A few months after a beautiful woman became my lover, she asked me a question as we lay in bed recovering from the mind-blowing orgasms we'd just given each other. As she explained it, she and her husband had recently had a sexual experience with another married couple, and she wasn't sure if it met the definition of "cuckolding."

What else could I say but, "Tell me what happened, Sweetie, and I'll give you my opinion." What she told me, with the names and locations changed to protect the guilty, is written below with almost no embellishment, since her own descriptions were hot enough to pass muster on this website, I think.

After you've read this story, I'd like you to give me your opinion about the answer to her question, which I'll reveal later.

This is her story:

"Well, this is what happened, Sharon," she told me as we lay there cooling off.

"Bri (her husband, Brian, who drives a delivery truck for 'Big Brown') came home after work a couple weeks ago. He told me he had delivered a new computer system to a married couple in Boulder, and in the course of helping the man of the house carry the boxes inside, the guy's wife had walked through the room, wearing nothing but a see-through negligee. Given that it was broad daylight, there was no question, according to Brian, anyway, that she was completely naked under the thing.

"As soon as she was out of sight, her husband asked casually if it had embarrassed him to see a woman dressed like that, and his answer was, 'Yeah, a little.'

"Well, the guy just about knocked Bri's socks off when he came back with, 'You're damn lucky she had time enough to put on that thing, 'cause she usually walks around naked as a jaybird. Drives me crazy as hell, man, for sure! She's always been that way, and I wouldn't change her if I could, 'cause it sure makes life more interesting around here, man.'

"Bri agreed that it would certainly do that, and then he said something about how he wished his own wife would do the same thing for him. The guy came right back with how that just might happen if he played his cards right, and then he proceeded to tell Bri how his own wife used to be pretty straight-laced, but when he finally talked her into trying some wife-swapping with their friends, she came out of her shell big time.

"He then got right to the point, and asked straight out if the two of us might be interested in trying that sort of thing. Well, poor Bri couldn't do anything but stammer, so the guy made him a proposition. He said that if Bri would bring me to their home for dinner the following Saturday evening, he and his wife would know within a few minutes if I were the sort of woman who wanted to have sex with other men. If it turned out that I did, then the four of us would spend the night in their bed just to see how we liked it."

By the time Cheryl go to that point in her story, I was becoming more and more interested, because it had always been my opinion that Brian was very much "normal," whatever that means, and I had trouble thinking of him as being interested in watching his wife having sex with another man. However, when she continued her story, I soon learned that I was wrong on that score.

"Well, after Bri told me that part, he just sort of casually and all laid back said, 'You wouldn't really want to do that sort of thing, would you, Sugar? I mean, you've never made me think that you maybe . . . you know, had that sort of thing in mind.

"Well, I'll never know where I got the nerve to say something like, 'Honey, all women think about that sort of thing, but that doesn't mean they'd ever tell their husbands about it', but I did. I've been wondering ever since if things would have turned out differently than they did if I hadn't said that.

"Shar, I'd never seen his eyes get as big as they did right then, and he held his breath so long that I was afraid he'd pass out. When he finally started breathing again, I just knew he wanted to ask me something, so I said, 'Spit it out, Honey. I know you want to ask me something, so go ahead and do it.'

"He couldn't even look at me right then, so he just stared down at the floor and whispered what sounded like, 'Would you ever want . . ., you know, . . . us to maybe try that . . . that sort of thing?

"Well, he really did just about crap his pants when I lifted his chin up so I could see his face, and then said, 'Honey, it's a case of nothing ventured, nothing gained, I think. I've already told you I think lots and lots about having a lover, and I know you're interested in the same thing, or otherwise you wouldn't have told me about the couple you met today. So, I vote that you tell them we'll come over for dinner Saturday evening. Okay? If we all hit it off with each other, then we can just see what'll happen.

"Well, to make a long story short, he called his new friends and said he'd told me about them, and we both wanted to come over for dinner Saturday evening. Apparently the guy on the other end was really enthusiastic, and by the time Bri put his phone down, he was smiling for ear to ear, and said something like, 'They said to be there at 6:00, and we'd never regret it.' Then he added, 'Oh. His wife said we should dress casual, in case you were interested.'

