wife was being pleasured by another man by a cock much bigger than my average sized cock, I couldn’t help but on some primal level be turned on. Something about the arch in her back, her hourglass figure, he perfect round ass moving up and down his cock. No pornography could hope to find a model as perfect as her.

Long after I thought they might have forgotten about me, Dr Castle finally said, “Now, I want to do it now.” Tara obediently slid herself up off his cock and then knelt down in front of him, but also a little to the side so that I could clearly see his cock in full view. Just beyond it, he was smiling in my direction. My wife expertly pumped his cock with both her hands sliding up and down.

His body jerked, and spasmed, and his back arched as he experienced extreme pleasure, and then with a squirting noise I could actually hear, a jet of cum shot out of his cock, arcing in the air. It shot so far a few drops spattered across my face and I winced and looked away for a moment. I couldn’t take my eyes off my wife, though, and how incredible she looked as this absolute goddess of lustful imagery.

Cum streamed out of Dr Castles cocks in fat ropes of white syrupy liquid. Dr Castle winced with a look on face as if he was cumming so hard that it was difficult to get it all out. “AAAHHHYEAHRRRRGH!!” he said with a ultimate primal pleasure.

“Good boy! Look how much you’re cumming! I can’t even believe it!” Tara said as if she were a mother encouraging a child.

His cum shot upward and over a yard in front of him, just in front of me. In landed in uneven splats of thick viscous jelly like masses of clear and white liquid. I couldn’t believe he came so much. Surely no man could cum so much? Every time I thought it was the last spurt of cum, he shot out another. It looked like almost a full cup of liquid, spread out into a puddle on the floor, with small chunks here and there.

“Oh, look at how much you came! That’s amazing! I would never have believed a man could cum soooooo much!” Tara stood up and said with the same voice a mother would use to praise a child, and as she said it, she smothered Dr Castle’s face with her huge tits. He got distracted by that for a few moments, enjoying the silky soft feel of the skin of her tits against his face. I noticed that his cock didn’t even lose a little of its rock hard erection.

Finally Dr Castle turned his attention to me, while Lara, sitting on an arm rest, leaned against Dr Castle lovingly, while looking in my direction with an evil smile of sadism. “Now, John, your fate is at a cross roads, and you can decide which way it goes. I’m taking your wife, that is decided. However, you can either spend the rest of your life back in the hospital bed as you have for the last few months, as a shell of a man, able to see and hear but trapped in your own body. Or, you can be free to go. I have no fear of you coming after me. Many men have tried, and they have regretted it. You won’t even find us again, as I am going to take your wife to a world you can’t even imagine. You just have to do one thing to show me your obedience, and then I will let you go.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

Dr Castle leaned forward to make his words even more intense. He looked right into my eyes and said, “Lick it up.” At first I didn’t even know what he meant and I must have looked confused, because when I realized he meant to lick his cum off the floor, my facial expression changed to horror or disgust, and Tara and Dr Castle both laughed as if they had just heard the funniest joke.

“Fuck you!” I said. “No way!”

“Then I will put you back into the coma state,” Dr Castle said, and as he spoke, he casually reached to a small side table beside the large leather chair, and picked up a small syringe with a clear fluid inside it. “I hold all the cards, John. Amuse me, and I will set you free. Think of the alternative. Is it really worth holding on to your pride?”

“I don’t see what the big deal is,” Tara said, lovingly snuggling up to Dr Castle, and speaking to him and not to me. “I drink your cum all the time, and I love it!”

“Ha ha ha, such a good girl,” Dr Castle said and they kissed lovingly for a moment. “As a woman, though, you can’t understand what it feels like for John. For a woman it’s a sign of affection to drink a man’s cum. However, for a man, that kind of sexual contact with another man is the ultimate humiliation. Nothing could be lower for a man than be made to drink another man’s cum, let alone lick it off the floor.”

“How do I know that if I do it, you won’t just put me back into the coma anyway?” I asked.

