It’s Saturday morning and its almost time to head home for Jaycee and Mike. Jaycee wanted to get a quick run in at the hotel’s exercise room before they leave. Slipping into her sports bra, running shorts and shoes, she heads to the exercise room just off the main lobby.

Entering the exercise area, there’s a black gentleman sitting on the weight bench doing curls with some heavy dumb bells.

“Good morning,” Jaycee says, but he must have been in the zone, and he just keeps working his biceps. Jaycee does some stretches before getting on the treadmill just as the black gentleman puts down the weights and walks over to the water cooler.

He walks behind Jaycee as she is running now, and she watches his reflection in the mirror as he is obviously now watching her jog. Her blonde wavy hair was tied back in a ponytail and her 34C breasts were well supported in her sports bra. With her midriff exposed and her running shorts showing her perfect ass and toned legs, the black gentleman smiled in approval.

Jaycee was a little nervous and she would glance over his way, just to keep an eye on him. He goes back to the bench for another set of curls, finishes and he prepares to leave.

“Have a nice day, pretty lady,” he said as he exits the exercise area.

Have I not noticed these black men before, or do they have some kind of intuition? She thought to herself. She’s flattered, but just curious why all the sudden the boldness of these men.

She finishes her run and heads back to her room for a quick shower and finish packing. Mike is waiting for her and said he’ll grab a bite to eat from the hotel’s buffet. She hurries to finish and joins him in 15 minutes.

As she enters the buffet area, she notices the same man from the exercise room is also having some breakfast with what appears to be his ******. Assuming she’s his wife, the lady is white with straight blonde hair, a bit overweight, but nice features and attractive, and there are with two bi-racial c******n; a b*y that looks to be six and a g**l maybe around 4 years of age. Very cute k**s with dark blondish, tight-curled hair and blue eyes with mocha skin.

Mike catches her eye and asks what’s up. “Sorry. Just looking at those k**s and how cute they are,” Jaycee replied.

Mike turns around to look, and shrugs and says, “I guess,” and goes back to his waffles. Jaycee is about to take a bite of her English muffin when she notices the black gentleman with the ****** eying her.

She smiles, and looks away and says to Mike, “I’m about ready to go, so I am going to get a refill on the coffee and meet you in the lobby when you’re done.”

Mike says sure and puts more syrup on his waffles. Jaycee gets up and goes to the coffee bar and coincidentally so does the black man with the ******, as she’s referring to him now.

“Did you have a good work-out this morning?” asks the black man with the ******.

“Yes. Very good one and I needed it before our drive back home,” Jaycee replied.

“My name is Derrick by the way,” and offers his hand to Jaycee.

“Jaycee here,” she offers. Derrick gets his coffee and says, “maybe see you around sometime, Jaycee,” and he goes back to rejoin his ******. Jaycee asks herself, “what the hell was that all about?”

Jaycee meets Mike in the lobby, and they load up the car and head home. After a long pause, Mike says, “Have you thought of any b**y names? I have some traditional ****** names to consider like Elmer, John, Sidney, or even my ***’s name Arthur,” Mike said, trying to be helpful.

“Mike, it’s kind of soon and maybe let’s find out the sex of the b**y and it’ll help narrow the choices.” Jaycee was becoming a bit annoyed at Mike and his gee-golly outlook on things.

She’s probably carrying a black b**y and he wants these crazy names for the b**y from his ******. I’m sure they would be thrilled to have their new black man’s baby named after Mike’s father.

They arrive home finally Saturday afternoon just in time to take their ******** to her soccer match, then on to some fast food for dinner, then home. Jaycee wants to turn in early that evening.

She’s still uncomfortable from the fucking that Dr. Jones did to her ass, and just wants some time away from Mike too. I guess the pregnancy is making me bitchy, she thinks to herself, and regrets she’s taking it out on Mike.

Uneventful Sunday leads to early rising on Monday for Jaycee. It’ll be the first full work week in the office for Jaycee with the travel and time off, and she knows she has a ton of work waiting on her in her office.

