Author's Note: It has been a while since I went after a longer series, and I am feeling the itch. This series will be a different take than the 'My Neighbor" series, in that I want to explore different events and scenarios, rather than focus on relationships. If all goes according to the loose plan in my head, one or more of these chapters will be true, to the best I can recall. Because I used to be a Road Warrior...

The Road Warrior- Ch. 1

Road Warrior:


A person who travels frequently, especially on business.​
A frequent business traveler.​
A salesperson who spends a lot of time traveling and outside the office.​

--The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition​

That is me. A Road Warrior. It isn’t often that you see a woman who spends the majority of her time traveling for business, especially in my field, but it was a position I earned through hard work, tenacity, a can-do attitude, and the threat of sexual discrimination if I didn’t get the promotion. I had worked at the company for 4 solid years and had excelled at every position, assignment, and task thrown at me. I had a boss, named Sydney, who seemed to take sadistic delight in coming up with new ways for me to fail. Only Karma smiled upon me and seemed to throw every right answer at me just when I needed it.

It was not easy being in my job, at my age, and as a woman with my looks. Being five foot four inches, with long red hair, a 34-26-34 figure, and C-cupped breasts made the men around me more lusty than professional. I had to endure a lot of things, the whisperings behind my back, the men betting on who could bed me, the ‘accidental’ groping, as well as the demeaning nicknames. One of them was also being dosed and gang-***** at a major corporate function. I had only been married five months back then, but I couldn’t tell my husband about it, because I knew he would go ballistic and storm into the corporate headquarters on a rampage. He might find the men who did it to me, but it would destroy my career in the process. So, I had to suck it up and keep it a secret. The truth could eventually come out, but not with my involvement, but that is another story. Sadly, keeping secrets was something I had learned how to do early in my life.

Growing up, I was a little bit of a late bloomer, but when I blossomed, boy did I! I went from teenybopper to fully developed woman in one Summer, it seemed, and it made my Junior year in high school harder because I had never had boys hanging around me, or trying to get me to go steady with them, or any of that. It also didn’t help that my parents saw what the boys did and clamped down on me like a vise. No boyfriend, no dating, no wearing anything other than jeans or ankle-length dresses or skirts. I couldn’t stay out past 8:00 PM, even in Summer, and if they called me, I had better answer on the second ring. So, I started having a secret boyfriend.

We would hang out, and when the moment struck, we would make out and feel each other up. But I couldn’t go too far, because my mom would take me to her OB/GYN periodically for a ‘check-up’. Part of this required a medical examination that verified that I still had my hymen in place. My boyfriend was nice, and his name was Jeremy, but like all things, our relationship was not going to last. Mainly because of something that happened three weeks before school started for our Junior year.

Jeremy was taking me to the movies one weekday afternoon, and so I wanted to dress the part. I was tired of looking like a ******** and wanted to dress as a woman should for going on a date. I had managed to sneak out an outfit that I felt was more reflecting that. I had my pink silk blouse and white cotton skater skirt, and I had managed to buy some white pantyhose with my white church high heels to wear for my date. When Jeremy saw me, he smiled and whistled, holding me to him in a warm and wonderful hug, which we ended with a long, powerful French kiss, before we went inside the theater.

The movie was decent, and we spent a little more time necking in the back, ******* that three of the more wrong-side-of-the-train tracks kind of boys had snuck in to watch the movie. When the movie was over, they were laughing it up as Jeremy escorted me down the steps, only to be stopped when they saw me in my miniskirt and heels. They didn’t waste any time, and simply grabbed me by each arm, lifting and dragging me out the emergency exit kicking and screaming. The third black guy ran interference with Jeremy, who was following behind and trying to grab me as well, to pull me free. The door slammed shut behind us, and I was dragged deeper down into the alley, a place I was very unfamiliar with. That was where Jeremy and I got separated. He was yelling and trying to interfere, and I guess one of them finally had enough and punched him in the stomach, and down he went, the wind knocked out of him. I was able to glance back and see him take a couple of kicks, as well.

Meanwhile, the two guys who had kidnapped me had emerged out of the alley and I was in the part of town I had been warned about since I was a little girl. It was a place never to never to step foot in. The Williams Projects, named after the then-Mayor. We all called it the Willies because that was what we got when even thinking about it. Now I was in it, and it was dawning on me what they were going to do. I gave it my very best effort, and wriggled in their grasp, flailing my legs to kick them, but all they did was use my arms and armpits to lift me higher. Looking back, it was like they had practiced doing this before. I saw a few black people looking at us as I wriggled and screamed, some shook their heads, some gawked, and a few laughed. They knew what was up. It would be three black cocks in me.

They took a turn and dashed inside a burned-out building that had no glass windows and the doors were all broken. Once we were deep enough in the building, they took me into a room they must’ve used before, because there was a creaky old bed with a filthy mattress and a couple of chairs, along with a rickety table. There was the smell of pot and trash everywhere. I think it had once been someone’s apartment because there was a small room stinking of urine and excrement on one side. It had to be the bathroom.

They held me down on the bed and started to grope me everywhere. My boobs, my crotch, and even my butt, when they were manhandling me around. At one point I wound up standing on my heels, and my head forcibly slammed into the bed as they twisted my arms to control me. I could see myself looking between my legs, my heels were being forced apart, and I felt hands up under my skirt. They were calling out to each other that they found a great piece of white ass, and how they were going to ‘fuck this white bitch up’, and maybe turn me into a whore. Once they discovered I was wearing pantyhose, instead of panties, they started to yank them down and pull them off. My heels came off in the process and then they forced me onto the bed on my back, using my pantyhose to tie my wrists over my head. My blouse was ripped open, and then one of them pulled out a knife and cut my bra off.

The way they were hooting and yelling, you would have thought they had won the state football championship. They loved my breasts, and it seemed like instantly I was being grabbed hard, my nipples pinched and licked. Since I was a virgin and had planned to remain one until I married, I couldn’t understand the feelings I was receiving. The painful pleasures, the burning passion as my body was molested. A hand was up under my skirt and fondling my vagina, sliding up and down and I felt myself getting warm inside. Later, I would come to understand this as my vagina was making ready for a man. Or in this case, older boys. Or maybe men. I honestly didn’t know how old they were, but they were certainly older than me.

