The Stalker ch. 08

Following my Friday night frolic with my husband, during which I managed to record and send my stalker a video of me getting fucked with the big black dildo my husband seemed to get hooked on using it on me and by Sunday evening my pussy had been banged raw as a result of him fucking me, both with his cock and the dildo. What also worried me is I was loving that big black thing up me so much and asked him to go deeper so many times my husband actually suggested we could get a bigger one. Well no prizes for guessing what response he got to that suggestion.

It was now Friday again, a full week later and I hadn’t heard anything from my stalker, it was almost like he knew I was in suspense waiting to hear from him and deliberately made me wait. Although work had been really busy I still couldn’t get him out of my head and was worried he didn’t like the video I sent him. I tried to put all thoughts of him from my head as I went off to my last appointment of the week which was a 3PM house appraisal and valuation for a vendor called Mr Wilson.

I knew the area of the address which was a nice leafy and affluent avenue a short drive out of town so I was keen to secure the sales contract which would be a nice way to end the week. I arrived at the house a few minutes before 3PM which gave me a few minutes to view the house from the outside. Whilst I was looking at the front of the house from the drive the door opened and I saw a fairly tall black man probably in his forties wave at me. “You must be the estate agent.” He called out smiling. I smiled back “Mr Wilson I presume.” I shouted back and we both laughed. Off to a good start I thought to myself as I walked up to the door.

Mr. Wilson greeted me at the door and invited me in and a small Thai lady walked into the hallway behind him who he introduced as his wife, “We were just about to have some tea, would you like some?” he asked. I told him I’d love some and he asked his wife to bring an extra cup and they would take tea in the study. I was beginning to get a very nice feeling about this house however things suddenly started to turn on their head. He opened the door to, I guessed the study, and gestured with his arm for me to walk in.

As I rounded the door to look into the room I saw another man sitting in an arm chair, my stalker, whom recognized, partly from the tiger mask he was wearing but mostly from his voice as he said those familiar words which made my body tingle “Hello Sarah.” He gestured for me to sit down at one of two other chairs around the small table he was sitting at. We were very quickly joined by the man I knew only as Mr. Wilson and seconds later Mrs. Wilson placed a tray of tea on the table before leaving the room.

My heart was pounding but they were both very calm and polite. Mr Wilson poured out tea as my stalker made pleasantries and told me that Mr. Wilson was a business associate of his and they had a proposition for me. “I’m listening,” I said, trying to remain calm. He explained to me that the house we were in wasn’t actually the one for sale and passed me a portfolio containing a number of property developments details, contracts with my company name on signed by him and Mr. Wilson. He explained that they were looking for a good reliable estate agent they could trust to handle all marketing and sales for their company, telling me it would be worth millions in commission over the next few years.

I, of course, told them I was interested and would love to get their business and then my stalker went on to explain that the last few weeks, whilst being enjoyable had also been somewhat of a test as part of their due diligence on me and my company. I had clearly displayed a thirst for adventure and that I would do exactly as asked by him there was just one more hurdle to overcome and if that was achieved they would hand over the signed contracts to me before I left the house.

“I’m listening.” I said, trying to sound business like, My Stalker asked me how my husband was and what he was doing right now. I told him he was fine and was on a company golf day at a local country club followed by an evening meal and drinks. “That’s good.” said my stalker, something about his tone was telling me he already knew. He then thanked me for my latest video and asked me if I enjoyed making video’s for him. My pussy got moist at the sheer thought of the video’s I had made. I nodded and he told me he would like to make a video for me and once done I could walk away with the contracts.

I was slightly scared but also very excited as I was confident if he had meant me any harm it would have happened by now so I agreed. “Excellent!” he said and asked me to follow him. We walked through the house and down some stairs to a basement part of which was set up as a type of cinema room which also had a large bed and some camera equipment set up in one corner. Sitting on a sofa were two large black guys maybe in their late twenties or early thirties. My stalker introduced them as Marcel and Lewis who waved individually as he stated their names.

“They will be your co stars in the movie I want to make.” he told me before he went on to point at a door telling me that it led to a bathroom and I was to go in and change into what had been left in there. I walked into the bathroom, it was large with a huge walk in double shower and a bath in the corner, a wardrobe with hangers on one of which was a set of the exact same lingerie I had worn when I got my husband to fuck me with my stalkers dildo.

