So it was Friday and I’d had a hell of a week! My husband had been away with work and I had been swamped with work myself. I run an Estate Agents and two of my team were away, one on holiday and the other one with sickness so I’d had to do a number of viewings myself. So all in all I was feeling drained and ready for a long bath, glass of wine and seeing my husband who was due back this evening.

As the end of the day loomed my PA came into my office and told me she had a guy on the line who wanted to view one of our listed houses but he was leaving the area to go home for the weekend this evening and really wanted to have a first look at the house so he could discuss with his wife if they would want a proper viewing.

I realised the house in question was one of our vacant listings and was also my way home so despite my fatigue I decided to do it myself so I asked her to set up the viewing for 5PM and she returned a few minutes later telling me that she had confirmed with a Mr Jackson that he was booked for a viewing at 5PM.

I arrived at the property a few minutes before 5PM and I didn’t see any car on the driveway or on the road outside so thought I would just open up and get the lights on, as it was already getting pretty dark outside, which would save some time and make the whole house brighter at first view for Mr Jackson.

I put the key in the lock and turned the latch before pushing the door open and as I took my first step into the house I felt a gloved hand clamp over my mouth and an arm grab me around the chest and shoulder area before a voice whispered in my ear “Don’t struggle and don’t scream. I have a knife but I promise I don’’t want to hurt you, now walk slowly into the house.”

I could hardly breath let alone scream and slowly shuffled forwards into the house, still gripped by whoever had hold of me. He told me to stop and then I heard the door slam shut behind me then he asked me if I promised not to scream when he let go of me. I nodded my head and mumbled a confirmation as best I could and he released his grip on me but told me not to turn around.

As soon as he let me go I told him it wasn’t my house and that it was an empty property and that I was an estate agent meeting someone for a viewing and I had a little cash in my bag which he could take . He called me by my name and told me he knew who I was as he had been watching me for months and it wasn’t cash he wanted it was me. “ Oh my god!” I had a stalker!

All sorts of thought ran through my mind. Who was he? Did I know him? What did he want with me. My thoughts were interrupted by him telling me to turn around and face him. I turned and looked at him, he was standing about 6 feet away from me. A tall black man, athletically built, dressed all in black and wearing a mask in the pattern of a tigers face which covered his nose and eyes. He had little flecks of grey in his short cropped hair.

He had a large knife in his right hand which I stared at and he told me he wasn’t going to hurt me as long as I did as he asked and asked me if I understood. I nodded slowly and he fiddled with some shoulder straps and removed a back pack he had on and threw it onto the floor next to me telling me to open it.

I looked inside and there was a large course blanket at the top which he told me to take out and spread on the floor. I did as he asked and he told me to stand in the middle of it then walked towards me. He again told me he had been watching me for a long time and he had wanted me for so long. He then told me I was pretty and put a hand in his pocket then held out his hand, palm upwards, which contained a hairband and a lipstick.

He told me to tie my hair in a pony tail and put on the lipstick for him. As I dis as he asked told me he had seen me wearing that shade of lipstick and it was his favourite. Although I felt scared there was something about his voice which seemed slightly familiar and very calming making me feel sure he wasn’t going to hurt me so I just took some deep breaths and complied with his request.

After I had done as he asked he stared at me and said “beautiful! Are you going to do as I ask?”

I nodded at him and he told me to slowly strip in front of him. I tried to take my time but I also wanted my ordeal, whatever it may be, to be over as quickly as possible and a few minutes later I was standing totally naked before him.

He stepped forward so he was right in front of me and placed the blade of the knife flat against my left cheek. It was cold and hard and my heart beat raced. He slowly ran it down my neck, shoulder and across my left breast pausing when the tip of it touched my nipple. Perhaps it was the chill of the room or the cold of the steel but both my nipples hardened and he let out a little groan of pleasure at the sight of it.

He stared into my eyes and his eyes looked dark, mysterious and slightly hypnotic behind his mask as he said “I’m sure I can put the knife down can’t I?”

I nodded and managed to say “Yes.” Then I heard it drop onto the floor. He cupped my breasts in his hands which were big and strong yet gentle as they caressed my breasts and gently squeezed my nipples. I stared into his eyes as he told me my breasts were even nicer than he thought they would be then bent his head and sucked hard on one of my nipples.

Despite my plight and obvious fear I felt a sexual tingle run through my whole body as he sucked hard on my nipple and gave it a gentle nibble with his teeth, almost as if he knew that this was something I would really enjoy. I let out an involuntary gasp and slight groan which encouraged him to give my other nipple similar and slightly harder treatment.

After he had sucked on both my nipples for a few minutes he lifted his head up and looked me in the face. He pinched both my nipples and said “You like that don’t you?”

I softly murmured a “Yes” as he tugged on them and used them to jiggle my breasts as he told me how he loved them.

He stopped pulling on my nipples and said “Now you can do something for me! Kneel before me and unzip my pants.” I slowly dropped to my knees and when my head was level with his groin I could see the huge bulge in his pants. He was already hard and clearly excited from playing with my breasts.

I slowly unzipped his pants and pulled them down letting his hard monster cock spring out in front of my face. He rocked his pelvis a little making his huge cock bob up and down in front of me and commanded me to suck him. I grasped his cock around the base with both hands, as I took in the length and girth of his cock and stared at the big dark head that looked like a giant plum before slowly wrapping my lips around it.

I began to slowly suck him and my mouth was full after taking only the first few inches of his thick shaft but he commanded me to take it deeper. I knew from the tone of his voice I had no choice but to try so I pulled my mouth off briefly as I tried to produce more saliva and quickly took him back into my mouth before he said anything.

I managed to get more of him in this time and the head of his cock was almost hitting the back of my throat so I rocked my head back and forth on him and began to run my hand up and down the length of his shaft. He softly groaned as I sucked on him and then I heard a moan come from within my own mouth, muffled by his big cock.

He must have heard my moan and he pulled his cock out of my mouth, lifted my head so I was looking up at him and said “Your enjoying sucking on my big black cock aren’t you?”

I had no choice but to say “Yes” but, although I shouldn’t have been, part of me was really enjoying the feeling of his monster cock in my mouth.

“Ok you little white slut, open wide and you are going to get it all.” he growled at me. I opened my mouth wide and he gripped my head and plunged his cock into my mouth. I felt it hit the back of my throat and he told me to relax as he forced his cock deeply down my throat.

I was choking and tears were running from my eyes and as he pulled his cock out I could feel the saliva dripping off my chin onto my breasts. “Oh yeah! Rub that spit into those milky white tits.” he grunted at me as he once again plunged his cock down my throat and began to throat fuck me.

Each time he pulled back streams of saliva poured out go my mouth and dripped down onto my breasts and my nipples were tingling as I rubbed the saliva all over me. As he continued to throat fuck me I could feel the saliva dripping beyond my breasts and down my tummy “Oh yeah! Rub it into your little white pussy and get it nice and wet for me.” he commanded.

I ran a saliva covered hand down to my pussy and as I pushed my fingers between my pussy lips I could feel that I was already soaking wet. “My god!” I thought. “What is happening? I shouldn’t be getting turned on by this brute abusing me.” But my bodily reactions told me I was as I continued to rub my pussy and press my fingers against my swollen clit.

He pulled his cock from my throat and said “Are you nice and wet down there baby all ready for my big cock?”

Although my body was telling me I was aroused my brain went into a spin as I thought there was no way I wanted another mans cock inside me let alone a big black brute forcing himself on me. “I’m wet but your cock is far too big for me!” I whimpered back at him.

“Well let’s see shall we? Turn around and get on your hands and knees.” he commanded.

I reluctantly obeyed him, slowly turning around and presenting my pussy to him, praying that he would realise I couldn’t take him and satisfy himself in my mouth. I felt his rough fingers penetrate my pussy and rub me hard. “Oh Yeah! Nice and ready for me.” he said, sounding very pleased with himself.

I felt the tip of his cock press against my pussy lips and he paused for a few seconds before he gripped my hips and began to force his cock deep inside me. As I gasped loudly he stopped and I hoped he was all the way inside me. My pussy felt like it was going to split and the pain was immense. I felt him pull back a little and as the pain subsided a little he plunged back into me even deeper until his hips slammed against my buttocks.

“Oh god no!” I howled as he began to thrust into me with long hard strokes and I begged him to stop.

“Stop moaning! You love it you little slut.” he shouted at me as he slapped my buttock with his hand. As he continued to thrust into me my pussy got wetter and began to stretch, getting used to his size. Almost to my horror my shrieks of “No!” began to morph into little moans of “Yes!” and he began to fuck me even harder.

My head was spinning, my body tingling and I was beginning to rise to a sexual high I had rarely felt as this brute did things to me I would never have willingly let a man do. I was now begging him to do it harder and deeper. He suddenly stopped and pulled his cock out of me. “You want me to fuck you hard?” he asked.

“Oh yes, yes I do!” I begged.

“Ok! Rub your clit for me. I want you to cum on my big cock!”

I propped myself up on one forearm and ran my other hand between my legs until my fingers found my swollen, sensitive clit and began to slowly massage it. Once again I felt my captors huge cock penetrate me deeply and he began to fuck me even harder and quicker than before. Then he demanded I tell him how much I loved his big cock and what I wanted him to do to me.

I hated him for it, probably because I knew he was right. I loved that huge thick cock stretching my pussy and how hard he fucked me. Every time his hips slammed into my buttocks my breasts swung forward and my already sensitive nipples rubbed against the blanket beneath me. I knew I wanted to cum on that big cock and I almost craved the pain so I began to urge him on.

“Oh god yes! Fuck me hard. Stick your big cock deep in me. Fill me up. I want it. I need it.” I bellowed out in between gasps and shrieks. He went even harder and I heard him start to breath quicker and louder. I rubbed my clit harder and felt my orgasmic much building.

I continued to urge him on louder. “Come on! Fuck me you bastard. Make me cum.” Then he grabbed my ponytail and pulled my head backwards towards him and I shrieked as he fucked me so hard I thought I was going to pass out. Then he grunted and shook as he pumped his cum deep into my womb and with a final rub of my clit my own orgasm exploded and surged through my body.

His breathing slowed and he stopped twitching. His balls obviously drained into me he let go of my hair and I slumped onto the floor panting. My pussy muscles twitched and throbbed as his huge cock slipped from inside me and the cool air rushed into my gaping sore lips.

I was still breathing hard when I felt his hands grab hold of me and he rolled me off the blanket. Then I opened my eyes to see him zipping up his pants and folding up the blanket as I lay there naked. He put the blanket and knife into his backpack then knelt beside me.

Then he held out his phone and told me to look at the screen. I stared open mouthed at footage of me on my hands and knees with his huge black cock thrusting into me accompanied by the sounds of me shrieking and begging him to fuck me. “Don’t worry.” he said. “This is for my enjoyment only but you need to know I have it. I will come for you again and you will let me have my way wont you?”

I almost couldn’t speak as I watched the recording. I looked at him and nodded. “Yes I will let you do what you want.” I said. He stood up and left the house leaving me naked on the floor. I curled up onto my side and sobbed for a few minutes then ran a hand down to my throbbing pussy and began to smile as I felt his seed dribble out of me.

to be continued…..

The Stalker ch. 02

As I drove home following my ordeal with “Mr Jackson”, my stalker my head was still in a spin and trying to make sense of many things such as: How does he know me? Do I know him? How long has he been following me? Where and when will he come for me next and what will he demand? My thoughts changed to things more imminent as I felt yet more of his seed flow into, my already, cum soaked panties.

I hadn’t seen my husband for a week and I knew he would be , like I was at the beginning of the day, eager to have sex this evening. Normally when we haven’t seen each other for a while the evening usually goes along the lines of some immediate raw sex followed by a few drinks and an evening of love making. I couldn’t possibly engage in sex with him now my pussy was swollen and full of my stalkers seed.

I nervously pulled into the driveway and saw his car was there so I knew he was home. I approached the door and took a few deep breaths trying to clarify in my mind how I was going to play things. I opened the door and heard him call out to me that he was in the kitchen and I wandered in there to see him with a big smile on his face pouring out 2 glasses of wine.

I went over to him and before I could have a sip of wine he kissed me, I was immediately relieved that my stalker hadn’t cum in my mouth, so could enjoy our passionate kiss and embrace. We told each other how much we had missed each other and I quickly got onto my glass of wine telling him I needed it as I’d had a hard week and hadn’t been feeling well for a couple of days.

As per usual he showed immediate concern and asked me what was wrong so I responded by telling him that I had been getting cramps in my abdomen which was odd as my period wasn’t due for a few days. “So darling that area may be out of action this evening.” I told him. Although he was concerned for my wellbeing he looked disappointed and in my bid to assure him I wasn’t fobbing off his sexual desires I said “So you may have to make do with a nice massage and an even nicer blow job.”

As I told him that I felt more of my stalkers cum flow into my panties and, although it may have been my imagination, I could actually smell it. Partly to ensure my husband wouldn’t smell it but mostly because the feel of his cum leaking from me aroused me I put down my wine glass and kissed my husband passionately before I said “In fact why wait until later?” before dropping to my knees right there in the kitchen and unzipping him.

He had clearly missed me as his cock was rock hard in seconds as I took it deep into my mouth and massaged his balls. As I sucked him my mind flashed back to earlier when my stalker had fucked my throat hard and I wanted my husband to do it so I took hold of his hand and put it on the back of my head then urged him to push my head onto his cock hard a couple of times until he got the clear message.

He began to thrust his cock into my mouth hard making me gag a little every time he hit the back of my throat. I lifted my skirt and pushed a hand inside my panties where my fingers quickly got covered in my stalkers cum. I felt my clit which was still swollen and began to rub it which made my muffled moans even louder. My husband must have though what he was doing was really turning me on as he grabbed a handful of my hair and fucked my mouth quicker and harder for a few minutes before he roared, jerked and unloaded his full balls into my mouth.

After I had sucked him dry I stood and told him to go and get in bed whilst I showered. As I undressed I noticed a little redness around my nipples where my stalker had been pulling and biting on them which made me smile. I bathed in the hot water and took the shower head off the hook so I could squirt the water up my pussy. As I massaged the soapy water into it my swollen lips stung a little which seemed to arouse me on even more.

I towelled off and put on a robe before entering the bedroom where my husband was laying naked on the bed slowly playing with his cock which was already getting hard again.I was desperate to fuck him but wasn’t confident all my stalkers cum was out of me as he seemed to have squirted it deep into my womb almost, so I knelt on all fours over his legs looking up at him so he could see my breasts hanging down inside my robe. “Just what would you like me to do with that?” I asked him.

He smiled and said “Suck it nice and deep for me again.” I smiled and once again took his lovely hard cock in my mouth and began to suck him slowly until he fully hardened in my mouth then began bobbing my head up and down on him. As I sucked him I massaged his balls making him groan with joy even more.

My bottom was sticking up in the air and again I closed my eyes allowing my mind to flashback to earlier when my stalker had me on my knees and fucked me hard from behind. My increasing arousal made me suck my husbands cock even quicker and I felt his hand on the back of my head pushing me harder down on his cock.

I got the first hint of a taste of pre cum leaking from him and heard him breath louder and quicker. I ran a hand down between my legs and started to rub my pussy, pressing hard with two fingers on my swollen clit all the time imagining my stalkers huge black cock pounding me as I rocked my hips a little.

Seconds later my husband groaned and pushed my head down on his cock so deep my nose pressed against his abdomen and I could hardly breath. I rubbed my clit harder and when my husbands cum began spurting from his cock my orgasm let rip and surged through my body.

Once things had settled we chatted and drank wine for a while and my husband told me he hoped my insides were feeling better soon. I told him I was sure they would be fine in a day or so as I was eager to have sex with him again. I rolled onto my side to sleep and was sure I felt a little of my stalkers cum run inside my pussy lips. I closed my eyes and imagined when he would come for me again and what he would do.

The Stalker ch. 03

A couple of weeks had gone by since my episode with my stalker and I was beginning to think that it had been a one off event, which, to my surprise left me a little deflated at the thought he no longer wanted me. I had still enjoyed having sex with my husband, although I had gotten him to fuck me doggy style more often than usual so that I could flash my mind back to having my stalkers big black cock pounding me from behind, so clearly the experience hadn’t affected me in a bad way.

My frustration at lack of contact was eased when my PA buzzed me and told me there was a Mr Jackson on the line calling about the recent viewing he’d had. My heart raced at hearing her say his name and butterflies began to churn in my tummy as I took a couple of deep breaths, picked up the phone and tentatively said “Hello.”

“Hello Sarah. Have you been thinking about me?” he said in the same calm hypnotic tone I remembered. I considered lying but found myself telling him I had thought about him a little.

“What do you think about me?” he asked.

I paused and thought before saying “I think you are a horrible brute with a wonderful cock.”

“Do you want my cock again?” he asked.

“Yes I want your big cock inside me again, fucking me so hard it hurts.” I said. I couldn’t believe what I had said. I must have sounded like a proper slut but it had made me so aroused I could feel my pussy tingling. I heard my stalker giggle before he told me to give him my mobile number. After I had given it to him he told me to listen very carefully.

He then told me the address of a house for sale on our listings and that he had checked with one of my team that all viewings were done in the absence of the vendors and that he could view it anytime today as there were currently no viewings booked in so he wanted me to meet him there at 4PM and when I arrived I was to phone him on a number he would send to my phone.

He rang off and I put the phone down before looking at the clock. It was just after 2PM, my head was spinning, my pussy tingling and I wondered what state I would be in by 4PM. I quickly told my PA I had to go and do a viewing at 4PM asking her to sort out the keys to the address and that I would go straight home afterwards.

I got to the house a little before 4PM and again saw no car on the drive or in the road close by so I opened up and went inside. I took out my phone and at exactly 4PM phoned my stalker. He then gave me some instructions which were to open the back door to the house go into the kitchen remove my blouse and bra and sit in a chair by the dining table.

I followed his instructions to the letter and a few minutes later I sat anxiously and excitedly awaiting my fate. The house was silent and it felt eerie sitting there on a chair in a strangers house with my breasts exposed. What on earth had gotten into me? If anyone found out I had done this it would surely ruin my business but my need to have my stalkers cock was just too great for me to see sense.

About 10 minutes later I heard the gate at the side of the house open and close and then I saw my stalkers masked face look through the window briefly before he opened the back door and entered the room. He was carrying a medium sized brown paper bag which he placed on the side counter before saying “I see you have been an obedient girl Sarah.” as he looked at me then reached out his hands and cupped my breasts and massaged them making my nipples harden instantly.

“Take my cock out and suck it.” he commanded. I followed his instruction, unzipping his pants and freeing his cock from his underwear. He was already semi hard and I couldn’t wait to get it in my mouth. As I started sucking on him his cock grew longer and thicker until he was fully hard and stretching my mouth as I struggled to accommodate his girth. “Yes baby! Take it deep.” he groaned as he put a hand on my head and pulled it closer to him.

A minute or so later he had become the same rough brute I remembered and had hold of my hair as he forced his cock deeper and deeper down my throat shouting out at me about how much he loved my pretty little white mouth. He fucked my throat for a few minutes and again I could feel the saliva dripping off my chin onto my breasts.