I tried to kick at them, but now barefoot, my feet had no sting on them, as my heels were in the room somewhere. That was when I saw my first real cock in person. It was dark black and bigger than I would have thought, but when one of them pinched my nose closed, my mouth automatically opened, and soon I was tasting it. The feel was something different like I was sucking on a velvety pillowcase, or at least, that is how it felt on my tongue. With the new sensations of sucking a big black cock, I was ******* that my legs were being parted, and my knees bent widely apart. It was while I had that cock deep in my mouth and I was struggling to breathe and not choke by the repeated attempts to shove it down my throat, that I felt my petals being forced apart, and I was being opened. I couldn’t look down, but it had to be bigger than my finger, and as it was sliding up and down, I felt all sorts of more arousing sensations. I couldn’t understand it. I was scared out of my wits, and yet I was feeling so much pleasure. There was just so much sensory input going on, that I couldn’t decide anything, other than to try and breathe. That was when I felt the pain of my pussy being opened, and my cherry about to be taken.

I was writhing under the guy trying to hump me, while I had a black cock thrusting past my lips, and a black mouth suckling my nipples so hard it was like he was trying to remove them. All the while I felt hands all over me, groping, squeezing, and bruising me. At some point, the cock pushing inside me was able to stretch me enough to where he slipped inside, which hurt, but oh, wow, did it feel special! It made me stop wriggling, and his next couple of thrusts forced more and more of him into my slick, tight vagina, until I felt this weird tension for a moment, and then a sharp pain as my hymen ruptured. I had just lost my maidenhood and become a full-fledged woman.

Now that I was a woman, that woman would be gang-*****, molested, mauled, groped, bruised, and inseminated by all three of them. Each time they mounted me, it just kept feeling better and better, and soon enough, these black cocks were making me orgasm almost at will. I had massaged myself to climax before, but oh… my… goodness! The sex was GREAT! Even though I was being *****, I could not get over how good it felt. It was very confusing to me.

After what was maybe an hour, I was just worn out, and I couldn’t even resist. I just took what they offered, which was loads of virile, vital semen in my vagina, while making me have multiple orgasms. I was forced to suck their cocks clean, as well as kiss them all lewdly. I had hickeys on my neck, my breasts, inner my inner thighs. I was so tired that I eventually passed out, and it was dark when I awoke. I was also alone.

I tried to move and discovered that I was still tied to the bed. It took some considerable shifting, flexing, and wriggling before I could move myself around and use my teeth to get my wrists loose. I found my heels, put them on, and stumbled my way out, my top was torn and essentially useless. My bra was long gone, so I gave up on it as I tried to find my way back. I tried to retrace my steps, and it took maybe another hour before I found the alley and the movie theater.

What I didn’t know was that Jeremy had been knocked out as well, and someone had found him and then called the police. Paramedics came and took him to the hospital, but since he was out of it, nobody knew anything other than he had been beaten up pretty badly. Things went South when my parents came home from work, and I wasn’t there. My mom was a former Playboy Model, and my *** was a prominent defense lawyer. So, when she called 911, and then my ***, Panic started to ensue. He started to reach out to his contacts, and things started to get intense. The police came to my house and talked with my mom, who was getting hysterical. My *** showed up, and he was reportedly really pissed off, and as the cops were trying to figure everything out, Jeremy woke up. After calling his parents, he called my house, hoping I had gotten home. That was when the shit hit the fan.

I had heard sirens all around me, and I saw cop cars everywhere, but I didn’t want to be caught because, in my mind, I was nearly naked and didn’t want to get in trouble. I was trying to play hide-and-seek wearing a bright white miniskirt and heels, while covering my breasts with my arms, all the while leaking a trail of black cum down my leg. My mom was raising all sorts of Hell and had called the media, and well, she got attention because she was very pretty and a former Playboy Model. My *** was stirring up the pot by contacting all of his political whomever, and the poor police were crisscrossing the city looking for the kidnapped and black-***** white girl who was doing her best not to be found because she thought she was in trouble.

I was losing it now, and finally hunkered down in the shadows of a doorway and started to cry. Not small tears, but big fat, ugly crying. I remember some lady coming to me, asking if I was alright, and calling the police. It was probably 15 seconds between her hanging up the phone and the first sirens. But I was found, and paramedics arrived, and the next thing I knew, I was in the same hospital as Jeremy. My parents showed up very soon after that, and my folks were so angry with me that they got kicked out of the ER and had to wait in the lobby. It took the police and the nurses to get me some peace.

My one big takeaway from that experience, other than having to endure the humiliation of the sexual assault evidence kit the police questioning, and the wrath of my parents, was that I learned that sex was fun. For some reason, the more extreme it was, the more fun I had. When I was a free woman again, out from under the domineering thumb of my parents, I started playing riskier games with sex, too. I would test things. Like could I get home if I was stripped naked at the park and sneak back home? How much of a tease could I be and get away with it? How short of a dress could I wear? What if I ‘forgot’ my panties? How slutty could I look and what would happen? I never actually got caught, but there were some very close calls.

Once settled in at school, I also started dating black guys. My parents were nearly apoplectic, but by then I was old enough to make my own decisions. Besides, college was coming up, and I would be staying in a dorm. Which became staying at a Sorority. I didn’t exclude white guys, or any other guys for that matter, but if a black guy asked me out, not only was I saying yes, but there was a great chance he was getting laid that night. Or that afternoon. Or both. I took more and more risks, too, and started to push the line, by going into The Willies, and seeing what trouble I could get into. The answer was plenty. I was getting ***** more and more and having more and more orgasms. It was then I realized that the farther I was from home, the safer it was for me to be *****, so I could have more orgasms. I would go to The Willies, a lot.


