The Stalker ch. 13

Over a week had gone by since I had let my husband fuck my arse and had sent the footage to my stalker but I hadn’t heard from him so didn’t even know if he had watched it let alone if he was pleased with me. “That bastard just enjoys teasing me” I said to myself as I pulled into my parking space and wandered into my office to be greeted by the sight of my PA “No calls or messages” she said with a brighter than usual smile before asking me if I wanted coffee.

She bought me coffee and was rather chatty, although it wasn’t unusual we had chatted quite a lot over the 3 years she had been working for me both in and out of work but there was something in her eyes that seemed different. I sat drinking coffee and ploughed through a stack of paperwork and to be honest I was almost glad of the lack of distractions from my stalker and Vanessa for that matter as it gave me chance to catch up on things. Practically as I got to the bottom of my “In Tray” I found a folder containing details of a property we were dealing with on behalf of Mr Jackson and Co whose actual company name was JW Associates (JWA)

The property was a development of 6 luxury apartments on 3 floors, topped with a penthouse apartment on the fourth. The whole site had been refurbished from an old commercial property and looking at the dates things should be nearing completion. Unable to get hold of Vanessa I called over to JWA and asked the project team how things were progressing and they told me the contractors were just about finishing up and completing the rooftop area of the penthouse. I asked if it would be OK to visit the site to collate details and then arrange to get final photographs done for the marketing and was told they would get back to me.

Perhaps 30 minutes later I had a call back telling me that it was all ok and an ideal time would be 4PM today as the contractors would be finished and the team manager, Mark, would show me around the completed job. Later that day I finished up and told my PA I was going to visit the JWA property then head home then headed over to the house where I arrived a few minutes to 4PM.

There were a couple of contractors vans in the driveway and standing by the side of one was a tall black guy in his thirties who I guessed was Mark. As I got out of the car he walked over to me and greeted me with a smile, he was a tall muscular guy, good looking and a nice smile. He showed me around a couple of the flats, which were identical and all done to the same standard then we headed for the penthouse.

When I got to the penthouse it looked immaculate and finally we went out onto the roof garden which was bathed in sunshine and I heard some chatter. That was when I saw three other black guys sitting in a hot tub all laughing and drinking beer. I was just about to ask Mark what was going on but he was on the phone. As I waited I heard him say “OK boss, thanks.” he then handed me the phone and said “It’s for you.”

I got hold of the phone and put it to my ear only to hear the words “Hello Sarah” in the unmistakable voice of my stalker. He asked me what I thought of the finished job and I told him it was first class and we would have everything sold really quickly as we had already had lots of interest. He sounded pleased and then told me he agreed the guys had done a fantastic job and as a reward he had given them a bonus and allowed them to use the facilities as long as they cleared up then told me he thought I should join them for a drink.

I looked at the hot tub and Mark was standing there pouring out a glass of champagne smiling and waving me over. I walked across to him and took hold of the glass and suddenly realised my stalker was still on the line when I heard the words “Oh Sarah, you are part of the bonus. Enjoy!”

With that the line went dead and Mark took the phone from my hand and said “Shall we?” as he pointed at the hot tub.

“I er, I don’t have swimwear.” I said almost open mouthed as I watched Mark stripping off his clothes to reveal a muscular body and a long thick cock dangling between his legs.

“Neither do we.” He said with a smile. “Come on get in Mr Jackson’s orders!”

Almost every part of my brain was telling me to get out of there quickly to protect my dignity and my pussy from a good bashing but unfortunately the part that mattered, that had the biggest influence on me, the part that controls lust, had triggered and I could feel my heart racing and my juices soaking the gusset of my panties. I drained my glass in one and told Mark to fill me up.

“Oh we will.” he said smiling. I stripped off my clothes much to the delight of the guys in the tub.

Holy shit. What was I getting into here? I thought to myself.

