Double Life---Part 2

by Headhunter

(for Kathy B)

****** Jen opened her eyes, turned the top light back on and reached for the sewing pins. It was going to be tricky pinning up her dress while sitting down, but she didn't want to get out of the car. The wind was blowing and it would mess up her teased hair.


The wind was blowing in the parking lot on that day as well. As Jen and Mr. Jones stepped out of the building door the wind caught her skirt and whipped it up and open. Exposing her naked cunt to the parking lot. Fortunately Mr. Jones was walking next to Jen steering her towards his car by her elbow. And couldn't see her nakedness. Jen flushed as the breeze found her most intimate parts and actually moved the pubic hair on her now neatly trimmed mound. Jen's relief was short-lived however, from a far corner of the parking lot she heard the whoops and cheers of a group of teenaged boys who were using the near empty parking lot as a skateboard park.

Jones looked up at the boys, then looked down at Jen's blowing skirt and smiled. Jen tried to pull away from him and using her free arm grabbed at the flying material. He grasped her elbow more firmly and growled, "giving the boys a little show, Huh Jen. Let me call them over so they can get a better look. Looks like they are about half of your age 15 or 16. I'll bet they have never seen the charms of a beautiful woman like you except when they steal their father's 'Playboy Magazine'. Don't pull away from me, I'm already mad at you and am just about ready to have you thrown in jail, so you behave and do as I say."

"Hey boys! Come on over here!" Jones called out. The boys stopped dead in their tracks. Then most of the group ran out of the parling lot thinking that they were in trouble for tresspassing. But three of the boys. The ones that looked the biggest and oldest, pushed their way towards the couple on their skateboards. Mr. Jones had led Jen to the passanger side of his big luxury car. The car was at her back, the building in front of her. The car mostly hid them from the cars passing on the road outside the parking lot. The three boys rolled up to Mr. Jones and Jen forming a semi-circle around them. Jen backed against the car door holding her blouse closed with one hand and her skirt closed with the other. Her eyes were wide with fear, but she said nothing. The biggest of the boys said, "What you want, man? You got a problem with us boarding in this parking lot?"

Mr. Jones smiled, "No No boys. Thats fine, I'm glad you skate board here. I want to keep nice young men like you off the streets. Letting you skate board here is my way of helping out. I just heard you yelling over there and I wanted a chance to meet you. And I wanted you to have a chance to meet this nice lady. My name is Mr. Jones and this is Mrs. Frost. She is very interested in young men, in fact if anyone every hassles you about skateboarding in this parking lot you just tell them that you are very goods friends with Mrs. Frost. She likes to see you boys here." Jen cast her eyes down fearful of what Mr. Jones might say. "Man, we like to see her too. Thats what we was joking about. That wind blew her skirt up and we could see everything", the youngest boy volunteered. "What do you mean everything?", Mr. Jones asked, taking control of the situation. The teenaged boys looked at each other not sure of what to say. "You know what he means, man!", the oldest boy replied . Jones got a stern look on his face, "Don't call me man, call me Mr. Jones!", then his face softened and he said, "but you can call Mrs. Frost-- Jennifer. She really likes boys like you." "Well we liked what we saw of um---um--Jennifer um---- um -- Mr. Jones." Jones smiled, "Tell me exactly what you saw, don't worry about using bad words boys, that OK with Jennifer and me. Isn't it Jen?" In a whisper Jen replied, "Yes, thats OK." What was Mr. Jones doing?, Jen worried. She needed to get home to her ******, but here she was standing in a parking lot being ogled by three teenagers.

"Well OK if you say so", the oldest boy replied. "We saw her-- you know ---her ---pussy." Mr. Jones let out a loud laugh. "You couldn't have seen much from way across the parking lot." "No man,--- um I mean Mr. Jones. We saw it real clear. The wind blew her dress and we could see her brown pussy." Jennifer was humiliated. As she clutched her clothes tightly, Mr. Jones and these dirty kids were talking and looking at her private parts. At the same time the fear and humilation were tinged with a bit of insane excitment in the pit of her stomach. The excitment of not having control over what was happening. "Well what do you think boys, is Jennifer a beautiful woman?" A chorus of yeahs went up from the boys. "You know boys, Jennifer is a lot older than you and she's married. She can't do anything that people would consider bad, but sometimes accidents happen, like when her skirt blew up. Would you like to see another accident? This time a lot closer?" The boys were confused, but finally when Mr. Jones turned to Jen and said, "Hold your arms out to your sides", they and Jen knew what was to come.