Most of all, she wants to see Reuben and talk to him about the pregnancy and Dr. Jones. The usual Monday morning meetings come and go, and before Jaycee knew it, it was noon time and she realized she really needs to get something to eat, especially for the b**y she had to remind herself.

Jaycee walks down to the cafeteria, hoping to spot Reuben, but he was nowhere to be seen. She goes to the salad bar then gets a fountain drink and sits down at a table by herself.

She likes to bring a book along to read during lunch and she’s enjoying her favorite author’s series when she spies Reuben walking out of his office followed by a red-headed woman who works in human resources named Tina.

I’m sure that’s on the up and up, Jaycee says to herself. Are you getting jealous? Jaycee asks herself. Nothing probably is going on, just a meeting of managers, but Jaycee can’t help herself from wondering, now knowing Reuben’s gift for BS.

After Tina and Reuben part ways, Jaycee can’t concentrate on her book and lost her appetite. “Damn you, Reuben,” Jaycee seethes. She goes back to her office and surrounds herself with her work to take her mind off Reuben.

5 PM comes and most of the staff are departing for the day. Jaycee decides to stay another hour since Mike is already home and will be preparing dinner for their ********. Jaycee is reading a few reports on patient satisfaction when she looks up to see Reuben in her doorway.

“Hey, Baby. How’s my baby mama?” Reuben grins as he comes in and sits down in a chair.

“Hello Reuben. Nice to see you. What can I do for you?” Jaycee asks coolly. Reuben, sensing a vibe here, says “what’s up your ass, Jaycee?”

Jaycee snipes, “probably Dr. Jones cock, last time I checked.”

“Ok, baby… I understand. What’s really wrong?”

“I happen to have lunch of all days in the cafeteria, and I see you with Tina from HR in your office.” Reuben laughs and said, “you think something is going on with Tina and me? I can only wish, but we had some legit business to discuss,” Reuben replied.

Jaycee gave it a moment to digest. Maybe she’s just being too bitchy at Reuben too, and she needs to step back from it for a moment.

“I’m sorry Reuben. A lot has been going on, and I guess I’m just trying to handle it all and not doing a very good job at it,” as tears start to well up in her eyes.

Reuben, not comfortable around emotional women, says, “Baby, get over it. It’s just you and me and baby makes three,” Reuben grins at Jaycee.

“Reuben, you can be an asshole, but I have your b**y in me, and I need to your help,” Jaycee sobs.

Reuben is out of his lane here, says “Baby, it’ll be ok. Your hubby will be a good provider,” and with that, Jaycee throws back, “and where will you be, Mister Stud? Time for you to step up and I will not be one of those women that you ignore, and you will be a part of OUR c****s upbringing!”

Ah, fuck, thinks Reuben. He comes around the desk to Jaycee and stand her up, hugs her, and kisses her.

“Baby, you’re special. Those other bitches don’t mean shit to me, but you are my number one. We’re going to raise this baby right and I’ll be there with you,” Reuben said.

“Well, that’s nicely said, Reuben, but I really wanted to talk to you about Dr. Jones who I saw last week.”

“What about him,” Asked Reuben. “He ***** me,” Jaycee said sternly. “He felt that he had the right to do so without my consent, and that’s ****!”

Reuben wanted to calm her down. Secretly, he didn’t blame another brotha for fucking her, but he said, “Jaycee, the Dr. probably just got mixed signals and thought you would be ok with him fucking you, I’m sure,” Reuben said encouragingly.

“Oh Reuben, so much going on these last few weeks. What am I to do?” an exasperated Jaycee said.

Reuben rose from his seat, closed and locked the door to Jaycee’s office, came around and raised Jaycee from her seat.

“Baby, everything is going to be alright. You just need to chill and let shit happen as it may,” Reuben told her. Rueben guides her onto her desk, “put your sweet ass on your desk,” he says to her.

