Copyright 1999 by

It all began, Kathy would later recall with a camellia bush. When she and Paul bought the little house at the end of the cul-de-sac the backyard landscaping had not been one of the selling points. The previous owners had bought the place new and had done nothing but lay sod from the patio to the fence. A blank slate maybe but one that called for a lot of work, Paul was not into gardening and he worked too much to be helpful.

Saturday morning two weeks after they moved in with the unpacking finally finished Kathy set out to resculpt their yard. She began by digging up the grass around the edge of the lawn, clearing the area for her border garden took most of the morning, the ground was thick with clay and she was soon sweating through the old T-shirt she wore. After taking a break for lunch she went to the nursery wanting to get plants, and bushes for her new garden. She selected a mixture of hibiscus and camellia because her mother had them in her yard when she was a girl and Kathy always loved the fluffy white flowers they produced. She picked out a combination of begonias, daylilies, and Lily of the Nile for the bed along the back with the idea that she would add more eventually.

When she got home her Ford Explorer was now stuffed with vegetation and she discovered that the bushes were heavier than she had anticipated. She had bought fully-grown five-gallon plants because she hadn't wanted to wait for them to grow. The attendant at the nursery had loaded her truck for her but now she was stuck with no way to get them out. She unloaded the flowers and then struggled with the first bush. She got it out of the car, but could not lift it from the driveway and began dragging it around the back, which made her realize that she was probably going to be exhausted before she got all ten plants in place.

While she was struggling with the second bush she heard a voice behind her, "Um, do you need some help?"

Kathy turned to see a boy sixteen or seventeen with dark hair and a few pimples marring his face standing nervously behind her. He stood close to six feet tall and was fairly cute. He wore a black T-shirt with "NWO 4 Life" on it (Kathy wondered what on earth that meant?) over a faded pair of jeans.

"I think I could, I'm trying to get all these bushes into my backyard."

He reached into the back of the truck and lifted one of the camellias out effortlessly. She watched his thick, well-defined biceps flexing and blushed at the sudden flash of heat she felt between her legs, "Where should I put it?"

"Around back, I'll show you," she found her gaze drifting to the dimpled muscles of his butt before she forced herself to look away. He stopped in the middle of the yard to wait for her, "Along the sides where I have that other one."

He muscled her bush into position and went for another. While he carried them back and forth, she went through the sliding glass door into the kitchen to get him a bottled water or two and in a few minutes the young boy had all the bushes arranged. She handed him the water, "Thanks," he took a long swig and wiped his forehead.

"No, thank you this would have taken me all afternoon."

He shrugged, staring down at the ground, "It's no problem."

"What's your name?"


"I'm Kathy Charles, nice to meet you. We just moved in where do you live?"

"Down the street."

"Okay, I guess we'll see each other now and then," Kathy scolded herself thinking 'What a stupid thing to say!'

Casey looked up at her, she saw his gaze pause briefly at her breasts bringing a chill over her body as she felt her nipples erect.

"Um, if you don't have anyone to mow your lawn, I do a few people around the neighborhood."

"Well, we don't, I like gardening but I'm not much on lawn mowing and my husband hates it, what do you charge?"

"Fifteen dollars, that's for mowing, edging, and sweeping."

"Sounds good to me, can you squeeze me in today this place could use it."

He fidgeted for a second, managing a nervous smile, "Sure."

"Great, go ahead whenever you can, I'm going to plant my bushes."

"Okay, Thanks."

Kathy went to work on her holes and by the time she had finished digging the five holes along the left side, she could hear a lawnmower. Peeking over the fence she saw Casey beginning to mow their lawn. She watched as he pushed the mower back and forth bringing on a familiar tug at her innards. Sighing to herself she turned back to the camellias, when she had about half of them planted Casey appeared with his mower, "Go ahead and do the grass, I'll take a break," she said.


As he started up the mower Kathy went inside. While washing her hands, she found herself watching the boy in the backyard... 'If he is sixteen, that would make him half my age, nothing wrong with watching,' she thought but in truth, she knew she wanted more. Ever since Paul had taken this job in Newport Beach his attention had dropped off precipitously, if she got it twice a month she was doing well. She knew she wasn't being fair to him they couldn't have afforded this house or the baby they were trying to have without that job but her energies were going unattended nonetheless and she had been using up batteries for her vibrator at an alarming rate lately.

Casey finished with the yard in a few minutes and returned a few minutes later with his edger. While he worked around the patio Kathy went back to work on the bushes, trying not to watch him. A few minutes later he went back out front to finish up and as she got the last bush in place he returned, "All done?"

"Yeah," she went inside and dug the money out of her purse. When she handed the money to him she caught his eyes darting to her breasts, then away. Smiling at the knowledge that he was interested also she said, "There you go, and thanks for taking the job last minute."

"You're welcome."

She watched him leave, daring a final glance at his behind.


"Who mowed the lawn today?"

Kathy glanced across the bed at her husband fighting the ridiculous sensation of guilt that welled up inside her, "A boy down the street, came over and offered to do it."

Paul's forehead creased, "Not for free?"

"Fifteen dollars."

"That's too much, we can get some illegal alien landscaping service to do it for forty a month."

"I don't trust those guys, I'd rather have someone I know."

"You hardly know this kid."

"He seemed nice enough and the difference is only twenty a month."

Paul went back to the stack of printouts in his lap, "Okay, Whatever."

A few minutes later, she set her book aside and tried to cuddle with him, he let her initially until she reached under the covers for his penis, "Honey, I'm sorry, I have to get this done for tomorrow."

She sighed, "It's okay," and rolled over to try to get to sleep.

The next morning, Sunday, after Paul had gone to work Kathy went out to finish her gardening. The heavy work was done but she needed to do some weeding and clean up from the day before. When she finished about an hour later now in the garage storing her tools she took a look up the street and then down secretly hoping to see Casey whom she had been thinking about all morning, she thought she heard a lawnmower somewhere nearby but he was nowhere to be seen so she went back inside to take a shower, a long shower, standing under the spray wondering why she was obsessing about some kid, 'So he's cute, so he was the sort of boy who wouldn't have bothered with her when she was sixteen, she is a married woman and chasing teenage boys was simply pathetic.' None of these thoughts stopped her from beginning to masturbate, however. She caressed herself slowly, wondering what Casey's cock looked like as her nipples began to throb she took the showerhead off its bracket and held it between her legs, letting the pulsating streams of water heat her. She imagined Casey on his knees before her, hands pressed against her buttocks as he licked her. A few minutes of this was enough to send her over the edge. She struggled to hold the shower wand in place as the spasms of her climax forced another orgasm causing her to cry out at the intensity of it as she held the mental image of Casey's face buried between her legs. The second peak came moments later, a long agonizing shudder rolling through her. When it was finally over, she let go of the nozzle and sagged against the shower wall, 'not good girl,' she thought to herself, 'This is not good.'

Casey pushed his mower into its final turn trying to keep his mind on what he was doing but his dick was painfully erect and the vibrations of the lawnmower weren't helping matters. The last thing he needed to do was cut off a toe because he couldn't stop thinking about Kathy Charles. He had finally gotten up the nerve to approach her yesterday but had been watching her since they had moved in a few weeks ago. He had been under her spell since first seeing her dressed in tight denim shorts and a T-shirt, her little ass showcased in the shorts. She wasn't tall but her legs seemed long nonetheless and her breasts, God, he had never seen more perfect breasts than Kathy Charles had on her. He was certain she had seen him drooling over them the day before and felt lucky that she hadn't slapped him. He could still see her standing in front of him, T-shirt wet with her perspiration, nipples sticking out. He lifted his hand from the mower for a second imagining that he was cupping one of those perfect breasts in his hand. He felt that she would be a perfect fit for him but he would never know her being married and older, he wondered if she was a natural blonde, he had tried to see if he could spot any roots while she was gardening yesterday but hadn't been able to get a close enough, her eyebrows weren't blonde but then they weren't exactly brown either, maybe she lightened her hair, he tried to imagine what her pussy looked like and wondered if she trim it like the models in the porn mags he kept stashed in his closet? The thought of Kathy Charles naked was too much and when his erection brushed against the lawnmower handle as he maneuvered it around a tree the vibrations of it made him squirt in his underwear. He grabbed himself involuntarily trying to stop it but it was impossible. Feeling the semen running down around his balls making a gooey mess in the sweat that had already collected there he glanced around to see if anyone was watching him, his face burning with the humiliation hoping no one had seen his crisis. He was alone on the street, thank God he was wearing jeans had he been wearing shorts his sperm would probably have run down his leg, when he finished the Carsons' yard he ran home to clean himself up before moving to the next house.


