With tensions escalating in southwest Asia, Mike’s team received orders to prepare to deploy to Kuwait to await further instructions. The night before Mike was to leave, he was in bed with his lovely, sexy wife, Jaycee, making love with her riding him which has been their favorite position for sex.

Mostly for Jaycee, she was in control of the rhythm and with her on top, it helped to get Mike’s white dick as far as 6 inches will go in her.

Afterwards, the husband and wife lay next to each other lost in their own thoughts. They were trying to have another c****d and now with Mike deploying, that will put another delay in their plans.

Jaycee had just turned 41 and the biological clock was ticking, and she didn’t think Mike was up to the task any longer being in his mid-40s.

The night that the SSgt visited Jaycee, she lied when he asked her if she was on the pill. That had been 6 weeks ago with no indication of pregnancy, and she thought she dodged another bullet with another man, but she felt she was becoming a bit too desperate to have another b**y to the point she didn’t care who the father would be. Mike would do the right thing and care for another man’s c***d.

Before the SSgt’s visit, Jaycee wasn’t with any other man but her husband, so she didn’t go back on birth control after the birth of their second c***d. That night with the SSgt reawakened the lust in Jaycee for men like SSgt, Reuben, and Lem.

She couldn’t risk another encounter with the SSgt since it would jeopardize Mike’s career, so maybe there was another option. Goodness knows how long Mike will be gone this time, and if there’s a war, what danger would he be in.

Jaycee drifted off to sleep thinking about the good fucking the SSgt gave her just a few weeks ago.

Mike and his team left for the unknown the next day after Jaycee drove Mike to the passenger terminal on the Navy base. Driving home, Jaycee had to get the k*ds ready for school and get herself ready for work.

She accepted a position as a staff accountant with a manufacturing company that dealt with laser technology. It was a tight-knit group of people from all walks of life. From the administrators to the engineers to the owners of the company who were very generous throughout the year, hosting parties and get togethers for the employees and their families.

Getting dressed in her usual professional attire, Jaycee looked sharp in her dark skirt, matching heeled pumps, and silk white blouse. Still enjoying the last of the warm weather, there was no need for nylons which suited Jaycee’s tanned and toned legs, and she has stayed in the tradition of going commando ever since the days that Reuben showed his approval. Plus, the feeling of be freshly shaven and no panties, gave a nice sensation and made her feel sexy too.

Now she had to consider how life is going to change with Mike gone. He’s been gone many times before, but this was different. Mike has always told her that she’s free to see other men, and that he understood her needs, and his inadequacy.

She never told him about SSgt, and it’s probably just as well that he not know that his wife spent the night with a Marine that was convicted of drug use and has since been discharged. She’ll probably never see SSgt again, but he certainly lit a spark in her.

Arriving at her office, she says good morning to the CPA on staff, Melvin, or Mel as he preferred to be called. Mel Lewis secretly had a crush on Jaycee from the first day she started working there.

Mel had a thing especially for petite blondes as he was married to one. Mel was a black man, medium built and close-cropped hair with a neat goatee. He always dressed impeccably wearing a sport coat or suit with a bow tie.

Jaycee always looked forward to seeing Mel in the morning to see what attire he’s sporting that day. “Well good morning Jaycee! How are you doing?” Mel asks her.

“Oh, pretty well, considering. Mike left this morning for the Mideast and there is no telling when he’ll be back. So just me and the k*ds to hunker down and wait,” she replied.

Settling into her small office, Jaycee sits at her desk to start the day and notices Mel is looking from across the hall into her office. She smiles at him and unconsciously crosses her legs showing how toned they were with her skirt hem rising up her leg.

“Hey Jaycee, we should do lunch sometime. It’s been a while you know,” Mel says walking to her doorway.

“That might be nice, Mel. But, not today. Maybe later this week once I’ve caught up on everything.”

Mel then replies, “No problem. I’ll see you later then,” he says and heads back to his office. “Man, she’s hot as fuck,” Mel mused to himself.

Things haven’t been rosy at home for him. His wife is turning out to be extremely high maintenance with a shopping habit that leads to daily arguments.

She’s quite stunning and they are a very attractive couple when together, but they are starting to get on each other’s last nerve.

It doesn’t help Mel in his mind either that he hasn’t been faithful to his wife, but the tension between them doesn’t make for a romantic moment and since his two k*ds are home from college who don’t particularly care for ***’s newest trophy wife, it just adds to the distance between them.

