The Stalker ch. 05

I woke the morning after my husband had fucked me with both his cock and, to my delight, my stalkers big black dildo, to the sound of my husband placing a coffee on my bedside table. “Morning sleepy head.” he said with a smile before giving me a kiss on the cheek and asking me how I was. I told him I was a little sore but nothing to worry about. He then told me he was going for a run for about 45minutes and would sort out breakfast when he got back so I could just chill out.

He had only been out of the door a few minutes when my phone rang and I assumed it would be my husband asking me if I wanted him to pick anything up for breakfast. I dragged the phone of the bedside table and swiped the answer icon without really looking at the screen.

“Hello Sarah. came the words spoken by a voice I recognised as my stalker which sent a shiver through my body as he went on to ask me if I had used his gift yet. I felt my face flush and heart race as all kinds of thoughts went through my mind. Did he know I had. Did he know I was now alone. Was he watching the house.

Despite my reluctance to share my personal information with him I murmured “Yes I have.” He then asked me to tell him where, when and how I had used it. I felt a mixture of arousal and embarrassment as I explained how I had used it to get myself off when I got home from meeting him and that I had let my husband fuck me with it last night.

He asked me if both me and my husband enjoyed using it last night and I told him we had, as I spoke to him I saw the dildo and lube sitting on the bedside table next to my coffee so I guessed we just hadn’t put it away last night. He then told me he would speak to me again soon and he had to go before ringing off.

He had gotten into my head again and I had a good half an hour before my husband would be home so I took the dildo and lube off the bedside cabinet. After lubing it and my pussy up I opened up the video file on my phone that my stalker had made me film as he fucked me bet over a table in a clients house. As I began to watch it I slid the dildo gently into my pussy until it started to hurt.

The first few minutes of the video were when he first penetrated me which had been really painful yet clearly pleasurable judging by the expressions I was seeing on my face. I had never actually watched myself being fucked before and the sight of an athletic masked black man fucking me from behind was amazing.

I kept playing that part of the video over and over again as I tried to replicate the feeling of sexual pain I was experiencing in the video by ramming the dildo deep into my pussy stretching me so much I was in a painful ecstasy. A kind of fear suddenly came over me as I realised that not only was I becoming addicted to my stalker I was also becoming addicted to painful sex. A fact reinforced by the fact I had asked my husband to ram me even harder with the dildo the night before even though it hurt.

I wanted to please my stalker, let him know what he was doing to me. How he was changing my sexual desires and how I was becoming a woman who wanted to be used and treated like a slut by black men. I still had a while before my husband was due home so I got my laptop, sat on the bed and opened it up between my legs and set the camera to record.

I squeezed my breasts as I spoke to my stalker through the screen “Look at what you have done to me. I crave your big black cock inside me, hurting me and making me scream and cum just like this.” I leant back on the pillows so I could just about still see the screen and shoved the big dildo back inside me gasping as it went all the way in.

I began fucking myself with it hard, pulling on my nipples and talking to him. “Oh yes fuck me, deeper, harder, faster, hurt me you bastard.” I went quicker and moved my other hand to my pussy, pressing two fingers against my clit. I rubbed hard and fucked fast until I felt my orgasm rising then seconds before it did I strained to lift my head so my face was visible in shot and screamed as I tipped myself over the edge and my orgasm surged through me.

I collapsed back on the bed, panting, my chest heaving as I sucked in the air deeply, my pussy still throbbing and gripping the dildo deep inside me. I eased it out and the cool air rushed into my gaping pussy. I sat up and saw in the laptop screen my face was bright red I gave my stalker one last glimpse and comment telling him I hated him before turning the camera off.

A moment later I heard my husband shout out to me “Breakfast in 10.” My god, how long had he been in the house. I folded the laptop away and scurried to the bathroom, washing my face with cooling water and putting on a robe. I rinsed off the dildo and put it away in my bedside drawer before joining my husband in the kitchen wondering if he had heard me and if he could smell the scent of my cum.

We ate breakfast and chatted as normal, he didn’t act like he knew anything and as I sat there relieved my mind wandered as to what my stalker may think when I sent him the video file.
Next: The Stalker ch. 06
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