The Stalker ch. 15

My PA Tiffany stood at my side and placed a freshly brewed cup of coffee on my desk then gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear, “can’t wait for work to finish” before she sauntered off out of my office, swaying her lovely hips and ass as she walked towards the door. I smiled to myself and could feel my pussy tingle with anticipation and excitement. In the recent weeks since, with the help of Vanessa, I’d found out my PA had a thing for me and we’d all had sex together, Tiffany and I hadn’t been able to keep our hands off each other, even daring to have the odd little play during work hours, but mostly stopping behind after work to have sex a couple of times a week.

On top of that we had even joined Vanessa at the spa a couple of times and on one occasion she had arranged a couple of well hung studs to join us. My life was fast becoming a world of sexual debauchery where it seemed anything went. I was fucking my PA, plus my friend Vanessa and it wasn’t uncommon for me to turn up at a house appraisal, or viewing, only for me to find a man, men, woman or a mixture of both with instructions from my stalker, Mr Jackson, to indulge them their sexual desires.

My stalker Mr Jackson himself had turned up on a couple of occasions to make me suck his enormous cock and fuck me, on one occasion he had turned up at my office, still wearing his tiger mask and nailed me over my desk before filling me with his cum. I was loving it all, with perhaps the exception of the fact that Mr Wilson had shown up rather regularly and insisted on sticking his huge cock in my ass, something which my husband now also seemed to be rather partial too, given the fact I had only let him do it to me several months ago at the command of my stalker and my poor little but hole was feeling the effects. I did take some satisfaction in knowing that on some occasions when my husband fucked my ass it had already been stretched out that day by Mr Wilson and my husband was probing his cock into one of my many lovers cum.

On top of all this, work was crazy and the deal I had entered into with Mr Jackson’s property development company was bringing a shed load of money into the business, on top of all the sex it was bringing me, so I, probably a bit like you readers, was beginning to wonder where and when all this may end. However it wasn’t something I wanted to dwell on and I was making hay whilst the sun shone and despite thinking things couldn’t get much better I got home that evening to find my husband had made a small dinner for me and was pouring out some champagne telling me he had some good news.

As I sat and sipped on my champagne my husband told me that he had been given a big promotion at the accounts company he worked at and was now in charge of major clients, meaning his salary and bonuses would increase considerably. On top of this he told me that we had been invited over to his bosses house at the weekend for drinks so a new frock was the order of the day for me, which brought a nice smile to my face and I had already decided if he wanted to he could have my ass that evening and I’d smile whilst he did it.

Saturday soon came around and I had chosen a simple black knee length dress, which was a little tight so my husband told me not to wear any underwear, I was a little shocked and he told me it would be fine as he had met his bosses wife at a work event and she had wearing a dress with nothing on underneath which was rather more revealing than the one I had chosen. Maybe it was partially my new found sexual adventurousness, or what my husband said but I decided to go with it. A little before 7PM I heard a car pull up on the driveway and my husband told me it would be the car his boss had laid on to drive us for the evening. “Wow!” You have come up in the world.” I said to him laughing.

We rode in the back of a stylish Mercedes, fully stocked with a bottle of champagne, which we drank most of, on the thirty minute drive to my husbands boss’s house. On the way he told me he was called Mike, and his wife was called Nina, they were a black couple in their late forties and quite fun. He also told me he wasn’t sure who else would be there but as far as he knew it wouldn’t be a large gathering as his boss invited very few people to his home.

We turned off the country road and drove down a long driveway for about a minute before the huge, impressive house came into view and the Mercedes driver stopped at the bottom of a small flight of stone steps, at the top of which was a huge black door. We climbed the steps and as we got to the top the door was opened by a young black girl in her twenties. She greeted us with a smile and even knew our names, although my husband claimed after he had never seen her before, before showing us through to a cosy, for the size of the house, lounge with a large bar at one end and furnished with stylish sofas and chairs. Without being asked we were handed a glass of champagne each by a server and seconds later a stunning athletic black lady, dressed in a dress much more revealing than the one I was wearing, greeted us with a big smile and introduced herself as Nina before hugging us both as if we were long lost friends. As she hugged me I felt her bullet hard nipples press into my flesh and was surprised how long she held onto me for.

