After watching the video tape that Jaycee and Mel made of their sexual romp, Mel stood up from the sofa and tells Jaycee he’s got to get back home, explaining that his wife is going to have a fit with him being gone for so long.

Jaycee was hoping Mel could stay, but she understood, and does not want to be the cause of furthering Mel’s marriage crisis.

“I understand Mel,” Jaycee says looking up at Mel.

As Mel is standing before her, she sees his cock rising in his boxer shorts, and she reaches to stroke it, then takes it out with her hand.

“Looks like someone wants to stay a little longer,” Jaycee teases while working on the enlarging black cock.

“Baby, you’re making this difficult, but hard to refuse,” Mel says as he moves his cock to Jaycee’s mouth.

Taking his cue, Jaycee engulfs the 9” cock as Mel guides her from the back of her head, slowly fucking her mouth.

“Oh Baby, that’s really good,” Mel says after a few minutes of Jaycee sucking and licking his engorged cock.

She can taste the saltiness on his cock from the early sex. He then directs her to lay back on the sofa, withdrawing his cock from her mouth, with spittle dripping from it and down Jaycee’s chest and breasts. Mel lays between Jaycee’s legs and starts to lick and nip at her pussy.

“Oh my, Mel… you do that so expertly,” Jaycee coos.

Mel looks up at her and says, “You’re going to like this even better. Turnover and get up on your knees.”

Obediently, Jaycee flips over, exposing her sopping pussy and ass for Mel’s benefit. Mel is appreciating the lovely sight before him and moves to bring his black cock into the waiting white pussy of Jaycee’s.

Sliding effortlessly into the well-lubricated cunt, Mel pushes further into her womb, totally filling her with his black cock. Jaycee pushes back into Mel to help get all of him into her, and they both pick up the rhythm of fucking.

Not wanting the fucking to stop, Jaycee turns around to Mel. “Please let me ride you, Mel,” Jaycee breathlessly says.

Mel withdraws and sits back on the sofa as Jaycee climbs atop his cock. Grabbing the rigid cock, Jaycee guides it into her, and she gently slides down on it all the way in her.

Mel grabs her by the ass and bounces Jaycee on his cock while feasting on her breasts. This is going to end quick, Mel thinks to himself reluctantly as he feels his nut welling up in his loins.

“Oh Baby, I’m gonna cum,” Mel almost groans.

Jaycee has been in bliss with this powerful cock fucking her and now it’s going to explode in her womb. “Cum for me, Mel. Fill me!” Jaycee pleads.

With that urging, Mel lets loose another deep planting of his black seed in this white married woman’s cunt.

Jaycee stops her bouncing and collapses into Mel’s arms with her pussy juice and black cum seeping from her pussy. Eventually, Mel’s softening black cock slips out of the white pussy with more cum spilling out onto the blue leather sofa beneath them.

Mel glances at his watch to the amazement that they have been fucking non-stop for the past 90 minutes.

“That was nice, Baby. You really know how to work a man,” Mel smiles at the blonde woman in his arms.

Jaycee falls to the side as more cum ejects from her well-used pussy. “You’re making a mess on your leather sofa, Jaycee,” Mel laughs at her.

“No worries. It’s leather… I’ll wipe it down later,” Jaycee says almost half asleep.

Jaycee’s feet are now on Mel’s lap and he is massaging her perfect pedicured toes and feet. Watching the blonde laying on the sofa as she drifts off, he can’t help but think what a perfect angel she is.

Not wanting to leave her, he knows what awaits him at home, so he carefully extricates himself from Jaycee’s feet and goes up stairs to retrieve his clothes.

Coming back downstairs, he grabs a throw blanket from a chair and drapes it over a now fast asleep Jaycee. Kissing her on the forehead, he steals another look at her before he heads for the door.

The weekend passes, and now its Monday morning. Jaycee’s k*ds came back home Sunday and they spent the day going to the Marine Science Museum then to the beach boardwalk for ice cream.

Mel, on the other hand, almost came to blows with his wife, and spent the remainder of the weekend locked away in his den.

“I can’t do this much longer,” Mel thinks to himself. His nerves are starting to affect his work, and the only respite he’s had was with Jaycee.

She is like no other woman he’s been with. Her professional accountant and soccer mom veneer hid the vixen in her as a sexual counterpart to him that he finds so irresistible.

Back into the weekdays, Mel finds solace in his work, and finds that the time at work outweigh the time at home. He receives an email from the software vendor that his company uses for accounting is hosting an event at Myrtle Beach next week, and the vendor is inviting Mel and another member of his staff to attend.

“Perfect timing,” Mel says to himself. Not only does it give him an opportunity to get away from his wife, but he will insist that Jaycee accompany him. Speaking of whom, in walks Jaycee into her office across from Mel’s

Mel goes to her doorway and greets her, “Good morning! How was your weekend?” Mel says with a wink.