He then pulled his cock out of my mouth and lifted my chin so I was looking at his face. “Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked. I nodded and he told me to beg him for it.

I looked up at him and said “I want your big cock inside me so deep and hard it hurts! Please give it to me I will do anything you ask if you fuck me.” He told me to stand up and lift up my skirt and as I began to do it he pulled on my nipples and shook my breasts. Then when my skirt was lifted up exposing my panties he told me to rub my pussy and get it nice and wet for him.

I pushed a hand down my panties and began to rub my pussy, it was already soaking wet and I told him I was all wet and sticky. He asked me to get my phone and turn on the camera set to record then bend over the dining table with my hands in front of my face so I could film myself being fucked by him.

I felt his hands push my buttocks apart slightly and then he pulled my panties to one side and forced his cock into my hole. I thought he was going to go slowly but he forced it all the way in on the first thrust and I yelped. He then began to fuck me hard with quick deep thrusts so hard my thighs banged against the edge of the table.

I manages to keep my camera phone fairly stable, filming us as he ploughed me for what seemed ages with my head pinned down against the table with one of his hands until I heard him begin to groan. Then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head backwards as he rammed his cock deep and pumped me full of his cum.

When he had finished pumping his cum into me he pulled out his cock and lifted me up telling me to lick his cock clean. I greedily slurped the sticky mixture of our juices off his cock and he finally stepped back and zipped his pants up. He then took out a packet of wipes from the bag he had placed on the counter when he first came in and told me to wipe down the table and floor where saliva and cum had dripped down.

As I finished wiping down the floor on my hands and knees he said “make your milky white tits swing as you do that you little slut!” I obliged him until I had finished cleaning then he left telling me he would be in touch soon but there was a gift for me in the bag which I may have need for before I next saw him.

After he left I looked inside the bag and saw there was a 10 inch black dildo which could very well have been modelled on my stalkers cock. I dressed and ensured there was no sign go our being there before I locked up the house and drove home wondering what I was going to do with the dildo.

The Stalker ch. 04

After my stalker had pumped his seed into me back at the house he had put my panties back in place as soon as he had withdrawn his cock so the gusset of them was full of his sticky cum, thank god for leather seats I thought as I looked at the large dildo he had given me which was set on the passenger seat and my brain was in overdrive as to how I was going to explain it away to my husband.

I got home and the first priority was to shower and wash away my stalkers cum before my husband got home. I left my panties on until I was in the shower and peeled them down beneath the cascading water so I could wash the cum away then gave my pussy a good douching. As the jets of hot water sprayed against my clit it felt so sensitive I could have brought myself off right there and it suddenly dawned on me that my stalker hadn’t bothered to make me cum as he treated me like a receptacle for his cum. I decided I would fix that situation myself and toweled off before laying on the bed and unwrapping the huge black dildo he had given me. I looked at it as I ran my fingers up and down it and marveled at how much like his big cock the dildo was, right down to the thick veins running down the length of it. I reached into the bedside cabinet and pulled out my tube of lube which I spread liberally over the dildo and my pussy before laying back and beginning to rub the tip of the dildo up and down the slit of my pussy.

After a couple of minutes I was feeling so close to an orgasm I decided I’d best take the plunge and fill my soaking wet pussy so I gently pushed the head of the dildo into me gently guiding it deeper and deeper until I had most of it in but the sheer size and pain made me stop short of taking the whole length. I began to pump the dildo in and out of my pussy whilst squeezing my breasts and pinching my already hard nipples as I writhed around on the bed. I closed my eyes and imagined it was my stalkers big cock penetrating me as I ran my fingers down to my pussy and found my swollen clit. I rubbed it hard as I drove the dildo as deep as I could take until I felt my pussy tighten around the dildo and my shuddering orgasm surged through me. When I had calmed down I washed off the dildo and my pussy, dried both off and took one last smiling look at the dildo before popping it in the draw next to my vibrator and lube and heading off downstairs before my husband arrived home. I poured some wine and pondered about how I was going to explain the dildo.

My husband arrived home with the pizza we had arranged to have for our evening meal, Friday was always take out night and we chatted about our days both agreeing that we were in the mood for several drinks, which suited me as I felt sure telling him about the dildo would be easier after we had both had a few drinks. After eating we chilled on the sofa and I just went for it. “Hey honey.” I said. “You remember a few months ago when you used my vibrator on me you asked if felt too big and I told you I could perhaps take a little larger?” He looked at me and nodded with a smile saying he had a rough recollection. “Well a funny thing happened today at work.” I said.

I began my little tale explaining to him that one of the girls and I had been speaking about dildos over a few glasses of wine with lunch and she had decided to order a big one but it had been black and her husband hadn’t really liked it so she had asked me if I wanted it and I just accepted but I wasn’t sure if it was something we would use so asked him what he thought about the idea. I could tell, to my relief, by the look on his face he was intrigued and when he spoke he seemed very excited to know more and see it for himself so we took our drinks upstairs to the bedroom. I took the big dildo out of the drawer and placed it on the bed between us as we lay down. “Jesus” said my husband. “That’s bloody massive.” As he continued to stare at it we both giggled.

My husband kept staring at the dildo and looking at me for several minutes and eventually he broke his silence. “I wonder how much of that you could actually take.” he commented. I looked at him deep into his eyes and told him I was game to try if he was. To my great delight he embraced the idea and we got down to some rather sexy foreplay. My husband caressed and licked my body all over and paid particular attention to my pussy, which was soon soaking wet, before he entered me with his hard cock and fucked me nice and deep starting slowly then getting quicker. It felt good but I was desperate to have my stalkers big black dildo up me so I asked him to stop before he came and get the tube of lube out of the drawer.

He spent some time liberally smothering the dildo with the lube and asked me if I was ready. I nodded and he slid the tip of the dildo into my pussy, stretching my lips. I smiled at the concentration his face as he gently guided more and more of the dildo into me until it was touching the entrance of my womb and I winced. He stopped pushing and looked at me “Holy fuck, you have taken about 8 inches” he said and then he began to pump my pussy with the dildo not going any deeper than he had. I lay back and closed my eyes, although I was enjoying it my mind wandered to how much deeper my stalker had fucked me. After a few minutes I asked him to stop and suggested we perhaps try it doggy style as I loved it when he fucked me deep like that.

He smiled and told me to roll over and then he knelt behind me and once again he began to guide the dildo into my pussy. He stopped when he was as deep as he had been the first time and I think he was surprised when I gasped “Oh god yes, that’s better. Go deeper baby.” He drew it back a few inches before he plunged it back into me a little deeper than before and repeated the motion several times, each thrust making me gasp. I called out to him “Oh god, go deeper do it hard baby.” before I closed my eyes and dropped my head and once again imagined I now had my stalkers big cock deep inside me.

My husband began to thrust the dildo into me even quicker and deeper and I heard him say “Oh fuck you’ve taken the whole length, fucking awesome.” The excitement in his voice soon translated to his hand as he began to ram the thing in and out of me harder and harder and the more I shrieked the quicker and harder he got. The feelings I’d had inside me when my stalker had fucked me roughly began to surge through my body, I reached a hand between my legs and pressed two fingers against my clit. “Oh god, give it me hard baby, I’m gonna cum.” I shrieked out. He thrust the dildo into me with venom and I rubbed my clit hard. A couple of minutes later I shuddered with a mind blowing orgasm which seemed to go on for ages as my hubby continued ramming me and I was still riding my orgasmic wave when I felt my husband pull the dildo out of me and thrust his cock into me. Slammed into me several times before he groaned and I could feel his cum spurt into me.

After a minute we both collapsed on the bed and my husband told me he had almost shot his load before he entered me. We curled up together and I smiled inside knowing my husband was as hooked on the big black dildo as I was.

The Stalker ch. 05

I woke the morning after my husband had fucked me with both his cock and, to my delight, my stalkers big black dildo, to the sound of my husband placing a coffee on my bedside table. “Morning sleepy head.” he said with a smile before giving me a kiss on the cheek and asking me how I was. I told him I was a little sore but nothing to worry about. He then told me he was going for a run for about 45minutes and would sort out breakfast when he got back so I could just chill out.

He had only been out of the door a few minutes when my phone rang and I assumed it would be my husband asking me if I wanted him to pick anything up for breakfast. I dragged the phone of the bedside table and swiped the answer icon without really looking at the screen.

“Hello Sarah. came the words spoken by a voice I recognised as my stalker which sent a shiver through my body as he went on to ask me if I had used his gift yet. I felt my face flush and heart race as all kinds of thoughts went through my mind. Did he know I had. Did he know I was now alone. Was he watching the house.

Despite my reluctance to share my personal information with him I murmured “Yes I have.” He then asked me to tell him where, when and how I had used it. I felt a mixture of arousal and embarrassment as I explained how I had used it to get myself off when I got home from meeting him and that I had let my husband fuck me with it last night.

He asked me if both me and my husband enjoyed using it last night and I told him we had, as I spoke to him I saw the dildo and lube sitting on the bedside table next to my coffee so I guessed we just hadn’t put it away last night. He then told me he would speak to me again soon and he had to go before ringing off.

He had gotten into my head again and I had a good half an hour before my husband would be home so I took the dildo and lube off the bedside cabinet. After lubing it and my pussy up I opened up the video file on my phone that my stalker had made me film as he fucked me bet over a table in a clients house. As I began to watch it I slid the dildo gently into my pussy until it started to hurt.

The first few minutes of the video were when he first penetrated me which had been really painful yet clearly pleasurable judging by the expressions I was seeing on my face. I had never actually watched myself being fucked before and the sight of an athletic masked black man fucking me from behind was amazing.

I kept playing that part of the video over and over again as I tried to replicate the feeling of sexual pain I was experiencing in the video by ramming the dildo deep into my pussy stretching me so much I was in a painful ecstasy. A kind of fear suddenly came over me as I realised that not only was I becoming addicted to my stalker I was also becoming addicted to painful sex. A fact reinforced by the fact I had asked my husband to ram me even harder with the dildo the night before even though it hurt.

I wanted to please my stalker, let him know what he was doing to me. How he was changing my sexual desires and how I was becoming a woman who wanted to be used and treated like a slut by black men. I still had a while before my husband was due home so I got my laptop, sat on the bed and opened it up between my legs and set the camera to record.

I squeezed my breasts as I spoke to my stalker through the screen “Look at what you have done to me. I crave your big black cock inside me, hurting me and making me scream and cum just like this.” I leant back on the pillows so I could just about still see the screen and shoved the big dildo back inside me gasping as it went all the way in.

I began fucking myself with it hard, pulling on my nipples and talking to him. “Oh yes fuck me, deeper, harder, faster, hurt me you bastard.” I went quicker and moved my other hand to my pussy, pressing two fingers against my clit. I rubbed hard and fucked fast until I felt my orgasm rising then seconds before it did I strained to lift my head so my face was visible in shot and screamed as I tipped myself over the edge and my orgasm surged through me.

I collapsed back on the bed, panting, my chest heaving as I sucked in the air deeply, my pussy still throbbing and gripping the dildo deep inside me. I eased it out and the cool air rushed into my gaping pussy. I sat up and saw in the laptop screen my face was bright red I gave my stalker one last glimpse and comment telling him I hated him before turning the camera off.

A moment later I heard my husband shout out to me “Breakfast in 10.” My god, how long had he been in the house. I folded the laptop away and scurried to the bathroom, washing my face with cooling water and putting on a robe. I rinsed off the dildo and put it away in my bedside drawer before joining my husband in the kitchen wondering if he had heard me and if he could smell the scent of my cum.

We ate breakfast and chatted as normal, he didn’t act like he knew anything and as I sat there relieved my mind wandered as to what my stalker may think when I sent him the video file.

The Stalker ch. 06

I hadn’t heard from my stalker for a couple of days and wondered when I would and I had thought better of sending him the video I made of me fucking myself with the big black dildo he gave me although I did want him to see it. I was sitting in my office ploughing through paperwork and getting through a couple of conference calls so I’d asked my PA not to put through any calls for the rest of the afternoon.

A little before 3PM my mobile phone rang and I looked at caller ID before deciding wether or not to answer it. Lit up on the screen was a name that made my heart race again “Mr Jackson”, my stalker, it was almost as if he was psychic and knew I had been thinking about him. I swiped answer and heard that familiar calm hypnotic voice “Hello Sarah.”

I responded and he asked me if I had been thinking about him. Once again I had to tell him that I had and I plucked up the courage to tell him that I had used the black dildo a couple of times, once with my husband and once on my own. “Tell me more.” he said and I told him of the two events and that I had recorded my masturbation session.

He asked me if my husband had enjoyed using the black dildo on me and what we did so I explained that he had loved it and I had asked him to fuck me doggy style with it so I could pretend it was his cock going in me and my husband had gotten off on really ramming me hard with it. He then told me he would like to see the video recording I made and told me to send it to his number. Before he rang off he told me he would call me back in 30 minutes and before he did I was to remove my underwear so I was sitting in just my skirt and blouse.

I sent him the video and popped out to see my PA telling her I was getting a coffee and asking her if she wanted one then told her I had a very important conference call at 3.30PM so definitely no disturbance. Just to be safe when I went back to my office I locked my door behind me. I removed my blouse and bra then put my blouse back on and pulled my panties off before sitting back at my desk.

As I waited for 3.30PM to come around I tried to imagine why my stalker had asked me to get ready this way and I couldn’t resist running a hand up my skirt and feeling my pussy which was now getting moist. I began to play with myself and imagined my stalker was here in my office with me playing with my pussy. Suddenly my phone buzzed and it was a text message from my stalker telling me to video call him.

When I did he was I saw him sitting at a desk wearing the his tiger mask and he said “Well, isn’t this nice. We’re both at our work desk, I’ve been viewing the video you sent me. Very nice. What are you doing?” I told him I had just been feeling my pussy, imagining him being in my office and he asked me if I was really wet. I told him I was and he asked me to show him my sticky fingers so I held them close to the camera lens and showed him the shine cum juice on them.

He admired them for a moment then said, “stick them back in your pussy then taste yourself.” I slid my hand back under my skirt and stuck three fingers in my throbbing wet pussy and rubbed hard until I could hear my juices squelching loudly then pulled my hand out and sucked on my three fingers savouring my juices.

He asked me if my nipples had gotten hard yet and I brushed a hand over my breast and felt a hard nipple poking through the fabric and told him they were rock hard. “Undo your blouse and show me.”he said. I did as he asked and exposed my breasts before massaging them and pulling gently on my hardened nipples which were now tingling with excitement.

He asked me if I wanted to see his cock and I nodded. He told me to ask him nicely to see it and I said “Oh please show me your big black throbbing cock, I want it so much.” He stood up and I saw he had no pants on and his huge cock was fully erect. He stroked it and his big balls swayed beneath it as he moved.

“Would you like me to be there now fucking you?” he asked as I stared at his monster cock with one hand on my breast and the other fingering my pussy. I nodded and he said “Stand up and lean on the desk so your tits hang down and imagine me fucking you from behind as you rub your clit.

As I began to rub myself he started to stroke his cock and talk to me saying “I wan’t to cum in your mouth and over your face and tits. Would you like me to?”

“Oh god yes I groaned’ as I rubbed my pussy harder and rocked back and forth so my breasts swung towards the camera. He began to breath harder and I saw pre cum leaking from the tip of his cock.

“Do you want me to cum?” he asked.

“Oh yes please, cum for me I want to see it and taste it.”

“Tell me when you are going to cum” he told me. I rubbed harder, pressing two fingers on my clit and could feel my orgasm building. I gasped and groaned “Oh god, Oh god, I’m nearly there. I saw his pumping of his cock increased in speed “Oh fuck, Yes, I’m there, I’m gonna cum now” as I felt it rise I saw ropes of cum explode from the end of his cock, spraying all over his desk and my own orgasm made me shudder, it was all I could do to muffle a scream.

I collapsed in my chair and watched him milk the last drops of cum from his cock before sitting down. “Lovely but I guess I must clean up now.” he said I was still breathing hard in my chair and he said “Now listen Sarah. I want you to make another video for me. I want you to record your boyfriend fucking you with my big black dildo. Is that clear?”

I nodded and said “Yes it is.”

He told me to send it to him as soon as I had done it then ended the call.

I recovered, re dressed and composed myself and decided I was useless for work. I needed to go home which meant leaving the office and walking past my staff hoping they wouldn’t smell my cum.

Maybe it was my imagination or my guilt but I could have sworn I got some very odd looks as I walked past everyone. In the car I headed home wondering how the hell I was going to get my husband of film him fucking me with that monster dildo…..

The Stalker ch. 07

It was the Friday after my stalker had demanded I send him a video of my husband fucking me with the big black dildo he had given me and I had just about figured out how I was going to manage this and tonight was going to be the night. In preparation I was sorting out some sexy lingerie, some massage oil, towels,lighting scented candles, making sure my camera phone was fully charged and of course making sure the dildo and lube were handy.

My husband arrived home just after 8PM and I knew he had already eaten on the road so I greeted him dressed in a silk robe, having already showered and pinned up my hair, which he likes, and done my makeup a little heavier than normal. I gave him a big hug and a kiss then handed him a glass of wine as I said with a smile “Welcome to your very special spa evening.”

He smiled and asked me what was under the robe and I told him he would find out later and for now he was to finish his drink and undress ready for his bath which was just about ready for him. Five minutes later we were in the bathroom surrounded by scented candles and my husband was reclined backing the warm soapy water of the bathtub drinking his glass of wine whilst I slowly massaged his tired body beneath the water.

He finished his wine and I quickly refilled his glass before continuing. As I washed him the sleeve of my robe got wet from the bathwater “Oh dear!” I said as I stood “I’d probably best take this off.” As I slipped out of my robe my husband stared open mouthed at the lacy open crotch and nipple lingerie I was wearing complete with stockings and suspenders.

“I looked down at him and could see his cock getting hard and poking through the soapy water. “I’m guessing you approve?” I said with a smile as I stared at his cock.

“Oh god yes.” he announced as I squatted on the little stool I had placed by the side of the tub and continued to bathe him, occasionally brushing my hands over his cock and balls but making sure I was only ever going to get him reasonably close to the edge. After I had given him a total body wash down I refilled his drink and allowed him to watch me as I chatted to him, occasionally fondling my breasts and stroking my pussy to further excite him.

By the time he had finished bathing he’d had almost a full bottle of wine so was nicely loosened up as well as relaxed and I moved him from the bathroom to the bedroom, telling him it was time for his massage. He lay face down on some large towels I had put on the bed so I could massage his back and legs. As I massaged his back I lowered my body and allowed my exposed and hard nipples to run along his skin asking him if he could tell how excited I was. It was all he could do to muster a groan in response.

I flipped him over and massaged his front from head to toe making sure my hands once again brushed against his cock and balls. Despite the fact I had him nicely oiled up I could still clearly see the pre cum glistening as it leaked from the tip of his cock and I knew he was really turned on. I straddled him and leant forward, kissing him and then allowing him to suck on my nipples. He kept pushing my hips down towards his cock so I knew he was desperate to get his cock in me.