Se welcomed us both and we exchanged pleasantries with me telling her she had a lovely house and her responding that she would be keen to hear my state agent view of some of the features and modernisation ideas she had. As we spoke I scanned the room and saw it was mostly all couples and nobody I recognised, not that I expected to, although I had seen a couple of my husbands work colleagues over the years at various functions around Christmas times. I did see my husband exchange waves and a polite nod with a couple of other men.

Seconds later I saw a tall black man approaching us “Oh here’s Mike now” Nina exclaimed as he got closer. He looked a little older than Nina, who I guessed was around forty, although he was very athletic and handsome, the only thing that made him look older were the few flecks of grey in his hair. As he got very close to us he smiled and something about the way he moved made him seem familiar to me but I knew I’d never met my husbands boss.

Mike held out a large hand and my husband exchanged a handshake with him as he said “Evening boss, this is my wife Sarah.” Mike turned to look at me and something in his eyes triggered a sense of knowing him in my head and as I tried to work out why he said “Hello Sarah.” The moment those words, spoken in the familiar hypnotic tone I had come to know so well over the last few months, left his mouth I knew I was face to face with my Stalker.

Simultaneously a rush of dread, arousal, confusion and anxious anticipation ran through my mind and body, almost shaking me to the core, as I managed to mumble an almost timid, “Very pleased to meet you” all the time praying that both Nina and my husband weren’t aware that I was shaking inside and hoping I wasn’t blushing before them.

By some miracle my dilemma was short lived as Nina said “come, Sarah, let me show you around the house whilst the guys chat” as she grabbed my hand and whisked me away.

I gulped my champagne as we walked through the lounge and as I glanced around, still in shock things took an even stranger and more worrying turn as I caught sight of Vanessa sitting talking to Mr Wilson, my stalkers business partner who had a penchant for sticking his big black cock up my ass. Vanessa stood and smiled as we passed them and she gave me a peck on the cheek, swapped my now empty glass for a full one and whispered “everything will be fine, enjoy yourself” in my ear.

I greedily gulped my second glass of champagne as I followed Nina out of the lounge, barely hearing what she was saying to me then when she stopped I realised we were in the kitchen. Nina looked around and seeing that we were totally alone for a moment said “I guess you are a little shocked coming face to face with Mike, you obviously realise who he is?”

I looked her in amazement realising that she knew all about Mike stalking me and making me do things, sometimes against my will initially, and began to wonder what if any her involvement was in all of what had happened. I nodded as I said “You could say I’m a lot shocked, I’m not sure what to think about all of this.”

Nina smiled and grabbed a bottle of champagne from the fridge and asked me to follow her as she picked up a glass from the counter top. I walked behind her through a little network of corridors until we entered a large hotel style suite which has plush sofas and an even plusher looking bed at the far end. Nina sat on a sofa and patted the cushion next to her urging me to sit with her. As I sat she filled both out glasses and told me to listen to her and relax.

Nina spent the next ten minutes telling me she knew all about Mike stalking me, the meetings at houses, my flings with Vanessa and even my filming myself whilst my husband and I had sex. She then told me that I had been specifically selected to join their hedonistic lifestyle where all sorts of pleasures could be enjoyed, and I had proven a very good addition to their group. This evening had been planned in order to take things over the final threshold and that was what she wanted to discuss with me now. I listened intently as I processed all the information she had just relayed to me then tentatively asked her what the final threshold was. Nina looked deeply into my eyes and asked me how I felt about my husband seeing me being fucked or me watching him fucking someone else. I didn’t know what to say, the words she had said just circled around in my mind as she sat there staring at me.

My husband, Matt, who I haven’t mentioned by name until now as he was never part of my fantasy world, was a pretty adventurous man sexually and I knew for sure he had an eye for certain women and several times over the years we had both fantasised about involving other people in our sex life but it hadn’t gone beyond that so I really didn’t know how he would feel about it. I was hardly in a position to object to the possibility of Matt having sex with someone else given the past few months of my life.

