The Stalker ch. 02

As I drove home following my ordeal with “Mr Jackson”, my stalker my head was still in a spin and trying to make sense of many things such as: How does he know me? Do I know him? How long has he been following me? Where and when will he come for me next and what will he demand? My thoughts changed to things more imminent as I felt yet more of his seed flow into, my already, cum soaked panties.

I hadn’t seen my husband for a week and I knew he would be , like I was at the beginning of the day, eager to have sex this evening. Normally when we haven’t seen each other for a while the evening usually goes along the lines of some immediate raw sex followed by a few drinks and an evening of love making. I couldn’t possibly engage in sex with him now my pussy was swollen and full of my stalkers seed.

I nervously pulled into the driveway and saw his car was there so I knew he was home. I approached the door and took a few deep breaths trying to clarify in my mind how I was going to play things. I opened the door and heard him call out to me that he was in the kitchen and I wandered in there to see him with a big smile on his face pouring out 2 glasses of wine.

I went over to him and before I could have a sip of wine he kissed me, I was immediately relieved that my stalker hadn’t cum in my mouth, so could enjoy our passionate kiss and embrace. We told each other how much we had missed each other and I quickly got onto my glass of wine telling him I needed it as I’d had a hard week and hadn’t been feeling well for a couple of days.

As per usual he showed immediate concern and asked me what was wrong so I responded by telling him that I had been getting cramps in my abdomen which was odd as my period wasn’t due for a few days. “So darling that area may be out of action this evening.” I told him. Although he was concerned for my wellbeing he looked disappointed and in my bid to assure him I wasn’t fobbing off his sexual desires I said “So you may have to make do with a nice massage and an even nicer blow job.”

As I told him that I felt more of my stalkers cum flow into my panties and, although it may have been my imagination, I could actually smell it. Partly to ensure my husband wouldn’t smell it but mostly because the feel of his cum leaking from me aroused me I put down my wine glass and kissed my husband passionately before I said “In fact why wait until later?” before dropping to my knees right there in the kitchen and unzipping him.

He had clearly missed me as his cock was rock hard in seconds as I took it deep into my mouth and massaged his balls. As I sucked him my mind flashed back to earlier when my stalker had fucked my throat hard and I wanted my husband to do it so I took hold of his hand and put it on the back of my head then urged him to push my head onto his cock hard a couple of times until he got the clear message.

He began to thrust his cock into my mouth hard making me gag a little every time he hit the back of my throat. I lifted my skirt and pushed a hand inside my panties where my fingers quickly got covered in my stalkers cum. I felt my clit which was still swollen and began to rub it which made my muffled moans even louder. My husband must have though what he was doing was really turning me on as he grabbed a handful of my hair and fucked my mouth quicker and harder for a few minutes before he roared, jerked and unloaded his full balls into my mouth.

After I had sucked him dry I stood and told him to go and get in bed whilst I showered. As I undressed I noticed a little redness around my nipples where my stalker had been pulling and biting on them which made me smile. I bathed in the hot water and took the shower head off the hook so I could squirt the water up my pussy. As I massaged the soapy water into it my swollen lips stung a little which seemed to arouse me on even more.

I towelled off and put on a robe before entering the bedroom where my husband was laying naked on the bed slowly playing with his cock which was already getting hard again.I was desperate to fuck him but wasn’t confident all my stalkers cum was out of me as he seemed to have squirted it deep into my womb almost, so I knelt on all fours over his legs looking up at him so he could see my breasts hanging down inside my robe. “Just what would you like me to do with that?” I asked him.

He smiled and said “Suck it nice and deep for me again.” I smiled and once again took his lovely hard cock in my mouth and began to suck him slowly until he fully hardened in my mouth then began bobbing my head up and down on him. As I sucked him I massaged his balls making him groan with joy even more.

My bottom was sticking up in the air and again I closed my eyes allowing my mind to flashback to earlier when my stalker had me on my knees and fucked me hard from behind. My increasing arousal made me suck my husbands cock even quicker and I felt his hand on the back of my head pushing me harder down on his cock.

I got the first hint of a taste of pre cum leaking from him and heard him breath louder and quicker. I ran a hand down between my legs and started to rub my pussy, pressing hard with two fingers on my swollen clit all the time imagining my stalkers huge black cock pounding me as I rocked my hips a little.

Seconds later my husband groaned and pushed my head down on his cock so deep my nose pressed against his abdomen and I could hardly breath. I rubbed my clit harder and when my husbands cum began spurting from his cock my orgasm let rip and surged through my body.

Once things had settled we chatted and drank wine for a while and my husband told me he hoped my insides were feeling better soon. I told him I was sure they would be fine in a day or so as I was eager to have sex with him again. I rolled onto my side to sleep and was sure I felt a little of my stalkers cum run inside my pussy lips. I closed my eyes and imagined when he would come for me again and what he would do.
Next: The Stalker ch. 03
Previous page: Overview
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