Another Monday morning. Jaycee and Mike get ready for work and get their d******r to school, and it’s all part of their routine that they’ve gotten so use to. The only difference is the awakening of Jaycee’s sex drive and to Mike’s benefit, he now has an extremely hotwife.

Their foreplay as advanced to the point that it all starts with Mike asking Jaycee about sex with Reuben; what was it like, did she like his cock, what does he do that turns her on, when are you going to fuck him again.

Just the thought gets Mike aroused and Jaycee is enjoying the teasing she gives to Mike. She hasn’t told him about Lem and how she finds Lem very desirable but will tell Mike eventually.

“Jaycee, do you think we should invite Reuben over sometime?” Mike asks.

“It’s possible, but we have to be discrete about it, and Tiffany can’t be here at all. What do you imagine would happen if Reuben was here?” Jaycee asks with a coy smile.

“I don’t know. Have a few drinks. Get you loosened up and show me what you can do with Reuben. I’d love to watch it all,” Mike told her.

“Ok, I’ll ask Reuben. Tiff has a sleep over next weekend with the scouts, so that might be a perfect time. Plus, my birthday is Wednesday so maybe a fun way to celebrate afterwards,” Jaycee says with a tingle in her pussy.

Next day at work, Jaycee runs into Tina in the HR office.

“Hey Tina. How was your weekend?” winked Jaycee.

With a chuckle, Tina says, “It was marvelous! I haven’t done anything like that since college,” Tina said looking around making sure nobody was within earshot.

“Does your husband know what took place,” Jaycee asks.

“Oh no. No way could he ever know. He would go ballistic if he knew I was with 6 men, let alone 6 black men. Not that he’s racist, I just think he’s a bit insecure with his, um, manhood,” Tina says shaking her head sympathetically.

“What about your husband? Does he know?” Tina asks Jaycee.

Looking around, Jaycee says, “Yes he knows, and he approves!” Jaycee said smiling.

“Get out! Are you guy’s swingers now?” Tina asks very interested now.

“I don’t think we’re on that level, yet. But maybe something along those lines,” Jaycee said.

Then she goes into the beginning when her and Reuben first got together, the time at the conference where he introduced to her to Lem, and the time in her office just last week.

Tina is looking at Jaycee with disbelief. Who would have thought of all people, Jaycee Sanders fucking black guys, Tina thought to herself? With her immaculate daily appearance, dressing so professionally and conducting herself as such, Tina is seeing another side of Jaycee that no one would have suspected.

“I’m almost envious, Jaycee. I could use some of what you’ve been doing,” grinned Tina.

“I guess your husband wouldn’t approve of such a thing?” Jaycee asked Tina.

“No, he would not. That’s why I look so forward to our trips for the hospital.”

Tina goes on to tell Jaycee about her trysts with other men that she hooked up with on her out-of-town business trips.

It wasn’t hard for Tina to hook up with a new lover on those trips. Her thick red hair and porcelain skin, long legs and 36C breasts turned heads whenever she would enter a room, and she appreciated that since, for a while now, her husband has seemed a bit disinterested.

“Have to run, Tina. We should get together some time after work, some wine, and tell stories,” laughed Jaycee.

“I know, right?” Tina smiled approvingly.

As Jaycee is leaving the HR office, she sees Reuben coming down the hallway. Reuben is always a sharp dresser and today is no exception. Reuben sees Jaycee and grins as he approaches. Jaycee dressed in silk blouse, skirt, and high heeled pumps, her blonde wavy hair pulled back she looks the sexy professional that Reuben finds irresistible.

“Hello Jaycee, nice to see you today. How’s your weekend?” asks a grinning Reuben.

“It was fabulous. Thank you so much for hosting your party and inviting Mike and me to it,” Jaycee said flashing that wonderful smile.

“Hey, I looked at the monthly hospital calendar, and I saw it’s your birthday this Wednesday. Mind if I treat you to lunch?” Reuben asked hopefully.

“You know what, Reuben? I’ll say yes. I just want to keep it discrete though, ok?” Jaycee says.

“Yeah I know, keep it all on the up-and-up,” Reuben says.

