I'm kind of at loose ends today, so I've decided it's a good time for me to write about a very-important time in not only my life, but in the lives of everyone in our ******. When I'm finished, I'm going to put this file on the encrypted DVD that you know about, Danny. It contains all our financial records, as well as other important things you'll need to know when you assume your duties as Executor of our estate.

Tawny already knows everything concerning the hidden part of our lives that you're going to learn about when you read what I've written here. In fact, it's at her insistence I'm giving you this information. What you do with it will be your choice, but I think once you learn all the details, you'll want to get together with your sister to discuss your future actions.

So, here goes.

Your father and I graduated from college 19 years before the events in this story took place. I was 41 years old during the approximately one year I intend to describe below, and Bobby was 42. So, not elderly yet, but certainly old enough to understand the ramifications of what we freely chose to do.

Bobby was the owner of the farm-equipment sales and service company that his grandfather had started many years ago, and over the course of the years the company had been passed down to his father, and then to him, just as it will have passed to you if you're reading this.

We realized a good income from the store, and we certainly didn't need the money I earned as an elementary-school teacher, but it did allow us to have a better house, and send you and Tanya to the universities of your choice.

Our lives were progressing normally, in terms of our future as well as the way we conducted ourselves in private and public. We attended church regularly and donated to the "right" causes, and seemed to be well-regarded by our friends and acquaintances. However, if those people knew about what happened when we met Venus and Troy, I'm sure their opinions of us would be radically different. Since neither of us really cared about anyone other than our kids and our new friends, we did what we wanted to do, but in the interests of our reputations we kept quiet about it.

Venus became the first-grade teacher at the school where I taught the sixth-grade students just after I'd celebrated my 40th birthday, and from that lofty height I couldn't help but think that since she was only 24 years old, she would probably struggle to deal with the kids. Surprisingly enough, she quickly showed me how wrong I was, and in less than a month into the new school year we had become friends.

As the weeks became months, and the final day of the school year was upon us, Venus and I were in the habit of having lunch together every Saturday, then spending a few hours doing what every normal woman lives for: Shopping! Before we even knew the day every teacher loves had arrived, the final meeting with our students came and went, and because we didn't teach summer classes, both of us were free until the next school started.

We had become close friends during those months, and constantly said things like, "We should get together for dinner sometime. I'll bet our husbands would like each other just as much as you and I do." We never did set a dinner date, although we knew in our hearts it was just a matter of time.

Because of that, it didn't surprise me when one day before we'd both free for the summer, Venus extended an invitation for dinner at their home. I had never met her husband, Troy, but I felt confident that anyone she loved would have to be a good person, and in that spirit I accepted the invitation. She gave me directions to her house, and thank goodness she had written them for me, because I'd never have been able otherwise to remember all the twists and turns.

So, the following Friday evening found Bobby and me in his car, driving east to I-25 and then heading north. We found the correct exit from the freeway, then drove east a few miles to a county road that took us north again, and after a few miles we made the final turn to the east given us by Venus' instructions. We were supposed to look for the "second house on the left," and after passing the first house, we saw a huge grove of beautiful trees down the road, which I was sure would be our destination, and it was.

They must have been waiting for us, because we hadn't even come to a stop in front of the house when Venus and a handsome man who was noticeably larger than her walked out on the front porch and down the steps. As Bobby turned off the engine, the couple came to a stop by my door, and as soon as I'd climbed out of the car and closed the door, Venus gave me a big hug accompanied by a kiss on the lips, which really caught me by surprise.

I mean . . . well, I've always thought of myself as a "liberated" woman who could accept any lifestyles others chose to live, but when push came to shove, I guess I was still old-fashioned enough to be more than a little uncomfortable to be kissed by another woman, especially when my husband and a strange man were watching. Thankfully, she pulled away from me after just a couple seconds, then said, "Mel, this is my husband, Troy, who's been really anxious to meet you ever since I told him how beautiful you are. Troy, this is Melania, who likes to be called 'Mel.' "

Before I had time to think, let alone to stick out my hand to forestall another hug and kiss, her husband had me locked in his arms, and he was giving me a kiss that was more passionate than hers had been. When he finally pulled away, it took me a few seconds to recover myself before I could find my manners and say, "Uh, Venus and Troy, this is my husband, Robert, who likes to be called, 'Bobby.' "

Bobby was standing beside Venus by then, and she didn't hesitate in the least to give him a hug and kiss that matched what she'd given me. I have to say that I felt a tiny flicker of jealousy when he didn't seem all that anxious to move away from her, but before I could give it a second thought Troy was shaking Bobby's hand. Luckily for everyone, he didn't try to kiss my husband, because I was sure Bobby would never stand for that sort of thing.

With the introductions made, Venus took my hand and led me up the steps to the porch, then inside the house. Our husbands were right behind us, which gave me a little more confidence than if they'd stayed outside, but I didn't devote much time to that thought.

I was led to one side of the front room where there were two couches facing each other across a coffee table. There was a shiny metal bucket sitting on the table, with a wine bottle in it, sticking out of a pile of ice cubes. There were four wine glasses there, also, and I felt more comfortable knowing that I'd soon be holding a wine glass so my hands would have something to do.

Venus offered one couch to Bobby and me, while she and Troy sat down on the other. We watched as he opened the bottle with a flourish, then poured wine into each glass before holding out one to me and one to my husband. As soon as our hosts were holding glasses of their own, Venus raised hers as she recited what sounded suspiciously like a rehearsed speech.

"To this first night of what we hope will be rewarding for all of us. We welcome you to our home, and pray that you will become our dear friends, and that our friendship will be as wonderful for you, Mel and Bobby, as Troy and I know it will be for us." She extended her glass toward us, then after all four had clinked our glasses together, she drank deeply and the rest of us did the same.

With the ice broken, so to speak, we spent about half an hour telling each other about our lives. Bobby and I both said how proud we were of our kids, and as we described how wonderful Dan and Tawny (we told them that's the way Tanya pronounced her name when she was very young, and everyone had used that nickname for her ever since) were, Venus began to dab her eyes with a napkin. When I asked if she were feeling okay, she said softly, "It's just that Troy and I can't have kids, and we both want them so much, and when you told us about yours, well . . . it just really touched a nerve. I'm sorry for spoiling the mood, and I promise to behave myself from now on."

After gaining control of herself, she announced, "I think it's time for us to have dinner, don't you? I know I'm starving, and I'm not the only one, because Troy's tummy has been growling for a long time. That lightened the mood enough that everyone could smile and chuckle, then as our hosts stood and led us to the dining room, our former mood was restored.

We probably spent at least an hour sitting around the dinner table adding even more details to the life stories we were sharing with each other. At last, when the final bite had been swallowed, and the last sip of dinner wine had found its way to our stomachs, eveyone helped clear the table and get the dishes in the dishwasher.

As Troy took another bottle of wine from the refrigerator, he said, "Okay, guys, let's go back to the living room and think of some more interesting stuff to share with each other." And that's just what we did, and things were going along just fine until I stepped in it with both feet.

I'm not at all sure why I did it, but I blurted out without thinking, "Have you talked about having kids with anyone at one of the women's health clinics in Denver? I've heard that miracles are possible with all the things that can be done now."

And that's when the events of the evening shifted into high gear, so to speak.

Chapter 2

Venus seemed to take more time than expected to answer my question, but at last she said, "Well . . . yes . . . we've been to all of them, and since they all gave us the same answer . . . well, we just gave up. I've done my best to blank out what they all said, other than that I had some sort of infection when I was a little girl, and it made me infertile. I used to know what the name of it was, but now it's just a big blank spot in my memory.

"Anyway, the upshot of it is, both of us want kids so much that . . . well, I've been feeling so guilty about it all being my fault . . . and Troy wants kids so much . . . and, well I told him he should just divorce me and find a real woman, and . . ."

Before she could say anything else, her husband hugged her and with tears in his eyes he stammered, "I'll never, ever . . . let you go . . . never! I can live with . . . with no kids . . . but, I wouldn't even try to live without you. Not gonna happen."

Of course, that made Venus start crying, and then Troy was doing it, too, and the next thing I knew I was on the couch with them and hugging her and telling her how sorry I was, and . . . and . . . well, all the things one woman says to another to give her aid and comfort.

I don't know how long it took us to calm down, but after a while Troy opened the drawer in the coffee table and pulled out a box of Kleenex and passed it around. Venus and I dabbed at our eyes and blew our noses, and little by little we were outselves again. Still hugging her close to me, I asked, "I suppose you've thought about adoption, haven't you?"

She said, "Yeah, but . . . well, I know this sounds selfish, but . . . if we have kids, I think Troy deserves to be their father, even if I can't be their mother." I could certainly understand that part, and I murmured something in agreement, which encouraged her to add, "We've talked and talked about what we could do, and we finally came up with an idea that would work for us, which is to find a surrogate mother."

Well, I'd heard that term, of course, but I definitely didn't know how such a thing would be arranged. When I asked about that part, she explained, "Well, we think it'd be best if we could find someone . . . someone we already know . . . someone who's beautiful and smart and has done a good job of having and raising kids." She paused to take a deep breath, then after slowly letting it out, she whispered, "We think we've . . . like . . . already found her, so all we have to do is beg her to have a baby for us."

Like a big dummy, I had no idea why they were telling me that, but the answer became crystal clear when Venus continued her explanation.

