The Stalker ch. 10

When I woke in the morning I was alone in bed, I looked at the clock on the bedside table and saw it was a little before 8AM. Sitting on the bedside table near the clock were my stalkers dildo and my vibrator, the sight of them raised my awareness of the throbbing in my pussy and arse from the pounding my husband had given them with those two toys of joy. My husband entered the bedroom and smiled at me as he placed a coffee on the table beside me, bent to give me a kiss and told me he was heading out on his morning run.

About 10minutes after he left my phone rang and when I looked at the screen I saw that name again “Mr Jackson.” I swiped the screen to answer and heard the voice of my stalker “Hello Sarah.”

It was uncanny how he always seemed to know a good time to call me. He asked me how I was feeling and I got the feeling he seemed to know I was a little sore down below.

He told me he needed me to do a couple of things for him which were firstly to discuss the contract I had with him with my husband in more detail and make him aware that there may be some travel as some developments were in different cities and secondly to take my husband to a spa facility that afternoon telling him that it was a gift from my new business partner as they owned the spa. He gave me the details and told e all I had to do was give my name and we would receive out complimentary passes. I agreed and before he rang off he told me he was sending me a short edited clip of the video he had made on Friday.

My phone buzzed again and I saw the video attachment to message. I opened it and the clip started with me straddled across my stalker, impaled on his huge cock and Mr Wilson climbing behind me about to penetrate my arse. The sight of it brought the memory of the experience flooding back and got my juices flowing, I reached up and grabbed my vibrator and slid it under the covers as I continued to watch the video and slid my toy inside my soaking pussy.

I turned my vibrator up to full power and despite my soreness I fucked myself like crazy. I knew I had to be quick before my husband came back from his run and despite my best efforts trying to watch a video on my phone whilst bringing myself off was proving a little difficult so I contemplated just pressing the vibrator onto my clit. My contemplation over I ditched the vibrator and grabbed my stalkers big black dildo and rammed my pussy hard with it, closing my eyes and picturing my stalker fucking me. A few rubs of my clit and I was once again riding my orgasmic wave.

I decided to shower before my husband came home and I took the vibrator and dildo with me to wash them off. Half way through my shower my husband arrived back and his eyes popped out of his head when he saw the toys on the shower floor. Without saying anything he was in the shower beside me “playtime is it?” he said with a smile looking at the toys. I told him not to be such a dirty sod and that I was just washing them.

I think I was a little too late in trying to fob him off as his cock was already getting hard and as he ran his hands over my soapy breasts my nipples hardened and I caved. I gave him a big kiss and told him to hurry as I had things to tell him and we had things to do. He spun me around and leant me forward so my hands were against the tiled wall and proceed to ram his cock up me and fuck me hard and fast. He was clearly excited and aroused as within a few minutes he was groaning and shaking as he unloaded into me.

As we finished showering the soapy water stung my pussy, it had been bad enough after last nights events and me giving it a good ramming this morning followed by a rampant fuck from my husband had me positively swollen and tender. As we dried off he asked me what I had to tell him so I relayed what my stalker had told me to say about travel and then sprang the “spa treat” on him. He didn’t seem to surprised and told me he was looking forward to it, even before I had finished drying off he had the laptop open and had googled the spa website to check it out.

As we ate breakfast my husband viewed the screen and occasionally nodded, hummed, widened his eyes and all together looked very pleased about what he was looking at. “What do you think the complimentary passes will cover” He asked me. I told him the information I had been given inferred that they covered everything, spa, pool, treatments, food and drinks and asked him why he asked wondering if he had seen something he liked the look of.

“They have a naturist zone and “specialist” couples treatments.” He told me. I was a little taken aback and stood beside him to view the screen, sure enough he was right although it didn’t go into any detail about the specialist treatments. The photo’s of the place looked nice although I did notice that in all the photo’s which had members of staff in them they were mostly black.