Every opportunity Mel gets, he volunteers for out of town trips that the company needs representation for, and these opportunities give Mel the chance to introduce himself to a lady that catches his eye, and most times, he’s been pretty successful at bedding these lovely ladies, who have been all white blondes and somebody else’s wife.

He was quite proud of his sexual prowess, especially with his oral skills. His other asset was his big black cock that left the ladies swooning. At just over 9 inches, his girth was equally impressive and suited the ladies just fine.

A few days later, Jaycee walks into Mel’s office. “Hey Mel, I’m available for lunch if you are?” Jaycee smiled.

Mel was quite pleased that Jaycee extended the offer and he didn’t hesitate in saying, “You bet I am. Are you ready to go now?”

“Sure. I’ll even drive, and I can show you my Miata that Mike got me just before he left,” Jaycee said to Mel.

With that, the two of them went to the parking lot to Jaycee’s black Miata sports car. Mel got an eyeful of Jaycee’s lovely legs as she slid into the small car. She smiled at him when she saw he was enjoying the show.

“Well, don’t just stand there with your mouth open, Mel. Jump in.” Mel laughing to himself jumps into the small sports car.

“Any suggestions for lunch?” Jaycee asks Mel. Mel wanted to say how about you but resisted the urge to come on too strong too early.

With her husband overseas, he likes his chances to get close to her, but he also doesn’t want the messiness of an office fling either. He’s going to have to play Jaycee cool, and he was starting to look forward to the chase.

“How about the golf course that I live on? They have a rather good lunch menu and fast too,” Jaycee finally offered.

“Sounds good. Let’s go,” Mel says.

Pulling into the golf course parking lot, Mel jumps out the car and goes around to Jaycee’s side, just as she’s putting her legs out to stand up from the car. Mel caught a glimpse of a particularly good shot of Jaycee’s upper thigh, and he thinks she’s not shy at all. They both go into the restaurant and order sandwiches.

“I live just off this golf course by the 7th green,” Jaycee tells Mel.

“I didn’t know that. I’ve played here a number of times, and if I had known that I would have put a slice right into your backyard just for the excuse to say hello,” Mel smiled.

“Well, next time, stop by anyway,” Jaycee flashed her wonderful smile that lit up her blue eyes framed by her lovely face and thick, wavy blonde hair.

“How about you show me which house as we’re driving back to work?” Mel asked, hoping she would show him.

Finishing lunch and driving along the golf course, Jaycee points out her house to Mel, then she remembers she needed to get a permission note for her d******r to go on a field trip.

“Mel, do you mind if we make a quick stop at my house? I need to get something for my d******r’s school,” Jaycee asked.

“Sure. I hope you’ll invite me in to see your home,” Mel smiled. This is going to be so easy, Mel mused to himself. Pulling into the garage, they both get out of the car to go inside.

“I’ll be just a minute to write this note. Please make yourself at home,” Jaycee offered.

Mel looked around at the ****** room, and the cluster of framed ****** photographs. Jaycee had a very good-looking ******, and the k*ds certainly favored Jaycee, thankfully.

By the fireplace, there was a black case that caught his attention, and he walks over to it for a closer look. Jaycee comes back into the room and sees that Mel is looking at the case.

“That’s our new video camera that Mike got for us. I promised to send him videos of me and the k*ds from time to time, and I thought that would be a wonderful way for the k*ds to keep up with their ***.”

“That’s a nice idea, Jaycee. Maybe you should do one just of yourself for your husband. You know, to help him cope with being away,” Mel grinned.

“Actually, that is what Mike implied too,” Jaycee laughed. “You men all think alike!”

“Well, if you need any help with it, I’ll gladly volunteer to be the cameraman and director,” Mel smiled widely.

“I’m sure your wife will give you permission,” Jaycee said looking directly at Mel.

“I don’t think she would care one way or the other. We’re kind of at the end of our rope, I am afraid,” Mel said with some exaggeration.

“Oh Mel. I wasn’t aware you were having difficulties at home,” Jaycee said sympathetically.

“It’s ok Jaycee. I’ll get through this too and I appreciate your friendship. You are the only one at work that knows.”