"I've been telling Troy about you ever since we first met at the start of the school year, and I've told him how kind you were to me, and how you helped me become a better teacher than I ever could have without you, and how beautiful and wonderful you are, and how all I can think of is how much I love you . . . and . . ."

And at that point she started crying again, and the only thing I could do was hug her close and cry right along with her, even though I wasn't all that sure why we were doing that. It took Troy to straighten me out.

"Mel, what Venus is trying to say is that we think you'd be a perfect surrogate mom for us, and if you'd agree to do that for us, it would be the best gift in the whole world."

All I could do was sit there dumbfounded for what seemed like hours, but probably wasn't more than a minute at most. Venus broke through my fog as she asked, "Do you think you could . . . ever . . . do that for us, Mel? It'd mean the world to both of us, and it's the only way Troy will ever be a daddy and I'll be a mommy. Could you do that?"

I don't know where I found the brain capacity to answer, but at last I did.

"I . . . I . . . well, I mean . . . what would I have to do? Would we go to a clinic so Troy's . . . uh . . . sperm could be put in me? Is that how it'd work?"

That brought the first smile to her face that I'd seen since we returned to the couches after dinner. Then when she answered my question, I was stunned all over again.

"No, we don't think that's the best way to do it. We both think it needs to be done the old-fashioned way. You know . . . like babies have been made for millions of years. I guess we just think that would make it better for all of us." She paused to inhale a big gulp of air, then after she'd let it out she added, "Do you think you could ever agree to do it that way, Mel?"

Before I could even begin to deal with her question, Troy said, "We agreed that we weren't going to rush you into giving us an answer tonight, because it's way too important, and you and Bobby need to take some time to talk it over and decide what you want to do. So, if you're not so disgusted with us that you never want to see us again, why don't you guys go home and talk about the idea. We'd like you to come back for dinner again next week, and if you've made a decision by then, well . . . all you have to do is tell us, and we'll go from there. Okay, guys?"

I truly don't remember walking from their living room out to our car, but I do remember the long, lingering kisses both Venus and Troy gave me. After that there's another blank spot in my memory, because the next thing I knew we were driving south down I-25, then taking the exit that would lead us toward the Denver suburb where we lived.

It was only when Bobby's car was sitting beside mine in the garage and the door was closing that I found the strength to climb out and walk into the house, with him trailing along behind me. Not a single word passed between us as we headed for the bathrooms we normally used, and when he climbed in bed beside me about fifteen minutes later, we still hadn't said anything to each other.

His voice actually startled me out of my brain fog, and as I came back to reality, I heard him ask, "So . . . what should we do about . . . about what they asked? Do you think we, uh . . . actually you . . . could ever do, uh . . . something like that? I mean . . . well, it has to be your decision, Mel."

I guess his calm reaction to the idea of his wife having sex with another man until she got pregnant, and then giving the baby to the man and his wife to raise as their own, just surprised me so much all I could do was stammer, "But . . . you surely couldn't stand for . . . for that to happen . . . could you, Honey? You heard the part about . . . about . . . where the baby would come from . . . didn't you?"

As he forced out his answer, I knew his throat was tight as it could be, because his words were strained so much I could barely make out what he was saying.

"I . . . I . . . it's gotta be your decision. I mean, I . . . well, I'm not gonna make you, uh . . . do it if . . . if you don't want to. But . . . if you want to have . . . like, uh . . . sex . . . with him . . . then I won't try to stop you."

It was at that point that he turned to his side facing me, and when he pushed his body against mine, I just about lost control when I felt how hard and big he was. I think it's safe to say that he'd never before been that turned on, and something about him being in that condition suddenly affected me the same way.

"If I said, like . . .," I whispered, "that . . . I want to do it, and I want to get in bed with him and spread my legs for him, would it be okay with you, Honey?"

By then his crotch was thrusting against my hip harder than he'd ever done before, and that encouraged me to ask, "Do you want me to let Troy do that to me, Honey? Do you want him to get me pregnant . . . in the 'old-fashioned way,' as Venus said? Do you want another man to screw your wife?"

His short answer was so strained and soft that I could barely make it out.

"I've thought of you, uh . . . doing that ever since we got married, and I want it so much that . . . that I can't even think straight."

And as far as I was concerned, that settled the matter for me, because to tell the truth, I'd already been thinking about how I was going to handle the situation if my husband said, "Hell no!" I guess I don't have to tell you that I'd been fantasizing about being in bed with Troy ever since we left their house, and I'd even decided that I was going to help Venus and him have a baby even if Bobby refused to do along with the idea.

Now that what he'd said coincided with what I wanted to do, I just got right to the point.

As I turned to face him, then started sliding down very slowly and kissing his chest and tummy all the way, I said softly, "When Venus and I were still in the house after you and Troy walked out to the car, she told me that if I decided to help them, then I shouldn't let you have sex with me until after Troy's baby is born. So, starting tonight I'll be giving you hand jobs and blow jobs to keep you satisfied. Is that okay with you, Honey?"

It took him all of a split second to gasp, "Hell, yes! You haven't given me a blow job for so long I can't even remember when the last one was, and if you really want to do that for me now, then I'm all for it. Just don't think that you need to bribe me, because the only bribe I need is you letting me watch when you . . . when you and Troy . . . do it."

As I prepared to take him in my mouth, I whispered, "Done and done, Honey. I wouldn't have it any other way. I just hope you feel the same way when you watch him climb on top of me."

After that I concentrated on giving him the best head he'd ever had, and I guess he must have liked it, because he got off just a few seconds after I'd started licking and sucking. And I freely admit that as I swallowed his cum the taste was lots better than it'd ever been before. Actually, I'd have swallowed it no matter what it tasted like if doing so meant he'd go along with Troy putting his baby in my tummy, because by then I wanted that so much that I'd have done anything to make it happen.

From that moment on, events moved inexorably forward with no input from us. By some quirk of fate, the final pink pill of my monthly prescription was swallowed the following evening, and then my period started the day after that. What that meant was that by the time our second dinner date arrived, my period would have been over and done with for two days, and any woman who knows how her body works would have known exactly what I knew: A fresh egg would be in my womb, where it awaited its fate.

Chapter 3

The Wednesday that came five days following our first dinner date found Venus and me eating lunch at our favorite restaurant before heading off to some of the nearby malls to buy more stuff we didn't need. As soon as the waitress had taken our orders and left the table, Venus said softly so she couldn't be overheard, "Don't keep me in suspense any longer, Mel. I have to know what you and Bobby think about, uh . . . well, you know."

Well, I did know, and I'd been waiting to spill the beans to her ever since late Friday night when Bobby and I had talked about what we wanted to do. So, rather than stretching it out any longer, I merely nodded my head a tiny bit, then said, "I'm your girl, Venus. Bobby and I both want it to happen. Now, all you have to do is get used to changing diapers and having your very own kid calling you 'Mommy.' "

Her face puckered up and I just knew she was going to burst into tears, but before that happened she took a deep breath. After she'd slowly let it out, she said, "You're the best friend I've ever had, Mel. And you don't ever need to worry about our baby, because Troy and I will be the best daddy and mommy any kid ever had. I just can't wait to tell him when he gets home tonight. I know he'll be more bat-shit crazy than you've made me right now."

After taking another huge breath and letting it out, she added, "And now I have something to tell you, Mel. I swear my solemn oath that I'll do anything at all to pay you back for what you're going to do for us. If you ever want me to do anything at all for you, and I don't care what it is, all you have to do is just tell me and I'll do it. No matter what."

I took a few seconds to consider her offer, then after looking around to see if anyone was trying to tune in our conversation, I said as quietly as possible, "I'm going to take you up on that offer starting today, Venus. I've been thinking about something I've wanted ever since Bobby and I got married, and since you've sworn to do whatever I want . . . well, I'm going to tell you what I want from you."

She broke in with her fervid, "Anything, Mel. Just tell me what you want and it's yours."

"Okay . . . then here it is: When I was in college the girl who was my roommate in the dorm was my . . . uh . . . well, she was my lover up until Bobby and I got married, and I've missed that part of my life so very, very much. It just about drives me crazy every time I look at you, or touch you, and know you'd probably run away screaming if I ever told you how much I want you." After pausing to catch my breath and dab my eyes with a napkin, I asked, "So . . . does that sort of thing . . . have any chance of coming true?"

To my surprise she held her hand over her mouth to stifle what was definitely a laugh, then when she got control of herself, she looked deep into my eyes as she asked, "You, too, Mel? My god, girl, I've wanted you ever since I first laid eyes on you! Just knowing you want me just as much is the answer to my prayers." Pausing again to regain control of her emotions, she took a couple deep breaths, then whispered, "Let's eat our lunch just as fast as we can, then we can go to your place and find something else to eat, if you catch my drift."

My first reaction was to tell her that I was in the final day of my period right then, and even though that meant my flow would be light and spotty, I thought she'd probably object to going down on me. She frowned a tiny bit when I hesitated to accept her offer, but after I found the nerve to say, "That's the best offer I've had in ages, Venus, but there's a problem with today." Then in my tiniest whisper, I added, "My period started Sunday and it's almost over with right now. So, maybe you'd like to wait until Friday to make good on your vow to do anything I say."

Her smile was the biggest and brightest I'd ever seen on her face as she answered, "Mel, I've always said I like my meat hot and red, so . . . well, what I mean to say is that what you just told me makes you even more exciting than ever."