It was only about 30 minutes to the spa and we both wondered why we had never heard of it as it was so close and we had been to a few spa’s, when we arrived at the gated entrance to the grounds of the address we had the name plate simply read “The Manor House”, no mention or indication that it was a spa.We drove on up to the manor house nestled in the centre of the grounds, it was primarily an old looking building which had clearly had several newer wings added over time.

We went in to a quite plush reception area I gave our names to the young black girl behind the desk looked up our names on her computer and shot me a beaming smile before asking us to take a seat and telling our hostesses would be along to collect us very soon. I enquired about how long the spa had been there as we hadn’t heard about it. She told me that they had been open a couple of years but they dealt with mainly corporate clients on an invitation basis only.

Moments later two young Thai girls approached us and introduced themselves as Annie and Kimi, although I’m sure they were their work names, who had been assigned to my husband and I respectively before asking us to follow them and they took us into two separate changing areas telling us we would meet up shortly in the main spa area.

The changing area was exquisite and had everything you would need in terms of toiletries, cosmetics and linen as I changed Kimi complemented on my figure and asked me a couple of questions about what kind of treatments I enjoyed and also what kind of treatments my husband may enjoy. She made particular mention of the fact they had a naturist area and that if I wanted to know more about the specialist couples treatments.

We met up in the main spa area which had a small pool a large jacuzzi and several smaller ones a bar area and lots of plush sofa’s where people were lounging and chatting. We were then asked if we would like to be shown the naturist area, almost immediately my husband said yes so we were taken along to see it. It was similar to the main area apart from the fact people were milling around in various states of undress, some totally naked.

After our tour we were asked which area we would like to use and my husband looked at me with a smile and said “shall we try the naturist area? It is a special treat after all.” My insides tingled a little and I found myself agreeing with him so we were taken to another changing area where we could leave our swimwear and anything else we didn’t want to carry around and given a white robe each before being taken to a plush sofa near the bar where Annie offered us drinks and suggested a bottle of champagne.

She brought the champagne and told us there were several towel stations around for when we used the pool or jacuzzi she would leave us to chat and think about any treatments, leaving us a laminated card with a list of treatments on. My husband read through it whilst I sipped my champagne and looked around. I could see several people who I figured were staff as they had back robes on and noticed they were all black or Thai.

My husband chuckled and handed me the treatment card telling me it made for interesting reading and when I looked at it I saw what he meant. It was decided up into a list for men and a list for women with a note at the top stating that all the treatments can be taken individually or as a couple or group. Both lists were pretty similar and included, facial treatments, pedicures and waxing but then got interesting when it listed several types of massage on both lists giving the option of having massage by a male or a female.

My husband asked me what I thought and I told him I thought I needed some more champagne and a relax in a jacuzzi to think about it so we grabbed a couple of towels and headed for the large jacuzzi as the small ones were occupied. Thankfully neither of us are prudes and we had been on a nudist beach or two so we happily slipped out of our robes and into the warm foaming water.

We quickly relaxed and chatted as we casually caressed each other agreeing how nice it all was. I think it was fair to say we both noticed several people who for different reasons were very attractive and before we knew it Annie and Kimi appeared at the side of the jacuzzi wearing black robes and carrying glasses of drink. They handed them to us saying they were the special house cocktails before asking if they could join us.

We both nodded and they slipped out of their black robes, revealing their naked bodies, and sliding into the water beside us. Kimi sat next to me and Annie slipped in beside my husband then they both started chatting away to us. I sipped on the cocktail and it was delicious, so delicious in fact that I finished it rather quickly and without asking Kimi shouted something in Thai to a girl walking past who minutes later came back with two more.

Between the water and the cocktails I was starting to feel very relaxed and added to the fact I had seen several naked bodies going back and forth, including a black member of staff with a wonderful body and an even more wonderful cock, sliding naked into the jacuzzi with a white lady I was beginning to feel quite aroused and didn't flinch when Kimi put an arm around my shoulder and sat closer to me so her soft thigh brushed against mine.