“You don’t,” Dr Castle said, and Tara giggled. “However, I hold all the cards, so you have to take the chance. You see, what happens to you after this doesn’t matter to me. Whether you’re out there living your sad little life, or in a hospital bed, either way I’ll be fucking incredibly hot women and having a better life than you. What I want is for you to show me that you accept my superiority. I want you to give up on your pride and humbly show me and your obedience. And I want you to do it by licking my cum off the floor.” Both Tara and Dr Castle laughed heartily to finish off Dr Castle’s explanation.

I looked down at the disgusting puddle of cum in front of me. I tried to just think of it as some kind of dare like they have on reality TV shows some times. However, Dr Castle’s words had got to me, even if I hadn’t already known the symbolism of what I would be doing. It wasn’t just physically disgusting, it meant giving up everything that it meant to be a man. It would mean humiliating myself more than I could ever have imagined while this evil sadistic bastard laughed at me.

While I stared down at the disgusting puddle in front of me, Dr Castle must have sensed my inner turmoil. He spoke. “John, look past me to the other end of the room.” Dr Castle and Tara both moved a little so I could see, and I looked, and there was a door there on the far wall, though I didn’t know what was so special about it. “Beyond that door is a hallway, and at the end of the hallway is an exit. Once you are out this door, John, your nightmare is over. You can go do whatever you want after that. Now, look behind you.” I looked behind me and saw the door I came in through. “That door represents your return to the past, to the silent nightmare of being alone with your thoughts, knowing that you could have been free, but that you wouldn’t take the chance. Behind that door is the hospital bed that you have been a prisoner in all these months. You don’t want to return there, do you?”

He was right. The fear of returning to that hell of being trapped in my own body was terrifying. I longed to walk through the other door and be free of all this madness.I know some men would imagine fighting like some action movie at that moment, but I had no moves to make. My body weakened by months of inactivity, my mind confused with heartache like I never imagined, and with my hands and feet bound.

I wanted to resist, though! Don’t for a second think that I didn’t spend every moment with my mind racing as to how I could avoid this. I was frozen by the fight inside me. Part of me was trying to find a way to combat this situation, and part of me was trying to just accept it so that I could move on with my life.

I think some people fear death most of all, but they can’t imagine the fear of being both alive and dead at the same time. Unable to enjoy the basic human interactions that make life worth living at all, unable to participate in one’s own life and yet not free of it either.

Worse, I had been subjected to watching hell itself unfold in front of me. The people I love slowly drifting away from me, and, most hurtful of all, watching the woman I loved from the bottom of my heart being turned against me for the sadistic pleasure of another man.

It was worse than death, and I feared it more than anything.

Still, I was hesitant on a physical level, it was so disgusting and humiliating. I looked up at Dr Castle and said, “You bastard! Don’t you fear going to hell for being so arrogant and evil?”

Dr Castle laughed. “Hell? Are you joking? Do you really believe that garbage that God sides with the weak? God sides with the lions, John. The lions are kings, by God’s own design, and he makes zebras to be their food. You are a zebra, and I am a lion. God is not only not punishing me, he is rewarding me in this life. You were a little gift from God, a prize for all my efforts to live as He meant for me to live. You fell into my lap not just by fate, but specifically for me to enjoy. That is how the world works, and any belief you have that says that somehow you are better than me for being the weakling is just the silly morality people like you have to console yourselves when you realize you are not part of the elite like myself and Tara!”

I could see that Dr Castle truly believed his insane beliefs. He had no morality, nothing that I could appeal to. I was trapped at the mercy of a madman, and my only option to not be plunged back into the worst possible prison was to take the chance that he really was amused enough by my act of submission.

I leaned over and began licking the vile and disgusting liquid off the floor. Dr Castle and Tara laughed as if they had never seen anything funnier, which made it worse and I was burning with anger and frustration because of the sound.

As I licked the vile slime up into my mouth, I heard Dr Castle and my wife fade from laughing hard like I was some kind of huge joke, into passionate kissing. “Oooh, you’re so hard,” Tara said, pumping his iron-pipe like cock. It was obvious that Dr Castle was getting turned on by this display of his power over me.