Driving back to their office, there’s not much talk between the two co-workers. Pulling into her parking spot, Jaycee looks over at Mel and says, “Mel, again, I’m sorry to hear of your marital problems, and I hope you find a way to work things out. I don’t care to intrude in another’s marriage, but if you need someone to talk to, you can count on me to be there.”

Mel replies, “Jaycee, that’s very sweet of you. It’s getting somewhat intolerable to spend time at home, especially during the weekends; it just invites another spat over one thing or the other. Can I come by for a visit this weekend, maybe?”

Jaycee considers this and starts to have second thoughts on her invitation, and feels she’s going to make a life-altering decision.

“That’ll be nice, Mel. In fact, the k*ds are being picked up by Mike’s parents for the weekend, so the house will be quiet and give you some respite from home, if that helps,” Jaycee says to Mel.

Mel can’t believe how Jaycee is playing into his plans, and replies, “Thanks Jaycee. How about I swing by around 3 on Saturday?”

“Perfect! We can enjoy an early dinner too, and maybe you can help me with that video,” Jaycee offers. With that, the two get out of Jaycee’s car and head to their respective offices.

Saturday arrives and Mel is anxious to get out of his house away from his wife and the drama she’s creating on a seemingly daily basis. He’s been thinking about Jaycee and her video that she wants to make, and he gets the idea to give her a gift to wear for the video. Dressing in comfortable golf slacks and polo shirt, it’ll be the first time Jaycee sees him not wearing a coat and tie.

On the way to Jaycee’s house, he stops by the mall and finds the Victoria’s Secret store and selects a sexy red teddy. Pleased with his purchase, Mel drives the few minutes to Jaycee’s house.

Arriving right at 3PM, Jaycee greets Mel at the front door. Wearing an off-the-shoulder flowery sundress and Jack Rogers sandals, Jaycee looks delicious and meets Mel’s lustful approval.

“I thought I’d give you something to thank you for the invitation,” handing Jaycee the pink bag. Opening the bag, Jaycee unwraps the red teddy, then looks at Mel mischievously.

“Oh my! I see you’ve put some thought into my video,” Jaycee laughs.

“Well, maybe it’ll be our video,” Mel smiles with his black cock starting to stir. Jaycee too, feels a tingle in her freshly shaven pussy at the thought of wearing the teddy for her friend.

“Let’s go sit on the deck. I’ll bring refreshments out,” Jaycee invites.

Bringing a bottle of beer for Mel, and Jaycee has a glass of chardonnay for herself, the two sit on the deck overlooking the golf course. Mel says to Jaycee, “You know, I think I might have hit a golf ball or two into your bush.”

Laughing, Jaycee says, “You mean that bush there?” pointing to the shrubs bordering on the fairway. “Yes, what did you think I said?” Mel inquires.

“Sorry. Just an innuendo that occurred to me,” Jaycee smiles back at Mel.

“Hmm, ok. I see where you just went,” Mel replies coolly.

After a moment, Jaycee asks Mel, “So, Mr. video director. What did you have in mind for a script?”

Mel replies, “Well, it is for your husband, right? Maybe he’d like to see you do a little dance, or some playful activities wearing that new red teddy you received.”

“I think that would be a good start,” Jaycee says.

Finishing their drinks, Jaycee says, “Let’s work on the video while we still have daylight. I’ll go change and you let me know what you think.”

Jaycee grabs the pink bag and goes upstairs to change into the teddy. She remembers she has a pair of red pumps that may enhance the outfit, so she slips them on as well and pins her hair up. Feeling very sexy with the prospect of showing herself to another man, she also dons a white satin robe and she goes downstairs to find Mel.

While Jaycee is changing into her teddy, Mel wanders into the room that doubles as Jaycee and Mike’s office to admire some of Mike’s displays and awards on the wall.

Jaycee finds him in her office, and she says, “What do you think, Mel?” as she strikes a pose against the doorway.

“Oh yeah, that’ll do nicely,” Mel grins. Jaycee then walks to the desk chair and takes a seat, seductively crossing her legs.

“Mmm, baby loving those legs,” Mel says hungrily. In response, Jaycee stretches her legs atop the desk striking another pose for Mel’s benefit. Rising to stand up, Jaycee sheds the robe and again poses in the doorway.

“Let’s make a video,” Jaycee beckons.

Mel follows Jaycee up the stairs carrying the video camera and tripod, admiring the married woman’s ass as she ascends the stairs. Jaycee leads Mel to her bedroom and lays across the bed.

