4th Chapter of Wife’s Story…

After Jaycee’s spa treatment, she went down to the pool get a cold glass of chardonnay and just relax and enjoy the warm sun and the post-spa effects on her body.

The masseuse was very complimentary of Jaycee’s body tone and flexibility, and Jaycee was feeling pretty good about things, then Reuben came up and pulled up a chair with his rum and diet coke.

“How was the spa, Jaycee?” Reuben asked. “It was wonderful, and how was your sauna, Reuben?” Jaycee asked with a twinkle in her eye. Laughing out loud, Reuben said, “It had a happy ending, let’s say.”

It was close to 7 PM and they both decided to retire early. Reuben wanted to stay at the bar a little longer and Jaycee just felt like ordering room service and turning in early. That was ok with Reuben. Jaycee turned into a little firecracker and between last night and the sauna, she wore him out.

They both said good-night and maybe get up early to get breakfast in the morning. As Jaycee is walking away, Reuben is wondering what’s going on inside that tight little body of hers. Maybe he’ll get one more opportunity with her before they have to leave on Thursday.

The next morning, Jaycee and Reuben find a table for breakfast. Jaycee is happy with an English muffin and juice, and Rueben had a plate loaded up with eggs, bacon, ham, grits, and toast with jelly.

“My goodness, Reuben. Did you not eat last night?” Reuben almost spit out his toast when she said that.

“No, I had dinner last night at the bar. This is what I usually eat for breakfast, especially when it’s the resort’s buffet.”

“Oh, I see” Jaycee said. He could stand to lose that belly of his, but that’s not my place, she thought.

“Do you have a full day, Reuben?” Jaycee asked.

“Yeah, seems so. The food services group is doing something and then a final get together in the lounge tonight. You should stop by if you’re not doing anything.”

“Maybe I will. I’ll have to see what my groups are doing later too.”

Jaycee and Reuben finished up and went to their separate groups to begin the day. Things wrapped up around 3 PM much to the relief of everyone attending. Everybody was ready to get on the road home, but most had anticipated a longer event and had booked their stays an extra day.

Jaycee wished they would just leave now and could get home just in time for a late dinner, but Rueben had the car and he was nowhere to be seen. It was early yet so Jaycee decided to stay dressed as she was in her skirt and blouse ensemble with her strappy heels.

She’s taken not to wear nylons in the summertime, so she was feeling pretty comfortable as she walked to the lounge. There she saw Reuben with a group of other men. That must be the food services group that Reuben belongs to, she thought.

As she entered the lounge, she noticed she was the only female in there. Oh well, she’ll go say hello to Reuben and find out what time they’re leaving in the morning.

“Hi Reuben. Hope I’m not interrupting.” Reuben turns to see Jaycee standing there and told her to come over and a seat. The only seats were barstools, so she hopped up on one and had to struggle a bit to keep her short skirt from rising to far.

The group that was there totaled around 10 or 12 and amazingly enough, they were all black men that happened to be peers of Reuben’s. The men all stopped talking and watched Jaycee mount the barstool and was as if she were the lamb and they were the wolves.

Reuben knew what they were thinking and jumped in to introduce Jaycee. They all said hello and gathered around her to make chit chat. Someone got her a chardonnay, and Happy Hour had started with bar food being brought out.

Jaycee loosened up a bit and was having a funny conversation with a guy from Fayetteville. He was a very well-built man that everyone was calling Lem. He was retired Army and he looked like he never retired with his bald head and muscular arms, and lean waist.

Lem appeared to be very interested in what Jaycee does at the hospital and he knows Reuben from back in the days in the Army together.

“Reuben never said anything about being in the Army” Jaycee said.

“Well, probably just as well. Reuben had a rough go of it, and he was “asked” to find another line of work.” Lem said.

What does that mean, thought Jaycee? She’ll have to ask him about that another time. Just then, Reuben comes over to join them and they start retelling some stories about their times in the Army and Jaycee is stuck between the two of them, just listening to them laugh and talk.

She’ll catch an occasional man checking her out, but that was ok too. I’d be upset if they weren’t noticing me, she thought.

After a few hours around the bar, Reuben suggests he, Jaycee and Lem get some supper before it gets too late, and they all agree. When they found a table in the restaurant, they must have had 4 or 5 drinks already and were feeling pretty good by now.