As soon as I got into the tub the guys one by one stood up and introduced themselves to me, as Joel, Ali and Mac, I had already seen Mark’s naked form of course and the three others could have been made out of the same mould, all black and muscular with big cocks, with the exception of Ali whose cock was in the very very big category, well into double digits.

Ali, who was siting in the middle of Joel and Mac,grabbed hold of me and spun me around before pulling me down onto his lap with my back to him and Mark thrust the now full glass of champagne into my hand and we all began to drink, them with their beers. It was all fairly restrained for about half an hour as we all loosened up and relaxed. There was the odd bit of thigh rubbing and a gentle nudge of my breast now and then as the guys moved around getting drinks.

Suddenly Mark downed his beer and stood up, instead of getting another one he stood in front of me and said “So the boss tells me you are a good cock sucker so how about showing us?” What could I say or do? I was going to get fucked whatever I said or did so I thought I might as well enjoy it and the more effort I put in hopefully the quicker it would all be over.

I took hold of Mark’s cock without saying anything and took him straight in my mouth, not even lingering on the head, shoving as much of it into my mouth whilst it was still a little soft as I could. He groaned a little and I felt it swelling rapidly, stretching my cheeks and lips and the tip of it was soon pressing against the back of my throat. I kept my nose pressed against his abdomen as best I could whilst glancing up at him. We made eye contact and I grabbed on of his hands, putting it on the back of my head.

Mark got the message, he knew I wanted to take all of his cock and he pushed himself against me so his growing cock slid down my throat as it continued to expand. He was fully hard, I could feel my throat contracting and I struggled to breath through my nose. Tears began to fill my eyes and I felt dizzy then he released me and my throat almost fired his cock out, followed by a river of saliva which ran all down my chin and onto my breasts.

Mark stepped back and looked at me. “Fucking good girl.The boss was right.” he said. I carried on sucking him and felt hands pulling at my nipples from Joel and Mac at my side and I could feel Ali’s cock hard underneath me, rubbing against my buttocks as he moved me around trying to find my pussy lips with his shaft. Mark grabbed my head again and began to thrust his cock deeper into my mouth with increased speed and firmness several times then he held himself deep in my throat as he let loose and pumped his cum into me, making me swallow it all.

He stepped back and got out of the tub and told the guys he was going so sort out things inside, grabbing a beer as he went. Joel and Mac stood up lifting me up a little with them and I felt Ali slide his cock between my legs as the guys set me back down I felt his thick shaft nestle between my pussy lips, sticking out between my legs. Mac and Joel began to shove their cocks into my mouth, sometimes alternating, sometimes together.

They were fucking my mouth hard and I knew I was going to be taking both their loads before too long. Ali had hold of my breasts and was sliding his cock back and forth against my pussy slit, rubbing hard against my clit. He felt so big I was almost dreading the time when he would be entering me. Mac and Joel began to pant and then Mac grabbed my head and shoved his cock deep in my mouth and grunted as he unloaded his cum into me. I had hardly drawn breath when his cock was replaced by Joel’s cock, thrusting into my and depositing his cum shot for me to swallow.

The guys stepped back and pulled me right up. They grabbed a beer and Mac thrust a glass of champagne in my hand. I downed it in one, washing their salty cum from my mouth and down into my stomach. I assumed we were about to climb out of the tub and join Mark but Ali grabbed me from behind and sat me down. His huge cock, the size of my forearm, bobbed around in front of my face. “My turn baby.” he said as he pushed the giant head of his cock between my lips.

Resistance was futile, he was so big he was going to fuck my mouth and that was that. I opened up as much as I could and tipped my head back, letting him have my mouth and throat. As he fucked my face I felt Joel and Mac sucking hard on my nipples and their fingers invaded my pussy. Probing my hole and rubbing my clit hard. I felt tremors begin within me and as Ali let his cum begin to spurt down my throat my body submitted to the orgasmic wave smashing though it.