“Do you want to meet me at the restaurant or drive with me?” Reuben asks Jaycee.

“I’m ok with riding with you, so I’ll meet you in the parking lot at twelve o’clock Wednesday. Ta Ta, Reuben,” Jaycee says as she starts down the hallway with Reuben looking after her.

“Mmmm, that’s my baby,” Reuben thinks to himself, then considers a gift to give her for her birthday. Reuben then decides he’ll go to the mall after work and find something nice at Victoria’s Secret that he’d like to see her in.

“Hello Reuben!” says Tina, catching Reuben by surprise.

“Tina! How you doin, Red?”

“Fine. Just was chatting with Jaycee. Actually, a very interesting chat,” Tina coyly smiles at Reuben.

“Oh really? Do tell,” a grinning Reuben asks.

“Maybe another time in a more appropriate setting,” winked Tina.

“Hey Tina. Maybe you can help me with something? You know Jaycee’s birthday is Wednesday and I’d like to get her something nice. You know, something she’d look real good in. Like in a sexy good thing,” Reuben says suddenly feeling a bit out of his swim lane.

He’s never really bought anything sexy for a woman before. All his exes and mothers of his c******n never cared for such things. But Jaycee is different. She deserves to be treated like a lady, but like a hoe in bed too. Or, on her desk, muses Reuben.

“Do you think she would like something from Victoria’s Secret? I’ve seen the catalog, but have never gone inside one, and wouldn’t know where to start,” Reuben says feeling a bit lost discussing something like this.

“I might be able to help you, if you like, Reuben?” Tina asks

“I was thinking of going to the mall and I would appreciate you holding my hand on this new adventure,” laughs Reuben.

Maybe holding something else, he thinks to himself as he is appreciating the lovely redhead next to him. Man, so much quality pussy around here, he muses.

“How about I meet you at the mall food court after work? Say around 5:30?” Tina offers.

“Sure, that would work,” Reuben agrees. “Now, I came into HR for something else…” as Reuben and Tina get back to their professional personas.

Reuben strolls into the mall food court and spies Tina immediately. Not hard to miss that luscious red hair.

“Hi Reuben. Are you ready to be introduced to something totally alien, like walking into Victoria’s Secret?” grinned Tina.

“Let’s do it,” Reuben says. Reuben is amazed at the sheer volume of different sorts of lingerie. He didn’t know where to start, but Tina led the way.

“Reuben, what do you think of this?” Tina asks holding up a matching set of leopard-print bra and thong.

“Wow, I like that!” Reuben smiles, then an idea crosses his mind.

“You know Tina, I just can’t imagine Jaycee in those, but maybe, could you try them on and give me an idea,” grins Reuben.

“Um, I’m not sure that’s how it works, Reuben,” Tina chuckles.

She looks around and the store is not busy and the salesgirls are at the register talking, so Tina says, “Just this once. We can sneak into the changing room and I can show you. I’ll let you know when I’m ready,” Tina tells Reuben.

As Tina makes her way to the changing room, Reuben mulls his next plan and maybe he’ll finally get lucky with Tina.

Tina goes into the changing room and starts to have second thoughts about how crazy this is, and she knows Reuben is up to no good, but here I am, she says to herself. Removing her blouse, skirt, bra and panties, Tina slips into the thong and bra, which is a size smaller than what she normally wears but probably will be fine for Jaycee.

Checking herself in the mirror, she likes what she sees. She still has a great body, but maybe attributable to not having any kids yet.

That’s always been a sore point with her husband for not having any kids after 5 years of marriage. She really didn’t want kids, not yet, and was secretly on birth control which helps her reconcile her out-of-town liaisons.

Tina opens the changing room door and finds Reuben standing right outside, leaning up against the wall. Reuben’s cock is already hard from the anticipation of seeing Tina in a thong and bra.

“Come on, hurry before anybody sees you!” Tina urges.

Reuben steps into the changing room and it’s a bit tight with Reuben size as he almost can’t help standing up against Tina. He looks at her in the mirror and admires how well she wears the thong and bra.

“Turn around some so I can see all of you, you little slut,” Reuben tells her. Tina twirls a couple times until Reuben and her are face to face.

