Reuben and Jaycee got on the road at a good time after rush hour and were making good progress hoping to be home in the early afternoon. Reuben and Lem certainly gave Jaycee a lot to reflect on; how will this affect her marriage, what about her pregnancy desires, and what happens if she is currently pregnant.

It’s been 3 weeks since Reuben first fucked her and he may not have gotten all the way out of her, like he promised he would, but left enough of his sperm in her to make her pregnant. What then? Her husband was a very understanding man and maybe she can spin a story that he’ll buy.

Next week they have to go to the fertility clinic for testing, and her husband was told he’d have to abstain from sex until their appointment so that he can provide a good sperm count from his specimen. In other words, he’s going to have to masturbate into a condom and provide that as his specimen.

“Reuben, you never told me you were in the Army,” Jaycee said.

“You never asked. It was the best time of my life, and the worst time,” Reuben replied.

Jaycee asked, “What happened then?”

“Well, Lem and I were in Korea at the time working at the Officer’s Club managing the kitchen and club activities. Lots of officers were bringing their wives with them for their time in country, but most of the officers were always on travel, leaving their wives to fend for themselves, so the wives formed a social club for support and met regularly at the club for events. We provided catering services, and sometimes a sympathetic ear,” Reuben reminisced with his now famous grin.

“Lem and me had a reputation with the ladies, but we tried to be discrete, though there were rumors around the base that were banging the officer’s wives regularly. That really wasn’t the case, but there were a few.”

“Did you get caught and they punished you?” Jaycee asked.

“Yeah. I got caught, but Lem never did, so he got to go all the way to retirement, fucking the O’s wives as he went. But me, I fucked up. This colonel’s wife came into the club one afternoon after playing golf with her golf girls, and they started drinking after being in the hot sun all afternoon. Didn’t take long before they were almost done-in, so we called them cabs to go home in, except the colonel’s wife. She insisted staying there until her husband arrived to take her home. I wanted to get her out of the club, so I walked her to her car to wait for her husband. She said get in the car, and then she says, “soldier come in and sit with me.”

I obliged and got in the driver’s side, and she says to me, I know what you been doing with some of the wives.” Jaycee says, “Oh my, Reuben, I don’t think this is going end nicely for you.”

Reuben laughed and said, “Well, no, but not before that bitch took my cock in her mouth and started sucking me. She wasn’t too bad looking for an older bitch and she was working my cock real good. Just as I’m ready to nut, the fuckin MPs show up and knock on the window just as the colonel’s wife had my nut all over her face. Well, back in those days, black guys messing with white women was still frowned upon, especially an enlisted soldier with a colonel’s wife. The MPs take me in and charge me with sodomy and a few other things that looked good for the court martial. However, the colonel’s wife refused to press charges, and the colonel himself saw to it that I was gone back to the states the next day. I sat at Ft. Bragg for a month and then they gave me my discharge papers, and so here I am.”

“Wow Reuben, that’s quite a story. How do you get into so much trouble with women,” Jaycee smiled?

“Trouble just follows me around I guess,” Reuben grinned back at her.

“And there’s the story of you and Lem with some captain’s wife?” Reuben laughs out loud, “Yeah, another story for another time,” he said as he winked at Jaycee.

“So, what do you have planned for hubby tonight? You mentioned you had some making up to do?” Reuben asked.

“Yeah, not sure yet. We can’t have sex until after the fertility clinic visit, but we’ll have to do something to improvise; I can’t wait that long,” Jaycee hinted.

“Well, Baby you know I’m there for you if you need some lovin,” Reuben said.

“Thank you, Reuben. Between you and now Lem, I should have my bases covered,” she laughed.

“You want to stop somewhere before we get back to the hospital? We can go to my place for a quick stop,” offered Reuben.

“No, no, Reuben. Not today but thank you.”

“Offer always on the table, Baby,” Reuben grinned.

They finally pulled into the hospital parking garage to get Jaycee’s car. Reuben helped put her suitcase in the trunk and then gave her a big hug and kiss. Jaycee returned the embrace and kiss and said she’ll see him next week since she’s taking tomorrow off from work.

“By Baby, good luck with hubby,” and he drove off. Jaycee suddenly felt alone, and a bit torn on what to do or say to her husband when he gets home from work in a little while.

She drives out of the garage towards their home which is only a few minutes away. As she’s pulling into the driveway, her husband’s truck is there. Their ******** won’t be home from school for at least another two hours, so she parks and retrieves her suitcase, and goes in.

Her husband Mike is sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper when she comes in and he gets up to give her a kiss and hug welcome home.

“How was you ride, Hon,” Mike asked?

“It was fine, just glad to be home.”

“Who did you ride with?”

“Guy named Reuben. He’s the cafeteria manager. Nice guy, I don’t think I’ve mentioned him before.”

Mike eyed her for a bit, then said, “Hey, we have a couple of hours until Tiff gets home, wanna fool around?” he said with a smile on his face.

“I thought you had to abstain for this coming week?” Jaycee said.

“Well, that doesn’t mean you have to abstain, honey. Let’s go upstairs and let me show you what I mean.” Jaycee tingled a bit in her pussy as the moment of truth was close at hand.

She followed him up to their bedroom, he pulled her close and kissed her and started to disrobe her leaving only her thong on. “What do you have in mind, sexy?” she asked him.

