Wednesday was here already which meant it was time for the drive to Raleigh and tomorrow morning’s appointment at the fertility clinic. Jaycee was finishing packing while Mike took their ******** to school.

Jaycee wasn’t feeling her best and she’s wondering if it has anything to do with her late period; she should have started by now, but there was only a little spotting. This was making her a bit nervous and wasn’t contributing to her overall wellness.

It’s been over 5 weeks since Reuben had fucked her at the management retreat, and she is very concerned by now. It’s too soon to consider Lem as the father. However, she and her husband did have sex just before she left for the retreat, and maybe that time hubby’s boys stepped up and did their job, and it’s only a coincidence that Reuben fucked her afterwards, she was hoping.

Jaycee and hubby finished packing the car and started their drive to Raleigh. Not much was said as Jaycee was feeling a little car sick. That’s unusual, Jaycee thought.

Jaycee asked Mike to stop at a rest stop so that she could stretch her legs and use the ladies room. Once in the lady’s room, Jaycee checked herself one more time, and nothing.

Well, this is it Jaycee. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes, she rued to herself. Getting back into the car, Mike asked Jaycee if she was alright and that she’s looking a little pale.

“I’ll be fine. Just nervous to hear what the doctors have to say about our problem having another c****d,” Jaycee said.

“Don’t worry honey. It’ll be ok and we’ll figure something out. If it’s me that has the issue, I’ll find you a surrogate!” chuckled Mike.

“Oh, Mike. Are you in for a big surprise,” Jaycee wanted to say.

Arriving at the hotel close to the clinic, they checked in and unpacked, found a place for supper, and returned to their room for a quiet evening. Jaycee was feeling a bit better and was sitting on the sofa in their room while Mike watched TV.

She was reading a book, or was pretending to read a book, as her mind was thinking about Reuben, and the possibility of carrying his c****d.

He’s got a few kids already, but he says he doesn’t see them. Would he do the same with this one? Jaycee subconsciously rubs her still-flat belly and feels a tear welling up in her eye.

She gets up to go to the bathroom to grab a tissue and looks at herself in the mirror and asks herself, “What am I going to say to Mike?”

In the morning, they make the short drive to the clinic and get checked in. They are escorted back to one of the exam rooms by a nurse that gives Mike a condom and a pair of gloves to Jaycee.

“Now Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, you have the option of staying here together and produce the specimen, or Mrs. Sanders, you can give your husband some privacy and let him produce the specimen alone,” the nurse said.

Mike says, “I’d like to have my wife help me with this,” looking at Jaycee with a smile on his face.

Jaycee almost burst out laughing but caught herself. “That’ll be fine. Mrs. Sanders, I need you to put these gloves on while you are assisting your husband with his specimen. As soon as you have collected the sperm, you’re to pull it off his penis, tie the end off, and keep it under your arm so it doesn’t get to room temperature. Press the attendant call button here on the wall, and one of the nurses will come and retrieve it from you.”

The nurse left the two of them in the exam room and Jaycee turns to Mike, “Please drop your pants, sir in order to expose your penis,” a smiling Jaycee said.

Mike laughing, follows her orders and slips out of his pants and underwear and lays back on the exam table. Jaycee examines Mike’s semi-erect white cock with hidden disappointment.

“He’s certainly not in the same league with Reuben or Lem,” Jaycee laments to herself. Putting on the gloves, she opens the condom wrapper and places the condom on Mike’s manhood which is getting more erect by the second.

“That’s a good boy,” Jaycee teases and pats the head of Mike’s cock.

“Honey, it’s been over a week. I’m probably going to be done in 30 seconds,” Mike urged.

Nothing new there, Jaycee thought. She starts to stroke her husband like they were back in college, which was the only thing she allowed herself to do in those days.

After a couple of minutes, Mike’s breathing is getting quicker and he’s getting close to making his contribution to fertility science. Jaycee picks up the pace and brings her husband to a very loud “oh fuck” from him and he ejaculates into the condom. He’s all over the table like he’s being electrocuted.

“Geez hon, act like you’ve cum before,” Jaycee laughs.

Jaycee pulls the condom from Mike’s cock, ties the end off and calls for the attendant to retrieve the specimen. Mike is laying back on the table, heart racing and catching his breath.

“Damn Jaycee, you are the queen of hand jobs,” Mike gasps.