"So, that's what we did, and a few minutes before that time we were walking up their sidewalk, and this good-looking guy was opening the door just like he'd been watching for us out the window. When we got to the door, there was this delicious-looking woman standing there, and the guy said, 'You must be Cheryl. I'm Gene, and this is my wife, Louella.'

"She stuck out her hand and said, 'Please call me "Lou," Cheryl.' Then as we shook hands she said, 'I'm really glad you could come over for dinner.'

"I just told her to call me 'Cher,' and told her that I'd been looking forward to meeting her ever since Bri had told me about the two of them. All the time we were holding hands and talking, the only thing I saw was what she was wearing, because it was just the skimpiest halter I'd ever seen, and a pair of shorts that left very little to the imagination. I just couldn't take my eyes off her huge boobs and how her nipples were really hard and how they were making little hills under the thing, and when she said something else I had to look up to ask her what she'd said, and she was smiling really big.

"They led us to their living room and over to where there were two couches facing each other, with a coffee table between them. Bri and I sat on one side of the table and Lou sat on the other while Gene left the room. When he came back he was carrying an ice bucket with a bottle of wine in it, and four glasses in the other hand that he was holding by their stems.

"He made a huge ceremony of opening the bottle and pouring some into the glasses, and then he toasted our 'new friendship and his expectations that the evening would be exactly what all four of us were looking for.'

"We drained our glasses and then started talking about our lives, and we told them we were both drivers for Big Brown, and they told us he was an audiologist and she taught in the Psych department at the college. By the time we'd all had a second glass of wine, Lou announced it was time for us to gather around the table for dinner, and so we carried our glasses to the dining room and sat down where they told us.

"I don't remember much about what we ate, but I do know that it was home-cooked, and not just some more of the fast food we usually have 'cause we both work so late. I know we finished that bottle of wine while eating, and then after we'd all helped clear the table, Gene took a fresh bottle back to the living room.

"That second time, before anyone could sit down, Lou said, 'Bri, why don't you sit over here with me, and Cher and Gene can sit over there.' So, that's what we did.

"Gene broke the ice by telling a really raunchy joke, and before we'd barely stopped laughing Lou started telling another one that was even hotter. Bri told the one about the two guys walking down the sidewalk and seeing the dog licking his dick, which is about as old as the hills, and then I told my favorite one about the guy who had a flat tire on a cold winter night, and they all seemed to like that one a lot, although they'd probably already heard it.

"We all told a few more, and then Lou started fidgeting around and finally said, 'This damn halter is so tight that I can barely breathe.' She scooted up a little, then turned her back to Bri and said, 'Could you loosen the tie for me? I had so much to eat that I don't think I can ever reach all the way back there.'

"Well, Bri just looked at me and blushed bright red, but all I did was give him a teensy nod to tell him to go ahead and do it. I could tell he was really nervous when he put his hand up to the bow, and almost laughed when he squeaked, 'How loose do you want it?'

"All she said was, 'Just untie it and I'll take care of the rest,' and next thing I knew he had pulled the ends of the bow and the thing fell down on her lap.

"God, Shar, you just wouldn't believe how gorgeous her tits are! They're not as big as yours, of course, but it'd take both of my hands to hold one of them. And the nipples! Those fucking things were as big around as my thumbs, but not nearly as long as yours, of course. And then she just drove me out of my gourd when she put both arms in the air and stretched real big while she was arching her back toward me, and I just knew I had to have her or I'd just die!

"When she was done stretching she turned toward Bri and took both his hands and put them on her tits and begged him to massage them, 'cause they'd been in that halter so long that they had cramps. That's pretty funny, 'cause I don't think tits can get cramps, can they? But nobody laughed 'cause poor Bri was just in seventh heaven by then. Tits have always been his favorite thing about a woman, and boy, he was in hog heaven right then!

"After he'd rubbed them for her for a minute or two she looked right at me and said, 'I'm feeling like the Lone Ranger here, Cher. How about joining in?'

"That was when I felt Gene's hand on my back, and it didn't take a whole lot of pushing for me to slide forward on the cushion. I put my hands behind my head and lifted my hair off my neck, and in a flash he'd pulled the zipper of my dress down as far as it would go. I was wearing that yellow sun dress you've always liked to take off me, so you know how far down that was, 'cause the zipper goes clear down to the crack in my bottom.

