The Stalker ch. 16

The rest of the evening at Mike and Nina’s party pretty much turned into somewhat of an orgy that a Roman Emperor would have been proud to host. The six of us spent a short time in the bedroom, where Mr. Wilson, did indeed nail my ass, probably harder than I ever remembered him doing it before, whilst I had the pleasure of watching Vanessa sucking on my husband, Matt’s, cock as she stared at me with lust in her eyes.

Mike then suggested that we return to the party so I began to hunt for my dress, only for my arm to be grabbed by Nina who said “no need for clothes darling. As the six of us filed back into the lounge, where we had first met, it became clear why she had said it. Everyone in there was totally naked, some were just drinking and relaxing on one of the many sofa’s whilst some were engaged in full on sex.

The atmosphere was electric and Matt and I sat on a sofa, sipping champagne whilst Mike, Nina, Vanessa and Mr Wilson headed off to mingle with the rest of their guests. As we watched the action unfolding around us Matt began to open up a little more about how all this had come about. He then began a series of probing questions, asking me what elements of the last few months I had enjoyed the most.

I didn’t see the point of lying and pretty much told him that amongst my favourite events were the lesbian sex I had enjoyed with Vanessa and my PA Tiffany. His eyes widened and he smiled at the mention of my slender, redheaded beauty of a PA. I quickly cut him off mid thought, ”No chance! I scowled. “Vanessa is one thing but Tiffany is mine alone.” I felt quite empowered when he just gave me a rather sheepish luck, knowing that I was serious. Whilst I had him on the back foot I decided to clip his wings a little more and told him that his visit’s to my ass would be a lot less infrequent now everything was in the open.

He asked me if I had any more favourite’s amongst the experiences I’d had and I had to confess that I loved the time at the new development I visited where I was gang banged by Mike and 4 muscular, hung black contractors, who had filled me with cock and cum. Even though I had been assured they weren’t going to hurt me, I’d kind of hoped they would a little, so deep down maybe I’d developed a little thing for pleasure pain. Matt continued to listen to me intently, processing, in detail, what I was telling him. Finally I told him the thing I had really enjoyed the most was the mystery of a powerful man controlling me and making me do unspeakable things behind my husbands back.

When I spoke these final words I looked at Matt closely, he was licking his lips, his eyes shone with lust and his cock was rock hard. He stood and took my hand, asking me to follow him. We walked across the lounge and Matt spoke briefly with Mike, although I couldn’t hear what he said. Following this Matt led me to the far end of the lounge to where there two large velvet drapes. Matt quickly pulled one drape back a little and ushered me through the gap, before he quickly followed.

I had assumed the drapes covered a window but I was wrong, they covered an opening to a large, dimly lit, alcove, in which was a huge four poster bed. There were ropes and restraints on each of the four posts and a selection of paddles, whips, and dildo’s hanging on one of the walls. The only other piece of furniture in the room was a long padded couch, set at right angles and to one side of the bed. Matt urged me to lay on there bed in the middle facing towards the drapes and I complied, with a smile and butterflies fluttering around in my tummy, as I nervously anticipated my fate.

To my great surprise, two very athletic black girls, one of whom I recognised as the girl who had originally greeted us when we arrived at the house, lay on the bed, either side of me. They were both naked and their warm, athletic, soft skinned bodies felt nice against my flesh. They took turns kissing me and then one of them whispered in my ear, “would you like to be fucked hard by a big black cock whilst your husband watches?”

“Oh god yes.” I murmured back as I felt their hands manoeuvring both my arms above my head, then outwards, before I felt the restraints being fastened around my wrists. The girls then moved down towards the bottom of the bed and I stared at their bare buttocks, both revealing a hint of smooth pussy lips as they fastened restraints around my ankles. The girls then both lay beside me again and asked if I was comfortable and ready. I nodded my head and one of them said in a soft but firm voice “OK baby, come and get her.”

Just after she spoke I saw a tall athletic black man standing at the end of the bed, he was stroking a huge black cock that was fully erect, with a big purple head and veins bulging along the length of his shaft. My pussy throbbed at the thought of it ploughing into me. Just before he climbed onto the bed, one of the girls straddled my face and I looked between her legs and sighed as she lowered her smooth pussy lips to my mouth.

She began to rock her pelvis slowly, rubbing her pussy lips and clit against my mouth and her sweet juice slowly trickled into my mouth. As I lapped away at her pussy with my tongue I felt a huge cock head rubbing against my pussy and seconds later my whole body tensed as the thick shaft was plunged deep into me. As the mans hips hit my buttocks he paused for a few seconds until I relaxed, and began to enjoy the fullness within me, before he began to thrust away at my pussy with deep powerful strokes.