I was floating! Not just in the foaming water of the hot tub but in my post orgasmic heaven and I felt hands lifting me out of the water until I was standing surrounded by the three guys. “OK beautiful lady.” said Mac, “Time to go inside.” His comment, calling me beautiful lady warmed me inside and I was further warmed when each of them took the time to kiss me tenderly in an assuring manner as if telling me they weren’t going to do anything I didn’t want.

They ushered me inside and into the bedroom where there was a huge bed, it must have been bespoke as it was almost twice as big as a normal double bed, made up with just a nice silk bottom sheet and there were two ice buckets either side filled with beer and champagne. I was asked to lay on the bed and given a glass, which I downed, washing Ali’s cum load further into my stomach joining the other 3 guys cum sloshing around inside me.

As I drank Mark held up a blindfold and told me he was going to put it on, “you know we won’t hurt you don’t you?” he said smiling. He put the blindfold on me and lay me down, taking my glass from me. I felt people kneeling on the bed all around me guessing all four guys were on the bed next to me. Hand’s and mouthes began to caress and explore my whole body, my lips, neck, breasts, body and legs, nobody spoke and my senses were super heightened, my body tingling in sexual anticipation.

My two hands were lifted from beside me and my fingers wrapped around two hard throbbing cocks that I began to stroke as two guys began to suck on my nipples at the same time and then I felt a tongue lapping at my pussy and flicking my clit and could tell my pussy was soaking. I felt the tip of a big hard cock press against my pussy lips and then push into me, just in between my lips, it moved back and forth, teasing me, not quite entering me, got I so wanted it in me.

A hand tugged at the blindfold and pulled it off, my eyes squinted a little as they got used to the light again and then he came into focus. My stalker, steely eyes looking through his mask. “Hello Sarah” he said as he slowly but firmly rammed his huge cock home deep into my pussy, stretching me and invading the entrance to my womb. He lingered for a moment, buried to the hilt in me and then it started.

He began fucking me hard and the four other guys had their hands all over me, rubbing my clit, sucking and pinching my nipples, massaging my pubic mound and caressing my face. My stalker went faster and deeper still, Mac and Joel took hold of my ankles and speed my legs wide as he fucked me hard. I groaned and gasped as I felt the orgasmic wave rising, he went quicker still “Oh god! Please cum in me, make me cum I wailed. He thrust with venom, Mark rubbed my clit hard and he grunted as I screamed and we both came, locked together shaking, his cum flooding my pussy and a silent dark peace descended on me.

A hand caressed my face and I opened my eyes, my stalker was above me, fully clothed, still in his mask “I’ll let the guys enjoy you now and see you soon sweet Sarah.” he said before walking out of the room. Seconds after he left my pussy was penetrated by Mark as he looked down at me smiling and began thrusting away telling me he was going to fill my pussy some more.

Moments later he groaned as his body tensed and he spurted his seed into me, he was quickly replaced by Ali, despite his cock being so huge it slid straight into my cum soaked pussy and he too fucked me hard and deep, I had never felt so full of cock and cum in my life and it was amazing I was begging to be fucked and seeded as Mac and Joel pulled on my nipples and I came again as Ali came deep into my womb and Mac and Joel’s cum spurted from their cocks all over my breasts and face, filling my mouth as I gasped in the air.

I lay there spent for several minutes and the guys gently lifted me off the bed. Mac and Joel practically carried me to the bathroom and into the shower. I had cum on my face, breasts and running down my thighs from my pussy. My nipples were sore and my pussy throbbing. Mac and Joel gently bathed me in the shower and as their hands and the hot water ran over me I began to feel more with it.

I towelled off and began to get dressed, just as I was about done Mark came over to me and asked me if I was OK. I told him I was and the guys all saw me to the doorway. It was slightly surreal I was standing at the doorway of a penthouse full dressed saying farewell to four naked black guys with big cocks. I gave each one a hug and they kissed me tenderly as I thanked them before heading home.
Next: The Stalker ch. 14
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 12
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