Content Warning: Castration, Cheat, Black Breeding, Drugs

Heather sat in the waiting room unmoving, head between her splayed hands. It was, for the most part; white, sterile – boring. But, she felt like she was burning up. Timidly she looked over at the table next to her again, on it a magazine showing a beautiful blond woman juxtaposed against a big black cock swinging dangerously close to her lips, 'Mudsharks' she read the title to herself. The receptionist must have followed her gaze, “Those are just there for the guys, you know, to help them with providing a sample.” Heather turned her face back to the floor quickly, her long auburn hair falling around her face.

Her husband Jake and she had walked through the doors to the clinic not an hour earlier. They'd taken a flight the night before. This was one of the few places where Jake could get his vasectomy reversed affordably. It's not like it was something covered by health insurance, and the cost at his urologist was $12K all fronted by the two of them. But here, they could reconnect his bits for a couple thousand out the door. It was strange that they only took cash, but the reviews online were all glowing, usually showing a beautiful child. Though it seemed like most if not all of them were mixed race though Heather figured that was due to the affordability of the process and most white people being better off than her and Jake.

She rocked a little bit in her seat, they'd taken Jake back almost as soon as she'd come in. Then the receptionist asked if she was stressed and offered her something to calm her down. She rocked a little bit more, feeling herself sweating slightly as she pulled out her phone. Still, hours to go, and that was if things went right. Then, finally, they'd be able to conceive. She still wondered what it was about Jake that drew her in so much, she so desperately wanted children but he'd had his vasectomy before they'd even met. How was it so hot in here she wondered, running her hands over her lithe body, realizing with a start that she was cupping her b-cup breasts.

It was interesting when Jake scheduled his appointment. They weren't willing to put him on the calendar until they talked to her. Said it was because some spouses might restore their fertility in secret and that they wanted to make sure that both spouses were on board.

The conversation though had been fairly interesting. The woman that called was very talkative and kept talking about herself, clubbing, asking Heather if she partied. When her last period was, what was her cup size, odd questions. There had been very little on actually restoring Jake's fertility.


She looked up, standing in the doorway was a tall black man in a white overcoat. “Could you please come with me, we have a waiting area setup for you that should be more comfortable.”

Heather looked around as if there were someone else in the room but stood unsteadily. She realized suddenly that her balance was off and struggled to get to the door, he took her hand, “I'm doctor Jackson.”

She gripped it unsteadily, using it to keep her balance and nodded. “Is it air-conditioned because I am burning up.” She admitted.

He smiled back at her flashing his white teeth, “Follow me.”

Thankfully they didn't go far, stopping at a door on the right. They went inside and Heather was shocked to see a queen size bed in the room, it looked more like a bedroom than anything that belonged in the clinic. She looked around, a bathroom off to the side and a window with the shades drawn.

“Please, take a seat on the bed Heather.”

She did as she was told, relishing getting off her feet.

“We knew you'd be more comfortable here for the duration of your husband's procedure. Please feel free to relax and take a nap if you'd like. We will come to get you when the procedure is complete.”

Heather nodded, “Thank you.” She laid back on the bed and watched the door close. Then she noticed behind the door had been a television on the wall. She inched up onto the bed feeling warmer than before and grabbed the remote on the nightstand.

The TV came to life and Heather watched the same black doctor walk onto the screen that had just directed her into the room. “Welcome to the Hillside Clinic. Please try to relax during your stay here.”

Heather grunted and lifted her head, forcing another pillow under to see the TV better. “In order to alleviate some of your anxiety we've put together this video showing an overview of our procedures and methods.”

Heather watched disgusted as the video cut to showing the lower area of a man, his upper half hidden behind a surgical tent. He was white, shaved bare and his tiny penis was contracted almost into his body. She watched the doctors hands come into frame and take the small scrotum into his big black hands. “All sperm is produced in the testicles, without that pregnancy is impossible. Today we'll be demonstrating the techniques to restore fertility.”

