The Stalker ch. 14

I was still sore the following morning from the fucking I’d had at the property development the day before, thankfully my husband hadn’t made any moves regarding having sex during the evening, which I was quite relieved about. I got into work and my PA seemed even ore perky than the day before as she brought me some coffee and asked me if I had enjoyed my tour of the property the day before.

She also told me that Vanessa had called into the office the day before on the off chance I had been in as she had missed a couple of my calls. I thanked her and told her I’d catch up with Vanessa to see what she wanted. Almost as soon as I got to my office I called Vanessa and she wanted to hear about my visit to the property the day before but before I had chance to say anything she told me she would call by the office towards the end of the day.

I called through and told my PA that Vanessa would be calling by later and she commented that Vanessa was a really nice lady and that they’d had a good chat about the property marketing plan the day before and she seemed very happy with what we were doing. I told her I had a lot to get through and that I’d catch up with her later.

I ploughed on with my work and around 1PM my PA came into the office with coffee, water and a sandwich telling me as I was busy she had thought to grab me some lunch. I thanked her and asked her if she would join me so she quickly went and grabbed her lunch and we sat around in the soft chairs by the coffee table to eat. As we ate and chatted there seemed something slightly different about my PA Tiffany.

Tiffany had been with me for about 3 years and as well as our work relationship we had socialised on occasions and had pretty open discussions about our personal lives. I knew she had a boyfriend, which was serious but marriage certainly wasn’t on the cards. As she had a different air about her today, as with the day before I thought I’d ask her if everything was ok in her life outside work.

She smiled at me and told me she had met someone else but it wasn’t serious and she was still with her boyfriend but was wondering if it may be time to call it a day. It was no surprise to me that she had met someone as she was a very attractive girl, with a good figure,flame red hair and emerald green eyes. I knew that most, if not all, of my male staff had tried to date her but she fobbed them all off saying she had a no dating a co worker rule.

I tried to dig a little deeper into who her new man might be and she told me it was just a guy she met at her gym and it was just fun as the sex had been exciting but it wasn’t going anywhere. I decided he was most likely married so didn’t push the issue any further. We finished up lunch and both got on with the rest of the day.

I kept looking at the time, which seemed to drag, wondering when Vanessa would show up and finally, at 1645PM Tiffany buzzed me to tell me that Vanessa had arrived. I asked her to show her through and suddenly felt a tingle of arousal inside me wanting to see my female lover and tell her all about the day before. As Tiffany showed her in I told her that as it was almost 5 she could let everyone pack up and I would see her tomorrow.

Tiffany told me she would lock up the front entrance when she left and asked if we wanted coffee before she left. Vanessa told her she would like some so a few minutes later Tiffany returned with coffee and bid us farewell. Vanessa looked at me with a big grin as she left “She’s a pretty little thing isn’t she?” she said.

I told her I’d never really thought about her like that but as I did I agreed with her that she was attractive. “Her hair is amazing, I’d love to see her little red bush down below, if she has one.” Vanessa said and I told her that Tiffany was definitely straight and in a relationship so the chance of seeing her “little red bush” as she called it was unlikely.

Vanessa smiled and grabbed hold of me “I know a hot lady who is married but that didn’t stop her having some girl fun.” before she kissed me fully on the lips then told me to tell her all about yesterday. As I began to tell her she started to caress my body telling me that it was turning her on and before I knew it we were both pretty muck naked, I couldn’t believe I was doing this in my office but I wanted Vanessa so much.

We kissed and caressed for a few more minutes and Vanessa touched my pussy lips which made me jump a little and I told her I was still a little sore down below. “Well let me kiss it better for you darling.” she said as she laid me back on my desk and sat in my chair. She began licking my pussy, very gently and I groaned with joy.

Vanessa was licking me with her wonderful tongue and I was in heaven. Suddenly I heard her phone ringing and she stopped telling me she had to take the call real quick. I lay there on my desk with my eyes closed as I listened to her walking around the office a little, whilst she spoke to someone telling them everything was set and they should just go ahead but to tread carefully. There had been a little banging and moving of chairs but I just figured she was digging a notepad out of her bag and sitting down to write something down.

