Nancy was horror-stricken as all the people in the room, even the other white women were laughing so openly at her, mocking her. Even a fellow white female called her a stupid white bitch, Her cheeks burned like the sun in embarrassment. Letitia's riding crop forced her arms off of her hips and to her sides as she stood there, a naked vulnerable white woman, about to be fucked and used by black men.

When the laughter died down, Center Man said with a chuckle "OK White Bitch #16, you have proved to either be very stupid or very funny. I don't know which and I don't care. Tell me in as many words as you wish precisely why you are here. Why do you want to be sexually dominated by black masters and mistresses? We await your carefully considered response."

All eyes were again on Nancy. Big Tit Brunette wasn't even sucking Deshawn's cock anymore. The attention fixed on her was intimidating especially since everyone, even the other white girls in the room thought she was a stupid white bitch. Nancy considered her words very carefully

"I am here at the invitation of Deshawn and I thought..." Nancy didn't get the chance to finish her sentence. She felt her hair pulled hard and her head snapped back painfully. Her shoulders and her white titties were thrust forward as was her pelvis. She lost her balance and stumbled in her Jimmy Choo heels but managed to stay standing. She cried out in pain as her head snapped back. It was Letitia who had grabbed her hair. The athletic black woman leaned into her, putting her face less than one inch from Nancy's, and spoke in a low threatening voice "He is NOT Deshawn to you white cunt, he is MASTER Deshawn! You do that again and this riding crop gonna fuck this white pussy." Nancy felt her riding crop press again her pussy lips. Nancy didn't want that thing inside of her, she knew that. The athletic black woman hadn't moved her face at all, she was still just a finger-width away, they were eye to eye. Nancy whispered, "I'm s-s-sorry Ma'am!" Suddenly her hair was released and the athletic black woman went back to her station behind Nancy.

Center Man was shaking his head "You are turning out to be a challenge little redheaded cunt, I'll grant you that." He looked down for a moment and turned to Deshawn "Brother Deshawn, you have fucked this bitch repeatedly, is she worth all this effort? White bitch #14 sucked and fucked you without any questions or arrogance. White bitch #15 sucked and fucked Brother DuWayne with glee. Should we just tolerate this white bitch's bullshit?"

Nancy was again completely crushed. Humiliated and degraded. These black men were talking about her like she was a sow, a cow to be bred and traded, she watched Deshawn. He was silent for a moment, Big Tit Brunette wasn't sucking him anymore, but she was looking up at him with admiration. Her complete attention was on him. Nancy could see the love in her eyes.

Deshawn spoke, "She is a little too spirited I admit. I enjoyed her cunt and her mouth but I am completely indifferent if you decide to throw her ass out of here Brother Jamal. I don't care about her one way or the other." Big Tit Brunette was beaming at him when he finished Nancy was crushed. The black man that Nancy thought would rescue her from her loneliness had then ***** her and just now said he didn't care about her at all. Nancy stood before them and began to weep. Her tears flowed down her cheeks at the rejection of her beloved Deshawn. She glanced up again. Deshawn was smiling down at Big Tit Brunette and she was overjoyed at his smallest attention. Her big white breasts against his thighs, she whispered something up to him and Deshawn signaled that she should be silent. Big Tit Brunette obeyed and stared at Nancy. Nancy guessed that she had asked for permission to suck his black cock again but she couldn't be sure.

Nancy recovered and pulled herself straight up again. Center Man spoke again "You are on thin ice White Bitch #16, speak again and tell us why you're here. I will give you one more chance and only one. If you refer to the man on my left, you will call him Master Deshawn or Black Master. Never simply by his name. You may speak."

Nancy had intended to tell everyone in the room that she had come here because she wanted to win back Deshawn and marry him and have children with him but she knew that was impossible now and she also knew they would mock her for it, maybe even beat her. She realized that Deshawn wasn't going to marry any of the white women and that he just used his looks and his sexual prowess to lure white girls to OBEAH. But she had to speak so she screwed up her courage and said "I'm here because Master Deshawn seduced me a month ago and I fell in love with him". Oh no she thought, I've said too much already! But she had to, she had to tell the truth after all. She threw all caution to the wind and continued bravely "I know now that he doesn't care at all about me but I love him even though he ***** me two days ago. He threw me on the floor of my own home and entered me and came in me. He ***** me and I hated him for it. But I understand things differently now and I now adore him for ****** me. " She paused and thought, ok, here goes nothing, "I want him in my life and I want him as my husband and the father of my children."