The camera cut again, this time showing those same testicles with a odd microscope like system pressing against it. “This is our micro surgical system,” The view again cut, this time to the view on the microscope. She saw little mechanical pincers in the frame as the doctor continued narrating, “This is the vas deferens, you can see that it has been cut and sewn at this end. We remove the blocked ends,” The tiny hands grabbed the vas as if to indicate the action, “and sew the ends back together.”

Heather was thankful that it didn't show the process and cut instead back to the doctor. “Now, let's see some of our successful results.”

The breath caught in Heather's throat as the scene again changed to a black man, naked on his back and stroking his cock, “Yeah... let's see how that sperm count is today.” He grunted as a woman in a nurses outfit crouched between his leg with a cup. He groaned again as ropes of sperm shot from his cock and the nurse struggled to direct it into the cup.

“I'm not sure it's gonna all fit.” She laughed as she reached out and helped him squeeze out a few more drops.

It was like everything else in the world had ceased to exist as the voice over proclaimed that his fertility was restored. She didn't have time to think as the next thing on the screen was that same black man fucking a red headed woman on a bed. A bed that if she'd been in her right mind she would have realized was the bed she was laying on right now.

“God.. god!” The woman in the video screamed, “Breed me! Seed me – give me a black baby!” He held deep in her and grunted as she giggled and cried. “Thank you.”

The video again cut, this time showing a beautiful mulatto child being cradled between the two of them with a subtitle of 'Nine Months Later”.

If Heather thought that would be the end of it, she was wrong. What followed were more success stories, more breeding, more children. All black bulls fucking white women. Then she realized abruptly. It was the SAME black man breeding these women.

She also realized at that moment that she'd been idly fingering her clit and that she felt hotter than ever. She shook her head trying to clear the cob webs and grabbed the remote and changed the channel. No, it wasn't the same breeding, but it was another white woman beneath a different black man. She changed it again, this time there were two women, both of them sucking on a big black cock, fighting over the load to come.

Heather ran her hands over her face and looked around, nothing odd other than the television. It had to be some kind of prank. She turned the channel again, “Black is better, black is better.” The woman groaned and the camera pulled around to show the black cock drilling into her pussy. Heather was breathing hard now and realized that her fingers were now going deep inside her sodden pussy.

There was a knock at the door, the garbled sound that escaped her mouth was a combination of help, what, and come in. The door opened and in walked doctor Jackson.

“How are you holding up?” He asked with a smile.

“Wha... what's going on with the TV?” She gestured frantically.

“Oh, these are all satisfied customers.” He laughed, “Obviously.” He added as another black cock shot its load.

“But...” She trailed off no sure what to say. Her heart beating, pulse racing, she could have sworn she could smell him from where she lay. She jerked her hand out of her waistband with a start, not even realizing what she'd been doing.

“Heather.” He started gently, taking a spot on the bed, she felt it shift and felt herself roll almost imperceptibly towards him, “Remember the screening process, the questions?” He started reaching out toward her knee but stopping just short.

She nodded, “Um hum.” It was the only answer she trusted herself with as her eyes snuck back to the TV and the black stud there playing musical whores with two stacked pussies.

“You wanted a child, Jake did not. You said that the health of the child was one of the most important things to you – Jake has diabetes in his ******, a heart condition, and multiple other negative genetic factors-”

“But-” She found herself jumping to his aid, “I love him.”

“And there's nothing wrong with that. You're here because you love him and want to stay with him even if he'll never be able to have children.”

“Never... did you find something...” She couldn't bring herself to say it.

“We're offering you a chance at a healthy child, right now.” The mental gymnastics her mind was carrying out were Olympic level as she tried to segue everything to this point into a conversation about adoption.

That line of thought was quashed the moment doctor Jackson stood up and removed his lab coat. He was naked beneath it but that didn't shock her as much as the size of his cock.

She felt herself dreamily sit up felt her blood in her veins. “I can make your dreams a reality.” Doctor Jackson said as she felt herself drifting nearer.

“Jake...” She mumbled, “What about...”

“We'll talk about that later but suffice it to say we've got it all taken care of.”

