After the quick week in Fort Myers, Florida to conduct the audit at their company’s field office, Jaycee and Mel were called into the Chief Operations Officer (COO) office the first day they are back to work.

“Mel, I’m disappointed in your conclusion during the audit at Fort Myers, and the IRS is not happy either. Jaycee, can you go back to your office and wait for my call?” the COO instructs her.

Jaycee not having a clue what the manager or the IRS discovered, sits in her office awaiting the COO’s call. In about 15 minutes, Jaycee sees Mel walk into his office and closes the door, just as her desk phone rang.

It’s the COO he wants her to come to his office. Nervously, Jaycee straightens her skirt and takes a deep breath as she walks down the hallway to the waiting COO.

He invites her in, and she takes a seat, and she catches him eying her crossing legs as she sits.

“Jaycee, I had to let Mel go and I feel I should let you know coming from me. Mel’s performance has been spotty at best as if he’s distracted by something. I know he is going through a tough divorce and the poor performance on this last audit was the final straw.”

Jaycee’s heart sinks upon learning that her friend and lover has been dismissed by their company. She didn’t realize his production was that bad, and she thinks back that maybe she should have been more proactive in protecting Mel’s quality of work.

The COO continued: “Plus, there have been rumors that you and Mel are romantically involved, and that is unacceptable in this corporate environment. That said, I am going to let you go too. I’m sorry, but there is zero tolerance for such conduct in the workplace. You may go now, and good luck with what the future brings you, Jaycee.”

Just like that, Jaycee tearfully walks to her office to collect her belongings just as security is escorting Mel from the premises. The security officer returns for Jaycee just as she’s putting one last item into a cardboard box.

Arriving home, Jaycee is met by her husband Mike at the door. As she comes in, Mike embraces her and gives her a long hug and kiss.

“Oh Mike, it was my relationship with Mel that ended both our careers,” Jaycee tells Mike.

“It’ll be ok. We’ll figure something out. You wanted to leave that company anyway, so here’s your chance to find something different,” Mike says comforting her.

“No company is going to hire me with the baggage I now have,” Jaycee replies wiping a tear from her eye.

Jaycee’s cellphone rings and it’s Mel. “Hey, Jaycee. Have time for a chat?” Mel asks on the other end of the call.

With that, Jaycee walks out to the deck overlooking the golf course. “Mel, I didn’t realize we were in that big of trouble. And how did the company find out about us? I thought we were very discrete,” Jaycee says.

“I know, I know. Well, what’s done is done. I’ve kept my options open with finding other work for a while now, and there’s no better time than now to execute plan B,” Mel replies.

Mel goes on to tell Jaycee his plan to sell the condo and move to Florida. Maybe even Fort Myers since he knows Julie and Christine would enjoy having him around, and the weather and golf can’t be beat. He has a late day flight tomorrow to fly down for a few weeks and see what’s available.

“Jaycee, I would enjoy it if you could go with me. Maybe you’ll find something down there too,” Mel chuckles.

“No Mel. That has become out of the question right now. I need to stay here and keep things together as I search for something local. I’ll be happy to stop by tomorrow before your flight if that is okay,” Jaycee offers.

“I would love that. How about 10 a.m.? That will give us a few hours at least,” Mel replied.

Mel disconnects the call and is now totally defeated. Losing the job was one thing, but he was counting on Jaycee coming away with him and maybe start a new life together. He was sure she could make her husband understand, but maybe it was just a far-fetched fantasy that he held on to.

Looking around his condo, he still has boxes that are unpacked from his move in. With a heavy sigh, he sets about calling his Realtor to make arrangements to put the condo on the market and hopefully have an offer by the time he returns from Florida.

The next morning, Jaycee arises to get breakfast for Mike and the k**s, and then off to school and work. Not having to be anyplace on her first day of unemployment, Jaycee decides to go for a run around the golf course, then shower and it should be time to meet Mel later in the morning.

Pulling into Mel’s parking spot at his condo, Jaycee gets out of her black Miata wearing a sun dress and Jack Rogers sandals that show off her painted toes and perfectly shaped feet.