That sealed the deal, and since the waitress was carrying our orders to the table right then, we sat in silence until she was gone, then did our best to inhale the food just as quickly as we could. After that it was a race to see who could get to the cash register first (she won, by the way), then hop in our cars so she could follow me home. After that we did our best to not tear each other's clothes to shreds as we raced to the bedroom. The covers had barely been turned back on the bed before she was having her dessert of "hot and red meat," while I lapped up the best-tasting pussy juice I'd ever had.

How long we spent in bed I have no idea, but I do know that we were both exhausted by the time I helped her get dressed so she could drive home. As for me, I stayed naked until Bobby got home, and when I met him at the door into the garage, I was on my knees holding my mouth open. I swear he was still laughing as he gave me another helping of his hot cum, which was no comparison to Venus', by the way.

And then it was Friday evening, and we were returning to the home where our lives had changed so drastically just one week earlier.

Chapter 4

When we drove up to their house for our second dinner engagement, Venus and Troy were already standing on their front porch waiting for us. They almost ran to our car, and in a replay of the week before, but with lots more passion, Venus kissed me first, followed a second after she'd pulled away, by Troy. While his tongue was trying to slide down my throat, I glanced out of the corner of my eye at Venus and Bobby kissing, and had no doubt he was being kissed just as passionately as I was. And not only that, but I could see one of Venus' hands was over my husband's crotch, and her fingers were doing their best to make him cum in his pants.

I suppose that part may seem kinda strange, but it wasn't. In fact, when she and I had gone out for lunch and shopping the previous Wednesday afternoon, I had given her our decision about me being their surrogate mom as well as made her promise that Bobby would never feel neglected while his wife was screwing another man. Her answer to that came as she whispered across the table, "Don't you worry about that part, Mel. I think I fell in love with your husband the first time I ever kissed him, and I'm going to fuck his brains out while Troy's doing the same thing to you. Okay?"

I told her it was more than just "okay" with me, because to tell the truth I'd been worrying about Bobby on that score. After all, he hadn't made any sort of fuss about me getting pregnant, so I felt more than a little obligated to him. Venus' telling me she'd take care of his needs removed the last worry I had about the whole situation, and there was no longer anything to keep it from happening.

As I watched Venus fondling Bobby's bulge, I knew she was doing her part, and from then on it was up to me to do mine. And that was something I'd been thinking about for a few days by then.

We all went inside and took our same positions on the two couches, then watched as Troy pulled the cork from the cooling bottle of wine. When Venus handed me a glass of wine in a repetition of our first visit, I clinked mine against the other three as I said, "I want to offer the toast this time, if I may."

I could tell that Troy had been ready to do that, but as he closed his mouth, he nodded in acceptance of what I'd suggested.

"To the four of us," I began, "and the baby Troy will soon be putting in me. May we all be as happy when it's born as we are now."

Everyone drained their glass to seal the deal, and then I added, "Venus and I have been talking about how we're going to do this, and we've decided how it's going to go. I hope you guys agree it's the best way for all concerned."

I took a second or two to arrange my thoughts, then continued, "We think the best chance of me getting pregnant is if Troy can screw me as much as possible, rather than just once a week. So . . . what we think we should do is for me to move in here with Troy while Venus goes home with Bobby tonight, then stays with him until my next period is due. Hopefully, I won't have another one of those for more than nine months, but anyway . . . I think we should keep that arrangement in effect until he knocks me up. What do you guys think? Does that sound like something you'd want to do?"

Venus had her answer ready, of course, and as she nodded her acceptance of my proposal, she looked at my husband as she said, "You don't need to worry about getting horny, Bobby. While Mel's here screwing out Troy's brains, I'll be in your bed doing the same thing to you. I'll do my level best to take care of you just like Mel's been doing for a long time by now." She paused to wet her dry throat, then added, "So . . . do you think you could bear to have me in your bed for as long as it takes to get her pregnant?"

Judging by the way my husband's eyes had been making love to her ever since we'd taken our places on the couches, it didn't surprise me in the least when he smiled and answered, "I'll try to make do, Venus."

That brought a round of laughter from each of us, which broke the tension that was in the air, and a second round when he added, "For my part, I promise to do whatever you need to be satisfied with my performance. I don't care what it is, 'cause if you need something I'm not giving you, all you have to do is tell me what it is, and I'll do it. Anything . . . no matter what."

I could see his erection twitching inside his summer-weight trousers, which told me he was more turned on by what was being said than any of the rest of us, and that was confirmed by what happened next.

Venus chuckled softly, then said, "You may be sorry you ever said that, Bobby, 'cause I've been trying to get Troy to . . . uh . . . do a few things he said he never would. Since you've promised in front of all of us to do exactly what I tell you, no matter what it is, then I'll expect instant obedience to my every whim."

As Bobby's eyes got bigger and bigger and his mouth fell open, his excitement grew by leaps and bounds, which was evident to everybody as we all looked at his cock jumping inside his pants.

Troy was the one who recovered first, and as he drained the last few drops from his glass, he said softly, "I think all of us want to get this project underway just as soon as we can, so why don't we head for the dining room and eat dinner now? After we've gained enough strength to get us through this night, then we can . . . uh, like . . . go to the bedroom and do what needs to be done. Okay?"

I guess everyone else was as anxious as I to get started on "Project Baby" just as soon as possible, because we all stood at the same time, then hurried to the kitchen to fill our plates. From there to the dining room was a matter of a few steps, and soon all four of us were seated around the table and trying to eating like civilized people, rather than inhaling the food and heading for our separate beds.

Chapter 5

Again the four of us cooperated in clearing the table and putting everything in the dishwasher. In less time than it takes to tell Troy was pulling me toward the bedroom, with Venus and Bobby right behind. As soon as we walked through the door, the men peeled the bedcovers down and over the footboard as Venus and I slowly undressed each other, which took a lot more time than necessary, probably because we spent so much of it fondling and kissing each new patch of bare skin that was revealed.

We were still kissing each other as we tumbled onto the bed, and barely took the time to watch our husbands get naked, too, before she had turned around so we could go down on each other at the same time. If Troy hadn't said in a husky voice, "That has to be the most-beautiful thing I've ever seen," I'd have forgot entirely the men were still there, but my lover-to-be soon put a stop to what was going on as he added, "Venus, don't make her cum yet. We both know a woman's chances of getting pregnant are better if she does that when she's being fucked, so why don't you let me take over now?"

I was just getting started with giving her the kind of loving only one woman can give another when he said that, but deep in my heart I knew he was right, and I didn't protest when she turned back around and moved over to one side of the bed. Troy was already on his knees beside me as I rolled to my back, and the touch of his hands on my breasts, combined with the hot kiss he was giving me almost made me forget about Venus.

I pulled him down beside me as I returned as good as I got, and then my hands were roaming all over his body, just as his were roaming over mine. It was during that part that I began to realize I'd been hearing for several seconds what sounded like a puppy whining, but as I concentrated on it I knew it was my poor, turned-on husband making that noise as he watched Troy and I pleasuring each other.

His whimpering got louder when I spread my legs, then said softly, "You'd better take care of business, Lover, before you make me lose control and cum all over your fingers." Even though that made him chuckle deep in his throat, it didn't slow him in the least as he lifted his body on top of mine, then said, "Bobby, please put me inside her."

I felt my husband's hand between us as it guided Troy's cock toward that part of me that needed it so much, and that was the last time I thought of Bobby for many minutes. The sensation of a cock head rubbing against my slit consumed every bit of my brain, and I gave myself over to matching my lover's thrusts with my own.

His cock slid deeper with each thrust, until at last it found the magic spot right below my clit and I cried out, "Hurry! Fuck me faster or I'll cum before you do! I want us to do it together, but I can't wait any longer!"

I guess he was just as turned on as I was, because his thrusts became more and more frantic until at last he shoved every fraction of an inch of his cock inside me, then groaned, "Oh shit."

I've always told myself that I knew the exact moment when my own climax took control, but in truth, my memories of that time are not all that clear. I do know that my crotch was jumping up and down as fast as it could go, and then my fingernails were digging into his butt so he couldn't pull out until I was through with him, but other than that, it's pretty much just a big blur of frantic lust followed by extreme lassitude as I relaxed so much it felt like I was melting into the mattress.

It took Venus' voice saying, "Babe, get off her so you and Bobby can get her legs in the air. Remember me telling you we need to do that to help your cum find her egg? Get off and help him, Babe. Hurry!"

I remember him pulling out, leaving my pussy freezing as air rushed into the void he left in me, and then the next thing I knew the two men had ahold of my ankles and were lifting my feet straight up from my crotch. I don't know why that struck me as funny, but it did, and there was no way I could stop the burst of raucous laughter that came out of my mouth.

That made all of them laugh, too, and it took a long time before we could stop. When it did, Venus said, "Well, that's the first one of dozens, or more if you two can keep up the pace. I'm warning you right now, Mel, if you have another period before you give us a baby, I'll . . . I'll . . . well, I'll think of something later that would be fitting for such a sin. In other words, you damn well better get pregnant right away, or I'll make you sorry."

Her vehemence struck me as funny for some strange reason, and I guess the others felt the same way, because all four of us laughed again, and didn't stop until Venus lay down on her back beside me and held out her arms to Bobby. She said in a husky voice, "Okay, Bobby, it's my turn to make my man happy. Climb aboard and buckle up, cowboy, cause Mama's ready to rock and roll.