My career started while I was still in my Senior year of college. I had my sights set on a career in the financial sector, in sales and marketing, with a minor in accounting. I was recruited during my final semester, to work for a national corporation. I would start at the bottom and work my way up, through hard work, perseverance, and a few veiled threats. It was during all of this that I met the man I would marry. Steve. Handsome, smart, and well-built in just about every way, he was what every woman could want in a husband. Even my parents loved him. For the first time in my womanhood, I thought I had now found my new life, and would happily leave my old one behind. He was on the technical side of our company, and so he was doing a mix of office and fieldwork, and not long after we got married, he got promoted, and was moved inside the office, so now it was my turn to be a road warrior.

This was also about the time the old itch came back. Steve and I had a good, strong, loving marriage. We were mostly compatible sexually, too, though with one exception. His manhood was average, which was fine, but he was always treating me like a fine crystal. We always made love, and never just fucked. I would try and playfully deny him, and instead of overpowering me and having his way with his wife, he took me at my word and would stop. No matter how badly I teased him, I could not get him to be rough with me, or to make it impossible for me to say no. He would be a gentleman with me, no matter the cost. It was so frustrating!

But now I was a road warrior.

I had been assigned a territory that was a solid three-hour drive from home. In a way, it sucked. Too close to fly, and yet a long drive to get there. Plus, the market I was now serving wasn’t the highest volume, and the six cities there were not exactly thriving. People did not flock to live there, but with the lower cost of living and if you didn’t mind the lower standard of living to go with it, well, it would work out. Crime and drugs were the main problems, but I could live with that. I had spent time in The Willies, hadn’t I?

My first two trips were just overwhelming. I was working so hard that at the end of the day, I went to my hotel room and collapsed. Yet even as I lay in bed, images, and fantasies kept creeping back into my mind’s eye. Teasing men, being ***** by black men, and suffering the humiliation of it all. Sometimes it was so strong that only Jill would be able to satisfy me. It was my third trip when I finally managed to do something other than collapse. So, I went to the hotel bar after work. It was just a short walk, and Summer, so there was plenty of daylight as I entered the bar. I was surprised to find it was rather filled with people. Oddly, there was a mix of people dressed like business travelers after-hours like me and some very casual customers. I almost felt out of place since I was still fully dressed.

I was wearing a very wide-leg pair of rich purple satin pants and a tan chiffon blouse. The satin was so silky and smooth that I could only wear the tiniest of G-strings while wearing them. My wearing G-strings was something my husband enjoyed if it was for him, but for others, I don’t think he approved. The blouse had pockets over where my breasts would have been *******, but I was wearing a tan bralette to provide some small amount of support and ensure that my nipples were covered from prying eyes. If my nipples got cold, however, there was no way to hide those hardened gumdrops, which is exactly what I wanted before making a sales contact. My heels were strappy black patent-leather sandals.

I made my way to the bar and a gentleman acted as a true gentleman, giving me his stool at the bar so I could slide up and have a seat. Setting my clutch on the bar, I had to use both hands to clutch the bar and place my foot on the bar rail to climb up. It took me a minute to realize why bar stools were so much harder to climb onto. I used to wear platform heels back in my clubbing days, some of them having even six or seven-inch heels, and even those extra couple of inches helped. I was musing on that when a margarita magically appeared in front of me. The bartender smiled and gestured down the bar.

I looked down and saw a distinguished-looking man, with graying temples. He was not bad looking at all, but between the button-down shirt and open collar, the expensive wristwatch, and the wedding ring, I knew he was an immediate turndown. If a married man was going to throw me down and make me his, that was one thing. But I was not a homewrecker. A few weeks later, our paths would cross in a more professional setting, and I was so happy I declined to be a notch on his bedpost.

Drinking the free liquor, I was just looking around when I felt a hand ‘accidentally’ caress my backside. I was used to it happening when I wore something satiny. Guys won’t admit it, but they like the fabric, too. This time, though, the hand stayed and began to slide up and down, which dragged my attention to the owner. I turned and saw a very heavy-set Hispanic man. A quick look down told me his suit was made at ‘Tents R Us’, and the gray color didn’t work for his dark Hispanic heritage. Not did the yellow paisley tie which was far too short for his belly. His face was too close for comfort, and I tried to lean back but was trapped against the back of the person next to me.

“Hey, Beautiful. Waiting for someone?”

“Ummm... hi… and no, I’m not. I am just unwinding from a long day.”

“So, what’s your name, Sweetheart?” Between his slick-backed hair and weird smile, I was about as turned off as I could get.

“Suzi. What’s yours?” I had to be polite, but I switched hands on my drink to start displaying my wedding ring.

“I’m Juan, Beautiful. How about as soon as you finish your drink, I take you someplace and buy you dinner?”

“I appreciate your offer, but I don’t think my husband would appreciate that.” I made a more obvious display of my ring, now.

I don’t know why I didn’t think about it, but his hand never left my ass, and he was continually rubbing, feeling my taut bubble butt under the satin conforming to it. It was just then that something was either dropped or fell, and the sound of crashing and breaking glassware was everywhere. I turned to look, as did so many others, and then a soft smattering of applause as we realized it was one of the servers who had dropped a tray of empty glasses. Shaking my head, I looked back.

“Such an unfortunate accident, I feel bad for a woman like that?”

“Oh? What do you mean?” I sipped from my drink.

“Oh, just that she is working hard, and guys will give her a harder time.”

“What do you mean a harder time?” Again, another sip. I wanted to down the drink so I could make my excuses and get away from this slimy would-be womanizer.

“I’m sure you didn’t see, but she is a very pretty girl, but not as pretty as you, of course, and all of these business travelers have been asking her for a date, or to spend the night. You can’t blame us. Some of us travel a lot, and if we have a woman at home, they are more interested in taking care of the kids than they are in me.”

I caught his last words. It spoke volumes. Okay, so he is not getting what he wants at home, so he wants to get it on the road. ‘Well, lots of luck, Dude. I am not your Miss Right-Now.’ I thought to myself.

Draining my glass, I set it in front of me, and I made my excuses.

“Juan, I hope you have a better night, but I am going to head to my room.”