She looks up at him and asks, “So what do you think? Jaycee would look good in this too.”

“Baby, I know she will, and you are looking damn fine too,” Reuben tells her, and then, “You feelin this cock?” he asks while Tina’s hand is stroking it inside his pants.

“Feels like somebody wants to get out,” Tina says smiling slyly.

With that, she unbuckles his belt, unzips his fly and pulls down his pants to his ankles. Reuben’s cock is straining to get out his boxer shorts, and Tina obliges by pulling them down.

“Oh, my Reuben! Its magnificent! Now I know what Jaycee has been telling me,” Tina says as she starts to stroke Reuben’s veiny cock with the mushroom head. Kissing his balls as she does so, she works the mushroom cock head into her mouth, enjoying the salty taste of Reuben’s manhood.

Reuben grabs her from the back of her head and forces more cock into her mouth. Looking down at this beautiful redhead servicing his cock is almost enough to make him cum before he wants to.

There’s not much room to maneuver in the changing room, otherwise he’d turn her around and fuck that red headed pussy of hers, so he’ll have to be content to bust his nut down her throat.

Tina is truly enjoying having big Reuben in her mouth and she can tell Reuben is close to cumming as his breathing is picking up. She wants him in her pussy, but now is not the time nor place.

Reuben is feeling his nut coming and when it does, it floods Tina’s mouth and throat with more than she can handle and she sputters and coughs cum and spit back onto Reuben, but she continues to take as much of cum down her throat and into her belly as she can manage.

Reuben is finally drained, and Tina licks the remnants from his cock.

“Damn girl! You can suck the brass off a doorknob!” exclaimed Rueben. Looking up at Reuben with her bright green eyes, Tina smiles at him while she wipes her face as best she can.

Taking off the bra, she uses it to dry her mouth and chest of Reuben’s cum and her spit.

“You better go, Reuben before someone suspects something,” Tina says.

Pulling up his pants and boxers, Reuben shakes his cock at her and says, “Next time my boy here is going into that pussy.”

“I’ll be around,” Tina answers back.

With that, Reuben zips up, opens the door to make sure the coast was clear, gave Tina a quick kiss, and he was gone. Tina takes off the thong and leaves it and the bra in the changing room, gets dressed and leaves as quickly as she can.

Meanwhile, Reuben goes back to the rack where he and Tina found the ensemble, and he finds Jaycee’s size and goes to pay for it at the check-out. He asks for a gift box as well, and the young blonde woman asks if its for his wife.

“No, somebody else’s wife,” Reuben says with a wink.

“Oh my!” said the red-faced young woman.

“Well, I think she’ll like these animal prints. Very in style these days,” she added.

“I’m going to find out soon,” he says, winks at her, then departs the store just as Tina was coming out of the changing room. They both wave and go separate ways smiling to themselves.

Wednesday morning, Mike and Jaycee’s alarm goes off to start the day. As they are both in the bathroom getting ready, Mike wishes Jaycee a happy birthday and pushes her into the bedroom onto the bed. “Mike, we don’t have time for this,” Jaycee mildly protests.

“C’mon, it’s your birthday, and you’re dressed for it,” as Mike eyes her naked body beneath him. “I bet Reuben is going to treat you to something special at lunch today,” Mike teases.

“We’re going to keep it discrete today,” Jaycee says.

“Did you ask him about coming over this weekend?” Mike asks as he’s kissing her neck and groping her pussy.

“At lunch I will,” she replied as Mike is going to make her late, so why not go with it, she decides, and she is fully focused on getting her birthday fuck from her husband.

Arriving to work, not too late, Jaycee catches up on emails and phone messages which take up all her morning, and then lunch. Finishing up her morning tasks, she grabs her purse and heads for the parking lot to meet Reuben. She sees his car as he pulls up, and she hops in.

“Hey Baby. Looking really good for being another year older,” Reuben teases.

“Almost as old as you now, not!” Jaycee shoots back.

“Ouch Baby, I’m just have a few years head start on you. How’s your appetite?” Reuben asks.

“I’m looking forward to spending your money on a big meal,” Jaycee taunts.

“That’s my story with women. You’re killing me here,” Reuben pretends to pout.