For some reason that didn't draw more laughter, probably because Venus was busy being fucked, Bobby was busy doing the fucking, and Troy and I were still recovering from our own bout of lust. Whatever, other than the sounds of heavy breathing and moans of pleasure, no one said anything during the couple minutes it took for Bobby to get off, followed shortly by Venus.

And then it was time for the two of them to get dressed and drive back to our house. As for Troy and me, well, I won't say we fucked all night, but it certainly seemed like it.

Chapter 6

It was the second Friday in June when Troy and I first coupled, and the next two days, Saturday and Sunday, were devoted to us screwing whenever we found the strength to do it again. I never let him forget to hold my legs up after he'd climaxed inside me, even though I had trouble believing doing that would have much effect on the outcome. But . . . what the heck? I was willing to try anything that would increase the odds of me getting pregnant, even if by only a tiny amount.

Troy had to go to work Monday morning, and after he'd had his "morner" and held my legs up for a few minutes, all I remembered was him saying something about leaving for town, and then I fell into a deep sleep. When I came awake right before noon to the sound of the telephone ringing, the only thing I did was pick it up and answer, completely forgetting I wasn't in my own bed, and probably shouldn't be answering someone else's phone.

It was Venus calling to check up on me, and as soon as she heard my voice she asked, "You preggers yet, Jenny?"

My brain was too sleep-fogged to think up something funny to say, so instead I just groaned, "Jesus H. Christ, Venus! Surely you could have at least warned me you were married to a sex fiend. I'm so damn sore I may never be able to get out of bed, but if I do, I'm going to spend the rest of the day soaking in your bathtub."

For some reason that amused her, and the sound of her laughing was enough to make me say, "I don't have any idea in hell if I'm pregnant or not, but you'll be the first to know if I have a baby in the next few days." Then, after yawning deeply, I added, "If you'll give me another few hours to go back to sleep and recover, I'll give you all the details I can remember. Okay?"

All I needed to hear was her saying, "Sounds good," before I dropped the handset back in its cradle, then rolled over and fell asleep.

I did call her about three hours later, after I'd spent at least an hour soaking in hot water and could actually move my legs without feeling jolts of pain in my crotch. I gave her all the dirty details about what her perverted husband had done to me, and she responded in kind with descriptions of how she and Bobby had fucked each other's brains out all night, and how he was almost too tired to go to work. We made plans to meet for our regular Wednesday lunch, and then I made a sandwich which I barely had time to eat before I fell asleep on the couch.

That day was typical of those that followed, just as the previous night was typical of what Troy and I did when he was at home. Venus and I met for lunch and shopping every Wednesday, during which time we shared new discoveries about our husbands.

And then the day came when my period should have started.

All four of us knew the exact day, if not the time, when my previous time-of-the- month had rolled around, and when the expected did not happen, we all crossed our fingers that it meant what we were praying for. The next day was even more tense, and by the third day with nothing happening, we were beginning to believe that our prayers had been answered, and Troy's baby was even then growing by leaps and bounds in my tummy.

Venus thought the best thing for us to do was for me to go back to my own bed with my own husband, while she did the same. So we did. Both Bobby and I had been given strict orders that we were not to have "relations," as Venus called it, and we didn't. Instead, I gave Bobby at least one hand job and one blow job every day for the next two weeks, which he seemed to like, but which did very little for me. Anyway, it was in a good cause, so I just did my best to grin and bear it.

When I was two weeks overdue, Venus and Troy came to our house that evening, bearing something that we hoped would give us the good news we wanted. As soon as we'd all hugged and kissed at the front door, she immediately led me to the bathroom, dropped to her knees, and pulled down my slacks and panties.

She helped me to sit on the toilet with my legs spread more than usual, then after opening a toothpaste-tube-sized box, she tore open the package inside it. She held the strip of plastic between my legs, then said, "Okay, Jenny, cross your fingers and pee on it."

Well, it took me a long time to get started with three people standing there watching me, but eventually I was able to get started and I peed on the test strip. Then we stared at the thing and I don't know if anyone else breathed, but I sure as hell didn't.

It seemed like it took an eternity for the color to change, and during that time we passed the box around so everyone could look at the picture on it that we wanted to see more than anything else in the whole world.

And then the right color came up, really slowly at first, then faster and faster, until at last we were all screaming and yelling and hugging and kissing, because the thing was telling us that, yes, indeed, I was with child.

It took us a while to settle down enough that Venus could get a word in edgewise, and it dampened our spirits more than a little when she said, "Guys, this is just one test, and while it looks like good news, we need to buy a different brand and try it again in a few days to see if it says the same thing as this one."

So, that's what we did. That one displayed what looked like a thermometer scale, with a plus sign at the top and a minus sign at the bottom of the plastic strip, and after I'd peed on it we all held our breath and crossed our fingers as we waited for the results. As soon as the "thermometer" indicator started heading for the top of the scale, the screaming and yelling was louder than ever, and everyone hugged and kissed in celebration. That part I loved the most was that Troy and Bobby kissed each other, too, and when Troy put one of his hands over my husband's bulge and caressed it right in front of god and everybody, I felt a surge of lust that was bigger than I ever remembered.

I guess Venus noticed what our husbands were doing, as well as the effect it was having on me, because she said, "Bobby, I think you should congratulate the 'daddy-to-be,' don't you?" That brought a confused expression to my husband's face, which instantly turned blank as she and I put our hands on his shoulders and pushed him to his knees in front of Troy.

Venus could see that poor Bobby had no idea what was expected of him, so she said, "Take it out, Lover. You've been fucking his wife lots and lots lately, so Jenny and I both think you need to do something to show him how much you appreciate him letting you do that. Okay?"

Bobby didn't say anything to agree with her, but just as I was opening my mouth to give him more encouragement, one of his hands slowly made its way to the front of Troy's trousers. I watched totally frozen in place as his finger and thumb gripped the zipper tab, then pulled it down as far as it could go. And then I stopped breathing as his fingers worked their way inside the opening, and seconds later brought out the thing I'd become very familiar with during the past weeks.

Troy's cock was rapidly inflating as Bobby exposed it to the air, and in what seemed like a split-second it was standing proud, with the head just a few inches from Bobby's face. Then, it was my turn to help him do what needed to be done, and I said very softly, "Do it, Honey. Please suck him off so we can watch. Please, Honey."

Just as I was about to put one hand on the back oh his head to help it move forward, it began to move all on its own. I watched his hand aim Troy's cock at its destination, and then when the head touched his lips, they opened in invitation.

If I ever breathed even once while my husband's head was bobbing back and forth as he sucked Troy's cock, I don't remember it. Given that I didn't pass out, though, I guess I must have done that, because I doubt that I'd have been able to hold my breath for the minute or two it took before Troy whispered, "Oh, fuck! E-e-e-a-a-a-t-t-t . . . ," and then his eyes clamped shut and he pushed his cock even deeper inside the welcoming mouth before he filled it with more of the same stuff he'd been filling my pussy with for several days.

After a long time, spent in total silence except for the sounds of Bobby's throat and Troy's lungs both working as fast as they could, the almost-deflated cock was pulled out and replaced in the trousers where it had come from. Then I pulled my husband to his feet and kissed him, with my heart pounding as I tasted my lover's cum on my husband's lips.

As Venus and Troy walked out the door a few minutes later, she said, "Jenny, I'm going to make an appointment for us with my ob/gyn. She'll be able to give us the final word about whether or not you're carrying our kid in there. When we get together Wednesday, I'll tell you when we'll need to go to the clinic. Okay?"

Chapter 7

Our appointment had been made for the following week, and when Venus told me Wednesday was the only day available, neither of us complained a bit about losing our shopping day. Instead, we showed up early at the clinic, and then sat nervously in the waiting room for what seemed like forever, but couldn't have been much longer than 20 minutes.

After we'd been led to one of the examining rooms by a nurse, she indicated a hospital gown hanging on a wall hook as she said, "Please strip down and put on that gown for your examination, Jenny. Are you familiar with how to put it on? It's different than the way they do it in a hospital, because we want the tie in front, not the back."

I assured her that I remembered how to do it, since I'd been pregnant twice. After telling us she'd return in a couple minutes, the nurse left the room so I could get undressed. Venus helped me get naked, and seemingly couldn't resist the chance to caress my nipples and pussy before at last helping me get the gown in place and tied in the front. I have to admit that I liked that more than I used to, mainly because she had insisted that we both get waxed down there just a week or so earlier. Believe me, the increased sensations I experienced when all that hair was out of the way made it well worth the embarrassment I'd gone through.

Anyway, when the nurse came back, we were sitting on our chairs, behaving ourselves like normal people. The girl took my temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, etc., as expected, then after recording all the numbers on a chart, she left after telling us the doctor would be right with us.

The doctor, a woman several years older than my 41, joined us about five minutes after the nurse left, and she introduced herself to me, asking me to call her "Millie, because I don't stand on formality, like some swell heads in this line of work." After I asked her to please call me "Jenny," she got right to the point.

"Venus," she began, "I'm not sure why you made the appointment for your friend. Could you enlighten me?"

"Well, it's like this, Millie. I'm sure you remember what we went through a couple years ago when I wanted to get pregnant, but wasn't having any luck." The doctor nodded her head without saying anything, then Venus continued, "Well . . . uh . . . Troy and I decided that we really, really wanted a kid, so we . . . uh . . . we decided to find someone who'd be a surrogate mom for us. And that's why Jenny's here, because she's the one we chose, and we think she might be pregnant, and we want to find out for sure."