“Why thank you. Now that your abstention has expired, maybe we can get back to a normal sex life,” Jaycee smiles.

There’s some more blood work for both as well as urine samples. They’re instructed to come back after lunch to meet the doctor and go over their results. They find a deli next to the clinic and have some lunch and talked about what the doctor might say.

“You know, the doctor may say something about that tighty-whitey underwear you have on as a factor,” Jaycee said after taking a drink of her soda.

“Oh, and how do you know that?” Mike asked.

“I read it in Cosmo, I think,” she said.

“Well, I can’t imagine that being a factor,” Mike then paused. “If the doctor says I have to make some lifestyle changes like drink less, wear boxer shorts, etc. I’ll do it for us.”

“I know you will, and I would make adjustments too if I was having the issues,” Jaycee offered.

Back at the clinic, Jaycee and Mike are in the doctor’s office waiting on his arrival. After a few minutes, Dr. Kenneth Jones walks in.

Dr. Jones looked to be in his early 50’s and as one of the few African-American fertility experts, he was a renowned figure in the community. He was very good looking with his bald head, close cropped beard and piercing greenish eyes that Jaycee couldn’t stop looking at.

“Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, glad to meet you. Now, let’s see what the lab has to say about your results.” Dr. Jones studied the folders for a few minutes, and then sits back in his chair, stroking his chin. “Folks, I don’t see any problems here.

Mike, your sperm count was average and at a level that should be sufficient for conception. As for you, Jaycee, you appear to be already in the very early stages of pregnancy.”

Mike couldn’t contain himself and he gets up to shake the doctor’s hand and then hug Jaycee. “How much of a coincidence is this!” Mike laughs.

Jaycee feels like a piano fell on top of her; what she was dreading is now reality.

“That’s great news, doctor and I hope we didn’t waste your time,” Jaycee said mustering a smile.

“Mrs. Sanders, I’d like you to come in tomorrow for a quick exam just to make sure your early stages are on track and do some more blood work in case you have any deficiencies we need to address. Of course, when you get back home, you contact your OB/GYN immediately,” Dr. Jones said.

“Yes, that sounds good,” Jaycee said.

“Great! Stop by the reception desk and get on my calendar for tomorrow. It was a pleasure meeting you and congratulations!” Dr. Jones offered.

With that, Jaycee and Mike get up, then Jaycee turns to Dr. Jones. “Dr., can I have a minute of your time without my husband here?”

“Sure thing, I have a few minutes before my next appointment,” Dr. Jones said.

“Honey, please wait for me in the lobby. I just have a female-related question for the Dr.,” Jaycee says to her husband.

“Ok, sure. See you in a few minutes,” Mike replied.

After Mike leaves, Dr. Jones invites Jaycee back to her seat. Dr. Jones enjoyed his profession and he enjoyed bringing good news to couples, or how to help them attain the ****** they’ve wanted.

He also enjoyed the benefit of getting to know the attractive ladies that come to him to seek advice, especially those ladies that are frustrated by having a husband that is less than potent and even less adept in the bedroom.

Eying Jaycee’s wavy long blonde hair, blouse and casual skirt that shows off her 34C breasts and toned, tanned legs in heeled sandals, Dr. Jones was very interested in helping this very appealing white wife with what was bothering her.

“What can I help you with, Mrs. Sanders?” Dr. Jones asked with his piercing greenish eyes. Jaycee had a quick flash of warmth come over her but quickly recovers.

“Dr., I have a concern that my husband may not be the father,” she flatly states.

Dr. Jones’ eyes grow wide with the revelation by Jaycee.

“Go on, Mrs. Sanders,” the Dr. implored.

“Please, call me Jaycee. I had sex with a black co-worker a few weeks ago, and a few times after that with another black man that I came to be acquainted with. I had sex with my husband just before I had sex with this black gentleman, and I am just hoping the b**y is white and not black,” Jaycee says as a tear runs down her face.

“Jaycee, what led you to have unprotected sex with these men in the first place?” Dr. Jones inquired.

“I was being naïve and stupid. The first time I asked him to pullout before he came because he refused to wear a condom, but I don’t think he pulled out in time. Mike and I have been trying for a couple of years to have another c***d, and I thought maybe it was me having the problem. Well, now we know,” Jaycee bows her head and starts to cry.

Dr. Jones studied Jaycee for a moment and gave her a tissue to use. He could see why the brothas couldn’t resist this fine white woman, and now she’s probably going to have a black baby, he smiled to himself.