They get to the restaurant and Reuben is a good friend with the owner who finds them a secluded table in the corner. By Jaycee’s standards, she splurges and orders a Cobb salad and a glass of chardonnay. Reuben orders shrimp and grits with andouille sausage which is his hometown favorite.

“Reuben, Mike wanted me to ask if you were up to coming over to our house this Saturday for some drinks, and just hang out,” Jaycee asked Reuben.

“Sure, I’d be up for it. But why?” Reuben asked.

“Mike wants to watch us have sex,” Jaycee says looking around to make sure she didn’t say it too loud. With a toothy grin Reuben replies, “Yeah that can work.”

“Ok, how about 7 PM Saturday night?” Jaycee says.

“Sounds really good. And, for your birthday, I got you this,” Reuben says giving her the gift-wrapped package. Jaycee opens it to reveal the leopard-print bra and thong set.

“My goodness, Reuben! It’s very thoughtful of you. I suppose you want me to wear this for you when you come visit?” Jaycee says, already knowing the answer.

“Damn straight, Baby. And, wear your thigh high stockings and heels too,” grinned Reuben.

Finishing up lunch, Jaycee and Reuben drive back to the hospital where Reuben parks in the back corner of the parking lot, which is different from his usual spot just outside the cafeteria entrance.

“Why are you parking here, Reuben?” Jaycee asks, feeling she knows the answer anyway. Just as she asks Reuben, he is already taking his cock out of his pants.

“Thought we’d have a little fun before going back to work,” Reuben says grinning and puts his arm around Jaycee, pulling her towards him and his growing cock.

“Reuben, I don’t think this is being discrete at all, and security may come by too,” Jaycee protested.

“C’mon Baby. You know you get me off so easily. This won’t take long so come taste daddy,” Reuben says as Jaycee can’t resist Reuben’s cock.

She leans over the center console and grabs Reuben’s cock to stroke it. The engorged veins and mushroom head are at the height of arousal and Jaycee takes the black cock into her mouth, enjoying musky smell and taste of it.

“Oh Baby, that’s it. You’re such a good cocksucking bitch. Climb over here and ride this cock,” Reuben urges Jaycee.

Without hesitation, Jaycee climbs over the center console, hiking her skirt up, straddles Reuben, and inserts his cock into her waiting pussy. Reuben moves his seat back to give Jaycee more room and now he can cup the fine ass of Jaycee as she’s bouncing on Reuben’s cock.

“Oh Reuben, you are such a bad man,” Jaycee pants as she’s kissing Reuben. Jaycee feels an orgasm coming just as Reuben thrusts up into her giving her one of several spurts of semen deep into her womb. Jaycee cums with each thrust, gushing pussy juice mixed with Reuben’s cum onto his lap.

The torrid passion consumed them and leaves them both breathless. Jaycee climbs back off Reuben and back to the passenger seat, leaving a trail of cum from Reuben’s lap, across the center console and onto the passenger seat.

Reuben’s lap and seat are drenched, and Jaycee tries her best to keep her skirt hiked up from the same fate as Reuben’s pants. “Oh Reuben! I’m so sorry about the mess,” Jaycee says sincerely.

“No Baby. Don’t be. I’ll just run home to change since I have a little time yet. You want to come along?” Reuben asks.

“No, I really need to get back to work and figure a way to get cleaned up,” Jaycee tells him.

Reuben gets his cock back in to his cum soaked pants, zips up and drives Jaycee a bit closer to the hospital.

“There’s some napkins in the glove box you can use to wipe yourself,” Reuben offered. Jaycee finds them and needs quite a few to clean herself up enough so she doesn’t have cum running down her legs as she’s walking into the hospital.

Satisfied she got it all, she pulls her skirt down, just as Reuben pulls up to the curb. “Thank you for lunch and the gift Reuben. See you Saturday then?” Jaycee asked.

“I’ll be there, Baby,” Reuben grinned, and Jaycee exits the car, smoothing her skirt as best she can as she walks into the lobby.

“Happy Birthday my little slut,” Reuben says to himself with a chuckle. Saturday night is going to be a good one and he’s looking forward to the beginning of cuckolding his first white couple.
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