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Curt Bruch
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  • So glad you’re back Curt, looking forward to continuing the “journey” … best writing on this site (or any other!). Will Suzannah and Paul be vacationing again soon? Thinking now that weekends belong to Paul?
    Hope you’re doing well Curt and having a great summer. We are greatly enjoying re-reading your Journey series; they are all great to revisit. We will be ready for more when that time comes!
    Can’t wait for your next chapter Curt; my girlfriend says it makes her feel like Suzannah waiting for Paul, except she’s waiting for you!
    Anxious for more Suzannah and stef. I know how she feels waiting for Paul … my girlfriend and I think this is the best storyline we’ve ever read … thank you Curt, it excites us both. Gives us many ideas 😉
    can't find part 1,2,3 of the scandinavian triangle
    Curt Bruch
    Curt Bruch
    Neither can I!! Where the heck have they gone? No worries, I'll repost. Thanks for letting me know - Curt
    Curt Bruch
    Curt Bruch
    Also noticed my mistake with the title, it should read 'Threesome' not 'Triangle'. I have corrected on the reposts.
    Hallo und Guten Abend Curt,

    ich schreibe Dir nur, um Dir zu Ostern schöne Grüße und Gesundheit für das Jahr2024 und alles was da noch kommen mag, zu wünschen. Auch Deiner Familie alle Gute.!

    Curt Bruch
    Curt Bruch
    Vielen Dank und ich wünsche dir das Gleiche und hoffe, dass der Osterhase gut zu dir ist!
    Thinking about Susannah and Paul in each other’s arms tonight while stef sleeps peacefully downstairs …. soon it will be time for him to take them their coffee …
    Deine Geschichte ist wieder mal Toll!!
    Curt Bruch
    Curt Bruch
    Danke schön. Beziehen Sie sich auf die skandinavische Geschichte? Und bitte erklären Sie mir Ihren Avatar.
    Imagining New Years Eve and Susannah and Paul out celebrating for the evening while stef readies their bedroom for their evening. Paul in his tux, Susannah in her gown, then a beautiful night together making love. Perfect
    Getting so anxious for J132, these are such great stories. So much wanting stef to take that next step pleasuring both Suzannah and Paul. Holding Paul as he enters Suzannah?
    Curt Bruch
    Curt Bruch
    Thanks Danny, I'm getting anxious too! Stay calm, my friend, soon all (well, not all) will be revealed.
    My girlfriend and I read these together and love them
    Curt Bruch
    Curt Bruch
    I'll do my best not to disappoint!
    Hallo Curt, einen schönen Gruß von mir an Euch Autoren. Ich hoffe Dir und den Bekannten und unbekannten Autoren, die mit Dir zusammen Arbeiten Wünsche ich alles Gute und Gesundheit. Jetzt zur Geschichte "Out of Afrika" 55 Super das es weiter geht, als ich es sah habe ich mich sehr gefreut, sofort gelesen und verschlungen. Super!!! Kann ich nur sagen. DANKE.
    Gosh Curt, I look forward to the end of the month so much thinking you might post another Chapter of Journey. The buildup makes me crazy - love how Paul is starting to move in with stef and Suzannah.
    a great series...I always look forward to the next chapter in their saga!
    Curt Bruch
    Curt Bruch
    Thank you Robbie for your interest and endorsement. Rest assured that I am currently working on the next book and it should be published soon. Watch this space.
    Hi Curt, loving Suzannah’s realization that she does love Paul and how that makes things really good between them, plus stefs unexpected enjoyment of that fact! Can’t wait for next chapter of this beautiful love affair
    First place I check on DW most days is if the next “Journey” chapter has been written. Great story and writing Curt!
    Curt, here's a link to a potential story idea -
    Curt Bruch
    Curt Bruch
    Thanks for this, it's a story of which I was aware and, you're quite right, one which deserves being developed into a story. Trouble is, who would believe it!! I'll give it some thought and see if I can do something with the theme. For the moment, back to work with the others on my keyboard.
    Thanks for the suggestion.
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