“Jaycee, thank you for confiding to me with your predicament. If it’s any consolation, I’m pleased that you’re bringing another life into this world. There are times like these, some women seek to solve this issue through an abortion, and I do not agree with that option at all,” Dr. Jones lied.

“Come see me tomorrow, and I’ll check a few things out. Everything is going to be ok. You and your husband are going to have to have a chat eventually, but he seems like a nice guy, and I’m sure he will be very supportive,” Dr. Jones offered.

Gathering herself, Jaycee rose from her chair, thanked the doctor, giving him one more look over her shoulder, smiled then left. Dr. Jones is starting to mull his options when he examines Jaycee tomorrow.

Jaycee and her husband meet back up in the lobby. They were hoping to be back home tomorrow, but with Jaycee’s appointment with Dr. Jones, that will have to wait until Saturday. Mike was very elated with the wonderful news.

Not only is he not impotent, Jaycee is pregnant with their next c***d! Jaycee was actually feeling ok, now that she talked to Dr. Jones; it felt good to get elephant in the room off her chest and she was looking forward to her visit with Dr. Jones tomorrow.

She then considered, should she give Reuben a call? He seemed so sure of what he did, or should I wait, or not say anything at all? The b**y may not even be his, she mulled.

Another quiet evening back in their hotel room seemed to be the plan, but Mike had other ideas. When they got settled in the room, Mike made his play for some sex.

“Come on Jaycee, let’s get reacquainted,” Mike whispers in her ear over her shoulder.

“Mike, it’s only been a week for goodness sake,” Jaycee smiled, but it’s been a week for her since Lem fucked her the last time, and the thought of that gave her that tingle between her legs. Mike will have to do, and she turns around in his arms and kisses him, and she starts to undress herself.

Laying back on the bed, Mike joins her, and he begins his usual routine of kissing her nipples, mashing her breasts, and then finding her pussy with his mouth and fingers. This time felt different though. She quickly became very aroused, and her pussy was already convulsing with signs of squirting her pussy juices into Mike’s face.

“Jaycee, you are so wet right now. I love it!” Mike said.

“Fuck me Mike. Now!”

Taken a bit aback from Jaycee’s aggressive voice, he moves up and she grabs his hard cock and guides it in as she readies for his usual minute or two of fucking missionary style until he cums. This time, she’s taking charge.

“Get on your back, Mike,” Jaycee commands.

Mike, not sure about this routine change, does what he’s told, and gets on his back. Jaycee climbs on top, guides his white cock into her pussy and starts to rock back and forth in her best cowgirl position.

She guides his hands to grab her ass and offers her tits to his mouth and teeth. Mike, getting the idea, joins her bucking, matching her rhythm.

Jaycee’s pussy explodes with her own cum and floods Mike’s crotch area and the juice flows down on to the bed covers. Mike can’t believe the sensation of this position, and where the hell did she come up with this idea.

No matter, Mike neared his own orgasm and he let go like never before. Jaycee feeling Mike cum in her had to admit, he did a great job in this position. Maybe I need to take more charge of these things, smiled Jaycee, and she dismounted a wore out Mike.

“Jaycee, what the hell was that?” Mike gasped. “Just thought a nice change of pace would spice things up, honey,” she cooed to Mike.

The next day, Mike decides to hang back at the hotel while Jaycee runs to the clinic for her appointment with Dr. Jones. Wearing yoga pants, running shoes, sports bra with a t-shirt, Jaycee is looking the cheerleader and drum majorette from her high school and college days. Yoga on a routine basis helps and she’s taken up running; she’s a very fit, attractive 34-year-old woman.

Arriving at the clinic, she’s shown to the lab for more blood work, and then to Dr. Jones’ office. The nurse gives her a gown to put on and when she’s ready, to sit back on the exam table, and eventually will have to put her feet and legs into the stirrups for Dr. Jones’ exam.

Jaycee is sitting on the table looking at all of the doctor’s awards and diplomas. My, what an accomplished man he is, she thinks. Then Dr. Kenneth Jones enters.

“Good morning, Jaycee! So good to see you, and how are you feeling this morning?”

“I’m doing good, Dr.” replies Jaycee. Dr. Jones puts his folder on his desk and wheels his chair towards Jaycee who’s waiting on the table.