I licked up most of the cum off the floor, and since they didn’t seem as interesting in me as they were in each other now, I was about to stop, hoping the point had been made, but then Dr Castle stopped kissing Tara and turned to me and said, “All of it! Make the floor clean,” followed by more laughter from both of them. I grimaced and continued licking

While I did, Tara moved on top of Dr Castle and slowly slid down onto his cock, this time facing toward me so that she wouldn’t miss any of the show. They both moaned and I hated it. Again I wanted to stop, but Dr Castle waved his hand in a motion that was at once insistent and dismissive, as if to say “keep going, even though I can’t be bothered to address you.”

I kept licking until the floor was perfectly clean. I felt utterly humiliated, the lowest point in my life. How can a man ever be more humiliated than licking another man’s cum off the floor while the other man fucks your wife right in front of you?

By the time I looked up, my wife was bouncing up and down on Dr Castle’s cock violently, and spasming with seemingly endless orgasms that flowed from one into the other. Her massive tits bounced seductively in front of me, and she smiled happily, as if she was making a show of what I would never have again.

They fucked like that for ages, as if they had forgot about me. I didn’t know what to do. Strangely, I wanted acknowledgement that I had finished, and the fact that what was maybe the most humiliating thing I would ever do was not important enough for them to take special notice of frustrated me. At the same time, I knew it would be even more humiliating to ask for their attention, to ask Dr Castle if I had finished to his satisfaction. I was froze there, watching my wife being pleasured by another man’s cock, unable to do anything but stare at his cock sliding in and out of her, and her gorgeous golden blond hair thrashing and flowing with the spasms of her ecstacy. She came over and over agan.

After ages, they changed positions so that he was standing, and she knelt in front of him to suck his cock. Even with both hands gripping it, there was still plenty of length for her to move her mouth up and down on top of it. My cock is an average size, but I could help but feel so much less than this man’s huge member. My wife had to stretch her mouth to fit it in, and it she managed to go down to impressive depths to take his cock in.

She moved back and forth on his cock so enthusiastically that her tits shook with every thrust. I couldn’t help but be hypnotized by their swaying and jiggling. My wife had a body that would make a porn star envious, and even though she was betraying the sanctity of our marriage right in front of me, the raw animal lust for her body made me turned on by seeing her like this.

After a long time in which Dr Castle leisurely enjoyed my wife tending to his cock, he tensed up, as if something powerful was building up inside him. “HHNNNN!!” he grunted, and started to shoot out streams of cum onto my wife. After having cum so much onto the floor, I couldn’t believe a man could have so much cum inside him. My wife held Dr Castle’s cock at a short distance from her mouth, and as thick streams squirted out from the tip, she lapped at it with her tongue like a cat licking up milk. Her intent wasn’t so much to drink it though, the movements of her mouth were just an erotic show, and what an erotic show it was! Really, though, she let most of the cum dribble down her chin and drop in thick, fat stringy droplets onto her tits and down her cleavage. It seemed to be one of Dr Castle’s fetishes that he liked to see huge tits marked with his cum all over them. He looked on approvingly as she wore his cum like an honored dress.

She stood up, and the two of them stood side by side to look at me. I couldn’t help but look at my wife, drenched in Dr Castle’s cum. No pornographer could create an image of a woman so powerfully sexual as my wife, and even though it was another man’s cum, I felt a lust for her like I never imagined I could. They both had such a casual demeanor, as if standing completely naked, my wife soaked in cum, was the most natural thing in the world. Dr Castle had his arm around my wife’s waist, and she casually rested her hand on his erection. His cock was still erect! I couldn’t even believe it. It was only slightly less hard than before, but looked as though it was merely resting before the next inevitable session, which it anticipated soon.

“Well, John,” Dr Castle said, “I think I’ve made my point now. You’ve shown a sensible amount of obedience. You may go through the other door. Tara, dear, why don’t you help him up.” Tara picked up a small scalpel from the tray beside Dr Castle’s chair, and she then walked over behind me and bent down. Dr Castle continued speaking. “Tara will cut your legs free so that you can walk, but you’ll understand if I leave your hands tied for now. Even though you aren’t much of a threat in your weakened state, I don’t want to have any unnecessary hassles.” Tara cut the plastic strap on my legs. Unfortunately, Dr Castle was right. I would have loved to jumped to my feet and maybe done some kind of action hero move like kick him and maybe grab a knife to cut my hands free or something like that. However, my atrophied muscles found it hard to even stand up fully, and I needed Tara’s help just to get up.