It apparently took the woman a few seconds to wrap her brain around what she'd been told, but eventually she looked at both of us, then said, "Oka-a-a-y. Well, it's not all that unusual for married couples to find different ways to have kids these days, given how very much the birthrate has declined. I've thought for several years the decline is undoubtedly due to all the environmental insults our bodies have to deal with, such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer in our food. And lots of research has shown that all the electromagnetic waves in the air from satellites and phone towers also have an impact."

She paused for a second or two, then continued, "But . . . what I don't understand is why you didn't return to the clinic where Jenny was inseminated. They surely have people on staff who could answer your question."

Venus took so long to answer that I was right on the verge of stepping in when she stammered, "Well . . . uh . . . actually, we didn't go . . . to a clinic. Troy and I had decided that we wanted the whole process to be as natural as possible . . . so what we did was ask the nicest woman I know who's already proved she can have great kids . . . to be our surrogate mom. And now that two of those pregnancy kits say she's pregnant, well, we just want to confirm it with an expert."

It was evident that her answer hadn't satisfied Millie's question, so after looking back and forth at the two of us for several heartbeats, she asked, "If you didn't go to a fertility clinic, how was the fertilization accomplished? Did you use a turkey baster?"

Venus laughed, then got the most-evil expression on her face that I'd ever seen, then answered simply, "We did it the old-fashioned way."

The doctor's face was blank for a long time, then after taking deep breath, she asked, "So . . . what you're saying is Jenny was . . . uh . . . she had . . . uh, relations with a man who got her pregnant?"

At Venus' nod, Millie looked down at the intake form I'd filled out while waiting to be taken to the examination room. She didn't say anything while she read through the details I'd provided, then raised her head as she said, "Okay . . . I see here that Jenny's married, so I assume her husband's the one who fathered the baby you're hoping she's carrying now. Is that right?"

Venus shook her head, then explained, "No, it was my husband, Troy, who took care of that part. We wanted our baby to be his, even if it couldn't be mine."

That brought another blank look to the doctor's face, quickly replaced by one of surprise as understanding swept over her. She had to clear her throat twice, but eventually she was able to say, "Well, I can certainly understand your husband wanting to be the father of your baby, but . . . uh . . . what about your husband, Jenny? Did he know what was going on? I mean, uh . . . well, I don't know what I mean. Can you help me out here?"

"I'll try," I began. "I guess the only thing I can say is that Bobby, my husband, is just fine with the situation. In fact, he and Venus were both in the bedroom when Troy and I undressed and got in bed together. Then, after we, uh . . . did the deed, so to speak, the two of them went to our home to spend the next three weeks together while Troy and I stayed at his house and did our best to get me pregnant."

That brought a long silence to the room, and just as I was getting afraid that we were both going to be thrown out of the clinic, Millie said softly, "Well, I have to admit that I used to think I'd seen everything, but now . . . well, I guess I was wrong, wasn't I?" Then with a tiny shake to clear her head, she added, "But, you know, when I think about it, I think it just might be the perfect solution for all the infertililty we're facing here, in terms of population stability. Why shouldn't it be widely accepted that, as long as everyone involved is willing, that good friends can help each other have kids? In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think it's something that should be tried more often."

After pausing to take a deep breath, she added, "Okay, so . . . now that I know where we stand, let's see if there's a bun in the oven. The first question I have is more personal, but it's important that I know the date of the first time . . . uh, . . . you know."

Thank god Venus knew what was being asked, because I certainly didn't. She answered, "The first time the lovebirds hopped in bed together was in mid-June, and it was the second Friday of that month, if I remember correctly." Millie thanked Venus for the accurate date, then as she recorded it on my chart, she said to me, "I assume you know how to get on the table and use the stirrups, don't you? I need to do a manual exam, if you don't mind."

I just walked over to the table, turned my back to it, then lifted my butt up to its top. After lying down and adjusting my position a tiny bit, I lifted both feet up to the metal stirrups at the foot of the table, then lay my head on the pillow and waited for what would come next.

Millie talked to me constantly while she performed the exam, probably to keep me from getting nervous. The first thing she did was say, "Okay, let's see what's what," while untying the cord that was holding my gown closed. Then, when my entire, very naked front was exposed, she said, "Ah, I see you've been waxed. That always makes the process simpler for me, so thanks for doing that."

She then began to softly rub my boobs one by one as she said, "Your breasts will begin to grow almost immediately following impregnation, so that's the first part I'll check."

Her fingers caressed and lightly pressed both of those parts, and to my horror my nipples started to harden. I closed my eyes and tried to will those damn things to behave themselves, but they just ignored my demands and pleas, and I felt my face redden as they pointed to the ceiling and became so swollen they ached.

Millie was polite enough that she didn't make any comments about my obvious arousal at being touched by another woman, but merely said, "They're definitely more firm than I'd expect, Jenny, but that's just one piece in the puzzle. Next, I'm going to check your abdomen for evidence of more firmness than would be expected in a woman who's not pregnant."

Her expert hands then caressed my tummy, and as they moved lower and lower, I had to bite my lip to keep myself from sighing in pleasure at the stimulation she was giving me. The only thing that kept me from getting even more aroused was her saying, "Okay, again I feel more distension than I would expect, but if you really are pregnant, and if you're two months along, then it's nothing but normal."

As she stepped back from the examining table, she said, "Well, I assume you know what I need to do next, don't you, Jenny?"

My only response was to groan, then whine, "Not the speculum, I hope. I hate those things!"

That made both of them laugh, but I didn't think it was the least bit humorous to have a huge pair of metal pliers inside me. But, after all, it was in a good cause, so I just steeled myself to endure what was about to happen.

Millie swiveled her stool around 180°, then opened a drawer in the cabinet behind her. As she took out the speculum, she held it up so everyone could see the damn thing, then said, "I usually keep this in the refrigerator for a few hours before using it on a patient, but I forgot to do that today."

I guess there was a funny expression on my face, because both of them laughed uproarishly as they looked at me. I didn't find the situation a bit humorous, because I'd had one of those things inside me during my previous pregnancies, and it was just about the most-uncomfortable thing ever. And not only that, but no matter how much the doctor tried to rub some warmth into the stainless steel, it felt like a huge ice cube was being slowly pushed deeper and deeper in a very-private part of my body. All-in-all, not pleasant, and definitely not funny in the least, for sure.

Millie did her best to warm the metal by rubbing it vigorously with a towel, and I have to admit that when she finally put it where she needed it to be, it felt much better than it had when I was 20 years younger.

It took her almost a minute of peering inside me and touching me in various places, but at last she withdrew the speculum and dropped it in a sink. She smiled reassuringly at me, then said, "Well, Jenny . . . and Venus, too, my opinion is that the impregnation was successful. All the signs of early pregnancy are present, but in order to be 100% sure, I'm going to have a urine test run in our lab."

As she stood, then removed her rubber gloves and carefully washed her hands in the sink, she added, "I'll tell the nurse to escort you to the lab as soon as you get dressed, and you can give them a specimen when you get there." After pausing to look at each of us in turn, she added, "So, if you don't have any more questions, I'll get to my next patient and you can get dressed, Jenny. Oh, and by the way, congratulations to both of you, and to your husband, too, Venus. You can tell him he must be at the top of the potency scale, because only 15-20% of first inseminations result in pregnancy."

Then, with a chuckle, she left us and I got dressed. The nurse came to get us about two minutes later, and after she escorted me to the bathroom next door to the lab, I peed in the cup, placed it on the revolving carousel in the wall, and we both went on our way, too scared that Millie's optimism would prove to be misplaced to even talk about the good news. Instead, we kept our fingers crossed that the lab test would give us 100%-reliable news.

Chapter 8

Even though we'd been told the lab results wouldn't be available for 48 hours, I was on pins and needles all the time as I waited for the phone to ring. Every time it did, I was sure it'd be the clinic calling, and when I looked at the caller ID and saw it was just some damn telemarketer, it was almost more than I could do to not pick up the handset and start swearing like a teamster.

Luckily for me, Venus put me out of my misery late the following afternoon when she called. I snatched up the phone when I saw her name on the display, and even before I could even say, "Hello," she was yelling in my ear.

"Oh, Jenny! I'm gonna be a mommy! I love you so much! You're preggers, and I just wanna tear off your clothes so I can talk to our baby and tell it how much I love it! And I love you, and I love Bobby, and I love Troy, and I . . . I . . ." And then she ran out of steam and I could hear her crying.

It took her a long time to calm down, but I didn't care a bit because I was crying, too, and kept telling her over and over what a good mommy she was going to be, and that Troy would be a good daddy, and . . . and all sorts of silly things.

At last she was able to tell me that she was going to call Troy as soon as she hung up, and she'd head for our house while he was stopping at Dominos to get as much pizza as he could carry, and we'd spend the rest of the night stuffing ourselves with it, and . . . And then she ran out of steam again, and asked, "Is it okay for you to eat stuff like that, Jenny? Would it be bad for our baby?"

I assured her I had eaten regular food during both of my pregnancies, and I was sure her baby wouldn't object to some pizza, because mine sure hadn't. Anyway, after a while she hung up to call Troy, and I got the table ready for a supper party.

Of course, I also took time to call Bobby to give him the good news, and almost before I made it all the way through my announcement, he was saying, "Thank god! I was so afraid he wouldn't be able to make it happen, but he did, didn't he! I'm coming home right now, Honey! I just can't wait to hold you and touch your baby bump and say hello to the baby he put in you! I . . . I . . . I'm leaving right now! Bye."