Jaycee does so and Reuben sits in her chair. Jaycee is wearing a business suit with skirt and still going commando, and Reuben is enjoying the easy access.

“Baby, I thought you were going clean shaven down here,” Reuben teased.

“After this, I will be,” Jaycee said. Reuben enjoyed examining her pussy and placed his fingers in her.

“Reuben, please fuck me. It’s been so long,” Jaycee implores him.

Reuben stands up, unzips his pants and pulls out his bbc, teasing Jaycee then goes in. “My god, Reuben! Have you gotten bigger?” Jaycee exclaims.

“No Baby, you just used to fuckin small white dicks. Time for a change.”

Jaycee lays back on her desk as Reuben puts her legs on his shoulders. “Baby, this pussy is sooo good, and I’m going to take good care of it,” Reuben grins as he’s deeply pounding Jaycee.

Jaycee feels another orgasm coming on and then she gushes, almost pushing Reuben out of her pussy, then the wetness runs on to her desk and into the middle drawer, but she doesn’t care at this point.

Reuben, sensing his own orgasm is picking up the pace. This after-hours fucking in the office may work out after all, Reuben is thinking.

Feeling his nut welling up, he erupts in Jaycee’s pregnant vagina. Not feeling the constraint of a condom or having to pull out, he gives her his full force of all his semen. Even though he has cum in her, he continues to pound her, but in slower thrusts and then with one final push, he halts and collapses on top of Jaycee. Jaycee has her arms around him and wraps her legs around his waist.

“Oh Reuben, that was wonderful!” Jaycee exclaimed.

“Hope the baby don’t mind,” chuckled Reuben. He pushes himself off Jaycee and steps back noting what the two of them just did to trash Jaycee’s desk.

There were puddles of his cum and Jaycee’s juices on the desk blotter, and rivulets of fluids dripping on to the floor from the edge of the desk. Inside the middle desk drawer, the contends were soaked.

Jaycee’s suit skirt was soaked on the backside and it was going to be interesting how she’s going to make it out of the office with her skirt soaked. She reaches down to her pussy to feel the moisture down there and she starts to rub herself bringing on another wave of orgasms.

Reuben is enjoying the show, just as Jaycee’s desk telephone rings, which brings Jaycee back to earth. She scrambles to sit up, pulling her skirt down as she’s standing up.

“Jaycee Sanders, how may I help you?” Jaycee reassumes her professional demeanor.

“Hi honey, just checking to see when you’ll be home for supper.”

It was her husband calling, and she wonders why he always calls at the most inopportune times.

“Hi Mike, just finishing up here. I should be home in about 30 minutes,” she tells Mike, then hangs up.

Reuben had pulled up his pants and took a seat across from Jaycee.

“Hubby becoming a pain in the ass?” asked Reuben.

“No. Just he’s almost too over-caring especially with the b**y on the way. Like he’s smothering me, but it’s probably the hormones kicking in that’s making me bitchy.”

“Well, it’s not affecting your ability to take this black cock of mine,” grins Reuben.

Jaycee is looking down at her desk and wonders how she’s going to get this mess cleaned up. She remembers she’s got a gym bag with her running gear, so she gets out of her suit and heels, and puts on a t-shirt, shorts, and running shoes. Putting her suit into a trash bag, she’ll have to drop it off with the cleaners.

“I’ve been thinking about having a little get together next weekend at my place. You and hubby are invited. Nothing fancy. Just a few friends and ****** that are close by. We’ll have some good southern cooking and I’ll be smoking a pig too.” Reuben invited.

“Thank you, Reuben. I’ll check with Mike first. Will there be anybody else from the hospital that I know?” Jaycee asked.

“Yeah, I asked Tina from HR and her husband, and Kerry from accounting. Not sure if she’s got a husband or boyfriend but invited all the same.” Reuben said.

“I’ll say yes for now, Reuben and if anything changes, I’ll let you know. Now, you need to leave so I can do something about this mess before I leave for the evening.”