The two of them chatted to each other in Thai and then asked us if we had thought about treatments and my husband made it clear that he was ready for a nice massage. Kimi said “May I make a recommendation?” before saying that we looked like a very loving couple and we would probably enjoy a couples Nuru massage. Neither of us had heard of it so she explained that it was a sensual massage which involved a lot of contact with the masseuse or masseur providing a level of sexual arousal the client was happy with. Generally in the case of a couple the arousal is taken so far and they are then left to finish the experience alone.

My husband said “Oh wow, that sounds wonderful..” My head was spinning at what they had both said and I drained my cocktail in almost one big gulp before I found myself agreeing. Annie stood up and said she would go and prepare the room and Kimi asked my husband and I to follow her. She took us to a room where she gave us another drink which was a herbal tea to relax us and allow us to get the maximum benefit from the Nuru experience.

Perhaps fifteen minutes later I was feeling very relaxed, almost sleepy and when I told my husband he told me he was feeling the same. Kimi announced that the room was ready and again we followed her. The room was dimly lit with scented candles burning and gentle music playing. There were 2 very large thin mattresses on the floor about 6 feet apart, both were covered with towels and there were a variety of cushions by the mats and on the floor next to each mat was a large bowl of some kind of oil sitting on a heated plate.

We were asked to remove our robes and lay on separate mats with our heads at opposite ends to each other and Annie knelt beside my husband facing me whilst Kimi knelt next to me facing towards my husband and Annie. They briefly poke in Thai then said phase 1 was to study our bodies to feel for signs of tension so they could tailor the massage.

My husband and I looked at each other across the floor as they began and I could see the concentration in Annie’s eyes as her delicate hands began to explore his body. I noticed her breasts, which were quite large for her frame, certainly a lot bigger than Kimi’s, swayed a little as she moved, a fact not lost on my husband as suddenly his gaze left me and focussed on Annie’s body. I felt a little jealous but also slightly excited at the fact my husband was taking in the sight of another woman breasts and almost forgot about Kimi’s hands exploring my body until her fingers touched my pussy and I winced.

“Oh wow! you are a little sore down there aren’t you?” she said then looked at my husband and asked if he had been getting a little vigorous with me. We both laughed and she told me she had some special cream she could apply to those areas which would take away any soreness. We were then told they were ready to begin and told that we would be wearing a blindfold and headphones with the same gently music playing so as to heighten our other senses and make the experience more enjoyable and also that they would be using warmed oil which had a sitting scent.

Blindfold and headphones applied I took a deep breath as I felt the first trickle of warm oil drizzle onto my body and Kiki’s hands begin to rub it into me, quickly covering me from neck to toe. I then felt her fingers gently rubbing my pussy lips with a cold lotion that was initially soothing and then began to make my pussy pleasantly tingle in a way I could slightly arousing.

I was quite frankly in heaven and the fact I couldn’t hear or see anything really did heighten my senses and my whole body tingled ad Kimi ran her hands all over me. After a while I felt her lay on my body and begin to slide back and forth, I could feel her bullet hard nipples brushing against my skin and her pubic mound rubbing up and down my thighs. This seemed to go on for ages and I could feel my level of arousal rising as she stroked and rubbed my body.

After a while she stopped and I felt her rubbing my body with a towel, removing most of the oil and then she removed my blindfold and put her fingers to her lips before slowly removing my headphones. As she did the sounds of my husband and Annie moaning hit my ears and I looked across at them. He was lay on his front and she was sliding her naked body up and down him, brushing her, coal black and shiny with oil, nipples up and down his back.

I felt my pussy gush at the sight and Kimi asked me if I would like to keep my headphones off. I nodded and she asked me to close my eyes. I felt her kneel behind my head and she began to massage my breasts then kissed my forehead and began to kiss my face, and neck, slowly working her way down to my breasts when she began to lick and suck gently on my nipples.

I was truly now so aroused especially as I could hear my husband groaning across the room a little and I began to moan myself, knowing my husband couldn’t hear me. A couple of minutes later I felt Kimi rubbing my pussy and then her tongue began to circle my clit, christ! this is more than she described I thought and I couldn’t help myself. I opened my eyes to see her completely smooth shaven pussy lips above my face.