Vanessa sat back in my chair and carried on licking me for a few minutes and then she stood up and walked around my desk bending her head and kissing me. My juice tasted nice on her lips and she moved her soft mouth down to my breasts, sucking on my nipples and rubbing my clit as her big breasts hung down over my face. I grasped them and sucked on her nipples hard so we were both moaning away.

Moments later Vanessa moved off me and told me she wanted to make me cum and taste my juice. Then seconds later the licking of my pussy began again and as her tongue flicked my clit I jumped as it was now swollen and sensitive from her rubbing it. She sucked on it and her tongue probed between my lips, it felt longer and more pointed and I wondered how she could make that happen. I felt her hands grasp my breasts and she sighed as she said “good girl.”

Thoughts flashed through my mind, most notably, how she spoke with her tongue in my pussy and I opened my eyes. Vanessa was standing directly over me smiling, I felt my heart racing and almost in panic I looked down towards my pussy. I stared open mouthed at the locks of flame red hair nestled between my legs and gasped “Oh god no.” The red hair stopped moving and rose up until the smiling face of my PA Tiffany was looking right at me.”

“I’ve always thought you would be tasty and you are.” she said softly before lowering her head again. I wasn’t sure what to do and I half started to push myself up but Vanessa pressed against me and told me to lay back and enjoy it as a tingle ran through my pussy brought on by Tiffany’s expert tongue probing beep inside me.

Vanessa once again began to suck on my nipples and I sucked on hers as I enjoyed the pleasure I was feeling down below. Tiffany’s licking got faster and the tingle in my body got stronger. I was on the verge of an orgasm and before I went over the edge Vanessa told Tiffany to stop. Vanessa then lifted my shoulders up and pushed me towards Tiffany and as she stood up I could see she was only wearing a bra and panties.

Vanessa pushed me closer to her and whispered in my ear, “time to find out if she does have a little red bush” she said. I stood up on the floor face to face with Tiffany and as I wondered how to carry on she kissed me and her tongue probed deep into my mouth, I’d never seen a tongue that long, let alone had one in my pussy.

Tiffany’s hands were all over my body and I reached around, unclipping her bra before pulling it off her shoulders and stepping back to expose her breasts. They were amazing, smaller than mine but wonderfully shaped and firm. Her flesh was milky white and covered in freckles, as I began to run my hands over then her pale pink nipples became erect and I lowered my head to take one in my mouth making her groan as I sucked on it.

I sucked on Tiffany’s nipples for a few minutes before I hooked my fingers into the waistband of her panties and lowered them as I knelt down in front of her and my face was level with her pussy. I admired her plump little pussy lips and the tiny triangle of thin red hair just above her slit. I was just about to press my mouth against her pussy when Vanessa almost got between us and eased Tiffany onto my desk telling me to sit in my chair and enjoy my PA.

I got my head in between her legs and peeled open her soft pussy lips, exposing her moist pink love hole before I bent my head and licked her pussy, tasting her sweet juice. I licked harder and circled her clit with my tongue as she moaned and I could see Vanessa was bending over her sucking on her nipples. I continued licking Tiffany and her pussy was so wet I couldn’t resist pushing a finger inside her love hole.

She let out a loud groan “Ooooooh god yessss!” and began to rock her pelvis a little as I fingered her pussy, her juices squelching as I pushed my finger in and out and I could see her juice running down my finger to my hand. I licked harder and began to suck on her clit as she rocked and I fingered her.

She was gasping and groaning louder and quicker and I briefly looked up and saw Vanessa pulling on both her Nipples as her head rolled from side to side. I could feel her pussy throbbing and then tighten around my finger. I knew she was close and rubbed harder, her pussy almost crushed my finger as she arched her back and squealed as she came then bucked so hard she knocked my head back and my finger popped out of her pussy followed by a jet of cum juice which hit me in the face and mouth.

I swallowed a few mouthfuls of her squirting juice as she shuddered her way through her orgasm and then as her body began to relax I put my mouth back onto her throbbing pussy and lapped away at the sweet fluid running out of her. After a few minutes I felt Vanessa pulling me away from Tiffany and as I stood up I saw she had strapped a big black dildo to herself and was quickly lining it up with Tiffany’s soaking hole.

Vanessa pushed forwards and Tiffany let a loud long groan as all 10 inches of the dildo slid into her hole, stretching her pussy lips as they clamped around it. I watched for a few minutes as Vanessa began to fuck Tiffany nice and hard. I wasn’t sure but it certainly looked like it wasn’t the first time Tiffany had been fucked with a big strap on as she was loving it, constantly moaning and asking for it deeper and harder.