Jaycee walks over to Reuben as he’s getting out of his chair and hugs him, and he kisses her. “Good night, Reuben. This was fun, but we can’t make this a habit in the office, let alone the hospital. There are too many people around and we have to keep this discrete.”

“I know Baby, we’re cool. We’ll find some other arrangement next time, this just seemed like the cool, spur of the moment opportunity,” Reuben grinned. With that, he unlocked the door, gave Jaycee a wink, and left

Jaycee goes to the lady’s room to get some paper towels to help wipe up the mess on and in her desk. Leaving her drawer open to hopefully air-dry overnight, she turns to leave with her bag of soiled clothing and her handbag.

As she’s walking to her car, she experiences a sharp cramp that almost made her fall down. The cramps weren’t going away as one after another overcame her. She had to lay down as she couldn’t walk any further.

A hospital security guard happens to drive by and sees Jaycee on the ground. Fortunately, the emergency room is just around the corner and he radios for help. The ER staff runs out with a gurney and after a quick exam, they strap Jaycee onto gurney and rush her to the ER.

“Hello,” says Mike answering the phone.

“Good evening, Mr. Sanders. I’m Dr. Saad from the ER at the hospital. We have your wife, Jaycee here under our care. I think you should come down here immediately.”

“Oh my god! Is my wife okay?” asked Mike on the verge of panic.

“She’s comfortable now and under sedation. Please hurry. We have some things we need to discuss.”

“I’m on the way,” Mike says. He calls the next-door neighbor to see if he could drop-off their ******** there while he goes to hospital, and it’s not a problem. Mike races to the hospital which thankfully is only a few minutes away.

Arriving at the ER, Mike asks about his wife to the nurse on duty.

“She’s in exam room number one, but Dr. Saad would like to talk to you first. Please have a seat and he’ll be right over.” Thanking her, Mike takes a seat to wait for the doctor.

Dr. Saad approaches Mike and introduces himself. Mike had met the doctor at a previous hospital social event for employees and ******, and he was glad that at least he knew the doctor.

“Mr. Sanders, I’m afraid that your wife has had a miscarriage,” said the doctor to Mike.

Mike felt like someone punched him in the gut, and then his eyes started to burn, and he started to sob. He sits down and places his face in his hands and the doctor gives him a minute to regain his composure.

Mike looks up at the doctor and asks, “How? How could this happen?”

“It could be a variety of things from a spike in blood pressure or other abnormality, to complications during sex.”

“Sex? We haven’t had sex since last Thursday. Could that have been it?” Mike asked.

“Well, your wife had signs that she’s had intercourse more recent than that.”

“What do you mean more recent than that?” Mike couldn’t believe what he’s hearing.

“I know this is uncomfortable, but your wife did have sex not days ago, but in the last hour or two.”

“Holy fuck! Can I see her now?” Mike was livid.

“She’s still sedated but resting comfortably. Of course, you can sit with her and she should be coming around soon,” the doctor said.

Mike goes into the room where Jaycee is resting. An IV drip is in her arm and she’s on oxygen, but otherwise she looks good. Jaycee starts to wake up, trying to grasp where she’s at, then she sees Mike.

Reaching for his hand, she begins to cry. “Oh Mike. We lost our b**y.” sobbed Jaycee.

“I know honey. But you’re okay and that is what counts. We’ll just keep trying until we get this right,” Mike smiles encouraging to his wife.

“We’ll talk more later. They want to keep you overnight to rest. Is there anything I can get for you?” Mike asks.

“Could you go to my office and get my book, just in case I stay longer?”

“Sure hon. Be right back.” Mike makes his way to the hospital’s administrative offices to Jaycee’s office. He walks in, turns on the lights and says to himself “what’s that smell?”

He sees Jaycee’s middle desk drawer pulled out and there are papers in it that are considerably wet. Her desk blotter is soaked and there looks to be two perfect imprints on her butt cheeks. Mike sits down in her chair and is wondering what in the world is going on. She’s got some explaining to do and it better be good, Mike fumes.