I couldn’t hold back and I lifted my hands, placing them on her small firm buttocks, wondering if I was allowed to touch her, but she began to rock her hips letting me know it was ok. I gently peeled her pussy lips apart and exposed her coral coloured, moist hole and strained my head up so I could lick it. Fuck she tasted so nice and I lapped away as her juices as she licked my clit and fingered my pussy.

After a couple of minutes she worked her way back up, speaking to Annie as she moved, until she was once again kneeling behind me with her face directly over mine. She kissed my lips and I tasted my own juice on her lips then she whispered in my ear, look at your husband. I glanced across and saw he was laying on his back and Annie was squatting over his face allowing him to lick her pussy whilst she stroked his shiny hard cock. He looked so excited, I had never seen his cock bulging so much.

I wanted to be angry but I was hardly in a position to say anything and when Kimi whispered in my ear, she won’t take him all the way, she is just getting him ready for you.” I closed my eyes and lay back, listening to his groans as Kimi once again squatted over my face. I imagined the sight of a married couple with lay under a beautiful Thai girl, lapping away at their pussy’s and had to admit, it would have made a good porn movie. My thoughts were broken when I felt a second pair of hands rubbing up and down my thighs, they were bigger and stronger than Kimi’s and they were now opening my legs and lifting my thighs up.

Seconds later I felt something hard nudging between my pussy lips and started to feel a little frantic as to what was happening. Kimi, I thought, sensed the tension creeping into my body and she shuffled back off my face. I opened my eyes and looked up expecting to see my husband. Instead I saw the large black body and a smiling face of a man with his eyes fixed on me from behind the tiger mask I recognised immediately.

It was without doubt my stalker, a fact confirmed when he said the words “Hello Sarah” in the calm hypnotic tone which as always sent a sexual shudder through my whole body. Before I had chance to say anything to him he pushed forwards and slid his cock balls deep into my soaking hole. He began to fuck me and I looked across at my husband who was still lay there lapping away at Annie’s pussy whilst she stroked his cock, as his wife was being fucked 6 feet away from him.

I was powerless to do anything and lay there as his magnificent cock ploughed into me and seconds later Kimi squatted back on my face and began to massage my breasts as I sucked on her clit. Kimi was rocking back and forth and I could hear her moaning as my stalker fucked me deeply and moments later I felt myself nearing my orgasm.

Kimi rocked harder and almost squealed as she shook and her orgasm juice flooded my mouth which pushed me over the edge and I came hard, my pussy tightening around my stalkers cock as he buried it deep inside me and his cum erupted into my womb. We were all jerking our way through our orgasm’s for a couple of minutes before our bodies relaxed and I felt my stalker pull his cock from me. Kimi slowly shuffled off my face and I saw my stalker had gone.

Kimi shuffled down and grabbed a cloth which she used to wipe up my stalkers cum I could feel dribbling out of me then rubbed some more cooling cream onto my pussy which again made it tingle and tighten up as she worked it in with her fingers. She spoke to Annie in Thai and Annie slid off my husband. She slipped the headphones off his head and removed his blindfold before lowering her face to his and saying “You and your wife are ready for each other now.”

Annie and Kimi left the room telling us to ring the bell on the side when we were finished. I lay there still panting and throbbing all over and my husband slid across to join me, kneeling beside me. I felt his cock and it felt so engorged with blood it would explode. “Stick that in me before it bursts.” I told him. He quickly buried his cock deep into me and began to fuck me like a and possessed. I was more turned on than I had ever been knowing my husband was sliding his cock into my stalkers cum and I screamed “Oh god, I love you, fuck me, cum in me” and as he roared and began shooting his cum inside me me second orgasm in not many more minutes thundered through me.

We both lay on the floor, totally spent, for several minutes before his cock slipped from me and he stood up before helping me to my feet. As I stood cum gushed from my pussy and my husband looked at it running down my thighs and dripping onto the floor. “Fuck, this Nuru thing is good I’ve never cum that much in my life. I didn’t know where to look, I just ran the bell and told him to take me home…….
Next: The Stalker ch. 11
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 09
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