The girl on my face began to rock her pelvis a little quicker and I heard her begin to let out little moans of pleasure as her juices began to flow quicker into my mouth. I greedily swallowed her nectar as I felt the man begin to fuck me harder and faster. I could feel my orgasm building and then I felt two, strong but delicate, fingers rubbing against my clit. I heard the man begin to grunt as he slammed into me. I heard the girl straddling my face say “C’mon baby fuck her good, we’re gonna fill her mouth with cum” as she ground her clit against my mouth.

Suddenly, she gasped and twitched and jets of her cum juice squirted into my mouth. As I swallowed her sweet tasting juice the fingers on my clit rubbed harder. I felt my pussy tighten like a vice around the huge cock inside me. My body tensed and I could feel the restraints gripping at my wrists and ankles as I started to shake and shudder as I came. My whole body was shaking and I could barely breathe. The girl astride me climbed off and I sucked in gulps of air as the man fucking me pulled his dripping cock out of my hole and climbed on top of me, his legs either side of my body with his knees against my armpits. He gripped his throbbing and sticky cock as he said “Open.” I opened my mouth and he began to squirt hot jets of cum into my mouth which I swallowed and imagined it mixing with the girls love juice already in my stomach.

Once he had drained his balls into my mouth he climbed off me and I heard a girl say “Are you enjoying it so far Matty baby?”

I heard my husband Matt groan “Oh fuck yes!” I looked towards the padded couch and saw he was sitting on the end of it, looking at me, and Vanessa was kneeling between his legs, her head bobbing up and down as she sucked on his cock. I hardly had time to take in the sight before the second girl who had been on the bed with me straddled my face and lowered her pussy onto my face.

As she gently rocked herself against my mouth I felt a cock head rubbing against my pussy lips, gently opening them up. After a few seconds I felt pressure on my love hole as whoever it was began pushing his cock into me. I hadn’t seen him, which was probably a good thing because his cock was huge and If I’d seen it I would have probably freaked. The thickness of his shaft felt like nothing I’d experienced and it stretched my pussy so much I thought I would split in two.

After what seemed to take ages he was finally in me to the hilt and I could feel his huge balls resting against my buttocks as he paused for a few seconds. “Oh wow baby, you’re in. Now fuck that white girl for me.” I heard the girl straddling me say as she began to grind her clit against my mouth. Seconds later the huge cock inside me began to withdraw before it was thrust back into me, really hard, sending a shockwave of pain through my whole body.

As he began to fuck me, with deep, strokes, shockwaves of pain shuddered through me for about the first dozen thrusts but then it began to morph into a different feeling, still like pain but one that started giving me a feeling of intense pleasure and I began, as best I could with a pussy against my mouth, to beg for it harder. Despite my groans being muffled by the girls pussy against my mouth I was convinced he got the message as his next thrust practically knocked the wind out of me. I was thankful that despite his girth his cock wasn’t overly long, although I could just feel the tip nudge against my cervix every few thrusts, and was loving the sensation of him inside me so much I could already feel my next orgasm building.

The girl straddling me must have sensed my orgasm building too as she began to grind herself on my face harder and once again I felt delicate fingers rubbing against my clit. A couple of minutes later I felt my pussy spasm and the guy fucking me plunged his cock deep and held it there. I could feel his cock pulsing inside me as I began to shudder and as my orgasm began to surge through me the girl on top of me jerked with a shriek and her cum flooded my mouth. I bucked that hard as I came she bounced up a little and her cum sprayed my face as I gasped in orgasmic bliss.

As I began to relax I opened my eyes, just as the girl was climbing off me and I got my first sight of the man fucking me. He was tall and broad, very muscular, he was wearing a mask, with the design of a black spitting cobra emblazoned across it and I could just make out his dark, lust filled eyes staring at me from behind it. He remained still for several seconds and I heard my husband Matt call out, “Go on man, fuck her so hard it hurts.” I looked towards the sofa and could see Vanessa was now on top of it, on all fours, staring at me, smiling, as my husband Matt fucked her from behind.

The fucking from my black masked lover became harder and even more intense, so much so I don’t think my orgasm ever subsided, and my shrieking and gasps continued to get louder and longer. I was suddenly aware of several other people in the room and seconds later two different girls climbed onto the bed either side of me. The ran their soft hands over my body and began sucking on my nipples as my masked lover rammed his cock into me with real venom in his thrusts. I briefly looked across at Vanessa and she was still staring at me. Her wonderfully full breasts swung back and forth as my husband Matt fucked her and I could see, from the expression on his face and his rapid breathing, he was on the verge of pumping his cum into Vanessa.

My eyes focussed on my masked lover and I continued begging him to fuck me. “Oh god yes. Fuck me, fuck me hard, please hurt me and fill me with your cum.” I bellowed as the orgasmic wave, I had been riding, peaked. My whole body tensed and I felt like I could hardly breath, the restraints gripped my wrists and Ankles like a vice. I felt my face flushing and my nipples throbbing as suddenly my lover grunted as he plunged his cock deep inside me and his body shook as his hot cum erupted in my pussy. I could feel his cock throbbing as my pussy milked it and jet after jet of cum spurted into me.