“Of course, Suzi. Thank you for your time. Here, let me help you down.”

I wasn’t in any particular difficulty to slide down from the barstool, but Juan took the opportunity to feel me up, grasping me by my crotch from behind and reaching under my armpit to collect my boob in his, thick, stubby fingers. I had to admit that he was immensely strong, but he had to be, to move that immense bulk. Setting me down, I was a little off-balance, and I started to lean into the guy on the other side of me. Juan captured my arm pulled me back to him, and wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Come, Suzi, let me help you to your room. It seems you have had more than you should. The bartender here pours them very strong.”

I looked up to him, and I had to admit, having a bulldozer to push the ever-growing crowd out of me would not hurt. So, I let him lead me out, and I directed him to my room, which was on the first floor but it was across the hotel. Once we had space, I started to work my way free of his grasp, his one hand on my waist with his arm around me, and the other on my nearest arm, holding me to him.

“Lemme go, Juan. I’m fine now, thank you.”

To his credit, he let me go as he stepped with me, and after a few steps, I somehow stumbled, and he grabbed me again. Only now, something wasn’t right.

“Easy Suzi, I’ll get you to your room, just give me the number.”

I somehow managed to mumble out the number, and that was the last I remember until I was thrown down on my bed. Only now, Juan was naked, in his over 300 pounds of flabby glory, sporting a sloppy erection. My jaw also was sore, and I was feeling colder. I realized I was naked, and what was now happening. Juan had somehow gotten me alone and was going to **** me.

“No” I managed to slur out.

“Oh, come now, slut. A girl like you? I bet you fuck every guy you see. I had you pegged as a whore until I saw the ring. I was gonna hire you, but now, you are just a free fuck.”

I tried to get up and managed to roll onto my side, my soft voice moaning in disorientation. I knew I had developed this intense fetish to be *****. But not like this. By then, Juan was on my bed with me, and he yanked me back flat on my back. His face mashed into mine, and his lips kissed me in a very sloppy, wet kiss. His tongue then found a weak fight with my mouth, and he pried my lips open to lewdly kiss me, licking all around my mouth, a savage display of sexual demand. I tried to use my tongue to somehow push his out, but all that did was allow him to lick under my tongue, and then hold my tongue captive, while he drooled his saliva and made me swallow it. It was disgusting, but I could do nothing about it. That was when I felt him force my legs apart.

His fat hands grabbed my ankles and lifted them high and wide, bending them back against me. My vagina was directly ******* to him, he held my ankles back with one hand and reached under his layers of flab and fat to grasp his cock and begin to feed it to my helpless pussy. He had to shift a couple of times, but we both felt it, my slickness as he began to rub along my slit. His cock was not some great gift, but he was thicker than my husband. Rising to his toes, he angled his bulk over me, nearly flattening me as he began to engage his leaking cock with my opening. Once he was engaged, he began to thrust, my body giving up resisting. I had no strength and what little fight I had put up was pretty feeble. His technique could best be described as absent. He had no care about me or my body or injuring me. He immediately began to thrust at me, hard and rapidly, until my vagina surrendered, and he battered his way fully into me.

He started to squeal, almost like a piglet as he thrust almost frantically. I don’t know how long it was, only that he smelled worse than I thought as he was smearing me with his oily skin, and he had halitosis. Even the guys who stole my virginity were more pleasurable than Juan was. At least they made me orgasm. Juan was simply thrusting inside me as fast as he could, squealing every time, until his body couldn’t hold back, and he shoved his cock into me as far as he could reach before he ejaculated inside me.

He had gotten his, but I hadn’t. But truthfully, in my reduced consciousness, having pleasure didn’t even enter the picture. I was just in this lost floating world, where I could see some fat slob fucking this petite redhead. That was the last I would remember until I woke up in the middle of the night, alone, aching and sore, feeling filthy, and hungover. I also had this horrid taste in my mouth. I stumbled into the bathroom to use the bathroom, and it was when I sat down that I realized I had seen in and on me. I belatedly realized that this guy Juan had ***** me twice, having cum in my mouth and my vagina. I sat there, confused and hurt, not knowing what to do for the longest moments. I cried, which hurt as my chest was wracked with sobs and since I was so sore, I couldn’t help it. But as my tears finished, I realized now that while at the moment I had no idea what was going on, afterward, I was getting aroused.

I made my way back to my bed, flopped down, spread my legs, and started to massage my vulva, and I grew wet. I dug a finger inside to tease my sweet spot, feeling Juan’s slimy deposit in me. I was moaning, voicing my imagined ****, smearing his seed all around my petals and tunnel, even lifting my legs as I begged him not to impregnate me. That was when I detonated, and I shuddered violently on the bed, my voice screaming into the pillow beside me. Gasping for air I lay there and came to the realization that I had been drugged and *****. Gasping in recovery, I reached the only conclusion I could. It was so hot!

My phone alarm chimed only a few minutes later, and as I reached for it, I also realized something that chilled my spine. Somehow, Juan now had my contact information.

The Road Warrior- Ch. 2

The rest of my previous trip went very slowly, but very securely. I didn’t go out to the bar, a bar, or frankly anywhere. It was a fast-food dinner and locked back in my room for the night. I had gotten a little freaked out by the loss of not only control but consciousness. In the moment, yeah, it had been hot. But now that I had a chance to think about it? Damn, that was dumb. I could have disappeared forever, and no one would have known where I went, especially me. Human trafficking was a thing, and I would have to be more careful. So, it became one of the criteria to think about for my next adventure, which would be in two weeks. I had to find some way of keeping my wits about me. Stupid, I know, but it was how my mind was working. But two weeks became four, and then finally six before my period and my travels would be in sync again.

I had to take my first two nights and work. It had gotten really busy. But my third day went so smoothly that I thought something was wrong. So much so that I even called the office to see if I missed something. But no, everything was in order, and in fact, my boss even told me to enjoy the rest of the day. So, I took him at his word. I was wearing a plain white cotton long-sleeve blouse with a turned-up collar, a calf-length black leather pencil skirt with black-seamed pantyhose, and black patent stilettos. I looked proper and prim, and the way the skirt hugged my hips, gave my ass the proper recognition it deserved. Even if I do say so myself! The hem was very tight though, making it so that I had to step shortly, almost a quick step to get anywhere. It was only a couple of inches short of being a hobble skirt.