When the week began Kathy was able to lose herself in her work for a few days. She worked for an interior decorating company a few miles from her house where she spent most of her time consulting with new homeowners who were trying to personalize one of the thousands of anonymous tract homes in south Orange County. Her thoughts would often go to Casey, wondering what he was doing, if he was on summer vacation, or were the local schools on some year-round schedule the way they were up in Los Angeles. Did he have a job or did he just mow lawns? Wednesday afternoon when she was on the phone with one of their suppliers about a shipment of drapery fabric she suddenly wondered, 'Does Casey have a girlfriend? As cute as he is he probably had girls chasing him mercilessly, he seems to be shy though in a cute and so deliciously nervously awkward way... why does that turn you on, girl,' she asked herself. Well, no mystery there. Paul might not be interested in her anymore, but Casey was. It might be nothing more than adolescent hormones and inexperience but there was at least one male in the world who still lusted after her. How would he react were she to proposition him? Three words were all it would take probably, 'Fuck me, Casey,' and let nature run its course. Her body tightened at the thought and a nervous shiver tanned through her body, she wasn't considering doing this, was she?

She slept in Saturday morning not wanting to think about Casey coming to mow their lawn. She had to get a grip on herself she wondered if Paul would be able to tell what she was thinking if he saw the two of them together. Maybe she should run some errands and let Paul handle the whole thing But the thought of not seeing Casey sent a stab through her gut. 'I haven't done anything wrong, she told herself, fantasies are harmless, I'm not going to cheat on Paul. I'll watch Casey a little to give myself something to think about in the shower, after all this is Paul's fault for ignoring me, Right?

In the kitchen she found Paul fully dressed, finishing a cup of coffee, and was instantly consumed by both guilt and excitement. She tried to keep her voice level, "Are you going to work?"

"Yeah honey, I'm sorry. We have to get the Bronson presentation finished by Tuesday morning if it is not ready shit will hit the fan, it is a fifty-million dollar deal."

She managed a shallow breath, "When will you be home?"

"I'll be back for dinner, I hope, I'll call if I can't."


He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and left when he was gone she had to sit down to calm herself. Her hands were shaking and her stomach was tight, 'What the fuck am I doing?' she thought, 'What the fuck am I doing? She had never once considered being unfaithful to Paul until now... Well, maybe once or twice but never seriously. She wanted to get up and run as far away as possible. 'I won't do anything,' she thought, 'I'll pretend, I'll flirt with him a little maybe but I won't do anything, I won't and then when he is gone I can masturbate myself silly. I'll burn out the batteries in my vibrator if I have to, whatever it takes.

Casey had been thinking about this all week. Thursday and Friday had dragged like nothing else he normally did the Matthewsons' and Gabriels' lawns on Saturday morning, but he couldn't decide what to do now. He wanted to see Kathy Charles, but maybe he should save her for last. If he did her lawn first, then it would be over by ten, and he'd have to wait another week to see her plus if he went to her house right away he was sure she would be able to tell how nervous he was and she might get offended and the last thing he wanted was to make her mad at him, maybe doing the other lawns first would give him time to calm down.

Kathy wanted to shower, but she was afraid she might miss Casey, she debated for a few minutes before deciding to get it over with as quickly as possible. She didn't think he would be coming over first thing anyway. When she got into the shower she suddenly wanted to make this something special. She could pretend... pretend... that she was getting ready to make love to Casey when he came over, she could get ready for him and when he was gone she could make love to her vibrator pretending it was him.

She shaved her legs and trimmed her bikini line, she thought of shaving her pubic hair but that was going too far. It would be impossible to explain to Paul when he eventually saw it. She settled for trimming it back a bit with her manicure scissors after she exited the shower. She dried her hair and put on a tiny bit of make-up nothing more than would seem proper for a Saturday morning. She dabbed a few drops of perfume on her breasts then blushed at herself between her legs. When she was done she debated what to wear. Nothing she usually wore on Saturday was the least bit exciting but then why get dressed at all, she could wear a robe pretending she hadn't yet gotten ready for the day. She dug through her closet finding a short satin robe she would sometimes wear for Paul, it hadn't gotten much use lately and she missed it. What to wear under it, well, that was easy enough nothing at all it would be deliciously exciting to know she was nearly naked when Casey arrived knowing she could expose herself to him just by tugging the sash, she wasn't going to do it of course but it wouldn't seem too unusual to him for all he knows I sleep in the nude.

Casey had to force himself to go to the Gabriels' house when he was done with the first lawn he felt like he was getting a grip on his nervousness. He was getting sweaty and dirty too and the knowledge of how that would probably turn Kathy Charles off helped calm him down. He tried not to think of her not wanting to come in his pants again as he had done the week before. Eventually, he was done with the second lawn and set out for the Charleses' house pushed his mower down the street getting progressively more nervous as he went then he suddenly remembered that her husband might be home and a flash of fear went down his spine. He had to behave himself, the last thing he wanted was this guy punching him out for ogling his wife. Maybe Kathy wouldn't be there when he reached her house. He left the mower in the driveway and approached the door his hands shaking as he rang the bell.

With nothing to occupy her attention, Kathy had lain nervously on her bed waiting for Casey wondering how she had gotten to this point. Obsessing over some kid who probably didn't know one end of his penis from the other, who wouldn't know the first thing about making love, and who would probably flee in fright were she to proposition him? The sound of the doorbell startled her, almost launching her out of bed. She paused for a moment to catch her breath then descended slowly down the stairs. She made herself stop to peer through the peephole lest she appear like this in front of some deliveryman or charity solicitor but it was Casey and she was immediately flushed in anticipation.

The door opened, and Kathy Charles appeared for a split second Casey thought he was imagining it but he wasn't. She was wearing nothing but a short satin robe, 'Jesus Christ, did she have anything on under it?' He could see her nipples and the outlines of her breasts almost as if she were naked. He had to force his eyes up to her face.

"Hi, Casey."

"Um, hi, I'm going to do the lawn."

"Okay, I'll be inside."

He wanted to say something else but his tongue was paralyzed. He gave her an awkward smile and turned to go back to his lawnmower, heart pounding.

Kathy watched him walk down to the driveway and shut the door only when she could no longer stand there staring without attracting attention. She turned around and leaned against the door letting herself breathe, 'Good God, you are an idiot!' Casey's eyes had almost popped out of his skull when he saw her. Did he think she hadn't seen him staring at her breasts, at her nipples that were so hard they ached? She felt a squirt of moisture between her legs at the thought of it, she knew she could reach down and bring herself to climax within a few seconds if she wanted to.

She walked unsteadily back to the ****** room and sat down putting her face in her hands. Goddamn Paul for making her act like this, Goddamn him! How would he react if he knew about this? Would it be enough to get him to pay attention to her to make love to her without her having to wheedle and beg for it, God all she wanted was to have him look at her to lust after her the way Casey did.

Casey finished the front yard in a daze, why was she dressed like that, did it mean anything? It was only eleven-thirty, so maybe she had not gotten dressed yet, but she seemed to be cleaned up and showered... maybe he had caught her in the middle of dressing? She couldn't possibly have dressed that way for him. No, that was stupid, so stupid that he felt increasingly foolish for even thinking of it. She was a grown woman with a husband and no matter how much he liked to fantasize about her, he knew it was just that, a fantasy. Things like this might happen on TV, he had lost count of the times he had beaten off thinking of that plot line on "Dawson's Creek" last year but that did not happen in real life. He had gotten himself depressed enough about the futility of his lust for Kathy Charles that he didn't bother looking for her when he commenced working on the backyard. He tried to think of Kaitlyn that cute blonde in his geometry class he had been thinking of asking out, she seemed to like him and he certainly had a better chance with her than with some older woman.

Kathy watched Casey from the bedroom window trying to decide what to do. Three times she had started to get dressed, to get out of that ridiculous satin robe but stopped herself. She knew she could not go down there again dressed like this without making it obvious that something was going on but she could not let go of her fantasy. Casey eventually decided that by finishing the lawn, she was out of time to change clothes. She went downstairs to pay him praying that she was not going to look like an idiot. She found him in the backyard bagging up the grass clippings. He glanced at her, she could see the excitement and confusion in his face at her outfit, his eyes dancing over her body and the lust that brimmed up inside him was more than evident.