I walked around to the other side of my desk and began to kiss Tiffany and suck on her pale pink nipples which were bullet hard and then Vanessa told me to climb up and straddle her face. I got on the bed and lowered my pussy onto Tiffany’s mouth and within seconds she had clamped her lips onto it and began sucking and licking away.

Vanessa fucked Tiffany for ages and it was so arousing watching her big black breasts bounce as she rammed the dildo into her pussy. Beneath me Tiffany was beginning to moan and the vibrations from her mouth reverberated through my pussy. I could feel my orgasm getting close and leant forward urging her to suck on my clit.

She clamped my clit between her lips and flicked it with her pointy tongue and I reached my hand down so I could rub her clit as Vanessa fucked her. Vanessa knew how aroused we both were and fucked Tiffany harder which made her whole body rock and her movement under me rubbed my clit even harder. A few minutes later Tiffany arched her back and groaned loudly as she came and the extra vibration coming from her mouth and into my pussy tipped me over the edge and my orgasm shuddered through me, flooding Tiffany’s mouth with my cum juice.

As my orgasm ebbed away I climbed off the desk and Vanessa pulled her strap on out of Tiffany’s soaking hole. She helped Tiffany off the desk and told me to bend over the desk with my back to her. My heart beat and my body trembled at the thought of my PA watching me being fucked over my own desk but I loved the way Vanessa fucked me with her strap on so I quickly bent over and presented my pussy to her. As usual with Vanessa she didn’t waste any time and she soon had her dildo in me to the hilt and was fucking my pussy so hard my thighs were banging on the edge of my desk. I told Vanessa it would leave bruises which my husband would see to she stopped and pulled out, telling me to get on the desk on my back.

As I was climbing onto the desk and getting ready I heard Vanessa ask Tiffany is she wanted to fuck me and my eyes almost popped out when she told Vanessa she would love to. As I lay down and looked at them I saw Vanessa had taken off the strap on and was helping Tiffany fasten it on.

Tiffany approached me and rubbed the dildo up and down my pussy slit a few times before Vanessa told her to penetrate me and she looked down at me smiling as she slowly slid the entire length of it into me. She leant forward and caressed my body, squeezing my breasts before she told me she thought I looked beautiful and very slowly began gently fucking me.

I felt so aroused as I looked up at Tiffany, with her flame red hair, which was now looking very ruffled and her green eyes surveying my whole body as she pumped away at my pussy. Never again would I look at my PA in the same light and wondered how often we wouldn’t be able to keep out hands off each other at work, then the thought of her no dating a co worker policy made me laugh inside.

My focus on Tiffany was broken as I saw Vanessa climb onto my desk and straddle my face, lowering her wonderfully smooth black pussy lips onto my mouth and I probed my tongue between her moist lips. I heard her tell Tiffany to fuck me harder and rub my clit to make me cum and I gasped as Tiffany immediately increased the pace of her thrusting and I felt her pressing on my clit.

Vanessa began to rock her pelvis, grinding her pussy on my mouth and I felt her squeeze my breasts hard as she urged Tiffany on “Go on girl, fuck her harder, give your boss the fuck of her life.” Tiffany went even quicker and rubbed my clit fast and firmly making my body begin to shudder. Vanessa’s rocking got quicker and my tongue kept brushing against her swollen hard clit.

I could feel the tension building up in my whole body, my pussy was throbbing and sending tremors out through my whole body. I heard Vanessa gasp several times and then she shrieked as she came and her juice flowed into my mouth, as soon as her sweet cum juice hit my tongue it tipped me over the edge and I had a massive orgasm which made me shake and buck beneath Vanessa as she pinched my nipples.

Several minutes later things calmed down and Vanessa climbed off me then helped me up. We kissed and I saw Tiffany sitting in my chair holding the strap on in her hand and licking my cum off the shaft of it, smiling away to herself. I looked at her and then at Vanessa and saw they had some connection between them. Vanessa could see I had worked something out and she whispered to me that she had seduced Tiffany a week ago and set this whole thing up after she had gotten her to open up about fancying me.

Where would the deviousness end? I asked myself.
Next: The Stalker ch. 15
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 13
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