I made my way to the front desk.

“Hi, Mrs. Owens, how may I help you?” the young woman behind the counter asked, after I took almost 5,000 steps to get to her.

“Hi. I’m still new to the area, and since I’ll be visiting out here regularly, I need to find some decent places to eat. Do you have any suggestions?”

The young woman, named Amanda, smiled.

“Yes, I sure do. If you like Italian, try Antonio’s across the boulevard, and if you like a good steak, there is Gary’s on the other side of the freeway, on the right. Both are within walking distance if you want some exercise after your meal. But please, if you go to Gary’s, either go in the early evening or with a friend. That is the edge of the business district and the beginning of the warehouse district. There are a lot of homeless and other types that way. Not to mention crime starts to go up on that side of town.” She smiled her answer, even as she was giving me a warning and yet a bonus. The bad part of town was what also interested me.

“OK, these are great starters, what else have you got?”

“Well, Mrs. Owens, if you want good Mexican, there is Luisa’s even further past Gary’s, on the left, and Juan’s two blocks further. Juan’s is popular because they also have a big drive-through so people don’t have to get out of their car. They also deliver, but you should order early, as they get very busy, although they are open until two in the morning.”

I stuck my tongue in my cheek. Part of it was great news, and part of it was also scary news. But both were exciting. I looked a little hopeful.

“And is there a Chinese restaurant?”

“Oh, yes, I was just getting there. We have three, all of them are on this side of the freeway, but a little too far to walk casually. But the areas are pretty safe, usually. The Gardens has nice outdoor dining as well. All of them have good food, but none of them do takeout.”

I thanked her and decided to make my way out. My mind was reeling. The short scenarios were North and South were just typical chain eateries, West was pretty safe, but East was more dangerous. But East also had the food I liked, and I liked the danger aspect. The sun was setting, and I was not dressed for any sort of exposure risk, so I thought I might try Juan’s place. Drive-through, good food, and a good chance to eyeball the areas. I went directly to my car and left.

Well, Amanda wasn’t lying. The difference once you crossed the freeway was night and day. Almost like a national border. The parking at Gary’s had a valet, and the parking lot was walled off with tasteful brickwork. It looked very nice on the outside, and the valets were in a blue polo and black trousers uniform. All are very professional-looking. Yeah, I would go there, and she was right, it was within walking distance, even if I was wearing the outfit I was in, but it was not a casual dining experience. It would be the perfect place for a date, though.

I made my way further down, and oh, wow, the environment changed in less than a block. I saw my first drug dealer on the other side of the wall from Gary’s parking lot. From there, it got worse. People shuffling about, broken down and abandoned cars still on the street, a few prostitutes who looked way worse for the wear stalking about, and as I went along more and more homelessness. I got stopped at a signal, and this black guy came shuffling up to panhandle. He looked desperate, for what I didn’t know, but I would have given him a hot meal if I could have. Instead, I gave him a five-dollar bill. He smiled and moved to the next person. It was then I began to learn what to look for, and as I looked, I saw more and more denizens of the neighborhood. I think I saw members of a street gang hanging out, all in blue, looking very unkempt and sloppily dressed, wearing oversized t-shirts, baggy pants or shorts, and expensive sneakers. All of them were black.

There were numerous alleys, which I could not see far down, but there looked to be dumpsters,

I drove past Luisa’s. A small parking lot and no dining area. Just a couple of concrete tables and seats in front and a walk-up window or two. There was a small line of people ordering. There were also some more gangbangers and homeless people hanging out there. The racial mix was predominantly black and Hispanic, with a few whites here and there. Part of me was thinking I was getting into my preferred area for playing. I was getting heated, and I was fairly sure when I got back to my room, I would have to change my panties due to leaking my arousal.

When I got to Juan’s, I was astonished. The place looked new, almost, new, and was well-kept, with a dining area inside and more of that concrete furniture outside. The drive-through line was down the block, and the parking lot was nearly full. I decided I would try the walk-up window, and order to-go.

The walk to the window was sort of embarrassing. I had guys looking at me, and saying things I didn’t understand, but it was making me blush. As I placed my order, I felt someone sidle up close to me, and try and horn-in for some reason. I looked over, and it was a black thug, young and probably not as tough as he portrayed himself, but he was brazen. I felt his hand starting to rub my ass as I had my hands busy paying for my order. If I hadn’t been aroused before, this was certainly doing it. Black men were a weakness for me. In a flash, I made a decision.

“You hungry?” I asked my new companion.

“Yeah. Gimme a burrito and a coke.”

Adding to the order did mess up the cashier, and she had to start over, with some annoyance, but I didn’t care. That hand on my ass was tuning me up just fine.

“Who are you?” I asked him as the cashier went to collect the order.

“Call me Hyper. Everyone else does.”

Still, his hand never left my ass, and I was growing warm.

“What do you think you are doing… Hyper? You always just walk up and start molesting girls?”

“Naw. Just the ones with the hot asses. I’m gonna get a piece of yours.”

I could not help but grunt.

“The hell you say.”

“It’s true. You've been shaking your ass at me since I came up. You want some of this, and I‘m gonna give it to you.”

Damn. The guy had great instincts. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to have this guy throw me down and **** me. I regretted not changing my clothes, especially now that the Sun had gone down, and it was fully dark. I was probably exuding my sexual scent just standing there, and Hyper was sensitive enough to pick up on it.

“Hyper, I’m flattered that you like what you see, but I’m married.” I lifted my left hand and waggled my fingers to display my ring.

“So what? Married pussy is just as good, even after ya’ bitches have kids. An’ I know ya’ want it. I bet hubby ain’t got nuttin’ but maybe five inches fuckin’ you as it is.”

