The Road Warrior- Ch. 4

My last night on the road for this cycle was spent with Hyper, as he molded me more and more into his image of what his girl should be. I had already reconciled with myself that when I was in his town, I belonged to him, but when I left town, I was back to being the loyal, dutiful wife of my husband Steve. Steve, the man with the mediocre manhood, and the pathetic love-making skills. Oh, he was kind and caring and good to me, in every aspect I could come up with, except the one that was the primary focus on my life, now. Sex. Sex with Hyper was exhilarating, refreshing, intense, satisfying, powerful, and dominant. Sex with Steve was, well, kinda’ meh. He didn’t have Hyper’s stamina, he didn’t have Hyper’s power, and he didn’t have Hyper’s drive. He also didn’t have Hyper’s blessedly built black cock. Steve asked. Hyper took. Steve caressed, and Hyper grabbed. Steve lay me gently on soft sheets when he was done. Hyper had to wring me out and hang me from a towel rack. Oh, I slept well with both men when sex was over for the night, but in different ways. My heart felt warm and safe with Steve. In Hyper’s spooning embrace, I was sated and exhausted. Both would make me smile, but differently.

But after work that last night on the road, Hyper had me try on every item of clothing I had to wear, and he wasn’t exactly pleased. He did like my heels, but that was the easy part. Guys like a girl in stilettos. The closest garment he approved of that I had with me was that short sundress with the billowy skirt. He liked it, mostly because it could, and would, ****** me. He liked me to present myself as slutty and sexy. He wanted others to know I was his easy girl. I asked about what others would think, what his gang would think? He told me not to worry, it was a thing with them. Every guy knew where they stood with each other’s girls, and who could share and who couldn’t. In Hyper’s presence, I was strictly off-limits.

So, he decided to take me to the mall and show me the things he wanted me to wear. In my mind, I am thinking he is going to have me go to some stores only older-teens frequented and start wearing too-short miniskirts and the like. It was something I could live with, for Hyper. Ultra-short miniskirt, or some lycra, spandex or even vinyl dresses or skirts that showed off my very trim figure with my narrow waist, nice butt and decent chest. Add some heels and yep, I would be looking good and showing off! It wasn’t what Hyper had in mind.

We made our way through the mall, and I couldn’t help but stop at some of the stores to window shop. I this think annoyed Hyper, but only grew to irritate him when I was taking too long. In his young mind, he was on a mission. Me? I was just enjoying shopping with my, well, my new boyfriend. But that all changed when we entered this one store that was not one I would normally frequent. I had no idea that a store like this existed, but it was very much a kink and fetish store. I was shocked at the things someone could buy!

First were various t-shirts with different logos or statements silkscreened on them, from the salacious to the lewd to the vulgar. Some were outright horrifying, and there were even some that were advertising Satanic culture. That would get a hard “No” from me, no matter what. But then we crossed into aisles that had various candles and fragrances and borderline occult-like things, such as posters and candelabras made up with skulls or skeletons. You could get all sorts of flashing or colored lights, speakers, dark soundtracks and CDs, just about everything you needed to start your dungeon. Or so I thought. Crossing towards the back, we came across actual dungeon furniture. Some of it I had seen before, in photos, or porn I had been shown by previous boyfriends or even Steve before we married. It had been a joke with him, I hoped at least, though he never brought the subject up again. St. Andrew’s Crosses, bondage racks, sex furniture and even various cuffs, whips, chains and collars were in boxes or on display. All with deep red lighting and eerie music playing. It was a true BDSM paradise. But then Hyper took me around a corner and showed me what he wanted. It made me gasp.

There were tons of different garments and items to wear. Harnesses, boots, latex and leather so tight it would silhouette my pubic hairs, let alone my camel toe. There were more collars but these were far fancier, with many made of leather or metal, and dresses and other garments to cover up with. While I was busy taking in the selection, and more to the point, the implications of wearing these things, he had been busy and grabbed a couple of things and thrust them at me and told me to try them on.

“Here? There’s no changing room, Hyper!” I whispered harshly. “What if someone sees me?”

“Just do it,” he spoke in a normal but annoyed voice, “you’ll be fine.”

After a dirty look at him, and then another careful look around, there were only three other people in the store, a clerk, and two guys who were way up front checking out heavy metal band t-shirts. So, with a heavy sigh and a flick of my wrist, the bow of my sundress untied and in a flash I was naked. I wasn’t even wearing panties, at Hyper’s insistence, just my birthday suit and heels.