"He didn't even hesitate to start pushing it over my shoulders, and all I had to do was shrug them a teeny bit before the dress was piled in my lap, and I was sitting there with my top naked except for my bra. Lou just said, 'Keep going, Lover,' and he did and all of a sudden his fingers were opening the fastener in back, and then I jerked the thing off me and threw it against the ceiling, which made everyone laugh even more than the jokes had.

"I turned toward Gene just like Lou had done with Bri, and just barely had time to say, 'I feel a cramp, too,' when his hands were all over my boobs and I was loving how he was driving me crazy. God, Shar, I was so wet that I was afraid I'd ruin their couch!

"When I looked over at Lou and Bri, they had their arms wrapped around each other and were kissing for all they were worth. I just barely had a chance to look back at Gene before he started hugging me for all I was worth, and then we were kissing just like they were.

"I was almost unconscious, I was so hot, but when he stood up and pulled me to my feet, I knew what was going to happen. Sure enough, he scooped me up in his arms and started walking down the hall toward the back of the house, and I didn't need a map of their house to know that's where the bedroom was, and in just a few seconds I'd find out what it was like to be fucked by a man who wasn't my husband.

Chapter 2

"I looked back over Gene's shoulder and saw Lou leading Bri by his hand, following right behind us, and then we were in their bedroom and he put me down. Lou told me to help her turn down the covers, and we pulled them down and piled them at the foot of the bed.

"After that Lou told Bri to take off her shorts, and she pushed him down on his knees in front of her. He unfastened the button on the things and pulled them down below her crotch, showing all of us that she hadn't been wearing panties all the time we'd been there.

"Poor Bri just froze in place when he saw her naked crotch right in front of his face, because that was when he saw that she didn't have any hair on her crotch, and I guess he'd never seen a woman like that in his whole life, 'cause his mouth was wide open and he was panting like a steam engine. I think that was when I made up my mind that the next time you invited me to go to the waxing parlor with you guys, I'd tell you I was ready for that to happen to my own crotch.

"I felt my dress being pulled down to the floor, and when I looked down I saw Gene on his knees just like Bri. I barely had time to step out of it before his fingers were pulling down my panties, and then Lou said, 'Damn, you really are a true blond, aren't you, Sweetheart?' I don't think I said anything back, because about then he buried his face in my crotch and started lapping up all the juice that was running out of my puss, and all I could do was lean back and let him drive me crazy.

"Lou said that we should all get on the bed and have our first climaxes while we were fucking, 'cause it was so much more fun for the guys to eat pussies when they were full of cum, so we did. Both Lou and I got on our backs and the men climbed on us and poor Bri was just going crazy and pumping Lou for all he was worth. Luckily for me Gene took his time and gave me a slow fuck, which is what every woman loves.

"I heard Bri cumming real loud, like he always does and then Lou started almost screaming what sounded like, 'Fuck! Fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuuuuucccckkkkk!' so I guess she did it, too.

"Gene was giving me a really good screwing, and I thought he was never going to reach the bottom of my pussy, so I dug my fingernails in his ass and pulled him inside me as far as his cock would reach, and he hit bottom and it hurt a little right at first, but then it started to feel lots better.

"All of a sudden he started kissing me really hard and I knew he was ready to cum, and then for the first time ever in my life I felt a man emptying his balls in my pussy. Bri hadn't ever been that deep in me, so maybe that's why I'd never felt him do it, but when I felt Gene's cum it was just like a fire hose, and it felt so damn good that I couldn't hold back any longer and I did it, too.

"The next thing I knew Lou had pushed Bri off of her, and when Gene saw her doing that he climbed off me and got on his back so fast I barely had time to understand what was going to happen next. Lou showed me by example what was expected of everyone, and in a split second she was sitting on Gene's face, and about a second later I was on Bri's, and then all of us just went crazy with sucking and being sucked. I don't know how hard Gene was sucking Lou, but I guarantee Bri just about turned my pussy inside out, and before I knew it I was yelling at him and telling him that I was full of another man's cum and he had to eat every drop of it, and then it started feeling really, really good, and I couldn't hold back even another second, so I didn't.