I was a bit taken aback by his language and calling me a bitch was off-putting. I was in sales. The last thing I ever wanted to be to anyone was bitchy. It didn’t help to close a sale.

“Oh? You are such an expert on women, are you?”

“Nah, just ya’ white girls. Always comin’ around, pretending you are here for the food when what ya’ really want is a real man to fuck his baby into ya’. All you white bitches do.”

His reply was full of self-satisfaction, like at his young age, he had the world figured out.

That made me take a brain-check. I realized that even though mentally I was ages older than him, physically I couldn’t be more than a few years older than he was. We were actually within the marrying range of each other. I was 22 and I had no idea how old Hyper was, other than younger than me. My order ready, or rather, our order, since I also had Hyper’s burrito in my paper bag, I turned to get out of line, with Hyper right next to me, only now his hand slid up to my waist, and he was holding me close with one hand, while he held a soda in the other, and my arms were full of food and drink. I was starting towards my car, and I realized I could not take Hyper to the hotel. First, because the hotel would probably have an issue with it, and second, I didn’t want him to know too much about me.

“Hyper, where do you think we are going?”

“Your place, bitch, so I can fuck you like you need.”

I gave a single, wry laugh.

“Hardly. I am not having sex with you, dude, no matter how much you think I want it, or even if I did, I am not taking you back to the hotel.”

He smiled. I think I had screwed up. There was only one hotel in the area.

“A’ight, we’ll eat in your car, then.”

“Not even close. I know what can happen inside a car.”

I stopped at the last concrete picnic table and began to take my seat. My skirt made it impossible to step over the bench, so I had to slide in from the end. Hyper, however, was able to drop himself next to me so close that if I turned my head wrong, we would be kissing. He continued to fondle my ass or steal glances down my blouse whenever he could as we ate, our discussion centering on how great he was in bed, and how much I would enjoy his cock plundering my body because he had such a great cock. I kept refusing his advances, despite how horny he was making me. His crude talk was also finding its way into my mind as a sexual advance, and I was growing more enticed by his words.

Finally, as we were nearly finished, I had to challenge him. I had grown a bit weary of his boasts, and I figured he was like most men. Boastful until it was time to put up or shut up. I knew not all black men were well-endowed. I had been with enough black men to know that they ranged from challenged to ‘Oh holy smokes you huge!’.

“Hyper, you have done nothing but brag about how good you are. How much I am going to love you having sex with me, and that you are going to turn me into your willing lover. When we finish, I will be forever yours. But so far, all I have heard is a lot of talk.” I let my voice trail off, as a challenge to him.

He didn’t even flinch, and he reached over, and took my hand, guiding it below the table and to his thigh. Unfortunately, it was his opposite thigh, making me have to lean over, and make it obvious what I was doing. Others had been watching Hyper and me as we had sat and talked, with passers-by having even given him a sort of street-lingo hello as they passed. But now the catcalls and hooting started, as it was beyond obvious that the pretty white girl with big tits was now fondling the young black thug. But that didn’t faze me. It was what my fingers felt that stopped me in my tracks. He wasn’t joking. His cock was long and thick and just felt so wonderful to hold through the thin material of his long shorts. My fingers were alternating between grasping him and sliding along his length, giving me a good tactile picture of what he was offering. He had been right all along. If he bedded me, I would not be able to say no to him in the future. Visions of what might happen flew through my mind’s eye.

I was dressed as I was, and bent over the table, and his hands roughly lifted my skirt until he could force-feed his cock into me until I cried out from my orgasms to his finding me alone, dressed in one of my short party dresses that my husband favored, his hopes of sex in bed dashed as Hyper was there, waiting for me to fall to his arms, and my husband was cuckolded right in front of him. Or maybe I was alone in the alley, and wearing my black satin dress, the 1950s style skirt full and wide, yet the hem so short that a sudden turn would ****** my tiny thong to him as he captured me and a ped me in his lair. All of these ideas and more flashed through, only with one common ending. His cock buried deeply into my silky-smooth pussy, his thick black cock pulsing as he filled me with his seed, fertilizing my married white body with his black child.

It took me a long second to snap out of it, and that was when I realized I had made a mistake, and I needed to get away from him, faster than immediately. Because if I didn’t, at least one of those visions was going to come true. Possibly in the next 15 minutes.

“I have to go…”

My voice was curt, and I didn’t wait for his response, slithering out from the table and to my car as fast as my heels could get me there.

“Wait! I don’t know your name!”

I didn’t even bother to reply to him, because I couldn’t. He had suddenly made me so aroused that my nipples felt painfully hard that even breathing as hard as I was sending erotic tingles through me. I was lucky enough to make the next few traffic signals until I felt comfortable far enough away that Hyper couldn’t reach out and touch me anymore. It was then that I realized how dangerous that man was. Just with his very presence, he had made me ready to betray my husband, my wedding vows, and myself. Because he was brash and aggressive and he truly did have a glorious black cock, and I would want to have it again and again. I would become his to command. I pulled into the hotel parking lot, nearly running as fast as my tight skirt would allow me, my heels tut-tutting quickly until I was locked safely in my room. It was less than three minutes later that I was writhing on the bed, wearing just my hose and heels, my fingers inside my thong and making me writhe until I cried out in release, speaking Hyper’s name lustily. He hadn’t ***** my body, but he had r a p e d my mind. Yet I had reveled in it.

That night was my last in town for this travel cycle, so I packed up, leaving out my outfit the next day, a simple ladies’ black business suit and a pink silk blouse, with the undergarments I needed. Bra, thin panties, and pantyhose. I was going to wear the same heels as today since I was visiting different clients. My laptop was packed up, my phone was charging, and all I had out was my robe and toiletries. In the morning, I could be on the road in an hour or so. For me, that was like the speed of a bullet train. My body sat, I crawled into bed nude and turned out the light.


The phone jarred me awake with the loud and harsh bell sound. It was an electronic phone, but some sadist had programmed it to sound like an old-style ringing bell phone, and it was loud. After a split second to put my heart in my chest, thanks to the asshole who was juvenile enough to prank me like this, I answered the phone, the silence almost ringing off the walls as a replacement.