I pulled on the first garment, which was this weird ankle-length circle skirt, or so I thought. I opened the three snaps to one side of the opening, and even eyeing it, I told Hyper it would never fit. He shook his head and lifted it over my head and let fall towards my shoulders. As the hem fell, he snapped the buttons up, forming the high collar. It turned what I thought was a waist opening into a neck-hole. It wasn’t a skirt at all, it was a dress! Well, more of a tunic or caftan, of sorts. After moving my arms about and flailing around, I came to realize it also had no armholes. Just a neck hole and a circle of silky satin material that fell from my neck and shoulders. The hem was just below my ass and my crotch front and rear, and to my wrists on the sides. Looking down, the material was so silky that it fell easily between my boobs, revealing my cleavage, while at the same time covering it. I looked to Hyper for his approval.

He looked thoughtful, and used his index finger to have me spin around. I turned, and he said “Faster.” I spun more quickly, to the point where the hem was starting to rise evenly on all sides.

“Good, that fits. You’ll wear that. Plus, you need more than one color.”

As he pulled down more of them, I realized that while to me, everything was varying tones of red due to the intense lighting, one was indeed red, one was blue, one was black, and the one I wore appeared to be off-white. Later, when I was in better light, I would discover it was more of a Champagne color.

“Hyper, how did you find these?”

“Simple, all my bitc-... I mean, all my girls wear them. So will you. Among other things.”

Well, at least he was treating me more nicely. I had grown to loathe being called his bitch.

“Now, put this on.”

He had reached up and pulled down what was a simple black satin cape. As I donned the cape, I could feel the slightly heavier fabric, and after fastening the clasp, I realized it had a loop and ring to be used to lock it around my neck. I shook my head. I was really starting to wonder what Hyper had in mind for me. It was then I learned that the cape was not much, if any, longer than the, well, tunic I guess I’ll call it.

“Hyper, I can’t just up and buy all this stuff. My husband pays the credit card bills, and he’ll see if I pull cash out of the bank.”

He shook his head and snorted.

“Don’t worry, Bitch, I got this.”

His words made me roll my eyes. Progress still needed to be made. I finished trying on everything and modeling for him and he nodded.

“Okay, this’ll do. Let’s do this.”

After handing over the cape I was holding, I went to take off the last tunic I was wearing, which was blood-red, so I could put my dress back on. He twisted slightly to keep my dress from me.

“Nope, you’re wearing that.”

I was shocked, and the expression on my face showed it. I had to call out again in my harsh whisper, so as not to draw attention to myself.

“Hyper! What if someone sees me? Someone I work with, or even a customer?”

“If they wanna’ fuck you, then we’ll see if I can work a deal for you, slut. Remember, you belong to me!”

He didn’t even wait for my response but simply headed to the cashier to check out. I was left tottering behind him in the tunic and my white wedge heels.

“Hyper! At least let me put on one that matches!”

That stopped him cold and he turned, looking me over. With a thoughtful from, he nodded and held his arm out to pick the one that would match best, which was, to my mind, the bright blue one. I was able to change in a flash, now that I knew how the tunic worked, but I had inadvertently flashed the salesclerk with a full view of my body for a moment, until I had the garment properly seated from my shoulders. As I followed Hyper, I could not help but blush furiously, as I belatedly realized what I had done.

Hyper had just reached into his baggy pocket of his baggy shorts and drew out a literal wad of cash. A quick glance told me mostly one hundred-dollar bills and twenties, more than I could count in the instant I had, but if I had to guess? He was holding at least three-grand in his pocket. Paying the man, I could feel the clerk’s eyes on me as Hyper made me hold the bags of my new apparel, my hips swaying as I felt the softest brushes of the fabric against my bare butt as I was led from the store and into the mall.