And with that he hung up and I hurried to the bathroom and took a quick shower, because there wasn't a doubt in my head that the four of us would be having sex that night, either before, during, or after eating the pizza.

Bobby was the first to show up, and he barely had time to open the door before he rushed into the house, yelling, "Where are you?! Are you home, Jenny?!" I was already heading for the kitchen to meet him, and when he saw me walk through the doorway, he rushed up to me and dropped to his knees. Before I even knew what he was going to do, he'd pulled my slacks and panties down to my ankles and was kissing my tummy and excitedly telling me how much he loved me, and how much he loved that I was pregnant with Troy's baby, and how much he wanted me to keep having babies for them from then on. And then his tongue was laving my swelling clit, and all I could do was spread my legs as far as I could with my clothes around my ankles, and then I couldn't stand it anymore and I climaxed.

He kept licking me until I stepped away and pulled up my panties and slacks. And then I dropped to my knees, hugged him as tight as I could, and gave him the kiss he'd earned by being the best husband any woman ever had. After I pulled back, I smiled real big, then whispered, "I love tasting my pussy on your lips, Honey. You've become a much better cunt licker ever since we said you couldn't fuck me."

Then I kissed him again for just a few seconds before I added, "And I love knowing you're horny all the time, and your cock's bigger and harder than ever since another man's been fucking your wife. I think maybe I'll go into business as a surrogate wife for anybody who wants me to make a baby for them. Would you like that, Honey? Does it make you really, really hot to think of a parade of men fucking your wife and putting their babies in her tummy? Does it?"

It took so long for him to answer that I was afraid he wasn't going to, but eventually he struggled with his throat, then answered, "I love that more than I can ever say, Jenny. I've always wanted you to . . . to . . . do it with other men, but I just couldn't tell you. When I watched Troy get on top of you that first time, I just about passed out, I was so turned on. And it just got better every time after that, and now that his baby really is in . . . in your tummy . . . well, it's just the best thing ever in my whole life."

I hugged him close again, then whispered in his ear, "I love you more than I can ever say, Honey, and I'll always love you. And as long as we're in confession mode, then I'll tell you that the hottest thing I ever saw was that night we used the pregnancy kits, and then you . . . you took Troy's cock out of his pants and sucked it. God, I thought I was just going to pass out when he did it in your mouth and you swallowed every bit of his load. So . . . well, I promise to fuck every man who even looks at me if you'll promise to suck his cock so I can watch. Is that a deal, Honey?"

He pulled back far enough so he could look at my face to see if I was just kidding, and apparently that convinced him I wasn't. His voice was so husky I could barely understand him when he said, "I promise to suck every man you bring to our bed. And I promise to do anything else you want, no matter what it is. And if you want him to do . . . other things to me, then I'll beg him to do them. All you'll ever have to do is just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it, no questions asked. So . . . yes, we have a deal."

And then the doorbell rang, and we opened the door to see Venus and Troy standing there holding what looked like half a dozen boxes of pizza. The rest of that night was spent in pizza-lovers' heaven, as well as in our bed, where Venus and I spent hour after hour making each other climax, then watching our husbands doing the same thing for each other.

Chapter 9

It was at the end of my first trimester, about two weeks after the new school year had started, when I received a call from Millie's clinic. It was her nurse who was calling, and she told me they wanted to schedule a sonogram for me just to make sure things were okay. Since Venus and I had already talked about that, several times in fact, I was ready with my question. I asked, "We'd really like it if our husbands could be there with us. Do you think that's possible?"

She answered, "Well, it's usual for the husband, or at least the baby's father, to be there with the mother, but since you . . . uh . . . your situation is unusual for us, I think I'd better ask the doctor before I give you an answer. Given how nice she is, I'm betting it won't be any problem, so I'm going to go ahead and tell you to bring everybody unless I call back and say otherwise. Okay? So, if you don't hear from me beforehand, we'll expect all four of you on Saturday, the 14th, at 1:00. We thought you'd prefer that day, since both you and Venus are teachers."

I called Venus right away, of course, to give her the news, and we both marked the date on our calendars. And so, at the appointed place and time, all four of us walked into the clinic. The obligatory wait in the lobby seemed much longer than usual, probably because all of us were really nervous about being able to at last see the baby Troy had put in my tummy.

As for me, I had something else to be nervous about, which I'd never mentioned to the rest of them. Based on my past pregnancies, I had a pretty good idea how big a baby should be after three months, and there was no question that this one was considerably larger than either Danny or Tawny had been. I attributed some of the difference to the fact that Troy was a larger man that Bobby, in more ways than one, but still . . . well, I was concerned. So, I was glad to be able to find out if everything was okay in there.

By the time the nurse had escorted us to the examination room, I was even more nervous than before, and she had to repeat her instructions about the gown before I had the sense to start undressing. Venus helped me hang my clothes on the wall hooks and get in the gown without getting it on backwards, and then we sat through another nervous ten minutes while we waited for Millie.

As she walked through the door she made the obligatory apology about the wait, then told me to get on the table on my back. As I did that she wheeled a cart over beside me, and I had my first look at the large monitor and the part she called the "wand."

As before, she untied the cord and opened my gown, and in another situation I probably would have appreciated the admiring glances Venus and our husbands gave me, but right then I was trying to concentrate on what Millie was telling me.

"I'm going to rub some of this lotion on your tummy, Jenny. It'll provide a better contact between the wand and your baby, so I really need to use it, but it's going to feel cold to you," she told me as she rubbed something on my tummy that looked like grease.

All I said was, "Do whatever you need to do, Millie. I just want to make sure the baby's okay." That made her look up at my face, and I kicked myself mentally because she'd evidently detected the worry in my voice, which I didn't want to pass on to Venus and our husbands.

"We'll know in a sec, Jenny. I'm sure everything's just fine, so just relax and go with the flow."

I watched as she spread the goo on my baby bump and then switched on the monitor as she picked up the wand with her other hand. Millie and I were the only ones who could see the mostly-blue image that formed on the black screen, but obviously she knew what to look for and I didn't. Even though I'd seen pretty-much the same thing during my other pregnancies, it was all a jumble to me.

After she'd stared at the monitor for a few seconds, with the view constantly changing as she moved the wand, she said under her breath, "I knew it."

That definitely scared me, because as every mother-to-be does, I'd been driving myself crazy with horrible fantasies about our baby having something wrong with it. I just couldn't stop myself from blurting out, "What?! Is there something wrong?!"

Her only response was to look at me as she said, "No, there's definitely nothing wrong, but something's very, very right." I guess she took pity on the other three, who were seated where all they could see was the back of the monitor, because she said, "Venus, why don't you and the guys go stand up there by Jenny's head so everyone can see what I'm looking at?"

That caused a mad rush as Venus hurried around the table to my left, Bobby stood behind my head, and Troy stood on my right. As soon as they'd settled down, Millie put the wand back on my tummy, toward the left side. After adjusting it a tiny bit, she asked, "Anyone care to guess what that round thing is close to the top of the screen?"

Since I'd seen images like that before, I was the first to answer, "That's the head, isn't it? Our baby's head?"

She said, "Right on, Jenny. I'm going to move the wand a tiny bit to see if I can get some of the face to show." She slowly moved the thing toward the center of my belly, and we could all see a nose and maybe part of one tightly-closed eye, and Venus cried out, "I see it! It's beautiful! Oh, thank you god and Jenny and Millie for giving me a baby!"

"Okay," Millie continued, "now that we know there's a real-live baby in there, I want to show you another miracle. Keep watching the baby's head while I move the view across Jenny's tummy."

It was kind of dizzying to watch the image change in real time, but that didn't stop Bobby from gasping when he saw another round thing come into view. He said, "My god! Is that . . . is that . . . another one?"

Millie chuckled as she turned her head toward the four of us, then said, simply enough, "Yep. You're the proud mothers and fathers of twins. Congratulations, guys. Looks like you won the baby lottery, for sure."

Everyone stared and stared at the miracle in front of us until Troy asked, "Is there any way to see which flavor they are?"

Millie had evidently heard that question before, because all she said was, "Hold on a sec, while I try to get a better view of their bodies down there." She expertly moved the wand lower and lower as we held our breath and our anxious eyes tried to interpret what we were seeing. After an eternity she said, "This is the best front view I can get of the baby on Jenny's left, but I think everyone can see what's there in the front of the screen."

Troy must have been the first to interpret the image correctly, because he said in a shaky voice, "That's a coc . . . uh, a penis! We have a boy! A son! Thank you, god, for hearing my prayers."

After everyone had congratulated each other, Millie announced, "Okay, I'm going to try to find the same view of the other baby, but it's not going to be as clear as the boy gave us. The other twin is turned kind of awkwardly, but I think if . . . if I can move a tiny bit . . . this way . . ." Then, as the second image resolved, she said, "Yep, no penis. There she is, guys. You're all the proud parents of fraternal twins, which means there's one of each flavor. Congratulations."

Venus leaned over and kissed me, and at Troy's insistent, "My turn, Babe. Move over," he gave me another of his kisses that I'd learned to love when he was getting me pregnant. Bobby finally got his turn. Millie took a few seconds to wipe the goo off my belly, and as she did that she gave us instructions she'd already given us, mainly about my diet, and not drinking any alcoholic beverages or smoking, etc., etc. She then hurried off to her next appointment, and I got dressed and we all went to our house to celebrate the wonderful news we'd been given that day.