“Hello?” my voice groggily asked. I had no idea what time it was, but I had been asleep for hours.

“Hi, Mrs. Owens, it is Nick from the front desk. I am so sorry to disturb you, but someone has reported that your car has been damaged in our parking lot. Would you please take a moment and inspect it? I am the only one here tonight and I am not allowed to leave the desk, but if you can tell me what it looks like, I can start the paperwork for you.”

With a heavy sigh, I agreed. “I’ll be right there.”

As I was waking up, I realized that no matter how bad this was, it was going to be worse, because my car was a company car, and I had no idea how to deal with that. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was 2:20 in the morning. Great. I hoped it wouldn’t be too bad, so I pulled on my robe and then buckled on my strappy heels. I wanted to deal with this as fast as possible. I hated the unknowns. I could deal with ‘yes’ and I could deal with ‘no’, but ‘I don’t know’ drove me crazy. With that, I took a moment to throw the door lock so that the door wouldn’t lock me out because I hadn’t a place for my key card.

I was forced to strut my way across the courtyard in my heels, re-tying my robe twice. The rick black satin material was shiny, silky, and luxurious, but it was also very slippery. The robe was a short kimono-style, hemmed about two inches below my butt, and it had very long and draped sleeves, like a geisha sleeve, that went to my wrists but hung down below the hem of the robe. I am sure I presented a rather sexy appearance, except for my hair, which I had neglected to brush. As I made my way, I was more worried about my hair than paying attention to my surroundings. Using my perfectly manicured nails, I was able to draw out the rest of the thick and tousled mane I wore. I didn’t realize that the weather had changed a little. The quad was a little gusty with wind.

Entering the tunneled pathway to the parking lot, the wind suddenly got my full attention, as my robe was blasted behind me below the sash, ******** me completely. I squealed softly as I reached to collect the sides, only to have to turn to put my back to the wind to let my fingers finally grasp the edges of the robe and hold it mostly closed. Had anyone else witnessed that, my modesty would have been shot to Hell.

Entering the parking lot, the wind eased a little, but I still had to keep one hand down to hide my vulva from any prying eyes. Most likely the person who reported the damage would be there. It was very dark, too, and it looked like the parking lot lights were out for some reason, so after squinting in the dark, I made my way to where I last remembered parking. After finding my car, I was surprised that I was alone, and even more surprised that I couldn’t see any damage. I even bent low to look at a few spots, to make sure. But nope, nothing as I walked around it. Not even the license plate was den….

I felt a hand grab my arm, and then another grabbed the other, pulling them apart and then pulling me from between my car and the one next to it. I cried out, only to have a hand slap over my lips, muffling me. I was squirming to try and break free, and for a split second had succeeded in doing just that, as my arm slipped through his grasp, thanks to the amazing satin I was wearing, but it didn’t last long.

“About time you showed up, Bitch.”

I knew that voice. It was Hyper. But who in the Hell was holding me? Hyper was right in front of me, obviously ogling my body now that I could not protect myself, and my robe was splitting open.

“Put her against the car…”

It was an order, not a request, and I was suddenly slammed with my back against my SUV. They were holding me by the upper arms and wrists, twisting them to control me, despite my awkward writhing to somehow break free. In the end, I lost, because they were using pain to keep me prisoner. Hyper even took the extra effort to tug the end of the sash and allow my robe to fly fully open. His eyes leered at my form as he admired me.

“Yeah, I knew you had great tits, Bitch, but wow! We’re gonna’ enjoy those.”

I just groaned. My worst vision that night was going to come true, some way, somehow. His eyes then drifted lower.

“Oh, and look that. You cleaned up nicely too. I like that. That pussy hair looks like an arrow right where you want my cock to be.”

I was groaning. He had found my landing strip and was now taking perverse fun in knowing I wore it.

“I bet that’s 'cause your white husband is too stupid to find your pussy himself? He needs directions?”

“No! He does jus….”

My voice cut off as a hand reached my breast from the side and began to paw at it. The fingers were strong, and his grip was tight, making my voice whimper as I winced in pain. Yet the rough callouses of his palm were teasing my nipples, which had hardened in the wind and caressed by the satin I was wearing. I tried to wriggle, my eyes searching for someone to come to my aid. It was only then I realized that no windows were looking out onto the parking lot and no security cameras that I could see. It looked like I was on my own.

Hyper just reached to my crotch and began to cup my vulva, his palm sliding up and down along my labia and teasing them as my body was growing in a forced arousal. It was something I feared, and yet also craved. Only I didn’t want this outcome to come true. I didn’t want Hyper to somehow claim me as his own. I was deathly afraid of that. A road relationship meant trouble. My husband had developed one, and the girl he jilted tried to cause some trouble for him, and very nearly succeeded by making some false pregnancy claims about him. I wanted just wanted to have those one-and-done experiences, where a man can make me his for the next ten or fifteen minutes. I didn’t want to be ‘Miss Right’ but was very open to being forced to be ‘Miss Right-Now’.

I was writhing in the grasp of my captors as Hyper’s shorts fell to his ankles, showing me the facts of his nature. What I had felt was very accurate. He was on the large side. Up to that point in my life, he would be the largest man to have me, and he would make great use of his tool. By comparison, my husband was maybe half his size, or a little more. My mind was analyzing this as I felt and saw Hyper start to rub his cock along my slit, my sweet honey nectar beginning to seep from my petals. The action made my voice moan, and for a moment, I stopped trying to wriggle away. I was in a losing fight, and I knew it. But worse, I think they did, too.

“Hold her tight…”

I felt the grip on my arms tighten again, and I yelped in pain, as Hyper then shuffled his feet between my heels, and bent his knees so he could aim his rock solid, throbbing, and uncut black shaft at me until he rented my gates asunder and he was locked in.

“NO! DAMMIT! HYP….. YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed out as I felt him begin to thrust past my opening, forcing my tight tunnel to begin to accommodate him.