Dr. Jones asks Jaycee to sit-up so he could listen to her heart, then telling her to take deep breaths. He places his stethoscope under her gown to her chest, satisfied, he puts the stethoscope back in his lab coat pocket.

“Jaycee, I am going to examine your breasts for any abnormalities. Is that ok?,” he asks.

“Yes, that will be fine,” and Dr. Jones lifts the front of her gown exposing her 34C breasts. “These are perfect,” Dr. Jones thinks to himself. He now asks her to lay back and place her feet into the stirrups.

He extends the stirrups and tells Jaycee to place her feet in them. Jaycee complies and starts to feel vulnerable suddenly as the Dr. starts his examination. Dr. Jones really likes what he sees; a blonde haired, trimmed pussy that has obviously been claimed by black cock and a black b**y growing inside.

He parts the labia to peer inside the vagina with his fingers. “Jaycee, do you feel anything besides my fingers in you,” asks Dr. Jones.

“No, doctor but it does feel fine what you are doing,” replies Jaycee.

“Excellent,” the Dr. says. He looks at her anus and asks her if she’s had anal sex recently, and Jaycee replies,

“Yes, a couple of times over the last few weeks.”

“And was that with your black gentlemen?”

“Yes, doctor. It really was my first time for that type of thing,” Jaycee says.

Dr. Jones moves his fingers from her vagina to her anus and admires the presentation of both orifices that have so accommodated black men.

“Jaycee were these black men well-endowed in size of their cocks?” asked the Dr. Jaycee, not sure where this was going said yes, they were, very well endowed.

Then Dr. Jones says, “As endowed as this?” Jaycee sits up to see Dr. Jones with his scrubs pants down and his black cock out.

It was as big as Reubens, but the head was more pointed and not as big. He had amazingly large ball sacs that hung down, and Jaycee looks at him and says, “My doctor, what are you going to do next?”

Dr. Jones smiles and says, “Since you are now a black cock slut, I’m entitled to claim your pussy too,” and he pushes the head of his cock into her pussy which was already lubricated from his examination.

Jaycee is helpless at this point as the Dr. ravishes her pussy while her legs and feet are in the stirrups, but she is not fighting back.

Sensing her submission, Dr. Jones increases his thrusts into her. “Jaycee, you are quite welcoming to black cock, and that’s good,” then he withdraws from her pussy for a second. Dr. Jones reaches to his desk and locates a tube of KY jelly, squirts some on his 10 inches of black cock and applies some to Jaycees ass and works his cock into her now well-lubed anus.

“Oh Dr., please go slow. I am still so sore there,” Jaycee pleads, but that only encourages the doctor to be more forceful. He is plowing fully into her once virgin ass and Jaycee is grunting with each thrust.

“Jaycee, you are about to be my bitch,” as Dr. Jones lets out one final grunt as he cums in her ass. He withdraws still cumming and coats her ass with more cum as her ass leaks cum. The Dr. sits back in his chair looking at her ass and pussy and the mess gathering at the base of the exam table.

“Jaycee, I expect you to stay in touch with me, and if you ever are in this area again, I expect you to contact me and make an appointment,” Dr. Jones says.

Jaycee lays there taking all that has occurred in and says, “Yes Dr. Will that be all?”

Dr. Jones says yes and “you may clean yourself up and get dressed. I think we are done here. Thank you for coming in, Jaycee. I hope to see you again soon.”

With that, Dr. Jones pulls his scrub pants up, throws away his gloves and leaves the room.

“What the hell?” Jaycee asked.

Well, at least the anal thing is a bit easier. What is it with these black guys and their anal fixation?

Sliding off the exam table, Jaycee grabs some tissues and cleans herself up, slips out of the gown and gets dressed. Still feeling the doctor’s ass fucking, she feels she’s walking a bit funny as she makes her way to the reception desk.

“Oh, there’s no charge for today’s visit,” says the nurse at the front desk. “Today’s exam was a courtesy of Dr. Jones and if there is anything from your lab results, he’ll be in touch with you.”

Before Jaycee leaves the doctor’s office, she asks to use the phone and calls Reuben’s office phone. Reuben answers and Jaycee says, “Reuben, I’m pregnant.”

Silence on the line, then Reuben says, “Baby, that’s wonderful. I knew it! Come back home and we’ll talk about it. I want to see you again real soon, ok?”

“Reuben, I want to see you again too, but there’s something I have to tell you. It’s about this doctor I just saw.”