"I don't know if Lou climaxed again or not, but the next thing I knew she and I were hugging each other and kissing, and our fingers were just doing what comes naturally, or it's seemed 'natural' to me ever since you first got me in bed with you, Shar. She wasn't nearly as good as you, of course, but she was good enough to make me desperate to cum again, and then she turned around and got on top of me and we were eating each other, and she tasted so good that I tried to suck her pussy inside out. Right about then she inhaled my clit and I did the same with hers, and when she started biting mine, I sank my teeth in hers, and I think she did it first, but it was damn close who climaxed first.

"By that time it was almost midnight, according to the clock beside their bed, and so I told Bri that it was time for us to get dressed and go home. Lou just grabbed me again and said that we weren't going to escape that easily, and that their bed was big enough for all four of us to sleep in. By then I was so fucking sleepy that I just couldn't argue about it. In two shakes I was sound asleep while Lou was hugging me again and rubbing my back just like you always do when we're ready to fall asleep.

"I don't know how much later it was when I came awake while Lou was telling me to 'scoot over,' but it had to have been long after midnight. One of the table lamps beside the bed was turned on real low, and when Gene started to climb over me, I thought he wanted to fuck me again until I saw Bri climbing over Lou from the other side. It was easy to see both guys were really hard, but I didn't understand what was happening until Gene got down beside Bri, then said , 'Turn around.' Well, I guess Bri knew what that meant, and quick as a wink he bent double and then he was lying right beside Gene, and they were both looking right at a hardon staring them in the face.

"I've told you lots of times that one of my fantasies ever since we got married was thinking about Bri sucking off another man, and when I saw Gene's cock disappear inside Bri's mouth, my first thought was that I was still asleep and dreaming. Then I saw Gene do the same thing for Bri, and before I knew it they were both just going crazy with sucking each other.

"I really wanted Gene to cum in Bri's mouth so I could watch him swallow the whole load, but I guess Lou had other ideas. She took a tube of K-Y out of the drawer beside the bed, then told me to spread it all over Gene's cock, and then I really did just about black out. My other fantasy about Bri, and the one I love the most, is him getting fucked by another man. Actually, what I'd really love to see is him sucking off one man while being fucked by another one. It looked like I was just about to have at least part of that fantasy made real.

"As soon as I got Gene's cock all nice and slick, he pushed Bri over on his back and pulled his legs apart and got between them on his knees. Lou pulled one of Bri's knees up to his chest, and all of a sudden I knew what was going to happen, so I pulled his other knee up there, too. Gene moved forward a little bit, all the time aiming his cock right at that part of Bri where it needed to be. When Gene's cock head wasn't much more than halfway in, I was already hotter than I'd ever been, which was saying a lot.

"Poor Bri was whimpering and moaning, and I just assumed he was feeling lots of pain while Gene was taking his cherry, but then Lou asked him if another man had ever fucked him before. Well, I just about passed out when he said, 'We were just kids when we used to do that.'

"I guess that really intrigued Lou, because she ordered him to give us all the dirty details, and so while Gene was fucking him harder than ever, he told us that he'd been a 'boy toy' for his cousin and two other guys all the way through middle school and high school.

"Jesus wept, Shar! Here I've been having fantasies about him sucking and being fucked by other men, and all the time that's what had been going on before I even knew him. Right then I made up my mind that he was going to get the same thing lots and lots, and so I want to bring him out here with me the next time I spend the weekend with you guys."

I don't mind telling you that by the time Cher reached that part of her story I was pretty turned on, too. So, in order to get her to concentrate on the two of us making love, I reminded her that she'd had a question about cuckolding, and then told her to go ahead and ask it.

"Well, as Bri and I were driving home the next morning, I asked him how it felt to be my cuckold. He just told me he loved it, which made me smile, and then he came right back with, 'How do you like being mine?'

"That kind of caught me by surprise, so I just asked him what he meant. He said that if he was my cuckold because another man had fucked me while he watched, then surely I was his cuckold, too, because the same man had fucked him later while I watched.

"So, that's my question, Shar. Is Bri the only cuckold in the ******, or does that name apply to both of us?"


So, there you have it. What do you folks think about it? Is Cher's husband the only cuckold in their ******, or does she also fit that definition? Let me know what you think, and I'll pass the information on to her.


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