The Road Warrior- Ch. 3

When Hyper pulled out of me, I could not help it. I started to sob. He had done it. As much as I wanted to deny it. To ignore it. To pretend it could never happen. It had. He had broken me and made me his bitch. He had taken me by force. He had r a p e d me, and I had gotten off on it so hard there would never be a moment anywhere for the rest of my life, where my husband could make me feel as sexually pleasured as this young thug had. I had been ruined for my husband, and I knew that sex with him would never be the same. He would forever be found lacking, and if I orgasmed from him in the future, it would not be by his penis, because he just couldn’t do to me what Hyper had. Hyper had shown me the true power of a black cock.

When Hyper had finished, he and his two friends dragged the sobbing white wife to my hotel room, and once there, I had to pay them for their ‘gift’ to me. Hyper had claimed my pussy as his, and both boys knew that they wouldn’t fuck me. But each one got the best blowjob I could make. But each time, they would pull from my lips as they got close to ejaculating and then chose to shoot their load on me, rather than in me. One came on my face, and the other in my hair, and then Hyper made me lick his cock clean. I could only use my tongue, but I tasted our combined fluids until he was satisfied.

“Yeah, you know Hyper’s bitch. Welcome to the 33rd…”

I wouldn’t understand it at the time, but I had just been initiated into a street gang. I also didn’t know that while I had been pleasuring Hyper’s friends, he had gotten into my phone, and had stolen my personal information, including a photo of my driver’s license that I kept in case my purse was ever stolen. On the plus side, he did leave me his contact information. So maybe he had a sense of fairness about him?

Finally left on my own, it was nearly 3:30 in the morning, and I was exhausted. So much so that I overslept and had to rush out to make my morning client. I cried after they had left and hadn’t bothered to clean up. I wound up just leaving my mess on the sheets and pillowcases for someone else to deal with. When I got home, my husband nearly instantly picked up on it. Something was bothering me.

“Hey... talk to me... what’s the matter?”

I couldn’t help it, but the moment he had his eyes on me and wrapped me in his arm, I started blubbering.

“I… I... I… It... It.. was... was awful!” I blubbered.

“I’m sorry, Sweetheart, tell me what went wrong?”

His voice was soothing as he gently caressed my back and hair, having freshly showered that morning before I left the hotel. There was no doubt Hyper’s jism was still in my vagina, and so I was going to try and put my husband off until the next night.

“Th…the… people... there…”

“I know... I know… What you are doing is tough work... and you are doing your best.”

“But... but they… How… how they are treating me.”

“I know, Honey, I know. They are trying to take the upper hand because you are a girl. But you are tougher than that. You know what you are doing, and I am proud of you, regardless.”

“But… they are… rude... and they... say things… They tell me… I… I should be… They make me...”

“I know, my Love, I know. They want you to be sexualized. It is how men think they can have power over you. It is just a thing guys do. I mean, it isn’t like these guys are going to sexually assault you or anything. Some of it you are just going to have to get tough about.”

“Oh, Steve!”

More tears came out as I blubbered, and Steve didn’t try and pry out any more words from me. He knew I was hurting but he didn’t understand why. I was incredulous, in a way. Here I was, trying to tell my husband I had been r a p e d and even subjugated by a black gang, but he was misinterpreting everything. I tried once more but finally gave up. I was just too emotionally exhausted. If my husband wasn’t smart enough to understand what his wife was telling him, or to listen to her fully, then it was out of my hands. My husband had just given me to the 33rd Street Reapers, as I would come to know them.

Three days later, I was back on the road, after making miserable love with my husband the night before. He did his best, I mean he did try to please me. But compared to Hyper? He fell short in just about every category. Size, length, power, intensity, endurance, and even masculinity. All of this fell far short for my husband. Steve even ejaculated in me, unprotected. We weren’t trying to start a ****** so much as not trying to prevent one. We had decided to leave it up to nature. But as I went to the restroom, nothing much fell from me, compared to Hyper’s cum leaving a smeared streak down my thighs that night, and a stain on the bedding and matted pubic hair when I woke up. Steve couldn’t make me feel as sexually fulfilled or even filled as Hyper did, either.

I was still driving on the highway when my phone rang. I had a text from Hyper.

“6:00 at Luisa’s. Don’t be late, dress like my slut.”

Well, it was short and to the point, and it didn’t leave me room to debate him. I think he knew, as well as I did, that I would follow his orders, because, yeah, I belonged to him, now. I only hoped what I had packed would fit his desire.