I began shuffling toward the door on the other side of the room. I must have looked a stupid and embarrassing site, with my patients smock exposing my backside, walking feebly forward like a decrepit old man, and some residual cum smeared around my mouth. I could feel Dr Castle’s mocking eyes and amused laughter as I went toward the door. Each step was an effort, and it took agonizingly long to get there, but I was motivated by the promise of freedom on the other side of that door to keep going, despite the pain in my legs and the exhaustion in my body.

“Tell me John,” Dr Castle began, walking beside me. It was strange to have this man walking beside me, his cock swaying gently side to side as he walked along, and my wife, with one arm around me and another holding me, her firm massive breasts pressing up against me, and soaking my patient’s smock with Dr Castle’s cum. The strange casualness they had about their sexuality was somehow disturbing. They truly did live in a different world. “As a psychiatrist, I am curious about your feelings right now. How do you feel at this moment?”

“I just want to leave,” I said flatly, not wanting to satisfy him with expressing all my rage, confusion, yearning, lust, love, hurt and every other feeling. I felt so betrayed by my wife, Tara, that I didn’t know how I could ever forgive her, and yet wanted to believe that this was all just some kind of wild, experiment in life that she would come back from. Can you believe I still loved her? Even after all that, if I stopped believing that the love we had was real, then I don’t know if I would ever again believe in love at all, and that was too frightening to consider. What Tara and I had for all these years was too deep, too powerful to just be taken away, to not be true.

“Of course you want to leave,” Dr Castle said, “after being so thoroughly humiliated, I can only imagine that you would want to get as far from this situation as possible. I mean, I would never allow myself to be as humiliated as you have done, so I can only guess at your feelings, but it seems only natural. What I want to know, though, is what do you hope for next? After you go through that door and you’re free, where will you go? What will you do?” I started to think that Dr Castle wanted to know what I was going to do so that he could maybe keep tabs on me, for his safety. He had to know that I would probably want to kill him. I thought about denying it, but then I thought that maybe if I admitted to it, and gave him a false sense of security in that he would mistakenly believe he could do something about it to stop me, maybe I could beat him by out thinking him.

“I’m going to kill you,” I said. “I’m going to live my life, and build up again, and when I’m strong, I’m going to come after you.”

“Ha ha ha!” Dr Castle laughed, as if I had just scored on him in a game of tennis and he was being sporting. “That’s very commendable. You can try, but you will fail, and I have to warn you that other men have found that trying to do just that has ended very badly for them. However, it’s natural for a man like you to want to contemplate your futile revenge. It’s your only way of dealing with the shame of what you’ve experienced. Still, you must have plans for your life. You’ve been trapped in the hell of that hospital bed for so long now. Surely you’ve fantasized about returning to being able to do the simple things in life. To go out with friends, to enjoy walking outside in the breeze, to have the freedom to come and go as you please.”

I think I understood his game. He was trying to make me think that coming after him was impossible, and so I should focus on moving on with my life, as if I should be grateful just to have a normal life and put the resentment of how he stole all these months – and my wife! – away from me. I saw through that, and knew that I would never lose my intention to kill this man. At the same time, though, I knew I could just save that feeling inside of me. The fact was that at the same time, I did want to just be free.

You can’t imagine the hell of being trapped inside a hospital bed, trapped inside your own body. That alone would make the notion of freedom more desirable than anything else. However, to also have suffered watching your whole life, the love of your life, slowly stolen away from you right in front of you, makes the whole experience beyond any explanation that can really convey horror. Dr Castle was right that even just to be able to walk down the street felt like heaven.

“Yes,” I said, “I just want to be free. I don’t want anything else. Just to be away from that hospital bed is all I need.” By this point I had reached the door, and wanted to open it, but I couldn’t with my hands strapped behind my back. I had to wait until they let me through.

Tara opened the door, and there was a long hallway with a few doors along the side and another door at the other end. Tara began to escort me down the hallway, toward the other door. She leaned back to give Dr Castle a passionate kiss, and then she closed the door behind us.