The harsh, bright lights of the mall made it impossible for me to lurk along in some short of shadows, and the bright blue satin drew attention to me like flies to a picnic. Just about every post-pubescent male was eyeing me, even at the risk of drawing the ire of their female companions. Several times, I received hoots and catcalls, an invitation to join various men, or even inquiries about how much I charged. All the while Hyper ignored them and kept up his pace, causing me to take the occasional quick step to keep up with him, my humiliation growing with every pace. But I also noticed something else. I was growing aroused. My nipples became erect and hard, two points trying to slice the thin polyester satin covering me, while I was pretty sure I was growing heated between my legs. We finally made it to an exit, and as Hyper opened the door, the change in air made my tunic billow out, and my fingers desperately tried to claw at it to bring the silky, shiny material back down, only to have it slip from between my fingers. I was ******* to everyone to my waist, or even more, I couldn’t be sure, but there was a lot of noise being made in my wake. Hyper didn’t break his stride and continued to escort me out from the front, like he had an important appointment to make and I was holding him back.

Crossing the parking lot, I came to lament parking so far away. Once past the main body of cars and people, I was at least protected by the distance between us and them, but still, I was farther away from real protection than I wanted. Meanwhile, the evening breeze was playing havoc with my modesty as the poor excuse of a dress rose and fell, ******** me to ever varying degrees. It was frightening, humiliating and arousing all at the same time. Unlocking the doors, he got in the driver’s seat while I was forced to open my own door and bend over to set my bags on the floorboard, which ******* me completely to anyone looking from behind me. Finally sitting in his car, I realized that the tunic offered absolutely no protection from the seat cushion. Or the seat cushion protection from me. If I began to leak love-juices, I was going to leave a stain.

Hyper had been driving, wordlessly for several minutes and I realized we weren’t heading back to the hotel.

“Umm, Hyper? Where are we going?”

“I’m gonna’ show you off.”

“Ummm, okaaaaay? Where? Show me off to whom?”

“You’ll see.”

That was all he said until we were in some different part of the industrial area, which I also knew to be the wrong side of the tracks, or the bad part of town. I had that sinking feeling that if someone came across me, I would be ***** if Hyper didn’t protect me. I was also having growing doubts on if he would. Pulling over in the middle of the block, he stopped the car and looked at me.

“Get out.”

I tried to plead with him, but his direction was more forceful.

“Get. Out. Now.”

“Alriiight…” my voice was full of regret at this, but he was making it plain that I had little choice in the matter.

His next act could not have shocked me more if he had driven me home and fucked me in front of my husband. He simply put his car in gear and drove off! He had left me in who knew where, and he had my bags, my purse, my dress, my cell phone, simply everything I was not wearing and even that wasn’t much. Not knowing what to do, I simply stood there, looking around, and kept trying to collect the hem of my tunic every time the wind gusted just a little. It would prove pointless. The higher my arms lifted in front, the longer the hem became and danced out of reach. It took me a few more futile attempts to realize that when I did try and reach for the hem, I was actually lifting the front of the tunic completely, ******** myself without the wind’s help. It was a truly damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation, and I had no way to do anything but suffer the humiliation, if I was seen.

Not knowing what else to do, I figured I should at least explore a little, so I walked down the street after him, until his taillights disappeared around a far corner. I stopped at the first intersection I came across, the weather chilling slightly and the nightly breeze soft, yet filling out my tunic as it wished. I looked all around me and noticed that there was literally no one around me. No cars, no one biking, and nobody walking. Only me. At least right there. I took a long moment and then made a decision to move up the cross street and realized it was actually a short street with a bend that ended in the parking lots of a few businesses. My heels click-clacked and made crackling noises as my feet stepped on the cracked and broken sidewalk. It had been some time since anyone from a local government had decided to do any maintenance in this section of town.

I had taken a deep sigh, mainly to get rid of some of the tension in my body. It helped, but I still was no closer to Hyper, or my purse, or well, anything. I didn’t even have a clue where I was! My only real saving grace was the fact I was wearing wedges instead of stilettos. Though the wedges were a bit more comfortable, they weren’t my best look. But the strappy stilettos I usually wore? I had gotten used to walking on my toes, so it wasn’t so hard on my calves anymore, but they still weren’t as comfortable. Not that comfort was highest on my mind. I was being in the middle of nowhere and wearing this thin satin cover that threatened to ****** me if I turned too fast, bent over, a gust of wind blew through, or I sneezed too hard. I paused at the end of the little bend and looked back. I was absolutely clueless as to what to do or where to go.