My body seemed to know what was going to happen, as much as I didn’t want to go through this. At least, not like this, and my sweet honey was soon coating the thick mushroom of his manhood as he gained purchase, and I felt his head slide into my body those first fractions of an inch. My back arched and my head smacked the rear window of my SUV as I cried out helplessly, his cock causing my toes to lift from the ground as his cock was invading my vagina. Once he was upright, he was cruel enough to allow gravity to do his dirty work, and pull my body down on that thick, dangerous black spear. It would only be an inch or two at a time, but as my love tunnel stretched to accommodate his invasion, I would slide back down until I could toe-touch the ground, only for him to thrust upwards again, lifting me and have the force of gravity require my body to accept him as my lover. My voice cried out in a pleasured pain that felt as if my virginity was being stolen from me, as the largest man to ever have me was claiming me. It took perhaps a half-dozen or more of these cycles of lift, sink, and impale me on his black woman-claimer for his sword to be buried to the hilt inside me, and towards the end, I could not find the words to describe the incredible sensations.

Looking back, I was very surprised that we did not get caught by someone. We were in a very ******* parking lot, where someone driving by on the street, or even walking on the sidewalk would not be able to avoid seeing us. A white girl, scantily dressed in a black satin kimono-style robe and black stiletto sandals and a trio of black thugs with her. One of them had his shorts down and fucking her. My body was *******, my firm breasts topped with my gum-drop-sized nipples that were erect and hard as diamonds. Even the softest breezes would send a slice of searing pleasure through them, when the opportunity arose, which was seldom. But only because hands from the other two guys were molesting each one, and even biting them, or bruising my breasts with hickeys. When my pussy had finally and fully accepted Hyper’s thick, virile black cock inside me was when my utter fall from grace began.

He started to thrust his cock up and down and send utterly devastating waves of pleasure from his cock to my vagina and through my body. The pleasure can only be described as total as his cock was reaching far into what was a virgin territory until I met him. It was a pleasure my husband would never be able to give me, and yet it was so powerful I could not help but react as a woman, and not a formerly loyal and dutiful wife. My eyes were wide and locked to his as we shared a wordless conversation until he leaned in and French-kissed me, a kiss I hungrily returned, unable to deny him as he consumed me. There was no other word for it. His cock, prodigious and powerful, had seized control of my body from my consciousness and made me his. I stopped even pretending to resist him, yet his friends, gang members, or whoever they were, would not let my arms go, holding me prisoner as that black cock interrogation broke me, and my body told him everything.

My voice started to mewl, and then moan, a soft, sensual vocal emission of pure sexual pleasure that was soft, at first, but as the tide of raw sexual pleasure was rising within me, it was growing louder and louder. His kisses would muffle my voice, as our tongues danced together lewdly, our lips only partly sealed as our saliva mixed and even leaked a little, our shared fluids only a hint of what fluids we were going to share. I felt his hands reach down and grab my legs behind my knees and lift each one astride his torso until I was wide-open and my clit was now further victim to his sexual prowess. My love button had emerged from its protective cape and now was being pummeled by every thrust of his body as his pubic bone smacked it while power-driving his cock into me, adding to the powerful sexual sensations I was receiving. To an outside witness, I would be in the middle of a public and powerful **** and fucking. But to Hyper, he was just claiming what he saw as his to take, and I was just his new conquest. To me, I was just a lost cause, as his cock was blasting away any thoughts of my husband, my marriage, my ******, my career, and anything else. All that existed was that amazing black cock, and the orgasm that was going to be coming. Very soon.

Hyper’s thrusting grew faster and more powerful, making my voice louder and my Kegel muscles started flexing on his black shaft more and more. Between his powerful thrusts, his strong arms gripping my legs up and open, and his friends holding me, I was in that blissful Nirvana of wanting to be *****, getting it, and having the hottest sex of my life. It would be a sexual high my husband would never give me for the rest of our lives. I would come to judge my husband as a third-rate lover. Hyper’s hips began to thrust faster and faster, causing that rising tide of raw sexual tension to rise to new heights as well, a sensation my husband had never given me until his thrusting became frantic and then frenetic. He was close to his orgasm, and that sent me into mine as the last powerful blasts of sexual joy caused the dam holding back the river of tension broke and I flexed every fiber of my body with all my might, my head back and my thought emitted as I screamed.

My body shuddered violently, and I think I heard a small splash as my vagina let loose a further signal of my climax on Hyper’s cock. He came but a moment or two later, and pushed his cock to the further depths he could reach as he erupted, his hot, sticky jets of his semen coating my vagina, and my cervix. My cervix was flexing in my orgasm and sipping from his essence to complete the action Hyper’s r a p i n me had started. Despite the consequences and my fears, my body was trying to successfully mate with a superior black cock and create a new life in my womb. My pussy was massaging Hyper’s black baby-maker, eager to coax every precious drop of black seed to fertilize my fertile white man’s valley and impregnate me. I could do nothing about it, even if I had the will and presence of mind to do something about it. I was still held by the other two black thugs, and Hyper was holding me firmly off the ground and impaled on his shaft. With his tongue now lewdly kissing me again, a kiss I was unable to stop if I wanted to, I would have to leave it up to nature to see if I was going to become pregnant by him.

As we began to come down, and his cock was deflating after blasting my womb with his essence, I felt hands releasing me, and I was able to set my feet back on the ground. Reason and common sense were coming back to the forefront in my mind, now. I was suddenly very angry. More quickly than I thought possible, I flashed my hand up and slapped Hyper on the cheek. But with an even quicker flash, Hyper returned the favor, slapping me, and then using the back of his hand on the reverse swing. My bell was effectively rung for a few moments until my eyes un-crossed.

“Don’t ever do that again, Bitch. You are mine now. I own you! You will do what I want, when I want, where I want. You will even do it with who I want!”

I looked back to Hyper, and his eyes were blazing and suddenly, my ire was cowed. All it had taken was his cock and a seriously forceful slap to break out my submissive nature and accept him for who and what he was. A dominant man, and more precisely, his submissive woman. He had been right all along. I would become his woman, he had bragged, and now I was. It had all happened in less than 8 hours.