"All done?"


"Why don't you come inside and I can pay you," 'No, no!' Kathy thought to herself, why had she said that? The last thing she needed was him inside her house. She watched him battling his nervousness for a moment then she turned and went back inside. He followed her, she could smell him. God, that smell turned her on! She was so wet now she was worried about it showing through the robe.

Casey followed her into the house unable to form a coherent thought. Was something about to happen, no, impossible. He had to control himself lest he do something monumentally stupid. He watched her fumbling with her purse, it seemed as if her hands were shaking. Then he saw it, there was a dark spot, a wet spot, on the back of her robe just below her buttocks, about the size of a quarter, was it a stain, sweat, or water from the shower? He had been here now for at least half an hour she couldn't still be damp from bathing, the thought of what it might be made his legs weak.

Kathy finally found the money and turned back to him, he was staring at her as if he didn't know her, a blank, terrified look on his face. 'Oh shit,' she thought. I've done it, somehow I've let this idea of mine slip, somehow he knows?! She held out the money, "Here you are."

"Thanks, " he took it and for a moment she thought he might grab her, take her right there on the floor, she would have let him. She almost opened her robe, saying those magic words she had fantasized about, "Fuck me, Casey, fuck me," then his gaze dropped to the floor.

"Um, bye, I'll see you next week."

She exhaled slowly, "Bye, thanks, Casey."

He left.

Chapter 02


Casey walked home in a daze, he didn't have much experience with girls but he thought he knew the look on Kathy Charles's face when she paid him. She was pale, nervous about something what else could she have been nervous about besides him and what was the spot on her robe? Okay, let's think about this for a second, he thought. 'She was sitting inside thinking about me, getting wet, and turned on watching me mow the lawn. When he put it like that, his excitement deflated. No, that is ridiculous it has to be something else, the idea that this woman was getting all gooey because of him didn't work.

When he was gone, Kathy stared at the floor for a few moments wanting to cry, she had made a complete fool of herself. Casey had to have suspected something and now he was probably going to tell all his friends, he was probably making up stories to tell them right now. She trudged upstairs and lay on her bed her body ached from the extended time that she was in an aroused state and now she had to give herself some relief, no matter how humiliating it might be. She rolled over and dug her vibrator out of her nightstand and thought of Casey, imagining what might have happened had she thrown herself at him as she probed herself with the vibrator she thought of his broad shoulders, his muscular butt, it took but a few moments to bring herself to the brink when the doorbell rang and her incipient orgasm fizzled, "Damn it! Who could it be? Fuck them. She was not going to answer the door in this state then she thought what if it's Casey? What if he had come back, realizing she wanted him? She tiptoed down the stairs and peeked out the peephole, Good God, it was him, she paused for a second wondering what was going on before opening the door. He stood there fidgeting, "Um, hi, sorry, I think I left my edger in your backyard," The disappointment that remark engendered almost tore her in half.

"Oh, that's okay, come through the house and go grab it," as he walked past her to the kitchen, Kathy stood in a daze someone else had just said that she hadn't invited him into her house ten seconds after she had been masturbating to his mental image.

Casey saw the edger where he had left it, leaning against the fence. He had almost not come back to get it, not wanting to further embarrass himself but when he found her still dressed in that robe he concluded that whatever was going on it had nothing to do with him. Had she dressed like that for him, she would have changed by now. He turned around intending to escape out the side gate but when he saw Kathy holding the door for him he felt he had no other option but to re-enter the house. Walking past her as quickly as he could without being rude he headed for the front door, "Um, Casey, wait," he saw her standing there, face pale... neither of them said anything for a moment or two they each stood there in their uncomfortableness waiting for the other one. He noticed that her jaw was vibrating and realized with a shock that she was as nervous as he was, "What's going on?"

She took a short step toward him, he thought he could smell her perfume. She straightened her back, took a deep breath, and, "Would... would you like to make love to me?" 'No! No! She hadn't just said that she was possessed by aliens or something! She wanted to drop dead on the spot rather than live another second knowing what she had just done. Casey looked as if he had been shot between the eyes he stared at her, his jaw agape. He glanced at the edger as if he had never seen it before then back at her. She took another step toward him, then another. He remained as still as a statue watching her approach. She took the edger from his hand and leaned it against the wall with her hands shaking she reached out for him laying her palm against his cheek. He started at her touch but did not withdraw, "It's all right, I'm nervous, too. I've never done anything like this before," taking his hand she led him down the hallway and upstairs. He followed her silently into the bedroom pale as a ghost shutting the doors behind them she returned to him laying her hand on his face again she reached for his T-shirt pulling it out of his jeans. He lifted his arms, letting her remove it. The scent of his sweat was suddenly thick in the air. His chest was smooth and hard though he was less brawny than she expected, every muscle was crisply defined. He was too young to have accumulated any body fat. She put her hands on him sliding them down his chest to the waist of his jeans. He let her unbutton them, let her shove his jeans and boxers down all at once. His cock was so hard she thought it was about to burst, A tiny drop of fluid oozed out of the tip. He was bigger than Paul though only slightly length-wise but he was quite a bit thicker. She was aflame at the thought of this gorgeous penis splitting her open. He struggled awkwardly out of his jeans and sneakers, finally standing naked in front of her now more in control of herself but not one iota less nervous, she managed a smile and let her robe fall.

Casey thought he might faint when Kathy's robe dropped to the floor, she had been naked under it the entire time and she was even better than he had let himself hope. He couldn't move the slightest motion would have him coming all over her and he had no idea what to do having never gotten this far with a girl. Her breasts were incredibly firm cones of flesh that stood out from her body with nipples that were long and puffy almost upturned at the ends. He had been right she was a natural blonde her pubic hair was only a few shades darker than the hair on her head and trimmed just like the models he beat off to at night.

Kathy stepped up to him her breasts pressed against his chest, "Kiss me, Casey, please kiss me," he awkwardly pressed his lips against hers, she opened her mouth to him and he dared to slide his tongue forward. He felt her hands come to rest on his waist and he tried to put his arms around her. He kissed her inexpertly for a few minutes before she moved down kissing on his neck and then reaching to tweak his nipples and suck on them. Then he realized she was moving further down but it was not until her mouth settled on his cock did he believe it was going to happen.

Kathy pushed his penis to the back of her mouth until she felt her gag reflex twitching. She sucked on him, moving slowly, knowing he was probably going to come any second, she didn't care. She wanted to please him and she knew he would be up again within five minutes at his age. She took the base of his cock in one hand and his balls in the other. His scent was strong in her nose and she could taste the salty sweat on his cock. Preparing herself for his orgasm she began moving rapidly sucking as hard as she could. He cried out, grabbing at her head she didn't stop as he convulsed, legs buckling and a moment later his sperm flooded into her mouth. She gulped it down as it came, salty and thick. He tried to steady himself holding her head close to his groin, "I'm sorry," he gasped.

She withdrew far enough to answer, "It's okay, don't worry," before taking him back into her mouth and returning to work. He let out another hoarse cry, getting too much stimulation from her. His erection subsided, but she refused to let it disappear she tickled his balls with her free hand wanting to slip a finger into his ass but knew that was too much for the first time, up and down she went in a steady rhythm, working her tongue against him and in a few minutes, he was as hard as he had been. She stood, smiling at him, less nervous now in her need she stepped backward and lay on the bed before him, "Come here, Casey," he crawled onto the bed above her not sure what to do. She guided his face to her breasts and lay back as he began to suckle them. He was too excited, and almost bit her in his eagerness, "Not so hard, Gently."

'Damn it!' Casey thought, 'Damn it, what the fuck do I do?' He tried to calm down and suck on her breasts less roughly but it was hard he couldn't believe how horny he was and that she had just sucked him off. He worked his tongue against her moving from one breast to the other then back again wishing she would give him some direction. When he had suckled her for a few minutes, he suddenly realized she was pushing him down, 'Oh, fuck,' he thought she wants me to eat her pussy. Now he had no clue, but he tried to comply. She stopped him as he got down between her thighs. She was wet and he could smell her arousal. She smiled at him and brushed his hair with her fingers, "Have you ever done this before?"


"Are you a virgin, Casey?"

"Um, yes, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'll show you what to do."