Jaycee smiles with a wink as well and says, “Wonderful! K*ds came home yesterday, and we spent the day at the beach.”

“Speaking of beach, we have an invite from our vendor to attend their event in Myrtle Beach next week, and I signed us up to attend,” Mel smiled.

“Oh Mel, I don’t know about that. I’ve got the k*ds and I don’t want to burden Mike’s parents with another week of watching them,” Jaycee says.

“Well, see if you can make it work. I’m going either way, but, as my staff accountant, I would like you to attend for the sessions they are having about the new software upgrade launches,” Mel said almost insisting.

“I can see what I can do, Mel. Mike is calling tonight and I’ll see what he thinks,” Jaycee replies.

Stepping into her office, closing the door, Mel walks over to Jaycee. “Are you going to tell your husband about us?” Mel asks.

“Mel, I don’t think there’s an ‘us’ to discuss. What happened Saturday was wonderful, but do you think it’s a relationship now after one evening of passion?” Jaycee asked in a hushed tone.

“I’d like to see where ‘us’ goes or give it a chance. Jaycee, I’ve had a crush on you since day 1, and to come to fruition like last Saturday was a dream come true,” Mel confesses, hoping to sway Jaycee.

“Mel, I hope this is not because of your troubles at home. I’ve never had sex with a married man because I don’t want to be the cause of a marriage to end,” Jaycee says.

“Maybe some of it is because of my fucked-up home life. When I was with you, you made all that go away for at least a little while. I want that again. And I don’t want to be the cause of your marriage to end either,” Mel says.

“Do you think we can have it both ways, Mel?” Jaycee asks. She loved the sex they had, just like with Reuben, and Mel is so much gentler, and he hasn’t called me a slut or bitch, yet Jaycee muses.

“I’ve also promised my husband that I will not hide an affair from him, and he understands, except for one time. So, I need to discuss with him tonight before I can promise anything,” Jaycee tells Mel.

“I can live with that, Jaycee. Let me know,” Mel says as he’s opening the door.

“I hope you do have that conversation with your husband,” and he turns to go back to his office.

Later that evening, Jaycee is in the kitchen cleaning up the supper dishes and the phone rings. “Hey Babe, how are you?” Mike asks from Kuwait.

“Hello Sweetheart! All’s good here. Are you staying safe?” Jaycee asks her husband.

“Yes, we’re not anywhere near any action here. We hope to have a better idea how long we’ll be here soon,” Mike replied.

The couple moved onto conversation about the k*ds’ school, their activities, what Mike does while he’s away, and Jaycee’s work.

“Speaking of work, Mike, Mel has asked me to go with him to Myrtle Beach next week for a vendor’s event, so I have to ask your parents to watch the k*ds again,” Jaycee says.

“Ok, Mel seems like a cool guy so you should have fun,” Mike innocently says.

“Mike, you know our agreement? Well, Mel and I had sex this weekend when the k*ds were gone. He’s having trouble with his wife and he seemed to need a friend to be with. We feel really comfortable with each other and one thing led to the next… plus we tested the new video camera,” Jaycee now regretting she even brought it up.

After a pause, Mike says, “Is that why you’re going to Myrtle Beach with him?”

“Could be part of the reason, and the other reason is that it’s about business too, and he’s my boss and wants me there to learn the new software being launched,” Jaycee replied.

“Seems you and business travels suit you well, Jaycee,” Mike says flatly remembering her trips with Reuben and Lem. Mike did enjoy hearing Jaycee give the details to him of her trysts, and now she has a video tape of her and this guy Mel?

“Jaycee, you can go and be with Mel anytime. You deserve to have the attention that I can’t give you. Just one thing; bring the video camera with you. I want to see that tape, you sexy thing,” Mike tells Jaycee.

Jaycee laughs out, “Yes sir! So, you don’t mind if I see Mel on occasion?”

“Yes, have fun. Just not on our bed!” Mike teases.

“Oops. Guess I better get a new mattress before Mike gets home,” Jaycee smiles to herself

Next morning, Jaycee pokes her head into Mel’s office. “Mike said ok and wants to see the tape too,” she whispered to Mel.

Broadly smiling, Mel says, “That’s great, Jaycee! Do you want to fly down or drive to Myrtle Beach?”

“I’d prefer flying, and avoid all that time driving,” Jaycee replied.

The week passes and into the weekend. Mel wanted to visit Jaycee again, but she had the k*ds and couldn’t make other arrangements. He spent the weekend avoiding his wife and was looking forward to Monday and the trip with Jaycee to Myrtle Beach.