Jaycee was between Lem and Reuben and they ordered some dinner wine along with appetizers and eventually the entrée. Jaycee was never a big eater and she marveled how the two gentlemen were able to dig into the dinner rolls, appetizers, and main course steaks like they haven’t eaten in days.

After the dishes were cleared, the gentlemen sat back stuffed from their meal. Jaycee thought it might be time for her to excuse herself and let the old Army buddies enjoy their reunion.

She was about to leave when Lem put his hand on her thigh and said, “Where you going, blondie? Don’t you want a nightcap with me and my friend Reuben?”

Jaycee thought for a few seconds and said, “Ok, I’ll have one more chardonnay, and then I have to get going.”

“Bullshit” Lem said. “I’ve got booze in my room and its free, so let’s go.”

Jaycee had an inkling on where this was heading, but she said ok. She felt safe if Reuben was there too, so the three of them made their way to Lem’s room.

It was more than a room; it was a massive suite suitable for visiting VIPs. Lem said he’s done alright after the Army and can afford the occasional luxury, especially if it impresses beautiful women.

Jaycee blushed a bit, and Reuben said to Lem, “you fucking show off.”

Both laughed and found a comfortable chair to kick back in. Lem turned on the stereo and poured them glasses of bourbon. Jaycee would only take a sip of her husband’s Jim Beam, but to have whole glass for herself was a bit much.

Lem came over and sat next to Jaycee on the sofa and he was obviously admiring her crossed legs with her short skirt.

“You really have nice feet, Jaycee and those legs are killing me,” said Lem.

Reuben was seeing what was going on and grinned at his old friend. “Lem, let me tell you. Jaycee is not what she seems. She’s a fuckin hellcat in bed, hell in the sauna too.” He said with a laugh.

“Really?” Lem asked. “Tell me more.”

Jaycee looked at Reuben and Reuben just said, “she and hubby are trying to have a baby, and I’m trying to help out.”

Jaycee couldn’t believe what she just heard and was about to stand up to leave, and Lem grabbed her leg again to prevent her from leaving.

“Hey, can I get in on that action?” Lem asked, looking at Jaycee with hungry eyes.

Jaycee had to admit, she did find Lem attractive and a very fit specimen of a man. I wonder what his cock looks like, she thought to herself.

Reuben got up and walked over to Jaycee. “C’mom Baby, I think I know what you really want to do.” Then Reuben turns to Lem and says, “Remember that time in Korea and the Captain’s wife had a little too much hooch?”

Lem laughed out and said, “I’m thinking the same thing, bro. Baby, get naked for us and show my friend Lem what I’ve been fuckin.”

Jaycee’s mind was racing, and this was a bit more than she bargained for, but she dutifully stood up, unbuttoned her blouse, removed her bra, unzipped her skirt and was standing before these two men in just her thong and heels.

Lem was eyeing her up and down and told her to twirl around giving her his approval. Jaycee felt like a hooker and has never been treated like this, but once Lem stood up and took his shirt off and dropped his pants down, she was in awe.

The man was like an Adonis! His ripped body oozed sexiness and manliness and his uncut cock must be about 8 inches; not bigger that Reuben, but the girth of it certainly made up for the length.

“Now be a good little slut and come suck your new master’s cock,” Lem commanded to Jaycee.

“I don’t appreciate being called that word and I am not into your role play bullshit, Lem,” Jaycee hissed.

Just then Reuben grabbed Jaycee by the arm and led her right to Lem and let her go.

“On your knees bitch and suck my cock!”

Jaycee felt betrayed by Reuben and helpless against Lem, so she did what she was instructed. She knelt and examined this new cock that Lem presented to her. Again, her fascination with the black man’s anatomy overtook her.

She had never seen an uncircumsized cock before and was in awe of the foreskin that hooded the bulbous head of Lem’s cock. She pulled back the foreskin and kissed the head and kissing his balls and licking the rapidly growing cock up and down the shaft.

Lem groaned in approval and after a couple of minutes of her stoking and sucking him, he stood her up and told her to go into the bedroom and wait for him. She did as instructed and pulled back the covers on the king-sized bed. She turned around and saw both Reuben and Lem in the doorway, naked with fully erect cocks.