********Jennifer folded her dress up, well above mid-thigh, and began fumbling with the pins trying to keep the new hem-line even. It was hard to get even while she was seated in the stationwagon.


"No, Please," Jen whispered. Mr. Jones steped away from Jen and looking directly into her face said, "You know that you have to, you know that you want to. Besides it will be an accident. its not like your doing anything on purpose, it's just the wind. Beside thes young men will really appreciate it and you know that you would do anything to be appreciated. You want to debase and humiliate yourself. Otherwise why would you be standing out here in a windy parking lot with us, with your clothes half unbuttoned, instead of home with your loving, boring husband and your kids? Do it now, Jen!" Jen looked away from Mr. Jones and surrendered. slowlyshe ungripped her fingers and her arms rose away from her body until they were held to her side perpedicular to her body. Mr. Jones saw a small dust devil wind heading across the parking lot towards them. It was getting closer, "The wind is almost here Jen, enjoy your humiliation this is part of your payback!"

Jones stood back and the boys inched closer. The first gust of wind caught Jen's skirt and fliped one side open, exposing her entire leg to the hip. In grasping the skirt so tightly Jen had caused another button to come loose, leaving only the top waist button and her belt holding the skirt together. As the wind swirled the other half of the skirt blew open. Jen was effectively naked from the waist down. "Jezzz, look at that. I can see her pussy hair and every thing," one of the boys remarked. Mr. Jones also looked at the beautiful cunt, and his cock hardened in his pants. But for him the thrill of seeing Jen's nakedness was overshadowed by her willingness to display herself in front of him and the teenagers. He had stepped back and was enjoying watching the young boys watch the mature woman display herself. Jen's face was still cast downward, but she could feel the young eyes boring into her exposed pussy. She could hear them muttering,"wow, look at that, I ain't never see n a real cunt before. Damn, I'm getting a hard-on!"

The words caught Jen by surprise and she instinctively stepped away from the voices, until her back was against the car. The wind died down, but her dress was caught between her and the car. She remained completely exposed and the boys edged a little closer. Jones spoke in a fatherly tone, "Boys, this certainly is a nice accident isn't it? Do you see her brown pussy hair? Look closely can you see her red cunt lips? They are red because they are engorged with blood just like your hard cocks right now. being "accidently" exposed in front of us has her excited. I'll bet that she is getting wet in there. What do you boys think?" The question led to another round of comments from the teenagers, "looks soft, yeah, I'll bet she's wet. I wish I could see her slit better that hair gets in the way. Man, this is something."

Jen was frozen, Jones said, "Jen look at me." She raised her head, as she saw the leering boys, she could feel herself getting wet. She met Mr. Jones eyes. He spoke, "Jen, listen, you need to unbutton your blouse the rest of the way. We need to have another accident. I'm sure that it is the winds fault if your blouse blows open and these boys get to see your tits, don't you agree?" He expected a protest, but Jen had surrendered to his will. She nodded dumbly and looking back she saw the now expectant faces of the boys looking at her. She brought one hand back to her body and unbuttoned the remaining buttons. She even pulled the blouse loose from the belt. Without Mr. Jones having to say a word she stretched her arm back out to her side. She stood silently, now looking into the eager young faces. Mr. Jones was beside himself, it was working. She was humiliating herself on his whim.

The blouse hung loose and open. A two inch expanse of Jen's soft white skin was visible between the shirt halfs. Mr. Jones noted a soft rounding of her stomach. A stomach that was fairly flat for a mother of two. He could feel the wind picking up around him. He watched intently as the material covering Jen's 36-C breasts began to move.

***** She had the skirt pinned up and knew that she had to get moving. She was late, and Mr. Jones would be mad. It would probably be worse for her now. But she had to take care of her ******. He had to understand that.

But deep inside a voice cried out that Jen was being late on purpose. Not to help her ****** or to avoid the situation, but because she wanted it to be worse.


The wind began to blow hard. Without warning the blouse opened completly. Mr. Jones caught a gasp in his throat. He appreciated a beautiful woman, and Mrs. Jennifer Frost was even more beautiful than he had imagined, all of those days he had been undressing her mentally. The reality was even better than the fantasy. The boys began to hoot an cheer again. "All right Mrs. Frost, um --Jenifer. Nice titties. They are even bigger than Sara Brown's in the 11th grade." "I'm loking at a naked woman, wow!" "Damn, I got to beat-off," said the smallest and Jen assumed the youngest of the boys. In a flash the young boys jeans were around his knees and his hand was a blur stroking a youthful penis. Jen felt weak in the knees and the oldest boy reached out his had and lightly touched a pale pink nipple. Mr. Jones watched in extasy, Jen the proper wife and mother was completley exposed, a young man playing with himself looking at her, while another lightly strummed the humiliated woman's nipple. Jones noted with satisfaction that both of Jen's nipples were wrinkled and rock hard. She is really into this, he thought.