As Casey watched she opened herself with her fingers her clit peeking out the top, she touched it with her index finger, "This is the most sensitive part so be gentle. I like to be licked all over, and inside but don't forget about this when I get more turned on I'll want you to concentrate on it but don't get rough."

"Okay," He bent down, the smell of her both arousing him and repulsing him. He forced himself to lick her the taste was strong but he quickly grew used to it. He tried to follow her directions and applied himself to the task.

When Casey began to lick her, Kathy let go! 'Oh God do it to me, eat me, lick me, make me come,' she thought. She wanted to say it aloud but she knew it would scare him so she laid back spreading herself open for him and rolled her hips against his tongue with her hands in his hair. It took scarcely a minute for her to reach orgasm since she was so turned on when the orgasm hit she cried out holding his face against her bucking wildly pelvis. He was locked onto her clit now sucking and licking frantically, she prayed he wouldn't stop, and he didn't. She humped herself, convulsing under his attentions when her second orgasm peaked she finally pushed him off, "Now, fuck me, Casey!"

He moaned in anticipation as he crawled up her body and thrust at her missing the mark on his first pass. She reached down to guide him in holding him tightly for a few seconds as she got him at the angle then she let go, let him loose in his adolescent eagerness she said nothing and allowed him to do as he pleased. She smiled in bemusement at the agonized, contorted look on his face then laid back and enjoyed to ride. He soon lost all control, thrusting madly in and out of her but she was aroused enough not to care. She came before he did, crying out and digging her nails into his pistoning buttocks. Then with a grunt he stabbed himself deep into her and came for all he was worth before collapsing on top of her. She wriggled out from under him a minute or so later and he rolled on his back. She laid her head on his chest and tried to rest for a few moments. She had done it, she had cheated on Paul... 'Well, fuck him,' she thought, 'I don't care anymore.'

Casey came out of his daze a few minutes later. He smiled, 'I'm not a virgin anymore,' he thought, 'I did it, and I did it with this gorgeous older woman,' The buzz that his body now had was a hundred times better than he had ever gotten from beating off, 'So now what?' She lay across his chest, not moving he put his arm over her back and she moved against him nuzzling her head against his chin. 'Was he supposed to say something?' He wasn't sure but he wasn't going to say something stupid either so he laid there and waited. Kathy finally rolled over and set her arm on his chest, looking up at him, "I bet you found this very shocking?"

"I... I don't know, I like you."

She smiled, "I like you too, Casey. You're very handsome, very sexy but you need to understand some things."


"I'm a married woman, and I don't want to get a divorce. My husband and I have been having some problems. We're not making love very often and what I do get isn't very good. That's why this happened. I don't expect you to understand everything, but that's what's going on here."


"I do want to see you again if you are interested but we have to be careful about this, you can't go bragging to your friends. People will talk and things like this have a way of finding their way back to the source telling anyone about this will end it."

"I won't tell anyone."

She snuggled with him a few moments longer then she started kissing him and they began to play, she let him explore her body. He was less tense now and was able to take time and enjoy her. He sucked on her nipples for a while, playing with them, pushing her breasts together to suck both at once. She let him inspect between her legs, smiling in amusement at his fascination. He began licking her again, not caring about the taste of his sperm. He slipped one finger, then two into her as he pleasured her feeling all around inside her. He watched her arousal this time waiting to see what would happen when she came. He was amazed to realize he could feel the vibrations inside her when it happened. Then she pulled him up beside her and went to work on him she sucked his nipples briefly before taking him back into her mouth. His dick ached as she brought him to his third erection powering through she worked him hard again before throwing a leg over his waist to straddle him and sinking swallowing him inside her. Not sure what else to do he laid back and let her do what she wanted, she rode him for a few minutes, leaning backward to get him inside her. She played with her breasts as she swayed over him working herself back and forth then reaching down to play with herself. Amazed at all of this he could do nothing but watch.

The thrill Kathy felt at the look on Casey's face was like nothing else, she stroked her clitoris gently watching Casey's reaction, "Do you like that, Casey? Does that turn you on?" He grunted unable to respond, "Do you want to watch me come?" Another grunt, and she smiled in satisfaction and began to move her hips back and forth feeling that thick cock buried inside her. Pressing against nerve endings already raw from his early ravishment of her she kept staring at the disbelieving look on his face as she rubbed herself while riding him cowgirl. She was going to come any second and it was going to be a big one. She thrust herself at him leaning backward to expose her clitoris as she rubbed furiously with her fingers. She cried out once, twice then exploded like a hydrogen bomb losing control at that point and when the sensations became too intense she threw herself forward onto his body gasping for breath.

When she came back to reality she squeezed herself, moving slowly, trying to tell if he had come. He hadn't. Holding tightly she rolled over pulling him with her until he was on top, "Fuck me, Casey," she said softly, "Come inside me," moaning, he started to move within her. She squeezed herself as tightly as she could but lay still wanting to please him, wanting to experience his orgasm. He moved faster, grunting with each thrust. The grunts became cries, and the thrusts grew more energetic until after a minute or so he cried out as if in pain, shuddered, and came deep inside her, when it was over, he fell flat onto her body.


Kathy stood in the shower, washing the remains of their lovemaking from her body. She used an enema bottle to clear out any remaining sperm. Their sex had been unprotected but she wasn't worried about becoming pregnant. She knew she had already ovulated that month and Paul had grudgingly consented to a quickie that night so if she was pregnant she was already pregnant. She laughed bitterly to herself, supposing Casey had gotten her pregnant. It was about the only way she was going to have a baby the way things were going with Paul. She was sore but essentially happy, she couldn't remember the last time Paul had come three times with her. She thought of Casey's face when she kissed him goodbye it was the look of infatuation if she had ever seen it. She hoped she wasn't getting in too deep with him, if Casey was to convince himself he was in love with her there was no telling what might happen, the thought of it made her feel slightly guilty. Though Casey was sweet enough, it was little more than lust with her. They were too far apart for her to feel anything else for him. She pushed the issue to the back of her mind and tried to forget it.

When Paul returned home that night, Kathy was surprised to discover that she felt no guilt at what she had done. There was something there some subconscious rationalization maybe but no guilt? She took dinner out of the oven and sat with him.

"How was work?"

"Insane, but I think we'll get it done on time."

"Is it always going to be like this?"

"For the time being. We've talked about this, honey. Until I get established with the company and they feel comfortable assigning me some people to help me things will calm down," she realized it was no longer a big deal to her.

"Okay, I understand what have you been doing?" Kathy listened vaguely to details of Paul's current project but she kept seeing Casey's face in her mind and the things they had done. As far as she could tell Paul had no clue and she wasn't sure how she felt about that.

Casey woke up the next morning still thinking about Kathy Charles. He still couldn't believe it had happened the images and sensations were all jumbled together in his memory as he tried to relive the experience in his head one thing stood out above all, and ironically it was the event he had probably enjoyed the least when it happened was Kathy sucking him off at the beginning. He thought of how it felt to have her lips tight around his cock as his sperm flowed, how he could feel her swallowing each ejaculation as it came. His dick was stiff by this point, but he suddenly didn't want to go back to beating off he knew that from now on he only wanted to come with her.

Kathy got through two days at work before she felt like she had to see Casey and realized she had no way of getting a hold of him, and that she didn't know his last name then she remembered that she had seen him mowing their neighbor's lawn on Sunday, "Hi Betsy, this is Kathy Charles."

"Oh hi, how are you?"

"Fine, I'm calling because I wanted to know if you knew how to get a hold of the boy who mows your lawn. He's been doing ours and I need to talk to him."

"Oh sure, I don't have his number but his name is Casey McBean, they live at the end of the street on the corner."

"Okay thanks, I can call information or stop by there on my way home."

"No problem."

Casey answered on the second ring, "Hello?"

"Hi Casey, it's Kathy, how are you?"

She heard him take of a breath over the phone, "I'm okay."

"Are you doing anything this afternoon?"


"I'd like to see you, I'm going to take the rest of the afternoon off and come home and will be home by three?"

"Okay, What about your husband?"

"He works late, he won't be home until seven or eight at least, Don't worry."

"Okay, I'll see you at three."