He demeanor changed as soon as the door was closed. She seemed anxious all of the sudden. We moved forward a few steps and then she leaned in and whispered to me.

“I’m so sorry John!” She said, and my heart almost exploded with relief. She continued, saying, “He has a hold on me John, and I have to do what he says! I’m sorry I had to act that way in front of you. It broke my heart to watch you be tortured like that!”. She reached behind me and untied my arms. I was weak, but I hugged her as hard as I could. She hugged back, and even though her massive tits pushed Dr Castle’s cum all the more into my patient’s smock, my feelings of relief and love were too much too care.

“I knew it, I knew you couldn’t have just abandoned me,” I said, tears of joy streaming down my face.

“He did things to me while we were away in Europe, John, and he took me to places, places where I watched people get tortured, and I got scared and had to pretend I was his,” Tara said. “When he told me his plan for you, I didn’t want to do it, but I knew I had to as it was the only way to get you free.”

“You did the right thing,” I said. “Oh, God, Tara, I love you so much!” I hugged her again, and I didn’t want to let go. She hugged me back, but then let go and said, “We don’t have much time. Dr Castle will get suspicious if I’m away too long. He’s an evil and sadistic man, John. You have to get stronger and come rescue me. Will you do that John? Will you come and save me from him?”

“Yes!” I practically yelled, though it came out as a hoarse whisper. “I’ll fucking kill him if I have to, but I will do whatever it takes to get you back. I’ll save you!!” I felt so good knowing that Tara wanted me, and wanted me to be the hero.

We hurried to the door at the end of the hallway. She said that there would be clothes for me to change into and I could go outside and get a taxi. Before she opened the door, she turned to me, and looked up at me with her big beautiful eyes and said “John, I need to know, do you still love me? Even after everything you saw me do? Even after I had Dr Castle’s cock deep inside me right in front of you?” As she spoke, she squeezed her upper arms so that her huge breasts pushed out. Dr Castle’s cum trickled down their massive orb shape, emphasizing their size and roundness.

“Yes,” I said, unable to deny it, “I knew that you weren’t really this cruel. I love you more than anything else in this world”. We kissed, and even though both of our mouths tasted like Dr Castle’s cum, I didn’t care because with this kiss, I felt all the fear I had of losing her wash away.

In fact, I was even more attracted to her now. She absolutely radiated sex now, as if it were an energy that could be physically be felt pulling me into her. She was always drop dead gorgeous, and the center of attention, but now that she had become completely in control of her sexual nature, it was a whole different level. Before she knew she was beautiful, but she always coyly danced around the subject, as people are taught to do. Now she was free from anything that held her back, and she could see herself the way lustful men did. Her incredible beauty was now a fact that she had mastery over, and it was hard not to be pulled into that reality.

She smiled broadly, and then hugged me with a strong, loving hug. Then she stood back, and turned so she was to the side but a little behind me, but able to reach ahead of me and open the door. While the door opened, I was still looking back at Tara’s big, beautiful smile, and I felt hope. A hope that when this madness ended, my real Tara would come back to me. There would be difficulties, of course, but I knew that I could over come it all. I just needed to take that first step out the door.

I turned and looked through the door.

“NNOOOO!!” I screamed hoarsely, and as soon as I did, I felt a needle in the back of my neck, and by the time I had even stopped screaming, the needle was pulled out again, and I crumbled to the floor.

It was the door to my hospital room. Right across from the door was my hospital bed that had been my prison and front row seat to hell all these months. A corner of the freshly cleaned bedsheets was even turned open as if to be inviting, like a bed in a hotel room.

There was no freedom, it was all just an evil, unimaginably sadistic trick they were playing on me! They just wanted the satisfaction of building up my hopes as much as possible before taking it all away again. Just as Tara had done by making me think she was going to save me before taking me to Dr Castle.

As I fell to the floor, the medicine in the syringe Tara had been hiding in one hand the whole time began to take effect, I could hear a door open, and I feel in such a way as to see Dr Castle walking down the hall toward us. Hewalked confidently toward us, his massive cock swaying side to side with weight and power, like some kind of weapon of war.