Nancy closed her eyes and prepared herself for the mocking laughter that was sure to come her way. The painful humiliation, the pointing fingers, and calls of how stupid she was, that stupid redhead naked white bitch. Letitia and the Tall Athletic black woman would maybe beat her senseless but she had said it because she meant it. But there was silence. She had tightened her body in preparation for the painful comments but none came. She opened her eyes and looked around the room. All of them, even the two naked white women were smiling at her and nodding in approval.

"Very well said White Bitch #16," said Center Man. "That took courage. You say that Brother Deshawn ***** you?" Nancy nodded yes understanding she didn't have permission to speak. Center Man continued "You said that you adore him for it now? Tell me why. You may use the words bitch." Nancy was getting very used to being called bitch and she was starting to feel it was very right for black men to call her that.

"I am in love with Master Deshawn and I think he deserves to fuck my pussy, my mouth, or my asshole any time and anywhere he wants to." Thin Blonde gave her a silent applause and was grinning at her with her typical ear-to-ear smile. The smile lit up Thin Blonde's face which was pretty, to begin with. Center Man stood and said "This meets with my approval. I move that White Bitch #16 be allowed to remain." The other two black men nodded their approval.

Center Man walked to Nancy stopping about two feet from her. "White bitch #16, open my dressing gown." Nancy stepped forward and pulled the loose silk strings that kept his dressing gown closed. The gown slid from his body onto the floor exposing him completely. Nancy was immediately enraptured, His muscles were perfect, big but not huge, extremely well defined. His abs were chiseled and his pectoral muscles were smooth and beautiful. His legs looked massive and muscular like a professional bicyclist, his body was gorgeous then she saw his black cock. She lost her balance for a moment because of the shock. Nancy thought Center Man's cock was bigger than Deshawn's and Deshawn's was massive. She stared at his cock and his muscles, his gorgeous features, and thought "I'd like to ask this black man to marry me!" Her mind raced, she was hornier than she had ever been. Her horniness for Deshawn faded as she watched Center Man stand in front of her naked with his black cock hanging down.

Center Man said "On your fucking knees bitch" and Nancy loved him for saying that. She sank to her knees and wished he would tell her he loved her. Instead.

Letitia leaned over and said to her "Don't use your hands bitch. You are not allowed to use your fucking hands. Take his black cock into your mouth using your mouth only. I will beat you if you use your hands." Nancy nodded solemnly. She was terrified of Letitia. She maneuvered her head and lips so that his black cock slid into her mouth and she sucked on it. Her arms were at her sides. Her head bobbed back and forth as she sucked on the black man. Her long red hair waved as she bobbed back and forth partially obstructing her face which she didn't like. She knew she was a beautiful white woman and she wanted Center Man to see her lovely features as she sucked him. He groaned softly as her mouth took him in, reminding her of the noises she heard from Big Tit Brunette and Thin Blonde. The sex noises had started with a soft male groan and now Nancy knew why, both men had started using their white bitches by fucking their white mouths and that's exactly what was happening to her.

Center Man's black cock grew in her mouth, Nancy thought that when his cock was soft, it was still bigger than any of her white lovers had ever been. Nancy wondered idly why any woman would fuck a white boy ever again after being fucked by a black stud. She realized she would never voluntarily make love with a white male ever again, that white males are such boys.

As Center Man's already big cock got harder and bigger in her mouth, he grasped her firmly by burying his fingers into her long red hair. He held her head tightly and started to pump his long cock into her mouth. She wasn't sucking him anymore, he was fucking her mouth. Nancy loved it so much, she thought of Thin Blonde and how happy she seemed with a load of Tattoo Man's cum inside of her. Thin Blonde acted like she had won the lottery, smiling and nearly jumping up and down. Nancy realized that if she wasn't on her knees in front of this strong handsome black stud, she would jump up and down because his cock sliding in and out of her mouth made her feel wonderful. It made her feel like a woman! A real woman! These faggot white boys with their thoughtfulness and their feminism made her wonder about whether they were even fucking men! Nancy realized she wanted a MAN, a real MAN. A black man with a huge cock and big muscles that would take her and fuck her when he wanted to and never ask her permission. He would never ask if she was horny or sick or wanted to fuck or didn't want to. Nancy wanted a man that would **** her if she said no to him. That was a real man and she wanted to be a real man's woman.