She went straight home and took a quick shower when she got out she felt like dressing for him. She went to her dresser and uncovered her lingerie collection. Now what to wear? Black would be sexy, but it might intimidate him. The same with her favorite outfit the one Paul didn't like, a jade green satin bra and garter belt combination. She finally settled on basic white then realized a moment later that it was the very underwear she had worn on her wedding day four years earlier she took a deep breath and dug it out of the drawer. She slipped on the demi bra and thong panty then hooked the garter belt around her waist. She dug through her pantyhose drawer until she found the white stockings that went with it. She rolled them on taking a moment to align the back seam and hooked them to the garter belt. She put on a robe and went downstairs not wanting to meet him at the door she wrote a quick note: "Casey: please come inside" and taped it to the front door and went back upstairs, hung up her robe, and laid on the bed to wait for him.

She heard the front door open at precisely three she smiled to herself at the thought of him pacing around outside, trying to time it perfectly. She heard him climbing the stairs and arranged herself on the bed lying on her side with one knee bent. He peeked around the door and she smiled at the thrill she saw in his face.

"Hello, Casey."

"Hi, Wow! You... um, you look pretty."

"Does this turn you on, Casey? Does it make you want to fuck me?"

He was unable to respond and stood there watching as she slid off the bed and walked over to him. She smiled as she reached out to feel his crotch, as she suspected he was erect. He had probably arrived with a hard-on, "Is this for me," she unzipped his fly and slipped her hand inside finding his erection through his boxers, and began to stroke it, "Do you want me to do what I did last time? So you have more control?"

"Uh... uh."

"Just say it, Casey, and I will."

"I... I..."

"Say, I want you to suck my cock, say it."

"I... I want you to suck my cock."

She smiled again and dropped to her knees in front of him. He was breathing heavily and shaking in anticipation as she pulled his stiff penis out of his pants. Keeping her eyes focused on him she bent forward and licked it running her tongue around the head a few times before taking it in her mouth and sucking in as much as she could. He moaned grabbing at her head as she began to bob up and down. She wanted to swallow him whole even though she knew it was impossible. Each time she went forward she forced the head against the back of her throat until she gagged, she sucked as hard as she could bobbing rapidly. Only fifteen or twenty seconds into it he cried out and shot his sperm into her mouth. She swallowed it all continuing to suck until she had it all out and he was hard again then withdrew.

He was still wobbly on his feet, and she helped him out of his clothes. They lay together on her bed she let him rest a moment or two while she caressed his body and snuggled against him inhaling his scent. What was it about him that did this to her she wondered? She was never like this with Paul, Casey stirred rolling against her and kissing her to say he was ready. She laid back and let him move over her, kissing and sucking on her as he had before. She helped him undress her, first her bra, then stockings, then finally her panties. Then he was between her legs, licking her frantically until she lifted off the bed in orgasm, crying out. She pushed him off and climbed on top straddling his mouth. He grabbed her buttocks as she had fantasized about that first morning in the shower, pulling her close until he could suck most of her between his lips. He sucked on her clitoris like it was a penis and she began to shake uncontrollably, thighs battering his head. When she came it was a tidal wave knocking the wind out of her and throwing her back onto the bed where she lay shaking for a few seconds. When she came to a minute later he was watching her. She smiled at him and reached for his penis. She curled around until she could take it in her mouth again and a minute or so of work had him erect. Then she climbed above him and sat down swallowing him into her belly. Both of them were less urgent now and she rode him slowly eyes closed thinking only of that wonderful cock inside her. She felt his hands on her thighs then groping at her breasts she leaned forward to allow him to suck on them. She luxuriated in the sensations, rubbing herself against him. She came in a few minutes, a long, lovely, rolling climax. When it finally shuddered to an end she laid flat against his chest kissing his neck.

"Did... did you just have an orgasm?"

She laughed softly, "Yes, could you tell?"

"I think so."

"You have a beautiful cock, Casey. I don't have to work hard to come with you." She felt him quiver slightly and lifted to look at him. "Does it embarrass you when I talk like that?"

"Uh, no."

"You shouldn't be shy, I talk like that because you turn me on."

She could tell she was making him nervous so she kissed him and rolled over pulling him on top. He began thrusting awkwardly and this time she slowed him down explaining how she liked it and how to position himself. He complied in a way she knew Paul would never have done. She realized then another thing that attracted her about Casey he had no hang-ups, no history. She could mold him into the exact lover she wanted and he would go along with it without complaining. he brought her to another orgasm in a few minutes and only then did she release the brakes telling him to come as he wanted to and he did, filling her with a spasm in less than thirty seconds. They did it a second time a while later and again Casey had no trouble reaching his third climax. He did it taking her from behind as Kathy buried her face in her pillow driven to distraction by that thick penis cleaving into her. When he left, she cleaned herself and her bedroom up and waited for her husband to return home.

Chapter 03


Paul Charles worked for a large development company that bought big tracts of land and subdivided them into parcels for resale to developers. They built the backbone, roads, utilities, and sometimes mass-graded the parcels but built no homes themselves. Each subdivision required massive amounts of paperwork and supervision to comply with all the arcane legal regulations and court precedents that governed home building in California. Developers who screwed up the process got sued, sometimes out of existence, so Paul had to devote all his attention to this job, no matter how much he sympathized with Kathy's loneliness.

Well, maybe sympathy wasn't the best word. He understood it, but bit by bit he was losing his inclination to care. Over the last year or so he had begun to realize that his wife was no longer attractive to him in a sexual way. It wasn't that he didn't think she was beautiful, he knew she was. It was that plain vanilla sex no longer did much for him and what was more frustrating was that he had no idea what would relight his interest in her. He suspected something was there but couldn't put his finger on it. To his relief Kathy was bugging him for sex less and less lately, so maybe he wasn't the only one who felt like this but that thought depressed him. They were only in their early thirties and that was too young to be losing interest in sex. Maybe they needed a vacation, some kind of change, something to knock them out of this rut.

Once again, he had to work on Saturday. He couldn't remember when he last had a day off but this deal they were working on was consuming all of his time. As he was getting dressed, he dropped his wallet and it bounced under the bed, he squatted down and reached under the dust cover trying to find it. He found his wallet but he also found something else, some unfamiliar wad of green fabric. He pulled it out and realized that it was a garter belt the one from that outfit Kathy had worn for him about six months ago the one he hadn't liked and hadn't seen since. He wondered had it been here all this time? No, as he thought about it now, he remembered that Kathy had gotten upset at his reaction to the outfit, and had thrown it all angrily into her closet. So what was it doing here, she had worn it only once he was sure of that, well, at least only once for him. As the possibility dawned on him, he stared at the garter belt, could she possibly be having an affair? God knew she wasn't getting as much sex as she wanted, she had made that clear but he thought she understood why he had to work so much. He dropped the garter belt to the floor and kicked it back under the bed.

In the kitchen Kathy was waiting with a cup of coffee in a travel mug, she handed it to him, and he regarded it blankly.

"Are you going to be gone all day?"

"I think so, I should be back at dinnertime."


No doubt about it, she was waiting for him to leave, "What are you going to do?"

There it was a flash of something... uncertainty, nervousness maybe. She had paused just a split-second to formulate a response.

"Um, I don't know. I thought I'd do some gardening."

He looked down at his coffee and forced himself to take a sip, "All right, I'll see you tonight."

She gave him a peck on the cheek and a pat on the back but it was a pat in the direction of the door, she wanted him gone.

He went out to his car and drove down the block, then stopped on the corner and shut off the engine. He turned on his phone and called his boss feigning a "****** emergency," he begged out of work that day., his boss didn't like it but didn't argue. He sat on the corner for nearly an hour watching his house, but nothing happened. Two or three times he started the car to leave deciding he was imagining things but each time he saw his wife's face as he left. Then just before ten, he saw a kid pushing a lawn mower down the street. He was high school-aged probably, and Paul didn't give him any real thought until he stopped in front of their house and went to the door as Paul watched in disbelief, he walked in without knocking.

'Jesus Christ,' he thought, 'It's the yard boy, the kid who mowed the lawn, she's screwing the goddamned yard boy.' He sat there in a daze for five or ten minutes before getting out of the car and walking back to the house he had no idea what to do he was vacillating between killing them both and going to work and trying to forget the entire thing.

When he got to the front door he found that the kid had left it ajar in his eagerness. He pushed it open slowly and closed it behind him from upstairs, he could hear moaning, and recognized it as Kathy's cries of passion, they were already busy! Very slowly he worked his way up the stairs the door to their bedroom was partially closed, so he dropped to his knees to peer in through the gap at a lower lever to avoid being detected.