Tara ran back to him and practically jumped into his arms. They began kissing passionately, and laughing and giggling. Tara said with a pout, “I didn’t like having to say anything mean about you. I don’t love him at all. He’s fucking pathetic. I love you! I love you so much!”

“Hah hah,” Dr Castle said reassuringly as they walked together back toward me. “I have no doubt that you love me. You’re a good girl. Don’t worry, I know everything you said was to build his hopes up again so that you could crush them again.” By this time the were standing right beside where I lie near the doorway. “Tell me, Tara, didn’t it feel so good to when you felt his hope die? Did it turn you on to do that to him?”

“Oh yes!” Tara said like an excited little girl. “You were right about everything. He loves me so much, and the power I have feels better than anything.” As she said that, she slid down in front of him. As she did so, there was a moment when her breasts were on top of his cock as they moved downward. For a moment, they pressed his rock hard cock downward, and then suddenly his cock sprang up between her breasts, through her cleavage, so that it bounced upwards and slapped her in the chin. Without hesitation she immediately took his thick fleshy cock into her mouth and began sucking. The whole motion of it was one of the most erotic things I have ever seen, even though I was being subjected to unimaginable cruelty.

“Yes,” Dr Castle said with a chuckle. “A woman of your beauty can make a man feel almost anything she wants, but when he is in love with you as much as John is, there is nothing you can’t do to his heart to amuse yourself.”

“Mmmmmph” Tara said in agreement, her voice muffled and choked by his huge cock pressed down into her throat. Then she slid off his cock and said, “I loved it. I loved his pain. It turns me on so much, and I want to do that to other men, too. Can we do that to other men?”

“Hahaha!” Dr Castle said, “Of course! It will be easy to find victims with these fantastic tits of yours. Hold them up for me, yes, that’s it. Always display your tits to me when addressing me. That’s a good girl.”

“I can draw men in with my looks,” Tara said, “but it’s you who makes it possible. Dr Castle?” she asked with a tone of voice as if she was about to confess something.

“Yes, Tara?” Dr Castle said. Out of the corner of my eye I could make out the movement of Tara sliding downward to her knees.

“I love you,” Tara said with a sincerity that shattered my heart. As a response, Dr Castle thrust his cock into her mouth, making loud, wet, slurping sounds as she showed him her love with the enthusiasm with which she pleasured his cock with her mouth. She paused long enough to say, “Ilvvvysssmch,” before continuing continuing to slid her mouth aggressively along the length of his shaft. It was infuriating to me how she gave her love so enthusiastically to him, and he never said it back, he just assumed it so much that he would fuck her mouth as a response. I hated that my wife had given herself so much to him, and that he expected it as if he simply deserved it.

“I know you do,” Dr Castle said smugly, “and now that you’ve sacrificed your husband’s heart completely, you are now part of my harem.”

“Rrrrlllly?” Tara said with giddy enthusiasm, half muffled by Dr Castle’s cock in her mouth.

“Yes,” Dr Castle said as if he were speaking to a child, “but we’re not done here yet. Help me get your husband back into his bed. The two of them half carried me, half dragged me across the floor toward the hospital bed. Although it was me being moved to the bed, from my eyes it was as if the bed approached me, like falling into the abyss of hell. I wanted to fight, I wanted to scream, I wanted to run, but I was helpless. They lifted me into the bed, and tucked me in under the crisp hospital sheets.

When they had me set back into my position, Tara leaned over so her beautiful face, now with a wicked look of sadistic enjoyment in her eyes, was close to mine. “I’m so happy you love me, because it turns me on to think about how much it must hurt you to lose me. However, surely you can see now why people like you can’t be with people like me. People like me always win, and we get want we want, and we get to do whatever we want to sheep like you that we toy with.” While she spoke, Dr Castle was holding her by her hips, and guiding her onto the bed so that she was on her hands and knees straddling above me. He started to fuck her from behind from that position.