I ran a hand down between my legs and felt his cock, it was literally rock hard and throbbing so I placed it between my pussy lips and slowly slid myself onto it. I fucked him quite gently and slowly as I didn’t want him to blow too quick but after about 5 minutes he grabbed my buttocks and pulled me onto him hard as he pushed his hips up and groaned as he came, shooting his cum into me.

I lay forward and kissed him and after a minute or so his softened cock slipped from me. I told him I needed the loo and quickly popped off to the bathroom so I could wipe his cum from my pussy and when I came back he was still lay back on the bed with his sticky cock still soft. I wanted to show I was keen and asked him “Hey lover, how long till next take off?” He laughed and told me as he was tired and a little ***** probably half an hour.

I pulled a unhappy face and said “But I want to get off now, all this pampering has made me so horny. He was still smiling so I pulled my stalkers big black dildo out of the bedside drawer along with the lube and waved them at him as I said “You could always use this.” with a big smile on my face.

“Oooh you dirty girl.” he said before asking me to pass them to him. As I handed them to him he sat up and I told him to lay back down.

“You’re tired baby, you lay down and I’ll do all the work” I said smiling as I straddled him and rubbed some lube onto the dildo before I put it in his hands and asked him to hold it against his abdomen just above the base of his cock so it would be like I was riding his cock. He smiled and went along with it and I looked him in the eyes as I began to lower myself onto the dildo, the fullness reminding me of how I felt with my stalkers cock in me.

As I bottomed out on the dildo my clit hit the knuckle of my husbands thumb where he was gripping the base of the dildo which was a real stroke of luck. I paused for a few seconds, rocking slowly as my pussy walls began to contract around this invader to my hole before I began bouncing up and down on it. It felt awesome and I wanted to let my husband know, as well as keep him part of the action so I began to say things to him as I bounced.

“Oh yes, that’s good, Oh keep it right there, your hitting my spot with your thumb, lift your hips as I drop down, Oh fuck that’s it yes, I fucking love it, god its so big and tight.” My wailings were doing the trick as my husband was doing all he could to rock and rub in sync with my bouncing to help me achieve maximum arousal and I was getting close to having an orgasm.

I looked down at him squeezing my nipples through the open cup bra I had on. “Do I look horny baby?” I asked him. He told me that I looked extremely sexy and I told him I with I could see how horny I look bouncing on top of you. “Could we film it?” I asked him.

He looked at me and a huge grin appeared on his face. “That would be super sexy.” he said. Quick as a flash I leant over and picked my camera phone off the bedside table, set it to record and handed it to him. “Make me look like a sexy slut.” I said.

I slid back down on the dildo and began to ride it again. Within about a minute my arousal was back to where it had been as my husband began talking to me. “Come on ride it, harder, quicker, ride that big black cock you little slut and tell me how it feels.”

Oh my god, “perfect” I thought to myself as I thought how much my stalker would love that comment and I played on it. “Oh yes I will ride it hard for you, stick that big black cock right up me hard and deep.” I shrieked as my bouncing got quicker.

I squeezed my breasts as I bounced “Pull on your nipples” my husband shouted. I felt an orgasmic tingle rising within me. I reached up and unpinned my hair, shaking it loose then went for it. I bounced harder, as he lifted his hips to meet me and pulled hard on my nipples as I rocked. Then it happened “Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum on your fucking big black cock.” I squealed as I bottomed out on the dildo and ground my clit against his thumb until I shuddered as I orgasmed.

I threw my head back as my whole body tensed and shuddered for what seemed like ages. My husband keep rubbing my clit which was so sensitive it made me squeal with ecstasy. Eventually I almost passed out and collapsed forward on top of my husband, gasping and breathing hard. As my breathing slowed I could feel my husband caressing my head, neck and back and my pussy throbbing with the big dildo still up me and imagined I was laying on top of my stalker after he had just brought me to orgasm and was pumping his cum into me.

After a few minutes I rolled off and the dildo popped out of me. I lay next to my husband and we both laughed together talking about how horny it had been. I looked across at him and said “I think I need half an hour before I’m ready for take off. Any chance of a drink?” My husband jumped out of bed and poured us both some wine which we drank as we caressed each other and watched the video. It was perfect. I knew my stalker would love it and after viewing it my husbands cock was rock hard again. I looked at him and told him I wanted him to fuck me hard and shoot his cum deep inside me.

My husband wasted no time in mounting me and burying his cock deeply. We were both so turned on, me for a slightly different reason than him but I was still enjoying him fucking me. I begged him to go harder and deeper which he did, almost becoming animalistic and really hurting me as he pulled on my nipples as he roared and filled me full of cum. We continued to drink wine and fuck for hours until we were both exhausted.

We finished and lay down to sleep as my husband drifted off I lay there with my pussy throbbing and looking at the big black dildo then before I curled up to sleep I sent the video to my stalker along with a message. “YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU BASTARD!

The Stalker ch. 08

Following my Friday night frolic with my husband, during which I managed to record and send my stalker a video of me getting fucked with the big black dildo my husband seemed to get hooked on using it on me and by Sunday evening my pussy had been banged raw as a result of him fucking me, both with his cock and the dildo. What also worried me is I was loving that big black thing up me so much and asked him to go deeper so many times my husband actually suggested we could get a bigger one. Well no prizes for guessing what response he got to that suggestion.

It was now Friday again, a full week later and I hadn’t heard anything from my stalker, it was almost like he knew I was in suspense waiting to hear from him and deliberately made me wait. Although work had been really busy I still couldn’t get him out of my head and was worried he didn’t like the video I sent him. I tried to put all thoughts of him from my head as I went off to my last appointment of the week which was a 3PM house appraisal and valuation for a vendor called Mr Wilson.

I knew the area of the address which was a nice leafy and affluent avenue a short drive out of town so I was keen to secure the sales contract which would be a nice way to end the week. I arrived at the house a few minutes before 3PM which gave me a few minutes to view the house from the outside. Whilst I was looking at the front of the house from the drive the door opened and I saw a fairly tall black man probably in his forties wave at me. “You must be the estate agent.” He called out smiling. I smiled back “Mr Wilson I presume.” I shouted back and we both laughed. Off to a good start I thought to myself as I walked up to the door.

Mr. Wilson greeted me at the door and invited me in and a small Thai lady walked into the hallway behind him who he introduced as his wife, “We were just about to have some tea, would you like some?” he asked. I told him I’d love some and he asked his wife to bring an extra cup and they would take tea in the study. I was beginning to get a very nice feeling about this house however things suddenly started to turn on their head. He opened the door to, I guessed the study, and gestured with his arm for me to walk in.

As I rounded the door to look into the room I saw another man sitting in an arm chair, my stalker, whom recognized, partly from the tiger mask he was wearing but mostly from his voice as he said those familiar words which made my body tingle “Hello Sarah.” He gestured for me to sit down at one of two other chairs around the small table he was sitting at. We were very quickly joined by the man I knew only as Mr. Wilson and seconds later Mrs. Wilson placed a tray of tea on the table before leaving the room.

My heart was pounding but they were both very calm and polite. Mr Wilson poured out tea as my stalker made pleasantries and told me that Mr. Wilson was a business associate of his and they had a proposition for me. “I’m listening,” I said, trying to remain calm. He explained to me that the house we were in wasn’t actually the one for sale and passed me a portfolio containing a number of property developments details, contracts with my company name on signed by him and Mr. Wilson. He explained that they were looking for a good reliable estate agent they could trust to handle all marketing and sales for their company, telling me it would be worth millions in commission over the next few years.

I, of course, told them I was interested and would love to get their business and then my stalker went on to explain that the last few weeks, whilst being enjoyable had also been somewhat of a test as part of their due diligence on me and my company. I had clearly displayed a thirst for adventure and that I would do exactly as asked by him there was just one more hurdle to overcome and if that was achieved they would hand over the signed contracts to me before I left the house.

“I’m listening.” I said, trying to sound business like, My Stalker asked me how my husband was and what he was doing right now. I told him he was fine and was on a company golf day at a local country club followed by an evening meal and drinks. “That’s good.” said my stalker, something about his tone was telling me he already knew. He then thanked me for my latest video and asked me if I enjoyed making video’s for him. My pussy got moist at the sheer thought of the video’s I had made. I nodded and he told me he would like to make a video for me and once done I could walk away with the contracts.

I was slightly scared but also very excited as I was confident if he had meant me any harm it would have happened by now so I agreed. “Excellent!” he said and asked me to follow him. We walked through the house and down some stairs to a basement part of which was set up as a type of cinema room which also had a large bed and some camera equipment set up in one corner. Sitting on a sofa were two large black guys maybe in their late twenties or early thirties. My stalker introduced them as Marcel and Lewis who waved individually as he stated their names.

“They will be your co stars in the movie I want to make.” he told me before he went on to point at a door telling me that it led to a bathroom and I was to go in and change into what had been left in there. I walked into the bathroom, it was large with a huge walk in double shower and a bath in the corner, a wardrobe with hangers on one of which was a set of the exact same lingerie I had worn when I got my husband to fuck me with my stalkers dildo.

I undressed, hung up my clothes and put on the lingerie, I had already decided I was all in so decided to touch up my makeup a little more. When I went back into the cinema room I was a little shocked to see that the video I had sent my stalker of me riding the dildo was playing on the screen, being watched my Marcel and Lewis, who were naked and my stalker, who was also naked and holding a video camera directed me to go and sit on the sofa between them.

I nestled in between the two guys and they both immediately grabbed my breasts saying that I looked even hotter than I had in the video. I looked at my stalker and asked him what he wanted me to do. He told me that there was no real choreography although he may throw some demand in at certain stages but I was just to get it on with the two guys and have fun.

I looked down at both their hard cocks, both were pretty large, not as large as my stalker’s cock which I was kind of pleased about as he was huge, but a little bigger than my husbands. I began to stroke their cocks and they bent their heads towards my breasts, licking and sucking on my nipples and my stalker came and stood in front of me and began to feed his huge cock into my mouth as he filmed the action.

As my stalkers cock grew in my mouth he shoved it deeper down my throat and I felt one of the guys hands begin to rub against my pussy lips for a few seconds and heard Lewis say “Fuck man she is on heat.” He wasn’t wrong, I was soaking and once I had resigned myself to what was going to happen the thought of it turned me on no end. I had never had sex with more than one guy at a time never mind 3 well hung black studs and I was positively dripping at the thought.

I felt Lewis slide off the sofa and pull my legs open wide before getting between them and begin lapping at my pussy lips and flicking my clit with his tongue. My stalker stepped back and his place was quickly taken by Marcel who shoved his cock so far down my throat I gagged. After several minutes Lewis stopped licking my pussy and said to Marcel “Hey man, you need to get a taste of that sweet pussy.”

My stalker said, “Good call Lewis. You need to get in there now Marcel before she gets it messed up, you will be filling her up soon.” Marcel took the tip and within seconds he was munching on my pussy, almost quite literally the way he was nibbling my lips and clit I half thought he was going to bite something off. Whilst he was busy eating away Lewis was shining his cock in my mouth. This went on for several minutes until Marcel clearly decided he needed to shove something bigger than his tongue into my pussy.

He knelt between my legs and pressed his cock against my pussy hardly pausing before he shoved it in. Even though I was soaking wet it got to be a bit of a stretch as he got right down to the base of his cock but he soon had it in balls deep and began thrusting away as he held onto my ankles, spreading my legs wide. Lewis had wandered around the back of the sofa and had his hands on my breasts, squeezing them and rolling my nipples between his fingers and thumbs. He kept whispering in my ear to look up and as I gazed at the screen on the wall infant of me I could see the video of me getting fucked playing.

It was quite surreal watching my self getting fucked and actually being fucked at the same time and within minutes my arousal rose almost to the point of orgasm and a quick rub of my clit from Marcel and a pinch on my nipples from Lewis tipped me over the edge as I started to shudder my way through my first orgasm.

I had hardly stopped shaking when Marcel pulled out of me, stood up and walked behind the sofa only to be replaced by Lewis who told me to stand up and kneel on the sofa with my back to him. I had hardly got in position when he rammed his cock up me making me yelp as it fucking hurt and I told him so. He didn’t seem to care as he began thrusting into me . I asked him to slow down and he spanked my buttocks and asked Marcel to shut me up by sticking his cock in my mouth.

The two of them spit roast me for almost ten minutes and suddenly Lewis announced he was about ready to cum. I heard my stalker call out, “You just take a back step boy, nobody floods her pussy before me.” Instantly Lewis pulled his cock out of me and I felt a familiar pair of hands grip my hips and I groaned as my stalker began to shove his huge cock inside me.

Just before he bottomed out I said “Oh fuck, push it deep, stretch my pussy you black bastard.” With that I felt a venomous thrust and his hips smashing against my buttocks as he rammed his full length into me. He fucked me deep, hard and fast whilst Lewis and Marcel took turns at fucking my mouth. I was desperate to have some cum and begged them to cum in my mouth.

They were fucking my mouth so hard with their big cocks I could barely breath and felt dizzy but through the haze I heard the familiar sound of my stalker beginning to breath faster and louder as the pace of his thrusting increased and got so hard I knew he was bruising me. I didn’t care I wanted him inside me hard and deep and urged him to fill my pussy over and over again until finally I got my wish and my womb was hit by an explosion of cum from his big cock.

No sooner was I crooning at my pussy being flooded by my stalker I heard Lewis shout “Oh fuck, here it comes!” and he grabbed my head hard as he shoved his cock deep in my mouth and he spurted half a dozen jets of hit sticky cum down my throat. My stalker pulled his cock out of my pussy and I was relieved that the pain had stopped but frustrated he hadn’t brought me to orgasm with his huge shaft.

Thoughts of my frustration were suddenly interrupted as I felt another pair of hands grab my buttocks and pull them apart and then someone spat on my bum hole. It could only have been Marcel and as he forced the head of his cock into my bum hole I recalled how his girth had stretched me earlier and pleaded with him not to stick his cock deep into my bum hole. He took no notice and rammed his cock fully home into my ass and I howled like a dog on heat as he rammed me hard and deep.

He fucked my ass like a man possessed and wrapped his arms around my body, grabbing hold of my breasts squeezing them so hard it hurt. I had only had anal sex once before in my life and with a cock a lot smaller than the one rammed up me now. I swore at the time never again and I would never have willingly indulged but the act and now had it not been forced on me. “Please stop!” I wailed. “Your ripping me in two! STOP, STOP please!” I screamed as every inch of my body experienced a shockwave of pain as I gripped the back of the sofa, dropped my head and began to sob.

Marcel stopped thrusting but kept his cock buried inside me and I felt a pair of hands grip my head gently and lift it up. I was face to face with my stalker, looking deep into his eyes behind his mask. “Sshh Sarah,” he said. “You are stronger than this, don’t let it hurt you, defy the pain, defy him the pleasure, embrace and control the situation for your pleasure.” His hypnotic tone soothed me and I took several deep breaths allowing my body to relax and accept the invasion of my arse and my head to clear.”

“Ok you black bastard, if you want my arse you can have it. do your worst.” I called out defiantly. Marcel began to thrust into me again slowly and firmly, his hands squeezing my breasts hard. “Oh yes!” I called out, “You have me now, take me deep. Hurt me, I love it, I want you to fuck me hard and shoot your cum right up my white arse.”

Marcel duly obliged and began to go at me like a man possessed and I kept my gaze on my stalkers steely gaze behind his mask, allowing a smile to come across my face then I almost broke out into a laugh as I teased Marcel to fuck me harder and pinch my nipples if he expected to make me cum. My stalker slide at me, nodded his head and pointed his video camera right at me.

Marcel pumped for all he was worth and the tingling I felt in my nipples began to flow to the rest of my body as he started to pinch them harder. His hips slammed into my buttocks with every stroke and the tingle in my body got stronger, it hurt but my mind and body embraced and even craved the pain as I begged him for more. Then I knew I was on the edge and shouted “cum in me you black bastard” and as he roared I felt his hot cum flooding my arsehole and my body rocked as I came with his cock deep inside me.

With his balls drained he pulled out of me and I collapsed onto the sofa, cum dripping from my pussy and arse and the salty taste of Lewis’s cum still swirling around my mouth. As my orgasmic high ebbed away my body began to throb from the onslaught of cock, my raw ached and my nipples stung. I heard my stalker say “Great job so far everyone, break time.”

I slumped on the sofa aware of movement around me but not really knowing what to do. I felt a soft pair of hands take hold of my arm and I liked up. It was the Thai lady who had brought us tea earlier. “Come with me darling.” she said and let me to the bathroom. The bath was full of warm soapy water and she helped me step into it and sit down. My bum hole, pussy and nipples stung as the soapy water flowed over them. She gently bathed me and spoke to me in a very calming tone telling me her name was Mia.

Once Mia had bathed me and cleansed my pussy and bum hole she told me to get out of the bath before towelling me off and leading me back to the room and asking me to lay on the large bed. She rubbed some lotion on her hands and then began to caress my body, the lotion was cool and soothing as she ran it over my nipples and pussy then briefly rolled me onto my front and I felt the lotion drip onto my bum hole before she rubbed it in.

Mia rolled me back on my front and lay beside me asking me if I was feeling less sore. I nodded and she smiled then gently caressed my face before kissing me on the lips. Her kiss was so soft I sighed as my body melted and then I felt her hand caress my breasts making my nipples tingle and harden. She worked her hand down to my pussy and began to softly massage it as she sucked on my nipples. After a few minutes my pussy was soaking and my body was tingling. Mia stopped and looked into my eyes, “It will soon be over” she said as she climbed off the bed and as she walked away I saw my stalker and Mr. Wilson standing at the foot of the bed both stroking their hard cocks.

Mr. Wilson climbed on the bed, knelt between my legs and gently rubbed my wet pussy before pressing his cock against it and gently easing it into me and began fucking me gently but firmly. His cock wasn’t as big as either of the other guys but it was a good 8 inches and felt nice as he drove it into me. My Stalker climbed onto the bed and knelt behind my head, lowering his huge cock into my mouth. I sucked on it greedily and wrapped a hand around it so I could stroke him as I sucked, god I loved his cock.

Mt Wilson began thrusting a little harder and I heard him breathing harder, I half expected him to cum but a minute later he stopped and pulled out of me. My stalker told me to get up and mount him as he lay down on the bed the opposite way to me. As I sat up I saw Mia standing at the foot of the bed operating the video camera. I straddled my stalker and lowered myself down on him until my buttocks landed on his hips and I was totally impaled on his huge cock. I began to rock my hips and ride him and he reached up, gently gripping my breasts and pulling my body forward until I was lay on him with my breasts pressed against his hard chest.

I began to rock harder and my clit rubbed against his pubic bone which instantly sent a shudder through me. I was already super aroused and I began to rock harder as I was desperate to cum on my stalkers cock. I felt his hands run down my back and grip my buttocks pulling me hard against him. As he pulled harder my buttocks spread apart and I felt something cool dribble onto my bum hole and then a finger working it in.