I made my first stop and did what business needed to be done, and then even squeezed in a second contact, which was perfectly timed. Yes, I was very late to lunch, but it allowed me to close a sizable deal. To celebrate, my client wanted to take me out to dinner. Tonight. Of course, I agreed, without thinking it through. I had forgotten about Hyper in the moment. When I was leaving the business, I texted him.

“Hey. Got a problem. Customer wants to take me to dinner tonight for a business dinner.”

After several long minutes, I got this reply.

“Ok. But you will pay for this…. Send me your room number.”

I spent part of my lunch checking in at the hotel and getting unpacked, as well as sharing my room number with Hyper. I went to my next couple of contacts, with little progress, mainly because my clients knew each other and had decided to take the afternoon off and go golfing. That sparked something in my head that reminded me of my husband. He told me I would have to learn to play golf, as that was where real business got done.

With the rest of the day on my own, I decided to take some ‘me time’ and get my nails done. Nothing helps like a great mani-pedi, and I found a decent one near the Chinese restaurants. My nails were a gelled blood-red inch-long set of claws, and I loved them! This place had now become my second go-to for manicures, but only because they were so far from home. Returning to the hotel, I had to decide what to wear. I would keep a cautious eye out on my way through the hotel, knowing Hyper could show up at literally any minute. Once inside my room, I began to get organized. I hung my skirt up, along with my blouse, and was thumbing through what I had, trying to decide what would be best for tonight’s dinner. I wish I had brought the same blouse and long skirt combo I had worn last trip because it would have been perfect. Sexy, demure, and dressy enough for the steak house. As I was musing, there was a knock on my door. Nude, I threw on the fastest garment I had, my black satin robe, the one from the first night Hyper had r a p e d me.

“Hello?” I said as I was opening the door. Then I gasped. It was Hyper.

“About time my Bitch showed herself to me…” His tone was more declarative than questioning.

Throwing the latch to keep me from being locked out, I stepped out onto the doormat of the hotel room, only this time I was on the second floor. While it gave me a nice view of the courtyard, it also gave everyone who might be there an excellent view of my doorway, or in this case, me. I stepped outside out of habit because instinctually, I didn’t want Hyper to see what was inside. I was still trying to protect my privacy, or what shreds of it I had left from Hyper.

“Hyper, what do you want?” I asked in a harsh whisper, like it was nighttime, even though it was only late afternoon.

He looked me up and down, but I could sense his eyes feasting on what lay underneath the sheen of black satin covering me.

“I want to see my Bitch…”

Then he simply lifted his fingers and grasped the bitter end of my sash, allowing my robe to fall wide open, the sides draped from my shoulders, and ******** my breasts and everything lower to him. Oh, and the rest of the courtyard. Thankfully, no one was looking my way, at least not yet.

“Hyper! No! Not now! Not like this!” My voice had gotten a little too loud and someone glanced up.

But instead of getting help, he pulled out his cell phone and took pictures. Great. Just what I needed. I probably looked like some hotel hooker or something. Hyper, for his part, took issue with my exclamation and decided to impose his will on me, as well as his cock, and he grabbed me by the neck and forced me backward, into my room. He didn’t bother to latch the door as he kept driving me backward until my knees buckled, and I fell onto the bed.

“You couldn’t wait?” I asked demurely. There was no point in denying it, now, Hyper was going to have me, and there was no way for me to stop him.

“Nah. I ain’t letting some white rich dickhead try and take what’s mine.” His clothes were being roved as fast as he talked.

Now naked, I was sliding myself back onto the bed as he crawled up behind me, and between my legs. I uttered the softest of grunts as I felt my body being pressed into the mattress by his weight.

“Hyp—” was all I got out, before he pressed his face to mine, and started to kiss me, by plying his tongue halfway down my throat.

It only took seconds for me to realize Hyper was a better kisser than my husband as well. Steve was just tender, caring, and kind, but there was no passion. Everything was tentative with him. Hyper? No, there was no doubt what he was taking. Whether I wanted it or not, I discovered that this was hotter than Hell to me. I was purring as our tongues danced over each other, and my arms fell over my head in supplication, yielding myself to the sexual onslaught that was to come. I felt Hyper lick under my tongue, and along my gums, as his oral domination sent a small shiver through me. It was the very beginning of his establishing his dominion over me. Not just this day, but in the days to come.

His hands were sliding over me, feeling every curve of my breasts and hips, while his hips began to dry-hump my crotch, an action that started to further enflame my moistness. His cock was sliding up and down along my slit as his face shifted aside to lick my cheek and down to the nape of my neck, where he began to nibble below my ear and make me shiver in pleasure. My voice began moaning and I found myself raising my legs with bent knees, offering more of myself to my illicit black lover. My soft voice was moaning more frequently, and as he nuzzled into my neck, I could not help but breathe in through my teeth, a sure sign I was having more pleasure. During this call, I felt Hyper’s cock hardening, and soon his dry-humping was making the top of his cock coated with my love honey, and I was rocking my hips in rhythm with his.