That decision was made for me when I was surprised from behind and two arms wrapped around me in a bear-hug, holding me tight. I screamed out, more out of instinct, as I was hefted from the ground, and I began kicking as I was carried off the street and down the side of a building. We were winding up out of view of the street and any lighting, and it was nearly pitch-dark now. I made contact a few times, but it didn’t seem to matter. What seemed like an hour was merely maybe half a minute, but I was thrown down onto the concrete, landing atop an old, filthy mattress what had rips and tears in it, along with an odor that was nearly enough to make me gag. That was when I got a look at my captor.

He towered over me, of course, since I was laying on the mattress on my back, my tunic up around my chest, ******** me to his leering gaze. He was thin, and tall, though deceptively strong for his size. He looked like the poster child for homelessness, though, and his clothing, or what was left of it, was torn, holed and he used a rope to hold his pants up. Wordlessly, he ******* himself, going from covered to naked in less than five seconds. I managed to rise up to my knees, and was about to get on my feet when I was pushed back down by my shoulders, landing heavily on my knees.

“Don’t even think it…” I menaced with my soft-voiced snarl, looking up to him.

“Too late, bitch. I been watchin’ you since you got kicked outta’ the car. What you do? Tell your john he gotta’ small dick?”

“Hey, look, it’s not like that… I bel-“

When the long, thin, dark shaft was thrust at my lips, I initially resisted, because it was so dark I couldn't see well, however, I still was immediately silenced. But the slapping of my lips by the thicker mushroomed head told me the story, so I opened my mouth, to first taste what it was. Now that I knew, I was having to commit myself. I placed a soft, pouty kiss on the head, and then used my tongue to flick at the slit on the end, before encircling the velvety head with my tongue. It wasn’t a pleasant taste at all, but what choice did I have?

All of the law enforcement public service announcements said if you were being *****, to cooperate and survive, and then tell the police. Let them win now, so you could hopefully win later. If you got pregnant, you could get an abortion. If you caught some disease, you could get medical attention. It would be alright. I think they assumed that the ****** at least showered daily. Not this guy. I don’t think he had showered in weeks, he was that filthy.

I noticed him begin to harden nearly immediately and placed a second, soft pouty kiss on the head before looking up under my eyebrows and then pushing my face forward, to suckle in more of that black warrior's spear. My tongue would begin to slide to and fro, to tease the sensitive nerve endings I could caress.

Suckling in more, I tried to caress his body, especially his gaunt hips and boney inner thighs, if the long satin hem of my tunic would get out of the way, which it finally did, even though it ******* my nude body to his unseeing flesh. I would cup his scrotum, hefting the mighty and virile orbs inside it. My long, perfectly manicured nails lightly skirtching the base of his sac, tickling him as I did so. My ministrations started to make him moan, loudly.

But this was where I lost control. His hardened man-shaft had demonstrated my ability to arouse the man, some dark-skinned stranger, and he grabbed the back of my head, his fingers now interlaced with my hair. He had complete control of me now, and was using his hips to thrust at me, fucking my mouth. I was his prisoner, with his thrusts pushing me back, yet his hand pulling my hair forward onto his hot, throbbing black shaft. Helpless, I had lost all control of what he used my body for. Would I be saved by his shooting off in my mouth? Would I be made to risk having his child? Rapists never took the time to wear condoms, sadly. But his thrusting grew more powerful and insistent, and I had to now give into this man. Gagging once or twice, before I was having to force myself to relax and tilt my head softly back and begin swallowing as strongly as I could. Finally, the head of his cock pushed past the back of my throat. I got one last full, deep lungful of air before he began to force his way down my throat, deeply fucking my body from above. I was now helpless to him, and unless he allowed me to breathe, I would eventually pass out from a lack of air. Then I would be truly done for!

Time seemed to stand still as I felt his cock eventually begin to pulse as his thrusts began to grow intense and then frantic and finally frenetic, as my throat was being coated with his pre-emission before he blasted off inside me, force-feeding my stomach his genetic material. The black man lost control of his orgasm, his hard, thin cock beginning to throb on my lips, I could feel the jets of his cumming, well, coming, as he couldn’t withstand the pent-up pressure. He was going to explode, and he soon was screaming with pleasure as he erupted mercilessly into my gullet. His loud moans of pleasure making no pretense of modesty or even decency as his forced act was held in such an open and public place. I was still with him, upright and trying to relax but failing, as my need for air was growing very demanding. But I could only remain wordless, as the man had his cock choking off my vocal chords.