We remained locked together for a full minute or two before he finally climbed off me and I caught sight of his cock. It was easily as thick as a beer can and was all sticky and dripping with a mix of our juices. He never spoke, when he got off the bed, he just stood in silence looking down at me, as if I was his conquest, as did several other people. The two girls who had been sucking my nipples released me from the restraints before they, also, climbed off the bed and I lay there breathing hard. I looked down and could see my chest was flushed red and my nipples were red and still erect. I could feel my black lovers cum flowing like lava from my throbbing and stretched hole and I just lay my head back and closed my eyes.

Some moments later I felt a hand caressing my body and opened my eyes, it was my husband Matt looking down at me smiling. I assumed he was there to help me off the bed as he began to wrap his hand underneath one of my, still trembling, legs. “Turn over baby.” he whispered to me and I wondered why he wanted me to do that. I didn’t have to wait long to find out as I caught sight of Mr Wilson standing at the end of the bed, stroking his huge cock, and I knew he was going to nail my ass for the second time that evening. Little did I know, as I got onto all fours and steeled myself for another anal fucking, that my poor ass would be fucked several more times that evening.

The rest of the night blurred into what effectively was like a Roman orgy with people engaged in multiple sex acts all over the room, more and more men seemed to appear from nowhere as all the women, me included were fucked several times and I think I passed out with sheer sexual exhaustion, some time in the early hours. When I woke there was an air of calm serenity in the room, I had somehow gotten into a cool, tastefully decorated room, and was laying in a nice clean, very comfortable bed, with crips sheets. Sun shone through the partially opened drapes and seconds later the two girls, who had released me from my restraints, the night before came into the room, telling me they were there to bathe me.

I enjoyed the pampering from the two girls, who gently cleansed and caressed my aching and sore body before toweling me off and telling me they had prepared a selection of clothes in one of the wardrobes, all in my size, and they would escort me to join, Mike, Nina and my husband at breakfast. Also that they had packed the dress I had worn last night and it was in the car, which would be driving me home. When I joined Mike, Nina and my husband Matt, everything was calm, everyone was smiling, events of the night before weren’t mentioned. After a lovely breakfast Matt and I were driven home and during the journey he asked me if I had enjoyed the previous night.

I think my smile said all he needed to know and he hugged and kissed me before wrapping an arm around me. Once we were home I told Matt I needed to bathe again and rest. Things were quiet, although certainly not awkward, for the rest of the weekend and on Monday I went back to business as usual. Obviously I revealed details of the party to my PA Tiffany, who asked me if I could get her an invite to the next one.

Several weeks went by and apart from a couple of meetings and visit’s to the spa with Vanessa, where we enjoyed the pleasures of each others bodies, I neither saw or heard anything from, or about, my former stalker Mike, or Mr. Wilson. Neither, much to my slight dismay, did I attract the attentions of any other men and things were starting to play on my mind, so much so I actually asked Matt if I had done something wrong, or failed some kind of test that night of the party. He smiled and assured me that Mike and Nina had loved me, things were just rather hectic at the moment. He wasn’t wrong, work was getting really busy, especially with the extra work from JWA, Mike’s and Mr Wilson’s company, which contented me somewhat, and I kept myself so busy I almost began to wonder where and when, I was going to find time for some fun. Often, during one of my quieter moments, during lunch, I reflected on the past few months and kind of missed the intrigue and mystery of having a stalker, almost wishing the cat hadn’t been let out of the bag so to speak, even though I was happy it turned out to be someone nice. Still, things were good for me and I suppose one can’t ride the crest of a wave forever.

The housing market was really buoyant and I was doing so many house appraisals I was seriously considering taking on another appraiser to help me out. One lunchtime my PA Tiffany joined me, bringing me a sandwich, and hinted that we needed some after work fun, which made me smile. “However, it will have to wait until tomorrow.” she said, smiling as she handed me the name and address of a lady who needed a house appraisal in a very upmarket area of town. “I’ve booked you for 4PM, as it’s on your route home.” Tiffany said with a smile as she went back to work.

I got to the impressive looking house a few minutes before 4PM and parked on the drive next to a single car. I rang the doorbell and a minute later a smiling, very well dressed, lady, a little older than me answered the door and we exchanged names. She led me inside and I completed some preliminary paper work before asking her to show me the house and I’d make some notes and take some pictures then get back to her with a full appraisal. She told she would start in the basement and led me down some steps. Once there I stood open mouthed and wide eyed at the sight before me. It was like no other basement I had seen, with subtle mood lighting and some plush chairs facing a circular bed. Standing behind the bed was my masked, black lover, from Mike and Nina’s party. He was totally naked and his, beer can, thick cock was pointing at the ceiling. “Hello Sarah” he said in a calm, firm tone and my whole body trembled.

THE END ( or is it?)
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 15