Chapter 10

Nothing of interest happened in the weeks and months following, so I'm going to fast-forward to the Christmas vacation.

I had been worrying for a long time how I was going to tell our kids what was happening in their parents' lives, and even more-importantly, what was going to happen after the babies made their appearances. While I knew they would both be surprised that I was pregnant again, almost 20 years after Tawny had been born, I never doubted that they would have trouble accepting that their baby brother and sister were going to be raised by someone else.

Danny was at the time in his Junior year at Washington State University, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. He had been offered what's called a "vacation internship" at the Boeing Aircraft plant near Seattle, and he was so eager to accept the opportunity to get in on the ground floor with that company that he quickly made the decision to forego his usual Christmas visit with us. That made it easier to put off talking to him about what was in the future, but it still left the question of how we were going to handle things with Tawny, when she came home for the holidays.

Luckily for everyone concerned, the whole thing went so smoothly she knew all the details and was fine with everything almost before she'd been home for half an hour.

Tawny had helped out in a local pharmacy while still in high school, and she liked the work so much that she decided to get a degree in pharmacy, and chose to enroll in the University of Kansas and major in that field. That meant she was in the next state to the east, and because Interstate 70 ran between her campus and Denver, she could drive that distance in not much more than eight hours. Not only that, but another girl from our area was also a student at KU, which meant the two of them could share the driving.

It was during the late afternoon, the day before Christmas, when I saw her guiding her car into our driveway, and I rushed to the front door to greet her and give her the hug and kiss I'd been saving since I'd last seen her in May. Since it was cold outside, I waited to open the door until she was standing right in front of it, and as she walked inside, I stepped back and opened my arms to her so we could hug each other.

She was distracted with her huge suitcase, and it was only when the door had been closed behind her that she looked at me, and then all she did was stare at my maternity clothes and my huge tummy as her mouth gaped wide open.

"Mom . . . . ?!" she gasped as her eyes grew bigger and bigger. "What in hell . . . is that?" My god, are you . . . are you pregnant again?"

Since the answer was very-much evident, I just nodded my head in answer, then swept her into my arms and gave my ******** six months worth of hugs all at once. It took her awhile to hug me back, but at last she leaned forward so my swollen belly wouldn't be crushed and gave me a kiss that I returned with as much emotion as I could muster.

After we let go of each other, I led Tawny to the couch where we sat down side-by-side and I put one arm over her shoulders and held her close. She didn't need an invitation to caress my "baby bump," and as her hand softly roamed from one side to the other, she asked, "Why didn't you tell me about this? I mean . . . you never told me you and Daddy were going to have another baby. Was it . . . uh . . . you know, not something you planned?"

I knew the time would never be better for explaining the situation to her, so I started by saying, "Tawny, it's, uh, it's kind of hard to tell you about what happened, because it's a long story, and, uh, well . . . I'll do my best to tell you everything, but you have to promise to let me tell you the whole thing before you start asking questions. Okay? Can you do that, please?"

Her only answer was to repeat the age-old motion of pretending to lock her lips, then dropping the key down the front of her blouse. So, with no other way out of the situation, I began talking.

I told her about our very-first Friday-night dinner with Venus and Troy, and how they'd told us about her inability to have a baby, then asked me to be their surrogate mother. Then I told her Bobby and I had come home to talk about what we thought of the idea, and then I said, "Both your *** and I decided it would be the best thing we could ever do for our friends . . . if we helped them get a baby. And so we went out there a week later, and as soon as we got in the door we gave them our decision, and then after dinner, uh, then Venus and Bobby came back here and I stayed out there with Troy. And we did that until, uh, well . . . until a pregnancy kit said, uh, it worked."

If Tawny breathed even once during my hesitant explanation for my condition, I never felt it, and given the huge breath she inhaled when I stopped talking, I think it was her first breath of air in a long time.

"So . . . so, the other guy, uh, . . . Tony?" she asked hesitantly before falling silent and giving me the chance to correct the name.

"Actually, he's Troy, but to answer what I think your question was going to be, yes, he's the father. And when the babies are born, Venus and Troy will raise them just as if they're their own kids."

She had to inhale another big breath before she could ask, "Well, so, uh, it's okay with Daddy that, uh, . . . another man, uh . . ." And then her eyes glazed over and she stared off into space as if trying to remember something important. At last she asked, "Mom, did you say babies . . . and kids? Plural? As in more than one? Is that what you said?"

And then everything was out in the open and I confirmed that I was carrying fraternal twins, and that Troy was their biological father. That was as far as I got before she all of a sudden stood up, dropped to her knees in front of me, and asked, "Is it okay if I kiss my baby sister and baby brother?"

What could I say but, "Yes," and then her hands lifted the flared tail of my maternity blouse, exposing the cut-out front of the slacks I had on. Not stopping there, she untied the bow knot in the elastic cord that held up my pants, and before I could even begin to tell her to stop, she said, "Lift up."

I know I should have just told her I wasn't going to do that, but I guess my hands had a different idea, and before I knew it, they were flat on the cushion I was sitting on. My arms straightened, and almost before my bottom was in the air, Tawny was pulling my slacks down to my ankles.

Then, just as I was starting to relax my arms, she whispered, "Stay there. I'm not done yet."

And then she was pulling my panties down to join my pants, and my bare crotch was feeling the fresh air, and I was more embarrassed than I'd ever been in my life. I guess Tawny didn't react the same way I did, because all she did was lean forward and start planting kisses all over my huge belly, while saying stuff like, "Hi, guys. I'm your sister, Tawny. I love you both to pieces, and I can't wait until you come out so you can see me and I can see you." She added lots of other things, too, but when her lips began to kiss lower and lower, I forgot everything but how embarrassed I was and how good it felt as my wonderful ******** kissed her way down my naked crotch.

And then I lost all power to resist, because her lips found my swelling clitoris, and she kissed it and licked it and it grew by leaps and bounds. And then she took it in her mouth and sucked it just as strongly as I'd been sucking Bobby's cock for at least six months by then.

I had received oral sex hundreds of times from other girls when I was in high school and college, but never in my life had they made me feel the way Tawny did. Even Venus, who was better than any girl I'd ever known when it came to giving head, couldn't hold a candle to what my ******** was doing to me. I was completely out of my head as she sucked and licked my clit, and then, oh, then! when she sensed my orgasm was beginning, she scored it with her teeth as I climaxed.

And then I was sitting on the cushion once again, and panting for breath as I came back to reality. It took me longer to recover from that orgasm than any other I'd ever had, but eventually I came back to reality as Tawny whispered, "I just couldn't stop, Mom. I've wanted to do that for a long, long time. I hope you're not gonna kick me out of the house."

I looked down at her lovely face, and then the strangest emotion I've ever felt swept through my whole body, and I answered her question.

"No, I'm not going to kick you out, but I am going to show you what happens when you do such a perverted thing to your very own mother."

There was a flash of fear running across her face for a split-second, but when I got down on my knees beside her and demanded, "Get your back on the floor right now, young lady! And I don't want to ever hear the word, 'no,' cross your lips."

Her expression was immediately replaced by laughter as she fell to her back, then raised her butt in anticipation of what I was going to do to her. I quickly unbuttoned her blouse, then when she raised her back off the floor, I unfastened her bra and pushed it up around her neck. Next, I jerked off her shoes, then pulled both her jeans and her panties down her legs and over her feet.

Once her beautiful body was suitably exposed to my feverish gaze, I kissed her lips with every bit of intensity I could muster. When I felt her nipples hardening against my chest, I moved my mouth down to them and a split-second later they were both standing proud as I tried to suck them off her breasts. Then, when I had moved low enough, all I could do was stare in lustful silence at her pussy, which was just as smooth and bare as my own.

She barely had time to spread her legs before my lips and tongue found her slit, and then all she could do was sigh in contentment and arousal as I gave her as good a licking as she'd given me just a minute before.

At last the desired response to my attentions came, and as she raised her hips to force her clit even deeper into my mouth, she hissed, "I love you so mu-u-u-u-u-ch!" And then she collapsed to the floor, and I moved alongside her and we kissed with all the passion of new lovers who'd at last found each other.

Chapter 11

It was as we lay there hugging each other with all our strength that she nestled her face against my neck. She kissed me there a few times, then whispered, "Mom . . . there's something I need to tell you . . . and . . . and it's something I'm sure you've never known about me." She paused to take a deep breath, then continued. "Now, I want you to let me get it all out without asking any questions, like you said to me. Okay? Promise?"

Of course, all I did was imitate what she'd done with her fingers and the imaginary key, and after we'd both chuckled softly, she began telling me something I'd always suspected but never knew for sure.

"What I've wanted to tell you and Daddy for a long time is going to be . . . really upsetting . . . for both of you. I'm not the wonderful little girl who's never done anything wrong, like both of you seem to think . . . and . . . and . . ." She ran out of steam at that point, but I just kept my peace as I'd promised until she regained her courage and continued her confession.

"I guess what I need to tell you is that I'm . . . I am now and always have been a . . . a total lesbian. Even when I was dating boys in high school, I never, ever liked it when they kissed me, or tried to cop a feel, or did anything else. I was always thinking about the girls I loved, and how hot it made me when they kissed me and undressed me and touched me all over, and how much I loved doing all those things right back at them."

She had to stop to take a few more deep breaths before going on with her story, and it was then that my hands began to roam over her naked body with renewed enthusiasm.