Her wavy blonde hair falls to her shoulders blown a bit by a gust of wind. Not wearing any panties, the breeze sends a shiver up her clean-shaven pussy that she has come to enjoy.

Checking her reflection in the car window, she’s pleased that her 41 years have been good to her as she appreciates her 34C breasts are still firm and her past men have feasted on them much to her delight.

Mel is on the patio waiting for her, and he gets up to greet her with a hug and kiss. Mel is dressed casually in golf shirt and shorts, and Jaycee notices that Mel is very mellow now despite the last 24 hours.

“You look great, baby. You sure I can’t entice you to come away with me?” Mel asks suggestively.

Smiling, Jaycee says, “Oh Mel. We’ve had this conversation before. If my life was different or I wasn’t married, we’d be in Florida together right now. But that is not the case, so maybe we just need to move on to the next phase. Our time has been wonderful. You are a wonderful and caring lover, and a good friend too,” Jaycee replies.

She continues, “You know I was hoping deep down that I could have had your c***d, but that too is not going to happen. Maybe for the best after all.”

Mel then stands up and offers his hand to Jaycee. Taking his offer, the two walk into the condo and straight back to his bedroom and the king size bed that has seen a lot of Jaycee the past weeks and months.

Jaycee slides out of her dress and sandals as Mel is totally naked before her. In a warm embrace, they kiss, searching for each other’s tongues as Mel’s magnum sized black cock rises with the aid of Jaycee’s hand with her marriage band on her finger.

Pushing Jaycee back on to the bed, Mel positions himself at her clean-shaven married pussy, nipping and licking, parting the pussy lips with his tongue, probing the swelling clit of Jaycee.

Jaycee’s legs are across Mel’s back as she holds on to the back of his head while Mel hungrily feasts on the increasingly moist married cunt when a wave of orgasms sweep over Jaycee from within, bathing Mel’s mouth and face with the juices her pussy produced.

Unable to take anymore stimulation, Jaycee urges Mel up to her. She reaches down for the fully erect black cock and guides it into her as she has done so many times before. Pushing into the white pussy, Mel goes balls deep in one push and Jaycee responds with a loud moan and grunt.

Holding each other tightly, Mel’s piston like hips are thrusting his black cock into the soppy pussy underneath him. Looking into her eyes as he’s fucking another man’s wife, he can’t help himself.

“I love you,” he says to her hoping she’d reciprocate.

Never hearing those words before from another man not her husband snaps Jaycee out of her ecstasy.

“Oh Mel, please don’t make this any more complicated that it already is. Let’s just enjoy this time,” Jaycee coos in Mel’s ear.

Driving with more force that ever before, Mel lets loose with his powerful orgasm up Jaycee’s womb. With each thrust, he deposits more and more of his seed into the white woman.

Spent, he lays on top of her with his cock slowly softening, then spills out with sperm and pussy juice trailing out onto the bed covers.

Rolling off her, Mel brings Jaycee close to him. Kissing his chest and then his lips, she lays her head on his chest as they both doze off for a well-deserved nap.

They are awakened by Mel’s cell phone. Jumping out of bed, Mel reaches it just in time and he moves to the living room to take the call. Jaycee stretches then slides out of the king bed to use the bathroom as Mel returns to his bedroom.

“That was my Realtor. Looks like I’ll break even on the sale, or so he says,” Mel said.

“You know, I’ve been thinking about getting my real estate license, and now seems like a good time to pursue. How about holding off for the few weeks I need to get my license and I can list it for you. Who else knows your condo better that me?” Jaycee smiles at her naked lover lying next to her.

“I’d like that. Let’s give it a shot. So, you think you can have your license in a few weeks?” Mel replies.

“I think so. Classes take 3 weeks then take the state exam. I’d be excited for you to be my first client, among other things,” Jaycee says, burying her face into Mel’s chest.

“Okay, deal. If you get your license by the end of the month, you can be my Realtor!” Mel replies, holding her tightly.

“Now, I have a plane to catch, baby,” Mel says as he extricates from Jaycee’s embrace.

With that, Jaycee slides out of bed as well and slips back into her dress and sandals.

With a final kiss and hug with promises to stay in touch, the two lovers part ways to embark on the next phase that life has in store.
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