I have always dominated Martin, that is the dynamic of our marriage. I run my own company and my husband works for me. People say that its impossible to live that way, with your employee. But I've found it manageable. if anything, i am harder on Martin than others at work, no one is in any doubt that i wear the trousers. I discipline Martin freely in front of others, as I would other employees requiring correction. I make share that he does his fair share of work too. He does longer hours than others on projects that i give him. Because my work is in the fashion field i have to travel periodically and to socialise a great deal. Martin is relatively junior in my organisation, a manager but not an exec. So I socialise and travel with his seniors. Some of the men are gay, that is how it is in fashion. Martin has to learn that he doesn't get privileges. People of talent, whatever their sexuality, out rank him.

I've recently been working on a new partnership. Lucas has a company that makes exquisite boots. They're a chic, a natural accompaniment to the clothes that we produce. So Lucas and I have started spending time together. Of course, he was curious about my personal arrangements. You need to understand the lifestyle of someone you work very closely with.

'You have Martin to heel?' was how he put it. Well, I suppose that he would, making boots.
'Yes' I said simply, smiling at him.
'He like that?'
'He tolerates it. It's to do with our psychology, my instinct. I like to be in charge of him.'

That was when Lucas kissed me. It was a forceful, a full mouth French kiss. For a moment I resisted, caught unawares and then I submitted. The sweet submission to a successful male, well it was astonishing. I had never felt vulnerable, needy, compliant in that way before. it was breath taking. Lucas?! Wow. We started to date after that. It was easy and unremarkable. Instead of socialising with strangers, I socialised with Lucas. We went to the theatre, to the opera, to the races, people assumed that it was a marrying of business interests. Some of course knew that Lucas was fucking me. He had to dominate a woman that he was with. That was HIS nature, his way and i found it exciting to go along with it. The changes for Martin at that time were minimal. Of course i didn't consult him about Lucas, a subordinate. But he did notice that I was allowing him less and less sex. What was allowed was pussy tongue kisses before I went out on dates. I liked the way that Martin aroused me for Lucas.

'Are you seeing someone….?' Martin whispered one evening as he licked me.

'Isn't that impertinent?' I responded. Our rule was that he never questioned, he never challenged.

'Yes M'am' he answered and licked on. I held his mouth against my sex and the subjugation was delicious. Fucking with Lucas was driving this arousal upwards.

My relationship with Lucas blossomed and inevitably we started to discuss a new dynamic. It was time for Lucas to move into our house and to become the master there. I very much wanted Martin to submit to the new regime. I am a woman who understands and respects her own nature. How we fuck, who we fuck, what we demand, these are intimate and personal things to manage. Martin is an instinctive submissive too, but he needed to be moulded quickly to Lucas's requirements. Lucas said he would fuck him for me, but I knew that that was some way off. First, Martin had to think of himself as much less. He had to think of himself as pet rather than partner. It was Lucas then who suggested pet cages and making Martin live within those for considerable periods of time. If i bought very large ones, the sort used for big dogs, Martin could be housed easily, without damaging himself. I remember that Lucas and i had the strangest and sexiest visit to the pet store to look at cages. I ordered one for the bedroom and one for the living room, each with an hygienic foam insert that Martin could sleep upon.

'How you going to broach this Cassie?' Lucas wondered. Well, he had a point.

'I think i will get him used to the cages first and then tell him about you.' i said.

I'll never forget the night that Martin came home to find them installed in the house. Black metal cages with foam mattresses. I'd equipped each with a drinking bottle for water and a plastic urinal for Martin to piss into. I showed him the one in the living room first and his face blanched. He must have thought me a terrible bitch.

'I'm being trained' he said weakly.

'Yes, ' I said firmly, 'change comes to us all.'

He inspected the cages which were heavy. The base was welded to the frame, there was no escape, this wasn't a play thing. If it would hold a Rottweiler, it would certainly hold him. He could see that the cage was big enough to move around in a bit, but life was certainly constrained.

'Take your clothes off' I said quietly. He would live in the cages naked save for his cock cage.

I watched my husband disrobe. His belly was a bit podgy, his skin far too white from lack of travel to warm places. He didn't look attractive. I ushered him in, closed the door and fixed the substantial padlock. He was crouched in there, sensing instantly the limits of his new world.

'How long…..how long do I have to stay in here!' he gasped, suddenly claustrophobic may be.

'All evening…' I said crisply. I took out my mobile phone and took a picture of him for Lucas. It seemed very sexy indeed!

Lucas loved it! He was so impressed!

'Make him lick your sex Cassie babe, through the bars. Piss on him if you want.'

I fixed a drink. I had two in fact, nice, long, cold gin and tonics. I watched a movie whilst in the corner of our large lounge Martin tried to lie quietly. It felt deliciously wanton to wander around the lounge, in my mini skirt and high heels, whilst i had Martin caged like an outsized gerbil in the cage. Girlfriends rang me on the phone and we chatted whilst i watched Martin. He looked more interesting than a tank full of tropical fish. You realise how much people move in normal living. Now every one of his movements had to be planned.

Calls over I wandered over to the cage to inspect him more closely.

'Well?' I asked.

He was lost for a response. Well, what?

'Well how do you feel? How do I seem? What has changed Martin?'

I saw him try the padlock with his fingers. No hope. Nothing would budge. He shook his head dejectedly. A little of this was sexy right? I knew that it was a teensy weeny bit sexy for him. His inclination is to defer to me.

'I feel humiliated' he said at last.

'Yes, you're worth less aren't you. The cage diminishes you' I said coldly.

I settled myself on the top of the cage, my legs spread and my skirt hitched upwards. My bare sex was on show to him.

'Please don't show me like this to our friends…' he begged.

I smiled. There was no need to do that I said, no need at all. He just had to learn a few new things. Some sexy tricks may be?

Martin is a quick thinker. He has always been attentive. His face was up to my sex, licking my cunt hairs wet between the bars, reaching upwards with his tongue so that he could feel and taste the salty wetness of my crease. It was a lovely feeling. Watching him arch is neck, contort in the cage to find some way to lick me, his mouth full on my pussy.

'Do you like it…?' I wondered.

He cursed me, saying that he did. "fucking bitch'.

'Ah, but the bitch with the key Martin. Lick nicely now' i commanded.

More wet laps of the tongue and now he must have tasted something, he must have smelled something. May be I am stretched having gone with Lucas. I heard him gasp. I heard him gulp down several breaths. He knew. Instinctively I sensed that he knew!

'Open your mouth' I whispered, taking out my mobile phone.

The look of consternation washed across his face. What? Why? Oh God no!

'Open your mouth….or your bedding will get soaked and I will make you lie in there all night long' I whispered sweetly.

'Please Cassie….oh God no….please no!'

'I won't wait Martin, do as you are told….' I answered, and shuffled as if to begin.

Martin clamped his mouth up against the cage top, up against my sex as it rested across those lovely little black enamelled bars.

'Wee wee is coming Martin…' I whispered and filmed.

Full force would have drenched him. But I didn't have a full bladder, just a nicely supportive one. I started my stream. There, a lovely rivulet of golden liquid and Martin swallowing just as quick as he could. Some trickled down his chin, of course it did, but what a good boy, he was drinking it down without too much spluttering. I held down the movie button on my phone. See Lucas.

'There, that wasn't too bad was it…' I teased. 'Now clean me up like an extra special boy and I'll bring a bowl of food for you.'

Martin licked. He licked very nicely indeed and squirming, I nearly had an orgasm. It was so so sweet!
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