I undressed, hung up my clothes and put on the lingerie, I had already decided I was all in so decided to touch up my makeup a little more. When I went back into the cinema room I was a little shocked to see that the video I had sent my stalker of me riding the dildo was playing on the screen, being watched my Marcel and Lewis, who were naked and my stalker, who was also naked and holding a video camera directed me to go and sit on the sofa between them.

I nestled in between the two guys and they both immediately grabbed my breasts saying that I looked even hotter than I had in the video. I looked at my stalker and asked him what he wanted me to do. He told me that there was no real choreography although he may throw some demand in at certain stages but I was just to get it on with the two guys and have fun.

I looked down at both their hard cocks, both were pretty large, not as large as my stalker’s cock which I was kind of pleased about as he was huge, but a little bigger than my husbands. I began to stroke their cocks and they bent their heads towards my breasts, licking and sucking on my nipples and my stalker came and stood in front of me and began to feed his huge cock into my mouth as he filmed the action.

As my stalkers cock grew in my mouth he shoved it deeper down my throat and I felt one of the guys hands begin to rub against my pussy lips for a few seconds and heard Lewis say “Fuck man she is on heat.” He wasn’t wrong, I was soaking and once I had resigned myself to what was going to happen the thought of it turned me on no end. I had never had sex with more than one guy at a time never mind 3 well hung black studs and I was positively dripping at the thought.

I felt Lewis slide off the sofa and pull my legs open wide before getting between them and begin lapping at my pussy lips and flicking my clit with his tongue. My stalker stepped back and his place was quickly taken by Marcel who shoved his cock so far down my throat I gagged. After several minutes Lewis stopped licking my pussy and said to Marcel “Hey man, you need to get a taste of that sweet pussy.”

My stalker said, “Good call Lewis. You need to get in there now Marcel before she gets it messed up, you will be filling her up soon.” Marcel took the tip and within seconds he was munching on my pussy, almost quite literally the way he was nibbling my lips and clit I half thought he was going to bite something off. Whilst he was busy eating away Lewis was shining his cock in my mouth. This went on for several minutes until Marcel clearly decided he needed to shove something bigger than his tongue into my pussy.

He knelt between my legs and pressed his cock against my pussy hardly pausing before he shoved it in. Even though I was soaking wet it got to be a bit of a stretch as he got right down to the base of his cock but he soon had it in balls deep and began thrusting away as he held onto my ankles, spreading my legs wide. Lewis had wandered around the back of the sofa and had his hands on my breasts, squeezing them and rolling my nipples between his fingers and thumbs. He kept whispering in my ear to look up and as I gazed at the screen on the wall infant of me I could see the video of me getting fucked playing.

It was quite surreal watching my self getting fucked and actually being fucked at the same time and within minutes my arousal rose almost to the point of orgasm and a quick rub of my clit from Marcel and a pinch on my nipples from Lewis tipped me over the edge as I started to shudder my way through my first orgasm.

I had hardly stopped shaking when Marcel pulled out of me, stood up and walked behind the sofa only to be replaced by Lewis who told me to stand up and kneel on the sofa with my back to him. I had hardly got in position when he rammed his cock up me making me yelp as it fucking hurt and I told him so. He didn’t seem to care as he began thrusting into me . I asked him to slow down and he spanked my buttocks and asked Marcel to shut me up by sticking his cock in my mouth.

The two of them spit roast me for almost ten minutes and suddenly Lewis announced he was about ready to cum. I heard my stalker call out, “You just take a back step boy, nobody floods her pussy before me.” Instantly Lewis pulled his cock out of me and I felt a familiar pair of hands grip my hips and I groaned as my stalker began to shove his huge cock inside me.

Just before he bottomed out I said “Oh fuck, push it deep, stretch my pussy you black bastard.” With that I felt a venomous thrust and his hips smashing against my buttocks as he rammed his full length into me. He fucked me deep, hard and fast whilst Lewis and Marcel took turns at fucking my mouth. I was desperate to have some cum and begged them to cum in my mouth.