The finger was pulled out and my stalker told me to stay still. I felt a hand on my back and a cock, I guessed Mr. Wilson’s press against my bumble before it slowly slid into my lubed up bum hole. I groaned as it went in because my pussy was rammed full of my stalkers cock and when Mr. Wilson’s cock bottomed out my insides literally felt like they were going to explode. Yet it was a feeling I loved and I began to love it even more as Mr. Wilson began to thrust into me with deep hard strokes.

I gasped every time he slammed into me and the motion had me sliding back and forth on my stalkers cock, and stimulating my clitoris as it rubbed against his pubic bone. The motion got faster and my arousal rose, my whole body tingling as I enjoyed the fullness within me. He kept going, building up his speed and it continued for what seemed ages until I heard them both begin to gasp and I shrieked my way into an orgasm as I felt the gush of Mr. Wilson’s cum spurt into my bum hole.

All three of us were shaking and jerking as my two lovers simultaneously filled my holes and I rode my orgasmic wave for what seemed an eternity until finally the bath stopped pumping me. Mr Wilson pulled his cock out of me and my stalker gently pushed me off him so I flopped on the bed. The both left and Mia hovered above me with the video camera, zooming in on my holes as the cum flowed from them.

Minutes later she told me to go shower, dress and join them all in the study. When I arrived in the study about fifteen minutes later Mr. Wilson and My stalker were sitting at a desk and asked me to join them, pointing to an empty chair. As I sat Mia poured tea and then Mr. Wilson spoke. “You are a welcome addition to out network,” he said as he passed me two contracts, both already signed by him and my stalker Mr. Jackson, granting all marketing and sales rights to their property development company outlining a very generous fee package. “All you need to do is sign them both, keep one and one of our team will contact you on Monday.” he said.

I drove home with both my holes throbbing and a huge smile on my face as I looked at the contract on the passenger seat. What was I going to tell my husband I thought. Who cares I thought I had a wonderful deal although I did wonder what being part of their network would exactly involve…..

The Stalker ch. 09

I got home and was glad my husband was away until the following evening as if he had wanted sex I would have had to find an excuse to turn him down which I didn’t want to do as I loved sex with him. However my pussy and bum hole were killing me and despite the fact I had showered I could still feel some of my Stalkers cum swishing around inside me, god I loved the fact he shot his load so deeply inside me it took hours to drip out.

So thankful I had the evening alone I drank wine, read over the contract I had been awarded several times and went to bed dreaming about my stalker and Mr Wilson fucking me which was strange as by far the most handsome and virile lovers who had enjoyed me earlier were Lewis and Marcel but there was something sensual about how my stalker and Mr Wilson fucked me that was beyond pure sex and I had to admit to myself I really liked the feeling.

I woke Saturday morning and did the usual house hold chores then began to think about the evening. I had the contract to tell my husband about so decided I would make some sort of celebration out of it. I shopped and bought some nice steak and some very nice red wine plus a bottle of bubbly. I prepared everything and showered and put on a robe in time for my husband arriving home. I greeted him with a big kiss and a drink then told him to shower and meet me downstairs as I had some good news.

As he showered I slipped into a little black dress he had bought me, deciding against a bra and panties, which had a short hemline and a low neckline and went downstairs to pour some wine and be ready for him coming down. I touched up my makeup as I wanted to look hot. I wanted my husband to look at me and want me. I had cheated on him and I needed to know that I still wanted him as much as I ever did.

My husband came downstairs and gasped when he saw me in my little black dress, and made up a little sluttish, he knew I wanted him to fuck me. I poured out the champagne and as I passed it to him he grabbed my buttocks and kissed me long and hard. I had a quick flashback in my mind and thought how horny it was that he was kissing the lips that had been wrapped around several big black cocks not 24hrs earlier.

We drank champagne and I told him about the contract I had landed before we ate steak and drank some rather nice red wine. We were both relaxed and in a good mood with him telling me how sexy I looked and there was no doubt what he was leading up to. My husband asked me to sit on his lap as I poured out a couple of Brandy’s to round off he meal. He embraced me tightly and we kissed. A long and lingering kiss during which out tongues explored each others mouths and I felt his cock harden beneath me.

I felt so horny I couldn’t wait to get my husband upstairs and I stood up and hitched up my dress then bent over the table, exposing my buttocks and presenting my wet pussy to him. “Take me now, over the table!” I said to him. I didn’t need to ask twice. My husband pushed me forward over the table and hitched up my dress. Within seconds he had his cock up me and fucked me like a man who had been deprived.

He fucked me hard, placing his hands on my shoulders pulling me hard against him and my thighs were banging against the end of the table but I didn’t care about the pain. “Oh yes fuck me harder” I screamed. He went quicker and harder and then he started to grunt as he rammed me with about half a dozen thrusts so hard my buttocks stung as his hips smacked against them and with a last thrust he groaned and twitched as he shot his cum into me.

As he finished pumping his cum into me he relaxed and pulled his cock out of me. I turned to face him and saw his cock was still half erect, all sticky and dripping with our juice. I dropped to my knees and sucked on his sticky cock as I fingered my clit and rubbed my pussy lips as his cum dribbled out of me. My clit was swelling and getting more sensitive and he was rock hard again.

He grabbed hold of my hair and lifted me up so I was standing then mushed me backwards onto the table before lifting my legs over his shoulders. He thrust forward and his cock slid right into my soaking hole with ease. He began to fuck me hard again and I squeezed my breasts as they rocked back and forth from his thrusting. He pressed a thumb against my clit and rubbed it hard as he fucked me even faster. He went at me for about ten minutes before he again started to gasp and breath hard. He rubbed my clit harder and as I felt my pussy tighten around his cock I pinched my nippled hard. We both groaned and jerked as we orgasmed together.

After a few minutes we relaxed and his cock slid out of me he stepped back and pulled my arms lifting me off the table and dragged me to the stairs. I followed him to the bedroom and he pushed me down onto the bed. I looked at his cock and saw it was still soft. “ Hopefully you will be ready to go again soon, I’m so fucking horny.” I said.

“I’m ready to go now, roll over onto all fours.” he commanded. I rolled over wondering what he had planned and heard him open the bedside table drawer. “OMG” I thought, he’s going for the dildo and my thoughts were realised as he started to rub my stalkers dildo up and down the slit of my sticky pussy. I groaned as he began to push it into my throbbing pussy and finally let out a loud sigh as I felt it pushing against my womb knowing that it was fully inserted.

He began to fuck me with it slowly, deeply and firmly. “You like this big black cock in you do you?” he asked.

“Oh god yes, nice and deep.” I gasped as I closed my eyes and pictured my stalker kneeling behind me giving me his full length. I drifted away as I focussed on the images in my head and my husbands thrusting of my pussy got harder and faster. He paused for a moment and I felt a cool gel dibble onto my bum hole before his fingers worked it into me. Surely he isn’t going to shove this thing up my arse I thought to myself, knowing there was not a chance I could take it.

He fingered my bum hole quicker and I felt more cool gel squirt up me then he removed his fingers and I felt something hard being pushed into my arse as I realised he must have taken my vibrator out of the drawer as well. As he pushed the 8 inch vibrator all the way into my bum hole I groaned and smiled inside at how my insides had been stretched and filled with a double penetration for the second time in just 24hrs.

He began to fuck me hard again with the dildo, getting quicker and quicker, every thrust almost making me split in two. I gasped louder, sucking in air as I took his pounding. I could almost hear the sound of my stalker and Mr Wilson grunting as they fucked me the day before and then I felt the tingle in my arse as my husband turned the vibrator on and began pumping my bum hole with it.

He fucked both my holes, initially inserting the dildo deep and pulling back on the vibrator then alternating. “Oh yes, harder, quicker, fuck my holes.” I squealed as he turned the vibrator up to full speed and I could feel the tremors all the way up to my nipples as he began to ram both my holes together. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I grimaced and screamed as my orgasm rocked my whole body and everything went hazy.

I must have orgasmed so hard I was unable to breath as when I opened my eyes I was face down on the bed, the vibrator had stopped and cool air rushed into my gaping pussy as I heard my husband softly asking me if I was OK. I rolled myself over and looked up at my husbands smiling concerned face. “Holy fuck” I groaned as I smiled at him and continued to breath heavily. He lay down next to me and we curled up together before I drifted off to sleep dreaming of my new business partners.

The Stalker ch. 10

When I woke in the morning I was alone in bed, I looked at the clock on the bedside table and saw it was a little before 8AM. Sitting on the bedside table near the clock were my stalkers dildo and my vibrator, the sight of them raised my awareness of the throbbing in my pussy and arse from the pounding my husband had given them with those two toys of joy. My husband entered the bedroom and smiled at me as he placed a coffee on the table beside me, bent to give me a kiss and told me he was heading out on his morning run.

About 10minutes after he left my phone rang and when I looked at the screen I saw that name again “Mr Jackson.” I swiped the screen to answer and heard the voice of my stalker “Hello Sarah.”

It was uncanny how he always seemed to know a good time to call me. He asked me how I was feeling and I got the feeling he seemed to know I was a little sore down below.

He told me he needed me to do a couple of things for him which were firstly to discuss the contract I had with him with my husband in more detail and make him aware that there may be some travel as some developments were in different cities and secondly to take my husband to a spa facility that afternoon telling him that it was a gift from my new business partner as they owned the spa. He gave me the details and told e all I had to do was give my name and we would receive out complimentary passes. I agreed and before he rang off he told me he was sending me a short edited clip of the video he had made on Friday.

My phone buzzed again and I saw the video attachment to message. I opened it and the clip started with me straddled across my stalker, impaled on his huge cock and Mr Wilson climbing behind me about to penetrate my arse. The sight of it brought the memory of the experience flooding back and got my juices flowing, I reached up and grabbed my vibrator and slid it under the covers as I continued to watch the video and slid my toy inside my soaking pussy.

I turned my vibrator up to full power and despite my soreness I fucked myself like crazy. I knew I had to be quick before my husband came back from his run and despite my best efforts trying to watch a video on my phone whilst bringing myself off was proving a little difficult so I contemplated just pressing the vibrator onto my clit. My contemplation over I ditched the vibrator and grabbed my stalkers big black dildo and rammed my pussy hard with it, closing my eyes and picturing my stalker fucking me. A few rubs of my clit and I was once again riding my orgasmic wave.

I decided to shower before my husband came home and I took the vibrator and dildo with me to wash them off. Half way through my shower my husband arrived back and his eyes popped out of his head when he saw the toys on the shower floor. Without saying anything he was in the shower beside me “playtime is it?” he said with a smile looking at the toys. I told him not to be such a dirty sod and that I was just washing them.

I think I was a little too late in trying to fob him off as his cock was already getting hard and as he ran his hands over my soapy breasts my nipples hardened and I caved. I gave him a big kiss and told him to hurry as I had things to tell him and we had things to do. He spun me around and leant me forward so my hands were against the tiled wall and proceed to ram his cock up me and fuck me hard and fast. He was clearly excited and aroused as within a few minutes he was groaning and shaking as he unloaded into me.

As we finished showering the soapy water stung my pussy, it had been bad enough after last nights events and me giving it a good ramming this morning followed by a rampant fuck from my husband had me positively swollen and tender. As we dried off he asked me what I had to tell him so I relayed what my stalker had told me to say about travel and then sprang the “spa treat” on him. He didn’t seem to surprised and told me he was looking forward to it, even before I had finished drying off he had the laptop open and had googled the spa website to check it out.

As we ate breakfast my husband viewed the screen and occasionally nodded, hummed, widened his eyes and all together looked very pleased about what he was looking at. “What do you think the complimentary passes will cover” He asked me. I told him the information I had been given inferred that they covered everything, spa, pool, treatments, food and drinks and asked him why he asked wondering if he had seen something he liked the look of.

“They have a naturist zone and “specialist” couples treatments.” He told me. I was a little taken aback and stood beside him to view the screen, sure enough he was right although it didn’t go into any detail about the specialist treatments. The photo’s of the place looked nice although I did notice that in all the photo’s which had members of staff in them they were mostly black.

It was only about 30 minutes to the spa and we both wondered why we had never heard of it as it was so close and we had been to a few spa’s, when we arrived at the gated entrance to the grounds of the address we had the name plate simply read “The Manor House”, no mention or indication that it was a spa.We drove on up to the manor house nestled in the centre of the grounds, it was primarily an old looking building which had clearly had several newer wings added over time.

We went in to a quite plush reception area I gave our names to the young black girl behind the desk looked up our names on her computer and shot me a beaming smile before asking us to take a seat and telling our hostesses would be along to collect us very soon. I enquired about how long the spa had been there as we hadn’t heard about it. She told me that they had been open a couple of years but they dealt with mainly corporate clients on an invitation basis only.

Moments later two young Thai girls approached us and introduced themselves as Annie and Kimi, although I’m sure they were their work names, who had been assigned to my husband and I respectively before asking us to follow them and they took us into two separate changing areas telling us we would meet up shortly in the main spa area.

The changing area was exquisite and had everything you would need in terms of toiletries, cosmetics and linen as I changed Kimi complemented on my figure and asked me a couple of questions about what kind of treatments I enjoyed and also what kind of treatments my husband may enjoy. She made particular mention of the fact they had a naturist area and that if I wanted to know more about the specialist couples treatments.

We met up in the main spa area which had a small pool a large jacuzzi and several smaller ones a bar area and lots of plush sofa’s where people were lounging and chatting. We were then asked if we would like to be shown the naturist area, almost immediately my husband said yes so we were taken along to see it. It was similar to the main area apart from the fact people were milling around in various states of undress, some totally naked.

After our tour we were asked which area we would like to use and my husband looked at me with a smile and said “shall we try the naturist area? It is a special treat after all.” My insides tingled a little and I found myself agreeing with him so we were taken to another changing area where we could leave our swimwear and anything else we didn’t want to carry around and given a white robe each before being taken to a plush sofa near the bar where Annie offered us drinks and suggested a bottle of champagne.

She brought the champagne and told us there were several towel stations around for when we used the pool or jacuzzi she would leave us to chat and think about any treatments, leaving us a laminated card with a list of treatments on. My husband read through it whilst I sipped my champagne and looked around. I could see several people who I figured were staff as they had back robes on and noticed they were all black or Thai.

My husband chuckled and handed me the treatment card telling me it made for interesting reading and when I looked at it I saw what he meant. It was decided up into a list for men and a list for women with a note at the top stating that all the treatments can be taken individually or as a couple or group. Both lists were pretty similar and included, facial treatments, pedicures and waxing but then got interesting when it listed several types of massage on both lists giving the option of having massage by a male or a female.

My husband asked me what I thought and I told him I thought I needed some more champagne and a relax in a jacuzzi to think about it so we grabbed a couple of towels and headed for the large jacuzzi as the small ones were occupied. Thankfully neither of us are prudes and we had been on a nudist beach or two so we happily slipped out of our robes and into the warm foaming water.

We quickly relaxed and chatted as we casually caressed each other agreeing how nice it all was. I think it was fair to say we both noticed several people who for different reasons were very attractive and before we knew it Annie and Kimi appeared at the side of the jacuzzi wearing black robes and carrying glasses of drink. They handed them to us saying they were the special house cocktails before asking if they could join us.

We both nodded and they slipped out of their black robes, revealing their naked bodies, and sliding into the water beside us. Kimi sat next to me and Annie slipped in beside my husband then they both started chatting away to us. I sipped on the cocktail and it was delicious, so delicious in fact that I finished it rather quickly and without asking Kimi shouted something in Thai to a girl walking past who minutes later came back with two more.

Between the water and the cocktails I was starting to feel very relaxed and added to the fact I had seen several naked bodies going back and forth, including a black member of staff with a wonderful body and an even more wonderful cock, sliding naked into the jacuzzi with a white lady I was beginning to feel quite aroused and didn't flinch when Kimi put an arm around my shoulder and sat closer to me so her soft thigh brushed against mine.

The two of them chatted to each other in Thai and then asked us if we had thought about treatments and my husband made it clear that he was ready for a nice massage. Kimi said “May I make a recommendation?” before saying that we looked like a very loving couple and we would probably enjoy a couples Nuru massage. Neither of us had heard of it so she explained that it was a sensual massage which involved a lot of contact with the masseuse or masseur providing a level of sexual arousal the client was happy with. Generally in the case of a couple the arousal is taken so far and they are then left to finish the experience alone.

My husband said “Oh wow, that sounds wonderful..” My head was spinning at what they had both said and I drained my cocktail in almost one big gulp before I found myself agreeing. Annie stood up and said she would go and prepare the room and Kimi asked my husband and I to follow her. She took us to a room where she gave us another drink which was a herbal tea to relax us and allow us to get the maximum benefit from the Nuru experience.

Perhaps fifteen minutes later I was feeling very relaxed, almost sleepy and when I told my husband he told me he was feeling the same. Kimi announced that the room was ready and again we followed her. The room was dimly lit with scented candles burning and gentle music playing. There were 2 very large thin mattresses on the floor about 6 feet apart, both were covered with towels and there were a variety of cushions by the mats and on the floor next to each mat was a large bowl of some kind of oil sitting on a heated plate.

We were asked to remove our robes and lay on separate mats with our heads at opposite ends to each other and Annie knelt beside my husband facing me whilst Kimi knelt next to me facing towards my husband and Annie. They briefly poke in Thai then said phase 1 was to study our bodies to feel for signs of tension so they could tailor the massage.

My husband and I looked at each other across the floor as they began and I could see the concentration in Annie’s eyes as her delicate hands began to explore his body. I noticed her breasts, which were quite large for her frame, certainly a lot bigger than Kimi’s, swayed a little as she moved, a fact not lost on my husband as suddenly his gaze left me and focussed on Annie’s body. I felt a little jealous but also slightly excited at the fact my husband was taking in the sight of another woman breasts and almost forgot about Kimi’s hands exploring my body until her fingers touched my pussy and I winced.

“Oh wow! you are a little sore down there aren’t you?” she said then looked at my husband and asked if he had been getting a little vigorous with me. We both laughed and she told me she had some special cream she could apply to those areas which would take away any soreness. We were then told they were ready to begin and told that we would be wearing a blindfold and headphones with the same gently music playing so as to heighten our other senses and make the experience more enjoyable and also that they would be using warmed oil which had a sitting scent.

Blindfold and headphones applied I took a deep breath as I felt the first trickle of warm oil drizzle onto my body and Kiki’s hands begin to rub it into me, quickly covering me from neck to toe. I then felt her fingers gently rubbing my pussy lips with a cold lotion that was initially soothing and then began to make my pussy pleasantly tingle in a way I could slightly arousing.

I was quite frankly in heaven and the fact I couldn’t hear or see anything really did heighten my senses and my whole body tingled ad Kimi ran her hands all over me. After a while I felt her lay on my body and begin to slide back and forth, I could feel her bullet hard nipples brushing against my skin and her pubic mound rubbing up and down my thighs. This seemed to go on for ages and I could feel my level of arousal rising as she stroked and rubbed my body.