Jaycee decided not to pack the video camera as it would take up a lot of space, so she thought to herself that there will be other opportunities for Mike to view future tapes.

The two of them met at the airport and boarded with seats next to each other and enjoyed an ongoing conversation that made the flight seem short. Now in the rental car, Mel and Jaycee drive to the Hilton resort where the event was to be held. Checking into separate rooms, they make plans for dinner.

Changing out of her comfortable travelling clothes, Jayce dresses in a black skirt with gold blouse, thigh high stockings and black pumps. Checking herself in the mirror, Jaycee was sure she and Mel will wind up with each other at the end of the evening, and that thought sent a tingle in her pussy, and then a rivulet of pussy juice meandering down her leg. Now she had to put a thong on to help lessen another accident.

Meeting Mel in the lobby, Jaycee was impressed by Mel’s style as he was with hers. They had reservations in the main dining room and settled for an evening of drinks, dinner and more drinks.

Winding up in the lobby bar, Jaycee is feeling the effects of too much wine and Mel was pacing himself, because he didn’t want to act like a fool once he got Jaycee into the bed. “Hey Jaycee. I’m about ready to call it an evening. May I escort you to your room?” Mel smiles.

“Certainly, sir,” Jaycee smiled back, knowing how this evening was going to end. Reaching her room, she invites Mel in, and locks the door. She excuses herself for the bathroom and begins to undress leaving her thigh high stockings and high heels on, goes out to the main area to join a now naked Mel laying on her bed.

Assessing the handsome black man laying before her with the wonderful black cock rising, she lays next to him and they embrace in a passionate kiss that leads to a love making session that goes into the night and early morning.

Awakening to the alarm she had set before last night’s dinner; Jaycee stirs and sees that Mel is still with her. The sex was once again mind-blowing, but she tried to remember it all, but it was just a blur of passion. “Mel. MEL! You have to get up and get ready for today,” Jaycee says, rousting him awake.

Mel gets up, a bit groggy himself, bends back down to give Jaycee a kiss then had to use the bathroom. “I’ll see you tonight after the meetings, Jaycee,” Mel says as he gathers his clothes and sneaks down the hallway to his room.

True to form, Jaycee and her paramour successfully trash another bed and mattress and smiles to herself that the housekeeping staff will have plenty to talk about when they see what they have to clean up and how one guest could use up all of the towels too.

Getting out a brown suit with matching pumps and laying out a pair of fresh thigh high stockings, Jaycee gets into the shower and starts the day.

Dressed, make-up and hair all done, Jaycee heads to the convention center of the resort and checks in for her sessions. During one of her sessions, she is able to meet one of the vendor representatives that she has worked with in the past, though mostly through email and phone calls since he was based in California.

His name was Les and he was a black man of average height and build. He was excited to finally meet Jaycee and they joined each other for lunch. Les was very pleased that Jaycee turned out in reality to be a very sweet, and sexy lady.

Les tells Jaycee of the next event later in the year that will be held in Palm Springs, California, and he hopes she can attend.

“I’ll bring it up to Mel when I see him again,” Jaycee says.

“Great! So, what’s your plans for this evening?” Les asks.

“I’m meeting Mel for dinner, and you’re welcome to join us,” Jaycee offered.

Disappointed, Les tells her maybe another time, as he was hoping to be just the two of them.

Back to the sessions, Jaycee is taking in as much information and features of the new accounting software which makes the day go by fast. Towards the end of the day, Jaycee gets a text from Mel: “Hey Baby, plans 4 tonite? How about meeting me at my room this time for some pre-dinner refreshments?”

Jaycee replies, “Ok. C u at 5PM.”

Jaycee decides to stay dressed the way she is in her brown suit and goes directly to Mel’s room. Knocking on the door, Mel opens it and he’s wearing the resort-provided bath robe as he welcomes her in.

Sizing Jaycee up and down, appreciating the professional, yet sexy look Jaycee has, he offers her something from the mini bar. “I’ll take a gin and tonic this time, Mel,” Jaycee requests.

“I think I’ll have the same,” Mel says as he’s preparing their drinks. Bringing the drinks over to where Jaycee is sitting, Mel sits in the chair across from her.

Jaycee’s crossed legs are being ogled by Mel, especially the top of her thigh high stockings peeking from the hem of her suit skirt.

“Jaycee, I’d love to take a picture of you to keep. You look so damn fine,” Mel says as he takes a sip of his drink.

“Ok, but I’d like to see them too please,” Jaycee replies.

Mel retrieves his cell phone and snaps a couple of pictures of Jaycee sitting in the chair. “Wanna join me on the balcony before the sun sets?” Mel offers.

The two of them take seats on the balcony overlooking the beach and ocean. Mel takes some pictures of Jaycee, who’s starting to feel pretty good with the warm ocean breezes and the drink in her hand.