Heather wasn't even aware that she'd reached out for his cock till she saw her fingers curling around it. Marveled at the feel of it, the heft and the warmth as she started to stroke it. She almost fell forward and put her mouth over the head.

“That's good Heather, it's time to make a baby.”

The taste and smell of his cock were so much more than her husbands. Her mind went back to the video showing that poor white penis pulling nearly back into the body. She pushed forward taking more cock into her mouth than ever before. She chocked even more of it down, her body demanding as much cock as she could take in any hole she offered.

As she sucked his cock she fumbled with her pants but didn't have the angle or coordination to remove them. Finally Jackson pushed her off his cock and she fell back on the bed. He grabbed the cuffs of her pants and pulled them off with a yank.

He wasn't waiting for her acceptance, he was claiming what was his as he dropped down onto the bed and climbed between her legs. Kissing her deeply he guided himself into her sodden pussy.

Heather grunted into the kiss at a loss for breath and Jackson wasted no time developing a rhythm. The first orgasm came on fast and she felt herself losing control, losing herself as the cock inside her didn't slow down.

She'd never squirted before but she'd never been with a black man before. Still, any shame she felt melted away instantly as he didn't slow his pace in the slightest. He stopped laying kisses on her face and lips to push up her shirt and start sucking her nipples, “These are going to feed all your black babies.” He told her as he played with them.

Time passed strangely, she felt like she was on a cloud as one orgasm passed to the next. As Jackson laid pipe in her cunt it was the only thing in the world that mattered to her. Then she felt it, deep inside, an orgasm like no other. Her toes curling, her fingers digging into his back, she was only able to breath in – not out. And – he stopped.

Jackson stopped and pulled out his cock causing Heather to shutter. It was only then that she realized there was another person in the room. The receptionist had been circling the two of them with a camcorder. She couldn't bring herself to care as she breathed raggedly.

The blinds came up on the other side of the room revealing that it was a window – or more accurately a two-way mirror. On the other side of the glass was her husband Jake, laid out on the operating table, unconscious. A nurse and a doctor in the room stood at his side starring at the mirror. She noticed between his legs, dangling there for all the world to see were his testicles removed from their pouch.

“This is the choice Heather.” Doctor Jackson told her while he rubbed his cock along her slit, “You say the word and we'll cut off his balls now and replace them with fakes. We'll send the two of your home and in three weeks when you're back for his followup we'll tell him that his body rejected the stents and we have to remove his testicles and you get another breeding session.”

The television sprung to life louder than before, on the screen was a closeup of a woman's face, her lipstick smeared, “Do it, cut em off.” Then it cut to another woman, “Yessss... do it – just stick that cock back in me.” The woman continued in the background.

Heather struggled to find herself, “What about him... what will he say.”

“After his nuts are cut off he'll start to lose the ability to get hard, he'll start to get flabby, he'll want to do whatever he can to make you happy.” The nurse responded and Heather was aware that the camera was centered on her face just like all the women on the television.

“Do you want this dick?” Heather's eyes widened as Jackson's dick pushed its way back into her pussy, “Or your hubby's little penis?”

Jackson bottomed out in her pussy and held there. “Do... do it.” She croaked. Maybe it was the cock in her pussy, or the drugs that they'd given her, but the rush she felt when she watched Jake's testicles drop to the floor was unmatched. She watched with glazed eyes as the nurse picked them up off the floor and said something to the doctor. He laughed and the nurse fumbled at first but ended up working both of Jake's nuts into his own ass.

“Get ready for it!” Heather was crushed as Jackson lowered all of his weight on her, pushing as deep into her body as their physiques would allow. She pictured it, millions of swimmers going for her egg and it triggered her strongest orgasm yet. He held tight in her as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

“Samson's up next.” Doctor Jackson said as he pushed off the bed. “Your husband's procedure is scheduled for another three hours and you have three more donors ready for that white pussy of yours.”

“How does that make your feel?” The nurse asked pulling the focus to Heather's face.

“Great.” She answered winded but still smiling.