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Black is always superior to white

Thats so hot! I'm very glad to hear you had lots of Black cock in college and were able to avoid disappointing white boy penis. I'm not suprised that other white girls were jealous. They new you were getting much more satisfying sex then they were with their white bf's. I hope your still Black COck only. I imagine it would be very hard to go back to inferior white penis after all that superior Black Cock.
What college? This was high school. College had me with a variety of men as my "husband hunt" began to get serious. I almost married a black man, until I caught him cheating on my with my then BFF. So I dumped him, and within a week met a man who I eventually married. He is amazing, and a better husband than I am a wife. Yes, he is white, and I love him more than I can stand. But because he is white, he still can't scratch that certain itch I have. I have had a number of affairs with black men, from one-night stands to much longer relationships that were actually bad for my physical, emotional and mental health.

I admit I am addicted to black men and bad sexual practices. I always will be.
Who can blame you for dumping the black guy you'd planned to marry, certainly not me. Here's hoping your hubby understands and supports your addiction for black cock.
Seriously...seriously...on that night, she was his 1000th white MILF, and he was her 400th BBC. Lots of celebrating occured. They were both very well known, and both extremely active. *In a time of low STD and zero virus.
We’ll send me a message I want to ride little miss Goldilocks to you could watch
What college? This was high school. College had me with a variety of men as my "husband hunt" began to get serious. I almost married a black man, until I caught him cheating on my with my then BFF. So I dumped him, and within a week met a man who I eventually married. He is amazing, and a better husband than I am a wife. Yes, he is white, and I love him more than I can stand. But because he is white, he still can't scratch that certain itch I have. I have had a number of affairs with black men, from one-night stands to much longer relationships that were actually bad for my physical, emotional and mental health.

I admit I am addicted to black men and bad sexual practices. I always will be.
this is incredibly honest and I wish more women would openly admit to their sexual practices and that itch....