After a while she stopped and I felt her rubbing my body with a towel, removing most of the oil and then she removed my blindfold and put her fingers to her lips before slowly removing my headphones. As she did the sounds of my husband and Annie moaning hit my ears and I looked across at them. He was lay on his front and she was sliding her naked body up and down him, brushing her, coal black and shiny with oil, nipples up and down his back.

I felt my pussy gush at the sight and Kimi asked me if I would like to keep my headphones off. I nodded and she asked me to close my eyes. I felt her kneel behind my head and she began to massage my breasts then kissed my forehead and began to kiss my face, and neck, slowly working her way down to my breasts when she began to lick and suck gently on my nipples.

I was truly now so aroused especially as I could hear my husband groaning across the room a little and I began to moan myself, knowing my husband couldn’t hear me. A couple of minutes later I felt Kimi rubbing my pussy and then her tongue began to circle my clit, christ! this is more than she described I thought and I couldn’t help myself. I opened my eyes to see her completely smooth shaven pussy lips above my face.

I couldn’t hold back and I lifted my hands, placing them on her small firm buttocks, wondering if I was allowed to touch her, but she began to rock her hips letting me know it was ok. I gently peeled her pussy lips apart and exposed her coral coloured, moist hole and strained my head up so I could lick it. Fuck she tasted so nice and I lapped away as her juices as she licked my clit and fingered my pussy.

After a couple of minutes she worked her way back up, speaking to Annie as she moved, until she was once again kneeling behind me with her face directly over mine. She kissed my lips and I tasted my own juice on her lips then she whispered in my ear, look at your husband. I glanced across and saw he was laying on his back and Annie was squatting over his face allowing him to lick her pussy whilst she stroked his shiny hard cock. He looked so excited, I had never seen his cock bulging so much.

I wanted to be angry but I was hardly in a position to say anything and when Kimi whispered in my ear, she won’t take him all the way, she is just getting him ready for you.” I closed my eyes and lay back, listening to his groans as Kimi once again squatted over my face. I imagined the sight of a married couple with lay under a beautiful Thai girl, lapping away at their pussy’s and had to admit, it would have made a good porn movie. My thoughts were broken when I felt a second pair of hands rubbing up and down my thighs, they were bigger and stronger than Kimi’s and they were now opening my legs and lifting my thighs up.

Seconds later I felt something hard nudging between my pussy lips and started to feel a little frantic as to what was happening. Kimi, I thought, sensed the tension creeping into my body and she shuffled back off my face. I opened my eyes and looked up expecting to see my husband. Instead I saw the large black body and a smiling face of a man with his eyes fixed on me from behind the tiger mask I recognised immediately.

It was without doubt my stalker, a fact confirmed when he said the words “Hello Sarah” in the calm hypnotic tone which as always sent a sexual shudder through my whole body. Before I had chance to say anything to him he pushed forwards and slid his cock balls deep into my soaking hole. He began to fuck me and I looked across at my husband who was still lay there lapping away at Annie’s pussy whilst she stroked his cock, as his wife was being fucked 6 feet away from him.

I was powerless to do anything and lay there as his magnificent cock ploughed into me and seconds later Kimi squatted back on my face and began to massage my breasts as I sucked on her clit. Kimi was rocking back and forth and I could hear her moaning as my stalker fucked me deeply and moments later I felt myself nearing my orgasm.

Kimi rocked harder and almost squealed as she shook and her orgasm juice flooded my mouth which pushed me over the edge and I came hard, my pussy tightening around my stalkers cock as he buried it deep inside me and his cum erupted into my womb. We were all jerking our way through our orgasm’s for a couple of minutes before our bodies relaxed and I felt my stalker pull his cock from me. Kimi slowly shuffled off my face and I saw my stalker had gone.

Kimi shuffled down and grabbed a cloth which she used to wipe up my stalkers cum I could feel dribbling out of me then rubbed some more cooling cream onto my pussy which again made it tingle and tighten up as she worked it in with her fingers. She spoke to Annie in Thai and Annie slid off my husband. She slipped the headphones off his head and removed his blindfold before lowering her face to his and saying “You and your wife are ready for each other now.”

Annie and Kimi left the room telling us to ring the bell on the side when we were finished. I lay there still panting and throbbing all over and my husband slid across to join me, kneeling beside me. I felt his cock and it felt so engorged with blood it would explode. “Stick that in me before it bursts.” I told him. He quickly buried his cock deep into me and began to fuck me like a and possessed. I was more turned on than I had ever been knowing my husband was sliding his cock into my stalkers cum and I screamed “Oh god, I love you, fuck me, cum in me” and as he roared and began shooting his cum inside me me second orgasm in not many more minutes thundered through me.

We both lay on the floor, totally spent, for several minutes before his cock slipped from me and he stood up before helping me to my feet. As I stood cum gushed from my pussy and my husband looked at it running down my thighs and dripping onto the floor. “Fuck, this Nuru thing is good I’ve never cum that much in my life. I didn’t know where to look, I just ran the bell and told him to take me home…….

The Stalker ch. 11

I drove into work the following morning, partly wondering what the week would bring and partly recalling how I had fallen asleep rubbing my lower abdomen as I daydreamed about my womb swimming with a mixture of my stalkers and husbands cum and flashing my mind back to how unbelievably arousing it was to have my stalker fucking me with my husband oblivious despite being only a few feet away.

I arrived at work and asked my PA if there any messages and she told me that a Vanessa Richardson had called and requested a call back on my arrival. I looked puzzled and my PA told me that apparently she was an associate of a Mr Wilson and I would know what it was about. My bewildered look melted away and I explained that Mr Wilson was one of the partners in the company we had the new property contract with and he had told me one of his leadership team would be in touch very soon.

I had butterflies in my stomach as I dialled her number and had to control the excitement in my voice in the even she was calling with bad news. She was very chatty and after telling me her formal title was head of special projects she, very quickly told me most people close to her called her Ness so I should feel free to do so if I wished. She told me that she would love to sit down with me as soon as possible to discuss things moving forward. Being such a big and important contract I was as keen as she sounded so told her I would be happy to move a few things around if needed and we set up a meeting for lunch the following day in the business centre of a local hotel.

I met Ness the following day and was a little surprised at seeing a very young, probably thirty something, given her position in the company, tall athletic and attractive black girl, dressed in a smart black business suit, stockings and high heel shoes with a huge mane of hair, amazing eyes and a dazzling smile with pearly white teeth surrounded by luscious red lips. What surprised me even more that at the table I found her sitting at there was an open bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket and two empty glasses on the table.

Ness stood and greeted me, not with a handshake but with a very firm hug and a kiss on the cheek in a manner one would greet a very good friend you hadn’t seen for a while. As she hugged me I felt her large breasts press against me and even though it may have been unintentional her hand certainly brushed firmly against my bottom, which although it startled me it also made my heart flutter a little.

We sat and Ness poured the champagne, “Champagne! At a business meeting?” I asked with a smile.

“Oh, I have been briefed by Mr Wilson that the business side is very much under control and he is 100 percent confident that you will meet up to the expectations of the company. This is more of a casual meeting where we get to know each other as we will be working together a lot and need to know what makes each other tick, so to speak.” she said to me with a huge smile and a suggestive nature.

We drank champagne and chatted, finding out we had lots in common. We laughed and were easy in each others company. I found her charming but inside me I wondered where we were supposed to be going with this meeting as deep down I was eager to work an get those things sorted out. Ness was having none of it and kept telling me we could do work later and I had nothing to worry about.

We had finished the bottle of champagne and Ness told me she had to make a quick call and excused herself. She returned a couple of minutes later and sprang on me that she had a suite booked for lunch and more drinks so suggested we move there.

We arrived in her suite and there was a small lunch set out with another bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket. She ushered me into one of the empty chairs and poured out the fizz before taking off her jacket and revealing that underneath she was wearing a chiffon blouse which was as see through as one could get and I could see her braless breasts swaying beneath the thin fabric.

I couldn’t help but stare as she casually sat down opposite me before lifting her glass and proposing a toast to a wonderful new beginning. As we ate I couldn’t keep my eyes off her breasts, they were larger than mine, probably a DD cup, capped with huge coal black nipples and it was obvious that despite their firmness they were 100 percent her own.

She had an amazing sense of calmness and confidence about her as she asked me if I liked the look of her breasts. I had no other answer than “Yes”

“Oh that’s a relief.” she said with a smile as we finished our lunch and adjourned to a comfortable sofa carrying our drinks. We downed the rest of the bottle and I must say I was feeling rather tipsy. “I’ll order some more in a while.” Ness said before she asked me if I would like to take a shower, before I had even answered she was off the sofa and headed for he bathroom.

I felt compelled to follow her and I took off my skirt and blouse, placing them on a hanger which was on a wardrobe door and headed off to the bathroom in just my underwear. The shower was a large 2 headed walk in one and the powerful warm water was already flowing. Ness was naked and she span me around undoing my bra and pulling down my panties allowing me to step out of them.

She took my hand and let me into the shower and as the hot water began to cascade down our bodies she pressed herself against me and kissed me fully on the lips. I kissed her back and even took a little initiative by forcing my tongue between her lips. After a couple of minutes she dipped her head and began to suck on one of my nipples. I saw the shower gel dispenser on the wall within my reach and I filled my palm with gel before I began to rub it into Ness’s shoulders and back.

Within minutes we were both running soapy hands over each other and kissing. I loved the feel of her breasts and how hard her nipples were and even how hard she occasionally pinched mine as she massaged my breasts. Ness took me in a tight embrace and looked into my eyes, smiling, hardly moving and then I felt her finger run down the length of my pussy lips before she ran it back up and circled my clit, making me groan with joy.

Ness rubbed me hard, occasionally probing a finger or two inside me as she sucked on my nipples and I held onto her athletic body thinking any moment my legs were going to buckle as I felt the first pre orgasmic tingles rushing through my body. Ness was no doubt a skilled lover and she took me to the brink several times before finally saying “come on darling, lets hit the bed.”

We towelled each other off and headed for the bedroom falling onto the bed together in a passionate embrace and before long Ness had me flat on my back and was sucking my nipples before slowly working her way down towards my pussy, her pointy little tongue flickering across my skin and her pearly white teeth giving me gentle nibbles.

Finally the moment arrived and this wonderful woman’s mouth hovered over my pussy. I could feel her cool breath on my lips as she got closer and teased me before her tongue ran along the slit of my pussy and she began to lap away as my juices flowed abundantly. Ness slid a finger into my soaking hole and began to rub me as her tongue darted across my clit and I flopped my head back and gripped the bed sheets knowing it wouldn’t be long before this dusky maiden took me to an orgasmic high.

She teased me and took me to the brink several times, even working her mouth back up to mine and kissing me so I could taste my juices on her lips and chin before finally locking her mouth firmly on my clit and sliding two fingers into me. My pelvis began to rock with her movements and I gasped as I sucked in the air and my back arched before my organ shuddered though me.

As I came down from my orgasmic high I heard Ness talking to someone and looked up to see she was on the phone on the other side of the room. She saw me looking at her and walked across to me smiling whilst she spoke, then finished the call and lay back on the bed beside me. “I’ve arranged for some more bubbly and a special treat for you.” she said as she kissed me and allowed me to taste my cum juice.

Minutes later there was a knock at the door and Ness answered it. I heard her talking to someone with a voice that sounded vaguely familiar so I looked in the direction of the door just as Mr Wilson appeared into view carrying an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne in it. I was briefly horrified until the realisation that this man had several days before fucked me in the arse hit me so why should I worry about him seeing me in my post orgasmic naked state.

Mr Wilson poured out some champagne and pulled up a chair next to the bed before taking a seat and asking me if I was well and had I enjoyed meeting Vanessa. I blushed as I told him it had been most enjoyable so far and Ness called out, “we have only just began really!” and we both laughed as we drank some champagne.

“Well don’t let me being here stop you.” Mr Wilson said to us and Ness pulled my head towards her and we kissed before she took my glass and put them both down before laying on her back and pulling me towards her.

“Come on darling, pleasure me, show me how much you adore me.” she said. As I looked into those deep dark sexy eyes of hers I almost melted and my heart started to race as I straddled her body and began to kiss her all over, squeezing and sucking on her big black nipples. Ness groaned as she caressed my head and asked me to suck on them harder and bite them, of course I obliged and she jumped and gasped as I did.

After a few minutes she began to push my head down towards her pussy “You know what I want darling.” I worked my way down and nestled myself between her legs, my face inches from her smooth plump pussy lips and ran my fingers over them before I peeled them back and revealed the coral coloured entrance to her love hole. Leaning forward I took my first taste of her sweet pussy as she sighed.

I licked her pussy for a few minutes, savouring her sweet tasting juice as she sighed away. “Is she good? She looks pretty good from here.” I heard Mr Wilson say to Ness. I lifted my head as Ness groaned that I was every bit as good as she had hoped and looked towards Mr Wilson who was now standing naked by the bed, his huge cock pointing skyward as he stroked it.

Ness grabbed my head and pushed it back towards her pussy, “Don’t stop darling, make me cum!” she groaned at me. I carried on licking her and sucking on her clit which I could feel swelling between my lips. Ness gripped my head tight, almost pulling my hair and I felt a hand spreading my ass cheeks then a cold liquid dribble onto my hole. My instinct was to turn around but Ness held my head tight. “Just concentrate on me darling” she said firmly.

I locked my lips back around her clit and began sucking on is as she rocked her pelvis and pressed my head hard against her. She began to squeal loudly but her noise was quickly drowned out as I yelped when a searing pain shot through my body and I heard a grunt in my ear as Mr Wilson drove his cock deep into my lubricated arse.

I wanted to scream but Ness has my mouth pressed so hard against her I could hardly breath let alone scream. Her panting got louder and her pelvic thrusting got more intense. My arse began to sting from the pounding Mr Wilson was giving it. Ness cried out “Harder, harder and you fuck her arse good you bastard.” Then a minute later Mr Wilson roared and I felt his cock twitching as he pumped his cum into my arse then Ness shrieked and a she orgasmed she pulled my head away from her pussy by a few inches and her orgasm juice squirted into my face, some of it going into my mouth as I gasped.

Ness and I both lay there breathing as Mr Wilson pulled his cock out of my arse and climbed off the bed. He walked to the bathroom and we hadn’t moved when he came back out all dressed. “How are you Sarah?” he asked. I told him my arse was sore and my lips felt bruised from Vanessa’s pubic bone banging against them.

“I’m sure she will kiss them better for you. I’m very happy with the progress you are making. Enjoy your champagne.” he said as he left.

I looked up at Vanessa and she smiled. “Come here darling.” she said as she pulled me towards her and we kissed before getting our glasses and drinking before we curled up together and caressed each others bodies…..

The Stalker ch. 12

I woke to the sound of my phone and it was my husband calling to tell me he had a last minute 7.30PM meeting with a client and wouldn’t be home until late so he would eat in between meetings and get home about 9PM so I should go ahead and have dinner on my own. As I chatted to him I looked at the gorgeous naked form of Vanessa lay beside me sound asleep and thought what I would really like to eat right now was her. “OK honey. I’ll see you tonight.” I said as I finished the call.

Next to me Ness stirred and smiled at me asking me what time it was. “Almost 6” I told her which made her jump up and tell me she had a dinner date at 7.30 so had to get moving. It was probably a good thing as I felt if we got started again I wouldn’t get home before my husband anyway. We got up and I dressed telling her I’d leave her to sort herself out and although I didn’t want to sound desperate I found myself asking her if I would see her again.

“Oh yes darling! Very soon!” she said with a smile. I headed back to my car and made the drive home which, due to the stinging in my arse from having Mr Wilson’s huge cock up it, was rather uncomfortable. Almost as soon as I got into the house I poured a glass of wine and sat back in a chair reflecting on the events of the day and the stinging in my arse. My phone buzzed again and when I looked at the screen the display read Mr Jackson and my heart raced.

As soon as I answered I heard those familiar words “Hello Sarah!” I mumbled a greeting and my stalker asked if I was alone and I told him my husband was working late so he wouldn’t be home until 9PM. He then told me he’d been informed that today had gone very well and Vanessa couldn’t wait to see me again. He asked me how my arse felt and although he couldn’t see me I blushed telling him it was a little sore.

“Oh, a nice bath is what you need to sooth it before this evening.”

“What’s happening this evening?” I asked.

“You’re going to let your husband fuck it. He has been working hard all day, he deserves a treat don’t you think?”

“Erm Erm, yes I suppose so I mumbled.”

“Marvelous! he said. “Oh Sarah, make sure you film it” The phone went dead. I sat there and took a huge gulp of wine. My god, how was I supposed to get my husband to fuck my arse, which he had never done before, and film it. More to the point how was I going to cope with having my arse fucked twice in one day, it already hurt as Mr Wilson hadn’t exactly been gentle. Then I had the realisation that in all probability I still had a load of his cum swimming around up there.

Christ! I need a bath I thought so headed to the bathroom, grabbing the bottle of wine on the way. I soaked in the bath thinking how I was going to obey my stalkers commands and as I ran things through my head I felt a smile come across my face as a plan started to fall in place. The thought of my husbands cock probing me where another man had been earlier that day aroused me and I gently stroked my pussy as I got everything clear in my head.

I finished bathing and dressed in stockings and lacy black belt suspender belt before putting on a robe and heading down to the kitchen to pour wine almost on the stroke of 9PM my husband came through the door. I greeted him with a big hug and a kiss before handing him his wine. He asked me if he had forgotten some special occasion and I told him he hadn’t and just that I’d had a very good meeting with the new company we were dealing with and as he’d had a long day I thought I’d share my good mood with him and give him a treat.

He smiled and asked what the treat was so I told him to be patient and go shower before joining me in the bedroom. As he showered I took the bottle of wine and glasses up to the bedroom. Lit some candles and had the lighting down quite low but still bright enough to enable a good recording quality, stashed a tube of lube and my camera phone under the pillows and lay on the bed waiting for my husband to join me.

He came in the room and lay beside me and we drank a little more wine, or rather he did as I wanted him nicely relaxed. After a few minutes I kissed him and stood up, removing my robe and straddling him, kissing him whilst he caressed my breasts then working my way down to his cock, taking him in my mouth until he was rock hard. I then mounted him and rode his cock for a few minutes until we were both really aroused.

I reached under the pillow and pulled out the tube of lube holding it up and telling him this was part of his treat. He looked at me with a puzzled look and I came straight out with it. “You know you have tried to have anal with me and I have always declined?” He nodded. “Well tonight’s your lucky night. I’m going to let you bang my bum.”

He smiled and his eyes widened and he asked me how come I was going to allow him to do that all of a sudden so I told him my PA and I had been chatting and she told me she let her boyfriend do it to her and even though she didn’t think she would she loved it. She was the first woman I’d spoken to who loved it so I thought we would give it a try.

He was both delighted and excited at my reasoning so I climbed off him and assumed the position on all fours on the end of the bed, with my bottom presented to him and passed him a pillow to kneel on before I said “Darling will you pleasure my hole with your tongue first? I’ve had a bath so it’s nice and clean for you”

He didn’t hesitate and very quickly he had a finger in my soaking pussy whilst he kissed and licked my little bum hole, poking his tongue into it. I moaned with joy as the thought’s of him shoving his tongue where Mr Wilsons big cock had been earlier made me quiver with delight and urge him on. I was so close to having an orgasm right there and then I thought I best move onto the next stage quickly.

