The Stalker ch. 11

I drove into work the following morning, partly wondering what the week would bring and partly recalling how I had fallen asleep rubbing my lower abdomen as I daydreamed about my womb swimming with a mixture of my stalkers and husbands cum and flashing my mind back to how unbelievably arousing it was to have my stalker fucking me with my husband oblivious despite being only a few feet away.

I arrived at work and asked my PA if there any messages and she told me that a Vanessa Richardson had called and requested a call back on my arrival. I looked puzzled and my PA told me that apparently she was an associate of a Mr Wilson and I would know what it was about. My bewildered look melted away and I explained that Mr Wilson was one of the partners in the company we had the new property contract with and he had told me one of his leadership team would be in touch very soon.

I had butterflies in my stomach as I dialled her number and had to control the excitement in my voice in the even she was calling with bad news. She was very chatty and after telling me her formal title was head of special projects she, very quickly told me most people close to her called her Ness so I should feel free to do so if I wished. She told me that she would love to sit down with me as soon as possible to discuss things moving forward. Being such a big and important contract I was as keen as she sounded so told her I would be happy to move a few things around if needed and we set up a meeting for lunch the following day in the business centre of a local hotel.

I met Ness the following day and was a little surprised at seeing a very young, probably thirty something, given her position in the company, tall athletic and attractive black girl, dressed in a smart black business suit, stockings and high heel shoes with a huge mane of hair, amazing eyes and a dazzling smile with pearly white teeth surrounded by luscious red lips. What surprised me even more that at the table I found her sitting at there was an open bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket and two empty glasses on the table.

Ness stood and greeted me, not with a handshake but with a very firm hug and a kiss on the cheek in a manner one would greet a very good friend you hadn’t seen for a while. As she hugged me I felt her large breasts press against me and even though it may have been unintentional her hand certainly brushed firmly against my bottom, which although it startled me it also made my heart flutter a little.

We sat and Ness poured the champagne, “Champagne! At a business meeting?” I asked with a smile.

“Oh, I have been briefed by Mr Wilson that the business side is very much under control and he is 100 percent confident that you will meet up to the expectations of the company. This is more of a casual meeting where we get to know each other as we will be working together a lot and need to know what makes each other tick, so to speak.” she said to me with a huge smile and a suggestive nature.

We drank champagne and chatted, finding out we had lots in common. We laughed and were easy in each others company. I found her charming but inside me I wondered where we were supposed to be going with this meeting as deep down I was eager to work an get those things sorted out. Ness was having none of it and kept telling me we could do work later and I had nothing to worry about.

We had finished the bottle of champagne and Ness told me she had to make a quick call and excused herself. She returned a couple of minutes later and sprang on me that she had a suite booked for lunch and more drinks so suggested we move there.

We arrived in her suite and there was a small lunch set out with another bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket. She ushered me into one of the empty chairs and poured out the fizz before taking off her jacket and revealing that underneath she was wearing a chiffon blouse which was as see through as one could get and I could see her braless breasts swaying beneath the thin fabric.

I couldn’t help but stare as she casually sat down opposite me before lifting her glass and proposing a toast to a wonderful new beginning. As we ate I couldn’t keep my eyes off her breasts, they were larger than mine, probably a DD cup, capped with huge coal black nipples and it was obvious that despite their firmness they were 100 percent her own.

She had an amazing sense of calmness and confidence about her as she asked me if I liked the look of her breasts. I had no other answer than “Yes”

“Oh that’s a relief.” she said with a smile as we finished our lunch and adjourned to a comfortable sofa carrying our drinks. We downed the rest of the bottle and I must say I was feeling rather tipsy. “I’ll order some more in a while.” Ness said before she asked me if I would like to take a shower, before I had even answered she was off the sofa and headed for he bathroom.

I felt compelled to follow her and I took off my skirt and blouse, placing them on a hanger which was on a wardrobe door and headed off to the bathroom in just my underwear. The shower was a large 2 headed walk in one and the powerful warm water was already flowing. Ness was naked and she span me around undoing my bra and pulling down my panties allowing me to step out of them.

She took my hand and let me into the shower and as the hot water began to cascade down our bodies she pressed herself against me and kissed me fully on the lips. I kissed her back and even took a little initiative by forcing my tongue between her lips. After a couple of minutes she dipped her head and began to suck on one of my nipples. I saw the shower gel dispenser on the wall within my reach and I filled my palm with gel before I began to rub it into Ness’s shoulders and back.

Within minutes we were both running soapy hands over each other and kissing. I loved the feel of her breasts and how hard her nipples were and even how hard she occasionally pinched mine as she massaged my breasts. Ness took me in a tight embrace and looked into my eyes, smiling, hardly moving and then I felt her finger run down the length of my pussy lips before she ran it back up and circled my clit, making me groan with joy.

Ness rubbed me hard, occasionally probing a finger or two inside me as she sucked on my nipples and I held onto her athletic body thinking any moment my legs were going to buckle as I felt the first pre orgasmic tingles rushing through my body. Ness was no doubt a skilled lover and she took me to the brink several times before finally saying “come on darling, lets hit the bed.”