As for Jen for the first time in her life men other than her husband were seeing her naked. A strange hand was touching her breast. She coundn't do anything about it. She felt used and debased. Exposed to men, boys really, like a cheap whore in a dirty parking lot. How could she be in this situation? The oldest boy was becoming braver and roughly grabbed and squeezed both of Jen teardropped shaped tits. "Hey Mr. Jones is it Ok if we fuck this bitch, ---I mean --um --Jennifer?" the boy mauling Jen's breasts asked? Snapped out of his voyeuristic trance, Mr. Jones realized that things were getting a bit heated, "No, boys like I said this was just an accident, we have to go!" The oldest boy responded without taking his hands off of Jen, "Hey, I could accidently fall down on top of her and my cock could accidently slip into her, you know!" Mr. Jones stepped forward and opened the car door. As he steered Jen into the passenger seat he said, "thats it boys we have to go, enjoy the skate boarding."

Jones drove his car away, leaving the three boys standing in the parking lot, one still furuously playing with himself. Jen sat in the passenger seat, her clothes clutched together and began to sob. "Now, Now Mrs. Frost, that wasn't so bad. After all exposing yourself may have made you feel like a cheap slut, but think how much the boys and I enjoyed looking at you. I'll bet nobody except your husband has seen your great body. You don't have the right to hide your charms from all of the adoring men out their. In fact, you should submit to men and their desire to see your beauty." Jen was still sobbing and only partially heard Mr. Jones words. "Button your clothes Jen we are at the mall and its time to go shopping."

**********Jen started her ****** stationwagon and pulled back onto the road. She mentally clicked off all the instructions she was to follow. Yes! she had done everything she was supposed to, now in just a few short minutes she would be at Mr. Jones' house. The rain had let up and Jennifer daydreamed as she drove.


At the Mall, Mr. Jones had taken Jennifer directly into a "Victoria's Secrets" store. He announced that "his woman needed some sexy underthings. And generally tried to humiliate Jennifer at every opportunity. He talked with the attractive middle-aged sales woman, not allowing Jennifer to say a word. He talked about her body as if she were a piece of meat that wasn't even present. The most humiliating was when he said she needed to buy five sets of sexy panties, bras, garters and stockings --- for each day of the work week. She needed five for him her boss, she certainly didn't need any for the weekends or her husband's enjoyment. Mr. Jones made it very clear to anyone in hearing range that Jennifer was his plaything. The sales woman determined that Jennifer was 36-C - 26 - 38. She complemented Jennifer on keeping her shape after Jones announced that his sexy companion was a mother and somebody elses wife. Mr. Jones made all of the selections without showing them to Jen. The bill was over two hundred dollars. Mr. Jone twisted the knife further by pulling out the cash to pay for them but then requiring Jennifer to put the purchases on her and Bill's credit card. Mr. Jones gave Jennifer the cash, but she wouldn't be able to hide the charge from her husband. "I wonder how you'll lie to your ****** about that charge," stated Mr. Jones as they walked out of the Mall. Jennifer had already determined to tell her husband that it was a wedding shower gift from people in her office and she had collected the money. The lies were beginning to come very easily.

Mr. Jones dropped Jen off at her car. As she got out he handed her one of the five bags they had purchased. "Wear these tomorrow. I can't wait to see you in in some real sexy things."

Jennifer drove to her house quickly. She wanted to be in the saftey of her home. It wasn't until she was pulling into her driveway that she remembered that she didn't have on a bra and panties and the only things she had were in the bag next to her. The way her well endowed chest bounced she would not be able to hide the fact that she was braless from Bill. She quicly slipped the "Victoria's Secrets bag under the driver's seat. She found the blanket they kept in the car for the kids to rest on, and entered the house carrying it clutched to her breasts. Jennifer quickly said her hello's to her ******, said that the blanket needed washing and excused herself to the bathroom. She had made it, no questions asked. She realized that her ****** was so trusting of her as a wife and mother that she really wouldn't have much trouble covering her tracks until Mr. Jones got tired of his games. She just had to make sure that she acted as normally as possible.
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