“Even if you weren’t trapped here in this hospital,” my wife continued, “you’d never love another woman as much as me, and you might not even see a woman as beautiful as me. How does it feel to lose the best thing that will ever happen to you? How does it feel to look at me and know you’ll never touch me again?” As she was being fucked from behind, her huge breasts swung right in front of my face, so close they almost brushed against me. I would have loved to be able to tell her she was wrong, but I wasn’t able to move or speak, so all I could do was sit there and listen to what we both knew was the truth.

“‘Oh Tara, I still love you’,” She said, repeating my own words in a mocking tone “‘I knew that you weren’t really this cruel’, Ha ha ha!” Her laughter twisted into moans of absolute pleasure, as my absolute pain turned her on and brought her to increasing highs of orgasm. She shrieked and squealed and thrashed with pleasure.

After a long time, she was able to calm down enough to look at me again, and she was able to see the tears streaming down my face. “Oh Dr Castle! Look, he’s bawling like a baby! Ha Ha Ha!” That sent her into even more climactic spasms of ecstasy. The whole while her huge perfect breasts bounced in front of my face, taunting me with what I would never have again.

They fucked for what could have been hours, it seemed to take so long to me. They changed positions a few times, and she sometimes sucked his cock some more, and he came a few times, getting it mostly on her, but of course a lot splashed on me. They mocked me, taunted me, insulted me, and it seemed to take their pleasures to new highs.

Eventually they came to a stop, spent with deep satisfaction. They had their fill of climaxes, of laughter, and of the sadistic joy of mocking me. Tara got off the bed and stood beside it, but Dr Castle stood up on the bed. He was closer to the foot of the bed, straddling my legs. With one hand he grabbed a railing near the ceiling for balance, but with the other, he casually held his cock like a man standing in front of a urinal. Even semi erect, it was large and threatening. It looked like a pet snake he might command to attack me.

“What are you doing?” Tara asked, and I feared I already knew the answer.

“Whenever I humiliate a man, I like to finish off by pissing on him,” Dr Castle said with a chuckle. “It’s sort of a tradition.”

“Oh my God!” Tara said. “I love it!” Then there was a pause as Dr Castle waited for the urine to naturally take its course through his system and reach the end of his cock, when it would shoot out at me. He was in no hurry, obviously enjoying his knowledge that I hated the anticipation as much as the event itself.

“Wait!” Tara said, and I was foolish enough to think she might have been about to offer some kind of reprieve. Maybe this was just one step too far for her. However, my hopes were once again totally crushed when she stepped over, gently held my head, tilted it back, and then opened my jaw, so I lay there with my mouth open, waiting to receive Dr Castle’s piss.

“Hah hah hah!” Dr Castle took his time to enjoy a good laugh. “You show great promise, Tara. You’re going to be a fine addition to my harem.” Again, Dr Castle took his time to settle into letting his urine flow, while Tara stood far enough off to the side so as not to be splashed on. She was bouncing up and down a little, giddy with anticipation.

Finally, a stream of urine shot out of Dr Castle’s cock and hit me in the face. I felt it burn my eyes, and I reflexively blinked some, but I couldn’t move away or close my eyes. Dr Castle didn’t immediately aim for my mouth, but pissed into my hair and swung the stream side to side to cover my face. From my position, I was forced to look up, forced to look at his twisted smile as he looked down on me. Finally he brought his stream of urine to my mouth. I gagged a little as it filled my mouth up,and overflowed, and, along with all that he had already poured all over my face, it ran in rivers down my neck, onto my chest, over my shoulders, and made the bed I was on soaking wet. I felt the burning taste in my mouth and smelled the ammonia like smell fill my nostrils, while hearing Tara and Dr Castle’s laughter fill my ears.

After having soaked me, Dr Castle carefully got down off the bed, where Tara jumped into his arms and kissed him. Then Dr Castle turned to me. “Well, John,” Dr Castle said, “The first day we met, I said I would fuck your wife and take her from you, and now I have.”

“Wow, did you really say that?” Tara asked. Dr Castle nodded smugly, and Tara said, “You’re so amazing. You knew all along I would be yours!”

“I always get the woman I want,” Dr Castle said. “And speaking of the women I have, we should get ready to go. I’m eager to show the video of what we’ve done here to the other girls.”