Center Man's cock was sliding in and out of her she looked up at him. Their eyes locked and she was lost in his masculinity and his desire for her. She never wanted to look away from his beautiful brown eyes as her mouth and throat opened to his black penis. He was fucking her mouth harder and deeper. He didn't make a sound but she was moaning with his cock in her mouth. Nancy knew that the whole room could hear it. She hoped they were watching her accommodate this beautiful black man.

After a few minutes of hard mouth fucking, Center Man pushed her away roughly. He looked at the two black women and said "Get her ready." The two black women took Nancy roughly by the shoulders and laid her on her back on the floor of the large room. They instructed her to raise herself on her elbows and wait. They then used their riding crops to spread her legs with her knees up.

Nancy looked around, the other two white women had switched places. Big Tit Brunette was now sucking away on Tattoo Man's black cock and Thin Blonde was lowering her cunt onto Deshawn's big black dick. She was groaning out loud as he filled her and she was just as joyous to be fucked by him as she was by Tattoo Man.

Center Man lowered himself just above her. He supported himself with his strong arms. He told Nancy softly "Use your hands to put me inside of your white cunt, bitch." Nancy nodded and gently grasped his massive, fully erect black cock. It was bigger than Deshawn's. Nancy wondered if her little white cunt could take it but she guided him into her. She cried out when the head of his cock cleared her cunt lips and gently moved inside of her, it was heavenly.

He wasn't forceful which surprised her. He was gentle, His black dick moved inside of her little by little and she was getting insanely horny. Her cunt felt stretched, it was wetter than ever. She looked into the black man's eyes again and found they were once again locked in a mutual glance that excited her beyond description. His dark brown eyes glowed with lust as his cock penetrated her white cunt over and over.

Nancy lay back on the floor as Center Man gently drove into her white womanhood. Her cunt was wide open to his fucking. She was moaning very loudly and felt so proud that she was a passionate lover and wanted all the people in this room, both black and white to know how much she wanted this black man inside of her. But Center Man was silent as he gently fucked the redhead. Her hips thrust up to meet his strokes, her mouth open as she moaned, her eyes wide open because her black lover was incredibly beautiful, muscular, handsome, and masculine. She knew it must seem to the other people in the room that she was the horniest woman that ever lived but she was so wonderfully aroused. Besides Nancy thought, from the sounds in the room, Thin Blonde was in the same sexual heaven she was in, sitting on Master Deshawn’s lap moving up and down, fucking his black dick, raising her ass and hips over him until just the tip was inside of her, then softly sliding down the whole length of the 9" black cock, impaling herself and bringing her black master closer to his well-deserved climax. Nancy didn't see Thin Blonde because she couldn’t tear her eyes away from Center Man’s eyes. They had been looking at each other steadily for several minutes now as his cock buried itself into her white bitch cunt. The eye-lock was so incredibly intimate, Nancy had never done that with any lover, not even her husband.

Compared to the intimacy she felt at this moment with this black man, the sex she had had with her faggot white husband felt like sex with a stranger. Their eyes, his dark brown and so lovely, hers a light blue, were glued together. A deep affection for this man grew in her heart. Her feeling at the moment was deep and heartfelt but was less sexual than it was a feeling of deep love.

His hips and his cock were driving into her white slit and he was fucking her brains out but somehow this was less about fucking for her than it was about togetherness. It was the feeling that they were working and fucking together for a common purpose that excited her. Nancy realized she felt a soul connection with this black man she hadn’t even felt with Master Deshawn. Nancy reflected that she now didn’t even want to call him Deshawn anymore, Master Deshawn was just more right, more fitting.

