The Stalker ch. 06

I hadn’t heard from my stalker for a couple of days and wondered when I would and I had thought better of sending him the video I made of me fucking myself with the big black dildo he gave me although I did want him to see it. I was sitting in my office ploughing through paperwork and getting through a couple of conference calls so I’d asked my PA not to put through any calls for the rest of the afternoon.

A little before 3PM my mobile phone rang and I looked at caller ID before deciding wether or not to answer it. Lit up on the screen was a name that made my heart race again “Mr Jackson”, my stalker, it was almost as if he was psychic and knew I had been thinking about him. I swiped answer and heard that familiar calm hypnotic voice “Hello Sarah.”

I responded and he asked me if I had been thinking about him. Once again I had to tell him that I had and I plucked up the courage to tell him that I had used the black dildo a couple of times, once with my husband and once on my own. “Tell me more.” he said and I told him of the two events and that I had recorded my masturbation session.

He asked me if my husband had enjoyed using the black dildo on me and what we did so I explained that he had loved it and I had asked him to fuck me doggy style with it so I could pretend it was his cock going in me and my husband had gotten off on really ramming me hard with it. He then told me he would like to see the video recording I made and told me to send it to his number. Before he rang off he told me he would call me back in 30 minutes and before he did I was to remove my underwear so I was sitting in just my skirt and blouse.

I sent him the video and popped out to see my PA telling her I was getting a coffee and asking her if she wanted one then told her I had a very important conference call at 3.30PM so definitely no disturbance. Just to be safe when I went back to my office I locked my door behind me. I removed my blouse and bra then put my blouse back on and pulled my panties off before sitting back at my desk.

As I waited for 3.30PM to come around I tried to imagine why my stalker had asked me to get ready this way and I couldn’t resist running a hand up my skirt and feeling my pussy which was now getting moist. I began to play with myself and imagined my stalker was here in my office with me playing with my pussy. Suddenly my phone buzzed and it was a text message from my stalker telling me to video call him.

When I did he was I saw him sitting at a desk wearing the his tiger mask and he said “Well, isn’t this nice. We’re both at our work desk, I’ve been viewing the video you sent me. Very nice. What are you doing?” I told him I had just been feeling my pussy, imagining him being in my office and he asked me if I was really wet. I told him I was and he asked me to show him my sticky fingers so I held them close to the camera lens and showed him the shine cum juice on them.

He admired them for a moment then said, “stick them back in your pussy then taste yourself.” I slid my hand back under my skirt and stuck three fingers in my throbbing wet pussy and rubbed hard until I could hear my juices squelching loudly then pulled my hand out and sucked on my three fingers savouring my juices.

He asked me if my nipples had gotten hard yet and I brushed a hand over my breast and felt a hard nipple poking through the fabric and told him they were rock hard. “Undo your blouse and show me.”he said. I did as he asked and exposed my breasts before massaging them and pulling gently on my hardened nipples which were now tingling with excitement.

He asked me if I wanted to see his cock and I nodded. He told me to ask him nicely to see it and I said “Oh please show me your big black throbbing cock, I want it so much.” He stood up and I saw he had no pants on and his huge cock was fully erect. He stroked it and his big balls swayed beneath it as he moved.

“Would you like me to be there now fucking you?” he asked as I stared at his monster cock with one hand on my breast and the other fingering my pussy. I nodded and he said “Stand up and lean on the desk so your tits hang down and imagine me fucking you from behind as you rub your clit.

As I began to rub myself he started to stroke his cock and talk to me saying “I wan’t to cum in your mouth and over your face and tits. Would you like me to?”

“Oh god yes I groaned’ as I rubbed my pussy harder and rocked back and forth so my breasts swung towards the camera. He began to breath harder and I saw pre cum leaking from the tip of his cock.

“Do you want me to cum?” he asked.

“Oh yes please, cum for me I want to see it and taste it.”

“Tell me when you are going to cum” he told me. I rubbed harder, pressing two fingers on my clit and could feel my orgasm building. I gasped and groaned “Oh god, Oh god, I’m nearly there. I saw his pumping of his cock increased in speed “Oh fuck, Yes, I’m there, I’m gonna cum now” as I felt it rise I saw ropes of cum explode from the end of his cock, spraying all over his desk and my own orgasm made me shudder, it was all I could do to muffle a scream.

I collapsed in my chair and watched him milk the last drops of cum from his cock before sitting down. “Lovely but I guess I must clean up now.” he said I was still breathing hard in my chair and he said “Now listen Sarah. I want you to make another video for me. I want you to record your boyfriend fucking you with my big black dildo. Is that clear?”

I nodded and said “Yes it is.”

He told me to send it to him as soon as I had done it then ended the call.

I recovered, re dressed and composed myself and decided I was useless for work. I needed to go home which meant leaving the office and walking past my staff hoping they wouldn’t smell my cum.

Maybe it was my imagination or my guilt but I could have sworn I got some very odd looks as I walked past everyone. In the car I headed home wondering how the hell I was going to get my husband of film him fucking me with that monster dildo…..
Next: The Stalker ch. 07
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