They were fucking my mouth so hard with their big cocks I could barely breath and felt dizzy but through the haze I heard the familiar sound of my stalker beginning to breath faster and louder as the pace of his thrusting increased and got so hard I knew he was bruising me. I didn’t care I wanted him inside me hard and deep and urged him to fill my pussy over and over again until finally I got my wish and my womb was hit by an explosion of cum from his big cock.

No sooner was I crooning at my pussy being flooded by my stalker I heard Lewis shout “Oh fuck, here it comes!” and he grabbed my head hard as he shoved his cock deep in my mouth and he spurted half a dozen jets of hit sticky cum down my throat. My stalker pulled his cock out of my pussy and I was relieved that the pain had stopped but frustrated he hadn’t brought me to orgasm with his huge shaft.

Thoughts of my frustration were suddenly interrupted as I felt another pair of hands grab my buttocks and pull them apart and then someone spat on my bum hole. It could only have been Marcel and as he forced the head of his cock into my bum hole I recalled how his girth had stretched me earlier and pleaded with him not to stick his cock deep into my bum hole. He took no notice and rammed his cock fully home into my ass and I howled like a dog on heat as he rammed me hard and deep.

He fucked my ass like a man possessed and wrapped his arms around my body, grabbing hold of my breasts squeezing them so hard it hurt. I had only had anal sex once before in my life and with a cock a lot smaller than the one rammed up me now. I swore at the time never again and I would never have willingly indulged but the act and now had it not been forced on me. “Please stop!” I wailed. “Your ripping me in two! STOP, STOP please!” I screamed as every inch of my body experienced a shockwave of pain as I gripped the back of the sofa, dropped my head and began to sob.

Marcel stopped thrusting but kept his cock buried inside me and I felt a pair of hands grip my head gently and lift it up. I was face to face with my stalker, looking deep into his eyes behind his mask. “Sshh Sarah,” he said. “You are stronger than this, don’t let it hurt you, defy the pain, defy him the pleasure, embrace and control the situation for your pleasure.” His hypnotic tone soothed me and I took several deep breaths allowing my body to relax and accept the invasion of my arse and my head to clear.”

“Ok you black bastard, if you want my arse you can have it. do your worst.” I called out defiantly. Marcel began to thrust into me again slowly and firmly, his hands squeezing my breasts hard. “Oh yes!” I called out, “You have me now, take me deep. Hurt me, I love it, I want you to fuck me hard and shoot your cum right up my white arse.”

Marcel duly obliged and began to go at me like a man possessed and I kept my gaze on my stalkers steely gaze behind his mask, allowing a smile to come across my face then I almost broke out into a laugh as I teased Marcel to fuck me harder and pinch my nipples if he expected to make me cum. My stalker slide at me, nodded his head and pointed his video camera right at me.

Marcel pumped for all he was worth and the tingling I felt in my nipples began to flow to the rest of my body as he started to pinch them harder. His hips slammed into my buttocks with every stroke and the tingle in my body got stronger, it hurt but my mind and body embraced and even craved the pain as I begged him for more. Then I knew I was on the edge and shouted “cum in me you black bastard” and as he roared I felt his hot cum flooding my arsehole and my body rocked as I came with his cock deep inside me.

With his balls drained he pulled out of me and I collapsed onto the sofa, cum dripping from my pussy and arse and the salty taste of Lewis’s cum still swirling around my mouth. As my orgasmic high ebbed away my body began to throb from the onslaught of cock, my raw ached and my nipples stung. I heard my stalker say “Great job so far everyone, break time.”

I slumped on the sofa aware of movement around me but not really knowing what to do. I felt a soft pair of hands take hold of my arm and I liked up. It was the Thai lady who had brought us tea earlier. “Come with me darling.” she said and let me to the bathroom. The bath was full of warm soapy water and she helped me step into it and sit down. My bum hole, pussy and nipples stung as the soapy water flowed over them. She gently bathed me and spoke to me in a very calming tone telling me her name was Mia.