The two of them went off to a room off to the side where there was a shower. I could hear them laughing and playing like teenagers discovering the joy of showering together for the first time. I wondered where the cameras were, as I hadn’t seen them, but it didn’t matter. He had hidden them, and now he had some video of all that had happened so he and my wife could relieve my torture over and over, probably showing it to the other evil bitches in Dr Castle’s little harem. It fuelled my impotent rage to think of a whole party of people sitting around casually watching a video of me on my knees, licking cum off the floor, and laughing at me. Especially while I heard Dr Castle and my wife off in the distance, playfully showering together.

After a long time, they came back, looking refreshed. It wasn’t just that they had showered and were wearing clean, fashionable clothes. It was that they looked relaxed and relieved, as if what they had done to me had some how made them feel renewed. They looked like a young newlywed couple, happy to be seen together.

Dr Castle stood beside my wife, his arm around her and cupping her breast on the far side. Tara clung to him like he was her god. They both looked at me with amusement.

“This may or may not be goodbye, John,” Dr Castle said, as casually as a man standing at a urinal. “If it amuses us to fuck in front of you some more, or if I feel like pissing on you again, or if we think of some new way to torture you, we may come back. However, I can’t promise anything. Ha ha ha!”

“Do you just leave him like this?” Tara asked, referring to the fact that I was soaked in Dr Castle’s piss. The two of them turned to go as Dr Castle answered. “Sure. Later on the staff cleans the room.” Dr Castle said, “But I like to let him stew for a while, so it keeps his memories alive for a while. Now, the other girls are waiting for us at the wine bar, so we should get going.”

“My first night as officially one of your girls!” Tara said as excited as a teenage girl going to her first party, “Is that the wine bar that you were talking about before? The one I wanted to go to?”

“Yes,” Dr Castle said, “It should be a fun night because,” and then his voice was cut off as they shut the door behind them.

I lay there feeling not only the horror of spending the rest of my life trapped at the whim of the sadistic and evil Dr Castle, and also still reeling from the ultimate cruel betrayal and mockery by my own wife that I loved so dearly, and the humiliation of licking a man’s cum off the floor and having been pissed on. All that ripped apart my heart and my psyche more than any man should have to suffer. However all of it was made that much more painful by the way they left, as if it was just entertainment to them, and they were off to meet friends at a wine bar and have a fun and fulfilling life while I sat there completely ruined.

My wife, my own wife, who tortured me as much as man can be tortured, couldn’t even be bothered to say goodbye! I was nothing to her now.

However, she was everything to me. Whether I loved her or hated her or both, she was all I could think about. I wanted to kill her, to fuck her, to have her back, to murder her, to make her want me, to beg to have her take me back, to **** her. Every feeling a man could have about a woman, I felt toward her.

I wished I could not think about her, but the fact was that I was trapped there, in my own head, with only thoughts of her as my companion.


The two nurses straightened the sheets of the patient’s bed. He didn’t move, though his eyes were open. He had just been moved into their ward, where, like most of the patients in this area, he was not likely to recover and would spend a long time in this state, having his sheets changed, and his body cleaned, and fed intravenously.

“Look at this,” One of the nurses said. She picked up a picture frame from a bedside table and held it up for the other nurse to see.

“Wow, is that his wife?” The other nurse asked. “She’s stunning!”

“He’s a very lucky man!” The first nurse said, and then added, “Well, except that it’s a shame he can’t be with her.”

“Put the picture on his lap,” The second nurse said.

“Oh, good idea!” The first nurse said. She placed the picture of the gorgeous blond on the lap of the patient. “Here you go dear. A woman as beautiful as that just has to be the motivation you need to get better.”

The patient’s gaze couldn’t help but see the picture on his lap. The beautiful, smiling blond in the picture, with enormous cleavage and a figure that seemed almost impossibly perfect, looked back, except of course, it was actually only a one way interaction. On the picture there was a note written in black pen.

“To my loving husband, keep thinking of me, and never let go of the hope!”

“Oh look!” The second nurse said, “His eyes are tearing up. He must miss her so.”

“Don’t worry dear,” the first nurse said, speaking to the patient. “We’ll make sure to always put the picture there so you can always see her.”
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