“Oh baby!” I groaned. “I’m ready, do it now before I back out.” He stopped licking me and squirted a dollop of lube onto my hole before he worked it it a little then as he knelt behind me and started to rub the tip of his cock against me I told him to stop. He must have thought I had backed out and I could sense his relief when I fished out my phone from under the pillow, set it to record and gave it to him.

“As it is the first and maybe the only time this is going to happen lets film it. If you are going to stick your cock in my arse I want to see it go in” I said to him seductively.

“No problem” he said as he eagerly grabbed my phone off me. I pulled one of my buttocks to one side, opening myself up a little and he pushed his cock against my hole. It popped in and I groaned as he slowly slid it into me until he was all the way in.

“Oh fuck baby, that’s so nice.” I said as he began to slide his cock in and out of my hole. I have to say it did feel nice and smooth and didn’t hurt as much as having Mr Wilson’s cock up me earlier basically because my husbands cock was a few inches shorter and a little thinner but he still drove it home well enough to make it sting.

I asked my husband if it looked good on film and he told me it looked awesome. I asked him to pull it out and he seemed surprised but he did. I asked him to pass me my phone and told him I wanted to film my face as he shoved it back in. “Oh wow!” he exclaimed with glee. “Fucking hot” he said as he passed me the phone.

I rested on my elbows and held my phone infant of my face and asked him to tease my hole with his cock to let it close up a little then when I was ready I would tell him and I wanted him to thrust it straight into me hard. As he teased and tickled my hole and pussy I messaged my stalker and told him my husband was about to go into my arse. It made me smile to let him know I was obeying his commands. I then reset the camera to record before I said “ok baby, give it me hard”

My husband grunted like an animal and I positively yelped as he rammed his cock deep, his hips slapping against my buttocks. “Oh god!” I shrieked. “Yes,Yes,Yes that’s it fuck my arse and make it hurt.” I squealed. He needed no encouragement and pounded me so hard and fast that it really did hurt and from the brief look I managed at the phone screen my face was showing it too.

He gripped me so hard I could feel his fingers digging into my flesh as he pounded me mercilessly. My arse was stinging and the tremors built up inside me as he started going faster. I closed my eyes and envisage my stalker shoving his cock in me and how much more that would hurt me and my tremors grew. I heard my husband gasping and then he roared as he erupted inside me and I orgasmed as he jerked away pumping his cum deep into me, joining Mr Wilson’s.

As my husband relaxed he loosened his grip on me and I collapsed onto the bed as his softening cock slipped from me. I was still shaking and my arse was stinging like hell. My husband padded off to the bathroom and I looked at my phone to see the message on the screen “Good Girl Sarah.”
My husband came back with a damp cloth and a towel and he cleaned my hole up. It stung as he touched it but the cool towel felt nice.

We rolled up next to each other and drank some wine and I asked him if he had enjoyed his treat. He didn’t answer for a minute and then he said “What do you think?” as he pointed to his cock. It was still almost fully erect. “I’ve washed it.” he said. I smiled, took a big gulp of wine and made my way down to it. Needless to say we fucked like mad but although he suggested it I told him to stay well away from that hole…..

The Stalker ch. 13

Over a week had gone by since I had let my husband fuck my arse and had sent the footage to my stalker but I hadn’t heard from him so didn’t even know if he had watched it let alone if he was pleased with me. “That bastard just enjoys teasing me” I said to myself as I pulled into my parking space and wandered into my office to be greeted by the sight of my PA “No calls or messages” she said with a brighter than usual smile before asking me if I wanted coffee.

She bought me coffee and was rather chatty, although it wasn’t unusual we had chatted quite a lot over the 3 years she had been working for me both in and out of work but there was something in her eyes that seemed different. I sat drinking coffee and ploughed through a stack of paperwork and to be honest I was almost glad of the lack of distractions from my stalker and Vanessa for that matter as it gave me chance to catch up on things. Practically as I got to the bottom of my “In Tray” I found a folder containing details of a property we were dealing with on behalf of Mr Jackson and Co whose actual company name was JW Associates (JWA)

The property was a development of 6 luxury apartments on 3 floors, topped with a penthouse apartment on the fourth. The whole site had been refurbished from an old commercial property and looking at the dates things should be nearing completion. Unable to get hold of Vanessa I called over to JWA and asked the project team how things were progressing and they told me the contractors were just about finishing up and completing the rooftop area of the penthouse. I asked if it would be OK to visit the site to collate details and then arrange to get final photographs done for the marketing and was told they would get back to me.

Perhaps 30 minutes later I had a call back telling me that it was all ok and an ideal time would be 4PM today as the contractors would be finished and the team manager, Mark, would show me around the completed job. Later that day I finished up and told my PA I was going to visit the JWA property then head home then headed over to the house where I arrived a few minutes to 4PM.

There were a couple of contractors vans in the driveway and standing by the side of one was a tall black guy in his thirties who I guessed was Mark. As I got out of the car he walked over to me and greeted me with a smile, he was a tall muscular guy, good looking and a nice smile. He showed me around a couple of the flats, which were identical and all done to the same standard then we headed for the penthouse.

When I got to the penthouse it looked immaculate and finally we went out onto the roof garden which was bathed in sunshine and I heard some chatter. That was when I saw three other black guys sitting in a hot tub all laughing and drinking beer. I was just about to ask Mark what was going on but he was on the phone. As I waited I heard him say “OK boss, thanks.” he then handed me the phone and said “It’s for you.”

I got hold of the phone and put it to my ear only to hear the words “Hello Sarah” in the unmistakable voice of my stalker. He asked me what I thought of the finished job and I told him it was first class and we would have everything sold really quickly as we had already had lots of interest. He sounded pleased and then told me he agreed the guys had done a fantastic job and as a reward he had given them a bonus and allowed them to use the facilities as long as they cleared up then told me he thought I should join them for a drink.

I looked at the hot tub and Mark was standing there pouring out a glass of champagne smiling and waving me over. I walked across to him and took hold of the glass and suddenly realised my stalker was still on the line when I heard the words “Oh Sarah, you are part of the bonus. Enjoy!”

With that the line went dead and Mark took the phone from my hand and said “Shall we?” as he pointed at the hot tub.

“I er, I don’t have swimwear.” I said almost open mouthed as I watched Mark stripping off his clothes to reveal a muscular body and a long thick cock dangling between his legs.

“Neither do we.” He said with a smile. “Come on get in Mr Jackson’s orders!”

Almost every part of my brain was telling me to get out of there quickly to protect my dignity and my pussy from a good bashing but unfortunately the part that mattered, that had the biggest influence on me, the part that controls lust, had triggered and I could feel my heart racing and my juices soaking the gusset of my panties. I drained my glass in one and told Mark to fill me up.

“Oh we will.” he said smiling. I stripped off my clothes much to the delight of the guys in the tub.

Holy shit. What was I getting into here? I thought to myself.

As soon as I got into the tub the guys one by one stood up and introduced themselves to me, as Joel, Ali and Mac, I had already seen Mark’s naked form of course and the three others could have been made out of the same mould, all black and muscular with big cocks, with the exception of Ali whose cock was in the very very big category, well into double digits.

Ali, who was siting in the middle of Joel and Mac,grabbed hold of me and spun me around before pulling me down onto his lap with my back to him and Mark thrust the now full glass of champagne into my hand and we all began to drink, them with their beers. It was all fairly restrained for about half an hour as we all loosened up and relaxed. There was the odd bit of thigh rubbing and a gentle nudge of my breast now and then as the guys moved around getting drinks.

Suddenly Mark downed his beer and stood up, instead of getting another one he stood in front of me and said “So the boss tells me you are a good cock sucker so how about showing us?” What could I say or do? I was going to get fucked whatever I said or did so I thought I might as well enjoy it and the more effort I put in hopefully the quicker it would all be over.

I took hold of Mark’s cock without saying anything and took him straight in my mouth, not even lingering on the head, shoving as much of it into my mouth whilst it was still a little soft as I could. He groaned a little and I felt it swelling rapidly, stretching my cheeks and lips and the tip of it was soon pressing against the back of my throat. I kept my nose pressed against his abdomen as best I could whilst glancing up at him. We made eye contact and I grabbed on of his hands, putting it on the back of my head.

Mark got the message, he knew I wanted to take all of his cock and he pushed himself against me so his growing cock slid down my throat as it continued to expand. He was fully hard, I could feel my throat contracting and I struggled to breath through my nose. Tears began to fill my eyes and I felt dizzy then he released me and my throat almost fired his cock out, followed by a river of saliva which ran all down my chin and onto my breasts.

Mark stepped back and looked at me. “Fucking good girl.The boss was right.” he said. I carried on sucking him and felt hands pulling at my nipples from Joel and Mac at my side and I could feel Ali’s cock hard underneath me, rubbing against my buttocks as he moved me around trying to find my pussy lips with his shaft. Mark grabbed my head again and began to thrust his cock deeper into my mouth with increased speed and firmness several times then he held himself deep in my throat as he let loose and pumped his cum into me, making me swallow it all.

He stepped back and got out of the tub and told the guys he was going so sort out things inside, grabbing a beer as he went. Joel and Mac stood up lifting me up a little with them and I felt Ali slide his cock between my legs as the guys set me back down I felt his thick shaft nestle between my pussy lips, sticking out between my legs. Mac and Joel began to shove their cocks into my mouth, sometimes alternating, sometimes together.

They were fucking my mouth hard and I knew I was going to be taking both their loads before too long. Ali had hold of my breasts and was sliding his cock back and forth against my pussy slit, rubbing hard against my clit. He felt so big I was almost dreading the time when he would be entering me. Mac and Joel began to pant and then Mac grabbed my head and shoved his cock deep in my mouth and grunted as he unloaded his cum into me. I had hardly drawn breath when his cock was replaced by Joel’s cock, thrusting into my and depositing his cum shot for me to swallow.

The guys stepped back and pulled me right up. They grabbed a beer and Mac thrust a glass of champagne in my hand. I downed it in one, washing their salty cum from my mouth and down into my stomach. I assumed we were about to climb out of the tub and join Mark but Ali grabbed me from behind and sat me down. His huge cock, the size of my forearm, bobbed around in front of my face. “My turn baby.” he said as he pushed the giant head of his cock between my lips.

Resistance was futile, he was so big he was going to fuck my mouth and that was that. I opened up as much as I could and tipped my head back, letting him have my mouth and throat. As he fucked my face I felt Joel and Mac sucking hard on my nipples and their fingers invaded my pussy. Probing my hole and rubbing my clit hard. I felt tremors begin within me and as Ali let his cum begin to spurt down my throat my body submitted to the orgasmic wave smashing though it.

I was floating! Not just in the foaming water of the hot tub but in my post orgasmic heaven and I felt hands lifting me out of the water until I was standing surrounded by the three guys. “OK beautiful lady.” said Mac, “Time to go inside.” His comment, calling me beautiful lady warmed me inside and I was further warmed when each of them took the time to kiss me tenderly in an assuring manner as if telling me they weren’t going to do anything I didn’t want.

They ushered me inside and into the bedroom where there was a huge bed, it must have been bespoke as it was almost twice as big as a normal double bed, made up with just a nice silk bottom sheet and there were two ice buckets either side filled with beer and champagne. I was asked to lay on the bed and given a glass, which I downed, washing Ali’s cum load further into my stomach joining the other 3 guys cum sloshing around inside me.

As I drank Mark held up a blindfold and told me he was going to put it on, “you know we won’t hurt you don’t you?” he said smiling. He put the blindfold on me and lay me down, taking my glass from me. I felt people kneeling on the bed all around me guessing all four guys were on the bed next to me. Hand’s and mouthes began to caress and explore my whole body, my lips, neck, breasts, body and legs, nobody spoke and my senses were super heightened, my body tingling in sexual anticipation.

My two hands were lifted from beside me and my fingers wrapped around two hard throbbing cocks that I began to stroke as two guys began to suck on my nipples at the same time and then I felt a tongue lapping at my pussy and flicking my clit and could tell my pussy was soaking. I felt the tip of a big hard cock press against my pussy lips and then push into me, just in between my lips, it moved back and forth, teasing me, not quite entering me, got I so wanted it in me.

A hand tugged at the blindfold and pulled it off, my eyes squinted a little as they got used to the light again and then he came into focus. My stalker, steely eyes looking through his mask. “Hello Sarah” he said as he slowly but firmly rammed his huge cock home deep into my pussy, stretching me and invading the entrance to my womb. He lingered for a moment, buried to the hilt in me and then it started.

He began fucking me hard and the four other guys had their hands all over me, rubbing my clit, sucking and pinching my nipples, massaging my pubic mound and caressing my face. My stalker went faster and deeper still, Mac and Joel took hold of my ankles and speed my legs wide as he fucked me hard. I groaned and gasped as I felt the orgasmic wave rising, he went quicker still “Oh god! Please cum in me, make me cum I wailed. He thrust with venom, Mark rubbed my clit hard and he grunted as I screamed and we both came, locked together shaking, his cum flooding my pussy and a silent dark peace descended on me.

A hand caressed my face and I opened my eyes, my stalker was above me, fully clothed, still in his mask “I’ll let the guys enjoy you now and see you soon sweet Sarah.” he said before walking out of the room. Seconds after he left my pussy was penetrated by Mark as he looked down at me smiling and began thrusting away telling me he was going to fill my pussy some more.

Moments later he groaned as his body tensed and he spurted his seed into me, he was quickly replaced by Ali, despite his cock being so huge it slid straight into my cum soaked pussy and he too fucked me hard and deep, I had never felt so full of cock and cum in my life and it was amazing I was begging to be fucked and seeded as Mac and Joel pulled on my nipples and I came again as Ali came deep into my womb and Mac and Joel’s cum spurted from their cocks all over my breasts and face, filling my mouth as I gasped in the air.

I lay there spent for several minutes and the guys gently lifted me off the bed. Mac and Joel practically carried me to the bathroom and into the shower. I had cum on my face, breasts and running down my thighs from my pussy. My nipples were sore and my pussy throbbing. Mac and Joel gently bathed me in the shower and as their hands and the hot water ran over me I began to feel more with it.

I towelled off and began to get dressed, just as I was about done Mark came over to me and asked me if I was OK. I told him I was and the guys all saw me to the doorway. It was slightly surreal I was standing at the doorway of a penthouse full dressed saying farewell to four naked black guys with big cocks. I gave each one a hug and they kissed me tenderly as I thanked them before heading home.

The Stalker ch. 14

I was still sore the following morning from the fucking I’d had at the property development the day before, thankfully my husband hadn’t made any moves regarding having sex during the evening, which I was quite relieved about. I got into work and my PA seemed even ore perky than the day before as she brought me some coffee and asked me if I had enjoyed my tour of the property the day before.

She also told me that Vanessa had called into the office the day before on the off chance I had been in as she had missed a couple of my calls. I thanked her and told her I’d catch up with Vanessa to see what she wanted. Almost as soon as I got to my office I called Vanessa and she wanted to hear about my visit to the property the day before but before I had chance to say anything she told me she would call by the office towards the end of the day.

I called through and told my PA that Vanessa would be calling by later and she commented that Vanessa was a really nice lady and that they’d had a good chat about the property marketing plan the day before and she seemed very happy with what we were doing. I told her I had a lot to get through and that I’d catch up with her later.

I ploughed on with my work and around 1PM my PA came into the office with coffee, water and a sandwich telling me as I was busy she had thought to grab me some lunch. I thanked her and asked her if she would join me so she quickly went and grabbed her lunch and we sat around in the soft chairs by the coffee table to eat. As we ate and chatted there seemed something slightly different about my PA Tiffany.

Tiffany had been with me for about 3 years and as well as our work relationship we had socialised on occasions and had pretty open discussions about our personal lives. I knew she had a boyfriend, which was serious but marriage certainly wasn’t on the cards. As she had a different air about her today, as with the day before I thought I’d ask her if everything was ok in her life outside work.

She smiled at me and told me she had met someone else but it wasn’t serious and she was still with her boyfriend but was wondering if it may be time to call it a day. It was no surprise to me that she had met someone as she was a very attractive girl, with a good figure,flame red hair and emerald green eyes. I knew that most, if not all, of my male staff had tried to date her but she fobbed them all off saying she had a no dating a co worker rule.

I tried to dig a little deeper into who her new man might be and she told me it was just a guy she met at her gym and it was just fun as the sex had been exciting but it wasn’t going anywhere. I decided he was most likely married so didn’t push the issue any further. We finished up lunch and both got on with the rest of the day.

I kept looking at the time, which seemed to drag, wondering when Vanessa would show up and finally, at 1645PM Tiffany buzzed me to tell me that Vanessa had arrived. I asked her to show her through and suddenly felt a tingle of arousal inside me wanting to see my female lover and tell her all about the day before. As Tiffany showed her in I told her that as it was almost 5 she could let everyone pack up and I would see her tomorrow.

Tiffany told me she would lock up the front entrance when she left and asked if we wanted coffee before she left. Vanessa told her she would like some so a few minutes later Tiffany returned with coffee and bid us farewell. Vanessa looked at me with a big grin as she left “She’s a pretty little thing isn’t she?” she said.

I told her I’d never really thought about her like that but as I did I agreed with her that she was attractive. “Her hair is amazing, I’d love to see her little red bush down below, if she has one.” Vanessa said and I told her that Tiffany was definitely straight and in a relationship so the chance of seeing her “little red bush” as she called it was unlikely.

Vanessa smiled and grabbed hold of me “I know a hot lady who is married but that didn’t stop her having some girl fun.” before she kissed me fully on the lips then told me to tell her all about yesterday. As I began to tell her she started to caress my body telling me that it was turning her on and before I knew it we were both pretty muck naked, I couldn’t believe I was doing this in my office but I wanted Vanessa so much.

We kissed and caressed for a few more minutes and Vanessa touched my pussy lips which made me jump a little and I told her I was still a little sore down below. “Well let me kiss it better for you darling.” she said as she laid me back on my desk and sat in my chair. She began licking my pussy, very gently and I groaned with joy.

Vanessa was licking me with her wonderful tongue and I was in heaven. Suddenly I heard her phone ringing and she stopped telling me she had to take the call real quick. I lay there on my desk with my eyes closed as I listened to her walking around the office a little, whilst she spoke to someone telling them everything was set and they should just go ahead but to tread carefully. There had been a little banging and moving of chairs but I just figured she was digging a notepad out of her bag and sitting down to write something down.

Vanessa sat back in my chair and carried on licking me for a few minutes and then she stood up and walked around my desk bending her head and kissing me. My juice tasted nice on her lips and she moved her soft mouth down to my breasts, sucking on my nipples and rubbing my clit as her big breasts hung down over my face. I grasped them and sucked on her nipples hard so we were both moaning away.

