The Stalker ch. 07

It was the Friday after my stalker had demanded I send him a video of my husband fucking me with the big black dildo he had given me and I had just about figured out how I was going to manage this and tonight was going to be the night. In preparation I was sorting out some sexy lingerie, some massage oil, towels,lighting scented candles, making sure my camera phone was fully charged and of course making sure the dildo and lube were handy.

My husband arrived home just after 8PM and I knew he had already eaten on the road so I greeted him dressed in a silk robe, having already showered and pinned up my hair, which he likes, and done my makeup a little heavier than normal. I gave him a big hug and a kiss then handed him a glass of wine as I said with a smile “Welcome to your very special spa evening.”

He smiled and asked me what was under the robe and I told him he would find out later and for now he was to finish his drink and undress ready for his bath which was just about ready for him. Five minutes later we were in the bathroom surrounded by scented candles and my husband was reclined backing the warm soapy water of the bathtub drinking his glass of wine whilst I slowly massaged his tired body beneath the water.

He finished his wine and I quickly refilled his glass before continuing. As I washed him the sleeve of my robe got wet from the bathwater “Oh dear!” I said as I stood “I’d probably best take this off.” As I slipped out of my robe my husband stared open mouthed at the lacy open crotch and nipple lingerie I was wearing complete with stockings and suspenders.

“I looked down at him and could see his cock getting hard and poking through the soapy water. “I’m guessing you approve?” I said with a smile as I stared at his cock.

“Oh god yes.” he announced as I squatted on the little stool I had placed by the side of the tub and continued to bathe him, occasionally brushing my hands over his cock and balls but making sure I was only ever going to get him reasonably close to the edge. After I had given him a total body wash down I refilled his drink and allowed him to watch me as I chatted to him, occasionally fondling my breasts and stroking my pussy to further excite him.

By the time he had finished bathing he’d had almost a full bottle of wine so was nicely loosened up as well as relaxed and I moved him from the bathroom to the bedroom, telling him it was time for his massage. He lay face down on some large towels I had put on the bed so I could massage his back and legs. As I massaged his back I lowered my body and allowed my exposed and hard nipples to run along his skin asking him if he could tell how excited I was. It was all he could do to muster a groan in response.

I flipped him over and massaged his front from head to toe making sure my hands once again brushed against his cock and balls. Despite the fact I had him nicely oiled up I could still clearly see the pre cum glistening as it leaked from the tip of his cock and I knew he was really turned on. I straddled him and leant forward, kissing him and then allowing him to suck on my nipples. He kept pushing my hips down towards his cock so I knew he was desperate to get his cock in me.

I ran a hand down between my legs and felt his cock, it was literally rock hard and throbbing so I placed it between my pussy lips and slowly slid myself onto it. I fucked him quite gently and slowly as I didn’t want him to blow too quick but after about 5 minutes he grabbed my buttocks and pulled me onto him hard as he pushed his hips up and groaned as he came, shooting his cum into me.

I lay forward and kissed him and after a minute or so his softened cock slipped from me. I told him I needed the loo and quickly popped off to the bathroom so I could wipe his cum from my pussy and when I came back he was still lay back on the bed with his sticky cock still soft. I wanted to show I was keen and asked him “Hey lover, how long till next take off?” He laughed and told me as he was tired and a little ***** probably half an hour.

I pulled a unhappy face and said “But I want to get off now, all this pampering has made me so horny. He was still smiling so I pulled my stalkers big black dildo out of the bedside drawer along with the lube and waved them at him as I said “You could always use this.” with a big smile on my face.

“Oooh you dirty girl.” he said before asking me to pass them to him. As I handed them to him he sat up and I told him to lay back down.

“You’re tired baby, you lay down and I’ll do all the work” I said smiling as I straddled him and rubbed some lube onto the dildo before I put it in his hands and asked him to hold it against his abdomen just above the base of his cock so it would be like I was riding his cock. He smiled and went along with it and I looked him in the eyes as I began to lower myself onto the dildo, the fullness reminding me of how I felt with my stalkers cock in me.

As I bottomed out on the dildo my clit hit the knuckle of my husbands thumb where he was gripping the base of the dildo which was a real stroke of luck. I paused for a few seconds, rocking slowly as my pussy walls began to contract around this invader to my hole before I began bouncing up and down on it. It felt awesome and I wanted to let my husband know, as well as keep him part of the action so I began to say things to him as I bounced.

“Oh yes, that’s good, Oh keep it right there, your hitting my spot with your thumb, lift your hips as I drop down, Oh fuck that’s it yes, I fucking love it, god its so big and tight.” My wailings were doing the trick as my husband was doing all he could to rock and rub in sync with my bouncing to help me achieve maximum arousal and I was getting close to having an orgasm.

I looked down at him squeezing my nipples through the open cup bra I had on. “Do I look horny baby?” I asked him. He told me that I looked extremely sexy and I told him I with I could see how horny I look bouncing on top of you. “Could we film it?” I asked him.

He looked at me and a huge grin appeared on his face. “That would be super sexy.” he said. Quick as a flash I leant over and picked my camera phone off the bedside table, set it to record and handed it to him. “Make me look like a sexy slut.” I said.

I slid back down on the dildo and began to ride it again. Within about a minute my arousal was back to where it had been as my husband began talking to me. “Come on ride it, harder, quicker, ride that big black cock you little slut and tell me how it feels.”

Oh my god, “perfect” I thought to myself as I thought how much my stalker would love that comment and I played on it. “Oh yes I will ride it hard for you, stick that big black cock right up me hard and deep.” I shrieked as my bouncing got quicker.

I squeezed my breasts as I bounced “Pull on your nipples” my husband shouted. I felt an orgasmic tingle rising within me. I reached up and unpinned my hair, shaking it loose then went for it. I bounced harder, as he lifted his hips to meet me and pulled hard on my nipples as I rocked. Then it happened “Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum on your fucking big black cock.” I squealed as I bottomed out on the dildo and ground my clit against his thumb until I shuddered as I orgasmed.

I threw my head back as my whole body tensed and shuddered for what seemed like ages. My husband keep rubbing my clit which was so sensitive it made me squeal with ecstasy. Eventually I almost passed out and collapsed forward on top of my husband, gasping and breathing hard. As my breathing slowed I could feel my husband caressing my head, neck and back and my pussy throbbing with the big dildo still up me and imagined I was laying on top of my stalker after he had just brought me to orgasm and was pumping his cum into me.

After a few minutes I rolled off and the dildo popped out of me. I lay next to my husband and we both laughed together talking about how horny it had been. I looked across at him and said “I think I need half an hour before I’m ready for take off. Any chance of a drink?” My husband jumped out of bed and poured us both some wine which we drank as we caressed each other and watched the video. It was perfect. I knew my stalker would love it and after viewing it my husbands cock was rock hard again. I looked at him and told him I wanted him to fuck me hard and shoot his cum deep inside me.

My husband wasted no time in mounting me and burying his cock deeply. We were both so turned on, me for a slightly different reason than him but I was still enjoying him fucking me. I begged him to go harder and deeper which he did, almost becoming animalistic and really hurting me as he pulled on my nipples as he roared and filled me full of cum. We continued to drink wine and fuck for hours until we were both exhausted.

We finished and lay down to sleep as my husband drifted off I lay there with my pussy throbbing and looking at the big black dildo then before I curled up to sleep I sent the video to my stalker along with a message. “YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU BASTARD!
Next: The Stalker ch. 08
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 06