She knew what was about to happen, so she stepped out of her thong, undid the straps on her heels and climbed into the bed. The two men joined her on either side of her, sandwiching her between them.

They hungrily kissed her face, mouth, tits and found her pussy fully exposed. Lem went first eating her pussy with much enthusiasm.

Reuben guided her mouth to his cock, and she started to suck him while being eaten by Lem. Jaycee, as per her recent normal, began to orgasm and squirt juices into Lem’s face and mouth.

“Damn bitch, you can drown a brotha with all that juice you got” but he was loving it all.

After a few minutes, Jaycee couldn’t take all of the stimulation, and begged Lem to stop and fuck her.

Lem obliged and moved up her body and positioned his cock to enter her pussy. “I love me some white pussy, always have. Reuben, you done well bro.” Lem winked at Reuben.

“Hit that shit, Lem. She’s already knocked up.” Jaycee pretended not to hear, but it did bother her. Lem worked his thick cock into Jaycee and she grunted as he thrust into her.

Lem’s thrusting into her was driving Jaycee wild. His massive arms and tight body was contributing to her waves of orgasms.

Reuben, all the while decided to sit back and let his friend have her for himself; he’ll have plenty of opportunities.

Lem looks up at Reuben and says, “DP time bro” and Reuben laughed and said, “Oh yes.”

Lem got off Jaycee and flipped her over on top of him and worked his cock back into Jaycee’s pussy.

Reuben got behind Jaycee and contemplated her still red ass from the fucking her gave her the other night. Jaycee understood what was about to happen, and just simply told Reuben, go slow on me.

With that, Reuben spit on her ass and worked his finger into her ass to loosen her up. When she was gaping enough, he brought his cock up to align with her ass and pushed his way in after spitting on his cock for more lubrication.

Jaycee was out of her mind with stimulations. It was like every nerve in her body was focused in her ass and pussy as both men used her relentlessly.

Lem was the first to cum. Feeling Reuben’s cock in Jaycee’s ass put Lem over the edge and he started to buck wildly as his seed flooded Jaycee’s cunt.

Jaycee felt the warm explosion and another wave of orgasms almost made her black out. Reuben was hammering her ass and seeing Lem cum and Jaycee’s spasms, he let loose in her ass a huge load of cum as he pulled out of her ass. As he pulled out, out spewed cum and blood onto the bed linens.

Jaycee collapsed on top of Lem and Reuben rolled off onto the side and all three just lay there exhausted and well-spent.

Jaycee was the first to arise, having to use the bathroom and literally discharge all the cum that was in her, and she had a sensation to poop after having that sperm enema Rueben gave her. She decided to shower too which helped to clear her head, and when she came out, both Reuben and Lem were in the living room sitting around naked and having a drink.

Jaycee had a towel wrapped around her and sat with them. Lem offered her another bourbon, and this time she welcomed the glass.

“Jaycee, I’d like to stay in touch with you. Never know where our travels may lead,” said Lem.

“I’ll be happy to stay in touch with you Lem.” She said smiling at him. Reuben chimed in, “she’s mine first, bro, so keep that in mind.”

“Chill man. I’m just saying you just don’t fuck someone as sweet as Jaycee, and just move on.” Lem said.

Jaycee decided it was time for her to leave these two friends alone and get back to her room. She still had to pack, and she has probably already missed a few phone calls from her husband tonight.

She put her blouse and skirt back on and stuffed her bra and thong in her purse and carried her heels with her.

Going to Lem first, she kissed him fully on the mouth and said she hopes to see him again and to have a safe trip home. Then went to Reuben, kissing him fully on the mouth, and said she’ll see him in the morning in the lobby after check-out.

She turns to head for the door and takes one more look back at her two guys, still naked, drinking their bourbons, and left them with a smile as she left.

“Man, dawg! What the fuck are you doing with that honey?” asked Lem.

“It’s cool, bro. She and wimpy hubby trying to have another k*d and ain’t having any luck until I showed up. She’s knocked up for sure and just a matter of time before she realizes that.”

“How you know I didn’t knock her up just now, genius?”

“Relax man, I know I got this one, and time will only tell,” grinned Reuben.