The Stalker ch. 12

I woke to the sound of my phone and it was my husband calling to tell me he had a last minute 7.30PM meeting with a client and wouldn’t be home until late so he would eat in between meetings and get home about 9PM so I should go ahead and have dinner on my own. As I chatted to him I looked at the gorgeous naked form of Vanessa lay beside me sound asleep and thought what I would really like to eat right now was her. “OK honey. I’ll see you tonight.” I said as I finished the call.

Next to me Ness stirred and smiled at me asking me what time it was. “Almost 6” I told her which made her jump up and tell me she had a dinner date at 7.30 so had to get moving. It was probably a good thing as I felt if we got started again I wouldn’t get home before my husband anyway. We got up and I dressed telling her I’d leave her to sort herself out and although I didn’t want to sound desperate I found myself asking her if I would see her again.

“Oh yes darling! Very soon!” she said with a smile. I headed back to my car and made the drive home which, due to the stinging in my arse from having Mr Wilson’s huge cock up it, was rather uncomfortable. Almost as soon as I got into the house I poured a glass of wine and sat back in a chair reflecting on the events of the day and the stinging in my arse. My phone buzzed again and when I looked at the screen the display read Mr Jackson and my heart raced.

As soon as I answered I heard those familiar words “Hello Sarah!” I mumbled a greeting and my stalker asked if I was alone and I told him my husband was working late so he wouldn’t be home until 9PM. He then told me he’d been informed that today had gone very well and Vanessa couldn’t wait to see me again. He asked me how my arse felt and although he couldn’t see me I blushed telling him it was a little sore.

“Oh, a nice bath is what you need to sooth it before this evening.”

“What’s happening this evening?” I asked.

“You’re going to let your husband fuck it. He has been working hard all day, he deserves a treat don’t you think?”

“Erm Erm, yes I suppose so I mumbled.”

“Marvelous! he said. “Oh Sarah, make sure you film it” The phone went dead. I sat there and took a huge gulp of wine. My god, how was I supposed to get my husband to fuck my arse, which he had never done before, and film it. More to the point how was I going to cope with having my arse fucked twice in one day, it already hurt as Mr Wilson hadn’t exactly been gentle. Then I had the realisation that in all probability I still had a load of his cum swimming around up there.

Christ! I need a bath I thought so headed to the bathroom, grabbing the bottle of wine on the way. I soaked in the bath thinking how I was going to obey my stalkers commands and as I ran things through my head I felt a smile come across my face as a plan started to fall in place. The thought of my husbands cock probing me where another man had been earlier that day aroused me and I gently stroked my pussy as I got everything clear in my head.

I finished bathing and dressed in stockings and lacy black belt suspender belt before putting on a robe and heading down to the kitchen to pour wine almost on the stroke of 9PM my husband came through the door. I greeted him with a big hug and a kiss before handing him his wine. He asked me if he had forgotten some special occasion and I told him he hadn’t and just that I’d had a very good meeting with the new company we were dealing with and as he’d had a long day I thought I’d share my good mood with him and give him a treat.

He smiled and asked what the treat was so I told him to be patient and go shower before joining me in the bedroom. As he showered I took the bottle of wine and glasses up to the bedroom. Lit some candles and had the lighting down quite low but still bright enough to enable a good recording quality, stashed a tube of lube and my camera phone under the pillows and lay on the bed waiting for my husband to join me.

He came in the room and lay beside me and we drank a little more wine, or rather he did as I wanted him nicely relaxed. After a few minutes I kissed him and stood up, removing my robe and straddling him, kissing him whilst he caressed my breasts then working my way down to his cock, taking him in my mouth until he was rock hard. I then mounted him and rode his cock for a few minutes until we were both really aroused.

I reached under the pillow and pulled out the tube of lube holding it up and telling him this was part of his treat. He looked at me with a puzzled look and I came straight out with it. “You know you have tried to have anal with me and I have always declined?” He nodded. “Well tonight’s your lucky night. I’m going to let you bang my bum.”

