The Stalker ch. 04

After my stalker had pumped his seed into me back at the house he had put my panties back in place as soon as he had withdrawn his cock so the gusset of them was full of his sticky cum, thank god for leather seats I thought as I looked at the large dildo he had given me which was set on the passenger seat and my brain was in overdrive as to how I was going to explain it away to my husband.

I got home and the first priority was to shower and wash away my stalkers cum before my husband got home. I left my panties on until I was in the shower and peeled them down beneath the cascading water so I could wash the cum away then gave my pussy a good douching. As the jets of hot water sprayed against my clit it felt so sensitive I could have brought myself off right there and it suddenly dawned on me that my stalker hadn’t bothered to make me cum as he treated me like a receptacle for his cum. I decided I would fix that situation myself and toweled off before laying on the bed and unwrapping the huge black dildo he had given me. I looked at it as I ran my fingers up and down it and marveled at how much like his big cock the dildo was, right down to the thick veins running down the length of it. I reached into the bedside cabinet and pulled out my tube of lube which I spread liberally over the dildo and my pussy before laying back and beginning to rub the tip of the dildo up and down the slit of my pussy.

After a couple of minutes I was feeling so close to an orgasm I decided I’d best take the plunge and fill my soaking wet pussy so I gently pushed the head of the dildo into me gently guiding it deeper and deeper until I had most of it in but the sheer size and pain made me stop short of taking the whole length. I began to pump the dildo in and out of my pussy whilst squeezing my breasts and pinching my already hard nipples as I writhed around on the bed. I closed my eyes and imagined it was my stalkers big cock penetrating me as I ran my fingers down to my pussy and found my swollen clit. I rubbed it hard as I drove the dildo as deep as I could take until I felt my pussy tighten around the dildo and my shuddering orgasm surged through me. When I had calmed down I washed off the dildo and my pussy, dried both off and took one last smiling look at the dildo before popping it in the draw next to my vibrator and lube and heading off downstairs before my husband arrived home. I poured some wine and pondered about how I was going to explain the dildo.

My husband arrived home with the pizza we had arranged to have for our evening meal, Friday was always take out night and we chatted about our days both agreeing that we were in the mood for several drinks, which suited me as I felt sure telling him about the dildo would be easier after we had both had a few drinks. After eating we chilled on the sofa and I just went for it. “Hey honey.” I said. “You remember a few months ago when you used my vibrator on me you asked if felt too big and I told you I could perhaps take a little larger?” He looked at me and nodded with a smile saying he had a rough recollection. “Well a funny thing happened today at work.” I said.

I began my little tale explaining to him that one of the girls and I had been speaking about dildos over a few glasses of wine with lunch and she had decided to order a big one but it had been black and her husband hadn’t really liked it so she had asked me if I wanted it and I just accepted but I wasn’t sure if it was something we would use so asked him what he thought about the idea. I could tell, to my relief, by the look on his face he was intrigued and when he spoke he seemed very excited to know more and see it for himself so we took our drinks upstairs to the bedroom. I took the big dildo out of the drawer and placed it on the bed between us as we lay down. “Jesus” said my husband. “That’s bloody massive.” As he continued to stare at it we both giggled.

My husband kept staring at the dildo and looking at me for several minutes and eventually he broke his silence. “I wonder how much of that you could actually take.” he commented. I looked at him deep into his eyes and told him I was game to try if he was. To my great delight he embraced the idea and we got down to some rather sexy foreplay. My husband caressed and licked my body all over and paid particular attention to my pussy, which was soon soaking wet, before he entered me with his hard cock and fucked me nice and deep starting slowly then getting quicker. It felt good but I was desperate to have my stalkers big black dildo up me so I asked him to stop before he came and get the tube of lube out of the drawer.

He spent some time liberally smothering the dildo with the lube and asked me if I was ready. I nodded and he slid the tip of the dildo into my pussy, stretching my lips. I smiled at the concentration his face as he gently guided more and more of the dildo into me until it was touching the entrance of my womb and I winced. He stopped pushing and looked at me “Holy fuck, you have taken about 8 inches” he said and then he began to pump my pussy with the dildo not going any deeper than he had. I lay back and closed my eyes, although I was enjoying it my mind wandered to how much deeper my stalker had fucked me. After a few minutes I asked him to stop and suggested we perhaps try it doggy style as I loved it when he fucked me deep like that.

He smiled and told me to roll over and then he knelt behind me and once again he began to guide the dildo into my pussy. He stopped when he was as deep as he had been the first time and I think he was surprised when I gasped “Oh god yes, that’s better. Go deeper baby.” He drew it back a few inches before he plunged it back into me a little deeper than before and repeated the motion several times, each thrust making me gasp. I called out to him “Oh god, go deeper do it hard baby.” before I closed my eyes and dropped my head and once again imagined I now had my stalkers big cock deep inside me.

My husband began to thrust the dildo into me even quicker and deeper and I heard him say “Oh fuck you’ve taken the whole length, fucking awesome.” The excitement in his voice soon translated to his hand as he began to ram the thing in and out of me harder and harder and the more I shrieked the quicker and harder he got. The feelings I’d had inside me when my stalker had fucked me roughly began to surge through my body, I reached a hand between my legs and pressed two fingers against my clit. “Oh god, give it me hard baby, I’m gonna cum.” I shrieked out. He thrust the dildo into me with venom and I rubbed my clit hard. A couple of minutes later I shuddered with a mind blowing orgasm which seemed to go on for ages as my hubby continued ramming me and I was still riding my orgasmic wave when I felt my husband pull the dildo out of me and thrust his cock into me. Slammed into me several times before he groaned and I could feel his cum spurt into me.

After a minute we both collapsed on the bed and my husband told me he had almost shot his load before he entered me. We curled up together and I smiled inside knowing my husband was as hooked on the big black dildo as I was.
Next: The Stalker ch. 05
Previous page: The Stalker ch. 03