As her breathing became more and more rapid by the second, she continued, "So . . . so, what I have to tell you is that Breann (the other girl from Denver who was also a student at KU) and I . . . We're going to, uh, like . . .we're going to get married when we get our degrees in Pharmacy and move back here and start a dispensary of our own and there won't be any grandkids for you guys to spoil, and . . . and . . ."

And then she ran out of breath and both of us resorted to the usual response females make when their emotions have peaked: We started crying and sobbing, even though I had no reason to act like that, and I'm sure Tawny didn't either.

After a while we both ran out of tears, and that was when our hands went back to caressing each other, and our kisses became more and more passionate, and Tawny turned around so we could make each other cum again. And that's exactly what happened, and the only thing that could have made it better would have been if both of us could have done it at the same time, but since her body was so much younger than mine, she did it first, which I fully expected to be the case.

At some point in the far, far-distant future we were kissing again, and telling each other how good their lips tasted when they were covered with pussy juice.

Then it was my turn to confess that I'd had similar experiences in high school. I told her that I'd always thought of myself as a lesbian until I met her father in college, and after that I began to understand that I was actually bisexual, and the rest was history. Then I told her, "So . . . I'm sure you inherited your sexuality from me, and there's no reason in the world for you to feel ashamed of who you are, or anything else for that matter. Anyone who knows you knows you're just perfect the way you are, so don't even begin to apologize for loving girls more than boys. Actually, even though I love your father with all my heart, that's never stopped me from having affairs with other women. In fact, Venus and I have been making love to each other at least once a week for a long time, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

She took a long time to think about what I'd told her, then after kissing me one more time, she got me all hot and bothered all over again when she confessed something else about her plans for the future.

"Just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean I don't want to have a baby, because I do. Bree and I have talked lots about that part, and she told me that she has always wanted a baby of her own, but she just can't stand the thought of a man . . . like, doing that to her. I've been telling her for a long time that I'll be the one to get knocked up, and she can be the daddy and I'll be the mommy, and we agreed that's how it's gonna happen. The hard part was that I didn't have the slightest idea about how to find a man to make that happen for us, but now . . . well, I think you may have found the answer for us. So . . . do you think the guy who put his babies in you will do the same thing for me, Mom? Do you think he'd do that for Bree and me?"

I squeezed her even tighter, then answered her question with, "Sweetie, Troy's the second-most-wonderful man I've never known, with Bobby being number one. I guess it'd just be asking for trouble to try to get Bobby to get you pregnant, but if you and Breeann are willing to settle for second choice, well, why don't you go out to their house with us on the 26th, and we can see how they feel about him being the father of your baby? Does that sound like the way we should do it?"

It took her all of a split-second to squeal with delight, then gasp, "You'd do that for us, Mom? You'd ask a guy to get your ******** pregnant?" All I did was nod my head in answer, but it led her to continue her thought.

"You know, the more I think about it, the more I think it'd be really wonderful if our baby had the same father as your twins. Wouldn't that make them half-brothers or sisters, or something like that? I think that'd make them feel closer to each other, maybe." She fell silent for a few seconds as she thought about that situation, then added, "Actually, the more I think about it, the more I think it'd be the perfect way for me to get pregnant."

I agreed with her judgment, then to cement the deal I asked, "So . . . do you want me to be the one to ask him if he'll do you, too? Just like he did me? I think he'd probably be more likely to agree to do it if you were the one to do the asking, but I think either way will work just fine."

She answered my question with another question.

"You know, how about we do it like this? Why don't we take Bree out there with us, and that way everybody'd be able to meet each other all at once, and then she and I can do the asking. Bree's so beautiful that surely no man could ever resist her, but if he tries then you can put your weight behind the idea, and that'd be guaranteed to work. Okay, Mom? Can we do it like that?"

I agreed of course, but only after adding my own two cents worth.

"Sounds good, Tawny. But I'm going to add one condition, which is this: "When the two of you move back to Denver, I want you and your wife to be part of the weekly sex sessions Venus and I have been having for several months. Okay? Do you think you could ever want to do that sort of thing?"

All she did was laugh as she agreed to my extra demand, after which we kissed again to seal the deal.

By then, we were both thinking about getting dressed, because after all, it was December in Colorado, and the air on the floor was pretty damn cold. When we had our clothes on again, Tawny got on the phone with my ********-in-law to be, and the arrangements were made.

Chapter 12

Nothing out of the ordinary happened for the rest of that day, except Tawny and I kept exchanging winks and air kisses whenever Bobby's back was turned. It took every bit of my willpower to stay in bed with him that night, because it was almost as if I could hear Tawny pleading with me to come to her bed down the hall. I was able to resist that almost-overwhelming urge both then and Christmas night. Luckily, the day after that was when we were invited to Venus and Troy's house for dinner, and the thoughts racing back and forth through my brain kept me distracted enough that I didn't fixate on how much I wanted to taste our ********'s pussy at least one more time before she and Bree left for the long trip back to KU.

As Bobby drove our car the next day, Tawny gave him directions to Bree's home, and then the girls were in the back seat kissing each other "hello," and introductions were being made. Bree was very personable, and the four of us spent the entire drive talking about everything under the sun (except the part about our ********'s marriage and motherhood plans, which was something we'd agreed should be kept quiet until after Venus and Troy could be part of the discussion).

Almost before I knew it, we were there, and the four of us were walking up the front steps of the twin's momma- and poppa-to-be's home. As soon as we got inside and out of the freezing weather, I made the introductions and after the obligatory hugs all around, we seated ourselves on the couch and chairs in the front room.

I cleared the air about the primary topic as I said to our hosts, "Tawny and Bree know all about how I got pregnant, and they know as soon as the twins are born you guys are going to be their mom and ***. What you don't know yet, and that includes you, Honey, is that the girls have made plans to get married as soon as they graduate and move back here to Denver."

I had been watching Bobby's face as I said that part, and was surprised that he didn't react in any other way than by just nodding his head and saying, "Good."

That was more than a little bit shocking to me, because I was sure he had no idea that our ******** was a lesbian. I guess he could tell his acceptance of the situation was surprising to me, because he smiled and winked at me as he said, "I've known for a long time that she doesn't have much use for boys, so I was waiting for her to tell us something like that sooner or later."

Tawny evidently sensed my confusion, because she took over the conversation at that point.

"What Mom was going to tell you is that Bree and I plan to have a baby as soon as we can find a place to set up our own pharmacy here. Once we're settled, we're going to get serious about getting me pregnant, and that's something that we want you guys (indicating Venus and Troy) to help us with."

Venus nodded her head as she answered, "Tawny, we've known you and Bree for just a few minutes, but I think we both already know we're going to be good friends from now on. So . . . just tell us what kind of help you need, and you've got it. Okay?"

Bree took our ********'s hand and kissed it, then she added her two bits to the conversation as she said, "Maybe you should hear what we have in mind before you agree to anything, guys. I'm sure it's going to sound pretty far out, and if it does . . . well, just tell us you'd rather not do it, and we'll understand and we can still be friends."

She paused to clear her throat, which had tightened with emotion, then continued. "I guess it's no secret that we're going to need a father for our baby, and since neither of us have the right equipment, well . . . we just want to tell you that we think you'd be perfect for the job, Troy. I mean . . . you . . . you've already shown us you're pretty good at the job, because you got Jenny pregnant right away . . . so . . . well, if you'll agree to do the same thing to Tawny . . . it'd mean the world to us."

The silence in the room was thick enough to carve with a knife as everyone was lost in their own thoughts for several seconds. It was Venus who found her voice first, and she said softly, "Tawny . . . Bree . . . we could never, ever say no to you, because you're the ******** of my best friend and the woman who's going to give us the best set of twins in the whole world. So . . . well, I guess what I'm trying to say is that . . . well, speaking for both of us, we not only say yes, but HELL YES!"

That brought loud and long-lasting laughter from everyone, and then we all gathered around the girls and had a group hug to seal the deal.

And then it was time to eat, because all the emotions we'd been feeling sharpened our appetites. We co-operated with bringing the plates to the table, then ate and talked and talked and ate, until at last we were all too full to take even one more bite, and we co-operated again to clear the table before we headed for the living room once again for more serious talking about what the future would bring.

Chapter 13

Okay, Danny, that's what I wanted to tell you about your ******, and I'm sure it's something you've never known. You've always known, of course, that your sister married another woman and they had a ******** less than a year after that. What you didn't know, though, was the part about me having twins that were raised by our dearest friends, Venus and Troy. Of course, the part about Troy being the father of Tawny's baby is something you're just now learning, too.

Now, you're probably asking yourself why your mother chose to tell you about something that had been kept hidden for so many years, and here's my explanation. I think you should know that you have have a half-sister and half-brother in this world, and if you're the man Bobby and I think you are, I'm sure you're going to want to get to know them.

If you do, then Tawny's the one to talk to. She and Bree have remained dear friends of Venus and Troy throughout the years, and she can make the introductions. I've already told her I planned to write this story and put it on the disk for you to read following our deaths, so if you talk to her about it, it won't be a surprise to her.

Use this information as you will, but if you're interested in some advice from your Mom, here it is: Do whatever you have to do to meet the brother and sister you never knew you had, because they're ******, just as much as Tawny and Bree and Troy (yep, they named their baby after his father, which I've always thought was pretty darn nice of them) are parts of your ******.

Just remember we love you, and we know whatever you decide to do will be the right thing.

The End


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