Both of them were naked. Kathy was on the bed with the kid's face buried between her legs. Neither of them was paying the slightest attention to anything but each other. Kathy was moaning holding his head in place and rolling her hips up at him. With a loud cry, Kathy shuddered in orgasm. She thrashed under the kid's attentions for several seconds before pushing him off and he climbed up the bed and lay next to her.

Paul remained where he was watching as Kathy sat up and began sucking the kid's penis. With a stab of jealousy, Paul realized the kid was quite a bit bigger than he was... was that what Kathy was after? Soon the jealousy began slowly morphing into something else scarcely able to believe it Paul realized he was getting an erection as he watched his wife gobbling the kid's thick cock.

Kathy sat back, threw a leg over the kid's waist, and began to ride him energetically. Paul's gaze remained fixed involuntarily watching his wife screwing some kid half her age. The two of them were soon moaning together and thrashing around on the bed. Kathy reached another orgasm, throwing herself to the side. They rolled over and the kid mounted her and began fucking her roughly, Paul found himself enjoying the scene taking his dick out and stroking it as he watched the kid cry out and planted his cum deep inside Kathy. Aghast at what he had seen and done Paul struggled to his feet and slipped downstairs praying that they hadn't seen him, he ducked out the front door and walked rapidly to his car.

Every rational piece of Paul's mind rebelled at what he had seen, Kathy was cheating on him, Kathy was fucking another man, Kathy was unfaithful. He should be outraged, He should be on the phone with his lawyer. But he couldn't drive that image of the two of them out of his head and the fact that he had gotten turned on at the idea of his wife screwing someone else.

With nothing else to do, Paul went to work and for a few hours, he managed to lose himself in the job though he kept pausing to think about what had happened. Again and again, he tried to convince himself to be upset, to be angry but he wasn't. So what next would he confront her and stop the affair, then an idea began to form slowly in his head a crazy idea at first, but it was no crazier than the rest of this.


Paul turned this idea over in his head the following week trying to decide what to do. He had a feeling that Kathy was seeing this kid during the week but had no way of knowing when so the only day he knew of was Saturday when the kid mowed their lawn. Paul knew Kathy was giving him one hell of a tip afterward so he would have to wait until then.

He rose that morning fully expecting to see what he did when he got to the kitchen, Kathy waiting with a cup of coffee.

"How long are you going to be today?"

"All day. I'm sorry."

She nodded, that was not disappointment he saw in her eyes as she gave him a peck on the cheek.

"It's okay, I'll see you tonight."


"Bye, honey."

He went out to his car and backed out of the garage. He drove down the street stopping on the corner and casually walked walked back to the house.

He watched the windows closely as he approached but saw nothing. He slipped quietly through the side door listening for any sound, hearing the shower going upstairs he moved as carefully as he could upstairs. and ducked inside the closet positioning himself as best he could and waited.

His heart refused to stop pounding in agitation, especially once he heard the shower stop, he could hear his wife walking around the room, getting ready. For nearly an hour Paul sat uncomfortably in his closet. He could hear Kathy moving around but did not dare peek out for fear of being seen. Then things were quiet for about five minutes. then he heard the front door open, and someone climbing the stairs.

"Hello, Casey."

'So that was the kid's name.' Paul thought.


Unable to wait any longer Paul opened the door slightly. His wife was leaning on her dresser, facing the door to their bedroom, she wore only a silk camisole that barely covered her, he couldn't see the kid yet.

Kathy raised her right leg, putting her foot on the bed and lifting the edge of her camisole, "I shaved my pussy for you, do you like it?"

Paul gasped, this was not Kathy, his stable, professional wife she had never acted like this with him.

The kid came into view moaning in anticipation. When he got close Kathy extended her arm holding him off. The kid dropped to his knees and attacked Kathy's sex with his mouth. Kathy leaned back taking his head in her hands the kid was going crazy, moaning as he licked at Kathy. Kathy scooted back on the dresser, putting her other foot over the kid's shoulder. She whimpered and began to shake under Casey's attack until finally she cried out, thrashing in climax, and pushed him off.

Paul knew he could not masturbate in the closet it would make too much noise exposing his presents he had masturbated in the bathroom that morning to not get an hard but the action in his bedroom still stimulated him and he knew later he would need to relieve his sexual tension again.

Kathy dropped to the floor in front of him digging his stiff cock out of his jeans she stroked it a few times as she looked up at Casey, "What do you say, Casey?"

"Uh, suck my cock, I want you to suck my cock."

Kathy's mouth then descended onto his penis. Most of it disappeared into her before she pulled back. Paul was mesmerized, he watched her bob on his cock and could see her cheeks hollowing as she sucked on him. Casey was oblivious to everything but his penis as he held Kathy's head. She massaged Casey's balls while sucking on him until Casey cried out, legs shaking and started to cum. he watched as Casey's cum shot into his wife's mouth and he could see Kathy's throat convulsing as she swallowed. Paul leaned back against his clothes, trying to catch his breath, he had been holding it without realizing it the entire time and he didn't want to think about why. A minute or two later, he recovered enough to look back out the door. The two of them were on the bed caressing each other. He couldn't quite hear what they were saying but he could see Kathy playing with Casey's cock bringing him back to erection within a few minutes.

Kathy straddled the kid as Paul had seen her do the week before his angle was perfect he could see right up between the kid's legs where that fat cock was slamming into his wife. Kathy and Casey were taking their time moving slowly. Kathy rode the kid in a smooth rhythm he watched her leaning back and begin to rub herself, "Do you like that, Casey? I'm getting myself off for you watch me."

He watched his wife masturbating over Casey's cock. He watched as she shuddered, shook in orgasm falling forward onto his chest. Casey rolled her over, but she refused to allow him to simply mount her instead she rolled on her stomach pushing her buttocks at him. Paul was surprised by this since Kathy had never once indicated a desire for anal sex with him. He watched in amazement as Kathy reached under herself with a hand full of lube and guided Casey's cock up to her ass while coating it with the lube. Casey fumbled with her for a moment, he could see Kathy trying to stretch herself open, trying to expose herself to him until Casey forced himself in, Paul watched as that fat cock disappeared into his wife's ass. Kathy kept her hand under herself and began masturbating as Casey slid awkwardly in and out of her. She cried out bracing herself against the headboard with her free hand as she and Casey closed in on another orgasm. Casey spurting his cum into Kathy's ass sitting off a violent orgasmic spasm in Kathy.

Paul was now emotionally drained, too drained to do anything he watched as Kathy and Casey somehow fucked a third time a few minutes later. Then finally the kid left and Kathy got into the shower. Paul slipped out of the closet and left the house as quickly as he could.


Kathy stood under the spray, trying to let the glow of their lovemaking persist as long as possible. What had possessed her to offer her ass to Casey the way she had? She had never really been attracted to anal sex, but all of sudden, when she was riding Casey cowgirl the idea popped into her head. Drops of his come were still dribbling out of her as she tried to clean herself with her fingers. She knew she was close to losing it over Casey. She knew he was in love with her, teenage love at least. He had as much as said so. She cared about him, but all she loved about him was his cock and stamina. One of these days she was going to try to fuck him until he was unable to get it up anymore, just to see if she could. She realized she had not made love with Paul for over three weeks. She would be ovulating again soon because she knew that had been the last time the two of them were together this meant that she and Casey had to take a break, or she would have to figure out some protection to use.

She wondered if Paul had noticed her change of mood, no longer seeming to care about their not having sex. She wondered at his reaction, were he to find out the truth? Finishing her shower she began to dry off still running all that was happening through her mind. After digging a bra and panty out of her dresser, she went to her closet and tried to decide what to wear for the rest of the day. She was picking through her blouses when something caught her attention. What was that smell she turned around sniffing it was sweat and Paul's aftershave, no not sweat it was the smell of Paul when aroused, no question. She had known that odor since their first time over four years ago. Convinced that Paul had left some dirty clothes somewhere and why would they smell like Pauls sexual pheromones was he cheating with someone from the office, that would explain a lot but then 'look in the mirror, Kathy,' she told herself. She tried to find where the scent was coming from first she went toward the bed but the smell faded. She turned around, sniffing again, and took a step back toward the bathroom, there it was again, she stood between her closet and Paul's and knew the smell was right around there somewhere. She leaned closer to Paul's closet and the smell intensified. She slid back the door the smell was twice as intense she inspected the closet floor in the back for dirt clothes until she noticed that the smell was coming from most if not all his clean clothes hanging on hangers, all of them smelled of Paul's sexual pheromones and aftershave and it was strong meaning it was fresh. In shock, she sat down and leaned against her closet door, 'What was going on?' her heart began to pound in fear, and she felt her body tensing up. There was only one possibility, as incredible as it seemed she closed her eyes and began to shake as the reality of it unfolded in her head. 'Paul knew!' Paul had come back home and hidden in the closet while she was with Casey, he had watched them, watched, and became aroused watching them fuck. Nervous convulsions began to rack her body, she buried her head in her hands and began rocking back and forth sobbing, "No, no, no, no, no," She tried to tell herself this had not happened he had not been in the closet it was her imagination, guilt, "Oh God," she sobbed, "Please, please, please, please, no!"