Moments later Vanessa moved off me and told me she wanted to make me cum and taste my juice. Then seconds later the licking of my pussy began again and as her tongue flicked my clit I jumped as it was now swollen and sensitive from her rubbing it. She sucked on it and her tongue probed between my lips, it felt longer and more pointed and I wondered how she could make that happen. I felt her hands grasp my breasts and she sighed as she said “good girl.”

Thoughts flashed through my mind, most notably, how she spoke with her tongue in my pussy and I opened my eyes. Vanessa was standing directly over me smiling, I felt my heart racing and almost in panic I looked down towards my pussy. I stared open mouthed at the locks of flame red hair nestled between my legs and gasped “Oh god no.” The red hair stopped moving and rose up until the smiling face of my PA Tiffany was looking right at me.”

“I’ve always thought you would be tasty and you are.” she said softly before lowering her head again. I wasn’t sure what to do and I half started to push myself up but Vanessa pressed against me and told me to lay back and enjoy it as a tingle ran through my pussy brought on by Tiffany’s expert tongue probing beep inside me.

Vanessa once again began to suck on my nipples and I sucked on hers as I enjoyed the pleasure I was feeling down below. Tiffany’s licking got faster and the tingle in my body got stronger. I was on the verge of an orgasm and before I went over the edge Vanessa told Tiffany to stop. Vanessa then lifted my shoulders up and pushed me towards Tiffany and as she stood up I could see she was only wearing a bra and panties.

Vanessa pushed me closer to her and whispered in my ear, “time to find out if she does have a little red bush” she said. I stood up on the floor face to face with Tiffany and as I wondered how to carry on she kissed me and her tongue probed deep into my mouth, I’d never seen a tongue that long, let alone had one in my pussy.

Tiffany’s hands were all over my body and I reached around, unclipping her bra before pulling it off her shoulders and stepping back to expose her breasts. They were amazing, smaller than mine but wonderfully shaped and firm. Her flesh was milky white and covered in freckles, as I began to run my hands over then her pale pink nipples became erect and I lowered my head to take one in my mouth making her groan as I sucked on it.

I sucked on Tiffany’s nipples for a few minutes before I hooked my fingers into the waistband of her panties and lowered them as I knelt down in front of her and my face was level with her pussy. I admired her plump little pussy lips and the tiny triangle of thin red hair just above her slit. I was just about to press my mouth against her pussy when Vanessa almost got between us and eased Tiffany onto my desk telling me to sit in my chair and enjoy my PA.

I got my head in between her legs and peeled open her soft pussy lips, exposing her moist pink love hole before I bent my head and licked her pussy, tasting her sweet juice. I licked harder and circled her clit with my tongue as she moaned and I could see Vanessa was bending over her sucking on her nipples. I continued licking Tiffany and her pussy was so wet I couldn’t resist pushing a finger inside her love hole.

She let out a loud groan “Ooooooh god yessss!” and began to rock her pelvis a little as I fingered her pussy, her juices squelching as I pushed my finger in and out and I could see her juice running down my finger to my hand. I licked harder and began to suck on her clit as she rocked and I fingered her.

She was gasping and groaning louder and quicker and I briefly looked up and saw Vanessa pulling on both her Nipples as her head rolled from side to side. I could feel her pussy throbbing and then tighten around my finger. I knew she was close and rubbed harder, her pussy almost crushed my finger as she arched her back and squealed as she came then bucked so hard she knocked my head back and my finger popped out of her pussy followed by a jet of cum juice which hit me in the face and mouth.

I swallowed a few mouthfuls of her squirting juice as she shuddered her way through her orgasm and then as her body began to relax I put my mouth back onto her throbbing pussy and lapped away at the sweet fluid running out of her. After a few minutes I felt Vanessa pulling me away from Tiffany and as I stood up I saw she had strapped a big black dildo to herself and was quickly lining it up with Tiffany’s soaking hole.

Vanessa pushed forwards and Tiffany let a loud long groan as all 10 inches of the dildo slid into her hole, stretching her pussy lips as they clamped around it. I watched for a few minutes as Vanessa began to fuck Tiffany nice and hard. I wasn’t sure but it certainly looked like it wasn’t the first time Tiffany had been fucked with a big strap on as she was loving it, constantly moaning and asking for it deeper and harder.

I walked around to the other side of my desk and began to kiss Tiffany and suck on her pale pink nipples which were bullet hard and then Vanessa told me to climb up and straddle her face. I got on the bed and lowered my pussy onto Tiffany’s mouth and within seconds she had clamped her lips onto it and began sucking and licking away.

Vanessa fucked Tiffany for ages and it was so arousing watching her big black breasts bounce as she rammed the dildo into her pussy. Beneath me Tiffany was beginning to moan and the vibrations from her mouth reverberated through my pussy. I could feel my orgasm getting close and leant forward urging her to suck on my clit.

She clamped my clit between her lips and flicked it with her pointy tongue and I reached my hand down so I could rub her clit as Vanessa fucked her. Vanessa knew how aroused we both were and fucked Tiffany harder which made her whole body rock and her movement under me rubbed my clit even harder. A few minutes later Tiffany arched her back and groaned loudly as she came and the extra vibration coming from her mouth and into my pussy tipped me over the edge and my orgasm shuddered through me, flooding Tiffany’s mouth with my cum juice.

As my orgasm ebbed away I climbed off the desk and Vanessa pulled her strap on out of Tiffany’s soaking hole. She helped Tiffany off the desk and told me to bend over the desk with my back to her. My heart beat and my body trembled at the thought of my PA watching me being fucked over my own desk but I loved the way Vanessa fucked me with her strap on so I quickly bent over and presented my pussy to her. As usual with Vanessa she didn’t waste any time and she soon had her dildo in me to the hilt and was fucking my pussy so hard my thighs were banging on the edge of my desk. I told Vanessa it would leave bruises which my husband would see to she stopped and pulled out, telling me to get on the desk on my back.

As I was climbing onto the desk and getting ready I heard Vanessa ask Tiffany is she wanted to fuck me and my eyes almost popped out when she told Vanessa she would love to. As I lay down and looked at them I saw Vanessa had taken off the strap on and was helping Tiffany fasten it on.

Tiffany approached me and rubbed the dildo up and down my pussy slit a few times before Vanessa told her to penetrate me and she looked down at me smiling as she slowly slid the entire length of it into me. She leant forward and caressed my body, squeezing my breasts before she told me she thought I looked beautiful and very slowly began gently fucking me.

I felt so aroused as I looked up at Tiffany, with her flame red hair, which was now looking very ruffled and her green eyes surveying my whole body as she pumped away at my pussy. Never again would I look at my PA in the same light and wondered how often we wouldn’t be able to keep out hands off each other at work, then the thought of her no dating a co worker policy made me laugh inside.

My focus on Tiffany was broken as I saw Vanessa climb onto my desk and straddle my face, lowering her wonderfully smooth black pussy lips onto my mouth and I probed my tongue between her moist lips. I heard her tell Tiffany to fuck me harder and rub my clit to make me cum and I gasped as Tiffany immediately increased the pace of her thrusting and I felt her pressing on my clit.

Vanessa began to rock her pelvis, grinding her pussy on my mouth and I felt her squeeze my breasts hard as she urged Tiffany on “Go on girl, fuck her harder, give your boss the fuck of her life.” Tiffany went even quicker and rubbed my clit fast and firmly making my body begin to shudder. Vanessa’s rocking got quicker and my tongue kept brushing against her swollen hard clit.

I could feel the tension building up in my whole body, my pussy was throbbing and sending tremors out through my whole body. I heard Vanessa gasp several times and then she shrieked as she came and her juice flowed into my mouth, as soon as her sweet cum juice hit my tongue it tipped me over the edge and I had a massive orgasm which made me shake and buck beneath Vanessa as she pinched my nipples.

Several minutes later things calmed down and Vanessa climbed off me then helped me up. We kissed and I saw Tiffany sitting in my chair holding the strap on in her hand and licking my cum off the shaft of it, smiling away to herself. I looked at her and then at Vanessa and saw they had some connection between them. Vanessa could see I had worked something out and she whispered to me that she had seduced Tiffany a week ago and set this whole thing up after she had gotten her to open up about fancying me.

Where would the deviousness end? I asked myself.

The Stalker ch. 15

My PA Tiffany stood at my side and placed a freshly brewed cup of coffee on my desk then gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear, “can’t wait for work to finish” before she sauntered off out of my office, swaying her lovely hips and ass as she walked towards the door. I smiled to myself and could feel my pussy tingle with anticipation and excitement. In the recent weeks since, with the help of Vanessa, I’d found out my PA had a thing for me and we’d all had sex together, Tiffany and I hadn’t been able to keep our hands off each other, even daring to have the odd little play during work hours, but mostly stopping behind after work to have sex a couple of times a week.

On top of that we had even joined Vanessa at the spa a couple of times and on one occasion she had arranged a couple of well hung studs to join us. My life was fast becoming a world of sexual debauchery where it seemed anything went. I was fucking my PA, plus my friend Vanessa and it wasn’t uncommon for me to turn up at a house appraisal, or viewing, only for me to find a man, men, woman or a mixture of both with instructions from my stalker, Mr Jackson, to indulge them their sexual desires.

My stalker Mr Jackson himself had turned up on a couple of occasions to make me suck his enormous cock and fuck me, on one occasion he had turned up at my office, still wearing his tiger mask and nailed me over my desk before filling me with his cum. I was loving it all, with perhaps the exception of the fact that Mr Wilson had shown up rather regularly and insisted on sticking his huge cock in my ass, something which my husband now also seemed to be rather partial too, given the fact I had only let him do it to me several months ago at the command of my stalker and my poor little but hole was feeling the effects. I did take some satisfaction in knowing that on some occasions when my husband fucked my ass it had already been stretched out that day by Mr Wilson and my husband was probing his cock into one of my many lovers cum.

On top of all this, work was crazy and the deal I had entered into with Mr Jackson’s property development company was bringing a shed load of money into the business, on top of all the sex it was bringing me, so I, probably a bit like you readers, was beginning to wonder where and when all this may end. However it wasn’t something I wanted to dwell on and I was making hay whilst the sun shone and despite thinking things couldn’t get much better I got home that evening to find my husband had made a small dinner for me and was pouring out some champagne telling me he had some good news.

As I sat and sipped on my champagne my husband told me that he had been given a big promotion at the accounts company he worked at and was now in charge of major clients, meaning his salary and bonuses would increase considerably. On top of this he told me that we had been invited over to his bosses house at the weekend for drinks so a new frock was the order of the day for me, which brought a nice smile to my face and I had already decided if he wanted to he could have my ass that evening and I’d smile whilst he did it.

Saturday soon came around and I had chosen a simple black knee length dress, which was a little tight so my husband told me not to wear any underwear, I was a little shocked and he told me it would be fine as he had met his bosses wife at a work event and she had wearing a dress with nothing on underneath which was rather more revealing than the one I had chosen. Maybe it was partially my new found sexual adventurousness, or what my husband said but I decided to go with it. A little before 7PM I heard a car pull up on the driveway and my husband told me it would be the car his boss had laid on to drive us for the evening. “Wow!” You have come up in the world.” I said to him laughing.

We rode in the back of a stylish Mercedes, fully stocked with a bottle of champagne, which we drank most of, on the thirty minute drive to my husbands boss’s house. On the way he told me he was called Mike, and his wife was called Nina, they were a black couple in their late forties and quite fun. He also told me he wasn’t sure who else would be there but as far as he knew it wouldn’t be a large gathering as his boss invited very few people to his home.

We turned off the country road and drove down a long driveway for about a minute before the huge, impressive house came into view and the Mercedes driver stopped at the bottom of a small flight of stone steps, at the top of which was a huge black door. We climbed the steps and as we got to the top the door was opened by a young black girl in her twenties. She greeted us with a smile and even knew our names, although my husband claimed after he had never seen her before, before showing us through to a cosy, for the size of the house, lounge with a large bar at one end and furnished with stylish sofas and chairs. Without being asked we were handed a glass of champagne each by a server and seconds later a stunning athletic black lady, dressed in a dress much more revealing than the one I was wearing, greeted us with a big smile and introduced herself as Nina before hugging us both as if we were long lost friends. As she hugged me I felt her bullet hard nipples press into my flesh and was surprised how long she held onto me for.

Se welcomed us both and we exchanged pleasantries with me telling her she had a lovely house and her responding that she would be keen to hear my state agent view of some of the features and modernisation ideas she had. As we spoke I scanned the room and saw it was mostly all couples and nobody I recognised, not that I expected to, although I had seen a couple of my husbands work colleagues over the years at various functions around Christmas times. I did see my husband exchange waves and a polite nod with a couple of other men.

Seconds later I saw a tall black man approaching us “Oh here’s Mike now” Nina exclaimed as he got closer. He looked a little older than Nina, who I guessed was around forty, although he was very athletic and handsome, the only thing that made him look older were the few flecks of grey in his hair. As he got very close to us he smiled and something about the way he moved made him seem familiar to me but I knew I’d never met my husbands boss.

Mike held out a large hand and my husband exchanged a handshake with him as he said “Evening boss, this is my wife Sarah.” Mike turned to look at me and something in his eyes triggered a sense of knowing him in my head and as I tried to work out why he said “Hello Sarah.” The moment those words, spoken in the familiar hypnotic tone I had come to know so well over the last few months, left his mouth I knew I was face to face with my Stalker.

Simultaneously a rush of dread, arousal, confusion and anxious anticipation ran through my mind and body, almost shaking me to the core, as I managed to mumble an almost timid, “Very pleased to meet you” all the time praying that both Nina and my husband weren’t aware that I was shaking inside and hoping I wasn’t blushing before them.

By some miracle my dilemma was short lived as Nina said “come, Sarah, let me show you around the house whilst the guys chat” as she grabbed my hand and whisked me away.

I gulped my champagne as we walked through the lounge and as I glanced around, still in shock things took an even stranger and more worrying turn as I caught sight of Vanessa sitting talking to Mr Wilson, my stalkers business partner who had a penchant for sticking his big black cock up my ass. Vanessa stood and smiled as we passed them and she gave me a peck on the cheek, swapped my now empty glass for a full one and whispered “everything will be fine, enjoy yourself” in my ear.

I greedily gulped my second glass of champagne as I followed Nina out of the lounge, barely hearing what she was saying to me then when she stopped I realised we were in the kitchen. Nina looked around and seeing that we were totally alone for a moment said “I guess you are a little shocked coming face to face with Mike, you obviously realise who he is?”

I looked her in amazement realising that she knew all about Mike stalking me and making me do things, sometimes against my will initially, and began to wonder what if any her involvement was in all of what had happened. I nodded as I said “You could say I’m a lot shocked, I’m not sure what to think about all of this.”

Nina smiled and grabbed a bottle of champagne from the fridge and asked me to follow her as she picked up a glass from the counter top. I walked behind her through a little network of corridors until we entered a large hotel style suite which has plush sofas and an even plusher looking bed at the far end. Nina sat on a sofa and patted the cushion next to her urging me to sit with her. As I sat she filled both out glasses and told me to listen to her and relax.

Nina spent the next ten minutes telling me she knew all about Mike stalking me, the meetings at houses, my flings with Vanessa and even my filming myself whilst my husband and I had sex. She then told me that I had been specifically selected to join their hedonistic lifestyle where all sorts of pleasures could be enjoyed, and I had proven a very good addition to their group. This evening had been planned in order to take things over the final threshold and that was what she wanted to discuss with me now. I listened intently as I processed all the information she had just relayed to me then tentatively asked her what the final threshold was. Nina looked deeply into my eyes and asked me how I felt about my husband seeing me being fucked or me watching him fucking someone else. I didn’t know what to say, the words she had said just circled around in my mind as she sat there staring at me.

My husband, Matt, who I haven’t mentioned by name until now as he was never part of my fantasy world, was a pretty adventurous man sexually and I knew for sure he had an eye for certain women and several times over the years we had both fantasised about involving other people in our sex life but it hadn’t gone beyond that so I really didn’t know how he would feel about it. I was hardly in a position to object to the possibility of Matt having sex with someone else given the past few months of my life.

After mulling things over under Nina’s intense gaze I shrugged my shoulders, almost in acceptance that this was going to happen, although I suspected it was because I didn’t want to give up all the wonderful cock and pussy I had been getting, and told Nina I was prepared to see it through but questioned her on how I would broach the subject with Matt. “Don’t you worry about Matt darling, we will take good care of all the arrangements.” she told me in a very seductive and yet reassuring tone before she leant forward and kissed me.

Nina poured out some more champagne and told me she had to make a quick visit to the powder room before skipping off to the bathroom. She returned several minutes later and was wearing a silk robe, having discarded her dress and she sat beside me, raised her glass and clinked it against mine before taking a sip. “Ok darling, things are all set but first you need to indulge me a little, after all Mike has enjoyed you plenty of times so it’s only fair I get to have the pleasure of enjoying you too.

Nina leant forward and kissed me on the lips and her hands began to explore my body through the thin material of my dress. Eventually she stood, pulling me up with her strong arms and peeled my dress off over my head leaving me naked before her. She cupped my breasts in her strong hands before sucking on my hardening nipples then began to steer me towards the bed at the far end of the suite.

Nina practically threw me down onto my back into the middle of the bed before slipping off her robe and exposing her wonderfully toned body before climbing onto the bed and kneeling between my legs. She leant forward and began to massage my breasts and suck on my nipples making me groan with joy and I could feel the juices flowing from my pussy, all thoughts of my husband Matt having left my mind.

Nina worked her way down my body teasing my skin with her snake like tongue until she hovered over my pussy. I briefly felt her cool breath on my pussy lips and then her tongue probed between them and ran up and down the length of my slit occasionally flickering across my clit which was rapidly swelling and becoming more sensitive. As she continued to lick me she inserted two fingers into my pussy and hooked one of then against my G spot. She rubbed furiously and, what seemed like just minutes later, I began to tremble as a mighty orgasm rocked me.As my orgasm ebbed away Nina looked down at me smiling and then began to move around until her knees were by my head. She then straddled my face and I looked up at her smooth black pussy lips which, as she lowered herself to my face, splayed slightly apart to reveal the moist coral coloured entrance to her love hole. As her pussy touched my mouth I tasted the sweet nectar flowing from her and lapped away with bliss.

Nina rocked her pelvis back and forth, rubbing her lips and clit against my mouth and I could feel her strong hands squeezing my breasts. Suddenly I felt a weight and movement on the bed, between my legs and I knew someone was there even before I felt the head of a hard cock begin to rub up and down against my pussy lips. Initially I had no idea whose cock it was but as it began to rub against me harder the head penetrated past my outer lips and I knew from the size and feel it was my stalker’s cock, Mike’s cock, Nina’s husbands cock. They were going to enjoy me as a couple.

Nina rubbed herself against my mouth harder and Mike’s cock thrust into me deeper, stretching my pussy like only he could. I could now feel his hips nudging against my buttocks as he lifted and spread my legs wider allowing him full penetration. As the pain increased in my throbbing pussy the pain also increased in my sensitive nipples as Nina pinched and pulled on them and suddenly my orgasm was almost upon me. Nina ground her pubic mound against me and I sucked on her clit hard. Suddenly her body froze, then began to tremble and she shrieked as my mouth was flooded with her orgasm juice which pushed me over the edge and my own orgasm rocked me to the core.

