2 days of the storm passed by fairly quickly. I called Malik’s phone here and there to check on my wife and sometimes he picked up, but half the time he didn’t. But she always called back. It was nice to hear her voice even though she was just a few doors down. There wasn’t much going on so we only spoke on the phone for a few minutes at a time. The rest of the time I just kinda got to know her sister Sandy better. Which was nice. She’s kind of a wild person. Also something else. I can’t think of the word. Maybe strong. I don’t know.

But on the third day, the plows came through our lot and got us all unstuck. It was nice when they pounded on the door to let us know we were allowed to use the facilities and whatnot. I and Sandy raced to the showers. Both of us were going to break the rule for the first time and a guy and a girl are going to shower at the same time here. Well, I guess that’s not completely true. I think Earl and my wife might have been the first ones to break that rule. Either way, I have to get clean.

I used the shower as far from Sandy as I could to provide her with privacy, I never even looked. “Oh, my god. What is that thing?” She chuckled “it’s so cute”

I looked at her to see she was pointing at my private area. Embarrassed, I quickly responded, “It’s my thingy. It’s normal.”

“Hun that’s a good two inches short of normal but ok.“

“What’s normal?”

"Well, not that, the guys here aren’t normal either, they’re huge, well, some of them."

“Well, that’s not for me to know,” I said, "I don’t look at them in the shower I’m in and out."

“Correct but Stephanie spends a lot of time around them in the showers. I mentioned Earl to her and how big he is but she defended him thinking I was making fun of him.” She said. I was proud of my wife for sticking up for Earl too. Sandy said “your wife told me not to pick on him and that everyone was born special the way God intended that person to be or some weird thing like that”

I didn’t much acknowledge her comment because I was feeling good from showering but I was very proud of my wife for sticking up for Earl. He probably got bullied a lot. Well I finished and heard Sandy chuckle once more I think in my direction but I didn’t care too much right now. We both got dressed and came back to our room when we saw my wife!

I was so happy to see her that I gave her the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek. If anyone needed a shower more than me it was my wife. Smelled like B.O. bad. She was wearing the booty shorts and bra that don’t fit that she grabbed before she left. She started talking to Sandy about things and I couldn’t help but look at how ridiculous she looked. She looked stupid. A pretty decent portion of her bottom cheeks was showing from her shorts and her big breasts were spilling up and over her small bra. I began getting her clothes ready for laundry day. There wasn’t much. It was all very dirty. The set of underwear she wore over there originally was all crusty on the inside and outside, not sure what that was. I picked up her t-shirt which was soaked in spots, gooey in others, and crusty in others. I threw it all in with my stuff. It didn’t even smell like her to be honest.

When I started to understand what she was talking about through her excitement of telling us how great her snowstorm was as opposed to mine and her sister’s boring one, I learned that it gave her a chance to get closer to Earl and Malik. Which is cool. Cause they’re great dudes. She and Earl confided in each other and created a deep emotional and spiritual bond she said. She learned about his ****** and his kids and former ex-girlfriends and his current wife. She told him about me and how we want a baby. He was very excited to hear about her she said.

“He asked me a bunch about us babe! How many kids do we want and all that? Even asked what kind of birth control I’m on because it takes a while to get out of your system when we decide to start trying I guess but I told him not to worry cause I’ve never taken it!” She told us “then he told me how happy that makes him. He asked me things about abortions too. I told him I don’t know much about it but I would never get one. He has strong views on abortions. I didn’t know what he was talking about but he made a promise I’d never get one cause they are bad so I walked right up to him and put his arms around my waist and I put mine around him and I looked him right in the eyes babe and told him he’s got my word! And I was super close to him so he knew I was serious! He didn’t even let go of me! He pulled me closer our lips touched a few times when I reassured him I never would get one no matter what and I wouldn’t do anything to prevent myself from having one anymore either but I don’t think he noticed.”

She mentioned their unfortunate sleeping arrangements. I wish she came back that first night so she could’ve slept in bed with me but she just bunked up with Earl. Malik, to my new understanding, didn’t want her in his bed cause he likes to sprawl out and stretch so he had her sleep in bed with Earl. As she was telling us about this, Earl passed by the door, very slowly and limping muttering something under his breath about a blue ball, or blue balls, I couldn’t make it out, He just limped back to his room.

Sandy took off to grab some food and hang out with people other than me. I told my wife about Sandy laughing at me in the shower and how I was proud of her for sticking up for Earl. She ignored that Sandy laughed and me and made fun of me a bit but I quickly forgot as she told me about Earl “Oh my god babe he is big!" She shouldn't judge anyone, from the first day in the shower I’ve done my best to not make him feel uncomfortable about his size”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, actually it’s part of the party night games coming up. I’m not supposed to tell you but Malik told me that one of the games is getting your partner's measurements. I’m partnered with Earl somehow bud Malik wanted me to measure him early in case he sustained a medical issue. He’s the same height as me but maybe 20 pounds less. And I had to measure his penis. So I got down on my knees in front of him until I was right in front of it. He told me not to call it penis though like how I call yours. He told me to call his penis a cock, dick, or a pipe” she continued “so I measured his cock and it was 10 inches, babe. That’s crazy, right? So big! Don’t even get me started on his big black balls too. They’re heavy” she said “it was super hard to measure though cause it kept getting more and more slippery with his baby juice. I was fighting with it the whole time cause it was either too hot to touch or his baby juice kept making it too slippery to hold at one point I asked Malik to use the measuring tape and I held it with both hands straight forward to my face. Which by the way isn’t anything like yours. Yours is nice. His was very angry, hot to the touch and stiff. It was also pouring baby juice”

It was crazy. He is way longer than me for sure. Also, seems like an odd game for everyone to play by the way. But I don’t know much about hosting parties. I asked what else they did and she told me that they just goofed around and watched movies and laughed and stuff. I guess Earl danced with her and at one point too. But then they went to bed at decent times every night thank god. I asked if she missed snuggling up with me and she said she did. I guess Earl snuggled with her the whole night though too. She said it made him feel like she was his baby's momma. I guess I can understand cause he doesn’t live with his wife so he probably misses her. Baby momma is a term these guys all use around here to describe their ex-girlfriends they had kids with. On a positive note though I am very happy she’s getting along with everyone. We both used to get bullied and made fun of for being dumb or gullible. Now it seems like we are accepted. And that’s exactly what I told her. I told her I was grateful she was making friends and was happy.

“Me too! Malik wants me to get closer to Earl. He said he’s getting old and I am making him feel very young again. Plus earl is funny! He can’t wait for these games too.”

“Well, good babe..” I told her “that makes me happy he’s a good friend.”

“Malik is a good friend of his too. He even told me I don’t have to shower with him anymore, he will give me and Earl our hour in the bathroom every day from here on out and no one is allowed in! A whole hour I didn’t have to shower in a crowded shower isn’t that great babe?” She asked

“Hey, that’s pretty cool. Think you can hook me up with my own time or let me in with you and earl?” I joked but also serious

“No, I don’t think Earl would want that. Malik made it sound like he was doing a favor for just us two. But I can ask about getting you your own time too”

“Ok, babe! Sounds good to me!” I said, “let’s go grab a bite to eat!”