About an hour later, she had recovered enough to think about what had happened, 'Had Paul been hiding in the closet watching and getting aroused enough to leave his scent all over the closet, had he come back and hidden himself in the closet to watch her having sex with Casey and how did he know she was cheating with Casey to start with and why didn't he confront her why hide in the closet and watch?'

For some reason beyond her comprehension, Paul was aroused at her infidelity, aroused enough to want to do something that crazy. She could not confront him with this she could not go to him and tell him that she knew that he knew and what he did when she was doing what she did with Casey would not go over well for her. He knows she began pushing it down in her mind, maybe this was all her imagination. Maybe, just maybe, if she ignored this whole thing, it would go away.

A few days later Kathy had been unable to sense anything different with Paul. He was working so much that it would have been hard to detect anything in him anyway. She would lie in bed at night next to him wondering what was going through his head, wondering why the idea of her having sex with another man aroused him instead of making him irate.

Wednesday night, she forced herself to snuggle with him to indicate her desire for sex, at first, she thought he would reject her as he usually did but then she remembered that she was ovulating.

"Honey, we need to, it's time."

"Oh, you mean..."

"Yeah, we can be quick about it if you want?"

It was dark, so she couldn't quite read his reaction, "Okay."

She cuddled with him trying to drive all thoughts of Casey out of her brain. He kissed her for about thirty seconds, then pushed up her nightshirt to get at her breasts. When they had first been dating he had been obsessed with them lavishing all kinds of attention on them. Now, he would suck on her nipples for about ten seconds each before mounting her. It was all mechanical there were no emotions, no lust or love what Paul was doing was going through the motions. Kathy now knew for sure that he knew and had been in the closet, she reached for his penis, discovering to her surprise that he was completely flaccid, "Is something wrong?"

"Uh," he didn't answer her right away, "I don't know."

She slipped under the covers and took him into her mouth sucking on him eagerly, trying to ignore her feelings and fears wanting to run away from him out of the bedroom in tears she worked on him for a few minutes, but nothing seemed to happen, "I'm sorry, I guess I'm tired."

She sighed, "It's all right," but it wasn't this was it he knows and he is so discussed with her that he no longer has any desire for her, he could not even get hard! In her mind now his "All this work lately," excuse was just that an excuse for his total disdain for her, "It's all right, honey. I understand," and she did as she went into the bathroom and closed the door with tears in her eyes.

Chapter 04


Saturday came sooner than Kathy would have liked. Paul rose early as he usually did when he was going to work, which was just about always now. She went downstairs to make his coffee and waited for him. He appeared about fifteen minutes later, his eyes went right to the coffee she held in her hand.


"Will you be all day?"

"Probably, what are you going to do?"

She tried to take a breath without being obvious about it, "I don't know, Casey is coming to mow the lawn later... I might do some gardening," She watched his reaction and it came. The tiniest flash of anticipation before he looked away from her. She swallowed hard and grip the edge of the counter, it was true.

"I have to go, I'll see you later."

"Goodbye, honey."

She was unable to move for nearly a minute after he left. Was he going to do it again, is her going to come back and wait for Casey to show up? If she knew him as well as she thought she did, and she wasn't so sure of that anymore, he would. She had seen the interest in his eyes. She went upstairs to take a shower but first she wet two strands of hair and pasted them across the sliding doors of Paul's closet. She stayed in the shower a long time, long enough to give Paul a chance to come back if he was going to. When she stepped out, she had to restrain the urge to run over and check the hairs on the door. She forced herself to dry off and remain calm before walking out to the bedroom. The hairs were gone, again she had to stop to regain control of herself. She leaned forward against her dresser, still naked, wondering what she should do. Casey would be here in about half an hour. Should she turn him away, tell him she wasn't feeling well, she didn't think she was capable of going through with it knowing Paul was watching them.

'Paul, Oh God, honey,' she thought, how did we get to this point?' She still loved him more than anything no matter what had happened or what she had done but did he still love her. All she wanted was to be happy, to make him happy and that thought something clicked in her head. 'Paul wanted this, for whatever reason, he wanted to watch her with Casey.' She still wasn't sure how she felt about it but she knew one thing she was still horny as hell for Casey and if Paul was not going to make love to her, if Wednesday night's aborted encounter was just the start of some problem she was not going to give up Casey she was addicted to what he could make her feel. She took a deep breath to steadying herself. She looked down at her body and thought of Paul in the closet, of Casey, of him fucking her with the abandon he always had and she began to get ready. She dried her hair and styled it put on a little makeup, no more than necessary. She perfumed her breasts and sex digging out her black bra and garter belt combination and put it on, then she laid on the bed and waited.

She heard Casey come in the house about ten minutes later. She had to force herself not to look at the closet but she could see out of the corner of her eye that one of the doors had somehow slid back about an inch. Casey appeared, and she regained some fortitude, "Hello, Casey."

he looked at her with the lust that had always turned her on with the nervous shyness he had never been able to shed, "Hi."

"Why don't you get undressed, Casey? Let me see that big cock of yours."

He struggled out of his clothes, shoving his jeans and boxers down as one and of course he was erect. She scarcely ever saw him without one. When he was nude, he stood there nervously, not sure what to do, "Stay there, Casey," She slid off the bed and approached him. She took his cock in her hand and squeezed it so hard it was about to burst, she positioned herself so Paul could see, "What do you want, Casey?"

"I want you to suck my cock."

She stroked him gently, "Are you sure, Casey do you still need me to do it, we could fuck instead?"

"I need it."


She dropped to her knees, taking him instantly into her mouth. She sucked him all the way in, knowing that Paul was probably masturbating now watching them. She tried to force Casey's cock into her throat, ignoring the gag reflex burning in her chest. She got some of it in before having to withdraw. Then she gripped his balls tightly in her hand and began bobbing as fast as she could. She wet her middle finger in her mouth and then slipped it between his thighs. She found his sphincter and forced herself into him. She wasn't sure what to do, but she found his prostate quickly, a bumpy protrusion just inside him. He cried out, almost losing his balance at what she was doing, but she held on. She sucked him madly as she massaged him with her finger, keeping her other hand tight around his balls and the base of his cock. He survived only about ten seconds of this treatment. She felt his balls tightening and his sphincter pinching down on her finger. His prostate began to throb, and a moment later, his come spurted into her mouth. His legs buckled, and he cried out again, hands tight on her head. She sucked up his sperm, not swallowing it as she usually did, instead holding it in her mouth. She pumped his cock with her hand until she had it all. She withdrew, forcing a drop of sperm out onto her lips. She licked it across her mouth, hoping Paul would see it. The sour taste of it intensified in the air, rising into her nose, but she ignored it. She looked up at Casey, but his eyes were still closed as he gasped for breath. "Did you like that, Casey?"

"Uh huh."

She listened carefully. It was faint, but she thought she could just hear Paul's labored breathing. He had come watching them. He must have. She knew his rhythms too well not to know. Kathy stood, leading Casey to the bed. She laid back and let him undress her, let him lick and suck all over her body, finally burying himself between her thighs. She could have looked straight at Paul's closet, but she still forced herself not to. She closed her eyes, thinking of Paul beating off in there while she sucked Casey's cock, squirting all over his door when he saw that drop of Casey's sperm on her lips. The heat was rising in her, rising even faster than it usually did. Casey was attacking her mercilessly now, fucking her with two fingers as he ate her. She gave in to it, spread herself wide, opening herself to Casey's tongue and Paul's eyes. Paul couldn't possibly be hard again this soon, but she somehow knew that he was probably trying anyway. She came. She exploded. She cried out so hard one tiny portion of her brain was afraid the neighbors would hear. She didn't care.