Holding my head to his crotch, I began to flail, my tunic falling back down and rendering me helpless to grasp his body as I felt darkness overcome me…

When I came to, I was first feeling like I was being pushed repeatedly, and then I groaned softly. Opening my eyes, I could now see a little better, thanks to being fully dark-adjusted. Blinking them open, I realized I was now face-to-face with my tormentor and the constant pushing was my body being jolted by his hips. It was moments later that I realized he was thrusting his cock in me, and I was being fucked by this filthy homeless creep! I cried out in fear, loudly, only to have him mash his lips over mine and make me taste his mix of bad breath and poor hygiene, which was enough to make me gag, only I hadn’t the chance. I felt his cock in me, giving me a tingle that was nice, but no where near as good as my husband’s making love, or as amazing as Hyper’s fucking me into submission. But he was pummeling my pearl into defeat, and after what seemed like an hour, but was probably six or seven minutes, I orgasmed. Not the mind-blowing vaginal orgasm I was used to enjoying, but more of one I would have when thinking of Hyper and that first night he ***** me, when I had a quiet moment at home, or if my husband was successful in making me climax.

As I recovered, I remembered who he was, and what was at stake and I tried to get out from under him. Legs flailing to kick him off was pointless, as he already was inside my widely parted thighs, though I tried anyway. I tried to use my hands, to scoot my way out from under him, but every time I made some purchase on the tunic, it merely pulled my head back, and ******* my neck to him, something he tried to take advantage of by biting below my ear to mark me. When I tried to push him off, again, my arms were covered in satin, and I was just trapped. I couldn’t grasp him, or anything and this tunic was making me completely helpless. I would have to talk to Hyper about this thing. It may have been sexy to him, but it sure as hell was dangerous for me! I was in the middle of begging him not to cum in me when he did just that, spilling what was left in his sac to try and fertilize me.

His hips began to pump slowly and with a sensuous style continue to thrust his cock as deeply as he could reach, pumping his cum towards my waiting cervix, which was still flexing from my own climax. My body was following nature’s instructions and trying to successfully mate, as that was what men and women were designed to do. That was to reproduce, regardless of who was who, or why, or even how. The black guy had done his part and now my body was automatically trying to do my part, even if I didn’t want it to.

After a long few minutes while he recovered, his cock finally softened, his mating ritual completed in me, and he rolled off, and begining to get dressed. It took him not much longer that it did to disrobe. I realized he had mis-matching shoes, no socks, no underwear and his atrocious pants and shirt.

“You’re a good fuck, bitch. Come back soon!”

With that, he started to shamble off, and I was suddenly realizing the impact of what had happened to me. I couldn’t stop it, and as he shuffled away, I rolled onto my side and began to cry. It started as softly sobbing, and then grew louder and more complete as I was unable to stem the new flood of tears. I was ruining my makeup, I was sure, but I couldn’t help it. I lay on my side, my chest heaving as I was wracked with the heavy sobs and tears of a woman releasing unknown waves of stress and tension. I wasn’t quiet, and I wasn’t holding anything back, and in the moment, I didn’t care if someone came by and ***** me again. I had found a new bottom in my life. I had thought the lowest in my life was the pregnancy scare I had when I was still living with my parents, and my daddy’s best friend ‘dropped by to see him’ when daddy wasn’t home. So, he had taken his liberties then, and a few more times, telling me he would tell my parents I had seduced him if I didn’t keep putting out. But now I had been ***** and inseminated during my fertile time by a homeless black man. It was as loathsome as he was disgusting. Yet had I still orgasmed. What was wrong with me?

After about 45 minutes, I was pretty much all cried out. After another ten or so to at least get myself sorted out, and back on my feet, walking back to the street. I was able to catch my reflection in a window, thanks to a streetlight. To me, I looked like a wreck. To others. I looked like what I was. A woman who had been crying. But since I was in sales, I had been used to purchasing higher-quality makeup. So yeah, my cheeks had some tear streaks, and my nose had been rubbed red from trying to get rid of all of the runaway snot, but my eyes actually held up pretty decently. My lipstick still looked flawless, thanks to be smear-proof. I took an extra moment to fluff and adjust my tunic, so that while it had some new wrinkles in it, the silky fabric draped from my neck and shoulders properly. I wasn’t covered any more than when Hyper had dressed me in it, but I wasn’t actively ******** myself.