After mulling things over under Nina’s intense gaze I shrugged my shoulders, almost in acceptance that this was going to happen, although I suspected it was because I didn’t want to give up all the wonderful cock and pussy I had been getting, and told Nina I was prepared to see it through but questioned her on how I would broach the subject with Matt. “Don’t you worry about Matt darling, we will take good care of all the arrangements.” she told me in a very seductive and yet reassuring tone before she leant forward and kissed me.

Nina poured out some more champagne and told me she had to make a quick visit to the powder room before skipping off to the bathroom. She returned several minutes later and was wearing a silk robe, having discarded her dress and she sat beside me, raised her glass and clinked it against mine before taking a sip. “Ok darling, things are all set but first you need to indulge me a little, after all Mike has enjoyed you plenty of times so it’s only fair I get to have the pleasure of enjoying you too.

Nina leant forward and kissed me on the lips and her hands began to explore my body through the thin material of my dress. Eventually she stood, pulling me up with her strong arms and peeled my dress off over my head leaving me naked before her. She cupped my breasts in her strong hands before sucking on my hardening nipples then began to steer me towards the bed at the far end of the suite.

Nina practically threw me down onto my back into the middle of the bed before slipping off her robe and exposing her wonderfully toned body before climbing onto the bed and kneeling between my legs. She leant forward and began to massage my breasts and suck on my nipples making me groan with joy and I could feel the juices flowing from my pussy, all thoughts of my husband Matt having left my mind.

Nina worked her way down my body teasing my skin with her snake like tongue until she hovered over my pussy. I briefly felt her cool breath on my pussy lips and then her tongue probed between them and ran up and down the length of my slit occasionally flickering across my clit which was rapidly swelling and becoming more sensitive. As she continued to lick me she inserted two fingers into my pussy and hooked one of then against my G spot. She rubbed furiously and, what seemed like just minutes later, I began to tremble as a mighty orgasm rocked me.As my orgasm ebbed away Nina looked down at me smiling and then began to move around until her knees were by my head. She then straddled my face and I looked up at her smooth black pussy lips which, as she lowered herself to my face, splayed slightly apart to reveal the moist coral coloured entrance to her love hole. As her pussy touched my mouth I tasted the sweet nectar flowing from her and lapped away with bliss.

Nina rocked her pelvis back and forth, rubbing her lips and clit against my mouth and I could feel her strong hands squeezing my breasts. Suddenly I felt a weight and movement on the bed, between my legs and I knew someone was there even before I felt the head of a hard cock begin to rub up and down against my pussy lips. Initially I had no idea whose cock it was but as it began to rub against me harder the head penetrated past my outer lips and I knew from the size and feel it was my stalker’s cock, Mike’s cock, Nina’s husbands cock. They were going to enjoy me as a couple.

Nina rubbed herself against my mouth harder and Mike’s cock thrust into me deeper, stretching my pussy like only he could. I could now feel his hips nudging against my buttocks as he lifted and spread my legs wider allowing him full penetration. As the pain increased in my throbbing pussy the pain also increased in my sensitive nipples as Nina pinched and pulled on them and suddenly my orgasm was almost upon me. Nina ground her pubic mound against me and I sucked on her clit hard. Suddenly her body froze, then began to tremble and she shrieked as my mouth was flooded with her orgasm juice which pushed me over the edge and my own orgasm rocked me to the core.

Nina climbed off me and also climbed off the bed so I lost sight of her. Then my focus was on Mike, my stalker, this was the first time I had seen his face when he was fucking me. He had the same steely eyes and a tension in his face as he vigorously pumped his huge cock deeply into me.

Over the sound of my own gasps I could hear other moans in the room and then Nina climbed on the bed again beside me but she was on her hands and knees, her face just inches from mine. Then my heart almost pounded out of my chest as I saw my husband, Matt kneeling on the bed behind her and I could tell he was sliding his cock into her pussy.