The eruption Casey drew out of her was so fundamental that it knocked the wind from her lungs. She could only lay there and gasp for breath, the tremors still racking her body. Casey was on her. He was erect again already and unwilling to wait for her to recover. He thrust himself into her, up to the root. She cried out again, lifting her legs and throwing them up over his thighs. He rode her like a madman, face contorted in lust. She thought of Paul watching them, thought of him masturbating again as he must be doing. She came again. And again. The arousal was so intense now that it rose and fell in enormous waves. She thrashed helplessly under Casey's attack. Then, at least, with a guttural cry, he stabbed the last bit of himself into her and filled her with his sperm. His sperm, she suddenly thought. Oh, my God, his sperm! She had completely forgotten! She was ovulating this week! She had been so obsessed with the idea of Paul knowing about her and Casey that she hadn't even thought of it. She dug her fingers into Casey's quivering buttocks and clenched her eyes shut. Oh my God, no!

It was too late. Somehow, she knew it was too late. She could feel his sperm inside her. She could just see them wiggling and swimming up into her. He had gotten her pregnant. Somehow, in some deep, primeval way, she knew she was about to get pregnant. It hadn't happened yet, but it was going to. She could just feel that ovum inside her, waiting for Casey's sperm. Casey rolled off her, but she lay there as if dead. It took her a minute or two to force herself to act. "Casey?"


"I'm sorry, but we have to cut this short this week. I have some things to do today."


"I'll see you next week." She felt him get off the bed, and she opened her eyes, watching him get dressed.

"Um, bye. Thanks."

"Goodbye, Casey."

She waited until she heard the front door shut. "Paul, please come out of the closet."

For a moment, nothing happened. Then the closet door slid back slowly. Paul emerged, his face as red in embarrassment and humiliation as she had ever seen it. She lay where she was, legs still spread wide, Casey's sperm still dribbling out of her. He couldn't seem to look at her. His eyes were fixed on the carpet before him. She could only look at him for a moment before beginning to cry.

"Paul, I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I'm so fucking sorry."

He shuffled up to the bed. Very slowly, he looked up, eyes moving across Kathy's naked body. Finally, their eyes met. Kathy blinked away the tears, not sure what she was seeing in his face. He looked her over again, breathing hard. All at once, he seemed to explode into action. He tore his clothes off in a matter of seconds and dove between her legs, impaling her with his tongue. She recoiled in surprise, but her held her down, almost trying to eat her alive. She realized in shock that he was seeking Casey's sperm, licking around inside her to get at it. She forced her hands down to his head, forced herself to hold him. His merciless attack was beginning to turn her on, as shocked as she was. Her breath came more rapidly, and her legs began to shake. She whimpered in arousal and confusion as her orgasm approached, rising higher and higher. Paul continued to lick her frantically, driving his tongue into her. Her climax, when it came, was a tornado, ripping through her and shredding the remains of her reluctance. She convulsed on the bed, limbs flailing wildly. Paul threw himself onto her, buried to the hilt in an instant. She wrapped herself around him, urging him on. Yes, yes, yes, fuck me, come in me, please, you have to come in me. She met his every thrust with a roll of her hips, spreading herself wide. She pulled her legs up to her chest, letting in as far as he could get. He fucked her wildly, even more intensely than Casey had. Her climax began to rise again, and she cried out Paul's name, begging for him to come. He shook; he shuddered; and as her climax took her, he rammed all of himself into her and came for all he was worth.

Kathy held herself up, squeezing him, trying to pull the last bit of his sperm into her. Maybe it would be enough. Maybe. She wouldn't know for a long time--nine months at least--but maybe Paul's sperm would outrace Casey's. Because she would be pregnant tonight, whoever had done the deed. Paul collapsed on top of her, gasping for breath. She lay still, waiting for him to move. He rolled off her after a minute or so.


He didn't answer her.


He put his hands over his face. Part of her wanted to start crying again, but she was too drained to do it. "What do we do now?"

"I don't know."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"I don't want to get a divorce."

"Neither do I."

"How did this happen?"

"I don't know. It's my fault."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

She rolled over, trying to hug him. He put his arm around her, and she snuggled against him, at last beginning to cry.

"I'll stop seeing Casey," she sobbed. "It will never happen again. Whatever you want me to do to make this up to you, I will."

He took several deep breaths. "No."

She sat up in alarm. "No? What, no?"

"Casey. You don't . . . you don't have to stop."

Her eyes bulged. "Paul . . ."

"How did you know I was in there?"

"Last week . . . afterward . . . I smelled your sperm in there."

He stared up at the ceiling. "And you went through with this anyway."

She sobbed. "I'm sorry. I told you, I'm sorry."


She gasped for breath, trying to stop the sobs that convulsed her. "I thought . . . somehow, I thought you wanted this . . . oh, God, I thought you wanted me to."

She put her hands over her face and lost it, sobbing like a baby. Then she felt his arms going around her, pulling her back down. He held her for a long time before saying anything. "I did."

She tried to catch her breath. "You did?"



"I don't know. But I did."

"How did you find out?"

"I found your garter belt under the bed two weeks ago. Something seemed weird. So I pretended to go to work, but instead I waited down the block. I saw him come in."

"Oh, God."

"I followed him in. I saw you with him. And somehow, I was just overcome. I couldn't help myself. I started masturbating while I watched you with him. I came in my pants after about thirty seconds. I don't understand this, but it turned me on."

She panted against her confusion. "To watch me with Casey?"



"I don't know. But it does."

She sat up, wiping her eyes. She stared down at him. "Paul . . . you're saying you want me to keep seeing him? You want to do this again?"

He gulped. "Yes." She put her hand on her forehead. "Kathy, I saw the way you were with him. You're not like you are with me. You turn into this sexual animal, this insatiable . . . I'm sorry, but this insatiable slut. I know you were enjoying that."

"I was, but--"

"Isn't this better, not sneaking around? You would have kept seeing him if I hadn't found out, right?"

"Yes, but--"

"So keep seeing him. I want to watch him fuck you like he was, then I want to fuck you the instant he leaves. Honey, I've never felt anything before like I did when I was fucking you just now."

She looked down at him, dazed. What he said made sense, but she was unable to get a grip on it. How could her husband want her to have sex with someone else?

"This is what you want?"

"Yes. But only if you want it too."

She fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. "I need to think about this."

"Okay. Think. But I mean it. When I saw you sucking him off, when I saw you licking his come off your lips, it took every ounce of my self control not to burst out of the closet and fuck the daylights out of you."

"Did you come? When you saw that?"

"God, yes. I was in pain. I thought my balls were going to come out through my cock." Kathy tried to imagine him in there, lusting after her so intensely. Hadn't that been what she had wanted? For Paul to want her again, to desire her, to look at her the way Casey did, insane with needing her? Even if this was what it took? "Honey . . ."


"I can't promise anything. I'm still in shock about this. But maybe, just maybe, it might work." He pulled her to him again and hugged her. But there was something else she had to say. "But Paul . . . I have to tell you something."


"You know that I'm ovulating this week." She felt him freeze beside her. She closed her eyes.

He let go of her, sitting up. "Are you saying . . . ?"


He said nothing for several long moments, and she forced herself to look. His jaw hung open, a dazed look on his face. "He could have gotten you pregnant?"

"But, honey, so could you."

"But it could have been him?" She nodded, unable to respond. It was then that she noticed his cock erecting again. She stared at it as if she had never seen one before in her life.

"He could have impregnated you. He could have knocked you up. You could be pregnant right now."

"Uh . . ."

"He could have."

Paul finally noticed his arousal. He looked at his penis, then at her. He seemed as surprised as she was. She would never know why, but she lay back on the bed for him. She spread her legs and waited. Two seconds later, they were making love again.


She kept seeing Casey. Paul kept hiding in the closet. Two weeks later, the strip turned blue. Paul insisted it was Casey's. Kathy wasn't sure. She might never know, since Paul and Casey had similar features. But she was happy. She had all the sex she wanted and a husband consumed with lust for her. She was still a little confused about this, but she was happy. She began to think about other things, about telling Casey and having them both at once. She wasn't sure how either of them would react to that idea, but it was something to think about. One thing was certain, though. It would be a long, long time before she needed another set of batteries in her vibrator.

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