With that, he reared up, onto his knees and began to slap my clit with his black club, eliciting more mewlings from my lips, as my eyes were captured by his. I could sense his power as he not only gazed but also stared into my eyes, prying the layers of my soul apart until he reached my bottom. That was when he reared back and aimed his hot, throbbing black spear at my petals and forced them open, engaging with my entrance. His hands grasped my hips, and he then lifted and pulled me towards him, making my body take his cock in a long, slow, inexorable invasion, helped along by numerous smaller thrusts by his cock. My pelvis was now cradled by his thighs, and his cock was as deep in me as it could reach. I was now well and truly helpless to my ******-turned-lover, and the last thing I wanted was to be rescued.

With my arms still over my head, I had never felt more feminine and submissive as I was dragged into capture by his impaling cock. As his cock was filling me, I heard the door close softly, and latch. Someone had either heard or seen us, witnessing my fall from grace and violating my marital vows, only far more willingly this time. If there were pictures, or worse, video, there could be no denying to my husband that I was now cheating on him, only with a vastly superior lover.

Now that I was fully impaled, that was when Hyper began to cycle his hips, only now he couldn’t make long and powerful thrusts, but so many more and smaller, sharp ones. When Hyper had r a p e d me in the parking lot, it had been as if my psyche was being pummeled by a prizefighter. This time it was as if he was using a vibrator on my clit, as well as in pussy. The pleasure was just as intense, only now more of it if I could explain it that way. Both ways had been more than amazing, and devastating to my loyalty to my white husband, but in the moment, I found I was unable to control my voice, wailing out with passionate cries with every breath. We lewdly kissed, and my hands clenched into tiny fists above my head. There was no use in trying to resist or use my hands to do anything other than ride Hyper’s sexual onslaught out. The pulsing pleasure was so fast, and so intense that it took me a mere few minutes before I shuddered violently in his clutches, my voice crying out loudly in that wild exclamation of pleasure only a woman can when she orgasms heavily.

“Ohmigawd, Hyper… Fuck me... Fuck me! Cuminme! Fill my pussy with your seeeeed. Give me your black babyyyyy!” was my vocal cry the second and final time I exploded under him. He had been growing frantic with his thrusts and with a final, loud grunt, he shot his load into my unprotected pussy, my climax making my love tunnel massage his black baby-maker, my white body eager to coax his black cock into flooding my womb with every precious drop of his seed. My body was working hard to be fertilized, now that pregnancy was a more serious possibility. If I got pregnant, I would not be able to know whose child it was, Steve’s or Hyper’s, until it was too late. Yet right then, I didn’t care. Hyper made me his, and we both knew it, now.

As he rolled off of me, and I snuggled into him, sharing soft and tender kisses, and staring soulfully into each other’s eyes, he spoke gently. “Expect more of this, Bitch. Whenever I want it.”

I nodded to him. “Okay. But lover, you have to quit calling me Bitch.”

“Then give it to me.”

“I am Suzi. Mrs. Suzi Owens.”

“Well, Suzi Owens, we might change that.”

‘What do you mean?”

“You’ll see.”

Hyper left about thirty minutes later, at my urging, so I could make it fashionably late to dinner. After a shower and makeup, I brushed my hair out and pulled on my polyester teal sundress and white wedge heels. Strutting to Gary’s, I let the wind play with my dress, the skirt flaring and rising before the air blew out. I didn’t care if anyone saw me at that moment. I had on a pair of fresh white silk panties, mainly to keep Hyper’s semen inside me, and not let it leak onto the back of my dress. Did it increase the chances of my getting pregnant? Maybe a little. But at that point, there was little point in doing anything else.

Dinner was the usual polite celebration of my making my first ultra-large sale, and as such my client was very flirtatious. Of course, he was portly, and white, and married. I was playing the coy married wife, and pretending to be very loyal to my husband, all the while the back of my mind was filled with images of Hyper’s sperm swimming upstream in a race to puncture my egg and then take root on my blood-engorged womb. Dinner ended with a polite and chaste kiss on the cheek, and I strutted my way back to the hotel. Again, I didn’t even bother dealing with the hem of my skirt. What people saw, they would see, and I earned a few horn toots and honks. I had just returned to my room and had hung up my dress when there was a knock at the door.

It was Hyper, and we spent the rest of the night frantically fucking, until I fell asleep in his arms. He would spend the night with me.
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