After the night with SSgt, Jaycee’s insistence that no lover would be in her marital bed has been forgotten. Mel fumbles with the tripod and then mounts the camera to it and focuses on Jaycee laying on the bed.

“Ready when you are, baby,” Mel smiles at the beautiful married white woman before him.

“Ok, I’ll start with a little of this,” Jaycee replies, reaching for the radio on the nightstand to put on some music.

Laying back down on the bed, Mel presses the record button and moves to the foot of the bed where Jaycee is laying on her stomach looking up at Mel. Mel pulls his shirt off, unbuckles his belt and lets his pants fall to the floor. Jaycee reaches into the fly of his boxer shorts and pulls out his big black cock that is quickly becoming fully erect.

“Oh my, Mel! You certainly have some fine equipment there. If your wife won’t tend to your needs, I’m here. That’s what friends do, right?” Jaycee coyly purrs.

“Yeah baby. All yours,” he replies as Jaycee takes the black cock into her mouth. Remembering that the camera is running, Jaycee looks at it and smiles with Mel’s cock in her mouth.

“Baby I want to taste that pussy of yours. Swing around here and let daddy have a taste,” Mel tells her.

Jaycee spins around as Mel is crouching down waiting for the first taste of the fine, fresh shaven cunt of Jaycee’s, and he becomes one of many men over time to taste her sweetness.

Unclasping the snaps in the crotch of her teddy, Mel is reveling in the sight of Jaycee laying back on the bed, her legs spreading and resting on his shoulders.

Kissing her inner thighs, Mel works his way up to her married, shaved pussy, parting the lips open with his tongue, locating her clitoris, he begins the oral onslaught on Jaycee’s pussy.

Jaycee feels the orgasm building and she reaches for Mel’s head and smothers him into her pussy as she explodes with her gushing juices, which takes Mel by surprise, but he doesn’t back away.

He continues to lap up her juices as quickly as she reaches another orgasm, the juices running down his chin onto the bedding below. Jaycee is out of her mind in ecstasy as Mel’s expert tongue and mouth continue to bring her to the brink. Breathlessly, Jaycee reaches down to Mel and guides him up to her.

“Mel, fuck me. I want to have your cock in me and I want your seed,” she urges.

Mel’s moves up to Jaycee, sliding the straps of the red teddy off her shoulders and exposing her hard nipples on her perfect 34C breasts, he begins to feast on them hungrily.

Raising up, he lines his black cock up to the sopping pussy and pushes into her. Feeling Mel’s cock’s length and girth excites Jaycee and comes another wave of orgasms that massage the black cock inside her. Kissing passionately, the two new lovers fuck in lust and intensity as first-time lovers do.

Feeling his own orgasm growing in his loins, Mel looks Jaycee in the eye and says, “I’m getting ready to cum, baby. Do you want it?”

“Oh god yes. Make me your cum whore!” With that, Mel thrusts into the white married woman’s womb, pushing his black seed into her.

Mel can’t remember another time that even came close to this sexual encounter. Laying on top of Jaycee, she has her arms and legs wrapped around him, holding him inside her.

Eventually, the black cock softens and slides out of her cunt, trailing gobs of black sperm onto the bedding.

Mel rolls off her and they lay next to each other. Jaycee rests her head on Mel’s chest, and Mel holds her tight, stroking her blonde wavy hair.

“Baby, that was so good,” Mel coos as he kisses the top of her head.

“You are what I needed for a very long time, Mel,” as Jaycee dozes off.

Jaycee wakes up to find Mel gone and remembers the video camera. She gets up to look at it and its off with the tape missing.

Putting her robe on, she comes downstairs to the ****** room and finds Mel watching the tape in the VCR on TV. She walks over to him, and he welcomes her as she snuggles up with him on the sofa, reliving the intense love making provided on the video tape.

When it finally ends, Jaycee looks up to Mel and gives him a kiss.

“You still want to send that to your husband?” Mel asks.

“I don’t know. Should we keep it for ourselves, or send it to him as a surprise? I had every intention to make the tape a solo act, but you changed those intentions, mister,” Jaycee smiles.

“Well, you know what they say about good intentions. Maybe you can make another tape, and I’ll behave myself,” Mel says grinning.

“Let me think about that, but I’m open for suggestions,” Jaycee says as she starts to consider what is next in this crazy life.