Mel brings a fresh gin and tonic back out to the balcony and asks Jaycee what she’d like to do for dinner tonight. Considering they leave tomorrow for back home, and it may be a while before they can have sex, Jaycee smiles at Mel, stands up and walks into his room.

Unbuttoning her suit jacket revealing a golden camisole top, she lays across the bed. “Let’s stay in tonight and order room service instead,” Jaycee tempts Mel.

Mel puts down his phone and drink, removing his robe exposing his growing black cock, he comes onto the bed passionately kissing Jaycee. He starts to remove her clothing, unclasping her bra and pulling her skirt and thong off, leaving her in just her stockings and heels.

Mel moves up to Jaycee’s face and offers his now erect black cock for her to lick and suck. Mel reaches for her already wet, shaved married pussy, using his fingers to open her up and massage her swollen clit.

Reciprocating, Jaycee cups his impressive balls and kisses them, and goes back to enjoying Mel’s big black cock in her mouth.

Mel eventually removes his cock from Jaycee’s mouth to move down to her cunt to enjoy her sweetness. Mel continues to orally please Jaycee as she’s about to enter another wave of orgasmic ecstasy.

This time, Mel is not surprised by the sudden explosion of Jaycee’s cunt, he drinks it all in as fast as she produces another gush of pussy honey. With his goatee dripping her juices, Mel moves up her body to kiss Jaycee and she proceeds to lick his mouth and goatee of her own essence.

Mel guides his rigid black cock into Jaycee’s waiting cunt and pushes his way into her instantly spurring her with another orgasm. She hungrily rises to take all the black cock that she can and matches each thrust of Mel’s cock into her.

Not wanting to cum too soon, Mel rolls over onto his back with Jaycee still impaled with his cock, he brings her up in the cowgirl position, and not missing a beat, Jaycee bounces on top of Mel, enjoying the fullness inside her.

Not able to hold back any longer, Mel floods Jaycee’s womb with spurt after spurt of black seed. So much cum that it leaks out from her pussy onto his crotch and dribbles down onto the bed sheets.

Still riding him, Jaycee brings herself to another orgasmic gush to add to the black cum inside her as her cervix contracts to suck the black man’s seed further into her, searching for the fertile egg.

Jaycee collapses on top of Mel as the two lovers breathlessly embrace. After a while, Mel’s cock softens enough to slip out of the married white pussy of Jaycee and further soaking the sheets and mattress below them. Rolling off Mel, Jaycee snuggles with him, they both doze off blissfully.

Later awakening, it was nighttime, and Mel and Jaycee are in for the night. They consider the room service menu and order in, enjoying each other’s company and conversation. “Jaycee, stay here with me tonight?” Mel asks.

“Alright, but I still need to pack,” Jaycee replies.

“We’ll make time for that. Should have plenty of time to make our flight later in the morning,” Mel says.

After a light dinner, and sexually spent, Mel and Jaycee turn in for the night, laying naked in bed as they spoon into each other, and quickly fall into a fast sleep.

Morning comes and Jaycee is the first up. Borrowing Mel’s bath robe, she gathers her strewn about clothes and sneaks out to her room to start packing.

Picking out a black casual skirt and white tee, which is comfortable for the travel today, she wheels her bag back to Mel’s room. The door was unlocked, so Jaycee lets herself in. Mel was in the bathroom taking a shower. Jaycee pauses to watch Mel soap himself up and starts to lather his lovely black cock.

Jaycee is tempted to join him, but that would make them late, and she hated being late, so she just goes to the coffee maker to make a pot of coffee. After the coffee is brewed, Jaycee goes back out to the balcony to enjoy the morning sunrise sipping on her coffee.

Mel joins her with his own cup of coffee, and he’s dressed back in his bath robe that Jaycee returned to his room. “How are you doing, Baby,” Mel asks in a very relaxed tone.

“Wonderful! You are so good to me, Mel,” Jaycee smiles at Mel.

“You make it easy, Baby. I’m going to miss our time when we get home,” Mel says, already regretting the return to his crumbling home life.

Mel asks Jaycee, “Where do we go from here, Jaycee? I mean the ‘us’ part. We can’t let our passion carry into the office and it’s going to be difficult for me to behave. Also, thank your husband for allowing you and I being together.”

“Mel, I think it’s still too early to consider ‘us’ yet with so much going on with your marriage, and Mike being gone, and I have my own priorities. Let’s take what life offers us, and if those opportunities present themselves, then so be it. I just want to enjoy life and for ‘us’ to be happy,” Jaycee replies, looking at the horizon as the sun climbs higher into the blue sky, contemplating the life changing events that the future holds.
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