She also knew that the man that was fucking her would now always be Master Jamal to her. She would call him that easily, naturally, and without any thought that she was his equal. She was an inferior white bitch being granted the awesome gift of African sex and eventually African sperm and she hoped…she prayed….an African child in her inferior womb.

She felt so easy with this man, so relaxed as his huge black rod penetrated her wet cunt. Her hips moved with his in perfect rhythm, and her love for him grew. She groaned in pleasure because he was satisfying her cunt but smiled from ear to ear. She understood Thin Blonde now, just simply being fucked by a black man was erotic but it was also deeply satisfying to her as a woman.

Her hands reached up and cupped his face. She wanted to bring his face to hers to kiss but he didn’t lower himself to her mouth. Instead, he stayed above her but smiled at her gently. His eyes were so kind, Nancy thought, he would be the perfect husband. She fantasized about him coming home at 6 PM to her cooking in the kitchen, their children playing around her. She greeted him warmly with a kiss and then he hugged the beautiful mixed-race kids, the boys black like their father, the girls white and redheaded like their mom.

Nancy loved the daydream. She continued to caress his handsome face even though he wouldn’t kiss her. It’s ok she thought, maybe he’ll kiss me in private. Maybe he's too proud in front of his fellow Masters.

Master Jamal's pace quickened though he was still fucking her gently, just less gently than at first. A minute later his breath was louder and he started to moan. Another minute and he was fucking her hard. He hiked her legs up over her head and was driving directly into her cunt. Nancy loved everything about him, he could do no wrong. His cock was even bigger than Master Deshawn’s and was driving into her cervix and bruising her but she adored it. It was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her. His groaning became constant and he was sweating hard. She was fucking him back as hard as she could, mouth open and moaning loudly. She loved being his slave. They were working together, fucking together for a common purpose; to make a black baby. It was heartbreakingly beautiful. She was crying for joy as she felt his huge black cock tensing and pulsing inside of her, she knew he was very close to cumming so she whispered to him ”I love you so much my Master Jamal! So so much!!” And she meant it.

His back arched as she told him she loved him and he roared, “FUCKING HONKY BITCH SLUT! FUCK THIS BITCH! FUCK YES THIS BITCH IS MINE MINE MINE!” His sperm was spurting into her and Nancy felt his cock spasming. She watched him intently as he nutted into her. She could see her long white legs up over her head as he bent her in the perfect position to get maximum depth into her white valley. This black man knows how to fuck and he knows how to speak to me, She loved that Master Jamal had called her a honky bitch. She loved it so much.

Master Jamal collapsed on her body and lay on top of her for several minutes. He was heavy but Nancy wanted him to stay there forever. She couldn't move very easily but her white hands caressed his muscles and she kissed his cheek tenderly. He didn’t respond at all but that was fine, Nancy thought. After all, fucking a bitch is hard work! She was happy and smiling. She had been so nervous when she came here earlier because she had wanted to win Deshawn back., but now Deshawn was Master Deshawn and was fucking some other white bitch. But there was Master Jamal and he had just cum inside of her. Life was good and she was in love again!

She looked around as Master Jamal lay on her and saw that Thin Blonde was still slowly fucking Master Deshawn's black cock and Master DuWayne had maneuvered Big Tit Brunette over to one of the couches. She lay on the couch with her legs high over her head just like Nancy's legs were and Master DuWayne was pounding that bitch's cunt like there was no tomorrow.

Nancy looked back at Thin Blonde and heard Master Deshawn roaring "FUCK THIS WHITE BITCH, YES FUCKING CUMMMIIINNNG". He was shooting his sperm deep into Thin Blonde. Nancy couldn't see her face since she was fucking Master Deshawn with her back to her but she knew that Thin Blonde was smiling ear to ear as African sperm flowed into her womb.

In just the same moment, Master DuWayne also roared, "SHIT SHIT THIS WHITE BITCH TAKIN' MY NUT, FUCKING BITCH". And he collapsed on Big Tit Brunette, who cradled him in her arms very lovingly. She held him and kissed his face.

So much sex! So much interracial sex! So much black cock fucking white pussy and mouths! So much baby-making juice shot into the wombs of white bitches. Nancy closed her eyes, smiled, and thought that if this was what The OBEAH Society was, sign me up!