He smiled and his eyes widened and he asked me how come I was going to allow him to do that all of a sudden so I told him my PA and I had been chatting and she told me she let her boyfriend do it to her and even though she didn’t think she would she loved it. She was the first woman I’d spoken to who loved it so I thought we would give it a try.

He was both delighted and excited at my reasoning so I climbed off him and assumed the position on all fours on the end of the bed, with my bottom presented to him and passed him a pillow to kneel on before I said “Darling will you pleasure my hole with your tongue first? I’ve had a bath so it’s nice and clean for you”

He didn’t hesitate and very quickly he had a finger in my soaking pussy whilst he kissed and licked my little bum hole, poking his tongue into it. I moaned with joy as the thought’s of him shoving his tongue where Mr Wilsons big cock had been earlier made me quiver with delight and urge him on. I was so close to having an orgasm right there and then I thought I best move onto the next stage quickly.

“Oh baby!” I groaned. “I’m ready, do it now before I back out.” He stopped licking me and squirted a dollop of lube onto my hole before he worked it it a little then as he knelt behind me and started to rub the tip of his cock against me I told him to stop. He must have thought I had backed out and I could sense his relief when I fished out my phone from under the pillow, set it to record and gave it to him.

“As it is the first and maybe the only time this is going to happen lets film it. If you are going to stick your cock in my arse I want to see it go in” I said to him seductively.

“No problem” he said as he eagerly grabbed my phone off me. I pulled one of my buttocks to one side, opening myself up a little and he pushed his cock against my hole. It popped in and I groaned as he slowly slid it into me until he was all the way in.

“Oh fuck baby, that’s so nice.” I said as he began to slide his cock in and out of my hole. I have to say it did feel nice and smooth and didn’t hurt as much as having Mr Wilson’s cock up me earlier basically because my husbands cock was a few inches shorter and a little thinner but he still drove it home well enough to make it sting.

I asked my husband if it looked good on film and he told me it looked awesome. I asked him to pull it out and he seemed surprised but he did. I asked him to pass me my phone and told him I wanted to film my face as he shoved it back in. “Oh wow!” he exclaimed with glee. “Fucking hot” he said as he passed me the phone.

I rested on my elbows and held my phone infant of my face and asked him to tease my hole with his cock to let it close up a little then when I was ready I would tell him and I wanted him to thrust it straight into me hard. As he teased and tickled my hole and pussy I messaged my stalker and told him my husband was about to go into my arse. It made me smile to let him know I was obeying his commands. I then reset the camera to record before I said “ok baby, give it me hard”

My husband grunted like an animal and I positively yelped as he rammed his cock deep, his hips slapping against my buttocks. “Oh god!” I shrieked. “Yes,Yes,Yes that’s it fuck my arse and make it hurt.” I squealed. He needed no encouragement and pounded me so hard and fast that it really did hurt and from the brief look I managed at the phone screen my face was showing it too.

He gripped me so hard I could feel his fingers digging into my flesh as he pounded me mercilessly. My arse was stinging and the tremors built up inside me as he started going faster. I closed my eyes and envisage my stalker shoving his cock in me and how much more that would hurt me and my tremors grew. I heard my husband gasping and then he roared as he erupted inside me and I orgasmed as he jerked away pumping his cum deep into me, joining Mr Wilson’s.

As my husband relaxed he loosened his grip on me and I collapsed onto the bed as his softening cock slipped from me. I was still shaking and my arse was stinging like hell. My husband padded off to the bathroom and I looked at my phone to see the message on the screen “Good Girl Sarah.”
My husband came back with a damp cloth and a towel and he cleaned my hole up. It stung as he touched it but the cool towel felt nice.

We rolled up next to each other and drank some wine and I asked him if he had enjoyed his treat. He didn’t answer for a minute and then he said “What do you think?” as he pointed to his cock. It was still almost fully erect. “I’ve washed it.” he said. I smiled, took a big gulp of wine and made my way down to it. Needless to say we fucked like mad but although he suggested it I told him to stay well away from that hole…..
Next: The Stalker ch. 13
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 11
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