Once Mia had bathed me and cleansed my pussy and bum hole she told me to get out of the bath before towelling me off and leading me back to the room and asking me to lay on the large bed. She rubbed some lotion on her hands and then began to caress my body, the lotion was cool and soothing as she ran it over my nipples and pussy then briefly rolled me onto my front and I felt the lotion drip onto my bum hole before she rubbed it in.

Mia rolled me back on my front and lay beside me asking me if I was feeling less sore. I nodded and she smiled then gently caressed my face before kissing me on the lips. Her kiss was so soft I sighed as my body melted and then I felt her hand caress my breasts making my nipples tingle and harden. She worked her hand down to my pussy and began to softly massage it as she sucked on my nipples. After a few minutes my pussy was soaking and my body was tingling. Mia stopped and looked into my eyes, “It will soon be over” she said as she climbed off the bed and as she walked away I saw my stalker and Mr. Wilson standing at the foot of the bed both stroking their hard cocks.

Mr. Wilson climbed on the bed, knelt between my legs and gently rubbed my wet pussy before pressing his cock against it and gently easing it into me and began fucking me gently but firmly. His cock wasn’t as big as either of the other guys but it was a good 8 inches and felt nice as he drove it into me. My Stalker climbed onto the bed and knelt behind my head, lowering his huge cock into my mouth. I sucked on it greedily and wrapped a hand around it so I could stroke him as I sucked, god I loved his cock.

Mt Wilson began thrusting a little harder and I heard him breathing harder, I half expected him to cum but a minute later he stopped and pulled out of me. My stalker told me to get up and mount him as he lay down on the bed the opposite way to me. As I sat up I saw Mia standing at the foot of the bed operating the video camera. I straddled my stalker and lowered myself down on him until my buttocks landed on his hips and I was totally impaled on his huge cock. I began to rock my hips and ride him and he reached up, gently gripping my breasts and pulling my body forward until I was lay on him with my breasts pressed against his hard chest.

I began to rock harder and my clit rubbed against his pubic bone which instantly sent a shudder through me. I was already super aroused and I began to rock harder as I was desperate to cum on my stalkers cock. I felt his hands run down my back and grip my buttocks pulling me hard against him. As he pulled harder my buttocks spread apart and I felt something cool dribble onto my bum hole and then a finger working it in.

The finger was pulled out and my stalker told me to stay still. I felt a hand on my back and a cock, I guessed Mr. Wilson’s press against my bumble before it slowly slid into my lubed up bum hole. I groaned as it went in because my pussy was rammed full of my stalkers cock and when Mr. Wilson’s cock bottomed out my insides literally felt like they were going to explode. Yet it was a feeling I loved and I began to love it even more as Mr. Wilson began to thrust into me with deep hard strokes.

I gasped every time he slammed into me and the motion had me sliding back and forth on my stalkers cock, and stimulating my clitoris as it rubbed against his pubic bone. The motion got faster and my arousal rose, my whole body tingling as I enjoyed the fullness within me. He kept going, building up his speed and it continued for what seemed ages until I heard them both begin to gasp and I shrieked my way into an orgasm as I felt the gush of Mr. Wilson’s cum spurt into my bum hole.

All three of us were shaking and jerking as my two lovers simultaneously filled my holes and I rode my orgasmic wave for what seemed an eternity until finally the bath stopped pumping me. Mr Wilson pulled his cock out of me and my stalker gently pushed me off him so I flopped on the bed. The both left and Mia hovered above me with the video camera, zooming in on my holes as the cum flowed from them.

Minutes later she told me to go shower, dress and join them all in the study. When I arrived in the study about fifteen minutes later Mr. Wilson and My stalker were sitting at a desk and asked me to join them, pointing to an empty chair. As I sat Mia poured tea and then Mr. Wilson spoke. “You are a welcome addition to out network,” he said as he passed me two contracts, both already signed by him and my stalker Mr. Jackson, granting all marketing and sales rights to their property development company outlining a very generous fee package. “All you need to do is sign them both, keep one and one of our team will contact you on Monday.” he said.

I drove home with both my holes throbbing and a huge smile on my face as I looked at the contract on the passenger seat. What was I going to tell my husband I thought. Who cares I thought I had a wonderful deal although I did wonder what being part of their network would exactly involve…..
Next: The Stalker ch. 09
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 07
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