After looking left and right, I finally made the decision to follow the last direction I had seen Hyper drive off in. My steps were measured and as I went along, I began to feel better. I could deal with this, I figured. I just had to make damn sure I didn’t get pregnant. That would be a tall order, as it was Thursday night, and it would be impossible to get an OB/GYN appointment, a Plan B prescription and get it filled before Monday, which was rendering it ineffective. I was going to have to sweat the calendar. Again. I would also have to keep my husband away from me. I didn’t want him to realize what I had been doing, or what had happened. I was sure that homeless creep had put at least one or two hickeys on me. I turned a corner, and I started to hear traffic, and after another couple of blocks, I started to see crossing traffic. Hope arose in me. At least I could figure out where I was!

Each step was making the silky material brush, caress and float about me, and with a soft breeze, sometimes the tunic would fill-out more than I was comfortable with, but it was something I had learned to deal with. Mainly, I learned to not deal with it. The more I fought it, the worse it got, so I didn’t fight it, I just endured. I cautiously made my way to what was the first major intersection I had seen, careful to stay away from plain sight and any pedestrians. Peeking out, I realized I was about half-way from Juana’s and the hotel! The main drag I was standing at was the same street Gary’s was on, as was the hotel. All I had to do was cross the street and go left and I was in great shape!

Crossing the street took a little planning as it was a 6-lane thoroughfare with a center lane for cars turning, and I had to wait for that moment when there were no cars coming from either direction. It was a tall order, but after about ten minutes, the break I needed finally came. Steeling myself, I hurried across the street as fast as I could, only to see a truck turn towards me from my side of the street. I am sure he saw me in his headlights, but like with the tunic, I couldn’t do anything, so I just kept on stepping, enduring the embarrassment of being seen like this, and the long, loud horn announcing his approval and appreciation of my presentation. It did get worse after he drove past, as the wind he dragged with him blasted my tunic, billowing it out and up to one side, ******** me to my neck to what was now fast becoming on-coming traffic. It would become an exposure I was going to have to get quickly used to. As I effectively strutted my way back to the hotel, the rush of cars and trucks blazing by was kicking up windstorms constantly. My tunic never seemed to be below my waist at this point. But it got worse when I started under the freeway overpass. Entering that natural wind tunnel made my tunic blast out and up, ******** me completely when heavy trucks blasted winds at me. One, in particular, somehow hit me just right and my tunic flew directly up, blinding me as the hem flew up over my head. My arms flailed to try and get it back down, and I had to freeze in place as I tried to get the hem back from over my head and dangling in a fall from my neck in front of me. I was bent at the waist, trying to reach the hem with both hands.

I had it nearly under control and was starting to get it to fall back down to cover me when I heard the quick blast of a siren, followed by the calm, measured voice of a police officer.

“Don’t let me catch you hooking on this side of town…”

“I’m not a prostitute!” I called back.

“Could’a fooled me. Just don’t let me catch you.”

He then roared off and did whatever it was he was on his way to.

I was blushing and flushed in the embarrassment and humiliation of now being accused of being hooker. As if! There was no way I was every going to sell my body! Ever!

I made it back to the hotel with only a few more major wind-issues, and was able to sneak past the front entrance using the wind-tunnel rear parking lot access tunnel. Yes, my tunic blasted up again, fully ******** me, but I hurried through it before trying to get it fixed. I had to sneak about, but I eventually was able to avoid any of the other patrons and reached my hotel room door. That was where I had some massive relief.

Piled there was my sundress, my purse, and the bag of garments Hyper had bought me. Most important, my purse had my room key in it! It took me a couple of tries to pick everything up, as every time I bent to pick up everything, the tunic got in the way, but I finally managed to get my key out and slip inside my room. Checking my phone, I stood there, and noticed a voicemail from my husband, and text messages from Hyper. I could explain away missing my husband’s call, as a business dinner. Hyper, however, needed to have his texts read.

“Where the FUCK you go, Bitch? I had guys coming for you! They were gonna’ check you out, but you left! FUCK THAT!!!! Next time, you do what I tell you, get it?!?!?!”

Okay, so Hyper was pissed. Well, it wasn’t like he had told me his plan. Dumping me out on the street and roaring off didn’t count as instructions.

“I see you need to be put in your place. See me when you next in town first thing. Or else your hubby will know EVERYTHING!”

Great. Now the hottest cock in my life was blackmailing me…..
Previous page: The Road Warrior- Ch. 3