We towelled each other off and headed for the bedroom falling onto the bed together in a passionate embrace and before long Ness had me flat on my back and was sucking my nipples before slowly working her way down towards my pussy, her pointy little tongue flickering across my skin and her pearly white teeth giving me gentle nibbles.

Finally the moment arrived and this wonderful woman’s mouth hovered over my pussy. I could feel her cool breath on my lips as she got closer and teased me before her tongue ran along the slit of my pussy and she began to lap away as my juices flowed abundantly. Ness slid a finger into my soaking hole and began to rub me as her tongue darted across my clit and I flopped my head back and gripped the bed sheets knowing it wouldn’t be long before this dusky maiden took me to an orgasmic high.

She teased me and took me to the brink several times, even working her mouth back up to mine and kissing me so I could taste my juices on her lips and chin before finally locking her mouth firmly on my clit and sliding two fingers into me. My pelvis began to rock with her movements and I gasped as I sucked in the air and my back arched before my organ shuddered though me.

As I came down from my orgasmic high I heard Ness talking to someone and looked up to see she was on the phone on the other side of the room. She saw me looking at her and walked across to me smiling whilst she spoke, then finished the call and lay back on the bed beside me. “I’ve arranged for some more bubbly and a special treat for you.” she said as she kissed me and allowed me to taste my cum juice.

Minutes later there was a knock at the door and Ness answered it. I heard her talking to someone with a voice that sounded vaguely familiar so I looked in the direction of the door just as Mr Wilson appeared into view carrying an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne in it. I was briefly horrified until the realisation that this man had several days before fucked me in the arse hit me so why should I worry about him seeing me in my post orgasmic naked state.

Mr Wilson poured out some champagne and pulled up a chair next to the bed before taking a seat and asking me if I was well and had I enjoyed meeting Vanessa. I blushed as I told him it had been most enjoyable so far and Ness called out, “we have only just began really!” and we both laughed as we drank some champagne.

“Well don’t let me being here stop you.” Mr Wilson said to us and Ness pulled my head towards her and we kissed before she took my glass and put them both down before laying on her back and pulling me towards her.

“Come on darling, pleasure me, show me how much you adore me.” she said. As I looked into those deep dark sexy eyes of hers I almost melted and my heart started to race as I straddled her body and began to kiss her all over, squeezing and sucking on her big black nipples. Ness groaned as she caressed my head and asked me to suck on them harder and bite them, of course I obliged and she jumped and gasped as I did.

After a few minutes she began to push my head down towards her pussy “You know what I want darling.” I worked my way down and nestled myself between her legs, my face inches from her smooth plump pussy lips and ran my fingers over them before I peeled them back and revealed the coral coloured entrance to her love hole. Leaning forward I took my first taste of her sweet pussy as she sighed.

I licked her pussy for a few minutes, savouring her sweet tasting juice as she sighed away. “Is she good? She looks pretty good from here.” I heard Mr Wilson say to Ness. I lifted my head as Ness groaned that I was every bit as good as she had hoped and looked towards Mr Wilson who was now standing naked by the bed, his huge cock pointing skyward as he stroked it.

Ness grabbed my head and pushed it back towards her pussy, “Don’t stop darling, make me cum!” she groaned at me. I carried on licking her and sucking on her clit which I could feel swelling between my lips. Ness gripped my head tight, almost pulling my hair and I felt a hand spreading my ass cheeks then a cold liquid dribble onto my hole. My instinct was to turn around but Ness held my head tight. “Just concentrate on me darling” she said firmly.

I locked my lips back around her clit and began sucking on is as she rocked her pelvis and pressed my head hard against her. She began to squeal loudly but her noise was quickly drowned out as I yelped when a searing pain shot through my body and I heard a grunt in my ear as Mr Wilson drove his cock deep into my lubricated arse.

I wanted to scream but Ness has my mouth pressed so hard against her I could hardly breath let alone scream. Her panting got louder and her pelvic thrusting got more intense. My arse began to sting from the pounding Mr Wilson was giving it. Ness cried out “Harder, harder and you fuck her arse good you bastard.” Then a minute later Mr Wilson roared and I felt his cock twitching as he pumped his cum into my arse then Ness shrieked and a she orgasmed she pulled my head away from her pussy by a few inches and her orgasm juice squirted into my face, some of it going into my mouth as I gasped.

Ness and I both lay there breathing as Mr Wilson pulled his cock out of my arse and climbed off the bed. He walked to the bathroom and we hadn’t moved when he came back out all dressed. “How are you Sarah?” he asked. I told him my arse was sore and my lips felt bruised from Vanessa’s pubic bone banging against them.

“I’m sure she will kiss them better for you. I’m very happy with the progress you are making. Enjoy your champagne.” he said as he left.

I looked up at Vanessa and she smiled. “Come here darling.” she said as she pulled me towards her and we kissed before getting our glasses and drinking before we curled up together and caressed each others bodies…..
Next: The Stalker ch. 12
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 10
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