“I just thought some eating you out and making you cum might be nice. I enjoy doing that for you, as you recall,” he smiled.

“Lay back on the bed and let me do my magic,” he whispered.

Jaycee laid back on the bed, removing her sandals as she did so. Mike, still fully clothed, reached for her thong and pulled them off, but stops and examines her pussy. The pussy hair was matted and stiff. Her pussy lips were swollen more than normal and inside her thong there was a discharge of some kind.

“Sweetheart, are you ok? Are you having some female issues going on?” Mike asked.

With her mind racing, she says, “Yes. Female issues, but nothing to be alarmed about. Just happens occasionally and I’m fine. It’s probably related to starting my period, so maybe you should hurry and work your magic,” she winked.

“Ok, wow, that’s a lot of discharge, but let’s give it a try.” Mike runs his fingers around her pussy, rubbing her sensitive clit.

The added moistness really has added to her stimulation while he is kissing her mouth, neck, and breasts.

“Mike, go down on me, please!” Jaycee urges.

Mike moves down and tries a taste of her moistness. “Ok, not bad, kind of sweet and salty,” he thinks to himself and she’s really turned on by it.

Wow, she must have really missed me if she’s this worked up. Mike goes all in with his tongue probing her cunt as far as he can get his tongue in her and lapping up the seeping juices of his wife’s cunt.

Suddenly, Jaycee arches back and groans sending forth a fountain of pussy juice all over Mike’s face and down the front of his shirt.

“Jaycee, the bed! You’re going to ruin the bed!” Mike jumps up looking for a towel.

While he’s doing that, Jaycee commences to masturbating herself and continues to bring herself to climax after climax. Mike just watches in awe of his wife. He’s never seen this in her before, and he thinks to himself, she should go out of town more often if it gets her this horny!

Mike lies down next to his wife as she remains quivering from the last remnants of her orgasms. Holding her close, he strokes her blonde hair and she turns to hold him too.

Mike looks at the mess she made and can only think they’ll have to get a new comforter and sheets soon.

“Honey, are you ok? That’s the first time I saw you that intense. I liked it and only wish I can make love now to you.”

“Doctor’s orders, Mike,” said a panting Jaycee. “I need to shower off now. Let me do that and I’ll meet you downstairs. Tiff should be home soon, and we can get supper going.

In the shower, Jaycee is thinking about what just happened. The mess that was there when Mike pulled down her thong was obviously because of fucking Lem this morning, and Mike not knowing any better, lapped it all up eagerly.

She really enjoyed what Mike was doing to her and she starts to wonder, wow, the best of both worlds; a loving husband at home that tends to her needs and 2 strong black men that have turned her into a sexual machine.

Then it occurred to her about next week’s fertility clinic visit. What will they find out? A pit settled in her stomach and she felt nauseous and she must sit down in the shower for a moment to collect herself.

“What was that all about, Jaycee?” she asked herself. She felt better after that wave passed and finished up her shower, dried off, and put on a tank top and some running shorts.

When she goes downstairs, Mike is looking at the bouquet of flowers that she brought in.

“A gift from the conference?” Mike asked.

“Yes, indeed they were, and I thought we could use some cut flowers around the house anyway,” she lied.

“They must ask a lot of your time at these conferences you go to, and well into the night it seems,” Mike said.

“Well, they are not meant to be vacations, and we have to be available to potential benefactors that may help the hospital,” Jaycee said.

“Why did they send this Reuben guy up with you, and why not one of the administrators?”

Jaycee responded, “because the hospital wanted to show our diversity, and all of the administrators are old white guys.”

“Well, I’m sure Reuben liked having you as his travelling companion,” quipped Mike.

“He’s a nice guy, one of the senior managers in the hospital, and good company,” said Jaycee as she thought of Reuben fucking her that first time.

The weekend came and went leading to the work week. Jaycee had to go in that week until Wednesday, then her and Mike were leaving to Raleigh for their appointment while their ******** would stay with friends. At her desk, Jaycee takes a phone call, and it was Reuben calling from his office.

“Hey Jaycee, what’s up?” asked Reuben.

“Nothing really, just getting things in order before we leave for Raleigh.”

“How was your make up time with hubby when you got home last week?” Reuben asked.

“It was very nice, and, um, I think you would approve,” Jaycee said turning red.

“Really? Tell me,” Reuben presses. She tells him of the time her husband discovers her messy pussy and thong and his enjoying her tasty cunt.

“Did you tell him where it came from?” Reuben asked, getting aroused.

“Just told him it was probably a female issue, which wasn’t too far from the truth, since this female has an issue with you and Lem,” Jaycee teased.

Reuben laughed out loud, “Girl, you’re crazy! When do you want to go out sometime?” he asked.

“Nothing this week Reuben. Maybe another time after we get back, or maybe grab some lunch together,” Jaycee offered.

“Yeah, I was thinking about grabbing something else, but lunch is a start,” grinned Reuben.

“Ok, I’ll let you go, but don’t be a stranger. My office isn’t that far from yours,” he said.

“I know. Just trying to be discrete is all,” she said.

“Well, you know me and my story, discretion is not my strong suit,” Reuben laughed.

They said their good-byes and hung up. Reuben is so much fun compared to hubby and the home life. He’s always positive and attentive to me. I wonder if he’ll be that way when I’m pregnant.
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