“Oh yes, that’s it honey, slide your cock into me and fuck me in front of your wife.” Nina called out as Matt began to fuck her from behind. He looked down at me and as I stared into his eyes I could see how aroused he was with the whole situation, him fucking a stunning black woman whilst her husband. Mike, his own boss, was fucking his own wife right next to him. Mike suddenly picked up the pace and grip my hips. He asked me if I wanted it harder.

I gasped and shrieked out to him “Oh fuck yes! Fuck me harder and deeper. Fill me with your big cock and cum inside me!” More than ever I wanted him to fuck me deeply and shoot his cum into me whilst my husband looked on.
Suddenly Mike pulled his huge cock out of me and I begged him, “oh god please no, don’t stop.” Mike stood up and told Matt to stop fucking Nina. As quick as Mike had done to me Matt pulled his cock out of Nina and she climbed off the bed. Mike grabbed my Ankles and flipped me over telling me to get on my hands and knees. Nina told Matt to get on the bed and kneel before me and as he did his cock bobbed up and down in front of my face. It was all sticky and shiny with Nina’s pussy juice.

“Suck it.” Nina ordered me. “Taste another woman’s sweet juice on your husbands cock.” I opened my mouth and Matt plunged his cock deep into it, pushing it right to the back of my throat. It tasted better than it had ever tasted before, pulsing in my mouth and smothered with the taste of another woman. I pushed a hand between my legs and my fingers found my clit. I was so close to cumming I needed to get myself off.

I felt Mike’s big hands peel my pussy lips apart and the head of his cock entering me, he paused ever so briefly before plunging his whole thick length into me, my scream was only muffled by Matts cock in my mouth. Mike thrust harder and faster into me, gripping my hips tightly and I heard Matt say “Oh yes give it her Mike, give it her hard, fill her man.” as he rammed his cock deep down my throat and seconds later his body trembled as he spurted his cum down my throat. As I gulped Matt’s cum down my throat my pussy tightened around Mike’s huge shaft and I felt him shaking as he erupted inside me and both if us came together as his cum spurted into my womb.

When the three of us had stopped shaking and Mike and Matt had well and truly drained their balls into me they both withdrew and we flopped onto the bed in a panting heap. Seconds later I heard the sound of glasses clanking and Nina was calling us over to the seating area as she poured out champagne. We sauntered over and I felt a trickle of Mike’s cum run down my thigh as I stood so I quickly excused myself and ran to the bathroom to clean up a little.
When I emerged from the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around me, which hardly seemed necessary as Mike, Matt and Nina were all sitting naked, drinking champagne and laughing as if they had known each other for years. Nina saw me walking over and smiled before turning to Matt and saying “well honey, confession time I think.”

Matt took a big gulp of his drink before holding out a glass for me to take and asked me to sit next to him. “Well erm! It’s kind of complicated but.” he said. Before he got any further I cut him off and told him to just tell me straight and that given what had just happened it couldn’t be any more complicated or shocking than that.

So Matt began to explain that he had been approached by Mike, his boss, after a work function a year ago, who had told him that him and his wife made a very attractive couple and asked if we would be interested in joining a select group of fun loving people in a somewhat hedonistic club. He had been keen but wasn’t sure how to broach it with me so he had given his boss approval to try and entice me into the world without him being involved and if he succeeded then he would be in. He admitted that things had ran on a little further and longer than originally planned because every time Mike had updated him on events he had been so aroused he had asked him to go further to find my limits, which everyone had finally concluded there probably weren't any.

I didn’t know what to say, I sat in shock at the thought I had been played all along but then the realisation hit me that I had enjoyed every minute of it. I had to give Matt a few slaps and called him a few choice words, to show some sort of outrage but it didn’t last long before I, along with everyone else began to laugh. We carried on drinking and chatting so I could actually get to know Mike and Nina and about thirty minutes later we were joined by Mr Wilson, who introduced himself as John, and Vanessa who said they had come to join the fun as it was obvious I hadn’t gone off the rails with the revelation of what had been happening.

Mr Wilson looked directly at me and smiled and I knew right there and then what was coming my way next, his big cock up my arse. I finished my drink and stood up, looked directly at him and said “Where do you want me?” with a smile…..
Next: The Stalker ch. 16
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 14
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