Nina climbed off me and also climbed off the bed so I lost sight of her. Then my focus was on Mike, my stalker, this was the first time I had seen his face when he was fucking me. He had the same steely eyes and a tension in his face as he vigorously pumped his huge cock deeply into me.

Over the sound of my own gasps I could hear other moans in the room and then Nina climbed on the bed again beside me but she was on her hands and knees, her face just inches from mine. Then my heart almost pounded out of my chest as I saw my husband, Matt kneeling on the bed behind her and I could tell he was sliding his cock into her pussy.

“Oh yes, that’s it honey, slide your cock into me and fuck me in front of your wife.” Nina called out as Matt began to fuck her from behind. He looked down at me and as I stared into his eyes I could see how aroused he was with the whole situation, him fucking a stunning black woman whilst her husband. Mike, his own boss, was fucking his own wife right next to him. Mike suddenly picked up the pace and grip my hips. He asked me if I wanted it harder.

I gasped and shrieked out to him “Oh fuck yes! Fuck me harder and deeper. Fill me with your big cock and cum inside me!” More than ever I wanted him to fuck me deeply and shoot his cum into me whilst my husband looked on.
Suddenly Mike pulled his huge cock out of me and I begged him, “oh god please no, don’t stop.” Mike stood up and told Matt to stop fucking Nina. As quick as Mike had done to me Matt pulled his cock out of Nina and she climbed off the bed. Mike grabbed my Ankles and flipped me over telling me to get on my hands and knees. Nina told Matt to get on the bed and kneel before me and as he did his cock bobbed up and down in front of my face. It was all sticky and shiny with Nina’s pussy juice.

“Suck it.” Nina ordered me. “Taste another woman’s sweet juice on your husbands cock.” I opened my mouth and Matt plunged his cock deep into it, pushing it right to the back of my throat. It tasted better than it had ever tasted before, pulsing in my mouth and smothered with the taste of another woman. I pushed a hand between my legs and my fingers found my clit. I was so close to cumming I needed to get myself off.

I felt Mike’s big hands peel my pussy lips apart and the head of his cock entering me, he paused ever so briefly before plunging his whole thick length into me, my scream was only muffled by Matts cock in my mouth. Mike thrust harder and faster into me, gripping my hips tightly and I heard Matt say “Oh yes give it her Mike, give it her hard, fill her man.” as he rammed his cock deep down my throat and seconds later his body trembled as he spurted his cum down my throat. As I gulped Matt’s cum down my throat my pussy tightened around Mike’s huge shaft and I felt him shaking as he erupted inside me and both if us came together as his cum spurted into my womb.

When the three of us had stopped shaking and Mike and Matt had well and truly drained their balls into me they both withdrew and we flopped onto the bed in a panting heap. Seconds later I heard the sound of glasses clanking and Nina was calling us over to the seating area as she poured out champagne. We sauntered over and I felt a trickle of Mike’s cum run down my thigh as I stood so I quickly excused myself and ran to the bathroom to clean up a little.
When I emerged from the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around me, which hardly seemed necessary as Mike, Matt and Nina were all sitting naked, drinking champagne and laughing as if they had known each other for years. Nina saw me walking over and smiled before turning to Matt and saying “well honey, confession time I think.”

Matt took a big gulp of his drink before holding out a glass for me to take and asked me to sit next to him. “Well erm! It’s kind of complicated but.” he said. Before he got any further I cut him off and told him to just tell me straight and that given what had just happened it couldn’t be any more complicated or shocking than that.

So Matt began to explain that he had been approached by Mike, his boss, after a work function a year ago, who had told him that him and his wife made a very attractive couple and asked if we would be interested in joining a select group of fun loving people in a somewhat hedonistic club. He had been keen but wasn’t sure how to broach it with me so he had given his boss approval to try and entice me into the world without him being involved and if he succeeded then he would be in. He admitted that things had ran on a little further and longer than originally planned because every time Mike had updated him on events he had been so aroused he had asked him to go further to find my limits, which everyone had finally concluded there probably weren't any.

I didn’t know what to say, I sat in shock at the thought I had been played all along but then the realisation hit me that I had enjoyed every minute of it. I had to give Matt a few slaps and called him a few choice words, to show some sort of outrage but it didn’t last long before I, along with everyone else began to laugh. We carried on drinking and chatting so I could actually get to know Mike and Nina and about thirty minutes later we were joined by Mr Wilson, who introduced himself as John, and Vanessa who said they had come to join the fun as it was obvious I hadn’t gone off the rails with the revelation of what had been happening.

Mr Wilson looked directly at me and smiled and I knew right there and then what was coming my way next, his big cock up my arse. I finished my drink and stood up, looked directly at him and said “Where do you want me?” with a smile…..

The Stalker ch. 16

The rest of the evening at Mike and Nina’s party pretty much turned into somewhat of an orgy that a Roman Emperor would have been proud to host. The six of us spent a short time in the bedroom, where Mr. Wilson, did indeed nail my ass, probably harder than I ever remembered him doing it before, whilst I had the pleasure of watching Vanessa sucking on my husband, Matt’s, cock as she stared at me with lust in her eyes.

Mike then suggested that we return to the party so I began to hunt for my dress, only for my arm to be grabbed by Nina who said “no need for clothes darling. As the six of us filed back into the lounge, where we had first met, it became clear why she had said it. Everyone in there was totally naked, some were just drinking and relaxing on one of the many sofa’s whilst some were engaged in full on sex.

The atmosphere was electric and Matt and I sat on a sofa, sipping champagne whilst Mike, Nina, Vanessa and Mr Wilson headed off to mingle with the rest of their guests. As we watched the action unfolding around us Matt began to open up a little more about how all this had come about. He then began a series of probing questions, asking me what elements of the last few months I had enjoyed the most.

I didn’t see the point of lying and pretty much told him that amongst my favourite events were the lesbian sex I had enjoyed with Vanessa and my PA Tiffany. His eyes widened and he smiled at the mention of my slender, redheaded beauty of a PA. I quickly cut him off mid thought, ”No chance! I scowled. “Vanessa is one thing but Tiffany is mine alone.” I felt quite empowered when he just gave me a rather sheepish luck, knowing that I was serious. Whilst I had him on the back foot I decided to clip his wings a little more and told him that his visit’s to my ass would be a lot less infrequent now everything was in the open.

He asked me if I had any more favourite’s amongst the experiences I’d had and I had to confess that I loved the time at the new development I visited where I was gang banged by Mike and 4 muscular, hung black contractors, who had filled me with cock and cum. Even though I had been assured they weren’t going to hurt me, I’d kind of hoped they would a little, so deep down maybe I’d developed a little thing for pleasure pain. Matt continued to listen to me intently, processing, in detail, what I was telling him. Finally I told him the thing I had really enjoyed the most was the mystery of a powerful man controlling me and making me do unspeakable things behind my husbands back.

When I spoke these final words I looked at Matt closely, he was licking his lips, his eyes shone with lust and his cock was rock hard. He stood and took my hand, asking me to follow him. We walked across the lounge and Matt spoke briefly with Mike, although I couldn’t hear what he said. Following this Matt led me to the far end of the lounge to where there two large velvet drapes. Matt quickly pulled one drape back a little and ushered me through the gap, before he quickly followed.

I had assumed the drapes covered a window but I was wrong, they covered an opening to a large, dimly lit, alcove, in which was a huge four poster bed. There were ropes and restraints on each of the four posts and a selection of paddles, whips, and dildo’s hanging on one of the walls. The only other piece of furniture in the room was a long padded couch, set at right angles and to one side of the bed. Matt urged me to lay on there bed in the middle facing towards the drapes and I complied, with a smile and butterflies fluttering around in my tummy, as I nervously anticipated my fate.

To my great surprise, two very athletic black girls, one of whom I recognised as the girl who had originally greeted us when we arrived at the house, lay on the bed, either side of me. They were both naked and their warm, athletic, soft skinned bodies felt nice against my flesh. They took turns kissing me and then one of them whispered in my ear, “would you like to be fucked hard by a big black cock whilst your husband watches?”

“Oh god yes.” I murmured back as I felt their hands manoeuvring both my arms above my head, then outwards, before I felt the restraints being fastened around my wrists. The girls then moved down towards the bottom of the bed and I stared at their bare buttocks, both revealing a hint of smooth pussy lips as they fastened restraints around my ankles. The girls then both lay beside me again and asked if I was comfortable and ready. I nodded my head and one of them said in a soft but firm voice “OK baby, come and get her.”

Just after she spoke I saw a tall athletic black man standing at the end of the bed, he was stroking a huge black cock that was fully erect, with a big purple head and veins bulging along the length of his shaft. My pussy throbbed at the thought of it ploughing into me. Just before he climbed onto the bed, one of the girls straddled my face and I looked between her legs and sighed as she lowered her smooth pussy lips to my mouth.

She began to rock her pelvis slowly, rubbing her pussy lips and clit against my mouth and her sweet juice slowly trickled into my mouth. As I lapped away at her pussy with my tongue I felt a huge cock head rubbing against my pussy and seconds later my whole body tensed as the thick shaft was plunged deep into me. As the mans hips hit my buttocks he paused for a few seconds until I relaxed, and began to enjoy the fullness within me, before he began to thrust away at my pussy with deep powerful strokes.

The girl on my face began to rock her pelvis a little quicker and I heard her begin to let out little moans of pleasure as her juices began to flow quicker into my mouth. I greedily swallowed her nectar as I felt the man begin to fuck me harder and faster. I could feel my orgasm building and then I felt two, strong but delicate, fingers rubbing against my clit. I heard the man begin to grunt as he slammed into me. I heard the girl straddling my face say “C’mon baby fuck her good, we’re gonna fill her mouth with cum” as she ground her clit against my mouth.

Suddenly, she gasped and twitched and jets of her cum juice squirted into my mouth. As I swallowed her sweet tasting juice the fingers on my clit rubbed harder. I felt my pussy tighten like a vice around the huge cock inside me. My body tensed and I could feel the restraints gripping at my wrists and ankles as I started to shake and shudder as I came. My whole body was shaking and I could barely breathe. The girl astride me climbed off and I sucked in gulps of air as the man fucking me pulled his dripping cock out of my hole and climbed on top of me, his legs either side of my body with his knees against my armpits. He gripped his throbbing and sticky cock as he said “Open.” I opened my mouth and he began to squirt hot jets of cum into my mouth which I swallowed and imagined it mixing with the girls love juice already in my stomach.

Once he had drained his balls into my mouth he climbed off me and I heard a girl say “Are you enjoying it so far Matty baby?”

I heard my husband Matt groan “Oh fuck yes!” I looked towards the padded couch and saw he was sitting on the end of it, looking at me, and Vanessa was kneeling between his legs, her head bobbing up and down as she sucked on his cock. I hardly had time to take in the sight before the second girl who had been on the bed with me straddled my face and lowered her pussy onto my face.

As she gently rocked herself against my mouth I felt a cock head rubbing against my pussy lips, gently opening them up. After a few seconds I felt pressure on my love hole as whoever it was began pushing his cock into me. I hadn’t seen him, which was probably a good thing because his cock was huge and If I’d seen it I would have probably freaked. The thickness of his shaft felt like nothing I’d experienced and it stretched my pussy so much I thought I would split in two.

After what seemed to take ages he was finally in me to the hilt and I could feel his huge balls resting against my buttocks as he paused for a few seconds. “Oh wow baby, you’re in. Now fuck that white girl for me.” I heard the girl straddling me say as she began to grind her clit against my mouth. Seconds later the huge cock inside me began to withdraw before it was thrust back into me, really hard, sending a shockwave of pain through my whole body.

As he began to fuck me, with deep, strokes, shockwaves of pain shuddered through me for about the first dozen thrusts but then it began to morph into a different feeling, still like pain but one that started giving me a feeling of intense pleasure and I began, as best I could with a pussy against my mouth, to beg for it harder. Despite my groans being muffled by the girls pussy against my mouth I was convinced he got the message as his next thrust practically knocked the wind out of me. I was thankful that despite his girth his cock wasn’t overly long, although I could just feel the tip nudge against my cervix every few thrusts, and was loving the sensation of him inside me so much I could already feel my next orgasm building.

The girl straddling me must have sensed my orgasm building too as she began to grind herself on my face harder and once again I felt delicate fingers rubbing against my clit. A couple of minutes later I felt my pussy spasm and the guy fucking me plunged his cock deep and held it there. I could feel his cock pulsing inside me as I began to shudder and as my orgasm began to surge through me the girl on top of me jerked with a shriek and her cum flooded my mouth. I bucked that hard as I came she bounced up a little and her cum sprayed my face as I gasped in orgasmic bliss.

As I began to relax I opened my eyes, just as the girl was climbing off me and I got my first sight of the man fucking me. He was tall and broad, very muscular, he was wearing a mask, with the design of a black spitting cobra emblazoned across it and I could just make out his dark, lust filled eyes staring at me from behind it. He remained still for several seconds and I heard my husband Matt call out, “Go on man, fuck her so hard it hurts.” I looked towards the sofa and could see Vanessa was now on top of it, on all fours, staring at me, smiling, as my husband Matt fucked her from behind.

The fucking from my black masked lover became harder and even more intense, so much so I don’t think my orgasm ever subsided, and my shrieking and gasps continued to get louder and longer. I was suddenly aware of several other people in the room and seconds later two different girls climbed onto the bed either side of me. The ran their soft hands over my body and began sucking on my nipples as my masked lover rammed his cock into me with real venom in his thrusts. I briefly looked across at Vanessa and she was still staring at me. Her wonderfully full breasts swung back and forth as my husband Matt fucked her and I could see, from the expression on his face and his rapid breathing, he was on the verge of pumping his cum into Vanessa.

My eyes focussed on my masked lover and I continued begging him to fuck me. “Oh god yes. Fuck me, fuck me hard, please hurt me and fill me with your cum.” I bellowed as the orgasmic wave, I had been riding, peaked. My whole body tensed and I felt like I could hardly breath, the restraints gripped my wrists and Ankles like a vice. I felt my face flushing and my nipples throbbing as suddenly my lover grunted as he plunged his cock deep inside me and his body shook as his hot cum erupted in my pussy. I could feel his cock throbbing as my pussy milked it and jet after jet of cum spurted into me.

We remained locked together for a full minute or two before he finally climbed off me and I caught sight of his cock. It was easily as thick as a beer can and was all sticky and dripping with a mix of our juices. He never spoke, when he got off the bed, he just stood in silence looking down at me, as if I was his conquest, as did several other people. The two girls who had been sucking my nipples released me from the restraints before they, also, climbed off the bed and I lay there breathing hard. I looked down and could see my chest was flushed red and my nipples were red and still erect. I could feel my black lovers cum flowing like lava from my throbbing and stretched hole and I just lay my head back and closed my eyes.

Some moments later I felt a hand caressing my body and opened my eyes, it was my husband Matt looking down at me smiling. I assumed he was there to help me off the bed as he began to wrap his hand underneath one of my, still trembling, legs. “Turn over baby.” he whispered to me and I wondered why he wanted me to do that. I didn’t have to wait long to find out as I caught sight of Mr Wilson standing at the end of the bed, stroking his huge cock, and I knew he was going to nail my ass for the second time that evening. Little did I know, as I got onto all fours and steeled myself for another anal fucking, that my poor ass would be fucked several more times that evening.

The rest of the night blurred into what effectively was like a Roman orgy with people engaged in multiple sex acts all over the room, more and more men seemed to appear from nowhere as all the women, me included were fucked several times and I think I passed out with sheer sexual exhaustion, some time in the early hours. When I woke there was an air of calm serenity in the room, I had somehow gotten into a cool, tastefully decorated room, and was laying in a nice clean, very comfortable bed, with crips sheets. Sun shone through the partially opened drapes and seconds later the two girls, who had released me from my restraints, the night before came into the room, telling me they were there to bathe me.

I enjoyed the pampering from the two girls, who gently cleansed and caressed my aching and sore body before toweling me off and telling me they had prepared a selection of clothes in one of the wardrobes, all in my size, and they would escort me to join, Mike, Nina and my husband at breakfast. Also that they had packed the dress I had worn last night and it was in the car, which would be driving me home. When I joined Mike, Nina and my husband Matt, everything was calm, everyone was smiling, events of the night before weren’t mentioned. After a lovely breakfast Matt and I were driven home and during the journey he asked me if I had enjoyed the previous night.

I think my smile said all he needed to know and he hugged and kissed me before wrapping an arm around me. Once we were home I told Matt I needed to bathe again and rest. Things were quiet, although certainly not awkward, for the rest of the weekend and on Monday I went back to business as usual. Obviously I revealed details of the party to my PA Tiffany, who asked me if I could get her an invite to the next one.

Several weeks went by and apart from a couple of meetings and visit’s to the spa with Vanessa, where we enjoyed the pleasures of each others bodies, I neither saw or heard anything from, or about, my former stalker Mike, or Mr. Wilson. Neither, much to my slight dismay, did I attract the attentions of any other men and things were starting to play on my mind, so much so I actually asked Matt if I had done something wrong, or failed some kind of test that night of the party. He smiled and assured me that Mike and Nina had loved me, things were just rather hectic at the moment. He wasn’t wrong, work was getting really busy, especially with the extra work from JWA, Mike’s and Mr Wilson’s company, which contented me somewhat, and I kept myself so busy I almost began to wonder where and when, I was going to find time for some fun. Often, during one of my quieter moments, during lunch, I reflected on the past few months and kind of missed the intrigue and mystery of having a stalker, almost wishing the cat hadn’t been let out of the bag so to speak, even though I was happy it turned out to be someone nice. Still, things were good for me and I suppose one can’t ride the crest of a wave forever.

The housing market was really buoyant and I was doing so many house appraisals I was seriously considering taking on another appraiser to help me out. One lunchtime my PA Tiffany joined me, bringing me a sandwich, and hinted that we needed some after work fun, which made me smile. “However, it will have to wait until tomorrow.” she said, smiling as she handed me the name and address of a lady who needed a house appraisal in a very upmarket area of town. “I’ve booked you for 4PM, as it’s on your route home.” Tiffany said with a smile as she went back to work.

I got to the impressive looking house a few minutes before 4PM and parked on the drive next to a single car. I rang the doorbell and a minute later a smiling, very well dressed, lady, a little older than me answered the door and we exchanged names. She led me inside and I completed some preliminary paper work before asking her to show me the house and I’d make some notes and take some pictures then get back to her with a full appraisal. She told she would start in the basement and led me down some steps. Once there I stood open mouthed and wide eyed at the sight before me. It was like no other basement I had seen, with subtle mood lighting and some plush chairs facing a circular bed. Standing behind the bed was my masked, black lover, from Mike and Nina’s party. He was totally naked and his, beer can, thick cock was pointing at the ceiling. “Hello Sarah” he said in a calm, firm tone and my whole body trembled.

THE END ( or is it?)